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World of Warcraft

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I find that selling all the good greens in AH and the sucky ones to the vendor (or pricing them in the right range in AH as disenchant fodder) while leveling up is one of the best way to make money, apart from going all out on a tradeskill to sell stuff you make.
With that alliance shaman I leveled, starting from nothing, I had 300g at level 40, with exalted darnassus rep, perfect to buy my cat. Now, at 67 (where I left her) I got 1100g.
Also, while it can be boring for some, nothing beats doing a couple runs in SFK (best dungeon in WoW ever) and WC once in a while at 30/40 to grab all those greens and random blue drops that sell for some nice money in AH.


Looks like the Friends & Family (whatever the heck that is) Alpha started:

- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Friends and Family Alpha

Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family Alpha. The list below contains information on the current available content available for testing and general information. This information is subject to change.

- The continent of Northrend is now available! To travel there, visit one of four transportation masters in either Orgrimmar, Undercity, Theramore,or Menethil Harbor.
- Transportation between Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra can be found at the Tuskarr villages in those zones.
- NPC Transportation Locations
Undercity to Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)
Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)
Menethil Harbor to Valgarde (Holwing Fjord)
Theramore Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)

World Environment Zones
- The following zones are available for testing: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Grizzly Hills

- The following dungeons are available for testing:
Howling Fjord: Utgarde Keep (70-72)
Howling Fjord: Utgarde Pinnacle (80)
Borean Tundra: The Nexus (70-72)
Grizzly Hills: Drak’Tharon Keep (74-76)

- All Classes are available for play. Spells and talents will be available for testing past 70 for the following classes: Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior
- The Death Knight Hero class is now available for play.
Creating a new Death Knight will start you at level 55 in Eastern Plaguelands.
No starting quests are implemented though Death Knight abilities will be available for testing.
Several Death Knight talents, although they will appear on the talent pane, are not yet implemented.

- The following tradeskills are available to train up to 450: First Aid, Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning.


Northrend alpha map, Azjol-Nerub loading screen and NPC dialogue from CoT: Stratholme:



Discussion from sound files
Arthas: Glad you could make it Uther
Uther: Watch your tone with me boy, you may be the prince but i'm still your superior as a paladin
Arthas: As if i could forget, listen Uther, there's something about the plague you should know
Arthas: Oh no, we're too late. these people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead
Uther: WHAT!?
Arthas: This entire city must be purged
Uther: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way
Arthas: Dammit Uther, as your future king i order you to purge this city.
Uther: You are not my king yet boy! Nor would i obey that command even if you were!
Arthas: Then i must consider this an act of treason
Uther: Treason! Have you lost your mind arthas?
Arthas: Have i? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovreignty of my crown, i hereby relieve you from your command and suspend your paladins from service
Jaina: Arthas... You can't just...
Arthas: It's done, those of you who have the will to save this land follow me, the rest of you get out of my sight
Uther: You've just crossed a terrible threshold arthas
Arthas: Jaina...
Jaina: I'm sorry arthas, i cant let you do this


I hope this stuff leaks quickly, I'm not into WoW that much but the new spells/talents interest me to a great deal, being a Warcraft nerd.
Playing a Death Knight and doing their starting quests will probably be interesting but, I really don't want to play through Outland again. I've done it twice already. I've been there for a year and a half. I've had enough of Outland.

Didn't they mention a Pirate ship battle themed BG when they unveiled WotLK? New BGs is what I really want to hear about.


Oni Link 666 said:
Playing a Death Knight and doing their starting quests will probably be interesting but, I really don't want to play through Outland again. I've done it twice already. I've been there for a year and a half. I've had enough of Outland.

I think this is what will prevent the Death Knight overpopulation that some people are already complaining about. Most people will be interested in the class, but won't really have the heart to round up the millions of XP that it takes to game from level 60 to level 70.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Oni Link 666 said:
Playing a Death Knight and doing their starting quests will probably be interesting but, I really don't want to play through Outland again. I've done it twice already. I've been there for a year and a half. I've had enough of Outland.
Play through the WotLK content first, before you roll a death knight. That way you get a break from Outland and it won't seem to bad when you return there with your DK.

Oni Link 666 said:
Didn't they mention a Pirate ship battle themed BG when they unveiled WotLK? New BGs is what I really want to hear about.
i hope it's a gold rush style team objective this time. enough flag runs and enough capture points.

Eric WK

border said:
I think this is what will prevent the Death Knight overpopulation that some people are already complaining about. Most people will be interested in the class, but won't really have the heart to round up the millions of XP that it takes to game from level 60 to level 70.

And then, granted they don't abandon their main, they'll have to do 70-80 all over again as well.


Yeah, I figure as much myself, but I can still dream! 25 man would be acceptable as well, just something of a moderate scale and some AV-like objectives, with Siege Weaponry entering the scene. It'd be disappointing if not.


Well, I'm happy they will speed up leveling for Outland when Wrath hits. As much as I like the place, some of the quest their are grueling.


Alex said:
Where did you hear this?

1UP's Legendary Thread Podcast(5/8/08). I don't know the name of the top guys of Blizzard but he said they'll do the same thing they did with the Old World for when Wrath comes out. The interview pretty much sum it up he didn't want players to go through that long process of leveling in Outland when you just want to play the new content.


Speeding up leveling or not, it's getting to the point where I want to say 'choose my alts and bumrush them to 70 now'. Eventually it's gonna become impossible to level an alt (like say 2 xpacs from now when they up the cap to 100)


Kletian said:
Speeding up leveling or not, it's getting to the point where I want to say 'choose my alts and bumrush them to 70 now'. Eventually it's gonna become impossible to level an alt (like say 2 xpacs from now when they up the cap to 100)

At some point I think it's going to come to where they should let people who reach the milestones (60,70, 80, etc) create alts at a certain other milestone (level 40 if you have a 60, level 50 if you have a 70, level 60 if you have a 80). That's how I'd do it anyway.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Hero said:
At some point I think it's going to come to where they should let people who reach the milestones (60,70, 80, etc) create alts at a certain other milestone (level 40 if you have a 60, level 50 if you have a 70, level 60 if you have a 80). That's how I'd do it anyway.

It wouldn't surprise me. Dark Age of Camelot did something similar way back when. It just makes sense.


Mr Nash said:
It wouldn't surprise me. Dark Age of Camelot did something similar way back when. It just makes sense.
Blizzard already said this will NEVER happen.

DAoC was a PvP focused MMO and WoW is a PvE focused MMO. Completely different.


As of now, it'll be like that in the full version as well. If you have a level 55 character, you can make a Death Knight.

What I'm wondering is if they'll have a quest or something to open it, it'd be kinda odd if it just popped up.. I think?

Eric WK

Alex said:
As of now, it'll be like that in the full version as well. If you have a level 55 character, you can make a Death Knight.

What I'm wondering is if they'll have a quest or something to open it, it'd be kinda odd if it just popped up.. I think?

From what they've said, the requirements for making a DK are simply "have a level 55 character on your account."


Xiaoki said:
Blizzard already said this will NEVER happen.

DAoC was a PvP focused MMO and WoW is a PvE focused MMO. Completely different.

Blizzard says a lot of things. Fact of the matter is that they're still learning how to properly run an MMORPG, especially one that's been this successful. While the original designers might've said that, do you honestly expect them not to change it somewhere down the line? The first time through it's fine and dandy because you're exploring the game and the content. Second time you're just leveling an alt. If leveling an alt becomes that much of a chore then people will simply do other things when they're bored on their mains, including possibly moving on to greener pastures. Especially considering the Death Knight will start out at level 55, I think it's foolish to take Blizzard on their "word" what a few of them might've "said" back in the day.


Has problems recognising girls
I think it would be suicide for Blizzard to not have an option akin to the Death Knight creation for alts. It'll just send them into a hardcore-esque only MMORPG age and you'll see subscriptions plummet because the casual crowd, the lifeblood of WoW's success, won't find the time to create several alts and level them up if their main is already at the highest cap.

I've already seen this problem ring true among people I know now and even admit to myself that the reason why I'm not currently playing the game is due to this problem. There would be nothing more appreciative for me to level up my Priest/Warlock or start anew with a Druid (something I've always wanted to do) but then I consider that I have to get through the 40-50-60s bracket and then head back out in Outland straight away. Not my idea of a fun time and essentially a time waste. It comes down to the sensibility that I have where not spending several dozens of hours of my time, and most importantly not letting a subscription sit there, is ideally the best solution for me.

I've said I won't come back to WoW till WotLK hits and that's only because it'll allow me to create a Death Knight at lvl 55 - essentially the perfect level range for a new alt to be created at. Skips old WoW, you do 3-5 levels of piss in Plaguelands/Silithus/Winterspring and you leave it at that.
Blizzard will eventually let people start at like 55 or whatever. It just makes sense business wise, so people who want to can experience the old (new to them) content, people who have done it once before can go through and see the revamped bits (I don't think they'll stop at Dustwallow, maybe do a couple per X pack) and people are on their 3rd, 4th, whatever alt.. can just skip some.

Anyway, with MMO-Champion and worldofraids both taking down WotLK stuff, where can I go to get my fix guys :(


Early LK talent/ability leak, legit.



Everlasting Affliction "Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells gain an additional $s2% of your bonus spell damage effects, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a $h% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.

Atrocity: "You devastate the area, causing Corruption (Rank Cool to all targets within 15 yards. In addition, your Corruption spell will do 434 Shadow damage to the target when it finishes its duration."


Demonic Pact: Increases your Spirit by $s1% while your Demon is active. In addition, your pet attacks have a $s2% chance to increase your party's total Health and Damage by $48090s1%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts $48090d.

Metamorphosis: "You transform into a Demon, with full health and mana. While in Demon Form, you gain Demonic abilities and your armor is increased to 360%, but your pet no longer is summoned."

When leaving Demon Form, your health and mana is returned back to normal and your pet is re-summoned. Lasts $d.


Eternal Flames: Your Searing Pain and Incinerate spells have a $h% chance to refresh the duration of your Immolate spell on the target, and increases the critical strike damage of your Destruction spells by an additional $s2%.

Decimate: Your next Shadow or Fire spell is instant cast, and does damage in the form of Chaos damage, ignoring all resistances, absorption, and immunity mechanics. After the end of the Decimated cast, you become exhausted, disabling you from casting a spell of the same school for 3 sec.



Netherwind Presence: "Gives your Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire Bolt spells a $h% chance to cause the next Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt or Frostfire Bolt to be instant."

Arcane Barrage: "Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing $s1 Arcane damage."


Burnout: Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by $s1% but every time you critical with a Fire spell you lose an additional $44450s1% of your total mana.

Living Bomb: The caster becomes a living bomb, causing $44459s1 Fire damage to all enemies within $44459a1 yards every $44457t1 sec. After $44457t2 sec, a fiery explosion occurs causing an additional $44461s1 Fire damage to all enemies within $44461a1 yards.


Chilled to the Bone: Increases the damage caused by your Frostbolt and Ice Lance spells by $s1% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional $s2%.

Deep Freeze: Stuns the target for $d. Only usable on Frozen targets.



Strength of Arms Increases your Strength and total health by $s1%.

Bladestorm: "Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next $d you will perform a whirlwind attack every $t1 seconds. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed."


Titan's Grip: "Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand, but you attack $49152s1% slower than normal."

Heroic Leap: "Leap through the air and slam down on all enemies within $a3 yards of the target area, causing $s2% weapon damage and dazing them for $d."


Sword and Board: When your Devastate and Shield Slam abilities deal damage they have a $h% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by $50227s1% for $50227d.

Shockwave: "Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing ${$m3/100*$AP} damage (based on attack power) and stunning all enemy targets within $a1 yards in a frontal cone for $d. This ability causes a high amount of threat."



Nature's Fury: "Converts $s2% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Wrath and Starfire spells have a $h% chance of applying the Nature's Fury debuff on the target. The Nature's Fury debuff increases Nature and Arcane damage done to the target by 2%. Lasts 10 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.

Starfall: "You summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets within 30 yards of the caster, each doing $50288s1 Arcane damage, and an additional $50294s1 Arcane to all nearby targets within 10 yards. Maximum 20 stars. Lasts $d."


Infected Wounds: Your Shred, Maul and Mangle attacks have a $h% chance to cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed and casting speed of the target by $48482s1%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts $48482d.

Berserk: Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is lost. Effect lasts 20 seconds.


Living Seed: "When you gain a critical effect from your Swiftmend, Regrowth, Nourish or Healing Touch spell you have a $h% chance to plant a Living Seed on the target for $s1% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts $48504d."

Flourish: "Heals friendly party or raid members within $a1 yards of the target for $o1 over $d. The healing is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Flourish reaches its full duration."

Death Knight


Blood Gorged: When you are above 75% health, you do an additional 3% damage with any melee weapon.

Dancing Runeblade: Summons a second Runeblade that fights on its own for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power, doing the same strikes that you do.


Tundra Stalker: "You deal 2% more melee damage to targets under the effects of Icy Touch, Chains of Ice, Howling Blast or Hungering Cold."

Hungering Cold: A wave of cold leeches all heat from the earth, freezing all enemies in the cone-shaped area, and causing 10 damage per Runic Power. The frozen terrain persists for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power and will freeze enemies that attempt to cross it.


Rage of Rivendare: You do 2% additional weapon damage to diseased targets. 9 2 Unholy

Unholy Blight: A creeping swarm of unholy insects surrounds the caster for a 10 yard radius. All enemies caught in the swarm take 120 damage and are plagued with a disease that can stack up to 3 times. Lasts for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power.



Rapture: Causes your party members to gain mana equal to ${$m1/2}.1% of the healing done by your Greater Heal, Flash Heal and Penance spells.

Penance: Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing $47666s1 Holy damage to an enemy, or $47750s1 healing to an ally every $47758t2 sec for $47758d.


Divine Providence: "Increases the amount healed by Circle of Healing, Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending by $s1%."

Guardian Spirit: "Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 624 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts $48151d."


Growing Pains: "Converts $s3% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Mind Flay has a $h% chance to refresh the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target."

Dispersion: "You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by $s1%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate $s2% health and mana every 1 sec for $d. "

Going from the structure, it looks like the last ability for each tree is the 51 talent point.

P.S. All this is taken from the .DBC file from the WoTLK F&F Alpha Client.


Another few Death Knight shots for good measure. I did not make the Horde pic! I cling patheticlly to my Draeneis and Humans




Title screen orchestral suite for Wrath of the Lich King:


Unsorted, more talents:

"Place a Mark of Blood on an enemy or ally. Whenever the marked target is healed, all party members receive a fraction of that healing. If a marked target that grants experience or honor is killed, all party members are healed for 10% of their total health. Each person can be healed for a maximum of 3000 per Mark."

"Target a corpse, causing it to explode for 12 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within 10 yards."

"You summon a violent Typhoon that does $48611s1 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets, slowing their movement speed by $48609s2%. If hit twice from the same Typhoon, the enemy will be knocked back 5 yards. Typhoon will travel 20 yards and last up to $d." [I don't know which class this one goes with, seems like it could be druid or shaman]

"Your Moonkin Aura also causes affected targets to have a $s1% chance to gain $50172s1% spell haste when they critically hit with spells for $50172d seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every few seconds." [imp moonkin aura, 3 ranks]

"Your normal melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of Bleed effects on the target by $46856s1% for $46856d." [warrior?]

Degeneration: "Instantly attack the target, dealing $s1% weapon damage and inflicting a disease dealing ${$m2*7} over $48428d. This disease will corrupt an existing heal over time spell, removing it and dramatically increasing the damage dealt. While afflicted by this disease, other heal over time effects on the target will have no effect." [definitely DK]

Haunt: You send a corrupted soul into the target, doing $s1 damage over 2 sec. Haunt will continue to travel between targets who suffer from your Corruption spell. After traveling from up to three targets, the corrupted soul will return to you, healing you for 50% of the total damage done."

"Channels a temporal rift on an enemy target for $d. While trapped in the rift, all damage done to the target is increased by $s1%. In addition, for every 2000 damage done to a target affected by Temporal Rift, 1 Shock Charge is generated."

"When the diseases you inflicted upon an enemy target cause damage, there is a 15% chance the disease will instead damage all enemies within 8 yards. This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage."

"Launches an Icy Touch at every enemy within 40 yards, dealing 4 damage per Runic Power to each target and causing a high amount of threat." [death knight aoe tanking!]

"Finishing move that causes damage and incapacitates the target. Any directly damaging attack will revive the target. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point:
1 point : ${$b1*1+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*1+$M1+$MW} damage, 2 sec
2 points: ${$b1*2+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*2+$M1+$MW} damage, 3 sec
3 points: ${$b1*3+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*3+$M1+$MW} damage, 4 sec
4 points: ${$b1*4+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*4+$M1+$MW} damage, 5 sec
5 points: ${$b1*5+$m1+$mw}-${$b1*5+$M1+$MW} damage, 6 sec" [rogue obviously]

"Halts the passage of time, freezing all enemies within $r1 in place for $d. This attack applies 5 Shock Charges to each affected target

"Breathes a ball of fire at an enemy, dealing $s1 Fire damage. The ball explodes on impact, sending burning fragments at enemies within $50235a1 yards of the target. Each fragment deals $50235s1 Fire damage."

,"Blasts the target with scalding water, inflicting $s1 Frost damage

Blinding Swarm: "A swarm of insects that inflicts $s1 Nature damage to targets standing in the swarm.
Chance to hit reduced by $m2% while standing in the swarm."

I'm almost positive the shock charges thing is shaman, but I've never heard of it before. New mechanic it seems, maybe like combo points?


Metamorphosis: "You transform into a Demon, with full health and mana. While in Demon Form, you gain Demonic abilities and your armor is increased to 360%, but your pet no longer is summoned."

Sounds awesome -- will warlocks be viable tanking or off-tanking class now? I don't think that this ability alone will do the trick, but it certainly sounds like that is where Blizzard is headed. There's no point in the armor increase for just DPSing.

Bladestorm: "Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next $d you will perform a whirlwind attack every $t1 seconds. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed."

Not much to say here except that the description is awesome. No pity! No remorse! Cannot be stopped unless killed!


From what I was reading on the other forum sites such as MMOChampion.com was that the other classes that are not shown aren't playable in the alpha. I can't wait to see the Hunter talents and then the Shaman so I can get my laughs from the official WoW forums.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
That new theme is pretty good, and holy crab at Titan's Grip!

Not sure if I'm all that zazzed with the shadow abilities mentioned for priests. I'll have to wait and see.


If they could tone it down way far enough to provide a very balanced boost, it would be completely bad ass just for aesthetics.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i really want to see a warlock affliction talent which speeds up the rate at which DOTs tick.

a channeled spell which lasts 6 seconds (maybe 9), 20 yd range, reduces target's movement speed by 20%, and makes all affliction DOTs on the target tick twice as fast.

burst damage through DOTs :D


I wish they'd try a little harder with Heal magic, myself. Guardian Spirit sounds pretty great, though, especially since it prevents death. I just hope it doesn't have some absurd cool down.


Big ass list of Death Knight abilities:

DK Frost:

Spell 49203, Hungering Cold (NYI), A wave of cold leeches all heat from the earth, freezing all enemies in the cone-shaped area, and causing $s2 damage per Runic Power. The frozen terrain persists for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power and will freeze enemies that attempt to cross it.

Spell 50130, Tundra Stalker, Your abilities deal 10% more damage to targets under the effects of Icy Touch, Chains of Ice, Howling Blast or Hungering Cold.

Spell 50193, Chill of the Grave, Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Icy Touch, Mind Freeze, and Frost Strike abilities by $s1%, and increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude by $/1000;s2 secs.

Spell 50152, Acclimation, When hit by a spell, you have a 15% chance to boost resistance to that type of magic for 15 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.

Spell 49143, Frost Strike, Your next attack causes weapon damage plus 75 and has a chance to freeze the target. Generates additional damage for the Frozen Runeblade effect.

Spell 49539, Merciless Combat, Your attacks ignore 18 armor per level when striking targets with less than 20% health.

Spell 49188, Frost Rune Mastery (NYI), When you freeze a target, there is chance that the time it takes for your Frost Runes to activate will be cut in half for the next 5 sec.

Spell 49660, Endless Winter, The slowing effect of your Icy Touch lasts an additional 5 sec and the freezing effect of your Chains of Ice lasts an additional 2.5 sec.

Spell 49795, Midnight Sun, Reduces damage taken from Frost and Shadow spells by $s1%.

Spell 49186, Frozen Dread Plate, If an enemy strikes you when you are in Frost Presence, there is a $50458h% chance that their movement will be slowed by 10% and the time between their attacks increased by 10% for 5 sec.

Spell 49184, Howling Blast, Blast the target with a frigid wind. The target is knocked back and has a chance of freezing in place for 3 sec.

Spell 50148, Runic Power Mastery, All of your Runic Power spells and abilities behave as if you had an additional $s1% of your current Runic Power.

Spell 50043, Permafrost, Adds a Chill effect to your Icy Touch and Mind Freeze, reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.

Spell 49791, Glacier Rot, Diseased enemies take 15% more damage from your Icy Touch, Mind Freeze, Frost Strike and Hungering Cold spells.

Spell 49796, Deathchill, Launches an Icy Touch at every enemy within $a1 yards, dealing $s1 damage per Runic Power to each target and causing a high amount of threat.

Spell 50116, Chillbanes, Your Icy Touch, Chains of Ice and Mind Freeze generate 150% additional Runic Power.

Spell 50034, Chromatic Rune Mastery, Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.

Spell 50140, Nerves of Cold Steel, Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%.

Spell 49142, Frozen Runeblade, Imbue your Runeblade with frost. Each hit causes $/77;8026m1 to $/25;8026M1 additional frost damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons cause more frost damage per swing. Lasts 10 minutes.

Spell 50126, Blood of Ice Water, Increases your chance to get a critical strike with spells by $s1%.

Spell 49664, Black Ice, Increases your Frost and Shadow spell damage by $s1%.

Spell 49789, Toughness, Increases your armor value from items by $s1%.

Spell 50114, Frostbite, Gives your Icy Touch and Mind Freeze spells a $s1% chance to freeze the target for $12494d.

DK (Blood):

Spell 49028, Dancing Runeblade, Summons a second Runeblade that fights on its own for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power, doing the same strikes that you do.

Spell 50111, Blood Gorged, When you are above 75% health, you do an additional $s1% damage with any melee weapon.

Spell 49020, Heart Strike, A brutal instant attack that deals weapon damage plus 300 and additional damage for each disease effect on the target, but consuming the diseases.

Spell 49536, Vicious Strikes, Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Blood Strike, Heart Strike, and Plague Strike abilities by $s1%.

Spell 50150, Will of the Necropolis, When you have less than 35% health, your total armor increases by $s1%.

Spell 49019, Blood Rune Mastery (NYI), When you strike a diseased target, there is a chance that the time it takes for your Blood Runes to activate will be cut in half for the next 5 sec.

Spell 49532, Sudden Death, Your Blood Strikes have a $h% chance to make your next Death Coil consume no Runic Power if cast within $50466d.

Spell 49016, Hysteria, Induces a friendly unit into a killing frenzy for 30 sec, increasing their physical damage by 20%, but causing them to suffer damage equal to 1% of their total health every second.

Spell 49543, Pestilence, When an enemy that grants experience or honor dies while suffering from one of your diseases, its corpse has a 30% chance of producing 3-5 Blood Worms. Blood Worms attack your enemies, healing you for the amount of damage they deal for 15 sec or until killed.

Spell 49506, Bloody Vengeance, Gives you a $20050s1% bonus to Physical and Shadow damage you deal for $20050d after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability. This effect stacks up to $20050u times.


Spell 49194, Unholy Blight, A creeping swarm of unholy insects surrounds the caster for a 10 yard radius. All enemies caught in the swarm take 120 damage and are plagued with a disease that can stack up to 3 times. Lasts for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power.

Spell 50121, Rage of Rivendare, Your abilities deal 10% more damage to diseased targets.

Spell 49655, Wandering Plague, When the diseases you inflicted upon an enemy target cause damage, there is a 15% chance the disease will instead damage all enemies within 8 yards. This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage.

Spell 49653, Dirge, Whenever you kill a diseased target that yields experience or honor you have a 5% chance of the corpse rising as a free Ghoul. You can have a maximum of 2 Ghouls at one time.

Spell 49206, Summon Gargoyle, A Gargoyle flies into the area and bombards the target with Shadow damage. The Gargoyle remains until the summoner runs out of Runic Power.

Spell 49208, Unholy Rune Mastery (NYI), When you cast Degeneration, Raise Dead or Summon Gargoyle, there is a chance that the time it takes for your Unholy Runes to activate will be cut in half for the next 5 sec.

Spell 49632, Crypt Fever, Diseases caused by you or your Ghouls also reduce an enemy's attributes by 6% per disease.

Spell 49638, Impurity, Your spell damage receives an additional 20% benefit from your attack power.

Spell 49222, Bone Armor, The caster is surrounded by 4 whirling bones. Each bone reduces the damage from the next spell or melee attack by 40% but is then consumed. Lasts 5 min.

Spell 49221, Improved Death Pact, Your Death Pact will sacrifice up to 3 minions at once, including Gargoyles or the Army of the Dead. Each minion sacrificed provides additional healing.

Spell 49158, Corpse Explosion, Target a corpse, causing it to explode for $s1 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within $r1 yards.

Spell 49157, Shadow of Death, Whenever you die, you return to keep fighting as a Ghoul for 15 sec.

Spell 49039, Lichborne, Draw upon unholy energy to become undead for $d. While undead, you are immune to charm, fear and sleep effects, and your horrifying visage causes creatures to be at an additional 25% chance to miss you.
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