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World of Warcraft

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Fuck! Those bows look awesome, great texture aside, the actual models look far better then anything in Burning Crusade. They sure did step up on the art design team.


I posted a big ass topic on the main forum, this is pretty exciting to me. Not too often I get hyped up for anything lately. Most I've posted consecutively in years, that's for sures.

What i like about the equipment in LK shown thus far is that it, mostly at least, seems so much more plain in stature and color especially. It's a nice change from the insane pink and purple Nether stuff in BC.


Yeah, I couldn't stand it either. Like I was on acid looking into a lava lamp all day. Fuck the nether, I like the new design of Northrend. More medieval equals more badass in my book.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Spell 49184, Howling Blast, Blast the target with a frigid wind. The target is knocked back and has a chance of freezing in place for 3 sec.
hmm, i thought blizz said they would never put knockback as a player ability. i remember shamans (including myself) wanting a Wind/Air Shock that caused moderate damage and knocked the target back. their response was that they don't plan on adding knockback to player abilities.

Spell 50034, Chromatic Rune Mastery, Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.
chromatic runes? sounds interesting.

Spell 49020, Heart Strike, A brutal instant attack that deals weapon damage plus 300 and additional damage for each disease effect on the target, but consuming the diseases.
sounds nasty

Spell 49016, Hysteria, Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec, increasing their physical damage by 20%, but causing them to suffer damage equal to 1% of their total health every second.
that's weird... will the friendly target have a choice if they want to accept that buff, like the ghoul one?

Spell 49206, Summon Gargoyle, A Gargoyle flies into the area and bombards the target with Shadow damage. The Gargoyle remains until the summoner runs out of Runic Power.
cool. i wonder if you have any basic control over it like warlock and hunter pets.

Spell 49222, Bone Armor, The caster is surrounded by 4 whirling bones. Each bone reduces the damage from the next spell or melee attack by 40% but is then consumed. Lasts 5 min.
surely there'd be a cooldown for something like that?

Spell 49158, Corpse Explosion, Target a corpse, causing it to explode for $s1 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within $r1 yards.

Spell 49039, Lichborne, Draw upon unholy energy to become undead for $d. While undead, you are immune to charm, fear and sleep effects, and your horrifying visage causes creatures to be at an additional 25% chance to miss you.
i guess that also means they'd be susceptible to certain paladin and priest spells that specifically effect undead.

i can't wait to play the Death Knight


To me, the epitome of good fantasy is Norse mythology of any kind. So I'm pretty thrilled with LK's direction.


thats funny the starter death knight armor looks better than most tier sets, and certainly better than every season 4 arena set

massive LOLz


Still Tagged Accordingly
was talking to someone on MSN and they brought up an interesting point...

Alex said:
Death Knight, legit.

Alex said:
why is there no randomize button for the name in the first pic, but there's one in the second?

sure these are legit?


No idea (concerning the lack of a randomizer), but there's DK pictures everywhere now from a ton of sources, plus you can even download the client and get as far as character creation if you want to try.

Here's one with the helm on for the hell of it:


There's a bunch more at the compendium link above.


Scrow: Blizz has said they're adding knockback to the game with the deathknight and adding in abilities to other classes that involve movement of mobs/players. Also remember Death Knights are going to be shield-less tanks, so Bone Armor won't be too powerful, it'll probably have a short cooldown or runic power cost.


I'm not a big fan of any of the male races in the game. It really bothers me how bulked up and amazingly cartoony they are compared to most of the females, who are far more subdued. Well, subdued is probably not a good way of putting it when my favorite look in the game is the Draenei female.

Undead Male though, actually, I do have a soft spot for that. Amusing, full of personality, great animations.

Orcs are OK too, with the Hammer dance and all.

Maybe it's just Alliance males I hate, but nothing annoys me more than a Blood Elf male. Many an irrational change in arena plans was made to steamroll any and all Blood Elf males. Apologies and condolences to any of you that play one!


"Finishing move that causes damage and incapacitates the target. Any directly damaging attack will revive the target. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point:
1 point : ${$b1*1+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*1+$M1+$MW} damage, 2 sec
2 points: ${$b1*2+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*2+$M1+$MW} damage, 3 sec
3 points: ${$b1*3+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*3+$M1+$MW} damage, 4 sec
4 points: ${$b1*4+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*4+$M1+$MW} damage, 5 sec
5 points: ${$b1*5+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*5+$M1+$MW} damage, 6 sec" [rogue obviously]

If this is true, this is awesome. So tired of having stuns resisted. Nothing is worse than hitting a 5pt kidney shot and then seeing it resisted.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Alex said:
"Finishing move that causes damage and incapacitates the target. Any directly damaging attack will revive the target. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point:
1 point : ${$b1*1+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*1+$M1+$MW} damage, 2 sec
2 points: ${$b1*2+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*2+$M1+$MW} damage, 3 sec
3 points: ${$b1*3+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*3+$M1+$MW} damage, 4 sec
4 points: ${$b1*4+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*4+$M1+$MW} damage, 5 sec
5 points: ${$b1*5+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*5+$M1+$MW} damage, 6 sec" [rogue obviously]
rogue? isn't that a druid's cat form ability, maim?


probably just a rank up of the same ability.

Hero said:
If this is true, this is awesome. So tired of having stuns resisted. Nothing is worse than hitting a 5pt kidney shot and then seeing it resisted.
hope you've got a druid...


Still Tagged Accordingly
Alex said:
Don't ask me! I've really no idea, it's all copy/paste from MMOChampion and MMOwned.
i'm not questioning you personally about it. i realise you're copying and pasting the info.


I'm probably just getting jumpy from all of the "LOL DIS IS FAKE, Y U LYIN, LIER?" retorts to all of this blatantly legit information being posted from the chowderheads MMOchampion has drawn in lately. Place is getting to be a cesspool outside of the front page.

They're bowing down to the Blizzard NDA now, though, which amazes me since theyve ALWAYS posted datamines and leaks and you kinda sorta have to agree to an NDA to be bound to it.


Alex said:
I'm not a big fan of any of the male races in the game. It really bothers me how bulked up and amazingly cartoony they are compared to most of the females, who are far more subdued. Well, subdued is probably not a good way of putting it when my favorite look in the game is the Draenei female.

Undead Male though, actually, I do have a soft spot for that. Amusing, full of personality, great animations.

Orcs are OK too, with the Hammer dance and all.

Maybe it's just Alliance males I hate, but nothing annoys me more than a Blood Elf male. Many an irrational change in arena plans was made to steamroll any and all Blood Elf males. Apologies and condolences to any of you that play one!

ya i agree mostly

alliance side i'd say all males are pretty bad except for dwarves, i prefer dwarf males to their female counterparts, but then again how many dwarf females do you see in game

i think gnome male/females are a wash, gnome male dance animation is ftw

but human, dranei, and ne big advantage goes to the female versions

horde side UD and orc males are good

i'm not sure why anyone would want a BE male, might as well roll the female instead of the tranny

and tauren are fugly in both cases, i guess if you really need to play a druid, go alliance


Ah, yeah, it is a druid ability. I guess it'd be too ridiculous to give rogues another finisher that added to a stunlock.

Draenei females are the best race/sex in the game.


Really looking forward to the Siege and Battleground information, as well as any PvP information in general.

Awkward as it may make me feel, I'm also a little bit too interested in the barbershop/salon and dance instruction additions....

Anyhow, I hope they keep leaking the LK clients out in terribly foolish manners... Like publishing the damn thing on open URL on the main site


Still Tagged Accordingly
yacobod said:
i'm not sure why anyone would want a BE male, might as well roll the female instead of the tranny
you leave my BE male lock alone :p

i mostly roll male characters because i don't like the idea as masquerading around as a gender i'm not. how the character actually looks doesn't really bother me... that's why i also have a 62 tauren shaman and a 65 tauren druid :)


I'm shallow as fuck, I'm all about aesthetics. I want a character that looks good in all of this armor, and I'm of the opinion that women are significantly more interesting and overall better looking than men, especially in WoW where there's no real cool value to be had from the male side. (IMO)

I think "masquerading as a gender" is a really poor way of putting it, unless you're trying to pick up dates in the game. :lol But I understand where you're coming from with that with some of the oddballs around.

I've been settled down for three years now, so I guess I certainly don't think of it that way.


it's still funny tho

i know on my night elf warrior, you would get a disturbing amount of random ppl flirting with you in game in capitol cities, whether in jest or serious, it is sort of disturbing

so thats the only downside of the female toon, but from a looks standpoint, so much better

like Alex said, looks uber alles, i'm superficial


Luckily I've actually never been hit on, but I'm pretty anti-social in WoW, I hang out with my little guild clique and arena team and largely keep my mouth shut aside from any nessecary vent comments


Yeah my characters never get flirted with, and they're usually female since I have to stare at their ass the whole time while playing.


On the subject of creepy MMO people/relationships, I heard from an acquaintance of mine on my server, that his older brother and his wife play together and are both in the same guild. Apparently, there are some real sad sacks in this particular group and he uses his wife to get on vent, flirt it up, and wind up with gold, items, favors, DKP/RPP tweaks, etc. To this day, apparently no one theres knows they're married.

It's like he's pimping her out some advanced form of internet prostitution. Really tacky shit, in my opinion, but I can't help but laugh.

I have too many warped stories like that.


Alex said:
On the subject of creepy MMO people/relationships, I heard from an acquaintance of mine on my server, that his older brother and his wife play together and are both in the same guild. Apparently, there are some real sad sacks in this particular group and he uses his wife to get on vent, flirt it up, and wind up with gold, items, favors, DKP/RPP tweaks, etc. To this day, apparently no one theres knows they're married.

It's like he's pimping her out some advanced form of internet prostitution. Really tacky shit, in my opinion, but I can't help but laugh.

I have too many warped stories like that.

that doesnt suprise me, guilds always have a few females that always get special treatment no matter how bad they are in game, just because they have a vag irl, ususally these type of stories have epic meltdowns or endings

case in point the death and taxes forum thread from earlier in the year


My last guild (I've had three raid guilds, I'm unguilded at the moment) was pretty excellent about that, actually. No favoritism whatsoever, we had a ton of females and a ton of couples and it was all managed so well. All of the airheads were always sidelined and told to shut the fuck up when they were interfering during anything of importance rather quickly.

This was probably due in part to having a female co-GM, who really seemed to hold some serious disdain for that type, and was probably the best Priest I've ever played with.

If only I could manage to keep a guild But I always find some reason to leave quietly (I did over the schedule last time) for, or want to swap my character without making any problems.


all this WotLK leaked stuff sounds so cool. granted there's like nothing listed for shamans yet, but all the DK stuff sounds awesome, as does the mage and warlock stuff. I like how it seems like they specifically designed the DK's abilities so it's vulnerable against priests, paladins and shamans, too. All that disease-related ability is a nice angle for the DK to take and it fits with the whole former scourge thing, while giving 3 classes a good counter for its damage.


Love the new art direction on the weapons and shit, it is alot more subtle yet still awesome.

Also, some of those DK abilities sound fucking rad. The corpse exploding one is going to be insane in some BG's (I'm looking at you AV!). That ability where you come back to life as a ghoul for 15 seconds is going to be hilarious in pvp as well, especially arena.

edit: :lol @ improved corpse explosion, one of the best talent names ever.


It's going to take a while to get used to all the different positioning abilities and such of the Death Knight. I bet you'll basically have total control of the battlefield. It just doesn't look like you do much damage so soloing might be slower.


Had to post separately because it is noteworthy: Holy shit fade is actually going to be useful for shadow priests, especially in pvp!

Improved Shadowform - "Your Fade ability now has a $s1% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used while in Shadowform, and gives you a $s2% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting any Shadow spell while in Shadow form."


Resilience will no longer function inside of instances; only if you are PvP flagged in the real world, BGs, and Arenas.

That's kind of a weird change for them to make. Was anyone really abusing resilience in PVE, or using it to cheat their way around a hard boss encounter? Or is this just their way of placating PVE whiners that go on and on about "welfare epics"?



The fearsome death knight, World of Warcraft’s first Hero class, is not your average adventurer seeking to prove his or her worth on Azeroth’s fields of battle. No longer servants of the Lich King, they begin their new calling as experienced, formidable adversaries, heavily armed and armored and possessing an arsenal of deadly and forbidden magic learned in the Lich King’s thrall. Here is an introduction, subject to change, of some of the death knight’s core gameplay mechanics and abilities:

Unlocking and Creating the Death Knight
Simply have a character of at least level 55 on the World of Warcraft account you play, and you will be able to create a new level-55 death knight of any race (if on a PvP realm, the death knight must be the same faction as your existing character). Upon entering the world, your neophyte death knight will undertake a series of quests designed to teach you your new abilities. You will be able to create one death knight per realm, per account.

Class Roles

* Tank: The plate-wearing death knight is a capable tank for small groups as well as raids. His or her damage output while tanking will be respectable.
* DPS: The death knight can also spec and gear for a melee DPS role, which will draw upon many debilitating disease effects as well as direct damage and instant attacks.

Talent Trees
Death knight talent trees are complemented by Presences -- self-only auras that benefit the death knight. Selecting the matching Presence for each tree augments the class abilities for that school of magic.

* Blood: Talents in this tree focus on damage-dealing abilities. Blood Presence increases damage output by a percentage.
* Frost: Talents in this tree focus on tanking abilities. Frost Presence increases threat and lowers damage taken by a percentage.
* Unholy: Talents in this tree have a variety of functions including summons, diseases, and PvP-focused abilities. Unholy Presence increases attack speed and reduces the global cooldown on death knight abilities.

The Rune System
The resource mechanics for death knights are runes and runic power. A skilled death knight makes efficient, timely use of runes and runic power to maximize his or her damage-dealing or tanking abilities.

* Runes: Every death knight ability requires runes, which come in three varieties: blood, frost, and unholy. Depending on the ability, it may require runes of a single type or a combination of types. When a rune is used, it has a cooldown period before it can be used again. Death knights can customize which array of six runes to have available at a given time, which can aid their ability to perform certain roles. For example, a tanking death knight may wish to load his or her rune array with more Frost runes.
* Runic Power: As rune abilities are used, the death knight also generates another resource called runic power. The death knight will have certain abilities that consume all available runic power, with varying levels of effectiveness based on total runic power spent. Similar to a warrior’s rage, runic power decays over time if not spent.

Summoned Creatures
Creating minions from the ranks of the unliving is a core ability of the death knight.

* Raise Dead: The death knight can raise a ghoul companion from the corpses of fallen creatures, as well as those of both friendly and enemy players. If cast on a friendly player, that player will have the opportunity to actually play as the ghoul, controlling its movements and actions.
* Army of the Dead: This channeled spell raises a group of undead followers who will attack the death knight’s enemies but only exist very briefly before disintegrating.
* Summon Deathcharger: Every death knight can summon the level-40 version of a deathcharger land mount. At higher levels, they can complete a quest to learn the epic version.

One exciting new feature in Wrath of the Lich King is that all raid content will be available as either a 10- or 25-person dungeon with completely independent progression paths. Both the 10- and 25-person versions will be the same dungeon; the look, layout, and design of the dungeon will remain the same. However, each will be adjusted, tuned, and balanced for its respective player size.

In Wrath of the Lich King, players can expect both 10- and 25-person raid progression paths to get increasingly difficult as they adventure to their final battle with Arthas. This new gameplay mechanic will allow more players to enjoy the raid content of Wrath of the Lich King in their preferred play style. Because it takes more effort to get 25 people together than it does for 10, players who participate in the 25-person raid progression path will receive higher quality and more loot than those who play the 10-person versions.

In addition, players will never be required to attune in a 10-person raid to progress to a 25-person raid in the progression path. Raid lockouts are same-size as well, so joining a 25-person raid for a dungeon will not lock a player out from the 10-person version of the same dungeon. This freedom of choice between raid-progression paths will let personal preference play a much bigger role in how players experience the raid content of Wrath of the Lich King.

New Quest Mechanics
The quest designers are hard at work to make sure that the road to level 80 will be paved with quests unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. The Burning Crusade innovated with bombing runs and daily quests, and Wrath of the Lich King will continue this trend with still more unique and varied adventures to undertake.

Just one example of the new mechanics you can expect from the expansion is the new vehicle-based content, which puts an interesting spin on some of the concepts originally developed for PvP siege gameplay. Certain types of vehicles and mounts can now carry passengers, making it possible for players to, for example, break a prisoner out of a tightly guarded compound by attempting a daring escape on horseback. While the NPC steers the horse, the player lobs explosives at a pack of pursuing worgen. In another quest, the roles are reversed as the player takes to the skies in a flying machine to track down and rescue survivors of a catastrophic event. Even beyond the ability for vehicles to hold passengers, Wrath of the Lich King introduces an aerial combat system that will add a new dimension to gameplay.
DarkAngelYuna said:
Bot a ton of people use to level or farm instead of doing it themselves.


I knew someone who was botting, he was banned several times in the span of 4 weeks...yet he continued to try and get past detection, idiot


For those of you wondering how Blizzard can enforce an NDA against websites, here's how:


We will not be discussing or posting leaked information from the Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family alpha. We, along with other major fansites received an email from Blizzard's PR department yesterday, which stated that those interested in attending Blizzcon in a press capacity, would be required to do their part by prohibiting NDA'd information on their websites.

I'm a little shocked at how quickly independent fan sites have decided to become Blizzard's lapdogs on this one. At best they'll get to go to Blizzcon for free, but it's not like they were ever going to get exclusive interviews or media anyway. You might as well say "Fuck it", and publish the leaked information so that you'll have a way to compete with the large media outlets that will have to comply with Blizzard edicts.


border said:
I'm a little shocked at how quickly independent fan sites have decided to become Blizzard's lapdogs on this one. At best they'll get to go to Blizzcon for free, but it's not like they were ever going to get exclusive interviews or media anyway. You might as well say "Fuck it", and publish the leaked information so that you'll have a way to compete with the large media outlets that will have to comply with Blizzard edicts.

Everyone wants to be a star someday and recognized.


BlizzCon's best coverage will likely just come from big sites like GameSpy or IGN, so I'd assume no one in all honestly really cares if these leak or smaller media sites go or not. That's pretty pathetic, self serving shit to cut your viewer base off from all of this information so you can go to a game show for free.

It's even more telling when they data mine and leak information all year round, and suddenly act like they had some crisis of conscious. I know there's a few sites I'll be clipping from my bookmarks and replacing, if that's the case.

Chris R

border said:
Resilience will no longer function inside of instances; only if you are PvP flagged in the real world, BGs, and Arenas.

That's kind of a weird change for them to make. Was anyone really abusing resilience in PVE, or using it to cheat their way around a hard boss encounter? Or is this just their way of placating PVE whiners that go on and on about "welfare epics"?
Basically it was an easy way for tanks to become uncrushable I believe.

So far the mage changes sound like shit, but I guess I shouldn't have been expecting anything in the first place.


Has problems recognising girls
Tamanon said:
It's going to take a while to get used to all the different positioning abilities and such of the Death Knight. I bet you'll basically have total control of the battlefield. It just doesn't look like you do much damage so soloing might be slower.
That's how I am looking at it too, and it is perfectly suited to my playstyle - something I was originally worried about if I was to play a Death Knight seriously. I think a lot of people are going to want to solo the shit out of everything in PVP, but they'll find out it won't work as they are intending.

Just listening to the music and it is really hyping me up. A shame there is basically no info for Shaman but I can deal with that. Need to start getting used to suiting into my DK boots :lol


rhfb said:
Basically it was an easy way for tanks to become uncrushable I believe.
Aren't most warriors close-to-uncrushable anyway, so long as they have blue/green gear and Improved Shield Block (and use it every 5 seconds)?


Maybe they just didn't want people tanking heroics in arena gear, granted it's fairly simple to get a good blue tanking set that'll let you start doing heroics very well, but whatever.

Maybe they plan on changing resilience or something, that could be another reason. I'd be all for that, I'm not a fan of it in it's current state. Hurts some classes and specs really unfairly.


According to the guides you can be uncrushable in nothing but greens, so long as you keep Shield Block up. Granted you will have problems with bosses that have a fast attack speed or dual-wield, but those are few and far between.


As we see, it is extremely easy for a warrior to become Shield Block uncrushable. In fact, if you are level 70, naked, and have no talent points spent, you have:

- 3.95% chance do dodge (4.95% for Night Elf)
- 5% chance to dodge
- 5% chance to parry
- 5% chance to be missed

That's 18.95% (19.95%) right there. Naked! Now, talents:

- 5/5 Deflection (5% parry)
- 5/5 Shield Specialisation (5% block)
- 5/5 Anticipation (0.8% to miss, dodge, block, and parry; 3.2% total)

Considering just Deflection and Shield Specialisation, you are at 28.95% (29.95%) (miss + dodge + parry + block). A naked level 70 warrior with 5/5 Deflection and 5/5 Shield Specialisation is Shield Block uncrushable. How cool is that? With 5/5 Anticipation and either of 5/5 Deflection or 5/5 Shield Specialisation, a Night Elf reaches 28.15%, while others reach 27.15% - close but not quite. It's not just extremely easy for a warrior to become Shield Block uncrushable - it's trivial.

If it was Blizzard's intent to make any 70 warrior uncrushable, I doubt they'd really care about people stacking resilience to pad their stats. Now there is a different type of "uncrushable" ("Passive Uncrushable") that requires you to have 100%+ mitigation without the help of Shield Block.....but at that point stacking up a few welfare epics isn't going to help. You're going to need a full T5/T6 set, probably.
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