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World of Warcraft

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dave is ok

aztek is ok
I just switched to a Shadowbolt spam spec, and it bores me to tears :(

As for gear, I'd say mostly T5 with some T6 mixed in is a good time to switch.


Anyone have any druid leveling tips and advice? I'm looking to return to a druid that I haven't touched in literally years -- it was my first character, but I left him at level 41 after I switched to Horde side. How should I spec/gear?

Chris R

border said:
Anyone have any druid leveling tips and advice? I'm looking to return to a druid that I haven't touched in literally years -- it was my first character, but I left him at level 41 after I switched to Horde side. How should I spec/gear?
feral feral feral

http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=0ZxhGscroxzo is how I would spec at that level, though maybe someone who has played a druid more recently than I can chime in.


Right now I'm working on a shaman, she's at level 38 and has all her mail blue gear (still need pants from SM) I didn't leveling a shammy was so slow from level 1-40. Wind fury at 30 helps a lot, but its still so damn slow.

So far I have 70 pally, 70 rogue, 65, holy priest, 64 Warrior, 51 Balance druid, 51 frost mage, 44 hunter, 38 Shaman.

Been playing for almost 3 years and the game is still fun.



Well I raided for the first time last night on my hunter. Joined a guild that day and raided kara, cleared through the maiden of virtue before we called it. That bastard Attuman didn't drop the steelhawk crossbow so i'm still rockin valanos bow, and well none of bosses dropped hunter gear. Hopefully we get the big bad wolf tonight and he drops the gun. Whats the drop rate on the gun anyway?

Oh I switched back to BM to, lol, didn't last long. Did not like not being able to rely more on my pet and I'm getting more dps to, which shocked me.


BM is hot shit in Karazhan anyway. I remember choking on my drink when we got back the SWstats on the first Kara raid for my chums Hunter alt like late last spring I think. 1000-1050+ DPS on the first raid and in all blues. Passing epic'd out Warlocks and Mages and shit

Same guy, two months later, in all Kara epics comes to help on Vashj and gets the bow (!?), week after that he tops raid DPS on Fathom Lord, 1500+ in fucking poorly itemized Karazhan gear, still a blue or two, and the Vashj bow. (he swapped to MM the next week and it was down 250ish DPS, so if things are largely the same MM fucking sucks.)

Hunters are beastly in PvE. Hunters who use manual shots and proper pet management are way more beastly. Although I think they changed it so it's full on retard mode now. I don't think you can even clip your shit anymore or something like that? Way to ruin the class if true.

Oh, has anyone tried the detail macro?:

/console groundEffectDensity 256
/console groundEffectDist 140
/console detailDoodadAlpha 100
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console farclip 777
/console characterAmbient 0
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 3

You make a macro with this in game, and then push it once and it raises several settings significantly past their maximum. Foliage esepcially. It seemed to take a pretty significant toll on my FPS though, from like 100 fps to 80-70 fps in Terrokar., so if you're on an older pc be careful

Here is the macro to reset it though if you wanna look and go back:

/console groundEffectDensity 16
/console groundEffectDist 1
/console horizonfarclip 1305
/console farclip 177
/console characterAmbient 1
/console smallcull 1
/console skycloudlod 1
/console detailDoodadAlpha 1


Amakusa said:
Right now I'm working on a shaman, she's at level 38 and has all her mail blue gear (still need pants from SM) I didn't leveling a shammy was so slow from level 1-40. Wind fury at 30 helps a lot, but its still so damn slow.

So far I have 70 pally, 70 rogue, 65, holy priest, 64 Warrior, 51 Balance druid, 51 frost mage, 44 hunter, 38 Shaman.

Been playing for almost 3 years and the game is still fun.


As soon as the shammy hits 40 as enhancement, leveling at least triples in pace. Then 50 when you get that talent that regains mana it ramps up again. 60-62 run a little slower as you upgrade gear, but then once you get water shield, you never stop running.


Alex said:
BM is hot shit in Karazhan anyway. I remember choking on my drink when we got back the SWstats on the first Kara raid for my chums Hunter alt like late last spring I think. 1000-1050+ DPS on the first raid and in all blues. Passing epic'd out Warlocks and Mages and shit

Same guy, two months later, in all Kara epics comes to help on Vashj and gets the bow (!?), week after that he tops raid DPS on Fathom Lord, 1500+ in fucking poorly itemized Karazhan gear, still a blue or two, and the Vashj bow. (he swapped to MM the next week and it was down 250ish DPS, so if things are largely the same MM fucking sucks.)
The only thing MM has going for it in PvE is that it is slightly better than Surv up to tier 5 raiding. High end tier 5 and beyond MM becomes the worst Hunter raiding spec by far.

You get a lot of AP in MM but it can't compare to Serpent's Swiftness. Nothing in MM or Surv can.

I kinda feel sorry for all the Hunters that were MM spec for so long to raid pre BC and are now forced to respec to keep up. But then I remember how much shit was dumped on BM and Surv and I laugh.


interesting. I'd thought I should go MM later on my hunter (level 55 now, BM all the way) but eh... then again MM seems like the perfect BG sniping build.

I'm not a big fan of imp. aspect of the hawk so I should probably spec out of it. As far as I can tell, it's a good buff to autoshot dps, but it makes it a lot harder for me to keep up shot rotations compared to Serpent's Swiftness.


Amakusa said:
Right now I'm working on a shaman, she's at level 38 and has all her mail blue gear (still need pants from SM) I didn't leveling a shammy was so slow from level 1-40. Wind fury at 30 helps a lot, but its still so damn slow.

So far I have 70 pally, 70 rogue, 65, holy priest, 64 Warrior, 51 Balance druid, 51 frost mage, 44 hunter, 38 Shaman.

Been playing for almost 3 years and the game is still fun.


I too am working on a Shaman (currently 36). Rolled on a completely new server, so no cheating for me as far as gear/money goes.

Shamans aren't the best grinders until you get shamanistic rage/water shield, but I don't do too much grinding. Questhelper + bonus quest experience = massive amounts of experience. Seriously. Goto a zone in your level range, pick up all the quests you can for that one zone, pound all of them out, rinse and repeat.

That, and since questhelper really makes doing the quests worthwhile, it's actually interesting to pickup on some of the little lore that the quests have to offer. I always said I could never grind a character to 70 again, and this time arund since I'm hitting almost all the quests I can, it really doesn't feel like I am.


Yeah, quest helper is like a god send. I'm thinking I might resub this weekend and try to hit Outlands on my old Priest (43). Just need to 'aquire' Joanna's guide again and I'm set.


Thats not so bad, I've played with a friend since launch, and he's going Death Knight.

The problem with that is we've leveled up every class in the game, and now I have to pick what I want (not DK),

I started playing a Mage at first, then he came to play and we did a Warlock and Druid in our first raiding guild, then we did Paladin and Rogue while we were in the middle of AQ40 and pissed everyone off!

Stayed on those through Naxx, then quit. BC came, he wanted a Warrior, so I thought it'd be good to keep my Paladin, raided and arena'd on those through Kara/S1. Raiding as a DPS Warrior fucking sucked in BC compared to vanilla WoW, mission abort, reroll Hunter. Fuck I hate Paladin, reroll Priest Raid on those through BT and S2 Arena. You know what to hell with the Alliance! Reroll Priest and Mage Horde!

After those got to 62 and of course didn't work out, we made a Shaman for me in our spare time which also didn't work out!

So basically, I have to pick between everything EXCEPT Warlock, which I sold mine in T3 gear way back when for 800 dollars right before BC.

This is why I have a giant shelf of unbeaten console games.

The remedy decision for LK seems to be, pull the fucking plug, erase everything but my Shaman (for my main) and my Mage) (for my alt) and he is going to use a DK (for his main) and a Priest (for his alt).

One main, one alt, one dps and one healer per. All balanced, everyones happy, NO MORE FUCKING REROLLING.


Jame's is the best for more casual players and of course, for free. But it's not like anyone actually pays for the serviced ones anyway.

I tend to like those two better though, the serviced ones (Brian's and Joana's) because they're so ridiculously concise and to the point. Brian's is especially good since it comes with a big ol' MetaMap addon with the co-ords for every quest.

Partner one of those up with Lightheaded and TomTom and you're really good to go.


My first Alliance character was near release, so I never tried Jame's.

The only thing I don't like about Joanna's guide is the ridiculous crap he expects a non hunter to able to do. But other than him owing my poor enhance Shammy a few gold in repairs, I have no problem with it.
The in-game map mod on Brian's sounds cool, Alex; I'll check both out.


venison crêpe
Hope this is an ok question to ask here, if not sorry and I'll edit my post, but how easy is it to sell individual warcraft characters? (and perhaps where is the best place to sell?) I need money and I've got a fair few I can get rid of!


I finally reached level 40!! Now my focus is making money to get a mount...



ok lols, I'm 1300 honor away from a gladiator axe and I did a kara pug last night, and got dps drops because nobody else wanted them. when I get that axe I can respec enhance and I'll have a better gear setup, with more epics than my healer setup... my heal gear is decent enough but that's just funny.


Has problems recognising girls
Wes said:
Hope this is an ok question to ask here, if not sorry and I'll edit my post, but how easy is it to sell individual warcraft characters? (and perhaps where is the best place to sell?) I need money and I've got a fair few I can get rid of!
WTF get back to the football thread Giamatti!

firex said:
ok lols, I'm 1300 honor away from a gladiator axe and I did a kara pug last night, and got dps drops because nobody else wanted them. when I get that axe I can respec enhance and I'll have a better gear setup, with more epics than my healer setup... my heal gear is decent enough but that's just funny.
I feel your pain and irony, my Shaman brother.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Amakusa said:
Right now I'm working on a shaman, she's at level 38 and has all her mail blue gear (still need pants from SM) I didn't leveling a shammy was so slow from level 1-40. Wind fury at 30 helps a lot, but its still so damn slow.

So far I have 70 pally, 70 rogue, 65, holy priest, 64 Warrior, 51 Balance druid, 51 frost mage, 44 hunter, 38 Shaman.

Been playing for almost 3 years and the game is still fun.


Doing instances will only slow you down.
FF_VIII said:
So I got a Human Rogue restored earlier that I haven't played for months. When I deleted him, I rerolled Horde on the same realm.

The problem is I forgot the realm he was on and never deleted the Horde Rogue and now I have a Alliance/Horde character on the same pvp realm :s

Not sure what to do.



Images are too big so I'll just link.

:lol That's pretty cool.


wow, enhance in BGs is actually pretty viable! I'm using gladiator axe and the slow offhand fist weapon from the daily island, and I actually kill lots of people. with enough resilience I think an enhance shaman could be good in some 3v3s.


Enhance and Ret are pretty damn nifty in pug BGS like that.

I reactivated since the mind bending bugs in AoC are driving me nuts. I'm probably going to work on my Mage so I can have it at 70 for LK, as an alt. My Shaman is a level lower, and I plan to main it, but since my friend is gonna play a DK, it doesnt really matter.

What is the best leveling spec nowadays for a Mage? Fire? Frost? I hope farming will be ok too, since our Hunter is on the other (deactivated) account.


I don't know about high levels, but I think fire is still the de facto leveling build up to 40 at least. Frost might be better then, I'm not sure.


Alex said:
Enhance and Ret are pretty damn nifty in pug BGS like that.

I reactivated since the mind bending bugs in AoC are driving me nuts. I'm probably going to work on my Mage so I can have it at 70 for LK, as an alt. My Shaman is a level lower, and I plan to main it, but since my friend is gonna play a DK, it doesnt really matter.

What is the best leveling spec nowadays for a Mage? Fire? Frost? I hope farming will be ok too, since our Hunter is on the other (deactivated) account.

Either one, they're both just as viable. I leveled all frost the whole way and my friend leveled fire/arcane the whole way, about the same time. Mages are generally quick no matter what and very fast farmer/levelers.


Ice Lance is pretty rockin'. I think I'll go with Ice. Frost seems better for leveling since your main enemy is Mana, and if you get into a sticky situation you have about 9 hojillion tools to escape with.


so anyone else think moonfire will get nerfed? I'm noticing in BGs/world pvp tard druids can spam it for 1200 damage on global cooldown. Not crit, hit, and it doesn't even require that great of gear. I'm guessing it'll get a 6+ second cooldown added to it.

oh wait this is druids we're talking about, blizzard will probably just add an MS effect to every spell/skill they have and give them a normal out of combat res and delete all other classes.
Been working on a shaman lately.

He's at 46 now. Went enchancement to level of course.

What is the general rule for shamans and enhancement weapon speeds? I hear 2 slow weapons? I just grabbed an axe from ZF and claw of cerebras from Mauradon.. Upgrades to my two Glutton axes from RFD - but the fist is 1.8 aspd in my off-hand so I'm afraid I may not be doing as much dmg if I'm suppose to aim for slow.


Theoretically you're supposed to go with a 2.6 or 2.7 speed on each hand for windfury procs of maximum damage. I think it really matters when you hit 70, before then it doesn't have that much impact.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Been working on a shaman lately.

He's at 46 now. Went enchancement to level of course.

What is the general rule for shamans and enhancement weapon speeds? I hear 2 slow weapons? I just grabbed an axe from ZF and claw of cerebras from Mauradon.. Upgrades to my two Glutton axes from RFD - but the fist is 1.8 aspd in my off-hand so I'm afraid I may not be doing as much dmg if I'm suppose to aim for slow.

Yes, two slow weapons is ideal. You'll want windfury on both of them, and the key reason that you want slow weapons is that WF has a 3 second cooldown shared by both weapons. When WF goes off from either weapon, it won't go off again from either weapon for 3 seconds; you don't want a a quick offhander with low topend damage eating all your WF procs. When dual wielding you'll be hitting fast enough even with slow weapons for the proc to happen regularly, and the proc damage is based off of the weapon's topend damage. To maximize DPS (since a good majority of it will be coming from WF) you want two slow weapons.


Has problems recognising girls
God I miss the days when there was no shared cooldown on Windfury dual-wielding in the sense that it was so overpowered and hilarious to boot. Putting daggers on my Shaman and absolutely ripping it up against a mob, just constant swirls of dust as Windfury proc'd over and over with a Stormstrike thrown in for good measure now and then.

Absolute madness.


firex said:
so anyone else think moonfire will get nerfed? I'm noticing in BGs/world pvp tard druids can spam it for 1200 damage on global cooldown. Not crit, hit, and it doesn't even require that great of gear. I'm guessing it'll get a 6+ second cooldown added to it.

oh wait this is druids we're talking about, blizzard will probably just add an MS effect to every spell/skill they have and give them a normal out of combat res and delete all other classes.

The only "tard druids" that can spam moonfire are Balance spec'd. A feral druid, for example, will only hit you for 400+ depending on his gear if he spams it and that costs him considerably more mana so it isn't viable at all. In short, No, moonfire doesn't have much of a chance to get nerfed. They only have 3 offensive spells to begin with. What other spell would you have them use?


ok, so doing 12k ranged damage in 15 seconds is perfectly fine in pvp? Being able to spam 1200 damage on cooldown (with welfare epics) isn't overpowered? Bitch please, that shit is just retarded. How about they use, I don't know, root and wrath and starfire? Does a fire mage just spam scorch in pvp? no, they actually use other spells because they don't have one cheap spell that's broken.
Moonfire takes 495 mana to cast so if you do get spammed that much and live said druid is doing nothing until they can drink or pop an innervate. If you take that many in a row and can't either interupt/CC or get a heal then I don't know what to say. For me it's always a huge sigh of relief when that druid unstealths and goes space chicken in battlegrounds or arena. Of all class & spec combinations I think they have the right to bitch because they seem to get unanimously rolled.


maybe it's just like hunters then and it's annoying to face in BGs but not in lame-o arenas. But it still seems pretty ridiculous since they have a global cooldown nuke they could spam that should do more damage, and every other instant cast has a cooldown on it as well. It's mostly the mobility that gets me about it since that's why other instants have a timer on them. but I'm not surprised to see every single druid spec be powerful in one way or another. Blizzard vastly overcompensated for making the class so boring in vanilla WoW.

I don't expect they'll get many nerfs until after WotLK launches, though. That or every class will get anti-druid stuff built into it pretty much. I just hate dealing with them because they are pretty clearly the top of the totem pole, have no real hard counter, have no real way to be CCed except stunlock. They even took out the anti-druid spell from DKs in WotLK alpha! Though maybe that'll come back... I can only hope.


I had to check what page I was on. Complaining about moonfire in 2008? Holy shit. Druids are fine.

The amount of complaining that will occur once druids are snaring people and going all Beast Within will be fucking EPIC.


Has problems recognising girls
I must admit, back when I was fiddling with premades and did up a Hunter in BM/Survival, I was drilling shit all over the place. Being able to take down a Paladin and a Warrior at the same time when I popped my red pill was quite a highlight.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Last night was fun. Managed to get myself a ghost saber for a pet, and it only took about half an hour to get the spawn. After reading around, I was worried that I'd have a marathon session of opening cat figurines before it would show up, but after the 14th figure there it was. Now I'm just grinding through mobs so it catches up to me. So far it's level 25, and my hunter is 35. Really cool cat!


Man, I got a little overexcited in my first battle with Prince in Kara last night and accidently needed the Helm of the Fallen Champion when it wasn't even my class.

Luckily I was with a good group and a quick open ticket later, I managed to get the gear to the member who needed it. It's nice to run pick up raids with cool people like that.

lol, they even invited me to their guild after my eff up.
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