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World of Warcraft

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PatzCU said:
I'm going to go Prot Pally in WotLK... Would you recommend re-speccing prot for the next week or so to try and get used to it? Or is it pretty easy to jump into? I want to be able to tank with my level up group through the WotLK 5 mans.

You'll definitely want to try it out for a week or so beforehand. Remember, you won't know what the pulls are like in the new 5-mans so you'll want to know all the ins and outs of pally-tanking.


PatzCU said:
I'm going to go Prot Pally in WotLK... Would you recommend re-speccing prot for the next week or so to try and get used to it? Or is it pretty easy to jump into? I want to be able to tank with my level up group through the WotLK 5 mans.
May as well do it now and get it over with. Also it's pretty awesome for dps now. I didn't even take one of the major dps talents (I will when I respec on launch night) in prot and I was still killing stuff pretty fast, with almost full health/mana, in my tank gear. I absolutely love Hammer of the Righteous.


Can any of you tanking Pally's post your character names so I can check out your specs on WoW Armory?

Or at least post the name of a character you are modeling your tank after?

Thanks! I'm going to try this out tonight, just need to kill time until WotLK. This is a great way to do it. Although, I wish they had released the Dual-Spec ability already.


as far as gear goes, I recommend looking for Rupheo on the Kilrogg server. not my pally; I did a temp switch to ret for some heroics yesterday and will probably stay that until launch night, because people shit themselves if you aren't in full epics as a tank on my server. but he had awesome gear and was definitely 51+ deep in prot. My own prot gear is ok, but I only hit like 12k hp unbuffed as prot spec and my defense is barely above crit immune despite being all blues and epics.

one thing I know for sure: you don't need spell power for prot pallies anymore. the only prot abilities they have that scale with spell power are consecration, which also scales with AP, and holy shield, which is like your secondary threat/major avoidance talent and not necessarily a threat generator with the new stuff. and all tank gear is basically str/stamina/defense stats in WotLK, so for gemming, go with defense, stamina, str gems (only do str to get socket bonuses that are +stamina or +block rating imo, and get str/stamina purple gems for red sockets). for enchants, I still recommend spell power to weapon until they add either a stamina enchant, a weapon enchant that procs on avoidance, or a much stronger str enchant than +20. Oh yeah, for a tanking weapon, you can use a warrior tank weapon or a really fucking slow 1h dps weapon if you've got the defense to not need tank stats. Hammer of the Righteous is based off weapon dps, auto-attacks are still not that important to pally tanks, and with that shitty revered SSO tank sword mine was hitting for 500ish non-crit holy damage. With a 2.4 or slower weapon with much higher dps, you'd easily be able to hit for 1k+ noncrit, possibly even higher since it's all holy damage. Just something to keep in mind if you can do instances/pug raids before WotLK and get a shot at one of the 1h dps weapons. Just make sure it's got some decent stamina on it.

For tanking, I recommend either seal of blood/martyr or seal of corruption/vengeance. Blood is also useful while soloing, even with a 1h. Corruption/vengeance lets you add up a little bonus threat to multiple mobs, because when you use Hammer of the Righteous, it will add 1 stack of the dot to the other mobs hit by that ability. Blood/martyr is good for instant single target threat though. Even with a really shitty 1h weapon, the judgement will do at least 300ish damage and you don't have to wait to stack the dot like you do with corruption/vengeance for the judgement to be worth any damage. Also, seal of blood/martyr scales with melee stats easier than corruption/vengeance does (seems like in my experience, seal of corruption/vengeance scales to 2x or more damage if you are using a 2h even if you aren't gaining that much AP). I'd say use judgement of wisdom no matter what the group makeup is so you can regen mana while spamming your offensive abilities. If there's another pally, let them use judgement of light. Always use blessing of sanctuary on yourself. Not only is it another 3% damage reduction, the avoidance proc it has is godly. There is no internal/hidden cooldown on the mana restoration, so when you tank multiples, you'll see string after string of mana gains even if you're blocking all their damage.

Glyph-wise, I highly recommend glyph of consecration and glyph of spiritual attunement for major glyphs. For minors, whatever the hell you want. I picked glyph of BoK, glyph of BoM, and glyph of lay on hands for my minors. Glyph of consecration gives you more breathing room with your ability rotation and should increase the total damage of consecration, plus the extra 2 seconds will mean a little less mana used (and prot pallies don't have much base mana anymore). Spiritual attunement is pretty much a necessity to glyph for because the 2% extra mana gained really adds up. A good third glyph at 80 might be glyph of judgement for extra threat or glyph of righteous defense if your taunts are getting resisted (not likely with hit rating working like it does now, and WotLK item budgets allowing for hit to be on quest reward tank gear), or maybe some undiscovered shit if there is a glyph that buffs (not fucks with, just straight up buffs) hammer of the righteous, avenger's shield, or holy shield.


PatzCU said:
Can any of you tanking Pally's post your character names so I can check out your specs on WoW Armory?

Or at least post the name of a character you are modeling your tank after?

Thanks! I'm going to try this out tonight, just need to kill time until WotLK. This is a great way to do it. Although, I wish they had released the Dual-Spec ability already.


Awesome forum for it. My pally is Holy now, no longer a tankadin, so I can't help ya there.


It looks like they are removing the quest requirements for the Warlock epic mount in the next patch. It's a shame, since that final Dire Maul run was one of the most awesomecoolepic experiences in classic WoW. Though I guess it's been corrupted at this point anyway, and most people were running it with lvl 70 guildies that could decimate the entire instance anyway.


border said:
It looks like they are removing the quest requirements for the Warlock epic mount in the next patch. It's a shame, since that final Dire Maul run was one of the most awesomecoolepic experiences in classic WoW. Though I guess it's been corrupted at this point anyway, and most people were running it with lvl 70 guildies that could decimate the entire instance anyway.

That's gone, paladin mount is trainable, and druid swift flight form is trainable at 71.


Narag said:
That's gone, paladin mount is trainable, and druid swift flight form is trainable at 71.
Have they removed the mount quest entirely, or just made it optional? It'd be cool if people could still go back and experience it at the appropriate level, but that is even less likely with the level cap being raised to 80, I guess. A level 80 could probably solo the entirity of DM West....certain classes probably already can.


Got epic flying on my 2 weeks at lvl70 warrior, woot. Has been a busy 2 weeks, gotten pretty geared, with no welfare pvp gear :lol


Narag said:
That's gone, paladin mount is trainable, and druid swift flight form is trainable at 71.
Wow, I have all the stuff for the 1st part of the Pally mount, should I try doing this tonight?


Junior Member
border said:
Have they removed the mount quest entirely, or just made it optional? It'd be cool if people could still go back and experience it at the appropriate level, but that is even less likely with the level cap being raised to 80, I guess. A level 80 could probably solo the entirity of DM West....certain classes probably already can.
No, the quest lines still exist for both Warlock + Paladin 60 mount.
EDIT: As does the Druid 70 flight form.


http://www.mmo-champion.com/ is saying 3.0.3 is coming out tomorrow. They have the patch notes from the ptr, and they are getting updated when they receive word on any other changes. I guess it'll be a long ass maintenance tomorrow, but at least I'll get a new title. :D


Kil'jaeden down -- yes, post-3.0, but man, is that still a chaotic fight. We stormed through Sunwell since the patch hit, killing Twins and M'uru fairly quickly (had been up to Felmyst a month ago), and spent a couple long nights on KJ and nailed him an hour ago.

Better still, Tho'ridal dropped! Lots of server/faction firsts for us, great night, great fight, even post-nerf.

Some of us have been together in our guild for over 3 years -- it feels strange and great to finally be at the end of current content, to have beaten the game, as it were, even if we can only say that for 10 more days. :p


I gotta say I am really enjoying PVP'ing as a Prot warrior. You can't go toe-to-toe 1-on-1 with anyone, but so long as you are with a group you're an unstoppable stun monster.. In Arathi Basin you can easily distract 3-4 people guarding the flag and stay alive long enough for your team to cap some important flag elsewhere. At last I know what's like to be a paladin! I can't believe how short the cooldowns on all the important abilities are - I almost always have something useful up, and that's without switching to Berzerker for an Intercept.

It still seems like rogues can totally shut you down, though.
border said:
I gotta say I am really enjoying PVP'ing as a Prot warrior. You can't go toe-to-toe 1-on-1 with anyone, but so long as you are with a group you're an unstoppable stun monster.. In Arathi Basin you can easily distract 3-4 people guarding the flag and stay alive long enough for your team to cap some important flag elsewhere. At last I know what's like to be a paladin! I can't believe how short the cooldowns on all the important abilities are - I almost always have something useful up, and that's without switching to Berzerker for an Intercept.

It still seems like rogues can totally shut you down, though.

it's always fun watching 5 of my teammates throw themselves at a prot warrior while i try to whittle away at the healers.

brings back bad warhammer memories


border said:
I gotta say I am really enjoying PVP'ing as a Prot warrior. You can't go toe-to-toe 1-on-1 with anyone, but so long as you are with a group you're an unstoppable stun monster.. In Arathi Basin you can easily distract 3-4 people guarding the flag and stay alive long enough for your team to cap some important flag elsewhere. At last I know what's like to be a paladin! I can't believe how short the cooldowns on all the important abilities are - I almost always have something useful up, and that's without switching to Berzerker for an Intercept.

It still seems like rogues can totally shut you down, though.

Why would you switch to Berserker stance for Intercept? Deep Prot. has Warbringer that allows you to use Charge in combat and in any stance AND removes all movement impairing effect. To truly maximize the potential of this, grab Improved Charge from Arms for more rage and the Glyph of Charge to add 5 yards to the range of the ability. If you have a healer or two with you as Prot PVP it will take a LOT of people to take you down.


Meanwhile, I couldn't do shit in pvp as prot. all I did was kill some really terrible mage when we were capping spirit towers.


Xabora said:
I have a level 14 Shammy on Gil.

Well if you ever get him to 70 and get bored look me up (Reigner) Alliance side.

And on an unrelated note, yay for being Reigner the Hallowed when I get home tonight :D, now I just need to grind the fuck out of cooking so I can bake cookies for Winterveil for that event's title D:


Junior Member
Looking forward to training my warlock's epic ground mount when I get home. I helped a guildie with the quest chain way back in the day, so I don't feel guilty getting it this way. Old content is old (although I feel a strange pull to my T0 gear, 6/8 Dreadmist in the bank).


firex said:
Meanwhile, I couldn't do shit in pvp as prot. all I did was kill some really terrible mage when we were capping spirit towers.
It's less about killing people and more about keeping large groups engaged while others whittle them down. Between Charge, Shield Bash, Concussion Blow, and Shockwave you can easily keep a healer stunned/silenced for 7-8 seconds.

Hero said:
Why would you switch to Berserker stance for Intercept?
Because charge has a 12 second cooldown, and you cannot use Hamstring in Defensive stance.


border said:
Because charge has a 12 second cooldown, and you cannot use Hamstring in Defensive stance.

Oh, gotcha. I guess if Hamstring is what you were aiming for then that would work. I ran the flag in WSG and defended BS in AB on my Prot Warrior so I didn't really have to deal with people not being in melee range.
I just respeced mutilate from combat swords with my rogue and I gotta say I am loving it so far. It feels so good to actually fight like a rogue. I may have screwed up on a few of the talents though. Is there a set pvp mutilate build that I should be using? Also will it hold up for leveling to 80 or should i go pve build?


firex said:
tons of prot pally info!

Thanks firex!!! Lot's of great information in there, I really appreciate it. Tanking is an entirely new realm for me, and I've been playing WoW since beta so I'm really excited to try it out.


Junior Member
Kletian said:
Well if you ever get him to 70 and get bored look me up (Reigner) Alliance side.

And on an unrelated note, yay for being Reigner the Hallowed when I get home tonight :D, now I just need to grind the fuck out of cooking so I can bake cookies for Winterveil for that event's title D:
:eek: keen

Also, he's a troll hordie.




I kinda hate rogues. I always seem to get bf'ed by them in BGs. *stun*poison*stun*stun*stab*poison*stab*stab*poison*stun*stun*dead*. And I didn't get an attack off.



It just occurred to me that my Prot warrior has been PVP'ing in his T4/T5 tank gear :lol

I still have the Season 1 welfare set, would I be better off in that? All the block-value stuff on tank gear gives me pretty huge Shield Slams, but I imagine a couple hundred resilience will increase my survivability much more.


Modesty becomes a woman
Epix said:

I kinda hate rogues. I always seem to get bf'ed by them in BGs. *stun*poison*stun*stun*stab*poison*stab*stab*poison*stun*stun*dead*. And I didn't get an attack off.


Pretty much how I feel as well. You can't even attack rogues, and if you start to win a fight against them, they just run away really fast or go invisible again.

Pretty much why I don't PvP.
Pretty much how I feel as well. You can't even attack rogues, and if you start to win a fight against them, they just run away really fast or go invisible again.
Pretty much why I don't PvP.

Have you seen a ret pally. they run full speed into a group of 5 spinning criting for 3k every second then bubble full heal and kill the next wave of 5 that come to defend.

and arcane mages :(


Modesty becomes a woman
arts&crafts said:
Have you seen a ret pally. they run full speed into a group of 5 spinning criting for 3k every second then bubble full heal and kill the next wave of 5 that come to defend.

and arcane mages :(

It's not worth my time basically, Whatever class I am at the time will be powerful against another one and weak as hell against another. That isn't balance, balance is when everyone has equal chance to kill everyone else. Then it's skill based.

Being good at WoW PvP is like being good at Team Fortress 2 or Rock Paper Scissors.


Pretty much how I feel as well. You can't even attack rogues, and if you start to win a fight against them, they just run away really fast or go invisible again.

Pretty much why I don't PvP.
'Tis the essence of a rogue. Try to take you down fast, then if it doesn't work, run away and try again later. Usually the second attempt doesn't work because of cooldowns being down, or you just never see him again.


Not Wario
So are the all the CEs really sold out? I thought there would be another chance to grab one before Wrath hit for sure given the prevalence of the BC CEs. This was the only CE I wanted this holiday season and I don't want to have to settle for the regular next Thursday. :(
traveler said:
So are the all the CEs really sold out? I thought there would be another chance to grab one before Wrath hit for sure given the prevalence of the BC CEs. This was the only CE I wanted this holiday season and I don't want to have to settle for the regular next Thursday. :(

The only place you could preorder from was gamestop/ebgames. Just walk into walmart or best buy and grab one.
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