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World of Warcraft

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CassSept said:
Resto shamans are op healers, and enh shamans insanely boost melee group
Don't discount elemental shamans either. The +hit totem allows their group to stack more +haste or +dmg than they would otherwise be able to, and their personal dps is arguably better than it should be given the quality of their group buffs.


Really? I dont think theyre bad at all with low end gear, better than Paladins and maybe Priests in low end gear, IMO.


I had it easy in regular instances (except MgT) but all those instances are easy anyway... The thing I hate is there's not a good balance between their heals. Chain Heal + Healing Wave are by far better than Lesser Healing Wave but LHW is what you need to use to heal multiple people unless they're all melee.

I don't know, I definitely need better gear but the options are 1) pug instances (where people won't take me because I have like 860 healing instead of 1k) or 2) grind honor for welfare epics. I just decided to go back to enhance because I get more out of healing from gear than I do from talents. Plus I really need to grind gold since it's my only 70 on the server I'm on.

I could probably use better pointers on gearing up a healer. I know you need to max out on +healing and not much else for a resto shaman, but I don't know what's attainable beyond crap off the AH like Essence Focuser without joining instances, which I still have no luck doing on my shaman.


timmy said:
Don't discount elemental shamans either. The +hit totem allows their group to stack more +haste or +dmg than they would otherwise be able to, and their personal dps is arguably better than it should be given the quality of their group buffs.
Well, my guild isn't using any elemental shaman atm so I can't say much about their dps in raids.


eurogamer has a huge write up on lich king.


Quote from Blizzard staff


* Inscribers will create glyphs that allow players to modify their spells and abilities. (Eurogamer.net)
* Going by the first recipe, which requires Peacebloom, they'll rely on the herbalist gathering profession. (Eurogamer.net)
* Every player will get a new spell book page to which they can add six glyphs - currently, four major and two minor. (Eurogamer.net)
* Major glyphs will be effective in combat - adding damage over time or stun to a physical attack, for example - while minor glyphs will give convenient or cosmetic improvements, removing the need for some spell reagents. (Eurogamer.net)
* Glyphs can be sold at the Auction House (Eurogamer.net)


* Allowing enchanters sell their enchantments at the Auction House is still planned.(Eurogamer.net)

Lake Wintergrasp / Vehicles

* The new vehicle technology, which introduces physics and handling characteristics - including inertia, turning circle, grip and suspension bounce - to land and airborne vehicles and special mounts. (Eurogamer.net)
* It also allows for up to eight passengers per vehicle, and brings up bespoke action bars and skills for vehicle and turret operators. (Eurogamer.net)
* It was intended to be used solely for PVP siege weapons - Dwarven steam tanks, Forsaken plague spreaders and Orc demolishers. (Eurogamer.net)


* Even if you'll be able to meet him as soon as you reach Dragonblight (LVL 71-75), the final encounter against Arthas won't be until the last patch of the Lich King cycle. The Icecrown Citadel, will appear after launch. (Eurogamer.net)

* Dragonblight will also let you reunite (violently) with the Scarlet Crusade. (Eurogamer.net)

* Players will meet a lot of monsters from Classic WoW in the Grizzly Hills, including Furbolgs, Kobolds, the Venture Company, and Worgen Werewolves. (Eurogamer.net)

* Arugal has been resurrected and now leads the Worgen Werewolves in Grizzly Hills. (Eurogamer.net)

* In Grizzly Hills, you will also find an evil sister city to the Alliance capital, Ironforge. (Screenshot ?) (Eurogamer.net)

* The Argent Dawn faction returns in Zul'Drak. (Eurogamer.net)

* In Sholazar Basin, you'll take part in a faction-reputation war between the Wolvar (sentient wolves) and Oracles ("the next evolution of the Murlocs" - a worrying thought). A much lighter take on reputation gaming is promised here, with players actively encouraged to defect to the other side at will. (Eurogamer.net)

* The expansion will contain a lot of "vehicle quests" as an evolution of BC's bombing runs - throwing flaming oil at Worgen from horseback, airlifting supplies in a gyrocoptor, and yes, mammoth wrangling. (Eurogamer.net)


I respecced to a lot heavier resto build (54 points as opposed to 46) and it finally feels like I have some actual healing power. I guess you just have to invest (way too) heavily into resto compared to holy for a paladin/priest.
firex said:
I respecced to a lot heavier resto build (54 points as opposed to 46) and it finally feels like I have some actual healing power. I guess you just have to invest (way too) heavily into resto compared to holy for a paladin/priest.
But still not as heavily as a resto druid, who can legitimately go 0/0/61.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah, essentially a 61 Resto Shaman can be viable but you are giving up some other abilities that might help boost you a little. Technically going 61 Resto Shaman is gimping your own services.

I haven't played WoW in almost 2 months, but I would like to create a Death Knight. I like magic-based classes so a DK is something I've been looking for in awhile - heck I remember tanking half-successfully as a damn Enhance Shaman till lvl 20s :lol I tried getting into Warrior and even Druid but they just aren't for me.

As usual there are going to be tons of people who are going to roll as a DK, but I really don't think many of them will stick around. It seems like the class will be a mix-mash of abilities and some players who already own tanks or magic classes will most likely go back to their mains.


I like the DK because it tanks and is melee and looks like it pretty clearly uses the same gear as warriors, so there will always be awesome tank/dps gear for it compared to paladins/druids, plus it has that pseudo-pet stuff with the skeletons and ghouls.

Chris R

So does anyone have a list of gear I should be shooting for to raid with my mage? Things should be pre kara, pvp, heroics, crafted, ect...

2/41/11 +1 if it matters.
I have a shaman sitting at 57. Is there a bleak future of resto ahead of me? Can I make my way as enhance or will I have to heal for badges to get DPS gear like I do on my paladin? (only with tanking) Its too much work gathering more than one set of gear for me anymore.


For PvE every spec of the Shaman is complete gold. Especially if you're Alliance. At least on my server there were *NEVER* any unguilded Resto Shamans.

For PvP, I haven't been around to see the effects of the last patch. When I left Elem was a common staple in 5v5, Resto was OK and Enhancement was uphill.

I'm sure that's at least somewhat different for the better now though.


yacobod said:
all of that stuff is done in 2v2, and is more important in small bracket play imo, double dps teams are the hardest comp for warrior/druid to handle, mage/rogue, lock/rogue, spriest/rogue are the hardest game for warrior/druid, and thats what separates 2.3k+ war/druid from lets say 2k warrior/druid

warrior's most important job in 5v5 is keeping up MS on the focus target, and for quick target swaps w/a quick intercept/hamstring/MS and pew pew pew

Having not seen 2.3K war/druid teams I'll take your word for it that you need to do that stuff in high end 2v2. I was just saying that for the most part, most of the warr/druid teams can roll their face on their keyboard up to at least 1850 without having to learn any real strat. All my druid friends are feral or balance so I haven't done 2v2 on my warrior really so like I said, I'll take your word for it.

i'm not arguing with you, i agree that shadowstep is the best overall rogue pvp spec, i never said that mutilate or combat was better (for certain comps/brackets they may be, but overall no way), i will stay shadowstep for the foreseeable future on my rogue, until i can get a full s3 set + weapons, then i'll worry about picking up a main hand dagger for a change of pace, but that wasnt my point

Well then WTF dude? You started this whole argument with me by calling me out and making these douchebag assumptions about my ratings (because that's all that matters?) because someone else asked what spec they should go for a rogue for PVP and I said shadowstep after I called another poster dumb for a grammatical error.

since patch 2.3 (December 07) was released shadowstep has been the number 1 rogue spec, they didnt change anything to it since then, besides nerfing cheat death as far as i can remember

so i dont know, perhaps i was a bit of a dick and i apologize, but at the same time you have a pretty bad rep for bitching about rogues when i always thought they were a pretty strong class overall

so i'll extend the olive branch, rogues are fun, and shadowstep is noob friendly and effective with below optimal gear, so i'll agree to that

and for bg grinding, i think it probably is the best spec too

Before 2.3 shadowstep was the biggest joke of a 41 point talent. Let's not forget the laughable history of the talent, which had Stealth/Out of Combat requirements, a shorter range, and no movement increasing speed. I would actually still say that it needs to be a bit more tweaked, but that's a different story. At the time HARP was strong (in retrospect retardedly strong) and Blizz, without much warning, took it away from the rogue community less than a month after S3 began based on the fact that the rogue class got a sweeping buff and they deemed it too powerful. So they nerfed rogue hybrid specs but warriors and warlocks continue to run rampant with their hybrid PVP specs. I think we're strong now for sure, but it took until S3 before the class started to see the higher arena brackets.

I bitch about the rogue class because its my first and favorite class, having played over 100 days on mine. I never acted like rogues were bottom of the barrel (that goes to feral druids, enhancement shamans, and boomkin druids) but the rogue class has had some stupid requirements and changes made to it. I've rode the roller coaster of the class for the past few years and TBC for the most killed the classic rogue (i.e. stealthing, quick kills, and restealthing). Unfortunately a lot of that was lost with TBC and everyone having 10K health and the introduction of resilience. Now it's like we're almost warriors.

So I dunno dude I mean you obviously know a lot but I don't see why you have to be so condescending or aggressive in your posts. This is GAF, not the WoW forums. Let's just have some fun discussions without having to resort to that level.


Anyone know of good questing zones for a lvl 37 horde rogue? I've already done all the questing at my level in straglethorn (The rest I have are for lvl 41 and up) as well as arathi highlands.


You done the Mudsprocket quests in Dustwallow Marsh yet? Those were added in 2.3, they're BC-like in design, which means really intuitive, linear and good rewards.

There's shimmering flats too, the big white sands area in Thousand Needles if you run out in Dustwallow.

Probably some stuff in the Badlands too.

You're in a pretty rough spot, I hate the late 30's. But as time went on, I became a cheating bitch and started using a leveling guide, because seemingly no matter how many times I leveled, I would forget *EVERYTHING* and struggle at certain points to find good, painless quest routes.

BC really made the old world so awkward to play in.


onemic said:
Anyone know of good questing zones for a lvl 37 horde rogue? I've already done all the questing at my level in straglethorn (The rest I have are for lvl 41 and up) as well as arathi highlands.

The Badlands.


Grandma's Chippy
Lately I just try to solo stuff on my Mage in wow for kicks

I can completely solo all the lower level instances (duh) other than Uldaman since you need people to use the stupid pillars. Really fun to do everything up to first locked door in Deadmines in one pull. Or the entire ship at the end in one pull...or Stockades in 2 pulls (did it in one pull once but I had insane buffs that were a pain to get...the stuns kills you fast in there)

Mara and ZF can be fun

I can also solo BRD, LBRS including all bosses/trash

Any DM trash, all of DM east, some of the rest can be hard but haven't tried much since it is a pain to get there.

I never made an UBRS key so once I finish making it (got all the stuff from 1 LBRS clear lol) I will try UBRS stuff solo.

Any trash up to 3 at once in Outlands instances....haven't tried to solo any bosses there yet.

Fun stuff...

Really fun to take a low level person on a solo run and let them get all the loot. Especially for stuff where you can do massive AOE killing. I have been known to level people on a pull lol


Flesh Into Gear said:
I have a shaman sitting at 57. Is there a bleak future of resto ahead of me? Can I make my way as enhance or will I have to heal for badges to get DPS gear like I do on my paladin? (only with tanking) Its too much work gathering more than one set of gear for me anymore.
You can do elemental just fine for both pve/pvp, and it's pretty easy to gear up. Enhance is pretty weak in pvp, but you'll have no problem getting badges doing it for pve. Especially if you get great pre-raiding gear.


just go for the best stats. Eventually you'll get mail with superior stats for every slot, but until then there's no reason to drop a high agi/stamina leather piece for a mail piece with inferior stats.



I've been away from this game for a long time now (I think I stopped playing in the middle of last summer?). But there's an itch. A great, nagging itch. It wants me to return.

And I don't know if I should. My 70 mage (epic'd out nicely from when I last played) is still sitting on my account with a few other alts. I think the main reason to return would be to start a new character and revisit the entire WoW experience again (alliance side; the barrens sucks). But I could also see my mage being picked up by a raiding guild. And that would require investments of time that I DO have, but might not want to spend purely on WoW.

I don't know if I should come back.



winnarps said:

I've been away from this game for a long time now (I think I stopped playing in the middle of last summer?). But there's an itch. A great, nagging itch. It wants me to return.

And I don't know if I should. My 70 mage (epic'd out nicely from when I last played) is still sitting on my account with a few other alts. I think the main reason to return would be to start a new character and revisit the entire WoW experience again (alliance side; the barrens sucks). But I could also see my mage being picked up by a raiding guild. And that would require investments of time that I DO have, but might not want to spend purely on WoW.

I don't know if I should come back.

If you still want to play the good guys, you can skip barrens entirely and go through the superior ghostlands zone. imo it's pretty easy to not raid anymore after all the shit I went through doing it pre-TBC. I'm sure the actual raiding is easier, but dealing with a large guild which will undoubtedly have some annoying teenagers in it along with a few attention whore girls isn't worth it.


I just rolled a feral Tauren druid and after going whole-hog to 25, I am left wondering if I should continue to roll Feral until end game or if I should respec balance or resto early.

I don't suppose I can expect being a feral druid doing end-game content to be very effective, can I?


Richiban said:
I just rolled a feral Tauren druid and after going whole-hog to 25, I am left wondering if I should continue to roll Feral until end game or if I should respec balance or resto early.

I don't suppose I can expect being a feral druid doing end-game content to be very effective, can I?

Eh, there are feral druids that raid. More resto ones do, but leveling feral is one of the best ways to go, it's insanely quick compared to resto and a bit quicker than balance.


yeah, you can do feral raiding. I don't know how much tanking they do past like, all the introductory stuff, but they can do tanking or dps depending upon their sets, and they're a good addition to dps groups. All 3 druid specs are good for raiding. people just tend to ignore balance because they think it's gonna steal warlock/mage loot when they don't realize how it can buff every caster class, plus melee, plus even provide some good backup healing.


I just wanted to say i'm lvling up a prot pally tank for my guild and already at 45 in no time

holy hell AOE grinding rocks (my mains a rogue so i'm not used to it)

Eric WK

I bought a new subscription card on Saturday and almost immediately regretted it. I just couldn't get into playing any of my high level characters. And then I made a few decisions that have me back in love with the game:

1) Switched to Horde. Stayed on the same server (PVE) and pushed like 3k gold Horde side. My first character was Horde, but that poor Tauren Hunter didn't get past Crossroads. So this is already the furthest I've taken a Horde character.
2) Rolled a class (and to a lesser extent, race) that I've always wanted to play extensively - Blood Elf Rogue.
3) Turned the sound on for the first time in what has to be more than a year.

Anyhow, here's Brainy, my new and future main:



I just bought my s3 epic healing bracers, since it was the best upgrade for me. I guess next I either grind honor for the boots or grind honor for the belt since I already have mediocre healing items in both of those slots.

or I guess I could grind honor for the rings.
i just got the darkmoon:heroism trinket for my feral druid and it is definitely awesome.Not only do I get free heals but it also increases my threat as it is a healing proc


If you can't get back into old characters and don't plan on going back, erase 'em, because if you're like me laziness sets in during 1-60's climb. :p
Scrow said:
i've being out of the loop a while now, but last i heard resto druids were the bee's knees in Arenas

feral spec is a lot of fun for solo pvp though.

haven't tried Moonkin

Resto... I've priest full t6 and full venge...
i'll try moonkin, but i wanna play melee/style :p


Can anyone give me some advice on getting gold quickly? I finlly got my rogue to lvl40 and I only have 41 gold. It's not like I overly spend money either. sually only on repairing my equipment and buying poison supplies and food.

And what this new bullshit about ret pallys being overpowered now? I thouht a few months ago they were the biggest pile of shit ever, and now that they are equal they are considered overpowered and need the balance stick?

Chris R

onemic said:
Can anyone give me some advice on getting gold quickly? I finlly got my rogue to lvl40 and I only have 41 gold. It's not like I overly spend money either. sually only on repairing my equipment and buying poison supplies and food.

And what this new bullshit about ret pallys being overpowered now? I thouht a few months ago they were the biggest pile of shit ever, and now that they are equal they are considered overpowered and need the balance stick?
Just keep grinding, sure not having a mount right away will suck, but the money increase just keeps going up. By 45 you should have enough to buy a mount, and by 61 enough for an epic. At 70 you can get 200+g an hour easier :lol
With my latest character I had 145 gold at level 40 and I had even bought stuff from the AH at some points

I was a skinner/miner until level 20
Then I picked up leatherworking and just sold almost everything I made and excess leather when I didn't need it anymore

I also AH'ed every green item I couldn't used


Ah, even with auctioneer I'd be too lazy to auction off all of that lowbie stuff. How exactly do you price that stuff anyway?


I usually undersell greens/blues compared to the retards that buy up green eagle cloth and sell it for 20g apiece. I don't really care if I'm not theoretically maximizing profits as long as I make some extra gold.

I did that on my pally (plus sold ore/JC blues, right after TBC started) starting out with 90g, and made 2k+ by 70 even frequently buying blues in the AH.
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