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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
That's why you aoe grind. it'll take a little longer but you'll kill multiple mobs at once as long as there's no casters. And you have way less risk of dying than aoe grinding as a mage.

Well, I read up on aoe grinding, and it's making being a prot a lot more fun. I just need a shield spike to complete my gear for now I guess.


I stopped raiding or even playing any dungeon for the past 5-6 months or so, I have been basically pvp everyday for an hour.

My last raid gear.

Current PvP gear.


Im probably going to mildly get back into raiding with my next character, especially since you can nab badges and PvP tokens from raids now. Be very quick and fun.
I PVPed all day long. I got something over 15k honor even though we won like 4 games all day. It is really damn difficult for the Horde to win AV even when racing to DB. That map doesn't just need a couple of changes, it needs a complete overhaul. And the Alliance wants to boycott AV? :lol The Horde are the ones who should be boycotting it. We'll see how the changes in the next patch work out.

I got my Gladiator's main hand sword and had about 8k left over. I'm going to try and get the shoulders tomorrow, the pants on Sunday, and maybe something else on Monday. I might be completely sick of AV by tomorrow though so, I don't know.


Has problems recognising girls
JoeFu said:
Well, I read up on aoe grinding, and it's making being a prot a lot more fun. I just need a shield spike to complete my gear for now I guess.
Yeah definitely grab a shield spike. AOE grinding as Prot Pally is one of the best experiences you could ever have.


Oni Link 666 said:
I PVPed all day long. I got something over 15k honor even though we won like 4 games all day. It is really damn difficult for the Horde to win AV even when racing to DB. That map doesn't just need a couple of changes, it needs a complete overhaul. And the Alliance wants to boycott AV? :lol The Horde are the ones who should be boycotting it. We'll see how the changes in the next patch work out.

um wtf

horde is dominating av on most battlegroups

you might be in bizarro world atm
yacobod said:
um wtf

horde is dominating av on most battlegroups

you might be in bizarro world atm

I am in the BG Ruin. What do you guys do to win? I'm new to the horde I don't know. We always win on the Alliance side there unless the Horde turtles at Galv but, they don't seem to want to do that anymore.


My battlegroup usually wins. We usually send 5-7(I am usually in those group) to cap stormpike graveyard as soon as possible, and leave like 10-15 people to defend. Best to leave like 3 people in our relief hut because alliance tend to try to cap that first before frostwolves graveyard. Once they start zerging you, it's best to stop them at the choke point(usually the entrance with the two guards before going up between the towers).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Any tips for a newbie in AV? I'm not too sure exactly what's really going on besides that the quest rewards for winning are pretty hot.

Edit: Wow, Alliance blows ASSSSSSSSS in AV on this server. =/


I just dueled some arms warrior because he kept bothering me. Dueling as a prot is kinda boring, but the guy barely got me past half health when I beat him...

I'm liking prot the more I play with him :)


So I logged off to play Halo tonight and they went and did ZG for the turtly poly, knocked out the Tiger while they were in there and the fuckin mount dropped. :lol


Has problems recognising girls
JoeFu said:
I just dueled some arms warrior because he kept bothering me. Dueling as a prot is kinda boring, but the guy barely got me past half health when I beat him...

I'm liking prot the more I play with him :)
One thing I loved a lot on the PTRs was jumping into AV with a Prot Warrior and becoming invincible if I was thrown a few heals now and then.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Just wondering, was a GAF server ever designated or are you all just sharing amusing anecdotes from your adventures in World of Warcraft?


Halycon said:
Just wondering, was a GAF server ever designated or are you all just sharing amusing anecdotes from your adventures in World of Warcraft?

There was one that gaf tried to get together and play on. I played on it for a bit, but stopped due to extreme lag when I played. I think it was gurubashi.

I don't know if the guild is still alive though.


bengraven said:
Did our first Arena last night.


Arms/Fury warrior may have a place there, but I'm not finding it.

i assume your gear sucks, because MS warriors are the most represented class in 2v2 and 5v5 at a high lvl, and are very good in 3v3 in certain setups

MS warriors are probably the most gear dependent class in the game, especially to be successful at arena

at this stage of Burning Crusade, i'd say at bare minimum to do well in arena you probably need around 11k hp unbuffed, 1600 AP unbuffed, 33% crit in zerker stance, a stormherald or season 3 equivalent weapon, and 300 resilience

i know its probably discouraging but those are the facts, you could always buy arena points to help you gear up fast, and honor grind like hell to get your set up to par


BTW, I like those PvP sets that are added to rep vendors for just gold and not honor. Some of them are actually really decent for gear to get you through Kara too.


yacobod said:
i assume your gear sucks, because MS warriors are the most represented class in 2v2 and 5v5 at a high lvl, and are very good in 3v3 in certain setups

MS warriors are probably the most gear dependent class in the game, especially to be successful at arena

at this stage of Burning Crusade, i'd say at bare minimum to do well in arena you probably need around 11k hp unbuffed, 1600 AP unbuffed, 33% crit in zerker stance, a stormherald or season 3 equivalent weapon, and 300 resilience

i know its probably discouraging but those are the facts, you could always buy arena points to help you gear up fast, and honor grind like hell to get your set up to par

I'm trying not to get discouraged with him at this point, but I do sometimes realize I should have played a different class.

I just hit 70 a little over a week ago and have started to replace my greens with blues and PvP gear. I just got the gloves on Saturday and I should probably start saving for the weapon before getting any more gear.

I was going to link my Armory page, but the Armory is acting up at the moment. It's "Bengraven" "Cenarius" "Horde" if it's working later. Gear sucks for the most part.
Tamanon said:
BTW, I like those PvP sets that are added to rep vendors for just gold and not honor. Some of them are actually really decent for gear to get you through Kara too.

I know the warrior ones would leave you really weak in AP for doing darn near anything.

What those blue sets do allow is getting into BGs on a fresh 70s and not getting instagibbed since you have zero resiliance on your quested/dungeon blues. I got my warrior to 70 on a new 2.3 character and BGs were very painful until I started getting some welfare epics. Now they are just mostly painful because I refuse to spec arms since I farm/pve more than PvP.


Fragamemnon said:
I know the warrior ones would leave you really weak in AP for doing darn near anything.

What those blue sets do allow is getting into BGs on a fresh 70s and not getting instagibbed since you have zero resiliance on your quested/dungeon blues. I got my warrior to 70 on a new 2.3 character and BGs were very painful until I started getting some welfare epics. Now they are just mostly painful because I refuse to spec arms since I farm/pve more than PvP.

Hm, I thought Arms was better for PvE. Maybe I do still have a lot to learn.

This Druid will be my 3rd 70 in about one more lvl and I'm having the hardest time deciding endgame spec.

My other two 70's were fairly obvious, Lock and Rogue. Melt/Chop faces no matter what spec.

But now I have to decide whether I will continue Chopping faces (feral cat), or Tank (feral bear) or Healbot (Resto). Not really into the Boomkin spec until they fix it.

As far as PVP, feral cat is broken, feral bear is useless, and resto is King.

In PVE, feral bear and resto are viable.

Arrrrgh! I really love the sneaky kitty that I've been for 69 lvls, but it may be time for a change. But I've never tanked or healed and I'd hate to take everyone through my learning process at 70. At last look, I am leaning feral as it really is two roles depending on some gear swaps.

Oh GAF! I am a swirling mass of confusion!


yacobod said:
fury for pve, something like 17 arms/44 fury

arms is for pvp tho

My Armory Profile.

As you can see, I'm 33/28/0, had a friend spec me and have less than 10k health. So I have a lot of work ahead of me.

I'm doing a lot of PvP these days, but I haven't left PvE out completely. I still have a lot of rep to build up.
bengraven said:
Hm, I thought Arms was better for PvE. Maybe I do still have a lot to learn.

44 fury/17 arms (for impale) is what I run with and with some gear it cuts through mobs like butter. I swap between this spec and a 8/5/46 tank build depending on what is going on at the time. Anything in between for PvE sux unless you do a arms pve 25 man raid build.

However, in PvP, you lose the following in fury over an arms warrior-

huge bursty 2H damage
mortal strike
imp. intercept
mace spec
imp. hamstring

So you get kited around or get your damage outhealed since you can't slap on the MS debuff and it's a hell of a lot harder to keep people from getting away.


bengraven said:
That's very cool. We're fairly similar but for a few points but I can see where that makes a difference. I might spec closer to yours though.

For me, a huge thing will be those macros I was linked to last week and starting to practice getting used to those as well as getting more welfare purples to improve stamina.

a lot of time spec comes down to preference, 35/23/3 or 33/28 are the most common builds, some points here and there might vary, but some abilities are must haves like second wind, improved hamstring, etc etc

i don't really use that many macros on my warrior, mostly just heavily customized keybinds

i have a simple hamstring macro, i basically attached a /startattack in front of /cast Hamstring, so that when i want to tab target a guy in arena to hamstring or w/e, it just starts attacking, idk but i find it really useful

i have a sword and board switch macro, my 2h weapon switch macro, and a spell reflect macro, thats about it really
Whoo S3 bow tomorrow, I'm so giddy for it. Such a heinous upgrade over everything.

Hey, question about reflect macros, does equipping shield hit the GCD? I can't remember if swapping stances does but I don't think so. Just wondering as I run 3s with a ele sham just because it's fun to rape warrs in the face because of how annoying they are in 2s and they almost never seem to reflect.


Son of Godzilla said:
Whoo S3 bow tomorrow, I'm so giddy for it. Such a heinous upgrade over everything.

Hey, question about reflect macros, does equipping shield hit the GCD? I can't remember if swapping stances does but I don't think so. Just wondering as I run 3s with a ele sham just because it's fun to rape warrs in the face because of how annoying they are in 2s and they almost never seem to reflect.

i believe spell reflect is not on GCD, but wpn switches are on GCD

a warrior with TM can basically do a instant spell reflect switch, but a lot of warriors are 33/28 so they cant spell reflect unless they are being trained, so i guess thats why u dont see a lot using it, specced 33/28 its not really at your disposal unless you have to turtle
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