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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
got my shaman to 63 and I am honestly almost afraid blizz will nerf water shield. Now that it's actually useful and does its intended purpose I can't imagine blizzard keeping it like that for the shaman class. of course, all it really does is drastically reduce downtime for me while grinding, and allow me to stock up on more healing and spell crit gear for resto and not have to get so much mp5.

I still don't think adding dispel resistance to healing grace is enough to make elemental shields more useful in pvp, but the only one it really hurts is earth shield (and I suppose shamanistic rage and some other classes' 41 point talents that are buffs). And to me, all those spells' situation is identical to soul link before blizzard made it undispellable. i.e. it makes investing 41 points into that talent tree useless, which is major bullshit for resto shamans at least, since earth shield is the crux of their survivability.

The soul link comparison only makes sense if SL wore off after a set amount of damage. ES is far more like Ice Block/Barrier. I think the best way to deal with it is to seperate the pushback and heal charges, with dispell knocking off the charges but not the pushback.

Anyways, more in the Fuck Druids saga: We decided to have an entirely new approach on Lordaeron and it seems to be working. Short to say, Mind Control is fucking fun as hell. That + Fear + Traps and you actually have enough CC to ignore the warr and play tag with the kitty. Plus it is incredibly fun.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
I still don't think adding dispel resistance to healing grace is enough to make elemental shields more useful in pvp, but the only one it really hurts is earth shield (and I suppose shamanistic rage and some other classes' 41 point talents that are buffs). And to me, all those spells' situation is identical to soul link before blizzard made it undispellable. i.e. it makes investing 41 points into that talent tree useless, which is major bullshit for resto shamans at least, since earth shield is the crux of their survivability.
Yeah I pretty much agree. Being Resto back when the Earth Shield patch hit was great in PVP because every other class didn't know what it was and never really dispelled it. But now if you are Resto with that giant ball of earth orbiting you, a Priest/Shaman/Hunter will dispel that asap. Then you get the Mages who enjoy spellstealing it.


wow, shit. I got my epic land mount finally and it was only 560g total after getting exalted with org. The new rep change made me save 70g.
Outlands pwned my ass for a bit tonight.........but then I got new daggers and chestpiece :D

And its nice seeing 1000 XP kills with XP bonus!
And 1 hit killing imps with ambush


What's the best website to sell characters on? In terms of value and safety? I have a 70 gnome warlock on a PVP server I'm trying to unload. S2/S1 gear, fully epicced out, more than 4000 arena points saved up.


Hero said:
What's the best website to sell characters on? In terms of value and safety? I have a 70 gnome warlock on a PVP server I'm trying to unload. S2/S1 gear, fully epicced out, more than 4000 arena points saved up.

can i get an armory link, i might be interested in buying

how many honor points do you have saved up etc

other wow news:

made 2900g selling arena points this week
leveled my mage from 60-63
Archimonde down.

Seriously, after Kael, everything LITERALLY is child's play. Doomfires? After Thaladrededededing? Pfft. 10 pull. All of the first 3 in BT and the other HAHJAWL ones were <3 pulls.

I am worried about some people who've nipped off recently citing "lack of raid spots"...2 weeks into T6 content; some with T6 loot. Hrmm...


yacobod said:
can i get an armory link, i might be interested in buying

how many honor points do you have saved up etc

other wow news:

made 2900g selling arena points this week
leveled my mage from 60-63

Toadsworth on Firetree.

4100 arena points saved up, about 4000 honor points saved up. Basic flying mount purchased though with the gold you're making I doubt it matters too much to you. :p


Hero said:
Toadsworth on Firetree.

4100 arena points saved up, about 4000 honor points saved up. Basic flying mount purchased though with the gold you're making I doubt it matters too much to you. :p

send me a PM what you are looking for, and maybe we can work something out


Hero said:
What's the best website to sell characters on?


really the person buying the account takes all the risk

its really hard for the seller to get screwed, the only scenario is if the buyer files a claim with paypal or withdraws payment and tries to steal the account

you can easily protect yourself from this happening by doing the following

after the paypal transaction, you can agree to give the person the account name and password, and you can agree to change the email address attached to the account

however you do not give him the secret question/secret answer, tell the buyer that in 1 weeks time after the transaction has been completed and in your bank account, will you give up your SQ/SA

thats pretty good protection, if he renegs on the payment, its easy to call up blizzard, have your email adress restored on the account, and take your account back


the buyer takes all the risk imo, its so easy for the previous account owner to steal it back from the person imo


Am I the only one who feels kind of frustrated we haven't got any updates on Wrath of the Lich King?

I'd hate to think the only new things we're getting are DKs, lvl80 cap, hairstyles/dances, and destructable environments. While those are pretty cool in themselves, I'd like to hear more big announcements, if any exist.


bengraven said:
Am I the only one who feels kind of frustrated we haven't got any updates on Wrath of the Lich King?

I'd hate to think the only new things we're getting are DKs, lvl80 cap, hairstyles/dances, and destructable environments. While those are pretty cool in themselves, I'd like to hear more big announcements, if any exist.

thats probably because its still a while away, like winter 08


yacobod said:
thats probably because its still a while away, like winter 08

Part of me would be really disappointed if this was true, but part of me is really happy if it isn't.

Didn't they say Patch 2.4 was the last patch? I have a hard time believing we're only getting one major patch this year.
Who knows what the hell is going on with 2.4 They used to claim there would be a lot of class tweaks and changes for balance and lately they're claiming there won't be many at all =\


they're probably going to put out 2.4, and then either go to the well of crappy ideas they didn't want to go with for a 2.5 before WotLK if it's going to take awhile, or put in all those balance changes and possibly add in a new arena.



all the changes and the horde are pissed about the AV changes.

Alterac Valley will see a few very significant improvements in the next patch and we wanted to share the details of what we have planned.

The first change will be to move the Horde's starting tunnel back to a more equal distance from the first objectives, which will help evenly distance the starting points for each side across the terrain when the battle commences.

In addition, the General and Warmasters for each faction will receive a stacking buff from each other that boosts their health and damage. The more of them that are still in the battleground, the more dangerous they will all be. This will put a greater focus on destroying (and defending!) the towers that remove the Warmasters as players work toward defeating the appropriate General and conquering the land.

Also Balinda Stonehearth has been studying her spellbooks to become a more challenging opponent to the Horde and will do more damage with her spells. The additional health we recently added to Balinda and General Vanndar Stormpike will no longer be needed with these improvements and will be changed back to their previous amounts with the patch.

With these improvements teamwork and strategy will be more important than ever from beginning to end as the Alliance and Horde battle for victory in Alterac Valley. We'll see you on the battlefield.


I like how it was okay for AV to be ridiculously imbalanced for over 3 years, so long as that imbalance favored the Alliance.

Then things tilt in favor of the Horde, and all it takes is 2 months of whining before they try to rebalance.

These changes sound like ass, since it will lead to turtlefests around the towers. The main problem that gives the Horde an advantage (IB's close vicinity to 2 towers) hasn't really even been addressed.


border said:
I like how it was okay for AV to be ridiculously imbalanced for over 3 years, so long as that imbalance favored the Alliance.

Then things tilt in favor of the Horde, and all it takes is 2 months of whining before they try to rebalance.

These changes sound like ass, since it will lead to turtlefests around the towers. The main problem that gives the Horde an advantage (IB's close vicinity to 2 towers) hasn't really even been addressed.

I haven't lost an AV match in a long time on Alliance. People adapt. We rush the towers, take RH, east and west towers, then Drak.


AV has never been really unbalanced in any iteration it's been through. Balinda is piss weak compared to Galvanger, and that's a decent fix, anything else over the years has been futile efforts.

The only genuine balance factor is comfort mixed with competence; aka since Alliance forcibly respawn at their primary chokepoint whereas the Horde have to move to theirs and make an effort to hold it at the start; and as far as AV is concerned, the Horde are often more bullheaded than even the Alliance.

There's no great divide with the towers, the map layout, any NPCs. AV is about as unbalanced in the Alliances favor as AB is in the Hordes favor since Farm BS and LM are the best intersecting nodes on the map due to visability and bridge placement and like that, it will only cause an issue in the greatest of rarity.

Blizzard doesn't favor anything, cept for Warriors sustainability in arena that has gotten every class associated with it nerfed but itself (and inc 2.4 druid hammer), but Kalgan doesn't try to musk his slight infatuation there.


horde defenses/graveyards are easier to split or zerg compared to the alliance's, but as long as they fixed the bullshit terrain glitches that only alliance could take advantage of, AV is pretty balanced.

I just hate the bridge, and stormpike graveyard being so easy to defend compared to frostwolf graveyard.


krypt0nian said:
People are expecting a 2.4 druid nerf but I'd love to see what they can do to the 2v2 druid that won't screw the 5v5 druid.


The nerf is likely coming due to the complete and total dominance of Druid/Warrior 2v2 teams. Druid stealths while Warrior takes out the squishies, then starts healing the Warrior as he pwns anything else.
ManaByte said:
I haven't lost an AV match in a long time on Alliance. People adapt. We rush the towers, take RH, east and west towers, then Drak.

Exactly, you just can't have sheeple.

Granted, sheeple fuck up every battleground for your side...
Alex said:
AV has never been really unbalanced in any iteration it's been through. Balinda is piss weak compared to Galvanger, and that's a decent fix, anything else over the years has been futile efforts.

The only genuine balance factor is comfort mixed with competence; aka since Alliance forcibly respawn at their primary chokepoint whereas the Horde have to move to theirs and make an effort to hold it at the start; and as far as AV is concerned, the Horde are often more bullheaded than even the Alliance.

There's no great divide with the towers, the map layout, any NPCs. AV is about as unbalanced in the Alliances favor as AB is in the Hordes favor since Farm BS and LM are the best intersecting nodes on the map due to visability and bridge placement and like that, it will only cause an issue in the greatest of rarity.

Blizzard doesn't favor anything, cept for Warriors sustainability in arena that has gotten every class associated with it nerfed but itself (and inc 2.4 druid hammer), but Kalgan doesn't try to musk his slight infatuation there.

Issue 1: BRING BACK KORRAK. They have quick honor in the others: it's epic for this one; especially with the honor thing coming up.

Issue 2: Warriors will always be a product of their environment. Gear reflects well the most on them, more people in the fray their prescence is magnified more than other classes. But. BUT. Blizz has proven that they'll nerf a SIDE-EFFECT of an imbalance rather than its root cause over and over: Ice Lance got Nova nerfed. Spriest & Afflock teams got Resilience buffed at the expense of other weaker dotters, etc. I'm frankly amazed by the wierd buff they're giving Arms, as Endless Rage is only useful for Arms tanking low level or if you're PvPing undergeared. After getting to 1300AP and a 100dps+ weapon, a PvPing warrior will not starve for rage; only cooldowns and chain kiting can stop them. Any further gear only speeds up the end result.
Ran my first Outlands instance and got a rare world drop!

Sash of Silent Blades

I'm a rogue and can use it but I'm tempted to sell it

They need to give you an option to hide your talent tree from people inspecting you. I'm so tired of people playing other classes telling me that my spec is fucked up or random strangers telling me that my spec is fucked up while I'm at the AH or sitting down eating. It really pisses me off. Today I was in Nagrand sitting down eating and these two fuckers come by and start buzzing around me and the first words out of their mouthes were "Your talent points are kinda messed lol. No offense." Oh, hi! Nice to meet you too! Do people actually think they're not pissing people off by doing this shit? I just want to kick them in the nuts.

Yeah so, I got my new BE Rogue to 67 and I'm in Nagrand now. I went HF -> ZM -> TF -> Nagrand and I'm thinking I'll probably hit 70 in Nagrand. I got my skinning and mining maxed out, my cooking at 363 or something, and I got about 2,000 gold saved up. I'm not so sure I can make my goal of 6k by 70 though. I've just been focusing much more on leveling than hunting down mines and stuff.

Oh, and man is it ever hard to get a group for an Auchindon instance now. Being on a low population server doesn't help but, damn. It took 3 days to get a Mana Tombs run going. I guess I won't be farming any gear out of those.


Has problems recognising girls
Oni Link 666 said:
They need to give you an option to hide your talent tree from people inspecting you. I'm so tired of people playing other classes telling me that my spec is fucked up or random strangers telling me that my spec is fucked up while I'm at the AH or sitting down eating. It really pisses me off. Today I was in Nagrand sitting down eating and these two fuckers come by and start buzzing around me and the first words out of their mouthes were "Your talent points are kinda messed lol. No offense." Oh, hi! Nice to meet you too! Do people actually think they're not pissing people off by doing this shit? I just want to kick them in the nuts.
Just don't take any notice of them. Only reason they are inspecting you to tell you off is to gain feedback from their insult and laugh about it till they fall asleep.
Icy or other gaffers

I rolled a horde Undead Warlock on Shattered Hand named Embalmer (friend me if your on there)

here are shattered hand sever stats btw.

Online Date: 2004-12-31
Total Characters: 27,281
Total Alliance: 12,619 - 46%
Total Horde: 14,662 - 54%
A to H Ratio: 1 : 1.2
Activity Ratio: 1 : 1.2

I used to be ally on there with Venerate, then Rampant Fronting, then transferred of to the carebear pastures of PVE on Area 52


ZombieSupaStar said:
Icy or other gaffers

I rolled a horde Undead Warlock on Shattered Hand named Embalmer (friend me if your on there)

here are shattered hand sever stats btw.

Online Date: 2004-12-31
Total Characters: 27,281
Total Alliance: 12,619 - 46%
Total Horde: 14,662 - 54%
A to H Ratio: 1 : 1.2
Activity Ratio: 1 : 1.2

I used to be ally on there with Venerate, then Rampant Fronting, then transferred of to the carebear pastures of PVE on Area 52

I'm former SH.. was with D&T back in the day on SH. Left them when they server transferred. Haven't played on that server in a while.. last time I was there, it was a shit hole.

NeoGAF guilds fail for 1 simple reason. We all have high level toons elsewhere that we do not want to give or stop playing and just don't want to have to level a whole new toon.

I can now be found on the carebear server arathor alliance if anyone is there.


I still don't understand why Blizzard has never changed the Bunkers or where the IB GY flag is. Or changed the Towers and made them like the Bunkers so you can't simply get inside and steal them while the archers stop attacking you.
Or maybe have the FW hut in a place filled with npcs, like in the Alliance base.
Those things+the retards I've had to play with lately really makes AV for a shitty BG to me.
ManaByte said:
The nerf is likely coming due to the complete and total dominance of Druid/Warrior 2v2 teams. Druid stealths while Warrior takes out the squishies, then starts healing the Warrior as he pwns anything else.

Oh I know why its coming. I just want to see a nerf that affects only 2v2. Not sure Blizz knows how to do it.


ManaByte said:
The nerf is likely coming due to the complete and total dominance of Druid/Warrior 2v2 teams. Druid stealths while Warrior takes out the squishies, then starts healing the Warrior as he pwns anything else.

druid/warrior is not any more broken than....



2v2, and to some extent 3v3 arena is a match of rock, paper, scissors, every group or make up is strong depending on who you face

nerfing or balancing classes based around 2v2 arena would be pretty retarded

most battlegroups have super long 2v2 ques anyways, i dont know who is taking that shit bracket seriously when you can play 3v3 or 5v5 with no wait


Allies on my server are cheering the AV change. Because they win 3/4 matches and it may bring them up to their goal of 4/4.

That's okay, I still can get one mark per bg even when we lose.



Has problems recognising girls
Longer queue times for them if Horde begin to not bother playing it if it'll just result in constant losses.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
My guild is finally kicking it into gear again, we only raid twice a week so we've always been kinda just doing T4 content when we felt like it the past several months. We went into TK and SSC the past few weeks and are already almost up to the last bosses in both. Only Solarian to go, which we've never tried but I'm sure is a cakewalk from what I hear. After she's dead on Monday, we get to learn Vashj and Kael on two days a week lol. I'll let you know how that goes.


Shaman has a remaining niche as elemental in 5v5! Quick, nerf it!

Which nerfs?

The changes are up on MMOChampion, very reputable site, Boubouille is a good guy:


Still very shaky information, but it wouldn't have been posted if it didn't have some merit to it. Considering it fixes nothing of value, would make no one happy and would destroy Shadow Priest and Elemental Shaman, I assume it's real, sounds like a Blizzard patch alright
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