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World of Warcraft

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Son of Godzilla said:
As confirmed as the Fireball Will Have Knockback thing which turned out not to happen.

Honestly I'd expect it to just be a pre-set spec type thing that you still have to pay to switch to. Just so you don't screw up your spec.
it sounds like the 2 switchable specs thing is wotlk's version of guild banks, i.e. it's a feature they talked up at the WWI (or some other blizzard event - either way, they did mention it) but won't implement until after wotlk launch.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
JoeMartin said:
After pounding out 1064g in a single day today, my epic flier grind is complete.

Now to run my face into Netherwing rep.

Seriously, i've been meaning to ask, best way to grind money for epic mount, tell me :(


Buggy Loop said:
Seriously, i've been meaning to ask, best way to grind money for epic mount, tell me :(

Epic quest-a-thon in Netherstorm.

But seriously. Gratuitous use of questhelper + wowhead and condensing your quests as much as possible = great money. I pretty much just moved from quest hub to quest hub - Area 52, Midrealm, Stormspire, Kirin'Var, Ethereum Outpost (I think I hit all of them) - and pounded them out.

Tons of money made from raw quest cash, but you soak up all kinds of residual money in the way of hard money loot, resources and greens. And pick up every. single. piece. of. loot. Greys too. You'd be surprised how fast that stuff can stack up to golds worth of trash.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Yea but i think i've exausted pretty much all quests around those areas down to group ones, havent done much dungeons at all though so there's probably quests and money there to be made.

Had 2k sometime ago, wasted it all here and there while leveling enchanting and engineeriing and then cried, i suck @ money management.


Grandma's Chippy
I like the WoWhead ingame addon better than Questhelper. QH has way more features and fancy blinking arrows and stuff but all I need or coords and comments.


Buggy Loop said:
Yea but i think i've exausted pretty much all quests around those areas down to group ones, havent done much dungeons at all though so there's probably quests and money there to be made.

Had 2k sometime ago, wasted it all here and there while leveling enchanting and engineeriing and then cried, i suck @ money management.

Well I got all my money purely through questing (dailies included). Granted I spend 0 money while on the grind. I wouldn't let myself do it.

Hell, I'm still not really spending money on anything. Working money again for a Cenarion War Hippogryph.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
If I want I could get 4k a day through this method:

Wake up 4 hours before dailies restart
Do all the dailies while CONSTANTLY, simultaneously, gathering herbs and mining veins (375 on both)
Wait for the daily-restart
Do all the dailies (again) while CONSTANTLY, simultaneously, gathering herbs and mining veins for the rest of the day.

Oh and the Thrall economy is fucked, I might add. Everything that can stack (x20) sells for over 30g.
Seiken said:
If I want I could get 4k a day through this method:

Wake up 4 hours before dailies restart
Do all the dailies while CONSTANTLY, simultaneously, gathering herbs and mining veins (375 on both)
Wait for the daily-restart
Do all the dailies (again) while CONSTANTLY, simultaneously, gathering herbs and mining veins for the rest of the day.

Oh and the Thrall economy is fucked, I might add. Everything that can stack (x20) sells for over 30g.
Saving dailies from the previous day is kinda cheating...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
DarkAngelYuna said:
Saving dailies from the previous day is kinda cheating...
:lol I guess.
My guild tried ZA as a guild for the first time today

We downed the Bear, got Eagle to 40% and called it a run for tonight

I downed the Lynx with another guild in the past

We would have gotten farther if we had a mage on the run :(

Chris R

I don't even bother with doing the daily quests any more. Just straight mining when I need cash. Prospect the ore, sell the blue jems, hope the brilliant glass gives an epic (not seaspray)


Still Tagged Accordingly
BigJonsson said:
My guild tried ZA as a guild for the first time today

We downed the Bear, got Eagle to 40% and called it a run for tonight

I downed the Lynx with another guild in the past

We would have gotten farther if we had a mage on the run :(
heh, i was lucky enough to get into a well geared and experienced PUG and we downed 3 bosses, but then had a bit of trouble at the lynx boss. called it a night after a lot of wipes.

i want to get my guild in there soonish.
BigJonsson said:
My guild tried ZA as a guild for the first time today

We downed the Bear, got Eagle to 40% and called it a run for tonight

I downed the Lynx with another guild in the past

We would have gotten farther if we had a mage on the run :(

Don't worry, ZA is one of those instances that just takes time to learn and is usually VERY hectic even when you do know it. I've only done it a few times with my old Ally guild. I've cleared it before, got 3 timed reward chests, and it never calms down. Every run is always "AHHHHH LYNX NOW GOGOGOGOGOGOGOOGGOOG" as the last lol.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I was on my 8th bear run the other day and some asshole on his first rolled against me and won the bear, even when all the people who haven't been on at least five runs were told to pass. GG


Gold Member


May I suggest updating the OP with useful macros for each class that you guys are using. We could use this thread or start a new one, but I think it'd be cool to share this info amongst us. Thoughts?
Oh and theres this rogue in my guild who I think is friends with all the GM's IRL.....and he is undergeared for ZA and is still using daggers and no one has said anything.....I don't know if its worth it to vocalize that we are going to keep sucking if he stays daggers.....all the other rogues that raid use swords

As a rogue I came to the realization in Kara that I had to take on swords, I can't believe this one is trying to do ZA with daggers


BigJonsson said:
Oh and theres this rogue in my guild who I think is friends with all the GM's IRL.....and he is undergeared for ZA and is still using daggers and no one has said anything.....I don't know if its worth it to vocalize that we are going to keep sucking if he stays daggers.....all the other rogues that raid use swords

As a rogue I came to the realization in Kara that I had to take on swords, I can't believe this one is trying to do ZA with daggers

Daggers, while slightly worse than swords in overall DPS (both specced combat), are far from detrimentally worthless.

He's probably just bad at WoW. It's a whole lot more common than most would like to admit.


I tried this macro on my Paladin and it's not working:

/castsequence reset=300 Divine Shield, [target=player] Holy Light
It's supposed to cast a Divine Shield bubble then cast Holy Light. When I click it, it only casts Holy Light (no bubble first).


trinket macros are pretty good. on my orc shaman I have a blood fury/AP trinket macro

it's basically something like this
#showtooltip Blood Fury
/use 13;
/use 14;
/cast Blood Fury

what this does is shows the blood fury tooltip, and activates either of my cooldown trinkets while they're up.


The OP is almost 4 years old and the thread starter is banned! :lol

I've recently started over on a PVP server, and I'm heavily wishing they'd allow PVE to PVP transfers, because leaving behind a bunch of 70s on one server to start over from scratch on another ain't easy.

Gotta rebuild my roster of mage/shaman/warrior 70s, and either a paladin or a warlock depending on how I'm feeling.


Neo Member
Hey all, so I just gave into WoW once again and re-activated my account. Only made it to 35 last time around with my Shaman but have started a Hunter and am really enjoying it so far. If anyone is on Mal'Ganis give me a shout my ID is Johnydrama (awesome I know). I'm around level 10 so if anyone wants to do some instancing meet up on our way to 70 let me know! Am looking to hit 55 by the time WoTLK comes out!
TurtleSnatcher said:
I started up again..

Doing the trial account dual boxing with another character and using recruit of friend experience.

I've been thinking about this. My plan is to get my main account char and my ROF account char into DM or something and having a 70 friend run me.

and shit apparently cloth turn ins work for XP...and since I'll have 29 levels to gift I'll be getting another easy 60 out of the deal.


johnnyg87 said:
Hey all, so I just gave into WoW once again and re-activated my account. Only made it to 35 last time around with my Shaman but have started a Hunter and am really enjoying it so far. If anyone is on Mal'Ganis give me a shout my ID is Johnydrama (awesome I know). I'm around level 10 so if anyone wants to do some instancing meet up on our way to 70 let me know! Am looking to hit 55 by the time WoTLK comes out!

Oh heyo im spruchy on the same server, leveling my rogue by that name......have a retired t6 pally too -_-
Flesh Into Gear said:
I've been thinking about this. My plan is to get my main account char and my ROF account char into DM or something and having a 70 friend run me.

and shit apparently cloth turn ins work for XP...and since I'll have 29 levels to gift I'll be getting another easy 60 out of the deal.
What I'm doing is I created a Lvl 1 character on my main account.. and on the recruit a friend account I made a new character (of course.. has to be trial)

I just have the other follow him and do the same quests..

Though last night I stopped doing collection quests with my main account and he is now lagging behind by about 2 levels. You have to be within 4 levels with your link to get the 30% extra experience from mobs.

Guess Ill start collecting with both again tonight. I ended up getting through Deathknell and got to Brill and both of my characters were already Lvl 9.. and I had just got to Brill.. :lol

I ended up having to leave Brill after about 4-5 quests out of the 15-20 available because my guys were already lvl 11-12 and I scurried over to Crossroads.

I logged off last night with my Warlock at lvl 14.. and my Rogue (Follows him around) at Lvl 12.

Working pretty well!

I'm saving the free levels for either a 51 paladin I have on my main account and a 47 shaman on the main account. Knock them up to 60 for free.. ftw!


Hey hey, I am going to start back up again so I thought I would be kind enough to give someone a free month through the Resurrect-a-Friend deal.


What do you need from me? Email? I can't see the page because I'm not a current subscriber. Send me a PM if you are interested.

edit: Turns out my 90 days is from expiration, not login. It can't be done for another couple days. Sorry!


The level cap will be 80. Storm Peaks will be available. Icecrown is still unavailable.

We'll also make the following dungeons available:
Halls of Lightning
Halls of Stone
Caverns of Time: Stratholme
The Occulus
Utgarde Pinnacle
Heroic: The Nexus (No attunement necessary -- just get level 80)
Gundrak and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom almost made this patch but there were a few issues which held them back. Also, we sped up the leveling curve from 70-80. We're still dialing in the leveling speed so feedback is appreciated.

Looks to me like the Beta is approaching the end now that they're opening up all the dungeons and allowing level 80. Or at least only another month or two.
TurtleSnatcher said:
What I'm doing is I created a Lvl 1 character on my main account.. and on the recruit a friend account I made a new character (of course.. has to be trial)

I just have the other follow him and do the same quests..

Though last night I stopped doing collection quests with my main account and he is now lagging behind by about 2 levels. You have to be within 4 levels with your link to get the 30% extra experience from mobs.

Guess Ill start collecting with both again tonight. I ended up getting through Deathknell and got to Brill and both of my characters were already Lvl 9.. and I had just got to Brill.. :lol

I ended up having to leave Brill after about 4-5 quests out of the 15-20 available because my guys were already lvl 11-12 and I scurried over to Crossroads.

I logged off last night with my Warlock at lvl 14.. and my Rogue (Follows him around) at Lvl 12.

Working pretty well!

I'm saving the free levels for either a 51 paladin I have on my main account and a 47 shaman on the main account. Knock them up to 60 for free.. ftw!

Yeah I started last night with a priest on my account and the rogue on trial. Just had the priest follow the rogue and they both got to 10 in under 2 hrs. I'm going to run them to the Deadmines today and use my friends boomkin to boost them through.
Haha i like that knife. Very useful. Also like the portable mailbox idea. Peeved by the item attachments if they are overidden by enchants. Well, more the situational ones like the boots and the parachute. I wouldn't choose either of those over a much more useful enchant.


1 and a half levels to 70 on my hunter, not nearly as annoying as I thought it'd be to level the class. But I'll hate life when I'm grinding honor for my S2 shit. Guess I'll get the ranged weapon first while losing 10 games a week for 2 or 3 weeks to get the S3 hunter axe.


I like the gnomish army knife and I love the trinkets. unless WotLK is just overflowing with passive trinkets, those are some really good stuff to use for awhile. the caster one is a good pvp trinket (imo) while the melee one can provide a good moment to blow any cooldowns/dump a bunch of burst damage.

edit: and the belt things. chiefly, the EMP attachment. nothing like adding a little utility, and I doubt it'll be a choice between EMP attachment or using a belt buckle from blacksmithing (at least it better not be).


CassSept said:
Gnomish Army Knife is just new version of Goblin Jumper Cables/GJC XL... just probably with a bit better success rate

Well the point is that it's Jumper Cables that also count as half-a-dozen tools. It really is an Army Knife:p

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
engineering MOLL-E is also cool, a portable mailbox :D
Gnomish x-ray specs allows you to see peoples without cloth and armor :lol

Hand mounted pyro rocket, 2070 to 2530 dmg every 2 mins
gnomish lightning generator, 2610 to 3190 dmg every 1m30s

Thats nice additional damage to dish out with not too long cooldowns. So far the new recipes are very handy, <3 engineer.


Weenerz said:
1 and a half levels to 70 on my hunter, not nearly as annoying as I thought it'd be to level the class. But I'll hate life when I'm grinding honor for my S2 shit. Guess I'll get the ranged weapon first while losing 10 games a week for 2 or 3 weeks to get the S3 hunter axe.

i think this weekend is av weekend, so it should be easy to honor grind if that is your thing


I'm totally making the Gnomish Army Knife on my shaman, just so I don't have to lug anything around. probably going to make some money crafting those mining + skinning and mining + blacksmithing picks and hammers, too.

and I plan on using the EMP belt attachment, since I assume it will be compatible with the belt buckles from blacksmithing. I'll probably use the pyro rockets on leveling gloves or something, but when I get good level 80 gloves I'm going to wind up enchanting them, since I'm pretty sure +spell damage or +spell crit or something like that would be more dps than using the rockets on cooldown.


Something that's been bothering me a little and I don't know whether it's a bug or not: Whenever I engage a mob it always takes a second or two until I see any health drop off of them often wasting whatever damage my initial attack did. It's like the mob is immuned for the first second or two while the game's AI is figuring things out. Also, I'v even see it drop to like 92% after my initial attack and then instantly jump back up to 100% before things begin to work normally. Is this situation actually happening the way it seems or could it be a bug in whatever is doing the health percentage calculation (perhaps a mod that I've installed since I have too many) of the mobs, as in the mobs health is dropping properly but whoever is responsible for calculating the percentage left of the mobs health is just having trouble with the initial calculation when the fight first begins?

I hope this wasn't too confusing. If you need me to clarify anything let me know.


sounds like a bugged mod to me. I've always had HP drop immediately after my attacks hit unless the server is lagging hardcore.
My Warlock hit 22 or 23 last night..

With this recruit a friend stuff.. it is so easy to level..

I've skipped so many quests because I get so over-leveled so quickly in certain areas.. Its pretty nice.

I only started on Saturday and play about 3 hours a night too
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