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World of Warcraft

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Xabora said:
Pfft, I have something better than a Warbear Mount.

Guild thought I was crazy when I explained the method to get it. :lol

It's pretty easy, I have it on my Ally on Tich server too bad they nerfed it.

Damn blizz and there servers, blackrock is down :(


Junior Member
g35twinturbo said:
It's pretty easy, I have it on my Ally on Tich server too bad they nerfed it.

Damn blizz and there servers, blackrock is down :(
Haha, XD.

Anywho a tweak (from my mega tweaks)

/console farclipoverride 1
Now you can push farclip to 1600. (1277 is default for 3.0.2, 777 is preWOTLK)
Type /console farclip 1600
1600 can be between 133 to 1600.
77 works too but... you really can't see well




BAH, Forgot to up my screenshot quality. >_<


Son of Godzilla said:
Hey firex/etc, is there any reasons to be one spec or the other for leveling a shaman nowadays?
I'd be enhance just because it's better dps than elemental. I mean, I can kill stuff with ele, but it's definitely a lower dps spec than it should be.


Had 2 mounts, about 10 brooms, uncountable rings, and 2 swords, no helm yet though (beyond the pumpkin one).

The pumpkin pets summoned by the sword are cool however...
shock33 said:
Had 2 mounts, about 10 brooms, uncountable rings, and 2 swords, no helm yet though (beyond the pumpkin one).

The pumpkin pets summoned by the sword are cool however...

i've got 2 of the plate helms, but no sword or mount :(

I also ran Strat 15 times trying to get the baron's mount with no luck. I have no idea how people were doing 300+ runs and not giving up.
It looks like my 8800 GS is taking a shit. Can anyone recommend some really good deals on a replacement card? I can go for something at the same power or maybe a little higher. I'm going to be dual boxing some RAF for the next few months and could use s tad more juice. Don't recommend the current $250+ cards.


keeblerdrow said:
It looks like my 8800 GS is taking a shit. Can anyone recommend some really good deals on a replacement card?
One of the local Best Buy stores here had the PNY Geforce 8800 Gt cards on clearance for around $102.


I've got the pumpkin helm, but I want the plate helm on my pally. and the pet. as shitty as my shaman is geared, the horseman drops jack shit for elemental and his dps rings wouldn't even be a big improvement over my enhance rings, if I were enhance. I guess the healer ring is ok though.


Weenerz said:
WTB Pumpkin helm, I want my title dammit!

Same here, that's all I need now. I've Done HH 30 times since Saturday and have only seen:

2 Pets
1 Plate Helm
3 Swords
10 or so Brooms
0 Pumpkin Helms
0 Mounts
15 Rings of Ghoulish Delight (fuck that ring, that's all that ever seems to drop)

I know I have another week and a half, but dammit I'm impatient and want my title now!


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
1 Mount (I won!)
3 Pumpkin Helmets
1 Sword
0 Plate Helmet
0 Pets

3 days, no pets. But the mount is very, very cool. It's real handy too since it's a all-in-one combo mount. No need to bind two seperate mounts up.


0 mounts
1 Pet
5 Pumpkin Helms

I had one HH drop the Pet AND the Helm in the same kill last night. I have my helm, but lost the roll on the pet =(

I know it's only the 3rd day, but I'm getting worried. I guess I'll just have my friends that already have the pet help me out. I have about 9 characters I can log on to use for summons everyday so I think I'll get that stupid pet to drop for me eventually.

So frustrating!

Edit: I still haven't gotten a damn toothpick either! Rabble Rabble Rabble!


Junior Member
I don't remember this quest giving me the option for such a badass title. o_O


EDIT: Nope gave me the standard of the shattered sun. :(


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
Haha you got scammed by a questgiver!

border said:
What is the macro to max out graphical detail in the new patch?

And the macro to reset to normal max settings?

Simple, but this should allow you to tweak your settings a bit easier.

Make sure you have "/console shadowlod 0" set for the 1st 3 macros.

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 1600
/console horizonfarclip 6226
/console groundeffectdensity 256
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 3
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 4
/console environmentDetail 2

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 1400
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 128
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 2
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 3
/console environmentDetail 1.5

/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 96
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 1
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 2
/console environmentDetail 1

NOTE - Make sure you type "/console shadowlod 1" for the following settings.

DEFAULT: - Default for WoTLK
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 64
/console groundeffectdist 70
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 1

LOWEST: - Equiv to Classic WoW / TBC
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 777
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 32
/console groundeffectdist 35
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 0.5

Additional Tweaks:
m2Faster - Adds additional threads used in rendering models on screen (0 no additon threads, 1 - 3 adds additional threads)
Note: If you have a Duel Core or Quad Core System (Multi Processor too) this will show an increase in performance in situations with lots of models and players/npcs on screen.

ffx - Global Shader Control (0 disables all on screen effects, 1 enables them)
ffxRectangle - Renders effects on a rectangle based polygon (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxGlow - Bloom/Screen Glow and Underwater Wave effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxDeath - Death World Screen Glow, Greyish Blue (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxNetherworld - Mage Invis Spell Effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxSpecial - Borean Tundra or DK Starter Area Eye Haze (0 for Off, 1 for On)

fixedfunction - This forces the pixel shares in the game to run on the 1.1 path. (1 for FF Shaders, 0 for Programable Shaders)
For some older machines they will receive a decent speed boost.

hwPCF - Enables a more efficient method for rendering extShadow effects. (0 for Off, 1 for On)

Example usage is:
/console ffxNetherworld 0

Side Note - What does CharacterAmbient do?
Let Dr. Death Knight explain,

/console CharacterAmbient
0 = Default basic ambient lighting on characters.
0.1 - 1.0 controls how bright this ambient lighting is.
1.0 is equiv to when you click a character and they fully highlight.
No Value disables all character model ambient lighting so when they do light up from an external light source it looks far better and not washed out.
No Value tweak was disabled in 8905 and 0 up works now. :/

-Fog Changes in 8905-
It seems like certain zones have a fog limit.
Where it'll draw the fog from this point on no matter what the setting is for Farclip, but will continue to draw terrain behind the fog to the point I have set.

Corrected a typo on shadowlod.
Also added advanced settings.
Added Fog explanation
Corrected extShadowQuality typo. >_<

Example Screenshots

extShadowQuality 0:

extShadowQuality 4:

skycloudLOD 0:

skycloudLOD 3:

farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Terro Forest-
farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Searing Gorge & EF-
farclip 2000:

environmentDetail 1:

environmentDetail 2:

Not the best shots for environmentDetail. :/


Junior Member
Evening, all.
I'm currently at 68 and looking for some decent armour for my Demonology Warlock. I'm just a PvE-er having fun at the mo, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction.


Junior Member
Anndd... holy flying monky feaces!

Some guy hijacked an account started posting keyloggers, admits to it. :O

Douchebag said:
Im doing more than that

Times are changing, and with new times, more opportnities to steal your accounts will present themselves.

This isnt the only WoW Forum

This isnt the only way to contact other players

And this isnt over


Me and a bunch of friends went to IF tonight to fish out Ole IronJaw, was a hilarious experience, and I actually managed to catch him. :lol One of my friends was around 300 fish and no Ironjaw..we eventually got overrun by Allies, but it was fun while it lasted. :)


Xabora said:
I don't remember this quest giving me the option for such a badass title. o_O

EDIT: Nope gave me the standard of the shattered sun. :(

Haha, sorry, but I find it pretty humorous an NPC lied to you.


Son of Godzilla said:
What the fuck is that supposed to be. These secure things they've been selling are actual chunks of plastic?
With one of those the only way someone can hack your account is by breaking into your home and taking that chunk of plastic.


Modesty becomes a woman
Son of Godzilla said:
What the fuck is that supposed to be. These secure things they've been selling are actual chunks of plastic?

yup, pretty sturdy and about the size of two quarters. I don't have anything of any remote value on my account, but 6 dollars is nothing.

the 2.5 seconds it takes to press the button and type in the 6 digit number is also not even a hassle at all.


I lost a roll on Headless Horseman's Reins last night =(

God, that is a painful feeling. We summoned him 8 times, 0 heads, 0 pets, 1 mount. UGH!


Modesty becomes a woman
PatzCU said:
I lost a roll on Headless Horseman's Reins last night =(

God, that is a painful feeling. We summoned him 8 times, 0 heads, 0 pets, 1 mount. UGH!

I won a roll on it and It was a pretty bad feeling too. Everyone that I went with hates me now.
I won a roll on it and It was a pretty bad feeling too. Everyone that I went with hates me now.

Yah well, those people have messed up priorities. They have a maximum FIFTY-FIVE chances to get one themselves including today.


My groups love me when we go to HH now. I tell them ahead of time I will pass on the mount if they pass on the pumpkin head and they always say ok. Too bad the fucking helm never drops, 45 kills and counting grrrr.


Modesty becomes a woman
SatelliteOfLove said:
Yah well, those people have messed up priorities. They have a maximum FIFTY-FIVE chances to get one themselves including today.

Haha, I also got the helm, the pet, the sword, and the pumpkin head so that helped.

They don't really hate me, just being dramatic.

I like how it works though, you can use it in old areas and outland. I think regular flyers should work like that as well so once you get epic flying you only need one mount.


Hah, first kill last night and the bastard drops my Hallowed Helm.

I'm now 16 masks or one patch away from being Reigner The Hallowed!


Hey Xabora, which off the graphics commands (including the additional shader and engine tweaks) you listed need to be entered every time you log on?


Junior Member
Epix said:
Hey Xabora, which off the graphics commands (including the additional shader and engine tweaks) you listed need to be entered every time you log on?
smallCull and CharacterAmbient.

Although since 3.0.1 you didn't need to enter character ambient since they nurfed it. :(


Xabora said:
smallCull and CharacterAmbient.

Although since 3.0.1 you didn't need to enter character ambient since they nurfed it. :(
Thanks. What do you mean they nerfed it? There's no way to remove the ambient character lighting now?
Xabora said:
smallCull and CharacterAmbient.

Although since 3.0.1 you didn't need to enter character ambient since they nurfed it. :(
I've never done stuff like this before, so can someone kindly list a macro for me that will fit (or two if there are already max # characters) that is simply the total current maxed-out settings? My PC can handle it.

Would it simply be:

/console shadowlod 0
/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 1600
/console horizonfarclip 6226
/console groundeffectdensity 256
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 3
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 4
/console environmentDetail 2

or is there more I can do?


Why, the plague of course!

There are infected crates in Booty Bay with a disease that turns you into a zombie. You attack other people, they get the disease.

I just tested as a human in Durotar. I can talk with/fight alongside Horde zombies. So awesome.


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
WotLK World event has started.

Go get infected and spread the love!



If this was on the beta server I could crash it doing this...
Before you ask I already filed a bug report. :p


I had to walk up to the general area of the Flight Master, sit down and click on his feet in order to fly out of Shattrath.

Had some fun converting some zombies in Mulgore, then got zapped by a few healers/other players.
There was a bug where you could equip a new item and be restored to full health, so I was virtually unkillable. They may have hotfixed this, though.

From what I've heard this is just the beginning of the zombie blight.
Have fun guys.
Malfunky said:
Why, the plague of course!

There are infected crates in Booty Bay with a disease that turns you into a zombie. You attack other people, they get the disease.

I just tested as a human in Durotar. I can talk with/fight alongside Horde zombies. So awesome.

A guy in my guild says you can TRADE with them directly too.


I just messed around a little bit with the zombie stuff -- you can't mount up as a zombie, which really kills it for me. That means the whole plague will be limited to fairly large cities.


The plague is growing stronger. Zombie attack power has been steadily rising all night and people are reporting tis getting tougher to dispel the plague before you turn.
I infected Khadgar and the healer killed him when he turned into a zombie. Nothing special happened though. I was kind of disappointed. I guess you can't get the Naru infected. I tried getting the badge gear Naru and Adal, but nothing happened.


Junior Member
laserbeam said:
The plague is growing stronger. Zombie attack power has been steadily rising all night and people are reporting tis getting tougher to dispel the plague before you turn.


Zombies + Guns = Bad Mofo Combo!
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