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World of Warcraft

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Where can you get Flimsy Masks? Aside from the random trick-or-treat bags?

PatzCU said:
Ya, and if you are going for the mount, you won't need that mask achievement.
Wait, is there a mount associated with the Hallow's End Achievement? I thought it was just a title, and the mount dropped off Headless Horseman...


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
border said:
Wait, is there a mount associated with the Hallow's End Achievement? I thought it was just a title, and the mount dropped off Headless Horseman...

No, there is a proto-Netherdrake mount or something like that if you complete all of the holiday achievements. Of course that will take a year assuming you get all of them.


Junior Member
Screaming_Gremlin said:
No, there is a proto-Netherdrake mount or something like that if you complete all of the holiday achievements. Of course that will take a year assuming you get all of them.
Violet Proto-Drake


So is there any way to get masks, aside from Trick-or-Treating? I just need 1 for the Achievement, but still haven't gotten one.


border said:
So is there any way to get masks, aside from Trick-or-Treating? I just need 1 for the Achievement, but still haven't gotten one.

The daily quest so far in zones like Dun Murogh or Goldshire where you put out the fires then kill the level 11 Headless Horseman, you get a wrapped present from one of the orphans and I believe those can drop a mask. But it's very low too.


Paladins nerfed again due to Retribution PVP imbalances. As much as I hated the massive influx of Paladin alts with S1 gear that dominated in BGs and arena, this is just really piss poor management from the development team.


I don't really have a problem with not being able to use AW and Bubble at the same time (I'm pretty much done with PVP in this game). They're gonna make up for it with some more utility? Good give it to us now.

Edit: Yeah My bad on it being through talents, I know better but its early.


Blizzard didn't even make it possible with talents. Just straight up changing it so Avenging Wrath no longer causes Forbearance. If they're going to do that again then they're going to have to lower Forbearance's duration. I'd rather they just change it so divine protection = no attack speed penalty but requires a shield, divine shield = can't attack at all. give prot pallies a buff if you're going to nerf ret. oh, and the new Righteous Vengeance should proc on Crusader Strike crits, too. hell, make it proc on all crits. It'd give ret pallies a way to have more sustainable dps. also, I'm going to try seal of corruption in pvp. Not sure it'd really be worthwhile except for dotting multiple people with divine storm, but I noticed it stacks up pretty quickly and I'm kind of tired of losing 1k health when I get a crit judgement with seal of blood (didn't bother picking seal of command since I hate relying on procs).


I have a problem with not being able to use both AW and DS.
I am Holy and since AW now gives 20% to both dmg and healing it was cool to use as it was unlinked from forbearance. What is the point of using AW if I lock out DS? I'm never going to use AW because being unable to use DS is too much of a risk, both in PvP and PvE.

The easy solution would have been to make it so using DS makes the paladin unable to attack and cast harmful spells, just as many people suggested, just as it should have always been.
I'm really disappointed by these nerfs, not because they nerf the ret spec, but because they try to nerf ret paladins only to nerf the whole class, which is stupid.

Also reading judgement of justice is only 10 seconds in PvP?


If they just let Righteous Vengeance DOT stack 2 or 3x it would be alright, but it doesn't and its a pretty piss poor DoT. Our burst it being nerfed to hell in the next patch and this needs to stack in order to make up for it.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's only 10 seconds in pvp. I think all the judgements are only 10 seconds in pvp. of course, that 10 seconds means you can recast it whenever. and I forgot about AW buffing healing too.
Hey, I can't decide on what 2v2 comp to do at 80 anymore. 1 player will be a rogue for sure. So I'm basically stuck at double rogue, mage\rogue or lock\rogue. ;(
Kweh said:
What are these shades i keep seeing randomly?

It's the haunted buff (not really a buff). It comes from this necklace item that drops at the scourge invasion points. You don't actually wear it, you just keep it in your bag and you're haunted. You can also throw it at other players like the happy fun rock and leather ball.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Question: Just dinged 70 a day or two ago, and with the mask req being taken out for the title, all I have left is G.N.E.R.D. rage....don't really have the gear to pvp now (at least IMO)...can I save the gnerds, and use 'em later to still get the title unlocked?

Or should I just start looking for a good healer for BG's quick?


ok, after getting tired of people looking for tanks and not dps, I respecced my pally to prot. and I'm loving it so far. it's pretty easy to tank shit now. back when I was prot before they had all kinds of retarded stuff, like the taunt being nearly worthless unless you made a macro for it.


Well I've discovered that the real money in Inscription is in Minor glyphs, since not everyone has them. Get one of the more wanted ones like Glyph of Fortitude or Aquatic Forms by discovery and it's easy money. The market isn't saturated, they sell really quickly.

Can't wait for Wrath, definitely leveling a Death Knight to 80 first.

sykoex: Yes, more spells/skills from 71-80 for every class.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Tamanon said:
Well I've discovered that the real money in Inscription is in Minor glyphs, since not everyone has them. Get one of the more wanted ones like Glyph of Fortitude or Aquatic Forms by discovery and it's easy money. The market isn't saturated, they sell really quickly.

Can't wait for Wrath, definitely leveling a Death Knight to 80 first.

sykoex: Yes, more spells/skills from 71-80 for every class.

On a high pop server, just about every minor glyph is already learned and there's 10+ up on the ah. At least on my server... still, I was able to clear 11,000 gold in about 2 days with inscription, so I can't complain. The demand was insane; as soon as i would put them up, they'd be sold by the time I got to my mailbox.


commish said:
On a high pop server, just about every minor glyph is already learned and there's 10+ up on the ah. At least on my server... still, I was able to clear 11,000 gold in about 2 days with inscription, so I can't complain. The demand was insane; as soon as i would put them up, they'd be sold by the time I got to my mailbox.

Yeah it's weird how high demand is. Of course maybe I'm getting better prices because, while my server is large, I started this character this week and so people probably just aren't making the lower level glyphs any more.


I need to buy a levitate glyph, but i keep forgetting. I wish they'd make one for Prayer of Mending, with the LK change to let it crit, it'd be really amazing to have a +10% crit one. especially as Disc with Divine Aegis.


Alex said:
I wish they'd make one for Prayer of Mending, with the LK change to let it crit, it'd be really amazing to have a +10% crit one. especially as Disc with Divine Aegis.

Well, Blizz wants to (eventually) have it so each spell has multiple glyphs available so people will have much harder decisions than right now where most classes only have a few 'good' glyphs.


This might sound stupid, but anyone knows why my Judgements of Wisdom and Light give back different amounts of hp/mp than what the tooltip says? Wisdom says 124 mana, but I get 247ish. Light says 249hp, but I get 170ish. Seems so weird, especially since one gives more than the tooltip says and the other gives less than the tooltip says.


Has problems recognising girls
My brother and my partner's sister have talked me back into playing, few weeks prior to WotLK too :(

I can't resist! Time to dust off my mail and call to the spirits once more as a Shaman.


Grandma's Chippy
Man the sheer number of DKs is going to be scary.

Out of the 15 or so people I play with RL, all but me and one other guy are rolling DKs from the start.

I will wait.

Mage then rogue, then if DKs have not been nerfed all to hell, maybe.

Until then I will enjoy rolling them in BGs with my mage ;P


Waiting four years to introduce a new class, then just releasing one was a stupid idea. I don't care what kind of logic is behind it.

Once their BG revitalization plans roll out, then at least the game design won't be 90% class balance see-saw for Arena's and they can focus on things like that.

Unsure exactly what class pair me and my MMO buddy are doing for LK just yet, which is getting dangerously close. I'm doing a Priest for certain still. Come hell or high water I love Priest. Keeping my Mage alt...which is very much the norm for me. Every single time I am Primary Healer/ Primary Nuker. Hell , in FFXI I was WHM/BLM.

Probably gonna be ...drumroll...Death Knight though. I want a tank capable character that stacks up decently well with a Priest, and Discipline + Unholy seems like a total ball. I only did a little arena on beta, but most of it was Priest/Death Knight/Rogue and it was fucking awesome, I will never forget when Mutilate was bugged and we killed a Hunter in 2 seconds.

Really fun though, yeah. So much offense while still maintaining an excellent defense. I had a lot of fun also, which is what really counts. PI + Imp. KS + Ebon Plaguebringer = obscene damage from a healing spec. Double DoT, Holy Fire, Mind Blast, SW:D. Hits like a truck.

Our strategy was as brain dead as my S2 5v5's, which I actually kind of appreciate. Basically build up CP, build up RP, wipe down the buffs, then Death Grip around a corner, and EXPLODE. I can't believe people aren't bitching more about the peeling power of Death Grip. It's one of the strongest forms of both defense and offense in the game. I lost track of how many times I had my Priestly ass saved by a friend Death Gripping someone off me and dropping Chains.

I want to try it again, but with the hybrid spec of Holy/Disc. Pick up both defensive procs, Lightwell and all of the offensive talents.

Chris R

Alex said:
Once their BG revitalization plans roll out, then at least the game design won't be 90% class balance see-saw for Arena's and they can focus on things like that.
What exactly do you mean by this... Got any official links of some kind?


rhfb said:
What exactly do you mean by this... Got any official links of some kind?

I dont have the link anymore, Tigole posted it awhile ago, that they wanted to bring BGs back as a big force. New maps, letting you queue anywhere in the world, rating systems , etc.


Alex said:
Our strategy was as brain dead as my S2 5v5's, which I actually kind of appreciate. Basically build up CP, build up RP, wipe down the buffs, then Death Grip around a corner, and EXPLODE. I can't believe people aren't bitching more about the peeling power of Death Grip. It's one of the strongest forms of both defense and offense in the game. I lost track of how many times I had my Priestly ass saved by a friend Death Gripping someone off me and dropping Chains.

I want to try it again, but with the hybrid spec of Holy/Disc. Pick up both defensive procs, Lightwell and all of the offensive talents.

Death Grip is probably the biggest reason I'm rerolling Death Knight come WotLK. I agree with you how I'm surprised that there's not so much bitching about it. But I guess the current ability to hate on is Dismantle since 90% of the huntards and crappy warriors have never been disarmed before and don't know what to do when it happens.

Death Grip is such a fun and useful ability and like you said, offense/defense combined into one. Rogue on your healer? Run a bit away and Death Grip / Chains the sucker to give your teammate some time. Got Entangled by a pesky druid and going to eat a huge channeled spell? Death Grip.

The fact that it's a trained ability is so ridiculous.


I'm still going to be almost entirely pve focused, at least until they give us a better pvp system than arenas. One thing I do know is they made wintergrasp important because wintergrasp tokens are part of the currency you use to buy every set of new WotLK pvp gear. That includes WotLK arena gear.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
I'm still going to be almost entirely pve focused, at least until they give us a better pvp system than arenas. One thing I do know is they made wintergrasp important because wintergrasp tokens are part of the currency you use to buy every set of new WotLK pvp gear. That includes WotLK arena gear.

Only problem is, how long will it take till Wintergrasp becomes as mind-numbing as AV can be?


who knows. I'll probably get bored of it after awhile. I'm curious if the new BG will be any fun or not. It sounds fun, but you never know.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm hoping BGs get some more life into them. They were a lot of fun back in the day, some still are, but it really depends on who you are rolling with and how it goes at times.


firex said:
they should take divine protection off forbearance now that it's basically shield wall.

Too clever of an idea for paladins that absolutely benefit them but would not make them OP for blizz to consider.


I'm having some issues with my inventory mod. I'm using Sanity Bags and I like it but it hasn't been updated with 3.0 and it currently wont let me open up the bank window unless I turn the mod off. I like this mod because it allows me to create additional bags that I can put filter settings on to allow them to automatically hold only certain types of item (ex. An "Armor" bag that's filtered to only hold items of type=armor). I want an another inventory mod that can do this as well but also that's been updated to work with 3.0. Any suggestions?


firex said:
ok, after getting tired of people looking for tanks and not dps, I respecced my pally to prot. and I'm loving it so far. it's pretty easy to tank shit now. back when I was prot before they had all kinds of retarded stuff, like the taunt being nearly worthless unless you made a macro for it.

I'm going to go Prot Pally in WotLK... Would you recommend re-speccing prot for the next week or so to try and get used to it? Or is it pretty easy to jump into? I want to be able to tank with my level up group through the WotLK 5 mans.
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