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World of Warcraft

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Scrow said:
anyone got a good alternative to recount for DPS/damage tracking across raids and parties?

Why get an alternative? Recount is still the best IMO. If you want to switch because it doesn't work, there is a preservation of the ReCount mod still out there. While the original author is no longer on the project, there are some talented guys maintaining it for each patch.


TheGuardian said:
A World of Warcraft app for the iPhone has been released on the App Store. It displays various info on characters. I can't get it to work though, as soon as I input the character name and realm the app crashes :(
What's the app name?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
God, i have to grind so much honor and i need like 15 more marks for eots and i HATE that BG, on horde side we always seem to lose >_<

I guess the best honor per hour to grind is AV? I cap the 100 marks quite easily, gonna have to waste those wonderful marks on potions...


i just recently sold all my high level characters, i figured to dump them before the expansion hits and take a month break or so from wow

i think i'm going to lvl a dranei shaman to 55 before expansion hits, and then just play a death knight

probably will focus on pve only, unless pvp has been changed drastically
Epix said:
Just tried it myself and it works perfectly.

Doesn't seem to work if your server has a space in the name. Works great on shadowmoon but ends with a crash when I try any chara on shadow council.

There is also warcraftstats which tracks server status and capacity.


Grandma's Chippy
Any of you mages want to suggest a simple Sheep addon?

I use NECB right now and it works but I have seen some others with features I want and NECB has so much extra stuff.

I just want a movable bar/timer on my screen...and maybe a sound or graphical alert when it breaks, nothing else. Lots of addons have some of this, but none that I have tried have all.

The ones with sounds can't be moved, the ones that can be moved don't announce breaks, etc etc...



Mr Pockets said:
Any of you mages want to suggest a simple Sheep addon?

I use NECB right now and it works but I have seen some others with features I want and NECB has so much extra stuff.

I just want a movable bar/timer on my screen...and maybe a sound or graphical alert when it breaks, nothing else. Lots of addons have some of this, but none that I have tried have all.

The ones with sounds can't be moved, the ones that can be moved don't announce breaks, etc etc...


Chronometer does the barthing, Classtimer does this as well. They also might announce it. I think Sheepwatch also does the job, but that's only for sheeping while the others (esp Chronometer) is also for dots, hots and (de)buffs.


I'm loving Warcraft Characters on iPhone.

Also, DING. Finally hit 70 last night after 3 years of off-and-on casual play. Pretty pleased with myself :D

Chris R

Mr Pockets said:
Any of you mages want to suggest a simple Sheep addon?

I use NECB right now and it works but I have seen some others with features I want and NECB has so much extra stuff.

I just want a movable bar/timer on my screen...and maybe a sound or graphical alert when it breaks, nothing else. Lots of addons have some of this, but none that I have tried have all.

The ones with sounds can't be moved, the ones that can be moved don't announce breaks, etc etc...

Just make a macro and learn to play? Never had a need for an addon.



"We have said that it will be coming out this year," Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime revealed in a conference call today. "I can tell you it's not coming in the July to September quarter."

As for the Wrath of the Lich King beta, Morhaime noted that "testing is going very well." During the call, Morhaime also mentioned that 40% of the World of Warcraft subscribers that left for Age of Conan have since returned.

Awesome, still coming out this year.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okay what the fuck is up with the "weekend"? Where's my AV Bonus honor?!?!?!




Update 03:15 AM CEST - The very first few features of the threat meter are here !
Your % of threat (based on the member of the party with the highest threat on the monster) is now displayed in the scrolling combat text.
Your % of threat is now displayed in the tooltips of monsters.
According to the first reports, the threat is just sent to the client without any encoding now, it will be very easy to build mods to display the exact threat of each member of the raid in the future.

Neat! From MMO-Champeen.
Are there any good sources for info for new players to WoW? I haven't really played a whole lot of MMO's so I really am not sure what I should be doing besides Quests. I am especially confused on things such as how I should spec characters and what I should be doing during dungeons/raids etc. If anyone could point me in the direction of a good site I would greatly appreciate it.:D
I've been thinking about getting a new laptop lately, not sure if I will actually get one, and if so when, but I need one that will run WoW well. My current laptop does not. At all. Can anyone recommend something as cheap as possible, that will run WoW well? I really don't care about it running other games since I mostly use my laptop for non-gaming reasons anyway.


darkressurection said:
Are there any good sources for info for new players to WoW? I haven't really played a whole lot of MMO's so I really am not sure what I should be doing besides Quests. I am especially confused on things such as how I should spec characters and what I should be doing during dungeons/raids etc. If anyone could point me in the direction of a good site I would greatly appreciate it.:D

The official forums generally have good threads stickied at the top of the class forums that are useful for speccing and knowing the ins and outs.
Tamanon said:
The official forums generally have good threads stickied at the top of the class forums that are useful for speccing and knowing the ins and outs.
Ah, never thought to look at the WoW Forums themselves, thanks for the tip!:D


youd honestly be better off asking here, the official forums are filled with some of the most hateful, stupid people in existence.


Do not go to EJ until you have a general understanding the game and it's mechanics. You will get an information overload and it will frustrate you.


yeah, I think EJ is only worth reading when you are 70 and have enough experience to know that you want to focus on pve or pvp, so you can know what the breakdowns are of like every build/talent/skill's value to your class.


Anyone from the beta have a verdict on mages? I'm thinking of rolling a dps class to coincide with my warrior tank. Hunters don't really appeal to me; either going to go with lock/mage/rogue. From an aesthetic standpoint, locks look bad ass with metamorphisis alone. Mages love to qq; are they getting their boost in dps they crave or would I be best to side with rogue or lock?


My main is a mage and I totally hate the class atm. Every other class got nice buffs and changes and we get shit. Roll a rogue, warlock or hunter.


Proc said:
Anyone from the beta have a verdict on mages? I'm thinking of rolling a dps class to coincide with my warrior tank. Hunters don't really appeal to me; either going to go with lock/mage/rogue. From an aesthetic standpoint, locks look bad ass with metamorphisis alone. Mages love to qq; are they getting their boost in dps they crave or would I be best to side with rogue or lock?

I will say this, while mages can be quite boring to solo with, and not the ace #1 damage in the game, unlike 'locks, you NEVER have to wait long to get a group for dungeons just because of food/water/sheep. Plus, frost mages are particularly fun because they can pretty much control the battlefield at will.


Grandma's Chippy
Tamanon said:
I will say this, while mages can be quite boring to solo with, and not the ace #1 damage in the game, unlike 'locks, you NEVER have to wait long to get a group for dungeons just because of food/water/sheep. Plus, frost mages are particularly fun because they can pretty much control the battlefield at will.
I never understand this...and a lot of mages say it.

I have five 70's and my Mage is by far the most fun to solo with, and the easiest (vs rogue, druid, shaman, and hunter). I pretty much can never die, can solo many group quests, solo anything that can be frozen to the ground, can do huge AOE dmg in old instances for casual fun or money/loot runs.

Guess it is just me.
I have every class except a pally at 70 and play them all, pvp only though. My frost mage is by far my most fun and favorite pvp class. Sure it isn't ezmode to 2000+ like a resto druid, rogue or ms warrior but thats because the mage is the one class that actually takes skill to be good at pvp. But if you have that skill mages can be fucking amazing to watch and own the entire arena.


I still want to level my druid but I'm hearing that Mages are fun to level but at the same time I've seen the same complaints in many forums about their endgame damage output.


Been doing premade AV's (via the Premade AV Enabler mod) for the last 3 or 4 hours and it fucking rocks.

We typically get 35+ people in a game and they only last about 15 minutes, usually resulting in the Alliance getting ZERO bonus honor. Good fun.

Chris R

JoeMartin said:
Been doing premade AV's (via the Premade AV Enabler mod) for the last 3 or 4 hours and it fucking rocks.

We typically get 35+ people in a game and they only last about 15 minutes, usually resulting in the Alliance getting ZERO bonus honor. Good fun.
15 mins? Your O is pretty damn slow then. My server has two premades running now and they have it down to about 11 mins tops :lol But if they are full I can't ever win because horde pug av is just near impossible.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah premade AV is always fun but it becomes similar to a job after the 2nd hour or so. Same routine over and over.
Epix said:
Some random shots:






Fuck yeah, random shot time




my orc looks so pissed

Chris R

Anyone have any idea as to what I should do with my warrior? Right now I'm leveling sword and board because I haven't come across a good two handed weapon just yet at 25... or should I be dual wielding? Just using a basic fury spec right now.


rhfb said:
15 mins? Your O is pretty damn slow then. My server has two premades running now and they have it down to about 11 mins tops :lol But if they are full I can't ever win because horde pug av is just near impossible.

We run a choke defense group. Most honor per game that way, though they typically take slightly longer. Good games were 12 minutes, bad ones were 15+
speedpop said:
Yeah premade AV is always fun but it becomes similar to a job after the 2nd hour or so. Same routine over and over.

It's a fuckton better than un-Enablered AV. It is without...

1. Fucktards grouped with you.

2. Assholes grouped with you.

3. lvl 61s grouped with you (unerringly melees).

4. etc

Like the man up there said, it seems ALOT of Horde have NEVER played AV under old circumstances (pre-afkave), and thus cant find their way to Stormpike with both hands and a roadmap, thus meaning we lose.

In short, all BG grinds feel like jobs, but this is THE best bang for your grinding buck in the biz.


my battlegroup is awesome for pug AV, but it should be.

seriously, I think overall with the 100s of AVs I've done, I've lost like, 10 total.
So I'm playing my Elemental Shaman on the beta realm, but I haven't been playing him and totally missed some of the recent changes. So what's the deal with Flametongue weapon now?
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