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World of Warcraft

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Still Tagged Accordingly
Richiban said:
Well, I hope I'm not in the dumb as a post category, but lets just assume that I am right now. What sort of things as a rogue should I not be so dumb as a post on?

I still can't believe how much more there is to learn to this game even after playing it for a good year.
eh, sometimes rogues just don't know how to manage their aggro

aesop said:
And on the last attempt, a pally was soul stoned for wipe recovery, and what does he and all the other pallies do when a wipe is unavoidable? Bubble-hearth.
surely it was meant as a joke that everyone could laugh about after a bad day at WoW?

please tell me i'm right!
Ret pallies are pretty decent now. Not the complete joke that they used to be, and are now firmly better than Fury warrs for pvp.

I've got no idea what you meant by tank of ret, assuming you meant "or" pally tanks are pretty damn good. There's more than likely a glut of them though.


Still Tagged Accordingly
xabre said:
I'm looking for something that's sarcastic and let's them know how pathetic they are? I'm not against ganking in principle, but players who see someone of significantly lower level and go to all the trouble of demounting and running after them to kill them are pathetic.
MMOs and the internet in general is built upon one basic principal. getting power trips you can't usually get in real life. pathetic? yeah... but that's the way of the world :)


Scrow said:
surely it was meant as a joke that everyone could laugh about after a bad day at WoW?

please tell me i'm right!

I wish you were, but unfortunately, our pally tank is 14 years old, and I don't think our pally officer is much older. They did it to save the 1 or 2 extra gold it would cost to repair after wiping for the 6th time. Like I said, WTB [New Guild].


Spike Spiegel said:
What do they gain by killing you, and what (if anything) do you lose by being killed?

I lose time.

Ganking I can live with. It's not about being ganked, it's the lengths in which other players will go in order to gank you. Sometimes it's just really sad. If I'm mounted on my main character and ride past a low level I seriously couldn't be fucked dismounting and chasing after them. I'm gunna win, I know it and they know it, so what's the point?


hunters are pretty damn good right now in arena in certain teams

hunter/druid is very strong

hunter/druid in 2v2 is retarded

and hunter/druid/warlock is pretty retarded as well in 3v3

almost makes me feel like playing my hunter again


yacobod said:
hunters are pretty damn good right now in arena in certain teams

hunter/druid is very strong

hunter/druid in 2v2 is retarded

and hunter/druid/warlock is pretty retarded as well in 3v3

almost makes me feel like playing my hunter again
hunter snake traps daze. I don't need to say any more.

And ret pallies are really good now in PVP or PVE - in a 2v2 with a resto druid/resto sham, they keep their better halves alive a lot easier than warriors.


Maxrpg said:
in a 2v2 with a resto druid/resto sham, they keep their better halves alive a lot easier than warriors.

um how about no

how many ret pallies do you see above 2k in 2v2?


but i will admit that a once laughable spec is pretty good in 3v3 with a druid & warrior, but pretty much any class will work with druid+warrior in 3v3

but i think druid/warrior/ret pally is better than druid/warrior/rogue


yacobod said:
um how about no

how many ret pallies do you see above 2k in 2v2?


but i will admit that a once laughable spec is pretty good in 3v3 with a druid & warrior, but pretty much any class will work with druid+warrior in 3v3

but i think druid/warrior/ret pally is better than druid/warrior/rogue
these things take time to shake out.

and you are right there.


aesop said:
I wish you were, but unfortunately, our pally tank is 14 years old, and I don't think our pally officer is much older. They did it to save the 1 or 2 extra gold it would cost to repair after wiping for the 6th time. Like I said, WTB [New Guild].

After only 6 wipes? Oh my.


How am I supposed to make any money off Blacksmithing? I'm at like 267 and level 69 and it's time to step this up. My gf is making 100g+ a night selling those damn alchemy flasks and is on route to her epic flying mount and I can't even afford my mount.

All the Weaponsmith items are BoP, so no good selling epic gear.

Recommend ways to make cash GAF. And no, I can't drop it.


yacobod said:
um how about no

how many ret pallies do you see above 2k in 2v2?


but i will admit that a once laughable spec is pretty good in 3v3 with a druid & warrior, but pretty much any class will work with druid+warrior in 3v3

but i think druid/warrior/ret pally is better than druid/warrior/rogue

Armory --> Nick (Human Ret Pally)

Ret pallies can be very good, Samsiust, a ret pally on my server was well above 2k in 3s and 5s on my bracket.

In fact, I'm making preparations to make my pally ret right now, I've been Holy for about a year now, its time to change.


I'd just make low-cost gear that fills slots that are hard to find in quests, like bracers/belts, or in general, DPS warrior gear. There's always a decent niche for stuff like the fel iron chain set (almost ideal for a shaman, and not terrible for a hunter) or good dps plate.


firex said:
I'd just make low-cost gear that fills slots that are hard to find in quests, like bracers/belts, or in general, DPS warrior gear. There's always a decent niche for stuff like the fel iron chain set (almost ideal for a shaman, and not terrible for a hunter) or good dps plate.

I didn't think DPS gear sells well. Never see it in the AH.

OH WAIT, I see what you did there. Ah...they're never there because they sell out.


wow europe official blue people broke some 2.4 patch spoilers.

No more diminishing returns on honor credit. Before if you killed people with honor repeatedly, each additional kill would yield less honor and was calculated nightly. Thats going away.

All raid bosses will drop an additional armor token and more gold.

DoomLord Kazzak and the Doom Walker items are going to be BoE.

Mount Hyjal rep is gained at a much higher rate

and there's more.. tons more..

JC can now split a void crystal into 2 large prismatic and more..


This is a cumulation of blue posts today on the US and Europe forums.. copy pasted from another site..

Patch Notes Excerpts(src)

You’ll find here after some excerpts of 2.4 patch notes. Enjoy!


* Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.
* Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.


* Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality PvP items from reputation vendors.
* Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result.
* Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.

Warrior: Endless Rage to provide significantly more rage in 2.4(src)

The fix in 2.4 should have Endless Rage provide significantly more rage.

Warrior: Crit rate as Fury(src)

While I agree there is no exact number to shoot for in crit, in 2.4 we plan to make the off-hand weapon critical hits from Whirlwind trigger Flurry and Rampage which should improve damage a bit.

Druid: Lacerate to scale with Attack Power(src)

The Feral bears will be seeing an improvement with Lacerate dealing additional damage based on your attack power.


Previous updates

Diminishing Returns Removed from Honor in 2.4

It seems 2.4 isnt that far away according to a very recent post (30 min old) from Drysc, he also gives us a preview of one of the larger changes for PvP that's currently planned for the 2.4 patch. (Source)

As the PTR approaches we wanted to give everyone a preview of one of the larger changes for PvP that's currently planned for the 2.4 patch.

Currently, diminishing returns are applied to all honorable kills. What diminishing returns mean for honor is that each subsequent kill of the same target will reward you with less and less honor; 10% less per kill to be exact. One of the major downsides to diminishing returns is that the calculations, for potentially hundreds of thousands of players, is too intense to do real time, so they are calculated during off-peak hours. This in turn requires that the honor you gain be temporarily displayed as "estimated" until the calculations are run. It's a system that we've certainly improved (moving the calculation from weekly to daily) but still always disliked. It creates a very uninteresting and sometimes aggravating or confusing detachment from your achievements and the actual reward.

The reason for diminishing returns has always been to avoid the potential exploitation of the honor system. As the game has evolved, especially the honor and battleground systems, exploitation of the honor system now without diminishing returns would no longer be considered a lucrative alternative to simply participating in a battleground normally. We've also greatly improved our ability to monitor and track exploitation of this nature.

We've reached a point where we're now confident that applying diminishing returns to honor is no longer necessary, and we're currently planning to remove it with the 2.4 patch.

With this change we’re including a few restrictions as well though: Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won’t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle.

What the removal of diminishing returns means for you is that as soon as you defeat an opponent that rewards you honor, you will receive that honor, and you will be able to spend it right then. There will no longer be an estimate, and you will no longer need to wait until the next day until you can actually spend it. Your achievements through honor-based PvP will be instantaneous.

Excerpts of 2.4 patch notes (src)

You’ll find here after some excerpts of 2.4 patch notes. Enjoy!

Dungeons and Raids
* All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop and additional token!
* Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped.
* Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased.
* Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate.

2.4 Raiding Improvements

Eyonix says a few words about raiding improvements in 2.4. (src)

We have a few changes planned for patch 2.4 that we'd like to share a little bit with you. First, all 25-player raid bosses will drop more gold and those who dropped set tokens will drop one additional token. Additionally, the the loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to bind-on-equip. These two outdoor raid bosses will also drop much more gold than before as well.

Lastly, Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher.

2.4: Spell Haste will reduce the global cool down on spells (src)

In 2.4, Spell Haste will reduce the global cool down on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. It won't apply to melee and ranged abilities though however.

Mage: Conjured manna biscuit changes (src)

I do know that in patch 2.4 players can only carry 80 of your delicious conjured manna biscuits at one time. As a result, you should experience less banquet-creating frustration. Sorry, the spell icon will remain the same and not look any more new or unique.

Priest: Fear Ward useable while in Shadow Form (src)

Maybe being able to use Fear Ward while in Shadow Form would help? Yeah, I like this idea, we'll roll with it in the next patch.

Shaman: Healing Grace and dispell (src)

One thing that will help is that in patch 2.4, healing grace will reduce the chance that all of your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.

Warlock: Ritual of Summoning changed (src)

Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world.

Transmutation and Void Crystal (src)

You're pretty close, but it's actually going to be a part of Enchanting. Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you'll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is through a new recipe that's being added in 2.4.
This helps reduce the exorbitant prices currently being seen for Large Prismatics, and helps raise the value of the Void Crystals. While this is the only change planned in 2.4 to help the Void Crystal prices, we're still looking at the possibility of additional 'help' for Void Crystal value in the future.

Looting UI Changes (src)

Since I've decided there's absolutely no relevant thread I could ever find to throw out this info...

We're making some improvements to the way the looting UI and related functions work in 2.4. These are just a couple of the changes planned.

First when you loot a Bind on Pickup item that only you can pick up (such as Heroic Badges) you'll no longer see the confirmation dialog. One less pop-up to deal with, obviously you want your badges, AMIRITE?

Also when you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window. You'll be able to identify that you're getting the right items much easier now.

There are a few more but I won't ruin all the surprises.


* Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.
I really don't see that happening. Messing with the global cooldown usually ends in nothing but blood and tears.

Chris R

Almost 53 on my mage. Only thing I forgot about when I last quit was how SHITTY the crafting is in this game. What is funny is there are console SP games with better crafting options than WoW :(
Man, I already have 3 70s, a rogue, warlock(zzz), and a priest. I've been working on my 4th lately, my frost mage is about to hit 64. I just can't stand the wait until 66 for ICE LANCEEEEE POWERRR. But man, frost mage has been the most fun I've had leveling easily. Killing all these mobs in 2-4 hits is great fun and so little down time as frost.
BigJonsson said:
I hit 60 with my rogue today :)

Now begins the long quest to 70 and onwards......

I was not expecting such a huge XP req jump though lol

60-70 is actually very fast. The XP req jumped a lot but each zone rewards tons of xp and all the quests are much better designed and quicker. Just solo questing should get you a full level in 6-7 hours top all the way to 70.


DarkAngelYuna said:
60-70 is actually very fast. The XP req jumped a lot but each zone rewards tons of xp and all the quests are much better designed and quicker. Just solo questing should get you a full level in 6-7 hours top all the way to 70.

First time I've agreed with you.

I'm literally only 1040xp into 70, but I will probably hit it within this weekend.

If I don't just raid all weekend and take advantage of the lvl 69 dominance.
Fully cleared karazhan tonight. Never done that b4.

Nightbane was easier than I thought he would be. We killed him first go, a healer died in second flight phase too.

We wiped more on netherspite than anything else :p
I dropped out of my raid group right as we were starting SSC/TK. I was getting the red-headed step child treatment because I was putting real life ahead of raiding (on Friday and Saturday nights) and the guy organizing it all wasn't too keen on that. So I guess I need to start finding a new Kara group now. I don't like the guess work involved in finding new people to run with. My old group was full clearing every weekend. :(
Buggy Loop said:
So im done with hellfire, zangarmarsh and terokar forest, whats next, nagrand or blade's edge mountain?
Nagrand, then blades edge. Depending on if you're 68 or 69 you'll only have to do either SMV, Netherstorm or both. I'm normally 68 at the end of BEM so I do SMV since it's a quick level and finish in netherstorm with tons of quests left there when I ding 70.
When you are used to levelling 50-60 in 2 hours or so, 6-7 hours is mind boggling :p

I'm still finishing up James 50-60 guide though, so I'm in EPL for a bit longer


Still Tagged Accordingly
Icy said:
* Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.
does spell haste effect the rate at which DoTs tick?

If not, it should.


Has problems recognising girls
Shaman: Healing Grace and dispell (src)

One thing that will help is that in patch 2.4, healing grace will reduce the chance that all of your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.

Yummy yummy yummy. Although I'd prefer a 15/30/50% system. But 30% is fine I suppose.

Only problem that I can really see is that it forces you to put 3 more points into Restoration, a Shaman talent tree that is already bloated if you go Resto as it is.

Eric WK

I really don't feel like spending 50g for a stack of Golden Fish Sticks all the time at 70 so I'm leveling fishing. Man, is it ever painful. But the fishing daily in 2.4 should be awesome. There's just no way I'm ever doing this again after I finish on this character, though.


Eric WK said:
I really don't feel like spending 50g for a stack of Golden Fish Sticks all the time at 70 so I'm leveling fishing. Man, is it ever painful. But the fishing daily in 2.4 should be awesome. There's just no way I'm ever doing this again after I finish on this character, though.
and isn't there already another fishing daily? And fishing and cooking are a bitch because you have to do shit back in the old world. It's always how it is, really. But you could just dump a couple hundred gold in the AH and skip going back to the old world for most profs, just cooking/fishing are easier to do it right there.

Here's a guide I use for cooking/fishing:


very well laid out, if you mind the ads.


Has problems recognising girls
And just think.. once you hit onto Wrath of the Lich King, the last things you are going to want to do are Fishing and Cooking.. so when the register hits that you need to level them up.. it happens all over again!

Eric WK

Maxrpg said:
and isn't there already another fishing daily? And fishing and cooking are a bitch because you have to do shit back in the old world. It's always how it is, really. But you could just dump a couple hundred gold in the AH and skip going back to the old world for most profs, just cooking/fishing are easier to do it right there.

Here's a guide I use for cooking/fishing:


very well laid out, if you mind the ads.

Not sure if there's a fishing daily right now or not. The old world issue isn't that bad since I'm doing it while I level, though. It's just the insane amount of time fishing takes to skill up - like 12+ hours just to 300, I think.

Thanks for the guide, btw.


I'll have to follow that fishing/cooking guide since I've never really gotten far with fishing, and usually raised cooking by grinding easy mobs/saving drops for cooking. And now that I hit 62 on my shaman and got water shield, hopefully I won't be drinking water after every 3rd fight anymore. It's amazing how that spell went from a complete and total joke to something actually viable in all situations with the 2.3.2 patch.


Son of Godzilla said:
Does it really? Really really? I've seen this rumoured, and hoped for, but any confirmation?

No, he's saying that the TIME between you CASTING DOTS is reduced, which is improved efficiency.


Corruption -> 1.5 second GCD -> Curse of Agony -> 1.5 second GCD -> Siphon Life -> Shadowbolt Spam

Corruption -> 1 second GCD -> Curse of Agony -> 1 second GCD -> Siphon Life -> Shadow Bolt spam

The second example you get to start your Shadow Bolt spam 1 second earlier than the first.
Hero said:
No, he's saying that the TIME between you CASTING DOTS is reduced, which is improved efficiency.


Corruption -> 1.5 second GCD -> Curse of Agony -> 1.5 second GCD -> Siphon Life -> Shadowbolt Spam

Corruption -> 1 second GCD -> Curse of Agony -> 1 second GCD -> Siphon Life -> Shadow Bolt spam

The second example you get to start your Shadow Bolt spam 1 second earlier than the first.

Ice Lance.

'Nuff Said™


got my shaman to 63 and I am honestly almost afraid blizz will nerf water shield. Now that it's actually useful and does its intended purpose I can't imagine blizzard keeping it like that for the shaman class. of course, all it really does is drastically reduce downtime for me while grinding, and allow me to stock up on more healing and spell crit gear for resto and not have to get so much mp5.

I still don't think adding dispel resistance to healing grace is enough to make elemental shields more useful in pvp, but the only one it really hurts is earth shield (and I suppose shamanistic rage and some other classes' 41 point talents that are buffs). And to me, all those spells' situation is identical to soul link before blizzard made it undispellable. i.e. it makes investing 41 points into that talent tree useless, which is major bullshit for resto shamans at least, since earth shield is the crux of their survivability.
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