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World of Warcraft

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I just know gold is going to be so inflated next expansion that I will have my epic flyer way before level 77, since I have like 2300g on my shaman right now.


Grandma's Chippy
Yeah farming Strat is how I got mine. can make 500g a run if everything sells in AH and I get good luck on DEs (Large Eternal Ess sells for a ton on my server)

So a few runs a week = lots of gold.

I could do 2+ runs a day but that is a recipe for burnout lol.


Gold is so easy to get, I only do the SSO dailys on my mage and in the last 11 days, I've made 4100g. Whatever drops I get, I sell. I have been lucky with fel lotus tho, got 2 yesterday for the nether residue quest and I've gotten 6 or 7 in the last 11 days. Since my server's economy is so busted, fel lotus sell for about 50g per, nightmare vine sells for 60g a stack, netherbloom for 60g a stack, primal fires for 40g, primal life for 35g and primal manas for 30g. It's so easy making money.


I have a 61 Druid and quite tempted to resub for a month and try and get it to 70 before the expansion hits. There's not many other games out at the moment, think it's worth it? I already have a 70 Warlock, but would really like to get my Druid to 70 aswell.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Speaking of getting gold easy... flying around with an epic flying mount in Blade's Edge Mountains, mining all the veins you can find = 5.5k/day... confirmed by me :D


Kweh said:
I have a 61 Druid and quite tempted to resub for a month and try and get it to 70 before the expansion hits. There's not many other games out at the moment, think it's worth it? I already have a 70 Warlock, but would really like to get my Druid to 70 aswell.

Yes do it! Druids are so fun at lvl70, just pvp for gear after hitting it. You can tank just fine if you're going feral with pvp gear as well.

Seiken said:
Speaking of getting gold easy... flying around with an epic flying mount in Blade's Edge Mountains, mining all the veins you can find = 5.5k/day... confirmed by me :D

Yea I was going to save my gold for when my warrior hits 70 for his epic flyer, but I think I'll get it on my mage so I can get tons of herbs for money instead.
JoeMartin said:
Hit 38. Wrapping up my UI too.

What UI is that? I love the bar at the top.
Alex said:
phys and spell crit are separate.

sitting doesn't speed up anything.
Good to know, thanks.

And to think - I have been sitting down all the time like a chump, thinking it will increase my regeneration.
Mr Pockets said:
Ugh...spent 11,000 gold in last 2 weeks lol

Bought my epic mount, my wife's epic mount, and put 1000g deposit in guild bank for a guildmates epic mount.

Now I am thinking of the stuff I could do with 11k in gold lol.
holy shit I have about 200 gold, which has been built up in 50 levels and hundreds of hours of gameplay.

thanks for making me feel poor!


He measures in centimeters
border said:
Aside from buying mounts, there's not much you could have done with 11,000 gold. Money is useless in the endgame. I guess you could have leveled a couple crafting professions and used that to make 3-4 epic items, but that's about the only character progression that money will buy. And leveling an item-crafting profession isn't that expensive anyway....probably a couple G from start to finish.

The only thing to do with a lot of money is invest it in the Auction House to try and make more money. Or feed it to stupid Blizzard-initiated money sinks like the Cenarion mount or 22-slot bags.
Not quite true. Epic gems cost a fortune and patterns/recipes from sunwell for for 10k+...


The Lamonster said:
holy shit I have about 200 gold, which has been built up in 50 levels and hundreds of hours of gameplay.

thanks for making me feel poor!
You'd be surprised. I had like that much gold at level 50 as you do, but when you hit outland gold is so incredibly inflated from quest rewards/item rewards you will vendor on the quests that don't give upgrades.
Whats the drop rate on Goblin Jumper Cables XL?

I snuck into BRD three times and the mob didn't drop them :(

Now I just remembered that my goblin membership may have expired recently, I guess I'd need to have it for it to drop?

Chris R

Engineering sounds like such a pain :lol memberships and what not.

As for the drop, listed at 16% at wowhead. Should be able to get it to drop in 2 hours or so?


I need opinions, 5k gold for an Amani War Bear? I don't have a guild and I don't really play with many people on the server, so my hopes of earning a mount with a group without paying is small and would take forever to work with. Gold isn't a really big issue, as with dailys alone I make around 300g or so.
Seiken said:
Speaking of getting gold easy... flying around with an epic flying mount in Blade's Edge Mountains, mining all the veins you can find = 5.5k/day... confirmed by me :D

Need to get back into doing this, my no-daily-doing-sunwell-raidingedness this last few weeks has left me south of 500g.
rhfb said:
Engineering sounds like such a pain :lol memberships and what not.

As for the drop, listed at 16% at wowhead. Should be able to get it to drop in 2 hours or so?

Actually engineering is pretty easy :p

I decided to not go nuts trying to farm this and sent the mats to someone in my guild who has it

Chris R

Seiken said:
Speaking of getting gold easy... flying around with an epic flying mount in Blade's Edge Mountains, mining all the veins you can find = 5.5k/day... confirmed by me :D
5.5k is what exactly? Prices are different from server to server. You prospecting the ore you get or selling it straight up? Red gems run close to 70g on my server, so if I could just find a way to grind those :lol

For comparison, adamantite is ~28g a stack, fel iron barely sells, same for eternium and khorium
Weenerz said:
I need opinions, 5k gold for an Amani War Bear? I don't have a guild and I don't really play with many people on the server, so my hopes of earning a mount with a group without paying is small and would take forever to work with. Gold isn't a really big issue, as with dailys alone I make around 300g or so.

you said it yourself! money isnt shit, if you like how it looks, go for it! seems like a decent price to me, plus you will get to have the fun of a bear run :p


Can a ret Paladin heal fine in normal dungeons from 59-70? I want to heal a bit but don't know if I'd run out of mana too quick, and I really don't want to keep switching back and forth between holy and ret.


Oh! My Car! said:
What UI is that? I love the bar at the top.

My UI has undergone some consolidation since I last posted it, though it's the same in essence. Pardon the nigh intolerable WOW kids that populate the leveling guild I'm in atm.


The bar at the top is called FuBar. It's a base for other addons to be written for (Most inconspicuously ending in Fu), though some standalone mods also integrate themselves into FuBar if it's present.

In my case it's (from left to right): DurabilityFu, BagFu, MoneyFu, GuildFu, WIM (standalone), ExperienceFu, Prat (standalone), Omen (standalone), PerformanceFu, LocationFu.

Total List of all my mods:

-Atlas + Loot Enhanced
-Deadly Boss Mods
-FuBar (+ Fu addons noted above)
JoeMartin said:
My UI has undergone some consolidation since I last posted it, though it's the same in essence. Pardon the nigh intolerable WOW kids that populate the leveling guild I'm in atm.

The bar at the top is called FuBar. It's a base for other addons to be written for (Most inconspicuously ending in Fu), though some standalone mods also integrate themselves into FuBar if it's present.

In my case it's (from left to right): DurabilityFu, BagFu, MoneyFu, GuildFu, WIM (standalone), ExperienceFu, Prat (standalone), Omen (standalone), PerformanceFu, LocationFu.

Total List of all my mods:

-Atlas + Loot Enhanced
-Deadly Boss Mods
-FuBar (+ Fu addons noted above)

How the hell are you 65 and still doing Zangarmarsh lvl 61-62 quests?! lol


Hey man, one of those quests is Terrokar, the other one I've just been way too lazy to finish, and the 3 at the bottom are for Underbog.

But yeah, I usually quest 2-3 levels lower than my actual level. Pound them out a lot quicker that way.

And I'm in the AH making monies. Need all the cash I can get for that epic flier man!
JoeMartin said:
Hey man, one of those quests is Terrokar, the other one I've just been way too lazy to finish, and the 3 at the bottom are for Underbog.

But yeah, I usually quest 2-3 levels lower than my actual level. Pound them out a lot quicker that way.

And I'm in the AH making monies. Need all the cash I can get for that epic flier man!
I'm just used to not instancing since its slower xp\hour. Without instances I normally hit 65 when Im just entering Nagrand ;( Outland is still easy as hell though.


Grandma's Chippy
To answer the gold Q's...

Mining is VERY competative on my server, at least during my play times, so farming is 100% guaranteed loot.

Strat farming seems to be the easiest and most profitable for me. And it is fun so that helps.

Yes, I do it by myself...no sense splitting the proffits. If I am not ina hurry I do a near 100% clear of both sides. All bosses, all trash, except for the small section by the front main entrance. Starting at back door and clearing live then undead, it takes about 90min to 2hrs depending on a few things.

If I am in a hurry, I just do bosses and skip 80% of the trash. Amazing how much stuff you can sneak past as a mage....and that's NOT with invis as I save that for emergency over-pulls.

Speaking of pulls vs time...an example of how you can do it fast (on frost mage)

Take the first room when you go through the back door. You have a large open room with three groups of skeletons and elite undeads/ghouls. After some practice, I can clear that entire room in one pull. Then the entire next room in two pulls (up to the ghosts), the entire next section (up to the gates) in 2 or 3 pulls.

So as you can see, it goes fast.


Well I sell stacks of runecloth from the trash for 3g+ a stack, and I usually end up with 15-20 stacks. I only keep trash drops that have a minimum of 1g vendor sell (due to pack space limits) so I usually have 12-15 of those. I DE every green item and every blue item resulting in 20-24 Large Brilliant Shards (10-12g each), at least 4-8 Large Eternal Essence (12-16g each) and a couple of stacks of Illusion Dust and/or Dream Dust (up to 30g a stack).

Also there are BOE blues that can sell for 30-50g each, and I have gotten an Assasin's Blade 3x which sold for 200g all three times.

So in one run, I can average a minimum of 350g in vendor trash, DE loot, and cloth. That doesn't even count BOE blues and the silver that drops off every mob.

If anyone here was on Shadowsong server, I could take you on a run. Sometimes I do charity runs of any pre-BC instance (Dire Maul, LBRS, UBRS, Uldaman, Mara, Scholo, Strat, etc) for low levels where I donate all the cash and BOE items to them and I just keep DE loot.

I look forward to solo adventures as a level 80 mage in WOTLK :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
rhfb said:
5.5k is what exactly? Prices are different from server to server. You prospecting the ore you get or selling it straight up? Red gems run close to 70g on my server, so if I could just find a way to grind those :lol

For comparison, adamantite is ~28g a stack, fel iron barely sells, same for eternium and khorium
I sell them straight up. Every ore sells.

Stack of adamantite: 29g
Stack of fel iron: 29g
Stack of khorium: 69g
Stack of mote of earth: 5g
Stack of mote of fire: 39g

And a bunch of Talasites, Dawnstones, around 70g each.


Christ I wish I had the patience to farm for gold as much as you guys. After getting my Epic Flyer I've been stagnating at about 3.3K I'd like a lot more as I'm sure there will be some 20K moneysink in the XPac and I'd prefer to have a nicer buffer going into it than what I do. But seriously, fuck dailies.

And I don't see anything out of the ordinary with being 65 and questing in Zangar. My Mage alt just dinged 65 last night and hasnt even hit Orebore Harborage yet.


rhfb said:
Engineering sounds like such a pain :lol memberships and what not.

As for the drop, listed at 16% at wowhead. Should be able to get it to drop in 2 hours or so?

Engineering is one of the easiest professions to skill up, well provided you have a 70 already. I have it on several character just for the 350 skill epic goggles.


Weenerz said:
I need opinions, 5k gold for an Amani War Bear? I don't have a guild and I don't really play with many people on the server, so my hopes of earning a mount with a group without paying is small and would take forever to work with. Gold isn't a really big issue, as with dailys alone I make around 300g or so.

Someone is offering to help you get one for only 5k? That's a steal if they are and I'd jump on that in a heartbeat. With them being removed when the expansion hits, I doubt many to be sold like that, at least for that cheap.

Ysiadmihi said:
Can a ret Paladin heal fine in normal dungeons from 59-70? I want to heal a bit but don't know if I'd run out of mana too quick, and I really don't want to keep switching back and forth between holy and ret.

Short answer: No
Long answer: If you have a great healing set and a group that isn't stupid (non pug) it's doable to mid 60's probably, 70 dungeons it's a no go unless you out gear the place quite a bit more than likely(non pug).

Pre-BC, I did the 60 dungeons with off-spec healers, heck I healed all of them on my Feral Druid, but since Pre-BC I wouldn't trust an off-spec doing it. That's not to say they can't at lower 60's, but the room for error is much lower.


Weenerz said:
I need opinions, 5k gold for an Amani War Bear? I don't have a guild and I don't really play with many people on the server, so my hopes of earning a mount with a group without paying is small and would take forever to work with. Gold isn't a really big issue, as with dailys alone I make around 300g or so.

Cheap! I would jump on this. Amani War Bear will be un-attainable after WotLK drops, so you would have a truly unique mount. You could get the mount and 5k more gold before wotlk even comes out. Do this.


5k gold is reasonable, on 1 server i play on they sell bears for 6k gold, i've heard them going for 10k gold on other servers

so 5k is decent, id jump on it

best mount in the game, besides the phoenix epic flyer, that shit is crazy


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wait, you can BUY the bear? Where?


What's a good spec for a Rogue who wants to do mostly Battlegrounds, maybe some very light five mans and arena. My friend who stopped playing in Naxxramas is coming back, leveling up his Rogue now. Haven't seen a set of Bonescythe in awhile!

He ain't gonna be geared though, probably just get the blue PvP set then the Season 2 from BGs. So if that information helps any.

Seiken said:
Wait, you can BUY the bear? Where?


Seriously though, the guy will just pay a raiding guild to take him in for the event then he can loot it


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Alex said:

Seriously though, the guy will just pay a raiding guild to take him in for the event then he can loot it
:lol Gotcha


I'm gonna get the bear for 5k, tomorrow I purchase my epic flyer, I'm so excited, then I'll just farm herbs all day to get the 5k for mah bear.
CassSept said:
Farming, lol. I've just used my Badges of Justice to buy gems and sell them on ah, and here it is, im back from 400g to 3.5k g :)
Putting aside that raiding (Or worse, doing 5 mans) solely to get badges of justice is an absolutely horrible investment of time, the simple fact is you can't do it whenever you want. Soloing strat is a different matter.

I sell them straight up. Every ore sells.

Stack of adamantite: 29g
Stack of fel iron: 29g
Stack of khorium: 69g
Stack of mote of earth: 5g
Stack of mote of fire: 39g

And a bunch of Talasites, Dawnstones, around 70g each.
I would kill myself if I were on your server. Khorium ore for 69g? Geeeeeeeeeeezus

Chris R

Son of Godzilla said:
Putting aside that raiding (Or worse, doing 5 mans) solely to get badges of justice is an absolutely horrible investment of time, the simple fact is you can't do it whenever you want. Soloing strat is a different matter.

I would kill myself if I were on your server. Khorium ore for 69g? Geeeeeeeeeeezus
I would be so damn happy :lol Talasite are around 7g on my server :lol


Since others are playing show and tell, guess I will, though your gonna be calling me a freak. :lol

My alliance characters, yes it's a guild link, all the characters are mine.


Horde characters

Twinked 49 Rogue

My Priest I'm duoing with the rogue, once I'm done pvping on the rogue.

Original WoW starting character ( Haven't played since Jan '05)

I probably play more than all of the people on the Legendary Thread podcast combined. :lol


Alex said:
What's a good spec for a Rogue who wants to do mostly Battlegrounds, maybe some very light five mans and arena. My friend who stopped playing in Naxxramas is coming back, leveling up his Rogue now. Haven't seen a set of Bonescythe in awhile!

He ain't gonna be geared though, probably just get the blue PvP set then the Season 2 from BGs. So if that information helps any.


Seriously though, the guy will just pay a raiding guild to take him in for the event then he can loot it

Shadowstep is the spec you want to go with, lots of fun.


Also, everything you could possibly want to know about a Rogue

Galanthas said:
Since others are playing show and tell, guess I will, though your gonna be calling me a freak. :lol

My alliance characters, yes it's a guild link, all the characters are mine.


Horde characters

Twinked 49 Rogue

My Priest I'm duoing with the rogue, once I'm done pvping on the rogue.

Original WoW starting character ( Haven't played since Jan '05)

Two shaman? You must hate yourself.


Son of Godzilla said:
Two shaman? You must hate yourself.

Lol second shaman exists only because I duoed it up with my second hunter to make it faster. Besides that, shamans are a blast, sans pvp, which I just recently started for the first time on a war/rog.
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