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World of Warcraft

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So, until my guildmates figure out their mods we didn't raid tonight so we went to Kara

ROFLstomped it, I left afte curator to hang out with friends

51 second maiden
4 minute nightbane
killed curator before evocation
romeo and juliet was like 1:30
just aoed moroes dead in under 1:45

pretty hilarious stuff


Blizzard once again conforms to the PVPer QQ. They hotfixed Divine Storm to be physical dmg now. Ret paladins are back to being a lackluster dps. PVP has ruined this game and I don't even play a paladin.
krypt0nian said:
Excellent. A new FOTM target. Now they can shut up about the old one.

at least druids still have pants on (most of the time).... my lock is like fighting naked :lol

so QQ aside are most of these fixes for arena?

just seems hard to try and balance classes around arena, bg, raiding (lets face it pve leveling anyone can do).

im guessing thats why they have different "stats needed" now for each gametype to hit/ resistance/ etc

if im way off base here lemme know, your talking to a wow players since nov 04 who never even got mc attuned :lol (casuals are more hardcore than me)

also here is what I think my cast rotation will be corruption->siphon life->agnoy->ua->immolate-haunt

or should I leave out immolate?

also im guessing locks will get more spirit gear from 70 to 80?


cubicle47b said:
I think they'll just tone down the % of base mana you get back. I think they want Ret to essentially have unlimited mana for their dps cycle but not to be able to heal themselves at will.

Judgments are going to get some kind of nerf, though. Currently they don't consume a seal, put light (or another judgment) on the mob, do a pretty absurd amount of damage, and give you a lot of mana back. That's not going to last. I judge other people's mobs when I run by because there are only benefits.

I'm guessing Blizzard does something about the percent of holy damage vs. physical damage currently being output (crusader strike might move to physical damage) which maintains pve dps while reducing pvp dps, something gets a longer cooldown or maybe even a shared cooldown with another ability (probably divine storm), and judgments have their damage and mana return reduced.
Crusader strike has always been physical damage. Just because it shows up in yellow doesn't make it magic!

Mojojo said:
Got a question about achievements: I can see achievements for my secondary professions (cooking, fishing, etc..) but none for my primary ones ? (oh and LifeBlood Herbalism ability is neat :D )
You should get the grand master achievements when you train grand master skill, and the "working day and night" achievement when you train both professions to grand master.

I've been playing my elemental shaman with mostly resto gear (except what I could buy from rep for caster/elemental specific gear) which means I have horrible crit, and I still absolutely kill stuff while grinding. I only have about 700 spell power and 11.37% crit so I don't crit very often, and totem of wrath only brings that up to 14.37%, but then when I do crit, it adds another 5%, and it's like the ball keeps rolling from there. It's seriously like playing ranged enhance/ranged fury warrior (at least before, it's really hard to tell if fury warriors suck or if the warrior playerbase is just whining as usual).
Weenerz said:
Blizzard once again conforms to the PVPer QQ. They hotfixed Divine Storm to be physical dmg now. Ret paladins are back to being a lackluster dps. PVP has ruined this game and I don't even play a paladin.
Wow chicken little, how do you read the newspaper without committing suicide? That's an almost pure pvp change yet you are hand wringing over how balancing for pvp is ruining the game? It's less than a 3% sustained dps nerf.


Ok, I'm kind of new to the PvP side of things (do almost all PvE) and I'm a little confused about Seasons/Rewards ect. I went to visit the armor quartermaster in SW and I see the Gladiator's Armor set (vindication) for sale with honor and marks. After a quick look up on wowwiki it shows that the Gladiators Armor is a Season 1 reward and should have no longer been available for sale after the start of Season 4. Am I confused on what's going on here or did I miss something?


It should be merciless gladiator for season 2. They're all called gladiator, but plain gladiator is s1, merciless is s2, vengeful is s3 and brutal is s4.


Junior Member

All pets for my Death Knight.

Whelps I farmed myself, and working on the Blue one now. ;_;


Weenerz said:
Blizzard once again conforms to the PVPer QQ. They hotfixed Divine Storm to be physical dmg now. Ret paladins are back to being a lackluster dps. PVP has ruined this game and I don't even play a paladin.

I picked my 63 ret pally back up to level him and I was destroying shit in Zangarmarsh including Boglash and the other elite nagas for quests and i wasnt even using divine storm that often. Ret pallies are still really really good regardless of Divine Storm using holy or physical damage. A nerf is a nerf but its a really small one, they could do alot worse:lol but here is hoping they dont. The new seal/judgement system is wonderful and makes the paladin a joy to play.


Yeah ret nerfed to the ground again, our 51 point talent is about the exact same thing warriors get at level 36 except we can't go for armor penetration to help it and have to go for haste instead. Time to roll a DK!

On the same target, my Divine Storm that used to hit 2.5k-2.5k now hits for 500 (that's less than my auto attack) :lol

and I'm in 4/5 S4 gear. Can't wait to try this in arena.


Good lord, you retadins bitching would never be able to play a mage if you're thrown this much off by a minor change after a major boost. :lol
So all the Pallies in my guild are gonna start begging for permission to re-spec holy/prot now? :lol

I like being a rogue that doesn't PvP, never have to respec


I don't really care since I saw this coming, they did it in original WoW and they did it in TBC. Wish I could get a new main though, if Blizzard let's me transfer my Amani War Bear, Spectral Tiger, Rocket...etc over. (these should be bind on account!)


ppl playing RETARDins should have rerolled warriors a couple of years ago

and while arms warriors are sort of weak in 3.0, they will be kings of the castle at lvl 80 once itemization picks up


yacobod said:
ppl playing RETARDins should have rerolled warriors a couple of years ago

Very clever and original material! Do you have a newsletter that I could subscribe to for more of your original and witty banter?

Divine storm is now the most useless and pointless 51 point talent now, it offers little healing, doesn't hit hard, and is a piss poor aoe compared to consecrate. If they're making a 51 point talent this shitty, then just make it a damn baseline spell for all paladin's to ignore together. No point in specing into this anymore.


witness said:
Very clever and original material! Do you have a newsletter that I could subscribe to for more of your original and witty banter?

the ppl who play Rets live have done a lot to perpetuate the stereotype my friend, don't shoot the messenger

i havent played live in over a month, but have been playing on beta from time to time, anyone who has spent anytime on beta, knew the nerf was incoming, i dont know why ppl are suprised by it

same can be said about Huntards over the years
I love my enhancement shaman after the patch.

Instant heals and lightning bolts with Maelstrom Weapon.

Feral Spirit is awesome.

Haven't tried him in PvP yet .. I'll prolly get my ass kicked by a ret pally.


never heard about the cat, apparently
I'm loving the new shaman abilities. Especially the Spirt Wolfs. That plus Fire Elemental Totem plus me = so awesome.
KernelPanic said:
I love my enhancement shaman after the patch.

Instant heals and lightning bolts with Maelstrom Weapon.

Feral Spirit is awesome.

Haven't tried him in PvP yet .. I'll prolly get my ass kicked by a ret pally.
No, you'll get your ass kicked by everyone.


never heard about the cat, apparently
btw is there any way to make it so when Maelstorm Weapon is active I see a huge message pop up that says "Maelstorm Weapon Active!, Use it! Now!" or something like that. I turned on "Reactive Spells and Abilites" under Floating Combat Text in the interface menu but that doesn't seem to get my attention.


Xabora said:
Wow... gruuls is stupid easy now.
Did it with 19 people.


Gruul is stupid easy anyway, and doing it with 19 ppl isnt such a feat.
Worse though, SWP is just [i]retardedly[/i] easy. Brutallus died before we noticed, Felmyst was at 10% when going up for second time (with 5 people disconnected), Twins were just retarded.

And killing M'uru was just.... sad. No feeling, no happiness, no excitement, nothing. We just came in and killed him like he was nothing. And he was really fucking damn hard. And now, nothing. And old, awesome version, is not coming back. Meh :/
We wanted to try/kill KJ tonight too but lag killed us. Playing on ancient servers ftl.


So ret is slowly going back toward being a "sucky" spec again since the design philosofy for the spec runs contrary to the actions of the devs when people whine incessantly.
At least I had some fun for a day (except for all the whining toward moonkins and retadins I had to listen all day) after spending a whole night making my UI work again.

Now I'm left to decide if I should go back to Holy as I had planned, or try out Prot since there isn't much I'm looking torward talent/spell-wise as a holy paladin.
Did some MH tonight

Breezed through Rage's trash in 15 minutes, then the game bugged and 2/3 of the group was not able to attack, die, cast...just walk and chat.....then the game fixed itself and we all died right away

Did it again, killed Rage

Made it to Anatheron and it happened again so we called it :(

Damn bugs


Junior Member
SatelliteOfLove said:
I used to do ALOT of farming on my warrior there back in the day, and I never saw a whelp. GL, man.
I have 2 green whelplings
1 Dark
1 Crimson

The Azure... I hope I get one soon.

Also, bored raiding. Look at the Target/Focus Targets.

OT Sucked. :(

Found a unique bug with the threatmeter too... really awkward.


all right, my 2 cents on the divine storm nerf: Makes like no difference whatsoever in pve (literally, divine storm now hits as hard as it did on beta with the same gear on my pally, whether it was holy or physical) but it needs a buff either in the healing given or the damage dealt imo. Because even though I don't have a real dps set and I'm using shit like The Oathkeeper until I honor farm the s2 2h sword or get Gorehowl or some shit when I pug kara this weekend, divine storm is fucking weak as an actual dps skill. It's ok for adding some extra damage to mobs (and tanking I guess, which I should try doing with my pally since he's got a good prot set) but I only use it in a solo rotation because of like no mana problems.

As far as talents I think will get nerfed, probably the crit damage increase on Art of War (at least on judgements, that part will probably get removed but I would keep it on crusader strike and add it to divine storm) and maybe the crit chance increase from Fanaticism. I wouldn't mind seeing Fanaticism be changed to "your judgements deal an additional 10-15% damage" instead of 25% more crit chance. Ret pallies are supposed to stack crit anyway, and it was absurdly easy for me to get 30+ crit with quest rewards in Howling Fjord in beta. I'm just speaking from like a 90% pve 10% pvp perspective though. Maybe in pvp with the new resilience cap at 80, they'll need crit judgements to kill people.

And I fucking love the new Blessing of Sanctuary. It makes a prot pally awesome for raids and gives a good tank blessing. With a ret or holy pally that means you can share the buffs out easily and each tank can get sanctuary/kings or sanctuary/might.
"Quote from: Ghostcrawler (Source)
As I stated yesterday, we are happy with Ret's PvE damage and sustatined damage in PvP, but were concerned that the burst damage in PvP could be too high. We discussed this for literally hours yesterday, which was certainly not the first time we have discussed the issue. Thus I hope these changes are not perceived as a knee-jerk reaction, but I am sure that will depend a great deal on which class you play.

Divine Storm -- the damage was changed from Holy to Physical. As you know, Holy damage is almost never mitigated and this talent could pack a lot into a very short time. This is a nerf to the ability's damage. This change is now active on Live.

Repentance -- this ability now lasts for only 6 seconds in PvP (down from 10). Obviously this is also a nerf. This change is also active on Live.

Art of War -- now affects all damage done by Judgements, Crusader Strike and Divine Storm (instead of critical strike damage). Net dps should be about the same but less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13.

Righteous Vengeance -- now applies a dot affect similar to Deep Wounds (instead of critical strike damage). This ends up being a significant buff to the ability to make up for the damage lost to Divine Storm, but is also less bursty. This change will be made before Nov 13. EDIT: The dot will NOT break Repentance.

Glyph of Crusader Strike -- now reduces mana cost (instead of increased damage on stunned targets.) We thought paladins could stack too much damage vs. stunned targets. This change will be made before Nov 13.

We also fixed a bug with Seal and Judgement of Light that could sometimes result in too much healing.

In our tests, Retribution dps remains the same over longer periods of time, but they can't do quite so much damage in the initial few seconds of a PvP encounter.

I know Ret pallies feel a little picked on since we've made this mistake before of having them come out the gate too strong and then had to correct them. For that I do apologize. It's a difficult spec to balance since part of its design is to have large crits and stuns, which have obvious PvP implications. We are pretty confident this will not nerf pallies into the ground as I facetiously promised yesterday, but if we overdid it, we'll be happy to back off some of the changes.

On the other hand, maybe we'll see fewer BGs with 20 paladins on the opposing side and can get some reasonable feedback on all the other classes in the game.

EDIT: To clairfy the new dot will not break Repentance. "

=] =]


Junior Member
I know most of you are probably focusing on WotLK, but I'm in absolute awe over how quick leveling is. I was really expecting things to slow down in the 40's, but quest rewards are anywhere from 6K to over 10K xp. Doing all of the quests for an instance usually nets about 1.5 levels.

If the hotel I'm staying at on an upcoming extended business trip has a decent connection I may just make it to 68 before Wrath. Part of me hates to rush through the BC stuff I've never seen, but the whole Outland / Illidan part of Warcraft lore never did anything for me. The Scourge / Arthas storyline was always more interesting to me.


TomServo said:
I know most of you are probably focusing on WotLK, but I'm in absolute awe over how quick leveling is. I was really expecting things to slow down in the 40's, but quest rewards are anywhere from 6K to over 10K xp. Doing all of the quests for an instance usually nets about 1.5 levels.

If the hotel I'm staying at on an upcoming extended business trip has a decent connection I may just make it to 68 before Wrath. Part of me hates to rush through the BC stuff I've never seen, but the whole Outland / Illidan part of Warcraft lore never did anything for me. The Scourge / Arthas storyline was always more interesting to me.

Also it helps that once you hit level 40 on most classes you get your first big stick, such as Shadowform/Dual Wield/Stormstrike/Warrior Instattacks. That really speeds things up IMO.


Gold Member
TomServo said:
I know most of you are probably focusing on WotLK, but I'm in absolute awe over how quick leveling is. I was really expecting things to slow down in the 40's, but quest rewards are anywhere from 6K to over 10K xp. Doing all of the quests for an instance usually nets about 1.5 levels.

Yea they changed that. I stopped playing the game in the mid-40s because it became very slow and grindy by that point when I played. This was like 2005.


Mr Pockets said:
Well I saw first had last night how they upped the drop rate on Deathcharger's reigns.

I got it on my first kill .


Wow, I didn't see this. How much did they up the droprate? I might go try to get one tonight if this is the case.

On a side note, there has been a storm of tears on the WoW forums over this stupid Divine Storm nerf. I play a Ret Paladin, and went home from work expecting the worse upon login. I ran the WSG daily and still rocked people as hard as ever. Ret pallies are still godmode. Who cares if Divine storm does 500-1k less damage, it's a fucking AoE AND a heal! Plus, it still hits just as hard as it did in PvE. Whatever, I don't mind the 'nerf' at all. BGs are still 4-shot city for me.
i'm fine with the ret changes. DS still hits like a truck on multiple people, and the repent nerf is no big deal really. We'll see how things balance at 80. I'm curious about Art of War too.

anyway, solo'd her last night. took me about 20-30 minutes, pvp speced and with no pots. phase 2 was a little intense i have to admit.

I roflstomped Kara in a PUG tonight in 2 hours and 50 minutes. Curator went down in the first evocation, no CC on Moroes, 45 second Maiden, no deaths during the Big Bad Wolf fight ect. Serious WTF moment there. A rogue in quest greens and blues just stood there while BB Wolf wailed on her as little red riding hood and didn't go past 50% health. :lol


Junior Member
Oni Link 666 said:
I roflstomped Kara in a PUG tonight in 2 hours and 50 minutes. Curator went down in the first evocation, no CC on Moroes, 45 second Maiden, no deaths during the Big Bad Wolf fight ect. Serious WTF moment there. A rogue in quest greens and blues just stood there while BB Wolf wailed on her as little red riding hood and didn't go past 50% health. :lol
Patch notes kinda nurfed alot. (9095) :eek:

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