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World of Warcraft

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maybe you had an addon that puts one in, because hunters don't get one normally. There's a mod called aspected/aspected again that puts those in there though.


Has problems recognising girls
Manick Joe said:
So I wanna start organizing more capital city raids inbetween the weekly snooze Kara/ZA/Gruul/SSC because World PvP is insanely fun. Are there any decent guides out there or just tips in how to do it succesfully?
What cities are you planning on hitting? There's a few strategies involved in some cities, or in others where it's just ram and smash your way through.

Also unless you plan on just running through to try and defeat the city boss, I'd drop off hints on your realm's official forum that such-and-such city will be hit around this-or-that timeframe. Nothing better than trying to get into a city that is defended well.


Lain said:
Don't hunter have an aspect bar, akin to Warrior stance bar and Paladin Aura bar?
I was sure they had one, but whent I wen to play my hunter today after a long time not playing it, there was none... and nothing I did was able to make it pop back up (made sure the stance bar in bartender3 was visible and enabled and reloaded the ui so many times...), even disabling every single mod and going with the default Blizzard UI.
Maybe I'm simply imagining they had one, because otherwise I have no clue on how to make it appear once again =/
Yeah, hunters don't have an aspect bar. They get gypped.


The only real challenge to raiding cities is just getting a lot of well-geared players to show up (and having a computer that doesn't chug to shit with tons of players on screen).

BigJonsson said:
No honour?
You get like 60 honor or something.....it depends on the size of your raid, most likely. You probably get a few gold as well.
Weenerz said:
I am now done with this game, sold my account, made a cool $400 for it.

What made you quit? Also, how did you sell it?

My sub ran out Thursday and I haven't re-subscribed. The thing is still on my HD but, after hearing about the S4 changes, I just don't have much reason to keep playing. I'm pretty hardcore into PVP but, I don't have anyone who seriously wants to do arena with me. And since I am a pvper with no real PVE gear, raiding guilds don't want me. Not that I really want to raid. I just kind of want to tag along for heroics to get badges. I guess I'll come back for WotLK though.


Oni Link 666 said:
What made you quit? Also, how did you sell it?

Craigslist, cash in hand. I quit because most of my friends already quit and I don't feel like trying to mesh with another guild and starting from scratch. If Blizzard did something about allowing people with multiple 70s reroll another class around the lvl50 range, I would have stuck around longer. I have 4 lvl70s and I didn't feel like leveling another one 1-70. I decided to sell after I hadn't logged in for over a week and a half, and when I did log in, I would just do the fishing daily and then log off.


I may be just about out for good too after those E-Sport comments in the GameSpy interview, and knowing arena is going to become more and more a focal point. My idea of a fun MMO doesn't solely involve sandbox duels so Blizzard can cater to Korea.

Nothing in Lich King thus far looks appealing thus far anyway, except for being able to leave behind the god damn fucking pink and purple crystals.


I'm pretty casual with this game anymore. I'll just play my shaman to get his epic flying mount, then play a death knight in WotLK (unless they somehow suck) and possibly the arch druid hero class if that actually makes it into the expansion before I inevitably get bored of the game.


firex said:
Aspected bumps the pet bar off to the right, and it doesn't really look bad at all with the standard UI.
Pretty much the only thing a Hunter aspect bar would do for me is: "Aspect of the Monkey? What the hell is that?! Oh, yeah, now I remember."

Seriously, the only aspects you need on the action bars are Hawk and Viper. And maybe whatever new aspect they add in WotLK.
speedpop said:
What cities are you planning on hitting? There's a few strategies involved in some cities, or in others where it's just ram and smash your way through.

Also unless you plan on just running through to try and defeat the city boss, I'd drop off hints on your realm's official forum that such-and-such city will be hit around this-or-that timeframe. Nothing better than trying to get into a city that is defended well.

Probably try to hit them all at some point. In guild alone I could get ~15 well geared pvpers and then hit up our various friend of friends. So fielding a decent sized group should not be the hard part. I'm alliance btw so Undercity (a lot of fun playing in the elevators and seeing how far you get but I'm guessing the sewers is the preferred route), Silvermoon, Ogrimmar and Thunderbluff would be the potential targets. Hitting the small towns quickly becomes dull and all you're really doing is making life difficult for those <70.

Oh yeah and how exactly does the guard system work? Like for every npc you kill 2 spawn or is it if you're "noticed" and they appear?


I'm pretty casual with this game anymore.

Before I stopped, all I really did was casual stuff, I think I enjoyed myself a lot more taking it so easy. Working on some alts, getting them PvP geared, getting an epic mount, helping friends. It was a lot better on my schedule and my general mood while playing.

I had totally grown sick of raiding, I will never, ever do full raiding again in any traditional MMO. I did the full gauntlet prior to BC, and through Kael'thas post BC after which I just deemed it a waste of my time. I did always enjoy the small stuff though, ZG, AQ20, and most notably Kara. Kara was always a ball to do, for me at least. I never objected to helping friends even though I vastly outgeared the place. Good variety, not too taxing , very detail and lore rich dungeon, a rarity in the game.

I liked PvP a lot too, it's too bad it had to keel over for Arena. Open World is dead and I'll bet that the zone they're adding specifically to revive world PvP in WotLK remains as a reward less, barren mass of failure.

Heck, I even was a Gladiator in Season 2 (by sheer virtue of cookie cutter setup + same strategy every match...), and I still stick by my opinion that Arena has done nothing but harm to the general quality of the game. Almost every addition and change to the balance and structure nowadays revolves around their silly little sandbox dueling setup.

Battlegrounds were left behind too, really nothing more than a time sink to accessorize your arena sets now. Well over three years now, and we still only have a handful of battlegrounds, with no real game type variation and no additional maps. That really pisses me off, there.

Anyhow, as for what I mentioned before;


This was the WoW interview I mentioned, the game is going in a directon I just can't appreciate.

For as much money as they make, it's sad to see them push the genre so little, and it's especially sad to see them focus on E-Sports of all things, that stuff doesn't belong anywhere near an MMO.

Why not add some new stuff, with the talent and money Blizzard has you could get really creative. Heck, even if you wanted to remain by the books; Player housing is really needed, and Team Mechanics have been a total sore spot since release. They did some good by adjusting the EXP and Quests in the leveling game, but it still is not fun to play a solo game for 70 levels, and it is still not cool to have no combat cohesion between multiple characters except for buffs and debuffs.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, just sad to see wasted potential for the sake of something so silly.


Alex said:
Heck, I even was a Gladiator in Season 2 (by sheer virtue of cookie cutter setup + same strategy every match...), and I still stick by my opinion that Arena has done nothing but harm to the general quality of the game. Almost every addition and change to the balance and structure nowadays revolves around their silly little sandbox dueling setup.
Damn fuckin' right.

I want them to take out arena and battlegrounds, so WoW can go back to the good ol' days of server-crashing city raids.



well, it's not like I feel they couldn't do something better with the game now... personally I'm just glad they've put more focus on Arena than raiding simply because I remember how atrociously designed (and the retarded high barrier of entry) raiding was pre-TBC. On the rare occasion that my guild got past the bosses they were stuck on, there'd be all kinds of stupid shit happening outside of raiding that ruined it.

It's not like I really like soloing either, so when it comes to pve content I like 5 mans (which are too easy, but I'd prefer that to being too hard unless you have the ideal group setup) and the 10 man raids.

The one thing I like about arena is that it's an easy route to rewards equivalent to raiding, with less of a timesink and a lot of it being soloable (the bg grinding/rep grinding for the new honor set) but its new focus on balancing the game is just as stupid as raiding being the balance focus for everyone pre-TBC. The only real difference is nearly everyone can do arena, or at least a lot larger amount of players can do arena compared to raiding, so when it fucks up balance at least it's designed around more than 3% of the people playing WoW.

Of course, I think the best example of Blizzard's bad class design in this game is the Paladin, where the best solo/dps build isn't the actual melee talent tree but the protection tree. It needs a shitload of work but at least TBC more or less made Tigole and Kalgan have to back the fuck off from turning it into an even bigger circle jerk of elitist raid guilds.


firex said:
It needs a shitload of work but at least TBC more or less made Tigole and Kalgan have to back the fuck off from turning it into an even bigger circle jerk of elitist raid guilds.
Hear, hear.

I don't have anything AGAINST arena or battlegrounds. I just don't like how they completely killed world PvP. Well, I guess on BGs did that. Then arena killed BGs. (But nowhere near the extent of world PvP.)


World pvp was a lot more fun than BGs or arena, no doubt. It's only by pretending BGs are like a gimp fantasy version of TF2 that I can really play them enough to have fun. The main thing I like is that it's instant gratification and a pretty easy grind for purples compared to idling in LFG for heroics or pugging kara/ZA (though I still plan on doing that a few times before WotLK).


Wow, prot warriors are boring once the only way to get better gear is by raiding. I have nothing to do now out of raids!

Wow, Yaco. Why the break?

Also, what's a better site to sell chars on than Markee?


I'm gonna be on a break until WotLK whenever my account runs out too. if I'd been able to do the shit I wanted to do earlier I'd already be on that break.


Trasher said:
Wow, Yaco. Why the break?

Also, what's a better site to sell chars on than Markee?

while i find wow to be a pretty fun game, i find it to be too addicting and unless i sell my account i have a hard time quitting on my own, i know it's prolly a fault of my personality but w/e

i just sold my warrior on markee, i've sold 3 accounts on markee and never have had a problem on there, just have to be smart about it
Trasher said:
Wow, prot warriors are boring once the only way to get better gear is by raiding. I have nothing to do now out of raids!

Dailies yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You'll need that gold for repairs, flasks and enchants anyway! And you can help unlock anvil for the tier 6 quality badge loot.
Giganticus said:
Dailies yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You'll need that gold for repairs, flasks and enchants anyway! And you can help unlock anvil for the tier 6 quality badge loot.

cept they take about 5 times as long due to you being protection.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
MrPing1000 said:
cept they take about 5 times as long due to you being protection.

Wut?! I have the Isle down to 20 minutes on my prot warrior, every quest. So, a dps can do it in 4 minutes? It actually takes longer on my shadow priest.


There's 4-6 dailies that don't even require you to kill anything (or require you to kill less than 5 mobs). I don't see why it should be such a problem for tanks or healers.

Chris R

kinoki said:
Wut?! I have the Isle down to 20 minutes on my prot warrior, every quest. So, a dps can do it in 4 minutes? It actually takes longer on my shadow priest.
whats your cycle? I pick everything up and it still takes me like twice as long as that :(

I go demons->BE guys->ud/guardians->flights->naga...
Yeah I think it's your route that is the problem. I blow through Sunwell Isle on my rogue (maybe 20 minutes top) and on the resto druid it's not much longer. Do the demons by the gate, plant your banner and get your first portal reading. Then head south and kill the blood elves and get the bloodcrystal reading. Keep south and kill the 5 guardians and the guys for the 4 mana remnants. Ride through the Dead Scar and then north east to knock off the Myrmidons for the keys and the final shrine reading. Ride back north and cash everything in and finish off the two bombing quests.
Manick Joe said:
Yeah I think it's your route that is the problem. I blow through Sunwell Isle on my rogue (maybe 20 minutes top) and on the resto druid it's not much longer. Do the demons by the gate, plant your banner and get your first portal reading. Then head south and kill the blood elves and get the bloodcrystal reading. Keep south and kill the 5 guardians and the guys for the 4 mana remnants. Ride through the Dead Scar and then north east to knock off the Myrmidons for the keys and the final shrine reading. Ride back north and cash everything in and finish off the two bombing quests.

How much gold are those 20 minutes of dailies worth ? I've been too lazy to check out that area on my 70s still.


Has problems recognising girls
Few people going on a break eh. I finally uninstalled it a few days ago, my subscription had run out a few weeks back and I bought a game card for that due to a friend wanting to roll a character with me but we never got too far. She was too busy most of the time anyway :lol

Guess I'll come back for WotLK, just like everyone else.


Giganticus said:
Dailies yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You'll need that gold for repairs, flasks and enchants anyway! And you can help unlock anvil for the tier 6 quality badge loot.
Eh, I got 4k gold, and we already unlocked the badge loot a few weeks ago, and I get free flasks since I'm exalted with CE, Sha'tar, and Aldor. Dailies when you are prot suck. :(

Yeah yacobod, I have the same problems with quitting as well. I even sold my shaman, but then I started playing my warrior lol.

kinoki said:
Wut?! I have the Isle down to 20 minutes on my prot warrior, every quest. So, a dps can do it in 4 minutes? It actually takes longer on my shadow priest.
Are all the dailies unlocked on your server?


Trasher said:
Are all the dailies unlocked on your server?

Doesnt sound like it. On my Rogue, depending on my luck with spawns/drops/crowds it can take me up to 20 mintues just to do the two Naga quests.
Finally ran Kara with my guild on my Rogue
Made it past Curator tonight

Picked up Worgen Claw Necklace and Emerald Ripper :)

Not bad for first Kara run

Also won the roll for the T4 gloves, but there was another rogue who has been around longer than me and to be fair I let him take them




I get so much attention when I ride this beast :D


I finally kinda got back into the game even though I'm running it on ass-ugly integrated graphics (at least for a couple more days). I've done the island's dailies a bunch though and they're really good. I'll have to work on them on my paladin as well, he could probably solo the entire thing way faster than my undergeared shaman.
Im still tailoring. The price for Shadowcloth, Spellcloth, and my specialty Primal Mooncloth has almost doubled, though the mats have held steady or declined in price. I'm making a killing. Im also an Herbalist. Terocone == Paydirt ala late 2.0.

This mass respeccing has been a boon to us in other professions, as the need for what we make aint going anywhere.
On my hunter with skinning, I haven't seen a corpse to skin that's been higher than green since level 15 or so and I'm level 38 now

Its crazy


i have an account with a 70 shadowpriest a 70 rogue a 70 warlock and a 70 mage.

the priest and lock are in t5/t5 equiv gear, rogue in mostly s3 and the lock in t4~ epics, mage is rubbishly geared.

how much roughly could i get for this account?
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