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World of Warcraft

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border said:
If the little whiny bitches haven't learned their lesson by now, then fuck 'em. BC should have been a clue to anyone with an IQ in the triple digits. The removal of attunements for SSC/TK should have spelled things out even more clearly. Blizzard will make content more accessible once the bleeding edge people have finished it. If you are raiding for gear, you've been playing the wrong game for about 14 months now. No gear is going to last forever, and eventually more casual players will get epic items.
You said what I wanted to say, but couldn't say, without feeling like an ass.

Thanks! :D
Wow's "hardcore" raiders needs to quit their bitching. They aren't hardcore raiders damnit. This is the easiest mmorpg out there. Every level you gain, every piece of gear you get no matter how long it took you or where it came from is a damn welfare item, pve and pvp.


border said:
If the little whiny bitches haven't learned their lesson by now, then fuck 'em. BC should have been a clue to anyone with an IQ in the triple digits. The removal of attunements for SSC/TK should have spelled things out even more clearly. Blizzard will make content more accessible once the bleeding edge people have finished it. If you are raiding for gear, you've been playing the wrong game for about 14 months now. No gear is going to last forever, and eventually more casual players will get epic items.

Have you played a lot of MMOs? The 2nd successful title I would have to say is Everquest and is a perfect example. At no point from expansion to expansion did it do a complete reset of your gear, everything progressed from content to content and with good reason. In EQ you didn't see people going and ditching and skipping all the old content because of something new. You pretty much had to do that content to move on. Same for FFXi. If Blizzard would just span things out more evenly and have the content requirements build off each other. You'd still see people doing old content and new content.


The thing is, raiders cried 9 months ago when SSC/TK attunement was removed.....but as far as I can tell the scrub guilds that couldn't get into those dungeons are still stuck struggling through them. Whereas the motivated groups that got their shit together for SSC/TK attunement are now banging down Illidan's door. It's not going to create any new competition in the high end game, so I don't see what the problem is. All it's gonna do is make recruitment waaaay easier when someone important leaves.



I'm not exactly sure what the point is, having PvP blues as a reputation reward. PVP'ers don't want to grind to Revered for that shit. Give us better rewards for Halaa and Bone Wastes!

Icy said:
If Blizzard would just span things out more evenly and have the content requirements build off each other.
If Blizzard did that, they'd have about as many subscribers as EQ. Man, imagine if starting the endgame required you to do Molten Core all over again :lol


Icy said:
Have you played a lot of MMOs? The 2nd successful title I would have to say is Everquest and is a perfect example. At no point from expansion to expansion did it do a complete reset of your gear, everything progressed from content to content and with good reason. In EQ you didn't see people going and ditching and skipping all the old content because of something new. You pretty much had to do that content to move on. Same for FFXi. If Blizzard would just span things out more evenly and have the content requirements build off each other. You'd still see people doing old content and new content.
So, what, we should be forced to do old content we've already done that takes way too long because the drop rate for the gear you need is so low? What if we just want to level up and skip all the boring raiding? Are we supposed to be fucked?

Yay Blizzard for catering to EVERYONE ELSE instead of the hardcore raiders for once.
border said:
I'm not exactly sure what the point is, having PvP blues as a reputation reward. PVP'ers don't want to grind to Revered for that shit. Give us better rewards for Halaa and Bone Wastes!
Hear, hear! Reputaion grinding is a terrible idea, not least because it takes so long and is dull and boring and repetitive. Give people more reasons to do world PvP! (I don't need a reason. I do it for fun. But other people won't do it without a reward, so...!)


It's on the first post on the front page of MMO-Champion.

No real story though -- it's just the blue BG gear, except you get it from rep instead of honor. And of course it looks about twice as lame as the BG honor gear :lol
I've run 3 outland instances

Ramps went well, got a blue BoE that was actually suited for my class

Blood Furnace, one guy got extremely pissed and then the healer went linkdead so that was abandoned

Underbog, tank bitches at the healer for not having the right healing stuff, the healer takes it personally and leaves, tank who is a paladin decides he can heal better and recruits another paladin to tank and we get pwned even harder as he doesn't bother to heal me while I'm backstabbing the shit out of the final boss but get hit with DoT that takes me down easily........group falls apart

I'm not amused


I don't care about how other people get their gear. I know what I've accomplished, and I'm proud of it. The gear is nice, but the achievement is more important to me. And others getting gear more easily doesn't bother me, thats their choice.


Gold Member
Gear elitists need a 72 hour suspension just to chill the fuck out. "OMG you have welfare epics! You can't run a heroic!"

All I do is fucking run heroics, retard. Oh and this staff? It's from Kara; if you know what that is.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
BigJonsson said:
I've run 3 outland instances

Ramps went well, got a blue BoE that was actually suited for my class

Blood Furnace, one guy got extremely pissed and then the healer went linkdead so that was abandoned

Underbog, tank bitches at the healer for not having the right healing stuff, the healer takes it personally and leaves, tank who is a paladin decides he can heal better and recruits another paladin to tank and we get pwned even harder as he doesn't bother to heal me while I'm backstabbing the shit out of the final boss but get hit with DoT that takes me down easily........group falls apart

I'm not amused

Pretty much the same experience with outlands so far, ramps was extremely easy, blood furnace introduced peoples with ZERO patience, OMG the healer died, well thats it everyone /disband <_< Then underbog, took a freaking while to find a decent tank, then the tank was getting an heart attack anytime 1 of us hunter would send in our pets (with growl off for christ' sake) before the enemy was like 1 silver of hp left before dead. Mind boggling, though i dont know much about this game, seeing that guy barely able to hold aggro, i was trusting my pet to protect the group more than that dude.

I have lots of auchindun (sp?) quests + mana tombs to do and im halfway into 69 soon to be 70 and im not even remotely excited to go do them, unlike FFXI where grouping was part of the experience, this game is truely focused on soloing, grouping takes a lot of patience with these kind of morons.
So, me and 4 friends got bored... needless to say Ony down!


(I'm the bear :D)


Buggy Loop said:
Pretty much the same experience with outlands so far, ramps was extremely easy, blood furnace introduced peoples with ZERO patience, OMG the healer died, well thats it everyone /disband <_< Then underbog, took a freaking while to find a decent tank, then the tank was getting an heart attack anytime 1 of us hunter would send in our pets (with growl off for christ' sake) before the enemy was like 1 silver of hp left before dead. Mind boggling, though i dont know much about this game, seeing that guy barely able to hold aggro, i was trusting my pet to protect the group more than that dude.

I have lots of auchindun (sp?) quests + mana tombs to do and im halfway into 69 soon to be 70 and im not even remotely excited to go do them, unlike FFXI where grouping was part of the experience, this game is truely focused on soloing, grouping takes a lot of patience with these kind of morons.
damn, are you guys playing alliance or on a new server or something? horde side on kilrogg most pugs I have are awesome. maybe I'm just a WoW good luck charm though, because I always get good players.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Lol 4 man Ony. I eagerly await the first soloist(obviously going to be a ret pally) who hits 80.


Gold Member
QVT said:
Lol 4 man Ony. I eagerly await the first soloist(obviously going to be a ret pally) who hits 80.

There are five people in the screen.

And a ret pally won't do it; a prot pally will. A prot pally could probably do it at 70 with the right gear.


The vast majority of pug groups are going to suck complete ass, the sooner you accept that and find a guild with smart people, the better off you'll be. :p

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
firex said:
damn, are you guys playing alliance or on a new server or something? horde side on kilrogg most pugs I have are awesome. maybe I'm just a WoW good luck charm though, because I always get good players.

Im horde on azshara, #1 or 2 lowest pop server in north america. I guess that explains it lol


Finally! We got Kael down last night (early morning)? It took a couple tries, and we were nearing the end time of the raid, but we finally beat that bitch. Now it's onto Vashj, and we're in Hyjal. I can't believe we've come so far so fast. :D

my buddy picked up the t5 breastplate, and I got the other one! Yay lootz!
The blue sets are really, really handy for causal PvPers who don't want to honor grind a full set of S1 gear just to play in their BGs. It's not too hard to get, too-Honored KoT is gained while doing Kara attunement pretty much, and Honoroed Honor Hold/Thrallamar is gained at like level 62.

Going into a BG with a fresh 70 up against tons of S1 gear with zero resiliance is NOT fun. At least now you'll be able to scrape together 70 or so res without any real effort.
yacobod said:
and the funny thing is you guys dont look geared at all

Me nukka and Nex hit 70 a couple of weeks ago. Kimie (the moonkin) and Useless are almost full season 3 though.

BTW ony is completely worth it. 27g per person for 15 minutes. And that isn't counting if you win one of the epics, i got ring of binding (10g) and a free 18 slot :p.

Be interesting to see how fast we can clear MC / how much we make from it.
You won't get spit from MC, only the humanoid mobs drop any cash and not much at that. I'd suggest going for AQ20 or trying your hand at Prophet Skeram or Razorgore. No idea if either of those last to are doable.
Son of Godzilla said:
You won't get spit from MC, only the humanoid mobs drop any cash and not much at that. I'd suggest going for AQ20 or trying your hand at Prophet Skeram or Razorgore. No idea if either of those last to are doable.

We determine we can't do BWL til i'm much better geared. I don't think i can tank phase 1 razorgore atm.

Boss gold is what i was talking about. If each boss drops around 100g, that's 6 people and 9 (ish?) bosses. And i'm sure rag's loot well over 100g.


I want THE mace :D
No, that's what I meant. Only 4/8 bosses in MC are humanoid. The puppy, the fire ele, the giant, and uh... well whatevers left over; none of them drop any cash. And those that do drop terribly small amount. I think Rag himself only drops ~120, and the 4 before him about 50g each. There's many reasons why everyone hated MC when it was the only thing around, and that sure as fuck is one of them.

Also uh... you don't tank razorgore!
yacobod said:
after killing or kiting all the spawns in phase 1, you most definately tank him in phase 2

we were thinking i could tank all the adds with the hunter kiting some. Our hunter has no 60 raiding experience so isnt used to the fight. They shouldn't hit me for that much and the priest is a complete beast. idk, razorgore phase 1 seems too difficult without enough people.

Also, completely forgot half the bosses don't drop gold. we'll be doing it anyways. The main reason we did ony was boredom and it was fun as hell to do. 5 manning MC will be too i'm sure, although the trash will get boring fast.

We will do ZG before we'd step foot in AQ. The mounts + zin rokh (sp?) are just too badass.


TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
we were thinking i could tank all the adds with the hunter kiting some. Our hunter has no 60 raiding experience so isnt used to the fight. They shouldn't hit me for that much and the priest is a complete beast. idk, razorgore phase 1 seems too difficult without enough people.

Also, completely forgot half the bosses don't drop gold. we'll be doing it anyways. The main reason we did ony was boredom and it was fun as hell to do. 5 manning MC will be too i'm sure, although the trash will get boring fast.

We will do ZG before we'd step foot in AQ. The mounts + zin rokh (sp?) are just too badass.

prolly will be able to skip a lot of the trash in mc


I got destoryed last night on the PTR. Some Lock figured out how to Enslave brutallus and when he left the raid instance, brutallus came with him and he unleashed it on the island. Sucked so much.


Icy said:
I got destoryed last night on the PTR. Some Lock figured out how to Enslave brutallus and when he left the raid instance, brutallus came with him and he unleashed it on the island. Sucked so much.

That does sound like it sucks.

No wait, it doesn't at all. Not at all. That's very cool.
Icy said:
I got destoryed last night on the PTR. Some Lock figured out how to Enslave brutallus and when he left the raid instance, brutallus came with him and he unleashed it on the island. Sucked so much.

:lol :lol :lol

Pretty much the same experience with outlands so far, ramps was extremely easy, blood furnace introduced peoples with ZERO patience, OMG the healer died, well thats it everyone /disband <_< Then underbog, took a freaking while to find a decent tank, then the tank was getting an heart attack anytime 1 of us hunter would send in our pets (with growl off for christ' sake) before the enemy was like 1 silver of hp left before dead. Mind boggling, though i dont know much about this game, seeing that guy barely able to hold aggro, i was trusting my pet to protect the group more than that dude.

I have lots of auchindun (sp?) quests + mana tombs to do and im halfway into 69 soon to be 70 and im not even remotely excited to go do them, unlike FFXI where grouping was part of the experience, this game is truely focused on soloing, grouping takes a lot of patience with these kind of morons.

There's an ugly dead zone between Blood Furnace and Sethekk Halls that have very spotty participation; SP, UB, MT, AC, and Old Hillsbrad are dead most of the time.
Pretty sure Brutty is wandering around somewhere outside the instance, he seems to have become a local fixture at the camp. Also I think they long ago changed zoning out of instances with mobs enslaved.

It was kinda funny, I managed to swim to the isle on a lvl 1 pally, and of course the isle isn't exactly hospitable, with mobs able to aggro and attack a lvl 1 pally well within the bare bones camp. I first thought Brutty was just part of the wierd shit going on. Then he solo'd about 30 alliance.
Icy said:
I got destoryed last night on the PTR. Some Lock figured out how to Enslave brutallus and when he left the raid instance, brutallus came with him and he unleashed it on the island. Sucked so much.

I don't see the suck part. I miss the days when crazy shit used to be kited to Stormwind.
krypt0nian said:
I don't see the suck part. I miss the days when crazy shit used to be kited to Stormwind.

Good times :D. I was a hunter for about 2 and 1/2 years pre-BC. Kiting shit to SW and Org was fun as hell, not to mention the pet bomb trick >=D
Our tank d/ced or something before a BWL run once. The entire raid was in BRM and ready to go but we couldn't without the MT. So all the druids went bear and sat on the orb, so it was a real pain in the ass to click it. The rest of the guild was in the hallway and outside it killing any who tried to pass. With about 5 guilds trying to get everyone into BWL for about an hour unsuccessfully, a level 52 druid comes... and 1 shots everyone he sees with our guild tag.

After that night i had a new found respect for GMs.


got my s3 mace finally today

so now my nemohawk has 5/5 s3 and s3 2h mace

my 3v3 team, rogue/warrior/druid, ended up in the top 30 of my battlegroup after this past week, think we ended the week at like 2140 or so

but i decided to server transfer to a more populated server, since the server i was on was dreadful, if i wasnt doing arena, i was usually afk in IF, gonna try to get into a semi casual/decent pve guild and start to explore some of that content, finding new arena partners shouldnt be an issue, i figure i can get that back up and running anyways


Worships the porcelain goddess
Icy said:
Have you played a lot of MMOs? The 2nd successful title I would have to say is Everquest and is a perfect example. At no point from expansion to expansion did it do a complete reset of your gear, everything progressed from content to content and with good reason. In EQ you didn't see people going and ditching and skipping all the old content because of something new. You pretty much had to do that content to move on. Same for FFXi. If Blizzard would just span things out more evenly and have the content requirements build off each other. You'd still see people doing old content and new content.

Just wanted to quickly comment. This isn't the case with FFXI. All FFXI content is side-grade, not progression. All of it, every single bit of content in FFXI can also be done with players equipped with strictly AH items. Or worse, as gil farmers have proved. There is no real progression in FFXI.
Well I was going to get the last bit of honor I need for the Vindicator's Boots on my Draenei Shaman, run Arcatraz for the Horn trinket and run BM to finish my Alchemy Mastery quest, but instead I logged in...Got in an Arc group where no one had the key, hearthed entered an EotS, won, didn't get the daily completion because the server was jacked, and now the entire sever is offline.


Chris R

So damn close to getting 58, might just grind out the last two levels tonight since I have a full level of rested exp, or I can just do WPL and EPL.

With the new changes in 2.3 there is just too little time to hit every zone. I HAVEN'T done a single quest in Felwood, Winterspring, WPL, EPL, or Silithus yet and I'm 56(well, I did the link quest stuff in Felwood/Winterspring).

As soon as I hit 58 I'm going to outlands and starting to grind on those guys in front of the ramparts to max out my rep before doing a single quest :lol

Also, mages can you post your specs? I've only ever had a 70 rogue, shaman, hunter, and druid. Right now I'm 0/44/3 I think ( http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=oZxgbzfccoeRt0h ) so please don't suggest Arcane/Ice builds :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
No Impact? You have Imp Scorch, but not the talents to increase it's crit chance? Anyway, with the changes to EXP in Azeroth, not sure why you would want to head to Outlands so early.


rhfb said:
So damn close to getting 58, might just grind out the last two levels tonight since I have a full level of rested exp, or I can just do WPL and EPL.

With the new changes in 2.3 there is just too little time to hit every zone. I HAVEN'T done a single quest in Felwood, Winterspring, WPL, EPL, or Silithus yet and I'm 56(well, I did the link quest stuff in Felwood/Winterspring).

As soon as I hit 58 I'm going to outlands and starting to grind on those guys in front of the ramparts to max out my rep before doing a single quest :lol

Also, mages can you post your specs? I've only ever had a 70 rogue, shaman, hunter, and druid. Right now I'm 0/44/3 I think ( http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=oZxgbzfccoeRt0h ) so please don't suggest Arcane/Ice builds :p

That is so awesome. YOu have some great zones left, too.
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