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World of Warcraft

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Nightfall has become such a nice battlegroup for Alliance. The Horde here are as dumb as fucking rocks, I blame the seventy tons of Blood Elves running around.

Chris R

firex said:
my battlegroup is awesome for pug AV, but it should be.

seriously, I think overall with the 100s of AVs I've done, I've lost like, 10 total.
I've lost 1 in my premades and that was because we only had like 20 people in our premade at the time.

I've yet to win in a pug on this account (probably something like 70 or 80 games :lol )


Neo Member
uhm I am stuck..I am at 49 1/2 and I have NO idea where to go quest..im done with tanaris, stv, hinterlands, azshara( only 2 quests cuz im not 50 yet..) anyone wanna help me out?


fid said:
uhm I am stuck..I am at 49 1/2 and I have NO idea where to go quest..im done with tanaris, stv, hinterlands, azshara( only 2 quests cuz im not 50 yet..) anyone wanna help me out?

I'd head to Felwood, but there are a few places you could go to listed here.


fid said:
uhm I am stuck..I am at 49 1/2 and I have NO idea where to go quest..im done with tanaris, stv, hinterlands, azshara( only 2 quests cuz im not 50 yet..) anyone wanna help me out?

Felwood woot! You can get started on your Timbermaw. Just from doing the quests there and in Winterspring will get you to neutral and give you basically a free 20k xp from those totem turn-ins heh. Also, don't forget about Searing Gorge. There are a lot of late 40's quests there with decent rewards.


Neo Member
I think I will try felwood, i just dread the long time its going to take getting there :lol I already finished searing gorge, I dont know why I am behind :s its really sad that this is my second time im leveling but Ive forgotten everything, last time i played was 7 months ago


Worships the porcelain goddess
This happens everytime I leave the game and come back. Any essential UI/plugins I should maybe try out? I'm back on vanilla WoW playing a Warlock, Priest and Hunter. I think I used to use FuBar, but I can't really recall. I had these bars on the top and bottom of the screen which had some good information IIRC.

Any suggestions?


FuBar and the plugins are good. I've really come to love Autobar personally. Basically it groups your spells or items into stuff like food/transportation/consumables/trinkets/totems/whatnot onto one bar.


Grandma's Chippy
Kintaro said:
This happens everytime I leave the game and come back. Any essential UI/plugins I should maybe try out? I'm back on vanilla WoW playing a Warlock, Priest and Hunter. I think I used to use FuBar, but I can't really recall. I had these bars on the top and bottom of the screen which had some good information IIRC.

Any suggestions?
Sounds like you had Titan Panel.

Ha stwo thing customizable bars at the top and bottom of your screen. Has info on your gold income rate and totals, XP rate, leveling data, pack space, and lots of other stuff you can add or remove.
Ok, so I went to log in to my account management page yesterday (haven't been subscribed in over a year).

But it appears my password has changed. I suspect the account has been hacked, although there's a possibility I changed it myself and don't remember. The main problem is that I can't remember the answer to the security question for the life of me. Am I fucked?

I'm currently on hold with the Blizzard customer support line (wait time of 30 minutes... heh). I hope there's other ways to verify that I am the owner of the account...


Been leveling a hunter the last week or two and now I see why the class is so retard friendly. Almost 46 atm and my pet does so much dmg in BM.


Alex said:
Nightfall has become such a nice battlegroup for Alliance. The Horde here are as dumb as fucking rocks, I blame the seventy tons of Blood Elves running around.

I'm on Blackwing Lair horde and tust me, I KNOW. It's a rare occassion that we win a pug AV. Luckily we have a dedicated group of guys on our server that run a premade AV every saturday.

I also completely agree that Blood Elves have forever ruined the Horde, and not necessarily by nature of the fact that they're blood elves, but because of the kind of players they tend to attract.

If you ever run into a troll shaman named Blackcoffee make sure to wave :D (just hit 70 with him like a week ago).
Alex said:
Nightfall has become such a nice battlegroup for Alliance. The Horde here are as dumb as fucking rocks, I blame the seventy tons of Blood Elves running around.
So true, I have many 70 horde on Demon Soul - Nightfall and we've won almost no games this AV weekend. Its pretty pathetic because this time last year we used to own AV... Now we're lucky if we win at all. Once I decide which 2 of my 8+ 70s I actually like I'll probably be xfering to a realm on bloodlust or ruin. Nightfall is trash.

Chris R

Weenerz said:
Been leveling a hunter the last week or two and now I see why the class is so retard friendly. Almost 46 atm and my pet does so much dmg in BM.
I know I love it :lol My boar can tank great as well and with omen I make sure I never pull aggro as well :lol


Lost all credibility.
Hey guys what WoW podcasts should I be listening to? Right now I'm a big fan of Legendary Thread on 1UP.com.


Has problems recognising girls
FieryBalrog said:
Is there a particular server+faction that all Gafers play on?
Everyone plays everywhere else. There have been at least two attempts to get a GAF guild running but they failed because everyone has their own mains on different servers and once the lust of creating a new character fades, it tends to just have a domino effect on the entire guild.

I'd love to see a GAF guild come to fruition with Warhammer though, would be a bit easier to manage since everyone would be on the same page.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Thanks also for the suggestions. I listen to the occasional Legendary Thread but it has always seemed to be weighted more toward really casual players, even more so now that Sean is gone.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Thanks also for the suggestions. I listen to the occasional Legendary Thread but it has always seemed to be weighted more toward really casual players, even more so now that Sean is gone.
No offense to The Instance, but it's no more "hardcore" than Legendary Thread. The host of the show just hit 70 like a month ago -- that's right, it took him nearly a year and a half to get his main to 70. The official podcast guild itself was having trouble downing Maiden of Virtue (Karazahn) when last I heard about their progression. The co-hosts are a little further along, but never really talk about raids or gearing or spec'ing. I'm not trying to make fun their collective e-penis, but don't expect to be hearing about in-depth strategies and raiding. It's friendly and fun though, with a lot less of the awkward "What are we going to talk about now?" silences that have recently plagued Legendary Thread. It's a good place to hear about mods you might like, though.

WoW Radio is generally full of meme abuse and endless bitching (OVER 9000 LOLOLOLOLOL!). It's like the Blizzard Forums in podcast form. I haven't heard the WoW Insider show -- that one might be good. WoWCast (hosted by Alachia) has a good number of episodes dedicated to Arena endgame, so if you check the show descriptions on the feed you can find some hardcore discussion there. Some episodes she spends a good deal of time discussing the social and societal implications of "the metaverse", so the less hardcore episodes are at least something different.

In my experience, there isn't really a podcast catered to endgame raiders or hardcore players. Most of them are news-oriented, so you'll hear about class changes and new stuff that gets added to the game, but not a lot about boss tactics or min/maxing. It's nothing you couldn't get off MMO-Champion, but if you don't keep up with news they can be good. The problem with in-depth hardcore discussion is that it tends to alienate lots of people -- for example you can't discuss Hunter talents or Brutallus strategies because a large portion of the audience isn't a Hunter or isn't in Sunwell. So most shows tend to restrict themselves to news and discussions of what each person has been doing with their character.


How to change the login music to any .mp3:

1. Locate your wow folder
2. Open the folder named 'Data'
3. Create a new folder inside the 'Data' Folder, call it Sound
4. Open the 'Sound' Folder and create a new folder inside it, call it Music
5. Open the 'Music folder and create a new folder named GlueScreenMusic

Ok now to the music changing.

Get a song you want to use as login music, it must be in a .mp3 format.
Rename the song to bc_main_theme
copy the song you just renamed and past it into the GlueScreenMusic folder as you just created, close wow, and bring it up agian, There you go a new login music


Odd new Recruit-a-Friend system:

Recruit-A-Friend FAQ

What is "Recruit-A-Friend"?

Our new friend referral system allows you to recruit some of your friends to join you in World of Warcraft by sending them an invitation email containing a trial activation key. With this key, your friends will be able to set up their own trial accounts.

To start this process log on to the Account Management section and click the Recruit-A-Friend button. This will take you to the actual friend referral page, where you can enter a friend's email address and name one at a time. If you want, you can also enter a message that will be included in the invitation email.

How can I earn the exclusive in-game mount?

For each person you refer who upgrades to a retail version of World of Warcraft and purchases two months of game time, you will be able to give a character on the account you sent the invitation from an exclusive in-game zhevra mount. This unique mount can be claimed through the website, is only available to Recruit-A-Friend participants, and can only be applied to a single character.

What in-game benefits do we get while the accounts we play are linked?

1. Characters on both accounts can summon each other once per hour.
2. While adventuring with your linked friend/family member, you will each gain triple experience.
3. For every two levels the new player earns, the new player can grant one free level-up to a lower-level character played by the veteran player.

How long will I be linked to my recruit?

The link between the accounts will last for 90 days from the date that your recruit creates an account. Remember that for the link to work properly, your recruit must create a new World of Warcraft account using the 10-day trial key in your invitation email.

When my friend/family member upgrades from a trial account to a full version of the game, will that break the link between the accounts?

Nope! Your friend/family member will have to upgrade to continue playing past the 10-day trial, and the accounts you play will stay linked until the full 90 days have passed.

If my friend/family member recruits another friend/family member, am I linked to that person too?

No, these benefits only apply to the person that you referred directly.

Are there any limits on when and where I can summon my friend?

You and your recruit may only summon new characters of equal or lower level to the character you are playing. There is a one-hour cooldown on this summoning ability. Also, once one of the characters reaches level 60, the summon will no longer function.

Do I always gain triple experience while I am linked to my recruit?

No, only when you are partied with a character on the linked account and both players are present when slaying the monster or completing the quest. Also, if the two characters are not the same level, only the lower-level character is given the experience boost.

Is quest experience tripled too?

Yes, but only if the quest was not trivial (gray difficulty) for either character.

Do normal experience rules apply?

Yes, if a monster is trivial to either player, no experience boost is given.

How does this affect / stack with Rest State experience?

While you are partied with a linked recruit, any Rest State you have accumulated is not consumed. Only the tripled experience from the Recruit-A-Friend program is applied.

What if I'm partied with multiple recruits who I'm "linked" to? Do I get quadruple, sextuple experience?

No, you can only ever gain a maximum of triple experience regardless of how many linked recruits you are partied with.

Are there any limitations to granting levels to characters played by the veteran player?

Yes. The recruit may not grant a level to a character that is equal to or higher than the current level of the character he or she is playing.
Additionally, the recruit may not grant a level to a character that is level 60 or higher.

How can I earn the free 30-day credit?

For each person you refer who upgrades to a retail version of World of Warcraft and purchases his or her first month of game time, the account you sent the invitation from will receive a free credit of 30 days of play time.

Can I use the free 30-day credit on a different account or at a different time?

No, the 30 days of play time are immediately applied to the account you sent the invitation from once your recruit pays for his or her first month.

Can I earn multiple 30-day credits and mounts with Recruit-A-Friend?

Yes! These rewards will be given to you for each account you refer that meets the criteria listed above.

If my recruit cancels the account before purchasing subscription time, can I still earn the 30-day credit or the in-game mount?

If the recruit later comes back, reactivates the account, and purchases subscription time, you will still be eligible for the rewards. Additionally, you can always invite more friends/family members to try World of Warcraft through the Recruit-A-Friend system.


Triple experience is pretty fucking awesome if you wanted to reroll or anything with a friend.

Multi-boxers probably just shit themselves.


Alex said:
I think the mount is pretty ugly, myself. Talbuk's remain the best!

Yeah, the mount is kind of lame, but at the same time, if the mount rocked we'd all QQ because we'd want an easy way to get one in-game without convincing someone to spend ~$50.

Edit: Holy shit, 2 years of WoW and that's the first time I've ever said "QQ"...


So I just returned to WoW since around the time Naxx launched...I got rid of my old account (sold it to a RL buddy so he could have a third account..he's nuts, but whatever). I'm starting fresh with a Orc Rogue on Burning Legion that has a few RL buddies who are also starting (a couple for the first time ever). Well when I go stealth I noticed these eyes above NPCS now...I'm probably being stupid and its obvious, but I don't remember these...how can I tell if they see me or not? I assume that is what they are.

Chris R

Somnia said:
So I just returned to WoW since around the time Naxx launched...I got rid of my old account (sold it to a RL buddy so he could have a third account..he's nuts, but whatever). I'm starting fresh with a Orc Rogue on Burning Legion that has a few RL buddies who are also starting (a couple for the first time ever). Well when I go stealth I noticed these eyes above NPCS now...I'm probably being stupid and its obvious, but I don't remember these...how can I tell if they see me or not? I assume that is what they are.
eyes = they can see through stealth

no clue when they added it, but it is nice to know now
I like Legendary thread a lot (just listened to two old episodes while driving to and from work), but I think that has more to do with my love for all things Jeff Green than anything else.

It is plagued with a lot of the "what are we gonna talk about now" silences. Without a Shawn Elliot type character to really take charge. And now that Karen and Sean are gone its even more of a skeleton crew.

I'll have to check out The Instance. I heard one episode a while ago and didn't really follow up on it.


so... am I doing it right by putting off empowered frostbolt until past level 50? there's enough other frost talents I want, and I only have like 85 spell damage right now at level 46 (this alt used to be naked until I just spent like 300g re-equipping him) so I figured I could wait for that until after I get the water elemental.


I just noticed that the expiration of my linked recruit-a-friend account and the WOTLK release date (which was bumped up) are the same.

Maybe that's the date they're shooting for, start of Nov.


It wouldn't surprise me. They can release wotlk whenever they feel like it, and I bet November is when they want to release it so it'll have sales that carry over into christmas time.


Alright, quick question for all you priests out there. I currently have a 70 UD Rogue and 70 BE Pally (Ret/Holy) that are basically maxed out in S3/S4 PvP gear for now. I'm getting a little restless waiting for WotLK and have always wanted to start a priest. I don't have a caster DPS character and I could always use it for healing if I wanted to make my Paladin Ret or Prot.

Since I already have a Male UD and a Male BE, I kind of wanted to make the priest a Female BE. Unfortunately, I think UD is pretty much *the* choice for priest because of their vastly superior racials. So, is making a BE even worth it or am I going to regret not going with UD? I guess UD Female isn't that bad... they look cool right?


PatzCU said:
Since I already have a Male UD and a Male BE, I kind of wanted to make the priest a Female BE. Unfortunately, I think UD is pretty much *the* choice for priest because of their vastly superior racials. So, is making a BE even worth it or am I going to regret not going with UD? I guess UD Female isn't that bad... they look cool right?

total fail

and ya UD all the way


yacobod said:
total fail

and ya UD all the way

Cool that's what I'm thinking too. And I actually like my Male BE, I really dislike how small the weapons look on female BE's. Male BE in Plate >>> Male BE in Robes
Well it finally happened. After playing since the Closed beta, I've been hacked.

They even changed my security questions so I cannot reset my password.

On the wait queue for customer service right now...


Weenerz said:
Been leveling a hunter the last week or two and now I see why the class is so retard friendly. Almost 46 atm and my pet does so much dmg in BM.

retard friendly? most of those people went back to playing rogue or started leveling one.

Just wait until you hit 70 and try some arena out and tell me how easy it is.. can't wait for that.

rhfb said:
I know I love it :lol My boar can tank great as well and with omen I make sure I never pull aggro as well :lol

again wait until you're a higer level.. you have to try extremely hard not to pull agro from your pet because its completely broken around level 70. Have fun pulling agro with auto shots.

Sorry i'm just in a terrible mood after reading the hunter changes for the expansion.. such a fucking slap in the face to all decent hunters out there.

Still holding out hope blizzard will take some advice from some pro hunters to see exactly what needs changing because its as clear as day they have no idea what needs to be done. New aspect of the beast is the perfect example of that.


Possible T7 gear:







all I'm getting is a hotlink warning.

edit: I think I see more new mage talent changes, too... looks like ice floes is now tier 1 frost and replaces improved frost nova, shatter is no longer linked to anything, winter's chill affects all 3 schools, and there's a new talent that replaces ice floes and essentially fills the same role but I think it also works on another cooldown spell (deep freeze maybe).

and I notice empowered frostbolt is only 2 points now, and empowered fireball is only 3 points. and I noticed a new change with the frost warding talent which sounds pretty awesome for pvp/possibly pve if there's enough frost casters in wotlk dungeons.

Chris R

mileS said:
retard friendly? most of those people went back to playing rogue or started leveling one.

Just wait until you hit 70 and try some arena out and tell me how easy it is.. can't wait for that.

again wait until you're a higer level.. you have to try extremely hard not to pull agro from your pet because its completely broken around level 70. Have fun pulling agro with auto shots.

Sorry i'm just in a terrible mood after reading the hunter changes for the expansion.. such a fucking slap in the face to all decent hunters out there.

Still holding out hope blizzard will take some advice from some pro hunters to see exactly what needs changing because its as clear as day they have no idea what needs to be done. New aspect of the beast is the perfect example of that.

I know how bad shit at 70 can be, I have a mage :p Just leveling up basically one of every class except for paladin since I pretty much hate the changes that Blizzard has shown so far for the mage class in wotlk.
How the hell do people level pallys anyways? I have every class at 70 except a pally and none of them took long or were that boring, but fuck, my pally is only 21 and I can barely stay awake =\


I hated leveling my pally when I got past level 40, but it wasn't so bad because I'd bought a bunch of blue 2h swords/maces/polearms so I always had a good weapon. I think wotlk is going to make leveling pally actually fun though.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
mileS said:
retard friendly? most of those people went back to playing rogue or started leveling one.

Just wait until you hit 70 and try some arena out and tell me how easy it is.. can't wait for that.

again wait until you're a higer level.. you have to try extremely hard not to pull agro from your pet because its completely broken around level 70. Have fun pulling agro with auto shots.

Sorry i'm just in a terrible mood after reading the hunter changes for the expansion.. such a fucking slap in the face to all decent hunters out there.

Still holding out hope blizzard will take some advice from some pro hunters to see exactly what needs changing because its as clear as day they have no idea what needs to be done. New aspect of the beast is the perfect example of that.

I dont think its gonna be too bad for hunters in WOTLK, they'll introduce abilities that arent dependant on LOS (hunter's nemesis), finishing moves and totally revamped pet talents which will be awesome. Only thing thats not too cool are the 51 point talents of hunters, exotic pets will look cool but they wont be stronger than normal ones, certainly not worth 51 points and it does not help for arena at all, MM's 51 point shot is meh, survival is pretty much the only good thing in there.
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