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World of Warcraft

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nataku said:
Hunter probably have the hardest time finding groups out of any class in the game. People seem to think that they suck and won't invite them. I spent the most of my time (60 Hunter now) soloing quests for exp. Everyone looks at them as a solo class. I see people yelling in general at the Hunters LFG to "go solo because it's what you're supposed to do" way more often than I would like.

Just wait until these same people get to higher lvl instances. Hunter is going to be your only consistent dps against mobs like The Princess in Maraudon, The Dragon Shade in ST, The Beast in UBRS, etc. etc. As a Hunter I admit that it was tough finding instance parties at lower levels, but now, at lvl 60, I'm getting invites all the time.


The real problem with priests as healbots in groups is, all the way up to about zul farrak you can heal but also shadow word: pain, silence and so on. Then all of a sudden encounters become a lot harder and ALL you do is focus on watching hp bars. It's nice to have a priest but quite frankly it's not as fun as shaman/paladin as a healer.

As far as druids go: Cat form needs a buff, and I've said a feral cat form would be good to help its dps scale. Obviously if cat form druids did 100% of a rogue's DPS they'd be overpowered simply due to being able to heal as well (and while it's mana-intensive to shift, it's not that bad), but if they could do like 75% of a rogue's DPS in cat form then they'd at least be a good 5th man. Spirit should really affect their animal forms' damage instead of str/agi for bear/cat so they don't have to haul around extra sets of armor just to make their forms good. Plus, a lot of the druid geared items are high in spirit anyway so this would encourage players to pick up more of them. Rebirth IMO doesn't need the cooldown at all. It's honestly competition with soulstones instead of real rez spells, and I know groups would take a warlock (bringing strong dps and cc) instead. I won't get into druid vs shaman/paladin because I'd imagine on the alliance there's tons of paladins (surprisingly, shamans aren't that common on the horde) and I think there are more shamans than druids on the horde.

Quick heal isn't a problem with druids though, if they're restoration they should have improved regrowth and boosted crit chance on the spell. A 2s heal that can crit for 1500ish with a strong HOT component, and then be stacked with rejuvenation immediately after, is more than enough to keep almost anyone alive (it keeps me alive when I hellfire on my lock and that's 210 dps to myself + the inevitably huge aggro from mobs).

Warlocks are still gimp as fuck in pvp and quite frankly are a broken class. They're workable but there's ONE good endgame talent tree (destruction) and there's no reason to spec far down into affliction or demonology in the endgame. Also, demonology as a talent tree should honestly be shifted more in line with the hunter's beast mastery tree: general pet buffs instead of specific pet buffs. The soul link talent is pretty nice but not worth the 30 point investment, period. The upper level talents (demonic embrace, improved healthstones and improved imp) are also awesome. Demonic embrace is actually overpowered as a talent (15% more stamina for 5% less spirit? ok, spirit is useless for warlocks anyway). But until the entire tree is redone, and I'm not joking there, this talent should stay the way it is. Affliction is sorta like shadow for priests: godlike soloing up to about 50ish and then worthless. But I can solo effectively with destruction, too, just with a different strategy.


Just try out whatever, it's easy enough to start over. I've mostly been dabbling around myself, Rogue is currently my highest, but I kinda grew tired of it's style.

Learning how multiple classes tick will help out that much more when Battlegrounds roll around as well.

I hated Priest. Just didn't like it's foundation, and the structure of WoW and how I play made it difficult. Whereas in contrast, my first job to 75 in FFXI was a WHM, and I tended to stick on it most of the time.

I'm mulling over Druid or Paladin at the moment. Seems like the most enjoyable support classes to me. I'd consider Shaman too, but I don't feel like playing Horde at this time.


Yeh, I played Rogue to 40, Druid to 36 and Priest to 20 and enjoyed all three. This game is terrible, i hate it, too many likeable classes :)

Its a broken record...I know, but I really wanted one focal point. I was a 75 BRD in FFXI, I like to play a needed class. I loved the HNM endgame stuff 99% of the time and I want to do something similar in WoW.

I tried Rogue first, due to me getting a bit tired of playing support - I wanted to dish out the big numbers like the RNG in FFXI. I got it to 40 in the US version and enjoyed it thoroughly, decided to stop with the EU version in mind. It was always a dead cert - me going Rogue in the EU retail, then I heard they don't become as needed endgame. So I tried Priest...liked that alot, only got to 20, but could see its power growing in the shadow line. But then I'm falling back into the support category - which i've always loved, but can't decide if WoW is the time to give up that role. Not having any experience in healing in this game and the agro management, especially in instances kinda deters me from the class at the moment. But I can only learn if I play it right? I can't imagine its that difficult - i'm just relying on getting into a reliable guild and doing instance runs with them. I'd have no quabbles choosing Priest then - its the random groups with players shouting "HEAL ME" when they're at 70% health that puts me off - I really cannot be arsed with that this time around.

Meh - maybe I'll bite the bullet, i'll start tomorrow - starting areas are camped to hell atm, and all i'm seeing is UD Rogues >.>

AND THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I'VE DONE THE UNDEAD STARTER QUESTS is unbelievable. If I have to kill Samuel Fibbs one more time, i'm gonna scream


Rogues are a dime a dozen. On Illidan there are literally multiple rogues in every raid group I get into. The one I had not too long ago had 5 in a 15 man raid. Priests, on the other hand, are extremely rare and I've had several groups break up because they couldn't find a priest (or any healer for that matter).


High end enmity control in Warcraft is wholefully more simplistic but more intuitive than Final Fantasy XI.

On the good side, it makes casual grouping easier, on the bad side Paladins in WoW are the polar opposite of skill compared to FFXI.

I don't mind either way, WoW has different focuses, but I wish they'd rip off FFXI's aggro system. I REALLY miss the freaking houdini pulls in FFXI. So much fun.


Heh, we had a fun little PvP fight today, jumped into a higher level skirmish with our 33 secondary classes.

Managed to cheese a Rogue to death with Moonfire spam and general Priest trickery. Huzzah for unchecked lowbies! Of course, then another Rogue and a Mage started chasing us up a river.

The poor bastard Rogue caught like 5x aggro from fishies and was promptly devoured. The Mage, well, we toyed with him around in a water fight, and as he tried to swim up for air, my Druid buddy rooted him and viola, he drowned.

Personally, I laughed my ass off at that. So cheesy.
Alex said:
Heh, we had a fun little PvP fight today, jumped into a higher level skirmish with our 33 secondary classes.

Managed to cheese a Rogue to death with Moonfire spam and general Priest trickery. Huzzah for unchecked lowbies! Of course, then another Rogue and a Mage started chasing us up a river.

The poor bastard Rogue caught like 5x aggro from fishies and was promptly devoured. The Mage, well, we toyed with him around in a water fight, and as he tried to swim up for air, my Druid buddy rooted him and viola, he drowned.

Personally, I laughed my ass off at that. So cheesy.

Nothing. NOTHING is more fun than getting CSed by a Rogue, "panic" with the shield and renew, but in actuality be guiding them next to a crescent of mobs and letting that Fear fly, followed by DP and SW:p. Wave as they truly run around in a panic. :)

And any group forming that say they don't want a Hunter and refuse you are idiots. "No, we don't want sky-high safe DPS and master pulling."


I've only fought incompetent Rogues. It's quite sad, in a Rogue VS Rogue battle I took someone down in like...10 seconds I believe.

Also, while the WoW boards are filled to the brim with crybabies and idiots, there are lots o' funny video making folks:


Fun to scour the general board during occasional break for new stickied info and awkward videos, always nice when you get one that isn't filled with shitty rock music too.

Dwarves rock.


Meh - went for Troll Priest on a pvp server, lets hope i don't regret the race decision, the way I look at it, every race/class has an achilles heel and my liking for troll and their starting quests is more worthwhile than FOTM Undead Priest


that video was hilarious. I also like the one somebody did set to the medieval man track from warcraft 2. I don't know how that guy managed to get the choreography right for it (which sounds silly to say that using the game, but seriously, watch it) but it's matched up so well, and so funny.

when I'm at level 60 and bored on my shaman I'll definitely make a pvp video about the constant southshore-tarren mill fights that go on and set it to Beck's "Lost Cause."
I re-rolled a warrior and a hunter cause my friends just got into the game, and it's interesting what people with supposed high level alt try to pass off as fact...

so far I heard:

There is no armor that will increase you hp, eventhough they knew what stamina was cause they had a lvl 57 warrior and stamina has nothing to do with HP. I was also told to STFU and to go fuck myself when only thing I said wasy +stamina armor exsists.

Rogues have bear from it's been seen

Druids have pets

You can't see the horde on a pvp server untill you hit lvl 17...which changed to 10 then the person tried to pass of a rogue going stealth as not being able to see Horde till lvl 8.

There's a lvl 38 drop that gives anyone a combat pet

ALL beasts are tamable including Kodos...

very interesting


Great Wasabi Man said:
I re-rolled a warrior and a hunter cause my friends just got into the game, and it's interesting what people with supposed high level alt try to pass off as fact...

so far I heard:

There is no armor that will increase you hp, eventhough they knew what stamina was cause they had a lvl 57 warrior and stamina has nothing to do with HP. I was also told to STFU and to go fuck myself when only thing I said wasy +stamina armor exsists.

Rogues have bear from it's been seen

Druids have pets

You can't see the horde on a pvp server untill you hit lvl 17...which changed to 10 then the person tried to pass of a rogue going stealth as not being able to see Horde till lvl 8.

There's a lvl 38 drop that gives anyone a combat pet

ALL beasts are tamable including Kodos...

very interesting

Which server is this so I can avoid it like the plague?


Have I mentioned yet in here how godawful the end game is in this game? Sooo bad and seriously, I dont expect it to get better any time soon. I'll probably keep my account alive until the first expansion and at least try it but I cant see this game having a very long life for most power gamers.. it's just too god damn repetitive for me.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I just hit 60 the other day...

Since the game launched I have been 100% addicted and have played for hours every day. Now... I suddenly lost the drive. =/ Can't even get it back with my alts.

Without being able to level any further, doing instances or quests seems kind of pointless. And PvP has gotten repetitive. Hrrrrrmmmm.

I can't complain too much, I put like 50,000 hours into the game and loved every moment of it =P Maybe it's better that I'm almost done? Can finally get back to schoolwork. >_<
MrCheez said:
I just hit 60 the other day...

Since the game launched I have been 100% addicted and have played for hours every day. Now... I suddenly lost the drive. =/ Can't even get it back with my alts.

Without being able to level any further, doing instances or quests seems kind of pointless. And PvP has gotten repetitive. Hrrrrrmmmm.

I can't complain too much, I put like 50,000 hours into the game and loved every moment of it =P Maybe it's better that I'm almost done? Can finally get back to schoolwork. >_<

You actually liked leveling? Meh. I enjoy the game much more now that I don't have to worry about any of that shit. Just raiding to gear up. Can't wait to see the next instances they open up, and battlegrounds.


Oooh 3 general kills per night and then maybe Molten Core every once in awhile. Snoozefest! Blizzard screwed the pooch on the end game. I have my Onyxia key so I guess I'll at least log on for the next try at her.. raiding is so damn boring though at this point, I havent even done it in almost a month now.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Cerebral Palsy said:
You actually liked leveling? Meh. I enjoy the game much more now that I don't have to worry about any of that shit. Just raiding to gear up. Can't wait to see the next instances they open up, and battlegrounds.

I love leveling. Attaining new abilities, getting stronger and being able to face stuff I never before could... advancing your character is addicting.

Putting hours into getting a new piece of gear just isn't the same as putting hours into leveling up, IMO. =/ Upgrading gear here and there doesn't feel like advancing as much as gaining levels does.


That's it, I'm snapping, I hate Druids.

Despite that...:

~Druids are near the top of WoW's support/healing game
~Druids are near the top of WoW's party control/tanking game
~Druids are near the top of WoW's typical group PvP enviroment
~Druids have by far the best utility functions in the game, and are fun as shit to play
~Druids offer both solid consistent and burst DPS, along with obscene endurance and survivability

...all they do is bitch. Seriously, we have two Druids in our LS (edit: guild, sorry, force of habit) who are total freaks, and 99% of Druid discussion on Blizzards boards is just pure crybaby shit.

I admit they have a few faults, Cat form does indeed need some tweaking. As it stands, it's far too situational (Opener VS Cloth, grinding, Prowl, Track) and stems more into utility than the consistent mana-friendly DPS form it's susposed to be. And even with this, it's being tweaked likely in the next content patch, so god, just leave the subject alone.

Notes to Druids:

~Druid is treated mostly as a healer in PvE events because there ARE NO healers. Only a Holy Priest can outdo a Restore Druid.

~The Feral tree doesn't suck, the issues with Cat, along with the fact that Restore and Balance are likely the two most polished and appealing Talent Trees in the game is apparently warping minds.

~Yes, Balance-wise Hurricane isn't very good, but tough shit, basicly every class has 1-2 of their trees corrupted with mediocre finalé abilities

~Learn how to play your damn class.

I'm rolling a Druid now. I've decided that's what I want to be, simply to get to 60, kick ass, and make fun of idiots.

...Also, I want to root people under water and drown 'em...


I played a NE druid to 36, went Bal/Res spec and enjoyed it immensley. All this talk almost makes me miss it =/


Meier said:
Have I mentioned yet in here how godawful the end game is in this game? Sooo bad and seriously, I dont expect it to get better any time soon. I'll probably keep my account alive until the first expansion and at least try it but I cant see this game having a very long life for most power gamers.. it's just too god damn repetitive for me.

About a week ago, there was a url posted on VNBoards to mag scans which had like a Battlegrounds Preview part 3 in it, and it looked even cooler. There was also information on about 6 new high lvl raid instances, new zones being opened and the PvP honour system was mentioned again. Hopefully its getting closer as in the next few months. Bit of a shame for the current 60s, but for us euro's we've only just started :D


I just hit 60 on my warlock tonight, and I am nowhere near close to Onyxia, much less the Molten Core. And at the same time I can (and will) just be earning money for my shaman and priest now. It was something like 40g to buy all my spells (including the max ranks of pet spells) which is typical for most classes. But it's a little disappointing, because I had about 70g before I went and trained.


The content spread and end game in WoW is about as posh as I've ever seen in any fresh MMO. Some folks honestly just need to cut it back, or lay some varitey into their play schedule rather than so much quest hopping and grinding for hours every day.


I still have a ton of lower blackrock spire quests to do (one of which I need to do just to get started on the Onyxia key series), and I haven't set foot in scholomance or stratholme yet. I also haven't gotten any of the cool as hell dreadmist stuff yet, but that will hopefully change.


Dammit Alex, you've got me thinking of playing Druid now >< I had alot of fun with that class, and the fact it has so much variety and kept me on my toes made it better. The only problem I had with NE Druid was the lack of stun/interupt, but if I was Horde I would at least have War Stomp available. Being support healer at end game is more nice sounding than main healer in all honesty...and I like the fact that nature's grasp and travel form can get you out of almost any pvp situation and turn it into you favour.

Bal/Res build of course

Hmmm *ponders* :)


Druids are great, just make sure to combat whiners if you roll one. They're part of the fun!

"I have mostly Restoration with a little Balance, I have all Eagle gear, how come simply idling in my cat form won't do 300 DPS while I'm soloing on a group centric class (IMO, Druid is a total star when teamed up with anything in any ammount) with a group centric build!?!?"

I'm going to freaking eat people during PvP come 60 in my duo. Druid + Mage = OH SHIT! Run bitches, run for your lives!


Yeah, I've seen that one before if that's the same as on the Blizzard boards. Druids have the most interesting combat videos.

There was another with a Druid named Moon, I thought it was better edited (although both, IMHO, have obscenely poor taste in music) and had far more interesting use of tactical Druid play. Not to say this one was poor, but it had a little too much fluff and Moonfire spam.

Plus that one had a VS Paladin fight. :p I know those are susposed to stalemate by default, but I like watching them try to outsurvive one another.

Edit: Here's the thread with it: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-druid&t=62528&p=1&tmp=1#post62528 good fun for those who like watching PvP compliations.

I remember on the Blizz. boards, people picked on him for not fighting "fair" though due to the Catform openers and general non-duel nature. That was pretty comedic to me. "How dare you use your classes abilities to your advantage on a PvP server!"


Ahh can't wait to start one now. I've been dabbling between Rogue and Priest as my choice, yet Druid seems to be the perfect medium for me. I loved the utility it bought to the playing field, its many ways of pvp and means of escaping and turning the fight into your favour - it has so many emergency abilities, instant heals I just love to have at my disposal, and the fact the class is looked down upon by many players makes it even better - underplayed. UD Priest really is flavour of the month and being primary healer at endgame really isnt what I'm looking for.

Time to roll that Tauren :)
Korranator said:
Which server is this so I can avoid it like the plague?

AssGlagore.... :lol

Last night a raid group made it all the way to the NE starting point, people were freaking out about how they were going to die. A lvl 60 Orc Hunter was fighting the guards and a lvl 6 drud comes up and smacks him. The orc stopped types "..." and let the druid hit him a couple of times only to get one hit killed.

He had thie really cool looking all white tiger, I would have asked him where he got it but it's be more trouble then it's worth to do it in l33t speak.


firex said:
I still have a ton of lower blackrock spire quests to do (one of which I need to do just to get started on the Onyxia key series)

The Onyxia quest starts with the Dragonkin Menace in the Burning Steppes. After that is a series of turn-ins before you need to go to the Blackrock Dephths. The only part of the quest in BRS is in UBRS and that's the final step -- killing the General and turning his blood into Haleh in Winterspring.


not for the horde. The horde onyxia quest starts when you do Warlord's Command in lower BRS (kill war master voone, omokk, and wyrmthalak along with finding an item that's a random spawn on the ground). After that you have to kill Rend in UBRS. After that I'm not sure, but another step is getting 15 dragon eyes from the UBRS dragonkin. Then after that you get Drakkisath's blood.
firex said:
not for the horde. The horde onyxia quest starts when you do Warlord's Command in lower BRS (kill war master voone, omokk, and wyrmthalak along with finding an item that's a random spawn on the ground). After that you have to kill Rend in UBRS. After that I'm not sure, but another step is getting 15 dragon eyes from the UBRS dragonkin. Then after that you get Drakkisath's blood.

20 dragon eyes. Then you have to kill four drakes scattered across the world. Then you go for the general's blood. I'm currently on the drakes part.


Er druids bitch but they have a reason to bitch.

In caster form and while meleeing and throwing some spells they almost do as much damage as in cat form, it's so wrong.


I admit they have a few faults, Cat form does indeed need some tweaking. As it stands, it's far too situational (Opener VS Cloth, grinding, Prowl, Track) and stems more into utility than the consistent mana-friendly DPS form it's susposed to be. And even with this in mind, it's being tweaked likely in the next content patch

Mentioned that already. Still doesn't disolve the fact that 99% of Druids are totally unjustified whiners. If Cat recieves anywhere near the ammount of love Bear (which it deserved, not my point, just an example) did, game over, Druids own WoW.

It should be tweaked, I just hope it's kept in line and they don't listen to the forum kiddies so much. Druid would have no faults and no weaknesses if it was overdone. Jack of all Trades doesn't mean "I dominate in every area", it's the same reason the Black Magic side of Red Mages in FFXI was held back by the developers.


Malakhov said:
Shamans and Rogues are still gonna own WoW.

Druids are okay at everything but masters of nothing. They need fixing imo, I wouldnt even bother playing a druid.

Rogues just aren't that powerful at end game pvp. If they get a really good drop on their enemy and no one else is around to help... ya then they'll murder the person. Otherwise a rogue can get smashed pretty good. They're good pvpers, but they don't dominate.


Thanks for the advice, guys. I'm gonna try those areas as soon as I'm done with some quests I need to do. By the way, I didn't mean to start a gimp argument or anything like that. I just wanted to party. I dunno if those "whiner" comments were directed at me, but I wasn't whining, just asking for advice.

Ikse said:
I just downloaded the Druid video linked from here and thought it was pretty cool.

What do you think?


Can't believe that I watched the whole thing. Nice battles.

Alex said:
Jack of all Trades doesn't mean "I dominate in every area", it's the same reason the Black Magic side of Red Mages in FFXI was held back by the developers.

From WoW page:

Class Role
The old phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" is an excellent way to describe the Shaman; they are the only real "hybrid" class in World of Warcraft.



Rogues are very powerful in one on one, gank-esque PvP. That's about it, IMHO Rogue was a chore to play after awhile. With the absurd skew on DPS classes in one, you never feel really beneficial rolling one.

Druids are okay at everything but masters of nothing. They need fixing imo, I wouldnt even bother playing a druid.

"Druids are okay at everything but masters of nothing" doesn't apply to Druids just like it didn't apply to Red Mages. You'd have a point if Druid was a little of everything with nothing inbetween, and shapeshifting had any real penalties, but they aren't and it doesn't, IMO.

Shamans and Druids will be the best in group PvP, I believe. Rogues are going to get mauled in Battlegrounds, even Combat Rogues.


Flizzzipper said:
Wrong. Unless it's against and undead rogue or priest however. If you got a sta build you should never lose 1 on 1 pvp.
Unless you fight a healer, a smart mage, or anyone who can dispel magic... so, only against hunters and warriors and really retarded rogues do I have a chance.


Finally got a decent dagger (Barman Shanker, nice dagger you can get from BRD solo). So i respecced back to my assassination build and currently enjoying it. Happened upon a mace rogue like an hour later who happened to have IronFoe (the mace i was wanting but figured I'd never get). It pretty much came down to who saw who first (like always).

If i'm able to set someone up just right in duels they'll die in one-two seconds (my dps meter read 998 dps after fight). Otherwise, mages still beat the crap outta me if I don't get a crit ambush.
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