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World of Warcraft

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My new Guild.



yeah, my warlock breaks 5k hp right now with prayer of fortitude and his imp pet out. 4600ish with just the imp... about 4180 with no buffs.

I really think the tactical mastery talent should be a baseline skill. Right now it's TOO CRITICAL to the warrior gameplay to be something optional like a talent. Making it a level 20 skill that upgrades every 10th level with extra rage kept per rank would make a lot more sense to me.

And I personally feel that berserker stance needs a lot of upgrading... Thunderclap should be moved to this stance only and buffed largely in damage with a snare component (30% or so would be good since it's aoe) so fury warriors have a way to keep other classes in melee range without piercing howl. Blizzard said in beta that berserker stance was intended for damage dealing and pseudo-aoe attacks, and they should really work on that aspect of it (I'd say "the vision™" of the warrior has changed since then, but it was a good vision marred by a desire to make tanking dynamic). It's probably just a lame bandaid fix, but I'd like to at least see berserker stance made into the "pvp stance" for warriors if they aren't going to redesign/buff the class all around (sort of like how some classes have skills with pve drawbacks that are inapplicable to pvp, making those more pvp-oriented).

Warriors were fine pvp-wise before the "awesome changes" they got right at the start of either the last stress test or open beta (I forget which), though tanking was boring as fuck (essentially spamming taunt over and over again - it used to have a small rage cost but low/no cooldown and just caused increased threat, so tanking in instances was literally just mashing the key taunt was on the whole time). I really feel that they've made tanking more interesting now as it involves using more abilities... but on to my next point: rage generation is another problem, as is cost of abilities. Abilities like cleave are intended to be used as attacks to get hate on multiple mobs (generally before CCing, or on aoe pulls) along with demoralizing shout, but the rage cost is so absurdly high it's almost never used. This is something Blizzard seems hesitant to do anything to fix, aside from bugfixing the rage generation on block/parry/dodge. It's like their idea is "well, we added in rage potions that require dropped reagents in addition to standard herbs, and they share the timer of healing potions, so that solves everything." The problem with that is both types of potions are used in "oh shit" situations and in a situation like that, healing so you can stay alive is obviously way more important than giving yourself 30-60 rage or whatever and dying in 10 seconds. I suppose you could argue that it's more a matter of when you use the potion... but still, it's just not a really good way for emergency rage.

But yeah, my basic thought is that a berserker stance warrior that does strong melee damage should be viable. If nothing else, having berserker stance be a strong damage pvp-oriented/soloing dps stance should be possible. I don't know what Blizzard will do about it. I hope they do something because otherwise there won't be many warriors on battlegrounds, I think... and even the ones that are there won't be a big threat with groups of mages/rogues/shadow priests and shamans/paladins. At least not vs. competent pvpers.


They need to put a faction population cap in the game, I don't really care who it'd piss off, it's rather annoying to try switching sides to find out you went from a 15,000 person population to barely cracking 3,000. The AH on the Horde side on my server is almost freaking barrem, unplayable.


wow... I'd hate to be on your server (no assholish sarcasm intended). On Kilrogg it already feels bad and we have one of the better alliance:horde ratios of about 1.6:1.


Yeah, I pretty much hate my server in general... I'd probably be a happier camper concerning some of WoW if it wasn't so unbalanced and filled with mediocre guilds.

I should probably swap soon, but geez... Money is harder to make than I remember! Probably since you become acoustomed to nabbing a fair share of decent gear from the AH, even early on.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Being the underdog is the best!

Sure, pvping where your opponent always outnumbers you 5:1 gets frustrating but... eh. It causes all the Horde on our server to be very ... um... 'patriotic'. ;)


Yeah, but it makes it difficult when there's borderline nothing in your factions AH.

This ESPECIALLY hurts as a Shaman or Druid, oi. Blizzard really fudged up Eagle typed leather.
Alex said:
They need to put a faction population cap in the game, I don't really care who it'd piss off, it's rather annoying to try switching sides to find out you went from a 15,000 person population to barely cracking 3,000. The AH on the Horde side on my server is almost freaking barrem, unplayable.

Ouch; I can imagine the prices on anything worth crap, too. Is it PvP or Normal? I'd doubt Horde on a PvP server like that could do anything outside of instances.

Shattered Hand is getting better. I remember back in December there were like no 60 Horde around, but 60 Allys everywhere. Raids would go unchallenged in the trifecta of Stonetalon/Ashenvale/Hillsbrad, causing 20-something types like myself to make do in instances or get PLed by higher guildies. It's better now, but still, when a Pally runs on SH, it's not from you, but to some buddies every time.


Eh, I dropped it for one of the new ones (server). Human Warrior, so... While I'm back to being a fruity alliance, I'm still a semi-underdog, right? Right?

I had a nice productive day off.

1.) Get pissed off at WoW.
2.) Cancel with thoughts to return after a patch or two
3.) Try EQ2 demo.
4.) Quickly reinstate WoW account.

It was like Ultima > EQ1 > back to Ultima all over again! EQ REALLY isn't my cup o' tea. I've now learned for good.


I am shamed. :(

If it makes you feel better, I applauded a gnome who was mining under water too long and drowned earlier.


honestly, if you want to restart on a server as horde I'd either go warrior, mage or hunter. Hunter for the easy soloing and fast leveling (plus still being very viable damage in the endgame) or warrior/mage for being crucial classes in endgame instances (and mages are decent at saving money for a mount and helping you get established, sort of).

Warlock as main has worked ok for me, and I don't really regret choosing it over mage. They're about even in endgame pve utility. The worst part of leveling from 1-60 for me was the early 50s, which I think could be handled decently if you went destruction first instead of affliction, then respeccing to destruction later like I did. My build is far from ideal but I like it, and the only way I'd see myself respeccing talents again is to drop conflagrate for fel domination (not likely to happen, but it's possible - conflagrate is nice burst damage every once in awhile, but in raid groups I hardly have time to use it, while fel domination would at least be there if I need to resummon a pet in an emergency).

I'm really thinking that after I get my shaman and priest alts to respectable levels, I'll dick around with some other classes and try some unconventional stuff. I really want to try making a druid that can main tank... one guy in our guild has about as much armor in dire bear form as our rather uber warrior (no sarcasm intended), so at least for pure damage mitigation I know it can be done. Lacking block/parry isn't so good but with that proposed rage->healing ability I think it could be a viable replacement.

I'd make a warrior personally, but I don't want to make a class that would really shine as a duo all the way up to 60 and stink at solo. It's not that I prefer soloing... it's that I tend to have to solo for awhile even with a more group friendly class like priest, so I don't want to pick a class so gimped/boring at solo like warrior just to get a feeling for tanking.


Warrior doesn't honestly seem too bad off, I mean, obviously it has issues, but like most things concerning WoW's balance it is, IMHO, vastly overblown.

Almost all my concerns are stemming from Rage, the accuracy issue is the same one from every class, but it's so much more painful on Warrior when you're shunned abilities due to accuracy faults.

Also, something should be done about tactical mastery and forcing folks into the arms tree.

The PvE VS PvP speccing is something that plagues many classes, so I dont see the big deal there, respeccing, esp. come later game, isn't a HUGE deal anyhow.

The DPS, is an offshoot of the speccing, with proper weapons and good talents, Warrior DPS is quite high. Yeah, you can't crack a Paladin like an egg, but neither can Rogue. Rogues beat Paladins by being cheap jackasses, not by damaging alone

Perhaps I'm missing some issues, if anyone had or has a Warrior, I'd love to discuss it.

IMO, fix up rage and tweak accuracy, do something about binding and crowd control in general, and remedy the dependancy on the arms tree, and Warrior would be quite solid. Unlinking the 30 min super ability timers might be a good idea too, but I dunno, maybe that's too much?

I still think Warlock is easily the most busted class in the game, GOD I hated my Warlock, the bugs and dispel issue alone would easily make me consider Warrior more viable currently.
Question: I have a L36 Shadow Priest with 8 points in Discipline (5 in threat reduced and 3 in improved PW: Shield) and 18 in Shadow (spirit tap, blackout, shadow reach, improved fade, mind flay, etc.) Improved PW:Shield helped me a lot in the 20s (god, a Priest's 20s are hard) but I find myself not needing the cooldown reduction (30->15) as much anymore.

Lately, I've been wondering if it might be worth respecing with all 26 points in Shadow to get Vampiric Embrace + Shadow Weaving @ 100% 8 levels faster? It seems like that might help me up my damage, and the Shadow Weaving and Vampiric Embrace might help mitigate the increased damage from increased PW: Shield cooldown. I'm just thinking it might help up my damage output and help me solo mobs faster (which, being in Japan, I tend to do during the week out of time zone necessity). But I don't wanna gimp my character unnecessarily so I thought I'd ask here first if this is a BIG MISTAKE or something.



If you haven't respecced talents at all, I'd give it a shot. It's only 1g. If you don't like it, it's 5g to respec again, but what you're looking at seems very viable and I doubt it would hurt you much. Vampiric embrace definitely helps soloing with a shadow priest. I'm doing a similar build with my priest to what you have now, but he's only level 22 and he's pretty much a duo with a shaman friend of mine, so the shadow is more so I can dps at higher levels.
firex said:
If you haven't respecced talents at all, I'd give it a shot. It's only 1g. If you don't like it, it's 5g to respec again, but what you're looking at seems very viable and I doubt it would hurt you much. Vampiric embrace definitely helps soloing with a shadow priest. I'm doing a similar build with my priest to what you have now, but he's only level 22 and he's pretty much a duo with a shaman friend of mine, so the shadow is more so I can dps at higher levels.

Okay. Yeah, I haven't respecced yet. I hate to do it cause I'll prolly want those points in discipline again before 60, but getting Vampiric Embrace and 100% Shadow Weaving NOW instead of 80 hours from now is mighty mighty tempting. :)

I've also gotten better about using renew, heals, and fade (in groups) to reduce the need for constant shields. Besides, it's not like I'm losing shield entirely - just the cooldown reduction.

And Shadow Priests rock! Too bad they're turning flavor-of-the-month and everyone's screaming for nerfs (when they aren't rolling one as an alt). I started mine in closed beta and really love the class--they're almost a hybrid class, if you spec Shadow; great for soloing and great in groups.


People who choose a class because they think it is powerful aren't thinking ahead. If the class truly did have an advantage over the others, then that is a sure sign it will eventually get nerfed. The best plan is to go with a class you enjoy playing.

People also need to realize that lvl 60 isn't truly the endgame of WoW - the real endgame will come when Hero classes (with a higher level) and legendary and artifact items are implemented. The balance at that point may turn out to be completely different from the current balance at lvl 60.


firex said:
I'd make a warrior personally, but I don't want to make a class that would really shine as a duo all the way up to 60 and stink at solo. It's not that I prefer soloing... it's that I tend to have to solo for awhile even with a more group friendly class like priest, so I don't want to pick a class so gimped/boring at solo like warrior just to get a feeling for tanking.

My warrior's only level 32, but so far I've really enjoyed the class. Maybe the get worse later on, but I really don't have many complaints right now and I've pretty much only soloed (Playing this character with rest xp only). Tactical mastery and stance switching are a must for me though.

I hear fury generates lotsa rage ...


Perhaps I'm missing some issues, if anyone had or has a Warrior, I'd love to discuss it.

I'm a near level 50 warrior. I'd be happy to discuss any details from why we suck to why we're awesome. Throw me any questions you might have. I come form a PVE server where the alliance outnumber us 3:1 so yah, that patriotic Horde sense in me certainly shines through when it comes to all out pvp. :)


From what I hear, warriors are ok soloing up to maybe level 40 and then things just get a lot worse. Dunno if that's true or not, but it seems like the class also needs to be twinked out with a lot of good weapons and decent armor to be any good. I still really don't think they had to be nerfed as badly as they were from late beta... they weren't even close to rogue dps, but were definitely superior to paladins, had less problems generating rage than now and for the most part, had some useful abilities to spend that rage on for damage. If they'd just left their skills at the same power they were at but changed tanking altogether the class would have been perfection imo. There's also the problem of a lack of outstanding weapons up until about level 55. And then they just start dropping like crazy in BRD and all the instances after.

I'll probably just wait until the druid update comes in and make my tank druid then... though I can imagine it would be hard to solo and might require almost equal twinking as the warrior (but probably cheaper... 2 sets of armor and decent green stat 2h maces/staves vs having to buy blue weapons). I really just want to get a feel for tanking so I can be better at managing my own aggro with my other classes.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I love Vampiric Embrace, btw. You just have to not be lazy and remember to cast it often.

It isn't nearly good enough to be a replacement for healing, but think of it as either a mini-renew on EVERYONE in the party for 40mana, or as a spell that makes your renew 30-40% more effective.

If you're playing in a party that is grinding easy mobs or isn't facing much of a challenge, vampiric embrace is a nice and fun way to keep everyone's health bars topped off. Of course you'll have to switch to real heals if things go badly, but VE is unique and fun till then. :) It gets hunter and warlock pets, too.

And of course it helps solo as well!


So I logged into Darkspear today and found Chinese gold farmers trying to sell their gold in Orgrimmar. Sickening. At lease Square has the balls to ban those fucking assholes who destroy the server economy.


Who says they won't? Blizzard has alread banned a ton of people for hacking and cheating with bots in the game, something Square never really did before WoW came out. I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually.
ManaByte said:
So I logged into Darkspear today and found Chinese gold farmers trying to sell their gold in Orgrimmar. Sickening. At lease Square has the balls to ban those fucking assholes who destroy the server economy.

um whats a gold farmer?

like gold for real world dollars?


ZombieSupaStar said:
um whats a gold farmer?

like gold for real world dollars?

Yes. They farm mobs for gold, while being jerks to anyone else who wants to kill them, and then they sell their gold on Ebay, their website, or even in-game. If you kill any of the mobs they're farming, they'll spam you with curses in Chinese.


while gold farmers piss me off, it doesn't amount to shit in this game thanks to blizzard's bind on pickup system for most stuff. Uber gear just isn't going to drop often enough for the farmers to get rich off it by killing regular mobs over and over again... you have to go to high level instances. The only other money sinks are level 60 mounts (and with nothing else to really spend on post-60 unless you're equipping alts, it's not unreasonable to get a lot of gold doing instance runs from level 60 and up) and bank slots.


firex said:
while gold farmers piss me off, it doesn't amount to shit in this game thanks to blizzard's bind on pickup system for most stuff. Uber gear just isn't going to drop often enough for the farmers to get rich off it by killing regular mobs over and over again... you have to go to high level instances. The only other money sinks are level 60 mounts (and with nothing else to really spend on post-60 unless you're equipping alts, it's not unreasonable to get a lot of gold doing instance runs from level 60 and up) and bank slots.

Wrong. The massive influx of money to a server thanks to IGE's farming and selling raises prices on EVERYTHING. On some servers a stack of linen on the AH goes for 1.5g. On others, a stack of wool can go for between 2 and 5g thanks to people buying gold from IGE's farmers and the economy becoming destroyed.


Massive influx of money?


I've seen people charge way too much for items (like wool, silk, etc), but you know what? People don't pay it. Why? Because it's easy to find. Nothing in WoW, save for uber items, is really hard to get. Sure supply and demand dictate price fluctuations, but I don't see rampant inflation in the economy. If anything prices are bottoming out due to competition. Besides -as Firex mentioned- most uber gear is BoP.

This isn't FFXI. Money doesn't have the same value in this game.
ManaByte said:
Wrong. The massive influx of money to a server thanks to IGE's farming and selling raises prices on EVERYTHING. On some servers a stack of linen on the AH goes for 1.5g. On others, a stack of wool can go for between 2 and 5g thanks to people buying gold from IGE's farmers and the economy becoming destroyed.

Well... the only concrete example I have is the server I play on, which is Gilneas. On my server I can't sell silk for shit...


firex said:
while gold farmers piss me off, it doesn't amount to shit in this game thanks to blizzard's bind on pickup system for most stuff. Uber gear just isn't going to drop often enough for the farmers to get rich off it by killing regular mobs over and over again... you have to go to high level instances. The only other money sinks are level 60 mounts (and with nothing else to really spend on post-60 unless you're equipping alts, it's not unreasonable to get a lot of gold doing instance runs from level 60 and up) and bank slots.

Gold farmers can easily make a lot of money just grinding monsters. The buzzards in deadwind pass will get ya 20g in one hour just selling the junk they drop, and if you happen to have an epic or blue drop on ya, you're going to get a lot more money (world drops aren't BoP.


Ferrio said:
Gold farmers can easily make a lot of money just grinding monsters. The buzzards in deadwind pass will get ya 20g in one hour just selling the junk they drop, and if you happen to have an epic or blue drop on ya, you're going to get a lot more money (world drops aren't BoP.

hmmm. What level are the buzzards there?
As much as I love it, I canceled today. I'll be back when it stabilizes some, and new content/battlegrounds hits.

Til then its PSP loving... :D


From what I hear, warriors are ok soloing up to maybe level 40 and then things just get a lot worse. Dunno if that's true or not, but it seems like the class also needs to be twinked out with a lot of good weapons and decent armor to be any good. I still really don't think they had to be nerfed as badly as they were from late beta... they weren't even close to rogue dps, but were definitely superior to paladins, had less problems generating rage than now and for the most part, had some useful abilities to spend that rage on for damage. If they'd just left their skills at the same power they were at but changed tanking altogether the class would have been perfection imo. There's also the problem of a lack of outstanding weapons up until about level 55. And then they just start dropping like crazy in BRD and all the instances after.

Well, it really depends on your build honestly. A warrior fully specced in Battle can solo mobs at its own level or maybe 1-2 levels above it up to about level 45. After that though, the majority of quests you come across are elite quests and we warriors lack the ability to solo just about any elites unless they are 3-4 levels below our current level. We just lack the DPS and the speed necessary to put an enemy down fast enough before we die, despite the enormous amounts of plate armor.

This brings up another point -- Warriors are one of, if not the most, expensive class in the game to play. Players will be CONSTANTLY upgrading their equipment be it weapons, armor, shields, useable items -- you name it. You'll have to buy more of it. A warrior can never be satisfyingly fully outfitted. There's always SOMETHING that could use some improvement. We have to carry multiple weapon sets, having a weapon set switching utility for different stances certainly helps out a bunch, and of course the number of slots in our bags to carry all this crap. I've even heard of some warriors carrying entire sets of different armor (Thorium for example) just to buff their magic defense when fighting mages or doing pvp. I think that last bit is overblown, but hey, if it helps, it helps.

You're absolutely right about the weapon drops though. The Sword of Omen is the warriors best friend for almost 10 whole levels if they're into swords.The Thrash Blade after that is a nice one hander as well just from quest rewards. If you have the means, earning the items for the Phantom Blade and making it as a weaponsmith certainly helps out a lot around level 42 or so. In fact, a lot of the smithed one handed swords are pretty solid. Can't say I'm fond of the two handed swords though as they're pretty skimpy with the exception of truesilver which is pretty nice. I don't really look into axes or maces or polearms honestly.

Warriors are really important on the Horde side. I don't know about Alliance as I'm sure a Paladin is a far better tank (better benefits then just simply being a meat shield) as the current warrior build with holding aggro is simply put, really weak. The AoE taunt has the stupidest recharge time I've ever seen on a move. 10 minutes? Why? It's not like it's worth anything in pvp. In fact, it's totaly useless outside of pve instances and yet the recharge time is 10 minutes. There's always sunder armor, but that doesn't hold aggro for long at all, a regular one man taunt that has a low hold and a fairly slow recharge rate, mocking blow which is decent, but only effective for one single stance, and hamstring, which, again, is only useful for one stance.

For some fixes, I think all the missing we tend to do is fairly lame. I know stuff 3 or 4 levels above us shouldn't be this out of reach as it is, but those enemies really are. I think that AoE taunt deserves a 2-3 minutes refresh timer at most. Once per battle is perfectly fine, but once every 5-10 instanced battles is ridiculous. Taunt should be more effective and hold an enemies aggro much longer and should be resisted far less. Building rage should not be compared to Rogues and their meters, I agree with the Blizzard team on that one, but the speed at which warriors effectively build rage is just unaccpetable right now. Plus we lose it all stance-dancing, which is what we're supposed to do heavily in the higher level instances. It just doesn't make any sense.

Still, despite those very necessary fixes, we are excellent to have inside higher level instances and an asset to the whole party. So long as warriors taunt, play their class, use defensive stance, stay well stocked with equipment, and just flat out make friends with priests or Shamans they can trust, all is well. I was bummed out about our faults around 40 or so, but once you get into zul'farrak or maraudon, your usefulness is apparent from one group of mobs to the next. I can't wait to get into BRS and BRD with my guild. It should be a load of fun.


Warrior is an obscenely better tank then a Paladin. They cannot hold aggro to save their lives.

Tank heiarchy:

1.) Warrior
2.) Druid
4,384) angry voice on a tape recorder.
4,385) Paladin

Paladins also got their stoneage knockback quality nerf finalized today. If you hadn't followed that all, there was also susposedly a nerf to Paladins base DPS along with the seal. Yeah, well, according to blizz, that ain't getting fixed.


Alex said:
Warrior is an obscenely better tank then a Paladin. They cannot hold aggro to save their lives.

Tank heiarchy:

1.) Warrior
2.) Druid
4,384) angry voice on a tape recorder.
4,385) Paladin

Paladins also got their stoneage knockback quality nerf finalized today. If you hadn't followed that all, there was also susposedly a nerf to Paladins base DPS along with the seal. Yeah, well, according to blizz, that ain't getting fixed.

Even post nerf, most of my tanks consist of paladins. Where they can't generate as much aggro as warriors, they CAN lower the threat coming from party members. remarkably handy.

Also, where is this post? the forum is down... predictably I suppose. But that kinda shit doesn't go down well. It was a major class breaking STEALTH NERF. Fucking Blizzard... they make nice games, then do a bunch of shit to piss people off.


Exactly. A paladin doesn't necessarily hold aggro, but it's sure nice to have not only for survivability, but also to keep the entire party alive. That's why as a warrior on the horde side on a PVE server, I'm not too pissed about how crappy warriors are in PVP. Instances are our homes and we perform exceptionally well in them. However, ask an alliance party if they'd rather have a paladin or a warrior as their finaly party member and see what they say.


I'm not saying Paladins are useless, I like em, and if you search you'll noticed I've VERY much stuck up for them against everyones complaints,, but I've never thought quite as highly of them as some folks. The buffs are nice, however, and they certainly have their place., and actually, it's a role I enjoy. I guess I'm just more timid about it because I've never considered them that overpowered.

Warriors aren't too bad in PvP, honestly a lot of the claims IMO are exaggerated, but it def. has a higher skill requirement, ala Druid, and is WAY too forceful on speccing. Most classes usually seem to have some form of a PvE tree/PvP tree/Hybrid tree, but Warriors is downright punishing.

My opinion remains the same:
tweak rage generation, allow it on everything, IMO.
splice up the talent trees to be more fair for PvE/PvP speccing,
tact. mastery should be a natural thing, perhaps an imp. version of it as a talent
make a rage consuming root/movement impair breaker
perhaps a mana cleave attack.

The next patch will be the most interesting thing gaming wise in a long time, IMO, haha. If it's not godlike, people will firebomb Blizzards forums with SEETHING HATRED, well, moreso than usual at least.


Ryu said:
Exactly. A paladin doesn't necessarily hold aggro, but it's sure nice to have not only for survivability, but also to keep the entire party alive. That's why as a warrior on the horde side on a PVE server, I'm not too pissed about how crappy warriors are in PVP. Instances are our homes and we perform exceptionally well in them. However, ask an alliance party if they'd rather have a paladin or a warrior as their finaly party member and see what they say.

At end game... a warrior most certainly.
Trasher said:
Why in the hell do I have to reinstall WoW EVERY FRIGGIN TIME a new patch comes out?! This is getting really annoying....

yeah...the last 2 nights I tried to play horde. first night...server crash and 1/4 levle roll back. LAst night server crash and could get back on. Tonight, I can get on the server but whats the point when your character got deleted?

hmm that 15 days free of CoH and an arena are looking pretty good right now


Trasher said:
Why in the hell do I have to reinstall WoW EVERY FRIGGIN TIME a new patch comes out?! This is getting really annoying....

Why do you have to reinstall WoW?


[edit] Wasabiman: Your character got deleted?! O_O;;
SaitoH said:
Why do you have to reinstall WoW?


[edit] Wasabiman: Your character got deleted?! O_O;;

yeah it's gone :( So I ran around with my main and leveled herb/alch

anyway my other 101 alts are there so...

can anyone recomend a build for a warrior and a rogue?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Dunno about warriors, but... there was like a good 10-page stretch of non-stop Rogue build discussion/debates somewhere in this thread. 8)

To summarize: Sword/mace combat rogues rock your socks! :eek:

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