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World of Warcraft

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Fularu said:
no no no no

Never, EVER, use Dexterity over Cat's swiftness as a rogue (or melee DPS anyway unless you are a ret pally). In any fight where you need to move for more than 4 seconds, Cat's swiftness is the better enchant, and becomes increasingly more so the more you move. As for surefooted.. Lol? 10 hit rating and snares have nothing to do with PVE dps (especially sunwell).

You could also just get the 24AP/run-speed meta gem and +12 agi on boots. The difference is only slight but it's a much cheaper option.


I'm pretty sure WotLK will hit this winter. It's just a matter of if it will actually be polished enough then, like TBC was.


Fularu said:
As for surefooted.. Lol? 10 hit rating and snares have nothing to do with PVE dps (especially sunwell).

For the lazy ones
for Surefooted to be as good as Dexterity, your EP value for hit rating must be 20% higher than that for agility. This only happens for a combat build with mostly best-in-slot gear, towards the end of Sunwell.

Edit: About Cat's Swiftness, yeah, my mistake. Somehow I've been always sure Dexterity is better
and at least cheap
than it. Well, high time to change enchant on my boots



Here is my mage. Got that Ahune staff for some reason, only went to do the quest and decided to roll on it as the other 2 casters didn't need it either.


MMaRsu said:
Hey could any of you WoW pro's check out my char and see if my stats are good enough?


Anything I could be improving on?

I haven't played WoW with this char in a long time, allthough I have made a lvl 21 Bloodelf :


God, I remember how much it sucked to be in that 40-50 range where it was hard to find the right gear for your character. And you were stuck with stat boosts worthless to your class.

Wait, I'm in that boat now with my newest alt. :(


bengraven said:
God, I remember how much it sucked to be in that 40-50 range where it was hard to find the right gear for your character. And you were stuck with stat boosts worthless to your class.

Wait, I'm in that boat now with my newest alt. :(

So is it a decent eq? :p


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
MMaRsu said:
So is it a decent eq? :p

Everything exept the belt looks ok. :) Keep on leveling.

Chris R

The faster you level to 58 the faster you get decent gear. My priest alt had worn the same bracers from the Ghostlands until just now in Hellfire :lol :lol
MMaRsu said:
So is it a decent eq? :p
Gear is fine, gear doesn't matter for leveling nearly as much as spec. And MM sucks for leveling, MM is the lvl 70 PVP drain spec. Respec BM and you'll easily double your leveling speed.

Chris R

Could also replace some pieces with PvP gear. My mage PvE gear has I think 3 pieces of pvp gear, but I can't in my position (just doing kara) replace them with anything. Just a few more av runs this weekend and I should be able to break 1050 fire damage at around 32% crit and full hit, which should be enough for a decent T4/T5 guild once I start wanting to raid.

Captain N

Junior Member
I'm downloading the newest patch right now..I am going to start an all new character..who should it be? what is a good Horde Race and class to start for someone who is looking to get into it quickly.


Has problems recognising girls
It honestly really depends on your own playstyle and attraction to whatever race there is.

I'm more of a support/caster player, and I enjoy Tauren and Orcs a lot so most of my characters are of the Shaman, Druid, Priest, Warlock varient. The only Undead character I use is my Undead Priest.

But if you want to hit a physical character you've got some decent choices and how you want to play it. For example - Warriors. Each race has different racial abilities and so even though they are inconsequential in the end game, it's still a decent skill to have around. I suggest looking here at the Racial trait section on WoWWiki.com and deciding from there which class you want.


CcrooK said:
So my camping begins for Humar to tame as my pet. 8-12 hour respawns. Gonna be one hellofva ride. Wooooo!
Kek. On my hunter alt which I've left on previous server I just went to Ratchet and tamed Humar:D
Gl, look-wise awesome pet


Grandma's Chippy
I saw a hunter with a two different full sized pets yesterday. One was a GIANT bird...and the other was a giant bear.

I don't know why they didn't "shrink" but was funny to see


That was probably from that TCG card that grows your pet in size. Also when WotLK comes out, we should make a GAF guild, bunch of rerollers. I'd love to be in a guild with people that don't get offended by everything.


Oh yes. The camping time. Started at 7pm till about 3am. I wussed out and went to bed. Woke up at 9am, waited till about 10:30am and he spawned.
Just a few photos from the past two weeks, enjoy.

Kicking things off with the Ribbon Dance!

Playing detective to figure out the new mysterious force.

Summoning the Frost Lord...or taking a huge leak? You decide!

The Big Bad Revealed, took a few tries to get the nuances of the fight.

Getting the last fire in Silvermoon City.

...and hearthing back into a much larger scale effort by the Horde to get their capital city flame!!



Has problems recognising girls
I love the "Anyone want a port out of IF meet me in Mystic Ward and PST" during that Horde raid. What a bunch of nancys.


you're already in a home city! you aren't even flagged! you can just sit back and watch if you really don't want to get involved.
Question: If I a 10% crit chance on ranged attacks, and I have a 5% crit chance on spells, does that mean I have a 15% crit chance on ranged spells?

Also: Does sitting down increase your mana regeneration or just your health regeneration?


no to the crit thing. I'm not even sure any hunter abilities count as spells. Spell crit is purely for stuff like fireball, lightning bolt, and healing spells.

I don't think sitting has any serious effect on health regen, but it might slightly speed up mana regen.
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Daggerspine&n=Geddoe There's the man right there. I met up with some random mage in greens and blues and we beasted our way up from like 1430 to 1600. We were stomping full S3 teams. Warlock/Shaman teams were owning us every time though. Sheeping the lock and fearing his pet is tricky trying to take the shaman out in time. I guess playing the pillar humping mini game until we can take out both of the locks pets would be more effictive, but we're not bitches

http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Daggerspine&n=Certainty This guy was elemental just a few days ago but i decided to go resto. I planned on just pvping as resto but I've decided to go full time hence why all my gear is shitty/ pvp. I've heard 1000 healing is good for kara and like 150 mp5? Any reccomendations for a decent belt or bracers or should I just go for the honor ones?


Well I got my hunter the S2 axe and got it enchanted with 35 agility. After getting it though I'm pretty much done with with playing him except for dailies, to save for an epic flyer, and raids a couple nights a week.

So in the meantime I've been leveling a enhance draenei shammy, just dinged 25 with him. Loving the character so far. He'll be 70 before lich king for sure. Infact I'll probably make him my new main as I'm getting bored of the "hunter lifestyle".


Grandma's Chippy
Ugh...spent 11,000 gold in last 2 weeks lol

Bought my epic mount, my wife's epic mount, and put 1000g deposit in guild bank for a guildmates epic mount.

Now I am thinking of the stuff I could do with 11k in gold lol.


Aside from buying mounts, there's not much you could have done with 11,000 gold. Money is useless in the endgame. I guess you could have leveled a couple crafting professions and used that to make 3-4 epic items, but that's about the only character progression that money will buy. And leveling an item-crafting profession isn't that expensive anyway....probably a couple G from start to finish.

The only thing to do with a lot of money is invest it in the Auction House to try and make more money. Or feed it to stupid Blizzard-initiated money sinks like the Cenarion mount or 22-slot bags.
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