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World of Warcraft

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Not Wario
Xabora said:

Yeah, I saw 'em when they were up a while back, but my friend at college asked me to wait till he got his job at Gamestop and preorder it from him there as a favor, so I waited only to have him tell me once he got the job that they were all out of preorders. I went online to look for them then and I couldn't find them anywhere but I figured there would be some more before launch.


So Bubble Wings got unnerfed - not in the way you think however.

You can Bubble, then Wings. I think the patch broke Avenging Wrath - it doesn't check for forebearance right now, so you can Wings, but you can't Bubble. It's bizarre. They knew it would be like this I think, because if it DID check for forebearance, Forebearance is now 3 minutes and would make Sanctified Wrath a useless talent (since the damage bypass is borked now too). :lol


Not Wario
Azwethinkweiz said:
The only place you could preorder from was gamestop/ebgames. Just walk into walmart or best buy and grab one.

Suppose it's worth a shot. I'm still confused on when, exactly, the release date is. Is the 13th the ship date or release date?


traveler said:
So are the all the CEs really sold out? I thought there would be another chance to grab one before Wrath hit for sure given the prevalence of the BC CEs. This was the only CE I wanted this holiday season and I don't want to have to settle for the regular next Thursday. :(
Like I said -- wait until the game comes out. Wait until a week after the game comes out and stores get their 2nd or 3rd shipments. You will get the CE if you are patient.

For Burning Crusade EB stopped taking CE pre-orders far in advance of the game, but had them in their online store for MONTHS after the game shipped.

Wrath of the Lich King will easily be the best-selling game of this holiday season. There is not a chance in hell that stores are going to skip-out on selling the $80 SKU.


Junior Member
Had too. >_>

border said:
Like I said -- wait until the game comes out. Wait until a week after the game comes out and stores get their 2nd or 3rd shipments. You will get the CE if you are patient.

For Burning Crusade EB stopped taking CE pre-orders far in advance of the game, but had them in their online store for MONTHS after the game shipped.

Wrath of the Lich King will easily be the best-selling game of this holiday season. There is not a chance in hell that stores are going to skip-out on selling the $80 SKU.

I walked into Walmart at midnight for the BC release and picked up a CE and walked out with it. Just get to the store when it opens (or midnight for walmart) and grab one. Shouldn't be tough.


Junior Member
Jazzy Network said:
Same thing they did to every other hybrid class that wants to dps?

As someone who played a shaman for two years in vanilla WoW, I'm happy about the hybrid changes. As someone playing a warlock now, I can't help but scratch my head at some of the stuff I'm seeing in game.

Last night, for example, there was a guy that I've had successful pugs with in the past trying to run SP, a dungeon I'd love to take my 65 lock through. They've got a warrior, a paladin, a shaman, and a hunter. They're LF1M, so I send a tell to the leader, a guy on my friends list. Sorry, they're looking for a healer. Huh? I watch him spam the LFG channel for half an hour before he tells me he's given up, and the group has disbanded.

I understand not being crazy about healing as a hybrid, but wouldn't you rather heal in an instance than not run it at all?


venison crêpe
Druid talent changes? What when?!

The Swift Flight Form is now available on the trainer at level 71, requiring 300 riding skill, and Flight Form learned.

Oh thank goodness for that!


Junior Member
Wes said:
Oh thank goodness for that!

If it's anything like the warlock / pally ground mount change, it's still expensive as fuck. You have to pay for the riding skill training, you just don't have to do the quest chain anymore.

I really thought I'd get my dreadsteed for a couple of gold. Nope. Have to train 150 riding skill, which is 480g even at exalted.


Has problems recognising girls
TomServo said:
As someone who played a shaman for two years in vanilla WoW, I'm happy about the hybrid changes. As someone playing a warlock now, I can't help but scratch my head at some of the stuff I'm seeing in game.

Last night, for example, there was a guy that I've had successful pugs with in the past trying to run SP, a dungeon I'd love to take my 65 lock through. They've got a warrior, a paladin, a shaman, and a hunter. They're LF1M, so I send a tell to the leader, a guy on my friends list. Sorry, they're looking for a healer. Huh? I watch him spam the LFG channel for half an hour before he tells me he's given up, and the group has disbanded.

I understand not being crazy about healing as a hybrid, but wouldn't you rather heal in an instance than not run it at all?
That's pretty pathetic. You've got two viable healers, both of which should have healing gear in their bank regardless. You want to play a hybrid, then you've got to be the part and not narrow yourself down to one role.

*shakes his head*


TomServo said:
If it's anything like the warlock / pally ground mount change, it's still expensive as fuck. You have to pay for the riding skill training, you just don't have to do the quest chain anymore.

I really thought I'd get my dreadsteed for a couple of gold. Nope. Have to train 150 riding skill, which is 480g even at exalted.

Why are you surprised? You're not gonna get something for free that the rest of us have to pay out the ass for.


border said:
It just occurred to me that my Prot warrior has been PVP'ing in his T4/T5 tank gear :lol

I still have the Season 1 welfare set, would I be better off in that? All the block-value stuff on tank gear gives me pretty huge Shield Slams, but I imagine a couple hundred resilience will increase my survivability much more.

Your hunch is right. T4/T5 isn't going to do jack shit for your prot warrior in PVP except piss off melee. If you slap your S1 gear on at least you get resilience and strength/crit, which will help for Devastate/Shield Slam/Shockwave damage. :D

I sold all my PVE tanking gear for gold yesterday. Was kind of sad. :(


Junior Member
Kletian said:
Why are you surprised? You're not gonna get something for free that the rest of us have to pay out the ass for.

Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes.

Blizzard has made 0-60 even easier in every other way, I thought they might extend it on to this. No QQ, I had my epic ground mount back in the day and I've helped guildies with the Dreadsteed quest line, was just hoping for a welfare epic (mount).

speedpop said:
That's pretty pathetic. You've got two viable healers, both of which should have healing gear in their bank regardless. You want to play a hybrid, then you've got to be the part and not narrow yourself down to one role.

*shakes his head*

I don't understand it either. My favorite part about playing a hybird (shaman) was how things would change based on encounter. You may be doing dps on trash pulls, OT'ing a little if a squishy pulls aggro, maybe even OT'ing an entire boss fight, or going straight whack-a-mole healbot for tougher bosses.

On top of that, SP isn't exactly high-level content. Every lowbie dungeon since the beginning has easy enough to get through with competent players, regardless of group composition. I ran another lowbie dungeon (BF) with an arms warrior, ret pally, enhance shaman, and a frost mage and we absolutely steamrolled the place.


eh, I know personally my pally's healing gear sucks so having him heal an instance isn't worth it. backup/offhealing maybe with ret spec, but I'm better off doing the job I'm specced for. that's essentially how hybrids play now.

but I also did all the auch heroics with a way overgeared group of tank pally, elemental shaman, mage, arms warrior, and ret pally and we cleared each one in a half hour.


TomServo said:
I understand not being crazy about healing as a hybrid, but wouldn't you rather heal in an instance than not run it at all?

If I'm not specced healer and my healing gear sucks then yeah, I'd rather not run it at all than healing it and having no fun while doing it.
Asking if it's ok is always cool tho. I mean, I was asked to tank MGT normal as a Holy pally the other day and I had no problem giving it a try (it never happend tho, sadly) even tho I don't have a real Tanking set (I only have 3/4 good pieces and the rest is sort of meh) but I'd never expect someone else to do it if they didn't like it, want to do it, or have the gear to do it (and I don't expect people to mantain different gear sets simply because they play a Hybrid, a choice is a choice).


Junior Member
Lain said:
If I'm not specced healer and my healing gear sucks then yeah, I'd rather not run it at all than healing it and having no fun while doing it.
Asking if it's ok is always cool tho. I mean, I was asked to tank MGT normal as a Holy pally the other day and I had no problem giving it a try (it never happend tho, sadly) even tho I don't have a real Tanking set (I only have 3/4 good pieces and the rest is sort of meh) but I'd never expect someone else to do it if they didn't like it, want to do it, or have the gear to do it (and I don't expect people to mantain different gear sets simply because they play a Hybrid, a choice is a choice).

True, but we're not talking about BT or Sunwell here. In the case I mentioned (Slave Pens) the chances of being significantly geared one way or the other are slim to none. I can see spec making a difference, especially now that most of us are deep into one tree with a 51-point talent leaving a handful of points in other trees. But again, these non-raid instances are (and have always been) forgiving of odd group composition. Many times in both vanilla WoW and BC I've heard shaman surprised that they actually managed to main heal a 5-man instance. Most of them read what the min/max players put on the forum and think it can't be done unless they're specced and geared resto.


it still really depends what you're geared for. I find both shaman dps specs are respectable healers in normal instances, ret pallies aren't terrible healers just due to high crit and sheath of light, and boomkins are decent healers as long as they stay out of that form (obviously). But the way dps hybrid specs work now, you're still better off getting a healer actually specced for the job. it's not like pre-3.0 where dps specs were 60% of pure dps classes' damage; now they do 90%. May as well let them do what they're specced for instead of telling them to do something else. I've often found what's better is to have a tank that outgears the instance so you don't need much healing, and then your hybrid can do emergency healing as necessary but throw in dps otherwise and kill stuff even faster.
BC was surprisingly smooth. It didn't have a new class though. I'd expect it to be fine except for death knight area which might be slow. And probably a pain anyway with the amount of people that'll be in it.


Burning Crusade had a pretty good launch. Enemy respawn timers are based around how many people are in a zone, and there was like a billion people in Hellfire Peninsula. So when you killed a mob a new one would pop-up straight away (kind of annoying).


I think the servers will be alright initially. I think the worst of it will hit that night as the people who didn't take the day off get home and log in. But yeah, you will definitely not want to do any eating or drinking in an area, since respawns will be jacked the fuck up. Thank goodness there'll be a split of Death Knights and 2 starting zones.


Not Wario
Is it done already?

Yup. But it looks like everyone is up for round 2. I've heard reports of people being able to preorder at Gamestop again, so if you couldn't make the new Amazon batch, check around.


Modesty becomes a woman
If all else fails I'm not worried about walking into target or a 24HR wal-mart and finding one. The CE isn't a must have for me either.


Something big is going down in Azeroth tomorrow, mark my words.

Rolling restarts on all realms at 5 am PST (8AM EST) - Rolling restarts were common during the Scourge Invasion/Zombie Event, so expect the final assault of the Lich King before the expansion to arrive... I'm donning my undead slaying gear to prepare!



speedpop said:
God damn. What the hell did they do to Elemental Shaman? I am tearing shit up all over the place.

?? I've been Ele for awhile before patch and I'm not doing any better now. Doesn't seem to be any big difference until wotlk and Lava Burst.

I think I'm going to respec my drood boomkin for the first time ever.
Roxas said:
still no UK preorders for the Collectors Edition? WTF? It comes out in 7 days!

I preordered mine from the GAME website on the 1st October.

I also have no inclination to play WoW atm and haven't for 6months. But hell I own the other 2 CEs


Has problems recognising girls
etiolate said:
?? I've been Ele for awhile before patch and I'm not doing any better now. Doesn't seem to be any big difference until wotlk and Lava Burst.
Really? I'm doing chain-crits all over the place. There's no way I was copping them so much before.


Man I'm seriously tempted to re-spec my combat-swords rogue to either assassination or sub. Honor among Thieves in sub looks like it gives crazy combo points in raids, read on the forums of people getting in 3-4 eviscerates in between keeping SnD and rupture up.

And Cut to the Chase in assassination looks real sweet, too bad i don't have any good daggers..


I recently started play WOW again (first time was when it originally came out, so I don’t have the BC expansion) as a few friends convinced me to try it again, and ‘the refer a friend’ bonus xp makes leveling pretty slick. Anyway, this may seem like a stupid question but… I was planning on grabbing BC and WotLK expansions, as I think I’ll stick with the game for a while this time around and want the additional higher level content. My friends tell me I just need to buy WotLK, as BC is pre-packaged in with it, which just sounds wrong to me. I would have thought I’d need both individual expansion packs separately. Since I don’t want to needlessly waste the money on BC today (assuming WotLK includes it), with WotLK right around the corner and it’ll still be a little bit longer until I can get to BC content anyway. Anyone know the definitive answer on this?
ToddG15 said:
I recently started play WOW again (first time was when it originally came out, so I don’t have the BC expansion) as a few friends convinced me to try it again, and ‘the refer a friend’ bonus xp makes leveling pretty slick. Anyway, this may seem like a stupid question but… I was planning on grabbing BC and WotLK expansions, as I think I’ll stick with the game for a while this time around and want the additional higher level content. My friends tell me I just need to buy WotLK, as BC is pre-packaged in with it, which just sounds wrong to me. I would have thought I’d need both individual expansion packs separately. Since I don’t want to needlessly waste the money on BC today (assuming WotLK includes it), with WotLK right around the corner and it’ll still be a little bit longer until I can get to BC content anyway. Anyone know the definitive answer on this?
Your friend is a retard, you need to buy both.


Junior Member
I've gone from new character to level 66 in roughly a month. No RAF bonus. I thought I wanted to make it to 68 before next week so I could head to Northrend, but the 60-70 leveling is going too fast (never thought I'd say that).

I went into Outland as soon as I dinged 58, and I've only really quested in Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh. I've run Ramps twice and Blood Furnace once. I'm getting about a level a day, playing 2-3 hours a night. At this rate I'll miss just about all of the BC content if I jump right into WotLK, which doesn't sit well with me.

I think I'm going to stop questing until I catch up on the 5-man instances. I have a feeling that next week I'll be doing a lot of those instances with multiple DK's.


Collector's Edition is back up on Amazon $75.97 with Release Date Delivery. Amazon does not charge sales tax to most states, so chances are that this is the best deal you are gonna get.


TomServo said:
I've gone from new character to level 66 in roughly a month. No RAF bonus. I thought I wanted to make it to 68 before next week so I could head to Northrend, but the 60-70 leveling is going too fast (never thought I'd say that).

I went into Outland as soon as I dinged 58, and I've only really quested in Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh. I've run Ramps twice and Blood Furnace once. I'm getting about a level a day, playing 2-3 hours a night. At this rate I'll miss just about all of the BC content if I jump right into WotLK, which doesn't sit well with me.

I think I'm going to stop questing until I catch up on the 5-man instances. I have a feeling that next week I'll be doing a lot of those instances with multiple DK's.
I have a 61 Priest and it seems to me that I'm going to be a popular guy for BC instances for a while.
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