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World of Warcraft

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Proc said:
is the zombie stuff going on? I kind of want to subscribe on this rainy sunday to ding 70 for wrath. Will the zombie stuff get in the way alot or is it now in the outlands
It's fucking annoying. On my realm you can't enter BGs or arena because the battle masters are always dead.
People keep killing the Auctioneers and bank dudes too but at least they respawn instantly almost.


DarkAngelYuna said:
It's fucking annoying. On my realm you can't enter BGs or arena because the battle masters are always dead.
People keep killing the Auctioneers and bank dudes too but at least they respawn instantly almost.

In all cities? Just go to the city no-one goes to for the Battlemasters, they kept dying in Org on my server so I just went to UC.


I really wish Blizz would go to a BG entry system like Warhammer, where you can jump in a queue from anywhere instead of using a battlemaster.
Tamanon said:
I really wish Blizz would go to a BG entry system like Warhammer, where you can jump in a queue from anywhere instead of using a battlemaster.
Blue post a few weeks ago already stated that they're working on that.


Junior Member
This is for attacking me in Northrend you plague perfectionists!







I just spent the last hour with a few friends laying in wait at the top of the Mage Tower in Stormwind mauling people as they ported in from Shatt. They were zombies before they got out of the room. Had all of trade chat swearing at us.
Ceebs said:
I just spent the last hour with a few friends laying in wait at the top of the Mage Tower in Stormwind mauling people as they ported in from Shatt. They were zombies before they got out of the room. Had all of trade chat swearing at us.

Perfection. I'm off to do just that now.

The sheer amount of whining about his even has the griefer in me rearing its ugly head.


Earlier in the day I turned like 2/3 of the NPCs in the terrace of light in shattrath into zombies, along with anyone who wasn't on a flying mount.

and I got the Arcanite Ripper on my pally. I'm never going to get rid of that weapon, ever (same with the Horseman's Helm).
Proc said:
is the zombie stuff going on? I kind of want to subscribe on this rainy sunday to ding 70 for wrath. Will the zombie stuff get in the way alot or is it now in the outlands

The event ends in a day or so. It'll be hard to level in any of the popular areas. For Horde on my server, Barrens, TB, and Org/Durator are near impossible to level since they are the most popular areas.

Also, Im loving this disruption event that has so many people QQing on trade channel. Really shows you who the real nubs are in the game.
I've managed to level up a scrub shaman to 19 during the event just fine. Started pretty much the day the event got on. Killed by zombies a whopping once, and I leveled a straight durotar -> barrens path.
border said:
That quickly? Really? I thought this was going to go on until WotLK launched....

The zombie attacks end in a day or so(from people i've talked to). The pre-lich event continues till the launch of the xpac.


well, whiners got their say. Blizzard is nerfing ret, but the real cost is nerfed dps for holy and prot. No nerf to actual ret talents, minor nerf at best to hammer of wrath (honestly now it just means it will be a guaranteed kill if it crits), nerf on the mana return from judgements of the wise (which was OP, but not a big deal now) and judgement of wisdom (collateral damage from raping vampiric touch).


Modesty becomes a woman
Masta_Killah said:
The event ends in a day or so. It'll be hard to level in any of the popular areas. For Horde on my server, Barrens, TB, and Org/Durator are near impossible to level since they are the most popular areas.

Also, Im loving this disruption event that has so many people QQing on trade channel. Really shows you who the real nubs are in the game.

I wouldn't say it's "QQing" so much as legit annoyance. You shouldn't be forced into this event, and I can't even use the AH in IF or SW anymore I have to go to the Exodar or something. It's especially stupid when you have the Hallows end stuff which is completely optional running side by side to this forced participation event.

This could have been done better, I went to the EPL where they were getting attacked by one of those big Necropolis and stood there for about 45 minutes killing things when at the last minute a bunch of random people came and took all the NPCs everyone needs to kill for the quest. You don't get credit unless you hit the Shadow guy first.


firex said:
well, whiners got their say. Blizzard is nerfing ret, but the real cost is nerfed dps for holy and prot. No nerf to actual ret talents, minor nerf at best to hammer of wrath (honestly now it just means it will be a guaranteed kill if it crits), nerf on the mana return from judgements of the wise (which was OP, but not a big deal now) and judgement of wisdom (collateral damage from raping vampiric touch).

I guess it's back to getting no response in LFG Chat when I tell them I'm a ret pally. :D
I wouldn't say it's "QQing" so much as legit annoyance. You shouldn't be forced into this event, and I can't even use the AH in IF or SW anymore I have to go to the Exodar or something. It's especially stupid when you have the Hallows end stuff which is completely optional running side by side to this forced participation event.

This could have been done better, I went to the EPL where they were getting attacked by one of those big Necropolis and stood there for about 45 minutes killing things when at the last minute a bunch of random people came and took all the NPCs everyone needs to kill for the quest. You don't get credit unless you hit the Shadow guy first.

Don't agree at all.

This is the current state of WOW. You signed on to play in their world and this is whats happening now in that world.

You cant opt out of it. Its a world wide invasion.
Exactly. I flew to Org just now and THE ENTIRE CITY HAS BEEN DESTROYED. I'm sorry, that's awesome, even if it does inconvenience me trying to train skills.

They should let this go on for a few days and then establish some sort of safe bunker with limited facilities, like every proper zombie invasion.


The only thing I hate is that stupid tagging shit you have to do in order to get credit for the kills on the elites that spawn at necrotic stones or whatever they're called. It's annoying, although it's just runes and AD rep (and I guess a shot at some epics, but you can get better badge farming or running ZA or some shit).


Epix said:

I guess it's back to getting no response in LFG Chat when I tell them I'm a ret pally. :D

It's not really a huge nerf. They lowered judgement damage by 20% and lowered the amount of mana we get back from Judgements to 15% (instead of 30%). We will still do a ridiculous amount of damage and our mana pool will still have plenty of longevity. Honestly, our mana bar was out of control. We had full rage at all times, every single ability was spammable at all times.

Ret pallies will be fine, even after this nerf.


Ceebs said:
I just spent the last hour with a few friends laying in wait at the top of the Mage Tower in Stormwind mauling people as they ported in from Shatt. They were zombies before they got out of the room. Had all of trade chat swearing at us.

You on Magtheridon by any chance? That's basically what happened on-and-off all day yesterday.
No longer being able to kill most classes during an HoJ stun makes me sad. Might as well get the most out of it while I still can. lol

I agree that the nerf to Ret was needed and that the class was OP. The burst at level 70 was just too high. I haven't seen how it is at level 80 but I expect there were similar problems. However, I still think the class needs a couple more abilities to be viable in PVP such as a distance closer (other than the innate 15% increased run speed and HoF), such as a Warrior's charge or a Death Knight's death grip. Maybe also change Vindication to lower the amount of healing does on a target by 25%/50% and then we'll be good to go. Well, maybe remove bubble as collateral - that or make it so that you can't attack when bubble is up.

This nerf will really fuck over holy paladins though. Their already small dps just got even lower and I can't think of anyone thinking of going holy to solo any content. Totally sucks for them if they want to do questing and dailies or anything like that. I imagine Holy specced Paladins probably cause the least amount of dps than any other class spec with equal gear. I also think that none of the new abilities made the Holy class a viable 5-man party healer. Sure, in raids, Holy might still be the best single target healer but for 5-mans, any fight that causes lots of damage to multiple members will still be tougher to heal as Holy than any of the other healing specs. I hope Blizzard intends to fix this, but it probably won't happen.


firex said:
well, whiners got their say. Blizzard is nerfing ret, but the real cost is nerfed dps for holy and prot. No nerf to actual ret talents, minor nerf at best to hammer of wrath (honestly now it just means it will be a guaranteed kill if it crits), nerf on the mana return from judgements of the wise (which was OP, but not a big deal now) and judgement of wisdom (collateral damage from raping vampiric touch).

I'm kind of annoyed by their nerfs. They're nerfing every paladin to "balance" ret, and the reasons they put forward are kind of silly, plus not giving anything to Holy or Prot but simply saying they'll compensate somehow in the future... and most know that will never happen.
Given what they've said about Arcane mages lately, and given that it did sound kind of like what they said about Ret Pallies, I'm expecting them to be nerfed next.


cvkpaladin said:
No longer being able to kill most classes during an HoJ stun makes me sad. Might as well get the most out of it while I still can. lol

I agree that the nerf to Ret was needed and that the class was OP. The burst at level 70 was just too high. I haven't seen how it is at level 80 but I expect there were similar problems. However, I still think the class needs a couple more abilities to be viable in PVP such as a distance closer (other than the innate 15% increased run speed and HoF), such as a Warrior's charge or a Death Knight's death grip. Maybe also change Vindication to lower the amount of healing does on a target by 25%/50% and then we'll be good to go. Well, maybe remove bubble as collateral - that or make it so that you can't attack when bubble is up.

This nerf will really fuck over holy paladins though. Their already small dps just got even lower and I can't think of anyone thinking of going holy to solo any content. Totally sucks for them if they want to do questing and dailies or anything like that. I imagine Holy specced Paladins probably cause the least amount of dps than any other class spec with equal gear. I also think that none of the new abilities made the Holy class a viable 5-man party healer. Sure, in raids, Holy might still be the best single target healer but for 5-mans, any fight that causes lots of damage to multiple members will still be tougher to heal as Holy than any of the other healing specs. I hope Blizzard intends to fix this, but it probably won't happen.
Personally I might just go prot. depends upon how many tanks are needed at 80, and how easy it'll be to gear up for tanking. I like ret and it's fun to dps, but pally tanking could be awesome once people realize they don't need their old spell power shit.


PatzCU said:
It's not really a huge nerf. They lowered judgement damage by 20% and lowered the amount of mana we get back from Judgements to 15% (instead of 30%). We will still do a ridiculous amount of damage and our mana pool will still have plenty of longevity. Honestly, our mana bar was out of control. We had full rage at all times, every single ability was spammable at all times.

Ret pallies will be fine, even after this nerf.

Dude play with these new talents me and tell me Ret is fine, you are dead wrong. Ret is awful now on the beta, you run out of mana so fast. The mana return is so pathetic now, don't forget our new gear has no intellect on it at all.

LOL a ridiculous amount of damage, yeah right, it was nerfed big time. They gave us a shitty DOT now on righteous vengeance that doesn't stack and lasts only 8 seconds. They took everything away and gave absolutely nothing in return. So if you pvp bless you cause you will never be able to kill a healer of equal gear by yourself.
witness said:
Dude play with these new talents me and tell me Ret is fine, you are dead wrong. Ret is awful now on the beta, you run out of mana so fast. The mana return is so pathetic now, don't forget our new gear has no intellect on it at all.

LOL a ridiculous amount of damage, yeah right, it was nerfed big time. They gave us a shitty DOT now on righteous vengeance that doesn't stack and lasts only 8 seconds. They took everything away and gave absolutely nothing in return. So if you pvp bless you cause you will never be able to kill a healer of equal gear by yourself.

haha its back to the ol' days of ret pvp. apparently players at 80 with their small mana pool are going OOM in a minute or two of PvP and are having to chug pots to keep up DPS rotation in PvE. pallys cant use concecration in their dps cycle anymore, horribly nerfing their overall raid damage. if you get mana burned in PvP you're useless. It's back to step one again, the shitty players getting owned by rets in outland greens got their wish.


Son of Godzilla said:
Exactly. I flew to Org just now and THE ENTIRE CITY HAS BEEN DESTROYED. I'm sorry, that's awesome, even if it does inconvenience me trying to train skills.

They should let this go on for a few days and then establish some sort of safe bunker with limited facilities, like every proper zombie invasion.

Oh, for a second I thought you meant the place was on fire. There's a quest in the beta that says Arthas will pay for the razing of Orgrimmar, so I got excited for a second.
bengraven said:
Oh, for a second I thought you meant the place was on fire. There's a quest in the beta that says Arthas will pay for the razing of Orgrimmar, so I got excited for a second.
I don't know, I got off the flight master to see two people fighting off zombies on the flight tower, dropped down to the ground littered with corpses, and dodged packs of zombies running about fighting guards. I even hid inside the inn for a bit, it emptied of npcs. The place was pretty much destroyed. It was even nice and gloomy, before dawn.


I don't see how any retribution paladin can claim that they weren't massively overpowered when 3.0 hit. There were very few paladins that admitted to it in the beginning, retorting "this is how we're meant to be, l2play" and they brought it upon themselves. If you didn't think ret was getting nerfed then I don't know what to say other than you got what you deserved. Should've just admitted to it and tried to compromise with the toning down instead of nerfing INTO THE GOUND, BABY!

Hopefully you guys will get a bit balanced, these nerfs effecting other specs sucks.
Hero said:
I don't see how any retribution paladin can claim that they weren't massively overpowered when 3.0 hit. There were very few paladins that admitted to it in the beginning, retorting "this is how we're meant to be, l2play" and they brought it upon themselves. If you didn't think ret was getting nerfed then I don't know what to say other than you got what you deserved. Should've just admitted to it and tried to compromise with the toning down instead of nerfing INTO THE GOUND, BABY!

Hopefully you guys will get a bit balanced, these nerfs effecting other specs sucks.

the burst was op. most people admitted this. there was no reason for them to nerf the mana regen to this degree.

now we'll still probably 3 shot people in BGs but be absolutely useless in arenas and in raids. EVERYONE WINS

edit: to be fair there's talk of more fine tuning being done. i'm willing to wait and see what they do, but blizzard has a history of shit canning this class. it's why so many ret pallys didnt want to see a repeat of what happened right at TBC
Flesh Into Gear said:
the burst was op. most people admitted this. there was no reason for them to nerf the mana regen to this degree.

now we'll still probably 3 shot people in BGs but be absolutely useless in arenas and in raids. EVERYONE WINS

edit: to be fair there's talk of more fine tuning being done. i'm willing to wait and see what they do, but blizzard has a history of shit canning this class. it's why so many ret pallys didnt want to see a repeat of what happened right at TBC
By mana regen, what are we talking about? The JotW that gave paladins infinite mana or the JoW that gave every fucking class in the game infinite mana? They were both ridiculous.


I for one, never thought Paladin DPS was too crazy. It could have been toned done by minor adjustments; and I have a suspicion it will see buffs in the near future. What was fucking crazy and was justly nerfed is JOTW. Mana basically became superfluous for Ret Paladins, they might as well have had that old Vaelestraz buff.

I’m still bitter about even the new reduced JOTW as it’s far better then anything Feral druids have. Feral druids need mana too and an 8% return on Improved Leader of the Pack isn’t cutting it. To put that in perspective, imagine if they nerfed the already nerfed JOTW by the same amount, and you have the solitary way for ferals to regen mana.
Son of Godzilla said:
By mana regen, what are we talking about? The JotW that gave paladins infinite mana or the JoW that gave every fucking class in the game infinite mana? They were both ridiculous.

jotw return is cut down over half, JoW is getting fucked with too.

basically at 80 with no int on the gear a pally's basic rotation is auto attack, CS, and divine storm. Using divine plea when its up and the pally should have enough for the fight. However, to stay competitive with dps I guess consecration is neccessary and the pally's mana cant keep up. in pvp they'll run out in 1-2 mintues and this is without healing at all and without being mana drained (which will completely fuck their day up)

i think the % return on jotw could have been lowered a bit to make it easier to mana burn pally's down and limit the amount of heals that could be thrown without getting back into the fight to judge. clearly they've gone overboard here.


Wow blizz can't wait to throw the Ret nerf party, new JotW is "hotfixed" and the SoC/JoC nerf is in now as well. They are going back on the SoB/SoM change though leaving it the same.
welll...having actually tested the changes now I'd say they're not too bad. Grinding is fine, during BGs I actually have to drink now, but I wont run low on mana unless I try to play a bigger support role than usual (a little dissapointing). On the training dummies I can keep up a CS-DS-Judge rotation for about 10 minutes before going OOM. It probably wont be possible to run out in a raid environment and with divine plea.

Using the not yet nerfed JoW I can keep the standard DPS rotation and add in consecration and random flash of lights and NEVER go OOM. I guess thats why they're nerfing it. Without JoW and adding in the same things I go OOM in barely over a minute.

The questions that remain are can a ret pally still give viable dps without consecration, how it is at 80 with no INT on our gear, and how we'll do in arenas.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Flesh Into Gear said:
On the training dummies I can keep up a CS-DS-Judge rotation for about 10 minutes before going OOM. It probably wont be possible to run out in a raid environment and with divine plea.
yeah, in a raid environment that there's several classes that help with regening mana. for example, feral druids with improved leader of the pack give back a % of mana each time you crit (6 second internal cooldown). there's other classes/talents that do similar things...
Masta_Killah said:
Also, Im loving this disruption event that has so many people QQing on trade channel. Really shows you who the real nubs are in the game.

exactly, shows how no one cares for spontaneous shit anymore, and just qq because they cant poopsock epics.

back when they hijacked/trained ogrimars flight master and held him for ransom (by putting some grey item on the ah for like 5000 gold), so many fucking lamers wanted them banned, these people woulda probably commited suicide had they played UO back in the day and lost all their shit by getting book ladder'd.


Still Tagged Accordingly
ZombieSupaStar said:
back when they hijacked ogrimars flight master and held him for ransom (by putting some grey item on the ah for like 5000 gold)
lol, wtf is this about?
Scrow said:
lol, wtf is this about?


And now the true chaos ensues... mages have flocked to Orgrimmar and are charging bogus prices for portals. People are paying!

ahaha, this is what makes online games so special to me. Well that and when the warlock summoned his cursed pet that nuked the ah, or when the aq virus spread like a plague (im guessing thats where blizzard got the idea for this world event)
Anyone here use Quest Helper? I'm not sure whats going on but the points on the map will disappear for certain quests and when I log off and log back on the re-appear. Any ideas?


Modesty becomes a woman
MagicJackBauer said:
Anyone here use Quest Helper? I'm not sure whats going on but the points on the map will disappear for certain quests and when I log off and log back on the re-appear. Any ideas?

Yeah, get carbonite.


Is this zombie crap over yet?

yes it is, and it was awesome . Too bad Blizz had to give in to the whiners and ended this so abruptly, I play Wow for the adventures not to be a AH trader, and i would have prefered a more epic ending to all this effort....And i never found the event that much disrupting even for my lowb-level chars, but then I am on a medium pop server and rp-pvp server so I can imagine the experience was traumatizing for players on pve servers :lol


Modesty becomes a woman
Mojojo said:
yes it is, and it was awesome . Too bad Blizz had to give in to the whiners and ended this so abruptly, I play Wow for the adventures not to be a AH trader, and i would have prefered a more epic ending to all this effort....And i never found the event that much disrupting even for my lowb-level chars, but then I am on a medium pop server and rp-pvp server so I can imagine the experience was traumatizing for players on pve servers :lol

It was more annoying when I just wanted to sell all my crap or turn in some dailies but the NPC was on a 20 minute respawn. :|
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