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World of Warcraft

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They are currently bugged to shit. Who knows how they will be in the end. But probably ridiculously strong considering they are nothing more than glorified farming alts.


I've been in the beta for 9 days and I've leveled my DK to 75, half way to 76. Once you hit lvl70, the required xp jumps from 700k or whatever it was to hit 70, to 1.2 million xp. But the Northrend quests give about 20k xp per.
I want to reroll an Orc shaman but Durotar and its surroundings are dreadful from what I remember, in terms of leveling. Are there any alternatives?


Son of Godzilla said:
They are currently bugged to shit. Who knows how they will be in the end. But probably ridiculously strong considering they are nothing more than glorified farming alts.

Oh, well, as long as that's all they're used for :rolleyes:


Hunters in end-game OWN. The damage they put out is fucking crazy and im not joking. I saw some WWS from Brutallus, holy fucking shit. Good BM Hunter can outdps even rogue with glaives. 3000+ dps pew pew


CassSept said:
Hunters in end-game OWN. The damage they put out is fucking crazy and im not joking. I saw some WWS from Brutallus, holy fucking shit. Good BM Hunter can outdps even rogue with glaives. 3000+ dps pew pew

So glad my main is a hunter..lvl 62 now!



Oh! My Car! said:
I want to reroll an Orc shaman but Durotar and its surroundings are dreadful from what I remember, in terms of leveling. Are there any alternatives?
Level to level 4 and then go make your way to the blood elf zones and do all their quests.

Chris R

firex said:
Level to level 4 and then go make your way to the blood elf zones and do all their quests.
I'd suggest atleast getting your earth/fire totems first...

Thing about shaman that sucks is you have to go all the way to org to train, where every other class only has to go to Silvermoon/UC to train :( Seeing as I've leveled tons of alts through ghostlands I'd have to say Shaman is the biggest pain :| until 20, just so damn slow compared to all the other classes.
CassSept said:
Hunters in end-game OWN. The damage they put out is fucking crazy and im not joking. I saw some WWS from Brutallus, holy fucking shit. Good BM Hunter can outdps even rogue with glaives. 3000+ dps pew pew
I don't really see how this is particularly meaningful.


I just don't.


firex said:
but the only good totem you get at low levels is earthbind. and you get the earth totem at level 4 anyway.

Eh the fire totem is pretty useful early on, just because your damage suuuuuuuuuuuucks.

Chris R

Tamanon said:
Eh the fire totem is pretty useful early on, just because your damage suuuuuuuuuuuucks.
yep, searing totem is like an extra 2 dps or something (when you can pump out like 12 dps in the early teens that is quite a bit)


Tamanon said:
Er....sure, yeah WoW works on a jailbroken iPhone, that makes total sense and I can't see anything that would disprove that.
Looks like it's just an app for checking your mail ect.
Son of Godzilla said:
I don't really see how this is particularly meaningful.


I just don't.

Mainly cuz even in crappy S1/D3/Kara loot my BM hunter Rambos shit in instances too. It scales nicely along from great early to great late. :D
Yea, but like... so what? I don't really see how "Is capable of fulfilling the role it's supposed to" is that exciting. Even if they are competitive with everything but Warlocks given the right group composition, Hunter's have the highest consumable cost in the game. Not exactly fun times.


He measures in centimeters
CassSept said:
I spend all my gold on enchants and raid preparations (free epic gems from guild bank ftw!). Especially for progress raids, loads of food, flasks (or stack of elixir of demonslaying if it's brutallus), haste potions, etc. Once you raid you have lots of moneysinks. And enchants cost few hundred gold too.
AND of course best moneysink since last patch - 22 slots bags! If you have too much gold just buy as many as you wish :p

mamacint - well, pvp sucks ;) About PvE, well. I guess start with some dungeons and grind rep for heroics. You can do Kara preq too since iirc there were some decent rewards from it (and ofc people asking to open kara cause they dont have key are annoying as hell :p). When you have some decent gear start Kara, you can get to some Kara farming guild or find some pugs. 22 badges + some nice epics for beginners = win. Just remember to read strategies before going there, the ones for Kara arent too complicated (check wowwiki or something, i dont remember if bosskillers has tactics for all kara bosses). Then after that, well, are there still guilds doing SSC/TK after 2.4? If yeah, go there or some guild starting MH/BT (first bosses are a joke... well, actually whole MH/BT with exception of 2 or 3 bosses is a joke...). Collect gear and pew pew to Sunwell. This can be harder than it sounds and will take few months, but dont give up. WoW is a game were commitment can give you a lot :) And of course, if you are tank, you shouldn't have too big problems finding guild. I am rogue and finding one was hell (after my previous guild disbanded I had to migrate or i would be stuck to PvP lol.)
And of course, remember to always have best enchants you have (Aldor/Scryers rep! Will cost quite a bit, forgot to mention it in moneysinks, but is absolute must if you want to raid) and at the beginning blue gems, then move to epic gems.
I don't think I made to many mistakes in this wall of tl;dr text. If i did, someone correct me or something. Just starting raiding from my rogue's pov <.<
The problem with trying to bypass TK/SSC guilds is that you will either find a guild that vastly outgears you (sunwell) and probably won't want you or you'll find guilds that can't kill shit when it gets tough. Vash, kael and archi will hold your guilds feet to the fire. If you can't do those you will fail in sunwell regardless of how much time you spend farming easier t6 stuff. Honestly, with the newish badge gear and free s2 stuff I REALLY worry about guilds that don't take the time to learn t5 fights. I mean, you already overgear them and if you can't figure them out in relatively short order then you are going to be in trouble when you can't overgear your encounters.

If I was hitting 70 now I'd hit the BGs for free loot, kara once a week on a "badge run" (overgeared people looking for badges who don't mind one or two scrubs taking up slots) and daily heroics for more badges (don't try heroic mgt at this point). Making friends with a pally tank isn't a bad idea since they trivialize most heroics and kara (I'm a t5/t56 feral druid who can easily tank MH/BT but would much rather dps heroics/kara with a pally tank). Once you've got a solid mix of good heroic, badge and s2 gear I'd go look for a guild making solid progress through SSC and TK. If they aren't progressing I'd change guilds pretty quickly. Beat kael and vash since those bosses basically mean "you win TBC" (although archi will tear your heart out) and then spend quality time in BT/MH. Or if you are an a-hole guild hopper you can beg around for a sunwell guild to carry your sorry butt.
Archi is a much bigger Is Your Guild Retarded test than either Vash or Kael. T5 is more or less obsolete at this point.

Which is a shame, as Vashj is my favorite fight in the game.


Looks like with the addition of tentative potion sickness, Blizz'll be moving away from Pot-chugging fights. Wonder if it'll stick.


He measures in centimeters
Son of Godzilla said:
Archi is a much bigger Is Your Guild Retarded test than either Vash or Kael. T5 is more or less obsolete at this point.

Which is a shame, as Vashj is my favorite fight in the game.
Archi is more a personal accountability fight than the other two. Kind of a litmus test a guild's least common denominator(s). All 3 fights are awesome and stand as testaments to how imaginative and difficult boss fights can be.

T5 LOOT is close to obsolete but the content is still top notch and if a guild can't figure out those encounters they have little chance when things get tough. Bunch of guilds now skip vash and kael and are 5/6 SSC, 3/4 TK and in BT/hyjal. However, those same guilds are never better than 4/5 MH or beyond 4/9 TK. Yes, they are technically in BT/MH but they are only killing one boss that drops T6 with little hope of further progression.

Therefore if I'm leveling up a character for the first time and get some gear I'd look for a guild making solid progression through t5 or a guild that has killed vash and/or kael. Those are good signs.


Just a question I've always been wondering. In the map of azeroth it shows the middle of the ocean as a big ass whirlpool. Is i possible to reach said whirlpool? I've always though of simply attempting to swim their with my blood elf at some point in time.


nope. you get fatigue of course, plus eventually you literally run out of ocean way before you get there.

but that's where the maelstrom (next expansion, I'm sure) will be.


Having done both Kael and Vashj pre-nerfs and having gotten to 4/5 MH and 4/9 BT before I quit raiding, I really can't wait for the 10 man WotLK raids. I can field 10 to 20 competent guys on a regular basis, but the 35 or something required for 25 man raids always have some rotten apples in them. Also, not nearly enough tanks, but I hope the DKs circumvent this somewhat.


He measures in centimeters
Dina said:
Having done both Kael and Vashj pre-nerfs and having gotten to 4/5 MH and 4/9 BT before I quit raiding, I really can't wait for the 10 man WotLK raids. I can field 10 to 20 competent guys on a regular basis, but the 35 or something required for 25 man raids always have some rotten apples in them. Also, not nearly enough tanks, but I hope the DKs circumvent this somewhat.
Sure...everyone wants to dps because thats kinda ezmode. Those are the people we find having issues with accountability in fights like archi. However, you really don't need all that many tanks. We typically run with 1 prot war, 1 prot pally and 2 feral (without stupid crap like absolutely min/maxing every boss). Our ret paly and fury warrior are occasionally called on to slap on some tanking gear for specific trash but generally get to just dps.


ok, it's nothing special but I think I'll just go pretty much pure frost on my mage, at least until I get him to outland levels.


offtopic said:
Archi is more a personal accountability fight than the other two. Kind of a litmus test a guild's least common denominator(s). All 3 fights are awesome and stand as testaments to how imaginative and difficult boss fights can be.

T5 LOOT is close to obsolete but the content is still top notch and if a guild can't figure out those encounters they have little chance when things get tough. Bunch of guilds now skip vash and kael and are 5/6 SSC, 3/4 TK and in BT/hyjal. However, those same guilds are never better than 4/5 MH or beyond 4/9 TK. Yes, they are technically in BT/MH but they are only killing one boss that drops T6 with little hope of further progression.

Therefore if I'm leveling up a character for the first time and get some gear I'd look for a guild making solid progression through t5 or a guild that has killed vash and/or kael. Those are good signs.
IMO Vashj is harder :p
Depends how many retards you have in your guild. For Vashj you need just few people on whom P2 depends to get what they are supposed to do. In Archimonde it's easier (click the tear, avoid the fire) but it applies not only to few people that are kiting striders or whatever, but to whole raid (except for tank) so that can make Archimone harder for some guilds, and Vashj for some guilds
IMO Vashj P2 > Archimonde, but that probably depends on your guild and experience with these bosses


He measures in centimeters
IMO Vashj is harder :p
Depends how many retards you have in your guild. For Vashj you need just few people on whom P2 depends to get what they are supposed to do. In Archimonde it's easier (click the tear, avoid the fire) but it applies not only to few people that are kiting striders or whatever, but to whole raid (except for tank) so that can make Archimone harder for some guilds, and Vashj for some guilds
IMO Vashj P2 > Archimonde, but that probably depends on your guild and experience with these bosses
Yeah...totally different. Vash you have to have a few people execute at a high level and most people not completely suck although they can screw up here and there. Archi you have to have 100% of the people not be retards and never screw up. Also if someone lags or DCs or the fire does some unexpected move its over. Thats harder :(.

Either way, a guild that can't kill vash or kael isn't going to kill archi or get far in BT.


Modesty becomes a woman
JoeMartin said:
Emerald Dream?

The maelstrom is where the first Well of Eternity was, Malfurion blew it up to stop the invading Burning legion, and it took all the space between Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms with it.

Apparently everything on Azertoh was connected before that, one big continent.
So...I re-installed WoW on my Laptop, updated to version 2.0 or whatever, then installed Burning Crusade, and when I go to log in, I can't get passed Connecting on Burning Crusade. Anyone have any idea why?


ToyMachine228 said:
So...I re-installed WoW on my Laptop, updated to version 2.0 or whatever, then installed Burning Crusade, and when I go to log in, I can't get passed Connecting on Burning Crusade. Anyone have any idea why?

Sounds like your antivirus might be blocking it.


JoeMartin said:
Emerald Dream?
They could add both in that next expansion, although if that leaked list posted in the WOTLK alpha topic in Gaming is any indication, the Emerald Dream is the fourth expansion.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
They could add both in that next expansion, although if that leaked list posted in the WOTLK alpha topic in Gaming is any indication, the Emerald Dream is the fourth expansion.
I've probably already seen it but I should try and track that down.


speedpop said:
I've probably already seen it but I should try and track that down.
Just search the topic for something like "xoroth" and you will probably find it. It's no doubt buried in the middle of the thread somewhere by now.
A World of Warcraft app for the iPhone has been released on the App Store. It displays various info on characters. I can't get it to work though, as soon as I input the character name and realm the app crashes :(
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