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World of Warcraft

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rhfb said:
So damn close to getting 58, might just grind out the last two levels tonight since I have a full level of rested exp, or I can just do WPL and EPL.

With the new changes in 2.3 there is just too little time to hit every zone. I HAVEN'T done a single quest in Felwood, Winterspring, WPL, EPL, or Silithus yet and I'm 56(well, I did the link quest stuff in Felwood/Winterspring).

As soon as I hit 58 I'm going to outlands and starting to grind on those guys in front of the ramparts to max out my rep before doing a single quest :lol

Also, mages can you post your specs? I've only ever had a 70 rogue, shaman, hunter, and druid. Right now I'm 0/44/3 I think ( http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=oZxgbzfccoeRt0h ) so please don't suggest Arcane/Ice builds :p
all I know is you should probably go for clearcasting, and to get there 2/2 arcane subtlety is probably most useful (just for 10 resist penetration). 3 other points may as well go into arcane focus so sheep isn't resisted that often.

btw, I leveled to 60 before hitting outland pretty easily. WPL alone took me from 59-60 and I didn't even do all the quests there. I did do a few Felwood quests, though, along with all of Ungoro (that's actually in Ungoro; I skipped the ST quest) and like 3 Winterspring quests (no killing quests in that zone for me, though).

I skipped Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Winterspring (practically, since I only really did the "Finding the Source" quest, aka ride up to elite demon territory), EPL, and Silithus. I also didn't do any instances past ST, so it's pretty easy to gain those levels.

btw, if you really want to grind thrallmar/honor hold rep before questing, feel free to do so, but it's pointless... you'll hit honored doing quests and a trip to ramparts, and get your key, and since you're a mage it's not like you really need to grind normal instances for better gear compared to playing a tank or healer.


Oni Link 666 said:
With the better loot and the fact that everyone else is in Outland there's no reason to be questing in Azeroth at 58.

Yeah, exactly. Luckily he has already seen those areas at least 4 times.

I'm going to try and get my rogue or hunter to 70 before Lich King. Rogue is 24 and Hunter is 16. Or maybe my new pallie.

But it took me a year and a half to get my first 70, so I don't predict this happening. Probably be smarter to try and get a few 60s instead. :D


rhfb said:
Also, mages can you post your specs? I've only ever had a 70 rogue, shaman, hunter, and druid. Right now I'm 0/44/3 I think ( http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=oZxgbzfccoeRt0h ) so please don't suggest Arcane/Ice builds :p

This is my build http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=o0xVZEg0zccIoeRt0h. Not the greatest, it royally sucks for PvP, but I like it for solo (no interrupt on arcane missiles is pretty cool) and group PvE (where an healer is available and will offset the retarded playing with fire talent).





Oni Link 666 said:
With the better loot and the fact that everyone else is in Outland there's no reason to be questing in Azeroth at 58.
I don't know. having those 2 extra levels helped my shaman a shit ton, but maybe for a mage it's less of an issue. I know for a lock/hunter/druid I would probably say skip it and go to Outland at 58, but they just have it so much easier for handling higher level/multiple mobs solo.

and I'll personally probably wind up with a 70 hunter in addition to my shaman. I'd get a MS warrior to 70 but I'm going to make a DK when WotLK comes out, so having 2 melee dps/tanks is kind of redundant for me compared to having a farming god for doing extra dailies/in general farming worthwhile stuff (faction drops or something). Plus it's not like I have to twink out the hunter beyond making him some good engy guns on my shaman, if necessary.


firex said:
I don't know. having those 2 extra levels helped my shaman a shit ton, but maybe for a mage it's less of an issue. I know for a lock/hunter/druid I would probably say skip it and go to Outland at 58, but they just have it so much easier for handling higher level/multiple mobs solo.

and I'll personally probably wind up with a 70 hunter in addition to my shaman. I'd get a MS warrior to 70 but I'm going to make a DK when WotLK comes out, so having 2 melee dps/tanks is kind of redundant for me compared to having a farming god for doing extra dailies/in general farming worthwhile stuff (faction drops or something). Plus it's not like I have to twink out the hunter beyond making him some good engy guns on my shaman, if necessary.


Those areas are pretty fun, for me at least. I love snow areas and the undead.

And yes, I'm dying to step into Northrend. :D
Every class should skip it, Outlands mobs give double the xp old worlds do, and the rewards are all sick upgrades. It's not like theres a dearth of quests in outlands either, at the absolute worst you are looking at hitting 70 after doing BEM and the goblin half of NS.

Chris R

bengraven said:
That is so awesome. YOu have some great zones left, too.
I actually only like Winterspring and Silithus. EPL and WPL always sucked IMO, but it would probably be better now. Last few times I went through EPL and WPL they were heavily populated by 60s going to the different instances and while waiting for other members they liked to gank pre 60 people questing :lol As for no impact I just don't really see the point in spending 5 points for a 10% chance at 2 second stun.
Son of Godzilla said:
Every class should skip it, Outlands mobs give double the xp old worlds do, and the rewards are all sick upgrades. It's not like theres a dearth of quests in outlands either, at the absolute worst you are looking at hitting 70 after doing BEM and the goblin half of NS.

I was just leveling my Rogue at 58 a couple of weeks ago and yeah, you could get some nice Rogue stuff (like Swords) that will last you a good bit into Outland from Scholo and Strat but you can get some real nice Rogue gear in Ramparts and Blood Furnace too. I went in there with just my HWL main hand and my offhand was hurting for those 10 levels but, I lived and now I got the Gladiator's.


I really dislike EPL so skipping it is a great thing, in my opinion! More specifically though, I hate the first real quest line in EPL; the start of the Tirion Fordring quest line. The Worms/Hounds/Bats nonsense, ugh, tedious as all get out.

WPL is EXP on a platter, EPL is just frustration.

I also love snow areas, like someone mentioned above, it's really too bad Winterspring isn't a bit more of a prevalent zone. I'm really looking forward to Lich King for some Norse-esque forests and snow drifts!

I especially hope there's at least one really bleak snow/ice area too,akin to Xarcabard in FFXI. I'm a really positive, outgoing person, but I love gloomy stuff, snow, overcast, rainy days, etc. Kind of odd, I guess.

Anyhow, It seems to be like it'd be really hard to start questing in Outlands at 58 for a few classes, fighting 60-61 mobs while you are wearing shit from the 30's and 40's due to the terrible gear distribution in Azeroth seems a bit rough.


yeah, I stuck with WPL because 1) the cauldrons are easy as hell now and 2) the whole zone was basically free XP. Never touched EPL because the zone in general is just boring, and I wanted some horde rep so I avoided Silithus/Winterspring.


Oh, I tried the new Dustwallow the other day, gosh that stuff is really, really easy. It's like Outlands styled but even easier, and it's all in such close proximity. What a great addition, I wish they'd do more like that.

When WOTLK comes out, I hope they do an EXP cut of Burning Crusade as well.


Just hit 60 with my BE pally today. I changed from RET to PROT just because nobody wants a ret in their team :(

Anyways, any recommendations for a new tank?
Got two pieces of healing gear and a Gorehowl on my Elemental Shaman tonight:lol In two days I should have my Vindicator's Boots, and then I'll get the 60 badge belt and after that I just need another trinket...And then my Elemental gear will really be pretty much set. May work on my Resto gear. Always enjoyed healing and might end up doing it full time sometime again soon.

Chris R

I can't imagine how easy it is to heal as a shaman now. I was a pure resto shaman back in the bad old days :lol Had to stack MP5 like a mofo to have the endurance to last in the longer fights like Nef and such :lol

Another shaman is going to be my next 70, it was my first and I haven't played one since like 1.9


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
JoeFu said:
Just hit 60 with my BE pally today. I changed from RET to PROT just because nobody wants a ret in their team :(

Anyways, any recommendations for a new tank?

Until you get Spiritual Attunement Rank 2 (level 66) you're gonna have a hard time keeping your mana up so put Judgement of Wisdom on the mob you're tanking instead of Crusader.

And since all the Warrior Protection gear lacks intellect and mana-regen I'd recommend stacking up on Resilience and equal parts Paladin spell damage gear and Warrior protection gear.

On a side-note: Earthen Elixir is a godsend when leveling as prot. Good luck. :D


Man did some 2v2s tonight for really the first time on my new warrior, my gear is still lacking. The games were fun until we started running into Druid this, Druid that every game. Talk about wanting to smash your keyboard after a game of sitting in cyclone/roots for 90% of the match.

Any word on the intercept breaking roots thing that was said to be coming like a year ago? :lol
I did some 2v2 tonight too. I was doing it with my hunter friend and he is way under-geared and has like 7500 HP. Most of the time he dies right away and I have to deal with 2 people. :lol We got like 4 wins out of 10.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Son of Godzilla said:
Every class should skip it, Outlands mobs give double the xp old worlds do, and the rewards are all sick upgrades. It's not like theres a dearth of quests in outlands either, at the absolute worst you are looking at hitting 70 after doing BEM and the goblin half of NS.
i hit 70 in BEM. shadowmoon and netherstorm still remain mostly untouched by my 70 warlock.
TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
Anyone seen good 2v2 groups with feral druids? i was thinking it would be good with rogue / priest / boomkin. Thoughts?
BM Hunter/Feral Druid has good synergy, and is probably the only BM hunter combo worth a damn.

Man did some 2v2s tonight for really the first time on my new warrior, my gear is still lacking. The games were fun until we started running into Druid this, Druid that every game. Talk about wanting to smash your keyboard after a game of sitting in cyclone/roots for 90% of the match.

Any word on the intercept breaking roots thing that was said to be coming like a year ago?
What's your partner? I'm gonna guess priest?


Ramirez said:
Man did some 2v2s tonight for really the first time on my new warrior, my gear is still lacking. The games were fun until we started running into Druid this, Druid that every game. Talk about wanting to smash your keyboard after a game of sitting in cyclone/roots for 90% of the match.

Any word on the intercept breaking roots thing that was said to be coming like a year ago? :lol

set your focus to the druid, and try to spell reflect cyclones and roots if possible, try to LOS the ones you cant spell reflect

2 must have mods if you want to do well in arena are Proximo and NECB, makes doing the above pretty easy

you can also spell reflect natures grasp

who are you doing 2v2 with? if you are running warrior/shaman, then the shaman needs to set the druid as his focus and try to earth shock to interupt Cyclones + Roots, and drop grounding totem when shock is on cool down

also always fight near the shamans totems, dont chase the druid, if the druid tries to kite you, switch back to the warrior, with Windfury, Bloodlust, you should be doing a lot more dmg to the warrior then vice versa, only switch to the druid if hes in caster form and you can quickly intercept to him

idk that should help tho

Rawk Hawk

Think after playing FFXI for a few years I'm going to try WoW. Looking over the races/classes I kind of like the Night Elf and Hunter. Also I'm not sure whether I should go PvE or PvP, PvE seems nice cause I doubt I'll put as much time into as I did once on FFXI.. but then again I don't want to hit 70 and then wish I did PvP.

I am looking for suggestions, would a night elf hunter be a good combo? What servers do most Gafer's play on? Is PvP a lot better than PvE? This weekend I think I'm going to get started up so thanks for any input.


Rawk Hawk said:
Think after playing FFXI for a few years I'm going to try WoW. Looking over the races/classes I kind of like the Night Elf and Hunter. Also I'm not sure whether I should go PvE or PvP, PvE seems nice cause I doubt I'll put as much time into as I did once on FFXI.. but then again I don't want to hit 70 and then wish I did PvP.

I am looking for suggestions, would a night elf hunter be a good combo? What servers do most Gafer's play on? Is PvP a lot better than PvE? This weekend I think I'm going to get started up so thanks for any input.

honestly WOW world pvp is dead, so the choice between PVE and PVP server at this point means very little imo, you can still do battlegrounds and arena on either a pve or pvp server

so do w/e, i think playing on a pvp server is more exciting, but can be more frustrating as ppl can be dicks and gank you, or corpse camp you etc etc

night elf hunter is probably the most populated class in all of WOW, pretty synomynous with noobs or w/e, but i mean they are so abundant, you will blend right in lol

i'd say dwarf is the best race for hunter, but ultimately it doesnt really matter that much, pick whichever race appeals to you the most visually, cuz thats what you will be staring at every time you play

hope that helps


I still recommend Druids for new players, just so you get to see what it is like to be a caster, what it's like to be a rogue, what it's like to be a healer, what it's like to be a tank. Plus you get to go through the Night Elf starting area, which is far-and-away the best experience for noobs.
Son of Godzilla said:
BM Hunter/Feral Druid has good synergy, and is probably the only BM hunter combo worth a damn.

I was a hunter pre-BC for almost 3 years. And i have 0 respect for BM hunters... I just couldn't group up with one.


yacobod said:
honestly WOW world pvp is dead
Only if you let it be dead.
so do w/e, i think playing on a pvp server is more exciting, but can be more frustrating as ppl can be dicks and gank you, or corpse camp you etc etc
Isn't that the fun of it, though? The risk, the constant tension? It's awesome.
border said:
I still recommend Druids for new players, just so you get to see what it is like to be a caster, what it's like to be a rogue, what it's like to be a healer, what it's like to be a tank. Plus you get to go through the Night Elf starting area, which is far-and-away the best experience for noobs.
What he said. Of course, it I'm biased because druid is my favorite class. But it was also my first, so who knows.
TheDrizzler said:
I was a hunter pre-BC for almost 3 years. And i have 0 respect for BM hunters... I just couldn't group up with one.
3 years ago, BM hunters were pretty shit, though, weren't they? I didn't play hunter back then, so I don't know. Now BM hunters are the shit, in most circumstances. Arena aside. (not that MM is bad... MM is awesome. Jus' sayin'.)
TheOneGuy said:
3 years ago, BM hunters were pretty shit, though, weren't they? I didn't play hunter back then, so I don't know. Now BM hunters are the shit, in most circumstances. Arena aside. (not that MM is bad... MM is awesome. Jus' sayin'.)

for about a year and a half i think, once they changed spirit bond with beastial wrath, the class became pathetic. Hit one button and watch.


Why the fuck is Kael'thas so huge? For that matter, why are all humanoid bosses so huge? Kael'thas isn't supposed to be some special half-giant half-blood-elf. He's just another goddamn blood elf. Is there some spell he casts that makes him bigger for the fight (and stays active after he dies)? </fakeanger>
TheDrizzler said:
for about a year and a half i think, once they changed spirit bond with beastial wrath, the class became pathetic. Hit one button and watch.
Oh so you're talking about how you hate BM hunters NOW.

...I've played BM hunter. BM hunters who just hit one button and watch are not good BM hunters. It's like saying Prot Warriors are just hit one button and let the damage rake in. You have to manage aggro and shit.

Rawk Hawk

Well what of the Blood Elf? They were a newly added race, and I did like some of the stuff they had. I think I liked hunter cause it appears to be a nice soloing job.

But I usually pick elf races, usually for no other reason than I'm fairly tall and lanky like the elves are usually pictured. But I like the idea of being a race that is slightly less populated, being experienced enough in MMO's I don't want to be classed as a newb on the first day. I don't know much about the two new races.

How about servers? Does Gaf populate a specific one, or do you guys play on multiple ones?


Rawk Hawk said:
Well what of the Blood Elf? They were a newly added race, and I did like some of the stuff they had. I think I liked hunter cause it appears to be a nice soloing job.

But I usually pick elf races, usually for no other reason than I'm fairly tall and lanky like the elves are usually pictured. But I like the idea of being a race that is slightly less populated, being experienced enough in MMO's I don't want to be classed as a newb on the first day. I don't know much about the two new races.

How about servers? Does Gaf populate a specific one, or do you guys play on multiple ones?
Trolls? Definitely not elves. Trolls seem to be pretty hated on the Horde side (despite being awesome). I forget what Alliance people hate. Gnomes, maybe.

As for servers, most people are spread out, but new people come in this thread frequently asking about a GAF server. Who knows.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Trolls suck, I don't care if their racials are any good now, they look and sound awful, you will regret rolling one if you do, I certainly did when I played my old Rogue.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
TheOneGuy said:
Why the fuck is Kael'thas so huge? For that matter, why are all humanoid bosses so huge? Kael'thas isn't supposed to be some special half-giant half-blood-elf. He's just another goddamn blood elf. Is there some spell he casts that makes him bigger for the fight (and stays active after he dies)? </fakeanger>
He does do that, but it goes away when he dies. During the end part of the fight, he's the of Golemagg or something.
TheOneGuy said:
Is there some spell he casts that makes him bigger for the fight (and stays active after he dies)? </fakeanger>
He actually does. But he's still freakishly huge to start with though. But he was about the same size compared to a peon or w/e in WC3 too.

And Trolls are awesome. You probably rolled a green troll. That's a good reason to hate yourself. Blue Trolls are the best race in the game.

I was a hunter pre-BC for almost 3 years. And i have 0 respect for BM hunters... I just couldn't group up with one.
Arena is arena, if your partner sucks you won't do shit regardless of what it is. Rogue might be decentish with feral druid, but I'd still think BM hunt is a better choice.
Son of Godzilla said:
He actually does. But he's still freakishly huge to start with though. But he was about the same size compared to a peon or w/e in WC3 too.

And Trolls are awesome. You probably rolled a green troll. That's a good reason to hate yourself. Blue Trolls are the best race in the game.

Arena is arena, if your partner sucks you won't do shit regardless of what it is. Rogue might be decentish with feral druid, but I'd still think BM hunt is a better choice.
MM hunters own the shit out of BM hunters in arena any day.


Ikuu said:
You do Solo PvE, and Group PvE, yet don't have the talents for less interruption and threat?

Yeah. Never had a need for reduced threat in group PvE with a good tank and knowing when to cast and when not to (and with those aggro mods it makes life even easier), nor for less interruptions in Solo PvE with no interrupts on arcane missiles, since I use fireball until the mob gets close to me (and sometimes it never manages to get to me because it either dies first or it ends up stunned giving me time to pop off that next fireball to kill it or get it to 10%, enough for me to wand it to death), then it's either root+icelance or arcane missiles.
Then again, I don't raid except some Karazhan, so maybe it would be useful there to have threat reduction, but 40 people raids turned me off in the past before quitting, and 25 man raids aren't too much appealing either to me now, so it's possible I'll never know (also because the guild I'm in is formed by people that started playing togheter in EQ, and we're barely enough to do Kara sometimes).


Rawk Hawk said:
Well what of the Blood Elf? They were a newly added race, and I did like some of the stuff they had. I think I liked hunter cause it appears to be a nice soloing job.

But I usually pick elf races, usually for no other reason than I'm fairly tall and lanky like the elves are usually pictured. But I like the idea of being a race that is slightly less populated, being experienced enough in MMO's I don't want to be classed as a newb on the first day. I don't know much about the two new races.

How about servers? Does Gaf populate a specific one, or do you guys play on multiple ones?

Play BE and I think you'll like it. The starting areas are beautiful. Well, all elf starting areas are awesome. But the BE is bright and beautiful, the NE area is dark and beautiful.

Horde are usually nicer people, though. ;)


Hey guys, can anybody fill me in on what the 2.4 patch will have for casuals?

TheOneGuy said:
3 years ago, BM hunters were pretty shit, though, weren't they? I didn't play hunter back then, so I don't know. Now BM hunters are the shit, in most circumstances. Arena aside. (not that MM is bad... MM is awesome. Jus' sayin'.)

3 years ago hunters where the worst pvp class hands down.


more daily quests and a new 5 man instance. Oh, and a few new crafting patterns... supposedly some new nice heroic badge loot.

That's if you consider 5 mans/heroic 5 mans casual. I do compared to raiding.


New 5 man sounds good, I just started playing a few weeks ago after a 1 year break and don't really feel like doing all the stuff everyone knows by heart now, so a new dungeon seems like a good opportunity to get back into instances.

Are Balance druids accepted nowadays for dps/secondary healing? (My gear is okay I guess with many Gladiator parts now)
Son of Godzilla said:
That really doesn't have anything to do with what I said... BM is a good partner for Ferals. The fact that it isn't the most common means jack shit.

Also 7/21/33 owns the shit out of MM.
No it doesn't... otherwise some of top 150 hunters would actually spec it.. Currently 0 spec it. 7/21/33 won't get you anywhere high enough to matter.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Soon to be 70, like, just a matter of hours, just not till weekend i think, anyway, i have a shaman buddy thats about to level too and we make a kickass team in pve, i think we'll partner up for 2v2 arena in not too long, he's elemental spec but i dont know if there's a better combo with a hunter in 2v2 arena.
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