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World of Warcraft

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bengraven said:
That's damn awesome, though.

More time in BG means more kills means more honor, so I'm in awe.
There's a cap on honor per person per day, can't get anything from em after like 5-6 kills or something. Combine this with AV 40 man raids splitting the honor and you get near bumpkiss outside the bonus honor.

That said, back before the change to AV we used to run so many griefing games. Everything from 30 man Snowfall defense to camping the alliance inside their starting cave. God that was awesome, we spent like two hours just sitting there killing them over and over. Wish I had some pics of the picnic chair and blankets we had set up right outside their cave.


quick arena update

i'm rated 2k+ in every arena bracket

my 5v5 team is at 2019 with an 80% win percentage, i think we are going places lol

got my full suit of 5/5 vengeful, still 1-2 weeks away from my 2 handed weapon, still debating whether to grab the mace or the sword, i'm leaning mace since skillherald has treated me so well, but all the healers i play with fear sword warriors more

all i hear in vent about sword warriors is how fast they can gib my healers, ah decisions decisions


yacobod said:
quick arena update

i'm rated 2k+ in every arena bracket

my 5v5 team is at 2019 with an 80% win percentage, i think we are going places lol

got my full suit of 5/5 vengeful, still 1-2 weeks away from my 2 handed weapon, still debating whether to grab the mace or the sword, i'm leaning mace since skillherald has treated me so well, but all the healers i play with fear sword warriors more

all i hear in vent about sword warriors is how fast they can gib my healers, ah decisions decisions

Go sword. I begged my warrior to switch to sword once we got to 1850 and we have shot up about 100 points in each bracket with no trouble at all (I am a paladin, so this is a big deal for us as pallies are so gimp).

He just RIPS stuff apart. Think of all the times an extra swing would kill your target or at least get them into execute range.


well, I'm not personally worried about my pvp skills as a shaman, so I guess I'll just see about finding 2 other people for a good 3v3 team or something. 2v2 doesn't sound that bad but only if I got to the rating where I'd face tons of druids, and that probably won't happen overnight.


yacobod said:
quick arena update

i'm rated 2k+ in every arena bracket

my 5v5 team is at 2019 with an 80% win percentage, i think we are going places lol

got my full suit of 5/5 vengeful, still 1-2 weeks away from my 2 handed weapon, still debating whether to grab the mace or the sword, i'm leaning mace since skillherald has treated me so well, but all the healers i play with fear sword warriors more

all i hear in vent about sword warriors is how fast they can gib my healers, ah decisions decisions

Is the general consensus that S3 weapons are better than the tier 3 blacksmithing weapons? I'm kind of mad since I wasted tons of gold to get my Deep Thunder and my server sucks for PVE progression and there's not much of a market to buy the Nether Vortexes. I think I can make 1850 though so I guess I'll just try to zerg to 1850. There is such a massive difference between rogue and warrior, with a healer(or two) it's truly being a walking(intercepting) god.

Last night I played some 3's games on my rogues with two of my buddies,frost mage and resto druid, and we went 6-1 until we fought this fag warr/r.druid/h.pally team. Nothing I could do at all. Cyclone->cyclone->roots->travel form run away. Please nerf druids.


Hero said:
Is the general consensus that S3 weapons are better than the tier 3 blacksmithing weapons? I'm kind of mad since I wasted tons of gold to get my Deep Thunder and my server sucks for PVE progression and there's not much of a market to buy the Nether Vortexes. I think I can make 1850 though so I guess I'll just try to zerg to 1850. There is such a massive difference between rogue and warrior, with a healer(or two) it's truly being a walking(intercepting) god.

Last night I played some 3's games on my rogues with two of my buddies,frost mage and resto druid, and we went 6-1 until we fought this fag warr/r.druid/h.pally team. Nothing I could do at all. Cyclone->cyclone->roots->travel form run away. Please nerf druids.

Market for nether vortex? I coulda sworn they were bop.


I regret my Deep Thunder more and more every day, I swear I could make a sandwich in between swings, and the stun hardly ever occurs for me. :( Pretty sure I'll be picking up a sword some where down the line. The mace is pretty awesome when I have a WF tote though, few and far between since the shaman I play with has been healing for 3 years and is pretty sick of it. =\
Hero said:
Is the general consensus that S3 weapons are better than the tier 3 blacksmithing weapons? I'm kind of mad since I wasted tons of gold to get my Deep Thunder and my server sucks for PVE progression and there's not much of a market to buy the Nether Vortexes. I think I can make 1850 though so I guess I'll just try to zerg to 1850. There is such a massive difference between rogue and warrior, with a healer(or two) it's truly being a walking(intercepting) god.

Last night I played some 3's games on my rogues with two of my buddies,frost mage and resto druid, and we went 6-1 until we fought this fag warr/r.druid/h.pally team. Nothing I could do at all. Cyclone->cyclone->roots->travel form run away. Please nerf druids.

I was questing in Felwood today, happened to be another alliance there doing the same quest so we grouped and got it done.......the last mob we killed dropped a blue sword, the blade of assassination which gives +14 crit rating. I select need seeing as how I'm a ROGUE and the MAGE I was with also chose NEED and won the sword.......WTF!!!!!!! Clearly he was greeding it and did not need it at all =/

The sword goes for over 100G on AH, I am so not amused

Eric WK

BigJonsson said:
I was questing in Felwood today, happened to be another alliance there doing the same quest so we grouped and got it done.......the last mob we killed dropped a blue sword, the blade of assassination which gives +14 crit rating. I select need seeing as how I'm a ROGUE and the MAGE I was with also chose NEED and won the sword.......WTF!!!!!!! Clearly he was greeding it and did not need it at all =/

The sword goes for over 100G on AH, I am so not amused

That's pretty common practice for a BoE random world drop. He had as much right to it as you did.
BigJonsson said:
I was questing in Felwood today, happened to be another alliance there doing the same quest so we grouped and got it done.......the last mob we killed dropped a blue sword, the blade of assassination which gives +14 crit rating. I select need seeing as how I'm a ROGUE and the MAGE I was with also chose NEED and won the sword.......WTF!!!!!!! Clearly he was greeding it and did not need it at all =/

The sword goes for over 100G on AH, I am so not amused
Thats how world BOE drops work..


BigJonsson said:
I was questing in Felwood today, happened to be another alliance there doing the same quest so we grouped and got it done.......the last mob we killed dropped a blue sword, the blade of assassination which gives +14 crit rating. I select need seeing as how I'm a ROGUE and the MAGE I was with also chose NEED and won the sword.......WTF!!!!!!! Clearly he was greeding it and did not need it at all =/

The sword goes for over 100G on AH, I am so not amused

You should sell it anyway. Especially so close to outlands.


I wouldn't say he exactly had a right to it, but it is pretty common.

Why are pallies so awesome at soloing? It's boringly slow to kill stuff (especially with a Holy spec), but there's really few things you can't bring down alone. Killing the elites for the mastery quests in Nagrand with my alt PLD felt so cool.


xabre said:
What's is this resilience rating and how do I find out how much I have?

So much has changed since I last played.

It's on your defense tab and it reduces your damage taken from crits and dots.


Hero said:
Is the general consensus that S3 weapons are better than the tier 3 blacksmithing weapons? I'm kind of mad since I wasted tons of gold to get my Deep Thunder and my server sucks for PVE progression and there's not much of a market to buy the Nether Vortexes. I think I can make 1850 though so I guess I'll just try to zerg to 1850. There is such a massive difference between rogue and warrior, with a healer(or two) it's truly being a walking(intercepting) god.

Last night I played some 3's games on my rogues with two of my buddies,frost mage and resto druid, and we went 6-1 until we fought this fag warr/r.druid/h.pally team. Nothing I could do at all. Cyclone->cyclone->roots->travel form run away. Please nerf druids.

ya season 3 mace is better than stormherald, s3 sword would be good too, do not get the axe unless you want to get laughed at

blacksmith axe or sword would be stupid to get too, skillherald was the top choice of all pvpers for a reason in s1 and s2

i should get my s3 wpn next week actually, since i'm gettin like 1150 pts from 5v5 this week


BigJonsson said:
I was questing in Felwood today, happened to be another alliance there doing the same quest so we grouped and got it done.......the last mob we killed dropped a blue sword, the blade of assassination which gives +14 crit rating. I select need seeing as how I'm a ROGUE and the MAGE I was with also chose NEED and won the sword.......WTF!!!!!!! Clearly he was greeding it and did not need it at all =/

The sword goes for over 100G on AH, I am so not amused

Always Need on BOE's. And definitely don't spend money on blues before Outlands. Just from your first 2 quests you get MASSIVE upgrades on whatever weapon and chestpiece you're using.
Lain said:
I wouldn't say he exactly had a right to it, but it is pretty common.

Why are pallies so awesome at soloing? It's boringly slow to kill stuff (especially with a Holy spec), but there's really few things you can't bring down alone. Killing the elites for the mastery quests in Nagrand with my alt PLD felt so cool.
I solo'd the demon hunter chain in Nagrand on my pally. Kiting those last two demons all the way through zangarmarsh was fun as hell.


What's a good co-ords mod that works with the latest patch?

Something that gives the co-ordinates by changing the position of the mouse cursor on the map screen?


BigJonsson said:

This is pretty good but it shows the world maps as fully explored. Is there an option that allows you to see only the parts of each zone map that you have explored with the rest shrouded in darkness like default WoW?


xabre said:
This is pretty good but it shows the world maps as fully explored. Is there an option that allows you to see only the parts of each zone map that you have explored with the rest shrouded in darkness like default WoW?

Not really want you want exactly, but I like the new Questhelper mod. You can add Cartographer to it to get full benefits, but vanilla QH keeps your stuff dark.

It shows your position as well as a position you can move to. And shows the ant trails on how to get there.


Oni Link 666 said:
I use Alphamap. It comes with Cosmos. http://www.cosmosui.org I like it because you can keep going while looking at it.

:lol Cosmos? Have fun getting your account back. I think the majority of WoW players stopped using Cosmos after the Cosmos keylogger incident of 2005. Someone I worked with at the time got hit by it.


Get your mods individually from wowinterface or incgamers.


ManaByte said:
:lol Cosmos? Have fun getting your account back. I think the majority of WoW players stopped using Cosmos after the Cosmos keylogger incident of 2005. Someone I worked with at the time got hit by it.


Get your mods individually from wowinterface or incgamers.

Don't mess with curse for your mods either. Very well known to be key logged as well.


Icy said:
Don't mess with curse for your mods either. Very well known to be key logged as well.

Wow, GF downloaded a mod from there the other day for both of our computers. Um, guess it's time to change our passwords.


I think curse may have turned a new leaf after becoming part of the official fansite program, but I would still stick with wowinterface or incgamers; only use curse when you absolutely have to. AND NEVER USE ANY MOD WITH ANY SORT OF .EXE! Don't be retarded. EXE's can transmit viruses and keyloggers to your system; LUA files cannot.


Started a MS warrior, enh shaman (me), resto druid team last week - steamrolled to 1650 - I'm getting pumped. I've heard about this setup doing pretty well (as in leveling out at 2K) before, and right now it's a blast.

2 healer teams are a bit difficult because of our setup's necessity for riding in and bursting down one target hard and fast, but that's what the druid is for.

Cyclone one healer, and for me, as a shaman, it's stormstrike on the focus target, beat on it, and then switch targets immediately to interrupt the big heal. Then, it's (windfury totem) --> purge, purge, purge. The great thing about enhancement shaman as offensive dispel pressure is that we can continue to do crazy DPS while dispelling or grounding without getting locked out on GCDs.

That + FRAWST SHOCK is unbelievably fun.


I use wowace.com and started to use the wowaceupdater lately. If programs like adware, the cleaner etc tell you the program is clean, it should be risk free.

As for cartographer, one of its modules (called fogsomething) will make the map appear with the unexplored areas visible. Just go into the option for the mod and you should be able to turn the option off.
ManaByte said:
:lol Cosmos? Have fun getting your account back. I think the majority of WoW players stopped using Cosmos after the Cosmos keylogger incident of 2005. Someone I worked with at the time got hit by it.


Get your mods individually from wowinterface or incgamers.

:lol I don't use any .exe. It's just a collection of mods. Drop them in the interface folder and you're good to go.


yacobod said:
ok then your experiences at low lvl play dont really hold weight at 1900+ arena ratings

its not as easy as it seems, there is a reason why those teams you are facing are 1600 or so
In our battlegroup, there are a lot of teams with significant gear at lower brackets, the move from glad gear to Honor farming made breaking into the early 100's of Arena difficult, especially with a team that's not cookie-cutter. However, we played last night and almost hit 1700. I should also remark that unlike some other arena players, where they fight all week to raise their rating, we usually only have one day or two to play before we're busy with raiding. So it's not really something that's the focus of our attention, you could say.


BigJonsson said:
Is 50-60 supposed to be a joke? I'm finding it easier and faster than 40-50

There are more zones and quests for 50-60. It's cake.

With the XP changes you'll end up totally skipping Sillithus and EPL most likely.:lol


Maxrpg said:
In our battlegroup, there are a lot of teams with significant gear at lower brackets, the move from glad gear to Honor farming made breaking into the early 100's of Arena difficult, especially with a team that's not cookie-cutter. However, we played last night and almost hit 1700. I should also remark that unlike some other arena players, where they fight all week to raise their rating, we usually only have one day or two to play before we're busy with raiding. So it's not really something that's the focus of our attention, you could say.

you should try to run ret pally/ms warrior/resto druid in 3v3

supposed to be a very strong comp atm, pretty any class + resto druid/warrior = success in 3v3, but the pally synergy is strong, and JOJ on druids = dead meat


Woah...my raid finally killed Vashj. Second kill on the horde side of the server. The server is that bad! :lol



Scrow said:
probably the closest AV match i've been in yet.


Alliance were up about 88 vs. our 18 towards the end, then we dropped van just in time.

Well before that it looked like a lost game as alliance were up 200+ vs. our 100-. Don't want to blow my own trumpet, but the tides turned when I ninjaed the SP GY :D

Even Closer win. Though, it was our fault, we let it get so close.


yacobod said:
you should try to run ret pally/ms warrior/resto druid in 3v3

supposed to be a very strong comp atm, pretty any class + resto druid/warrior = success in 3v3, but the pally synergy is strong, and JOJ on druids = dead meat
I'm thinking about it - but one of my buddies I play with is a resto sham, and he's on the 3v3 as well, but our MS warrior got fired from the guild and we're looking for a new one, currently, so it's just all 2v2 at the moment.


Maxrpg said:
I'm thinking about it - but one of my buddies I play with is a resto sham, and he's on the 3v3 as well, but our MS warrior got fired from the guild and we're looking for a new one, currently, so it's just all 2v2 at the moment.

What does your MS warrior getting kicked out of the guild have to do with arena?


Got 70 on my alt pally and now I can use that flying broom I had saved up.
I was already expecting to find it almost expired but it still had the usual 14 days.
Didn't Blizzard change that with the 2.3.2 patch? Or the change didn't make it past PTR?

Also, any of you know a nice little mod for battlegrounds that will let you know of the various timed stuff like how long before a bunker is destroyed, a GY caught etc? I'm using HonorFu but it doesn't show up the score for AV and I find that annoying.
Tamanon said:
There are more zones and quests for 50-60. It's cake.

With the XP changes you'll end up totally skipping Sillithus and EPL most likely.:lol

I think I'm headed there next actually lol
I'm a full level ahead right now and have to turn in the sunken temple quests


Lain said:
Also, any of you know a nice little mod for battlegrounds that will let you know of the various timed stuff like how long before a bunker is destroyed, a GY caught etc? I'm using HonorFu but it doesn't show up the score for AV and I find that annoying.

Deadly Boss Mods.

Basically required for raiding anyways. Get it.


i'm prolly gonna make over 2k gold this week selling arena points

gonna sell 900+ points from our 2050 rated 3v3 team
we have 7 games to play on another 3v3 rated around 1920 (so this will be 900+ pts)
have 1000+ points to sell on a 2k rated 5v5
and have points to sell on my 2v2 (800+ points)

gonna be a good week

2 or 3 weeks like this, and i'll finally have my epic flyer lol, all without leaving iron forge


Hero said:
What does your MS warrior getting kicked out of the guild have to do with arena?

a lot of the more hardcore pvp only guilds require arena teams have only Guild members. World Defense Channel on Shattered hand is like this.


Hero said:
What does your MS warrior getting kicked out of the guild have to do with arena?
Well it was an all guild Arena team, so naturally I am sure he probably has another 3v3 with his new guild.
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