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World of Warcraft

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This is nothing new in the patch, but I'm loving my caster trinket + blood fury + elemental mastery macro. Fire that up and chain lightning a crowd! and then I guess hope I get more crits using thunderstorm (which is honestly too fun, even if it only did 1 damage I'd still use it).


I specced into Ret again and it feels so wonderful getting 5 kills within 20 seconds. I had 1.6k hp after killing another pally and then a rogue comes out of nowhere, I kill him in 3 hits, before he could even scratch off the rest of my hp :lol



:lol :lol
No Means Nomad said:
I honestly cannot remember a time when the game was more unbalanced.

On my hunter in greens I can clear out an entire camp of 6+ enemies at once.

On my fury warrior in epics I have a tough time dealing with three simultaneous enemies.

I assume you mean SV? The funny thing is it's not even that good. Hell, it's downright bad compared to BM or MM. It's just is great for farming/bgs.

Oh and fx: avoid fury. It's crap. Arms is pretty great now though, and so is prot. I actually think I'm going to level as prot now.

Also I'm not getting the lock qq. I've always loved Aff, and now it's actually good. Haunt is kinda a yawner, but eh.


Junior Member
ZombieSupaStar said:
damn, im a afflic 70 lock, and the warlock forums on the official page are going apeshit :lol

locks are back to sucking again (vanilla WoW)? Ah well we had a nice 2 year run of being sweet in bc :lol

*rolls hunter*

Changes at 70 are what's got everyone upset, I suppose? The 'lock I'm leveling (44 now) has it a lot easier now that they buffed the hell out of dark pact and the imp's mana regen. Absolutely zero downtime, even when drain tanking three mobs at a time.

From what I'm seeing in guild chat, I'm expecting a ret nerf. Most of my guild was still trying for Sunwell progression instead of focusing on PTR, so they thought the concerns about ret coming from the PTR were overblown. About an hour after our server came up (after the scheduled raid time), everyone was in arenas bitching about ret pallies.
Son of Godzilla said:
I assume you mean SV? The funny thing is it's not even that good. Hell, it's downright bad compared to BM or MM. It's just is great for farming/bgs
I'm marksman actually.
Son of Godzilla said:
Oh and fx: avoid fury. It's crap. Arms is pretty great now though, and so is prot. I actually think I'm going to level as prot now.
I'm a fury warrior and I don't have the weapons to go Arms if I wanted to, which I don't because I'm not interested in changing spec.
The burst Ret has right now really is ridiculous (-ly awesome). The tree was obviously balanced for level 80 and at level 70 stamina levels (and with all our abilities)... Well, it's just hilarious.

I hope whiners don't get the tree nerfed before the expansion hits. I want some payback for the pain of leveling from the mid-40's to 70. After that I'll most likely be back to healing 95% of the time and won't care that much.


Grandma's Chippy
I was really hoping there were more retroactive acheivments. Especially in stats.

Was hoping to see Deaths totals on my rogue lol.

In fact...seems like there are almost none that are retroactive except the reputation ones.


lolholy is the new lolret.
And retribution is now the new "nerf shamans".

I respecced ret temporarily and I was smacking things around left and right with the blue pvp gear and an Oathkeeper, for crying out loud. That's just not right.

Then I went back to prot and cleared out the entire Heap of Etherials with two pulls. The pain and anguish of leveling a paladin has been successfully repressed.
After re-spec'ing my hunter, I am much more powerful than before! I'm loving the changes so far!

I also think it's cool how HP and mana visibly regenerate in real-time.

Awesome new title screen, too.
Epix said:
Indeed. I'm doing 2.5x the DPS I was doing before with NO mana loss. :D I assume a nerf will be coming eventually.

I've got mixed feelings. On one hand the loss of int from gear at 80 is going to end up as big as any short-term nerf. On the other hand, hunters had to sit through idiotic balance changes in pre-TBC 2.0 so I'm all for exacting vengeance.

I actually like the changes to ret, it makes battlegrounds alot more interesting when you actually have to play instead of mash the keyboard to victory.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
I hope whiners don't get the tree nerfed before the expansion hits. I want some payback for the pain of leveling from the mid-40's to 70. After that I'll most likely be back to healing 95% of the time and won't care that much.

Pain? What pain? I watched my friend level his pally alt on a PvP server in record time. AoE grinding makes it easy.

The "it's balanced for 80" stuff is hilarious. Grasping for straws at best.


i dont understand how my warrior doesnt have the achievement for killing ragnoras, i'm exalted with the hydraxian waterlords, and have the hand of ragnoras in my bags, i have the big orange hammer ffs

are the achievements broken or what?


Junior Member
yacobod said:
i dont understand how my warrior doesnt have the achievement for killing ragnoras, i'm exalted with the hydraxian waterlords, and have the hand of ragnoras in my bags, i have the big orange hammer ffs

are the achievements broken or what?

Boss acheivements seem to be hit or miss. On my new toon I've gotten credit for killing some bosses that had no kill quests or drops still in my possession, and credit for some that really have no way that I can think of to track.
TomServo said:
Pain? What pain? I watched my friend level his pally alt on a PvP server in record time. AoE grinding makes it easy.

The "it's balanced for 80" stuff is hilarious. Grasping for straws at best.

What pain? Leveling twice as slow from 45 as any other class I've leveled to 70. My friend, coming off leveling a druid, got so angry when he leveled his that he respec'd holy and only leveled through instances after level 63. I alternated between Ret and Protection and both were just ever so slightly more fun than a mid-teens level druid in the Barrens and less fun than everything else in the game. Killing anything as a holy paladin at level 70 even after the spell power as a percentage of +healing change was godawful too. If I didn't absolutely love healing and my guild hadn't needed paladins I would have probably deleted the character.

When everyone at 80 has 2x the health and their new abilities the burst Ret Paladins have now will not be nearly as absurd (they won't scale that well). Will they still be overpowered at that level without nerfs? It seems likely. However, they either need to balance around power levels at level 80 or change how things scale or when/how we get certain abilities (which is what should have been done). I don't want what happened to hunters at the beginning of BC to happen to Ret.


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
What pain? Leveling twice as slow from 45 as any other class I've leveled to 70. My friend, coming off leveling a druid, got so angry when he leveled his that he respec'd holy and only leveled through instances after level 63.

If we're going by anecdotal evidence, my friends in guild who rolled pally alts all found them easy to grind to 70 via AoE. Hell, type in "paladin AoE grinding" into Google and you get plenty more anecdotal evidence.

Maybe some refuse to spec for that while leveling, their own fault. I'm not a fan of affliction, but I know it's a necessary evil to level a warlock quickly.


Also keep in mind that they HAD to buff Retadins otherwise there would be 0 left after Wrath hits as they all switched to Deathknights.
TomServo said:
If we're going by anecdotal evidence, my friends in guild who rolled pally alts all found them easy to grind to 70 via AoE. Hell, type in "paladin AoE grinding" into Google and you get plenty more anecdotal evidence.

Maybe some refuse to spec for that while leveling, their own fault. I'm not a fan of affliction, but I know it's a necessary evil to level a warlock quickly.

I know about paladin AoE grinding. It sounds great until you realize that there are very few areas you can do it effectively (alone). You need mobs that won't run away (or else you'll quickly run into mana problems sealing and judging justice), that respawn quickly and in a fairly small area, and that don't load you up with status effects. Then you get the pleasure of doing the same thing over and over again for 3-4 levels before moving on to the next spot. Yeah, it's great if you're a robot.

The game is built around questing (that's what makes it fun for me, questing and dungeons/raids) and while it's fun spending 5 minutes to kill an elite for a group quest few other classes can it's only fun the first couple of times.

Affliction is a good spec if you like to run and DoT but I *greatly* prefer Felguard leveling. It's much more controlled and still damn fast.

Since these threads seem to be proliferating, I figure'd I'd just start a new one. Here is a quick Q&A.

Q: Is Ret OP?
A: Perhaps. We think Ret's dps isn't abnormally high in PvE, and may not even be high in PvP over the course of a long fight. Where we are worried is how much damage Ret can do up front. It's also Holy damage, which isn't a big deal when you're considering a fully sundered mob, but can turn into a lot of damage in PvP.

Q: Are we going to nerf Ret?
A: TO THE GROUND BABY. Okay, not really, but sometimes I can't resist. We'll see how much that quote comes back to haunt me. We will probably be making some changes soon, perhaps even hotfixes. We want to be very surgical about what we do. We don't want to overdo it, and we don't want to hurt their sustained PvE damage. When we've decided, I'll make sure you all know.

Q: Why did it take us this long to admit there was a problem when EVERYONE knew about it?
A: A couple of weeks ago there were some bugs with weapon equipping that caused some problems that of course were being exploited. We didn't want to nerf Ret TO THE GROUND BABY only to discover that the weapon problem was causing 90% of it.

Q: Enough about Ret. Unholy death knights are worse!
A: That wasn't a question, but we think we have Unholy in a better place now. We made some changes to a few deep talents (that the DK community is already aware of, so don't fret) to get Unholy's dps more in line. Also, you aren't going to see any PvP DKs for a long time, so we need to focus on paladins for now.

Sounds good.


As long as they don't nerf seal of blood's damage any I don't really care. The reason ret is good is it has a lot of stacking passive damage buffs and judgements + divine storm do holy damage, which there's no mitigation for. Maybe what will happen is divine storm will get a longer cooldown or something.

All I know is my 70 ret pally felt about as powerful as my 70 enhance shaman so I didn't really notice a big difference. But then again I really don't care about arena so I don't pvp much.


As everyone else has said, Ret spec is absolutely out of control. I respec'd from Holy last night and put on my S4 Ret gear. I kid you not when I am quite easily taking on 2v1 and 3v1. Unlimited mana, burly AoE ability that isn't affected by armor, stuns, high crit chance spells, and a self-buffed windfury? Give me a break. I can kill 2-3 people, pop my bubble and kill 2-3 more by the time 12 seconds is up.

Now, I like to see Ret finally getting some love, but this is completely out of control. With one patch, WoW has turned into a circus. We did Kara last night with 6 people and a level 68 with absolutely zero issues. Almost no one was running anywhere near OOM and we were pumping out higher DPS than ever before with just 6 level 70s.

I know everyone keeps saying this will be balanced at level 80, and I hope they are right. The game just doesn't feel right anymore. Why bother having a healer in PvP when we are all just paper dolls now?

It's one-shot city out there. For pvp and pve.


I think Demonology is pretty good now, just did some dailies with it, there's a lot of healing to the demon, and nice spell power buffs. I'm not the best geared Warlock, only have about 600 unbuffed, but about 900 fully buffed with Fel Armor and Fel Guard out.

Metamorphosis isn't as bad as I was expecting, Immolation Aura is pretty awesome. Just a slight niggle though, it doesn't flip your bar when you change forms like it does for Druids and Priests, would of been handy.


The other thing is, all the ret bitching is a combination of:
1) people unable to comprehend ret going from joke spec used to level slightly faster for the past 4 years to viable dps spec
2) paladins finally getting a much needed rework of the seal/judgement system (which was not fun and sucked shit before and contributed to them having fucking atrocious dps unless they outgeared everyone else)
3) no one fully comprehending the increased power every class has now. dps was buffed across the board for like 95% of all classes/specs, with possibly one or two still lagging behind a bit (maybe shaman elemental and shadow priests still suck, I don't know).

Everything is going to be easier now. This is the most comprehensive class balance patch Blizzard has done in the history of the game and it's literally a ton of dps buffs to virtually everybody. The dust still needs to settle, honestly, and besides, what Blizzard's solution will be is probably something lame like "resilience now decreases holy damage taken by an amount equal to the reduction in critical damage taken" along with some small changes to talents.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
Someone please help me. What the hell is a ret?
Retribution spec Paladin.

They used to suck, but apparently are awesome now. I would't know. My Paladin is level 32.


firex said:
2) paladins finally getting a much needed rework of the seal/judgement system (which was not fun and sucked shit before and contributed to them having fucking atrocious dps unless they outgeared everyone else)

Am I the only Paladin that was still judging and then re-casting Seal of Command right afterwards last night? I still haven't gotten it through my head that I no longer need to do that, even after an entire night of playing :lol


Got a question about achievements: I can see achievements for my secondary professions (cooking, fishing, etc..) but none for my primary ones ? (oh and LifeBlood Herbalism ability is neat :D )


Mojojo said:
Got a question about achievements: I can see achievements for my secondary professions (cooking, fishing, etc..) but none for my primary ones ? (oh and LifeBlood Herbalism ability is neat :D )

The primary ones I believe you get at 375. The secondary ones are just so much more fleshed out because everyone has them.


I'm still working on getting my UI and mods working again, but I've got a question about achievements points (since I could do nothing with them on the PTR): Do they serve any purpose, like spending them on something? Or are they only there for shit and giggles?


Tamanon said:
The primary ones I believe you get at 375. The secondary ones are just so much more fleshed out because everyone has them.

I am at 375 alchemy and herbalism. Maybe you need to reach 450 ( I hope they are not one of the non-retroactive achievements :_( )

What's the general consensus about Inscription? I saw in trade a level 20 major glyph for mage that allows evocations to regen health as well as mana .. Seems like its the OP prof to get :lol


Mojojo said:
Got a question about achievements: I can see achievements for my secondary professions (cooking, fishing, etc..) but none for my primary ones ? (oh and LifeBlood Herbalism ability is neat :D )

Alright, I have a question about the secondary professions achievements. My Paladin's name is Raekwn, named after the Wutang member Raekwon the Chef. I noticed upon browsing the lists yesterday that if I get all the cooking profession achievements, I'll get the title "Chef Raekwn" which is just WAY too cool to pass up.

Unfortunately, as I leveled I generally just vendored all the cooking recipes I got. Does anyone think the cooking achievements are still possible given that I pretty much ignored all the cooking quest rewards?

I hope so =\
Mojojo said:
Got a question about achievements: I can see achievements for my secondary professions (cooking, fishing, etc..) but none for my primary ones ? (oh and LifeBlood Herbalism ability is neat :D )
There aren't any, cuz Blizz is a bunch of pussies. I've leveled up 5 professions on my main. I demand loser points!

I really don't see the issue with ret, but I've yet to play anything other than my hunter and it's DISENGAGEWHEREHAVEYOUBEENALLMYLIFE. Aside from HoJ/Rep stupidity I don't see how they are worse than warriors or rogues. And even then, no hamstring/crippling goes a long way.

Also I don't get where people are coming from with this OMGRETDOESNTSUCKNOW. It's never sucked in pvp. I doubt there's a single priest in the game that wasn't terrified of ret pallies before 3.0.


Just wanted to say Inscription made me my 5K gold for my epic flyer skill in 4 hours last night.

Doing the swift flight form quest today :)


Mojojo said:
I am at 375 alchemy and herbalism. Maybe you need to reach 450 ( I hope they are not one of the non-retroactive achievements :_( )

What's the general consensus about Inscription? I saw in trade a level 20 major glyph for mage that allows evocations to regen health as well as mana .. Seems like its the OP prof to get :lol

Inscription will be GREAT at first. But then the glyph market will dry up and you'll only make money off of selling Enchant vellums. I like the profession though, just because it has so many weird things it does. I'm leveling a priest with it also, and especially the off-hands and tarot cards are quite useful.
PatzCU said:
Am I the only Paladin that was still judging and then re-casting Seal of Command right afterwards last night? I still haven't gotten it through my head that I no longer need to do that, even after an entire night of playing :lol

Heh, I didn't even realize that judgments didn't use up your current seal. I didn't get a chance to read the patch notes. That's awesome and a much needed change.

I'm guessing judgments get toned down a lot and divine storm gets a longer cooldown or just does less damage.


cubicle47b said:
Heh, I didn't even realize that judgments didn't use up your current seal. I didn't get a chance to read the patch notes. That's awesome and a much needed change.

I'm guessing judgments get toned down a lot and divine storm gets a longer cooldown or just does less damage.

Also, I think the infinite mana issue is also a problem; however, the WotLK ret gear is basically warrior gear so with the absence of int, I think the mana will come back into play.
I think they'll just tone down the % of base mana you get back. I think they want Ret to essentially have unlimited mana for their dps cycle but not to be able to heal themselves at will.

Judgments are going to get some kind of nerf, though. Currently they don't consume a seal, put light (or another judgment) on the mob, do a pretty absurd amount of damage, and give you a lot of mana back. That's not going to last. I judge other people's mobs when I run by because there are only benefits.

I'm guessing Blizzard does something about the percent of holy damage vs. physical damage currently being output (crusader strike might move to physical damage) which maintains pve dps while reducing pvp dps, something gets a longer cooldown or maybe even a shared cooldown with another ability (probably divine storm), and judgments have their damage and mana return reduced.


Blizzard won't be nerfing paladins as much as you think, they've been the way they are for a while. The mana regen was nerfed already. It used to give a lot more.


I got my Albino Drake and my special Title from the "Leeeeeeeeeeroooyyy!" Achievement :lol

Looking at the rest of what's lined up, it's a shame there aren't any other Achievements that are as interesting, rewarding, or eye-catching. I wish there was more to do between now and WotLK, but it looks like none of it is worth the effort.



PatzCU said:
Am I the only Paladin that was still judging and then re-casting Seal of Command right afterwards last night? I still haven't gotten it through my head that I no longer need to do that, even after an entire night of playing :lol
Ugh, yeah that was me too. Even with the changes I was pounding Seal of Light each time I judged while AOEing, it was hard to break the habit.

But I love the new changes, making all the tanking stuff instant cast instead of waiting for cast times.


So fury sucks, really? Disappointing...looking like I might just roll a DK for Lich King, I just dread the other million people that have the same idea. =\
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