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World of Warcraft

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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
firex said:
I could see hunters doing like dps warriors in TBC and going 41 marks/30 something else or something like that.

Yea but its kinda sad to have 2 specs having worthless 51 talents. exotic pets should've just been something you get after the 41 talent along the way to 51.


DarkAngelYuna said:
How the hell do people level pallys anyways? I have every class at 70 except a pally and none of them took long or were that boring, but fuck, my pally is only 21 and I can barely stay awake =\
Two words: Scarlet Monastery
I have already leveled 12 levels there, and today im getting boosts to hit 40.
And then, hunt for ZF boosts!


oh yeah I forgot, if you can get good spell damage gear with a shield, it becomes easy as fuck to level in outland just by aoe grinding stuff.
Buggy Loop said:
I dont think its gonna be too bad for hunters in WOTLK, they'll introduce abilities that arent dependant on LOS (hunter's nemesis), finishing moves and totally revamped pet talents which will be awesome. Only thing thats not too cool are the 51 point talents of hunters, exotic pets will look cool but they wont be stronger than normal ones, certainly not worth 51 points and it does not help for arena at all, MM's 51 point shot is meh, survival is pretty much the only good thing in there.

I dunno. Refusal to give pets resilience, AotB melee AP (wat. fucking wat. wat wat wat wat watwtwatwatawtw wat), all 3 51 pointers, the constant pimpage of Deterrence as some sort of meaningful defense, and Master's Call is just... ugh.

I'm fine waiting around for the "Okay, those were just neat ideas, now we are going to make shit with actual thought put into it" revamp for the WotLK stuff, but hunters have always been the last to look at and Blizz has been perfectly fine shipping utterly retarded shit before. Just look at the original Survival tree, the original TBC survival tree, and (surprise!) the current WotLK survival tree.

I'm not saying things look bleak, but that's probably only because I find succeeding despite frustrations of the class very rewarding.


You hunters have nothing to really QQ about, Mages have been screwed ever since TBC came out and from the looks of things so far in beta, nothing has changed for the better.
I'm having problems finding a character that suits me, for the past month of sporadic play I've been hitting the character creation in hopes of finding something to replace my 70 warlock which I've found to be somewhat boring in the higher levels. I don't feel part of the "action" by standing in the far back reapplying dots or casting bolts.

Warrior had my interest piqued but I'm not really getting on well with managing rage and rotation, I guess I'm looking for a middle ground but I don't know what to look for. Suggestions?


I remember leveling my pally, it was rather hellish, mainly because I decided to level him Prot from level 10 on, instead of Ret to 40, then Prot. Not to mention it was before the leveling changes. Never doing that again. But once I was able to reliably Holy Shield, it was good.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Son of Godzilla said:
I dunno. Refusal to give pets resilience, AotB melee AP (wat. fucking wat. wat wat wat wat watwtwatwatawtw wat), all 3 51 pointers, the constant pimpage of Deterrence as some sort of meaningful defense, and Master's Call is just... ugh.

I'm fine waiting around for the "Okay, those were just neat ideas, now we are going to make shit with actual thought put into it" revamp for the WotLK stuff, but hunters have always been the last to look at and Blizz has been perfectly fine shipping utterly retarded shit before. Just look at the original Survival tree, the original TBC survival tree, and (surprise!) the current WotLK survival tree.

I'm not saying things look bleak, but that's probably only because I find succeeding despite frustrations of the class very rewarding.

Something that kind of sucks for hunters in arena or pvp in general is that if you arent BM, you're fucked as soon as a melee class closes on you and you simply cant move away, wingclip's 60% vs hamstring's 50%, crippling's poison 70%, etc, i mean, whoopdeedoo, a whole 10% over hamstring, by the time you manage to take a few feet away, warriors have such a large melee range that he teared you a new asshole. I've been thinking about it and we need the ability to get range instantly with a cooldown, ala mages, if it fucks up lore because hunters arent big magic users, heck, could be that the hunter they were fighting a moment ago was just a decoy, turns into a strawman and we pop 25 yards away.


Still Tagged Accordingly
so the small guild of RL friends i'm in officially has kara down now.

we'd already killed each boss in the dungeon, but tonight for the first time we did the whole thing in a single run. good times.

going to start dipping our toes into ZA on the weekend. wish there were more 10 man dungeons to do...


Scrow said:
so the small guild of RL friends i'm in officially has kara down now.

we'd already killed each boss in the dungeon, but tonight for the first time we did the whole thing in a single run. good times.

going to start dipping our toes into ZA on the weekend. wish there were more 10 man dungeons to do...

You'll love WotLK then! All raids are 10 mans. With 25 man versions too:p

BTW, there's a new world event going on now, Spirit of Competition, for BGs to get an UGGGGGGLY Competitor tabard with an Olympics theme.


Ya WotLK is going to be great with all the 10 man instances. I am strictly PvP at the moment, but come WotLK, I'm going to start raiding again with my RL friends. I love the dynamics of a 10 man group. Much less of a headache.


Find it funny that the Hunter discussion here is almost a direct copy of the Hunter board on the official forums. Nothing but doom, gloom and falling sky. Just really too bad that it's all unwarranted.
The only dumb move regarding Hunters so far is changing AotB from totally useless to unwanted.
What are you talking about? There's no doom and gloom. The hunter changes are retarded and I seriously doubt any dev has played one, but who gives a shit they are fun and taking out shit fuck easy mode warriors and rogues and warlocks is rewarding.

There are plenty of stupid moves regarding Hunter WotLK shit, but the talents aren't finalized and I doubt another expansion's worth of total irrelevance in pvp is going to be tolerated, so why complain now?


Son of Godzilla said:
What are you talking about? There's no doom and gloom. The hunter changes are retarded and I seriously doubt any dev has played one, but who gives a shit they are fun and taking out shit fuck easy mode warriors and rogues and warlocks is rewarding.

There are plenty of stupid moves regarding Hunter WotLK shit, but the talents aren't finalized and I doubt another expansion's worth of total irrelevance in pvp is going to be tolerated, so why complain now?
Ah, I see, you are looking at the changes from 100% pure PvP perspective. That makes more sense.
But then you also said about Masters Call:"just ...ugh". Having your pet being able to remove any stun or movement impairment from anyone is godly for PvP.
So, I have no idea what your problem is.
Hunters have gotten no "polish passes" yet for talents(mainly to go over DKs and Mages like 5 times, Mage talents got changed again! Arcane is very weird now but still good). So, when its mid October and Hunter talents have been changed and re-changed for the third time and they are still not up to your high standrads then you can bitch.
Xiaoki said:
Ah, I see, you are looking at the changes from 100% pure PvP perspective. That makes more sense.
But then you also said about Masters Call:"just ...ugh". Having your pet being able to remove any stun or movement impairment from anyone is godly for PvP.
So, I have no idea what your problem is.
Hunters have gotten no "polish passes" yet for talents(mainly to go over DKs and Mages like 5 times, Mage talents got changed again! Arcane is very weird now but still good). So, when its mid October and Hunter talents have been changed and re-changed for the third time and they are still not up to your high standrads then you can bitch.
What? You just said exactly what I just said. I am not bitching. Merely making plans to.

BTW Master's Call would be nice, if anyone aside from BM hunters could get it.


Modesty becomes a woman
My friend installed the WoW trial and got to play for 10 minutes, after that his computer shut off and now will not turn on again.

He blames WoW, but I'm 99% sure it's because he hasn't shut it off in about a month and it probably just overheated. But to be safe I'm asking if anyone else has heard of anything like this before.


maybe I could blame WoW for killing one of my 2 RAM slots on my old computer's motherboard since it gave up the ghost when I was at the final hall before the end of shadow labs on my shaman months ago. but really? hell no, WoW couldn't cause that to happen.


My friend installed the WoW trial and got to play for 10 minutes, after that his computer shut off and now will not turn on again.

He blames WoW, but I'm 99% sure it's because he hasn't shut it off in about a month and it probably just overheated. But to be safe I'm asking if anyone else has heard of anything like this before.

Sounds like video card overheated. Happened to me once too.


doodyball5 said:
It still doesn't explain WHY they gave the bow to the Rogue. I can't find the reason anywhere.

the first post kind of does but at the same time it makes completely no sense...

new hunters or not thats probably the dumbest loot council move i've ever heard of and If I was one of those hunters I would g-quit asap.

A rogue doesn't need that bow... He's like oh if we were worried about how much DPS the raid was doing we would have given it to the new hunter but we're not...

Not worked up but it like some people are I just think its one of the dumbest things ive heard done in this game in a while.


The loot council was always about taking care of their own, Kharhaz and Minx are/were in a relationship and the way loot worked when I was in there, the officers get all the main loot and if they didn't need something, they allowed their friends to loot first then the rest. Very shady shit.


Gold Member
I can't seem to maintain a connection to ANY server for more than 2 minutes. I login, then after about 2 minutes everything stops moving on the screen and I get disconnected.


I had a very good loot council on my Horde guild. They only made 2 bad decisions and both were somewhat minor.

Every loot system is flawed. Every loot system is subject to human stupidity.


Loot Council seems like a supremely fucked up way to run a guild, because even if everyone is honest and doesn't play favorites there are going to be people that feel they got fucked over, that the leaders have something against them, etc.
# Aspect of the Beast gives 10% Melee AP (in addition to making player untrackable)
# Mongoose Bite no longer requires a Dodge to be used. It also appears to be doing higher damage (I need to confirm this on live)
# Counterattack appears to be dealing more damage and scaling with MAP (again not sure if this is on live must check).

# Wing Clip now says it "Maims" target to slow by 50% for 10 secs.
# Kill Command has changed: Instant Cast with a 2 Minute Cooldown still 75 mana. "Gives the Command to Kill, increasing the damage done by your pet's special attacks by 60%. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage done by 20%." Rank 2 and above don't appear to be changed.
# Tranq Shot has been updated: 425 Mana, 15 sec CD "Attempts to remove 1 Frenzy, Enrage and Magic effect from a target enemy"
# Arcane Shot no longer dispels a magic effect.

Hunters are now a melee class :lol :lol

God, that's so funny.
It's both, sure. But Beast is specifically Melee attack power.

I'm actually all for this change. Melee Hunters might be able to outpace Warrior dps. Neither Raptor Strike nor Mongoose are limited by rage, Mongoose actually has a full second less cooldown than Mortal Strike, and wingclip is fully spammable in between.

I didn't just say that.


Son of Godzilla said:
It's both, sure. But Beast is specifically Melee attack power.

I'm actually all for this change. Melee Hunters might be able to outpace Warrior dps. Neither Raptor Strike nor Mongoose are limited by rage, Mongoose actually has a full second less cooldown than Mortal Strike, and wingclip is fully spammable in between.
Okay -- so now there's a technically new stat bonus that is specifically melee attack power?

And do raids really bring MS warriors these days anyway?
border said:
Okay -- so now there's a technically new stat bonus that is specifically melee attack power?

And do raids really bring MS warriors these days anyway?
There's always been Melee Attack Power and Ranged Attack Power. It's just that most of it got merged together whenever the fuck ago. Some still remains though, like the pvp bows give ranged, and all the hunter talents are based on ranged. Battle Shout still gives Melee Attack Power. Same for shaman enh shit.

And sure, BF is godly. In 25 mans at least. Probably doesn't matter that much in 10s.

I meant pvp, but I was also completely joking. While it's not a terrible idea, the simple fact is I don't want to fucking give a warrior rage, ever. If I could wingclip without turning on autoattack I fucking would. Rogues and I guess DKs are better, but you are generally best off running the fuck away from a rogue anyway. Any other class and they aren't going to be in melee range, they are going to los me like the little bitch I am.

No wait, I was fucking wrong. I take that back. I routinely sit on hunters as a hunter to mitigate their damage while getting healed or killing their partner or pet. So, finally, hunters have a way to kill hunters. Class is viable now.


Son of Godzilla said:
And sure, BF is godly. In 25 mans at least. Probably doesn't matter that much in 10s.
But just beyond that one debuff, how is it really worth it to have a Rage-starved MS warrior spamming Whirlwind and MS every 6-8 seconds? It seems like you'd be better off taking another class. Does the +4% damage debuff really make up for the DPS you lose by not taking a Shaman instead?
Hmm? I dunno. I can't imagine a raid not having an enhancement shaman... If you mean another enh, well yea. Enh don't play well together, between a lack of totems to throw down and whatever that ap buff is not stacking.

Rage isn't much of an issue on bosses. I'd have to ask one I know to be sure, but just from running my non-bf pvp warr through kara I never really lacked for it. I guess it could be an issue if they have to keep clap up for some reason. They do decent enough dps, provided they are at an appropriate gear level.

Edit: That's a fucking boot too... Jesus, the hat has 162.


Weenerz said:
The loot council was always about taking care of their own, Kharhaz and Minx are/were in a relationship and the way loot worked when I was in there, the officers get all the main loot and if they didn't need something, they allowed their friends to loot first then the rest. Very shady shit.

Yeah, I don't give a shit what he said, that was definitely shady. I see no viable reason to give the rogue the bow at all, despite their other hunters only being in the guild for a couple months. The point of being in a raiding guild is to get raid gear.

He's basically saying: "Hey, it's fucking LEGENDARY people! Like I'm giving it to two dudes I don't know, pshaw...I'm giving it to the rogue cuz that shadowpriest chick I hit on hasn't logged on it a couple days..."


I recently resubbed to get my Druid to 70 (currently 67) before the expansion hits and having fun with that. I also have a 70 Warlock, which I've not used since last November, and noticed these new Daily quests? I must admit, that I am a bit out of the loop on my lock and cannot remember my playstyle at all.

What are decent talent builds for daily quests with the option of a bit of pvp?


border said:
Loot Council seems like a supremely fucked up way to run a guild, because even if everyone is honest and doesn't play favorites there are going to be people that feel they got fucked over, that the leaders have something against them, etc.
Lol there is guild on our server (Burning Legion EU) whose GM is fury warr, who got OFFHAND glaive and Cursed Vision before rogues and design for best neck in game before any melees with jc:lol


Spruchy said:
Getting your mount at level 30 has made the leveling process a lot more pleasurable for me. It's also dirt cheap!

Absolute truth. Especially since you get your mount right as you start entering gigantic zones, makes it soooooo much easier.
border said:
Loot Council seems like a supremely fucked up way to run a guild, because even if everyone is honest and doesn't play favorites there are going to be people that feel they got fucked over, that the leaders have something against them, etc.

Exactly, there's ALWAYS a whiff of corruption, real or imagined, going up someone's nose.

Holy crap, Blizz making useful Blacksmithing recipes?


Look at the stam on that thing!

All the 70 epic Smithing gear was useful at release, but now it's only Skillherald; it's the nature of the beast with that proffession.


I just hope those engineering motorcycles are really a trained recipe. Mainly so I can annoy people with a macro yelling that I'm going to equip myself with 3 wheels of fury (it has a sidecar) when I'm using it.
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