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World of Warcraft

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Not Wario
I'm at 69 with my lock and the class itself hasnt really been boring ever. Now, it was my first character, so all the summon quests were my introduction to the greater world beyond, so I might have gotten a bit more out of it than you will.

Chris R

Man my BG sucks so much, AV Weekend and I probably wont win a single game :<

Wish they would just make the Horde's base just a touch harder to get into instead of basically just letting the alliance cap everything they want as soon as they want.
rhfb said:
Man my BG sucks so much, AV Weekend and I probably wont win a single game :<

Wish they would just make the Horde's base just a touch harder to get into instead of basically just letting the alliance cap everything they want as soon as they want.

It's mostly a placebo effect; if the Ally zerg thru IB nothing on our side is safe. They just have to have enough with the moxie to wanna.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Is there any European player here that could hit me up with a scroll of resurrection? Lemme know what kind of info you need and I'll pm it to you.

Chris R

SatelliteOfLove said:
It's mostly a placebo effect; if the Ally zerg thru IB nothing on our side is safe. They just have to have enough with the moxie to wanna.
Well I was able to win a game today, basically we had 20 sit at IB tower/gy and not allow a single alliance through. If a stealther somehow got past, we had a few go deal with whatever they were capping. We didn't even make it to van, but we had all 4 of their towers down, and not a single tower of ours was gone :lol


rhfb said:
Well I was able to win a game today, basically we had 20 sit at IB tower/gy and not allow a single alliance through. If a stealther somehow got past, we had a few go deal with whatever they were capping. We didn't even make it to van, but we had all 4 of their towers down, and not a single tower of ours was gone :lol

This is a prime example of retardedness. Instead of allowing both sides to just zerg all the way to each other's base and make it a QUICK game with BOTH sides getting 80% of the bonus honor, Horde like this decide to employ a stupid turtle strategy that takes 40+ minutes and they only get mediocre honor and somehow get satisfaction out of it. Good job, scrub.


I renewed my sub this week. My old raid guild is doing felmyst right now, so raiding with them is out of the question (I burned out back when we were waiting for vashj and al'ar to become killable). I've really got no interest in doing anything on my main (a priest) for a while, since I'm so outgeared by most of my friends. I'm leveling up a pally in my spare time, but only because I had him up to 40 before I quit. Given that Blizzard seems to really have opened the floodgates on progression, it doesn't really seem to be a great to be hitting 70. I'm kind of looking forward to the gear reset when WotLK comes out, to be honest. :D

I'm going to be transferring to an oceanic server come June or July. Anyone have any recommendations on which ones to check out/avoid? I'm horde pvp, but transferring to pve wouldn't be out of the question.


Brian Burke punched my mom
DarkAngelYuna said:
I wouldn't go for an enhance shaman if you just wanna dps for fun. I'm leveling one right now and so far I'm lvl 52. It was pretty fucking boring until I got WF at 30..then it was fun for a level or 2 and fucking boring again until 40-41 when I got stormstrike and DW...Now its a blast but theres a lot of boring levels before it got fun ;(

Elemental is probably the most boring class ever.

Drop totems->Lightning Bolt->Lightning Bolt->Lightning bolt->Frost Shock

rinse and repeat


MrToughPants said:
Elemental is probably the most boring class ever.

Drop totems->Lightning Bolt->Lightning Bolt->Lightning bolt->Frost Shock

rinse and repeat

Same thing for enhancement, stormstrike, earth shock, auto attack till stormstrike cooldown is up and repeat. the only fun hybrid class to level up without being 100% boring is druid.


All DPS specs are boring once you hit raiding. My warlock was interesting until I figured out going desto dps meant casting nothing but shadowbolt. Everything is robotic at endgame.


Finally did Zul Aman with a pug of friends, comprised from six different guilds. Only four had been to ZA before, only one cleared it. We got to Zul jin, got him to 8% and then my network died, it was late, people had to go and we called it. Still, 4/5 on a first run for many.

Our group setup was the amusing part, or at least our dps was.

2 Tanks:
Feral Druid
Prot War

3 Healers

5 DPS:
Shadow Priest
Holy Smite Priest(I shit you not)
Elemental Shaman(me)

Right, so no mage, no hunter, no warlock. Two hybrid dps classes that offer little cc, often get passed over and lord knows I keep getting asked if I would go resto instead.

End DPS standing

1. Me
2. Boomkin
3. Holy Smite Priest
4/5. Shadowpriest/rogue (I forget final damage done)

We had a lot of priests, so we mind controlled and the boomkin and I just nuked the hell out of things. I even spent most of the dragonhawk boss fight healing because we were killing the boss so fast we couldn't get through the eggs.

I also got second in dps on Maulgar and I was top until I finally ran out of mana while pot was on CD and ended up behind a Warlock. I also was top 5 in a SSC attempt. I always top damage in Kara. But nobody wants an elemental shaman. I was at 100dps before hitting Kara.

I am flying in the face of stubborn wowthink or maybe I am stubborn myself. I already have a 70 resto druid that has been in TK and SSC. Healers don't make gold and I don't want two healers. It makes no sense to have two 70s that end up costing gold to play. So I made an Elemental Shaman and my gear is a mix of Heroic loot, badge rewards, crafted epics and pvp epics. Yes, no tier gear, no raid gear except the nature ring from Kara. I am welfare epics all over, but I think at this point it is the best way to gear an Elemental Shaman. I am hit capped already and the extra hit from t4 is really a waste.

Unfortunately, Blizzard being the lazy and assbackwards ebing they are, spammed haste on all the new badge loot to the point where I am not sure I even want it. The increase in spell damage is interesting, but the faster I cast LBs with the less crits then the faster I go out of mana and am not DPSing at all. Elemental needs haste and crit, probably less haste and more crit than the new badge loot offers. WIth heroism/drums/haste trinket I am already at 1.2 second LBs. If I had that going on a regular basis I could not keep mana up.
Weenerz said:
Same thing for enhancement, stormstrike, earth shock, auto attack till stormstrike cooldown is up and repeat. the only fun hybrid class to level up without being 100% boring is druid.
But druids don't get fun until mangle.. at 50 =\


Has problems recognising girls
Weenerz said:
Same thing for enhancement, stormstrike, earth shock, auto attack till stormstrike cooldown is up and repeat.

You could say the same thing for any class really. Unless you're a Hunter/Warlock and like to spice things up with your pet/summon.

Also much laughs for Holy Smite Priest. etiolate's group setup just shows that you don't need to conform to what the definition of a raid group is to have fun. Some of my most fondest memories in WoW instances were 4-manning them with the same three other guys all the time, and yet we never joined the same guilds.


I had fun leveling my shaman as enhance, but it's because I'd just be a leeroy jenkins and not worry about pulling or anything.

I still kind of want to go elemental though. what I might do is pick up s2 elemental gear when it hits pvp vendors or something, since I swear I could probably heal heroics easily with enough damage gear and water shield.

or I might just respec to an almost pure pvp resto/elemental build so I can at least do some LB damage when I don't need to heal in encounters.


etiolate said:
All DPS specs are boring once you hit raiding. My warlock was interesting until I figured out going desto dps meant casting nothing but shadowbolt. Everything is robotic at endgame.
I'd say playing Affliction is pretty active and engaging......keeping all your dots up constantly when they all have different cast times and durations is quite a task (well, relative to spamming the same spell over and over).

Shouldn't a destro warlock be spamming Incinerate instead of Shadowbolt? And watching your Immolate closely so you can Conflag before the last tick? It seems like there would be a little more to it, though I haven't played Destruction for more than a couple days.


border said:
I'd say playing Affliction is pretty active and engaging......keeping all your dots up constantly when they all have different cast times and durations is quite a task (well, relative to spamming the same spell over and over).

Shouldn't a destro warlock be spamming Incinerate instead of Shadowbolt? And watching your Immolate closely so you can Conflag before the last tick? It seems like there would be a little more to it, though I haven't played Destruction for more than a couple days.

That is what I thought about Desto. In 5 mans, I'd keep various dots up, spam shadowbolt or incinerate, then conflag at the right time shadowburn at the end and etc. It was active and fun and I could spike down a mob's last 50% of health real easy. But raiding wise, the best build consists of putting up curse of shadows and just spamming shadowbolt. The main reasons are demonic sacrifice and global cooldown. Everytime I dot or conflag, I am waiting on gcd to come back up again so I can continue Shadowbolt.

Oh and the reason for Shadowbolt vs incinerate is the debuff, that with other shadow damage debuffs and misery makes Shadowbolt the hardest hitting constant rotation spell. Incinerate is faster and costs less mana, but sbolt hits hard. With 700ish spell damage, my desto lock hits near 5k in raids on a shadowbolt once the debuffs are going.

So the rotation spot I use to put up say curse of agony and its maybe 1700 damage, is better used on Shadowbolt and its 4k+ damage.


Most of the time as a mage I'm either keeping the scorch stack up or spamming fireball, but there are those boss fights that mix things up. Tried ZA yesterday myself for the first time, and we downed 4/5 bosses before people had to take off. Had to AOE a lot of times in there, which was a nice change of pace.

I'd love to raid as a Felguard Warlock, but you need a lot of gear for that (2 pieces of Tier 5 to be specific). Affliction is a lot of standing around and waiting for stuff to die (the uber-geared affliction locks I know are aggro magnets) and destro doesn't appeal to me because I've already got a better geared mage. I'm probably just biased because I'm a fan of my grumpy noobguard. :D


I liked my destro lock before TBC pretty much because it was able to cover all the raiding necessities, was good for CoE on enemies, and I never have gotten my mage past level 45. It was pretty much a weaker version of a fire mage, but since that was also the primo raiding spec (at least at the time) it was a sick dps duo.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Even with the new cast time improvement to Incinerate, I think Shadow Bolt wins out in raids because of the Tier 1 Improved Shadow Bolt Talent which every warlocks in any raid will have


Horrah, picked up the new Badge Vendor Fist Offhand last night for my Rogue /happy dance.

Now I just need to save up the remaining 93 badges to get the Mainhand.


explodet said:
Most of the time as a mage I'm either keeping the scorch stack up or spamming fireball, but there are those boss fights that mix things up. Tried ZA yesterday myself for the first time, and we downed 4/5 bosses before people had to take off. Had to AOE a lot of times in there, which was a nice change of pace.

I'd love to raid as a Felguard Warlock, but you need a lot of gear for that (2 pieces of Tier 5 to be specific). Affliction is a lot of standing around and waiting for stuff to die (the uber-geared affliction locks I know are aggro magnets) and destro doesn't appeal to me because I've already got a better geared mage. I'm probably just biased because I'm a fan of my grumpy noobguard. :D

Hey at least your mage has 2 buttons to click. When I raided on my frost mage, it was all frostbolt, all the time.:/


Tamanon said:
Hey at least your mage has 2 buttons to click. When I raided on my frost mage, it was all frostbolt, all the time.:/
Oh for sure, I remember those days. You can sum up bosses like Golemagg in two words: BO RING.

I would actually spend the time watching how many windfury totems he'd pyroblast.



Just take out the affliction side for a demonology build at level 50. step by step I did this:
5/5 imp. corruption
2/2 imp. life tap
2/2 soul siphon
1/5 suppression
2/2 imp. curse of agony
1/1 amp. curse
3/5 suppression
2/2 nightfall
3/3 emp. corruption

I personally never found much use for demonic resilience for leveling. seems more like a pvp build if you are actually pvping with the felguard. same with no fel concentration. you should easily kill any single mob with felguard + CoA + corruption, but nightfall is there for when you're soloing elites, and in either case you'll want your felguard to have all the aggro anyway.


Ahh, you're low lvl. I was also MM till 52 when I would take aggro off my pet too often, then I switched to BM and haven't looked back.
firex said:

Just take out the affliction side for a demonology build at level 50. step by step I did this:
5/5 imp. corruption
2/2 imp. life tap
2/2 soul siphon
1/5 suppression
2/2 imp. curse of agony
1/1 amp. curse
3/5 suppression
2/2 nightfall
3/3 emp. corruption

I personally never found much use for demonic resilience for leveling. seems more like a pvp build if you are actually pvping with the felguard. same with no fel concentration. you should easily kill any single mob with felguard + CoA + corruption, but nightfall is there for when you're soloing elites, and in either case you'll want your felguard to have all the aggro anyway.

Thanks for the spec. At 55 I will switch to that so i can have insta-corruption.
What is with the horde being outnumbered in BGs since 2.4 hit? It's some fucking bullshit. I start games of WSG with 2 players just about every time.


Has problems recognising girls
Oni Link 666 said:
What is with the horde being outnumbered in BGs since 2.4 hit? It's some fucking bullshit. I start games of WSG with 2 players just about every time.
Blizzard's objective is complete.

Mission accomplished! Pats on the back all round.


border said:
I'd say playing Affliction is pretty active and engaging......keeping all your dots up constantly when they all have different cast times and durations is quite a task (well, relative to spamming the same spell over and over).

Shouldn't a destro warlock be spamming Incinerate instead of Shadowbolt? And watching your Immolate closely so you can Conflag before the last tick? It seems like there would be a little more to it, though I haven't played Destruction for more than a couple days.

Also, SB gets a bigger percentage of the +damage coefficient than incinerate. With one SP in your raid your SB will far outclass incinerate any day of the week. I've got 202 hit, 1168 +Shadow and around 18% crit and I hit 1500 dps on A'lar last week by spamming SBs and CoD when it was up.
Oni Link 666 said:
What is with the horde being outnumbered in BGs since 2.4 hit? It's some fucking bullshit. I start games of WSG with 2 players just about every time.

I wind up being outnumbered most of the time and I'm on Alliance. Although it fills up pretty quickly. Nothing like the 50-60 bracket though, usually go into AV 20-40 with the Horde having the advantage.


Oni Link 666 said:
What is with the horde being outnumbered in BGs since 2.4 hit? It's some fucking bullshit. I start games of WSG with 2 players just about every time.

I'd like to know why the queue times for BGs since 2.4 have become so long.
I remember queue'ing for a BG prior to 2.4 and getting 1 minute wait at the most (but usually from 10 to 30 seconds), now it's 4 minutes sometimes.


Gold Member
WoW Ace Updater: Now with trojans!

While the Incgamers malware problem is fixed, it looks like there's another malware flare up in the world of addons. The WoW Ace Updater, according to many users, may be passing off a trojan from an ad in the guise of an antivirus program. The program, called Winfixer, pops up in a window and (in some cases automatically) installs malware while claiming your computer is compromised and that you need to buy the full retail version to fix it. It can be detected and removed by Spybot Search and Destroy and Vundofix, and Symantec includes instructions on how to manually remove it here.

Wowace.com site owner Kaelten has disabled the ads on WoW Ace Updater completely for now, and is talking to his Ad provider to find out what went wrong and which ads might be causing problems.

This isn't the first time a popular WoW site has had trouble with trojans in ads, and unfortunately, it is unlikely to be the last. Kaelten seems to be on top of it, though, so hopefully he'll get to the bottom of these claims. Since the ads are currently disabled, the program itself should already be safe to use. If you're feeling a bit skittish, though, you can check out some of Sean's recommendations for other upgrade programs here.

I should note that, being a religious user of WoW Ace Updater myself (I run it at least a good 5 times a week), I just made sure to scan my computer with the aforementioned Spybot Search and Destroy as well as AVG Free Edition. According to those programs, It has a clean bill of health.


Finally picked up my charity blue sword and epic shield from Shattered Sun. What's the preferred enchant for a tanking weapon? Mongoose, Battlemaster, Agility?
Agility, isn't it? Improves your crit and dodge ratings, the latter is what you want lots of.

Anyway, I had to stop playing this. I bought a months worth of play time and crawled out of my hole a week later and I realised this wasn't going to work for me. It's an incredibly fun game, however.
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