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World of Warcraft

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DarkAngelYuna said:
No decent frost mage will ever lose to a rogue..

If they get the jump on my, as they should, I'm basically dead in the water. SStep after I blink, trinket my nova, clos my WE nova and that's all the escape mechanisms I have. IB is delaying the inevitable.


What's the FASTEST way for a lvl 49 nightelf hunter with leatherworking and skinning as professions to make loads of cash???


MMaRsu said:
What's the FASTEST way for a lvl 49 nightelf hunter with leatherworking and skinning as professions to make loads of cash???

Drop leatherworking, pick up mining and sell everything you skin and mine.
JoeMartin said:
Drop leatherworking, pick up mining and sell everything you skin and mine.


If your saving for your 40 Mount, as bad as it sounds, just ask some guildees for some loans. 100g is nothing now with the Quel'Danas (I think thats what its called) and I'm sure they would be happy to help you out.

Other than that don't worry about cash at your level, you only need it for skills if you are running instances. Once you hit 70 the cash starts flowing.
MMaRsu said:
nah I already got a mount :p. I just want some great money.

Oh well just focus on leveling until 70 for now, other than skills you shouldn't be buying your gear from the AH as it is usually toppled by something you could get in and instance. But if you need to save for your epic land mount, just drop LW and get mining. Sell your leather and ores on the AH for some nice cash and hopefully with some random blues you come across and sell, you'll have your Epic Landy at 60.


StormyTheRabbit said:

If your saving for your 40 Mount, as bad as it sounds, just ask some guildees for some loans. 100g is nothing now with the Quel'Danas (I think thats what its called) and I'm sure they would be happy to help you out.

Other than that don't worry about cash at your level, you only need it for skills if you are running instances. Once you hit 70 the cash starts flowing.

What I want is just get some really good gear ^_^ and maybe an epic mount? How much are those?
MMaRsu said:
What I want is just get some really good gear ^_^ and maybe an epic mount? How much are those?

"Really Good Gear" Is free if you run instances, buying those BoE swords and such from the AH is a waste unless your twinking a toon.

Epic Landys are I think 500-600g. Thats including buying the mount and learning the skill. Just run instances for gear, sell all of your ores/leathers on the AH, and pick up all the junk items you can while you level to sell for some pocket money.

If you can't afford your epic land mount at 60, you'll get it by 63-64 if you quest and save your money.


What are people using Mithril and Thorium for besides powerleveling a profession? I just checked my AH and they're neck and neck with Adamantite. What's the catch? How have I missed this? :lol


I might hit up my old Un'goro route and use that as an alternative then. I've been doing pretty good lately by just farming Sunwell Isle later at night. I can get two or three stacks of Adamantite out of there in twenty minutes easy. Really depends on the time though.

Chris R

EPL has a bunch of rich nodes that seem to cycle every 10 mins. If I have no competition, I can walk out of there with 6 stacks in an hour. Was nice for getting my JC up (actually made too damn many settings and had to go mine for another hour to prospect raw gems :lol )
firex said:
I still feel like the rogue is the weirdest designed class in WoW. Not the worst, just the weirdest. I don't know any other class designed around having tons of different cooldown skills as their arsenal, with what is (imo) a pretty small list of regular abilities.

Rogue is the Warlock from late 2005: your entire mano y mano strategy is to make them blow the wrong ace up their sleeve at the right time, thus letting you fuck 'em.

Rogues: The Thinking Man's Class Dumbasses Can Find Success With Too.


yeah, but the 2005 warlock was built around death coil and fel domination for cooldowns, which doesn't make it very different from all the other classes with like 2-3 cooldown spells.
firex said:
any time I try to get into WoW's pvp I get bored of it, except for a few rounds of BGs every now and then.
Arena really demands you have friends that happen to make a class comp that works. Or you don't care at all about rating, but that's not nearly as fun as being competitve.


I normally played in between semesters, which was just enough time to get bored with the newish content that had been released while I was away.. But after doing the same daily grind for a month straight to get the epic flyer, I'm burned out of that crap. I think I'm done until WOTLK.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i wish blizzard would allow for 1v1 arenas.

in battlegrounds i love those fights where two DPS classes run into each other by chance without any backup and it's just you and them. some of the best fights had that way, even when i lose.

people will be against the idea of 1v1 arenas with the excuse, "how can a healing specced class expect to win any 1v1 fight without DPS?!"

well... don't queue.

personally i'd love to see blizzard do this.


if arena's were 1v1 warriors would be the worst class

healers would be the best

since the % healing to +dmg bonus, healers have been really strong in 1v1

i'd wager disc priests would be near the tops of 1v1 arena, that or resto druids lol


1v1 arenas would be fun if only DPS played. I've been in some duels/fights with druids as a hunter... they've gone on for 30mins+. Its quite boring after a while. I agree with the aboe post that healers would be the best, because DPS would just quit after 10 mins =0
received an email last friday from blizzard saying that they've closed my account for suspicious activity/violation of the user's agreement, which really surprised me because i am a very casual player (i only have one character that was at level 46) and i don't use any mods other than quest helper. i never bought any gold, used any hacks, or even cursed in chat a single time. needless to say i was pretty sad about this. so i emailed them on saturday thinking that they would get back to me soon but still no reply.

anyway, have any of you guys ever been in the same situation? what ended up happening?


cmonmanreally said:
received an email last friday from blizzard saying that they've closed my account for suspicious activity/violation of the user's agreement, which really surprised me because i am a very casual player (i only have one character that was at level 46) and i don't use any mods other than quest helper. i never bought any gold, used any hacks, or even cursed in chat a single time. needless to say i was pretty sad about this. so i emailed them on saturday thinking that they would get back to me soon but still no reply.

anyway, have any of you guys ever been in the same situation? what ended up happening?

does anyone else have access to your account?
yacobod said:
does anyone else have access to your account?

nope. ive never shared my password with anyone nor do i think its one that is easily guessable. i also did watch out which websites i visited after hearing about the increase in keyloggers and installed ad blocker plus and noscript on my firefox.


cmonmanreally said:
received an email last friday from blizzard saying that they've closed my account for suspicious activity/violation of the user's agreement, which really surprised me because i am a very casual player (i only have one character that was at level 46) and i don't use any mods other than quest helper. i never bought any gold, used any hacks, or even cursed in chat a single time. needless to say i was pretty sad about this. so i emailed them on saturday thinking that they would get back to me soon but still no reply.

anyway, have any of you guys ever been in the same situation? what ended up happening?

Something similar happened to my friend's account but after some e-mailing and calling it turned out to be a mistake.

My suggestion is to go to the WoW Customer Support forum and make a post asking about the specifics and hopefully a GM/CM will help you.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Affinity said:
1v1 arenas would be fun if only DPS played. I've been in some duels/fights with druids as a hunter... they've gone on for 30mins+. Its quite boring after a while. I agree with the aboe post that healers would be the best, because DPS would just quit after 10 mins =0

Well, no. Most dps would be dead after a minute. Say Priest vs. Warrior: the priests keeps Shadow Word: Pain up all the time. The Warrior is dead within a minute. Resto Druid vs. Rogue: the Druid will keep Insect Swarm and Moonfire up and kill the poor rogue while he has nothing (CoSkill lol) to defend himself. He'll be dead quite soon. Paladin vs anything: Say hello to concecration lol, oh, and Holy Shock.

The only class who can defend themselves from a healer is the Warlock since they have built in healing mechanics too, that and fear ofc.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Patch 2.4.3 is out guys.

Enjoy your cheap ass mount!


Yay patch day baby! Glad today is patch day and I'll be watching the two E3 conferences while the servers are down, can't wait to get back on and buy my 41 shammy his elephant.

Oh and yeah leveling after 40 as enhancement is insane. I tore through 40 and I'm almost 42 now in just an afternoon. Seeing windfury proc and hitting stormstrikes is so addicting :D I ran into a fool in my guild who's 63, and insist that dual wielding and windfury gives him lower dps than using a 2h and rockbiter.......then I realized the argument wasn't even worth it.
I've been leveling a druid named Gallifrey (hey! eff you the name is cool ;) ) for a while now, because i really wanted to try out healing or tanking.

I tanked for the first time the other day in hellfire ramparts. I'd picked up a lot from other tanks on my 70 characters and i did better than i was expecting. I like being able to set the pace for the runs. There is nothing worse than a slow ass, indecisive tank, when im playing one of my dps mains.

Is balance a viable spec for leveling? I know it probably doesn't beat feral dps, but i kinda want to change it up a bit. I'm sick of looking at that hairy bear and cat ass.


Spotless Mind said:
I've been leveling a druid named Gallifrey (hey! eff you the name is cool ;) ) for a while now, because i really wanted to try out healing or tanking.

I tanked for the first time the other day in hellfire ramparts. I'd picked up a lot from other tanks on my 70 characters and i did better than i was expecting. I like being able to set the pace for the runs. There is nothing worse than a slow ass, indecisive tank, when im playing one of my dps mains.

Is balance a viable spec for leveling? I know it probably doesn't beat feral dps, but i kinda want to change it up a bit. I'm sick of looking at that hairy bear and cat ass.

Any class spec is viable to solo, just depends on how fast you want to go. Feral is by far the fastest way to level a druid though. You're gonna have quite a bit of downtime as a moonkin I think. I never leveled as one, was to easy to do it as feral, never saw the point.

Chris R

Going to try battlegrounds tonight to see how big a change the cheat death nerf is. Last night my arena team went 6 and 4, losing all four only when a rogue was involved :lol Was a pleasant surprise though, going in as a mage/warlock, thought we were doomed.

Granted the team started in the mid 1400s since it was a hand me down freebee, but still :lol
Went to Gruuls with a PUG tonight.......the PUG had a bunch of members of the top guild on the server though and we cleared it in 30ish minutes....fuckers kept going AFK

First time in Gruuls, and it wasnt bad at all


the cd nerf is pretty significant

i noticed rogues were dropping really quick after CD popped in arenas, myself and other rogues included

its probably not worth the 3 talent points anymore

and my rogue runs with 401 resil, seems like blizzard fucked it up


yacobod said:
the cd nerf is pretty significant

i noticed rogues were dropping really quick after CD popped in arenas, myself and other rogues included

its probably not worth the 3 talent points anymore

and my rogue runs with 401 resil, seems like blizzard fucked it up

Blizzard overly nerfed the fuck out of Cheat Death. I really don't think it's worth the 3 talent points anymore but the problem is the other talents in the sub tree aren't that great either.


Cheat Death is almost non-existent now... It doesn't seem like it was nerfed, it just seems like it was straight up broken/taken out of the game with the animation left in. I mean, I have 350 resil and it really doesn't seem to make a difference....

Maybe it's only useful for absorbing one entire fireball/pyro/shadowbolt/frostbolt/execute? Because it seems like you can take 1/2 hits max before dying now.


dave is ok

aztek is ok
Working as intended.

Seriously though, Cheat Death wasnt meant to be as good as a pally bubble and it was pretty much before this patch


dave is ok said:
Seriously though, Cheat Death wasnt meant to be as good as a pally bubble and it was pretty much before this patch
I doubt it was "meant" to be as good as a paladin bubble, otherwise they wouldn't have nerfed it. Bubbled Pallies can't dish out the insane damage that rogues can, so even then it's not really fair to give them an equivalent to the bubble.
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