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World of Warcraft

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etiolate said:
Well, I imagine this will be patched soon, but if you die at Wyrmcrest Temple in Dragonblight, you auto rez on release randomly in the middle circle area. You just release and boom you're character is dropped down. Also, there are no rez timers. So you can die over and over and keep rezzing instantly.

This resulted in some crazy PvP of me and a couple others versus 12 or so Horde. It was funnny managing to kill someone before dying each time, then retargeting them for another flameshock/lavaburst combo when we both insta-rezzed.

Right now though I can't get back in and I think maybe the 46 minutes of doing this might have fudged Ravenholdt up a bit.

It's not a bug to rez instantly, theres just no way to get up top while dead. Requires talking to someone and flying up.


I've given up on Blizzard Customer service, although I'm sure they are slammed right now.

I free transferred my 70 Blood Elf Hunter last week to one of the new servers and his tracking has been screwed up ever since the transfer. It will not stop tracking beasts no matter what I have selected to track. If I want to track minerals to find mining nodes, it will also track beasts as well and it makes my mini-map a clusterfuck because neutral beasts and mining nodes all show up as gold dots on the mini-map. Same thing for anything else I try to track. If I'm looking for elementals and I try to track them, hope there are no beasts around also because they will show up. 3 petitions , 3 canned responses with worthless suggestions on how to fix it, 5 posts on the customer service and bug forums, and I still can't get any response. Other players have said its a bug that can sometimes happen when you transfer and that there's currently no way to fix it. That's unacceptable to me and I'm sure its probably low on the priority list of current bug fixes. It isn't killing my game, but trying to gather mats is now nigh impossible and pretty much worthless.


Junior Member
bill0527 said:
I've given up on Blizzard Customer service, although I'm sure they are slammed right now.

I free transferred my 70 Blood Elf Hunter last week to one of the new servers and his tracking has been screwed up ever since the transfer. It will not stop tracking beasts no matter what I have selected to track. If I want to track minerals to find mining nodes, it will also track beasts as well and it makes my mini-map a clusterfuck because neutral beasts and mining nodes all show up as gold dots on the mini-map. Same thing for anything else I try to track. If I'm looking for elementals and I try to track them, hope there are no beasts around also because they will show up. 3 petitions , 3 canned responses with worthless suggestions on how to fix it, 5 posts on the customer service and bug forums, and I still can't get any response. Other players have said its a bug that can sometimes happen when you transfer and that there's currently no way to fix it. That's unacceptable to me and I'm sure its probably low on the priority list of current bug fixes. It isn't killing my game, but trying to gather mats is now nigh impossible and pretty much worthless.
This has been around since we have been allowed to transfer characters.

Wait for the CS issues to slow down.
Pop a ticket and wait.


border said:
Requesting PM for Death Knight trickery!

Same here, it would save me $25 to play with some of my friends that are on another server from my mains.

Wonder when we'll get some sales numbers from this too. Usually sales don't get me off, but, I'm just really curious to see how well this did.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Ok, so, these are pretty strong words, but Halls of Stone is now my favorite 5man dungeon in ALL of World of Warcraft. All of the LK instances are great to varying degrees, but... there's now 47 5man dungeons in WoW (by my count), and I really believe that this dungeon will end up at (or near) the top of many people's lists. It just executes on all levels:

- Lore-wise, it delivers in a MAJOR, MAJOR way. I'm normally one of the people that couldn't give two shits about lore (I skip quest text half the time), but after running this dungeon, I wanna learn more. I'm not even going to give the vaguest of spoilers... the less you know in advance about what happens in here lore-wise... the better.

- Interesting boss mechanics. There's nothing too revolutionary (not like the DTK final boss), but none of the 4 bosses are yawners. Each one requires positioning, requires attention be paid to what the boss is doing/casting, etc.

- Jaw-dropping visually. Make sure you look below yourself in the Tribunal of Ages room and the final boss room. In most dungeons, even if they're cool-looking, I'm not compelled to actually "look around." In Halls of Stone, I was constantly panning the camera towards the ceiling, the walls, everywhere - the scenery is fantastic.

- Just a great, epic setting, all-around:


I can already tell/envision how Blizz is tying Halls of Stone, Halls of Lightning, and the Ulduar raid together into one COHESIVE story, not like the disjointed, unconnected dungeon/raid hubs from BC.

If you're of-level and haven't already, RUN THIS DUNGEON.

To be completely honest, although I had been enjoying Lich King up to this point, I mostly felt like I had been "going through the motions." I was having fun, but little had really wowed or amazed me. Running Halls of Stone has re-energized me. For the first time ever, I actually want to level-up to find out more about what happens, instead of just to get more powerful.


Kintaro said:
Anyways, game update. My Death Knight is now 65 and questing in Terokkar Forest. After Ramps, groups for instances really fell off. That's to be expected though I guess, but it makes me sad that I'll miss all of those places. I'll really to experience them in Northrend though.


Me so far. I can't decide between Mining/BS or Mining/JC. Oh well. Yeah, nothing special. Blood is really fun though.
JC and BS are both awesome in the expansion. I'm JC on my pally and can't wait to get 2 more skillups so I can make trinkets. Everything you can craft that isn't a gem has sockets in it. BS has tons better gear and can make BoE epics a lot cheaper, off the trainer, than in TBC. There aren't as much off the specialization trainers, but fuck, I'm going to be farming stuff for my friend's warrior just so he can go to 450 BS and craft me an epic tank set, blue pvp set, epic shield, and epic weapons.


Storm Peaks was probably my most favorite WotLK zone. I did all the quests in the zone, did all the story pieces and I loved them. All the Norse mythology was great.


Worships the porcelain goddess
firex said:
JC and BS are both awesome in the expansion. I'm JC on my pally and can't wait to get 2 more skillups so I can make trinkets. Everything you can craft that isn't a gem has sockets in it. BS has tons better gear and can make BoE epics a lot cheaper, off the trainer, than in TBC. There aren't as much off the specialization trainers, but fuck, I'm going to be farming stuff for my friend's warrior just so he can go to 450 BS and craft me an epic tank set, blue pvp set, epic shield, and epic weapons.

If you had to choose, which would you pick? I'm mainly thinking of gearing myself up, but anything I can sell for more gold is alright by me. :D


Junior Member
I just dinged 72 last night running UK for the second time. Yet another horrible, horrible mage was in the group, this one in mixed T4/T5. Seriously, is mage the new attract-a-bad class?

I can see at least one legit reason to rush to 80. It's happening in my guild, which should have enough 80's to run Naxx by the weekend. About half of them weren't in the 1st string when it came to raid invites, and now they are and will be at the very least until the usual raiders catch up. By rushing to 80 they've boosted their status in the guild.
Kintaro said:
If you had to choose, which would you pick? I'm mainly thinking of gearing myself up, but anything I can sell for more gold is alright by me. :D

You obviously already have a high lvl character. Just use that character to farm mats and go BS/JC on your DK. That's what I'm planning on doing.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Azwethinkweiz said:
You obviously already have a high lvl character. Just use that character to farm mats and go BS/JC on your DK. That's what I'm planning on doing.

I wish, but my Death Knight is my highest. After that is a lvl 61 Hunter that I got bored of. =/


Kintaro said:
If you had to choose, which would you pick? I'm mainly thinking of gearing myself up, but anything I can sell for more gold is alright by me. :D
it's a tough choice for me. JC doesn't have a lot of BOP items, but what it has are pretty great (BOP epic gems that are better than regular epic gems, BOP trinkets that are at least as good as normal trinkets, maybe better, a handful of BOP rings for leveling), while I don't think they've completely fleshed out the stuff blacksmithing can make.

it really comes down to do you want to craft gear or would you rather craft enchants, sort of, since that's basically what JC offers with gems. Although they do have some epic rings/necks off the trainer, I think.

and I did find JC was incredibly easy to level once I got past 300 skill. one of the easiest crafting professions to raise at that point, although it can be annoying to get that high without buying mats when you hit around 275.


So I'm 78 now on my paladin. I loved zul drak, thought the zone was amazing. I've moved on and did the phased quests in icecrown and have done a couple in stormpeaks. Not sure which zone I'll hang my hat in and level to 80.

I've been flipping back and forth between prot. and ret, I have a nice northrend blue tank set, 514 defense 17k unbuffed health, and well it looks incredible. My ret set is vicious, I soloed all the 3 man elite quests in zul drak :D I really wish they would just have the two spec system in the game already =/


When they do dual spec I'm making a pure pvp ret spec into my alt spec on my pally, just for when I feel like grinding solo quests/dailies and want to do strand of the ancients. my shaman will have resto be his alt spec, just so I can make it easier for my friend's warrior alt to get groups since we'll have a tank/healer when we get instance quests.


witness said:
So I'm 78 now on my paladin. I loved zul drak, thought the zone was amazing. I've moved on and did the phased quests in icecrown and have done a couple in stormpeaks. Not sure which zone I'll hang my hat in and level to 80.
Man, I'm halfway through Zul'Drak, and I loathe it entirely. It has too many quests running around the damn place, and it takes forever to get anywhere with all the walls.

I just hit 77 so I think I'm just going to move on to the next zone. This will be the first zone I didn't clear of all its quests though.
firex said:
When they do dual spec

Speaking of that, has Blizzard made any comments or hints as to when that will be implemented? I thought they'd want to get it out for the start of Wrath of the Lich King but obviously that didn't happen. So any ETA?


bengraven said:
I have no idea what to do with my DKs professions. I think I might just take Mining/LWing and sell the items.
herb/skinning for me, only because I've done so much mining that I don't want to do it again. otherwise I'd go mining just for the health bonus passive. but skinning is one I picked just for the crit passive bonus.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
JC and BS are both awesome in the expansion. I'm JC on my pally and can't wait to get 2 more skillups so I can make trinkets. Everything you can craft that isn't a gem has sockets in it. BS has tons better gear and can make BoE epics a lot cheaper, off the trainer, than in TBC. There aren't as much off the specialization trainers, but fuck, I'm going to be farming stuff for my friend's warrior just so he can go to 450 BS and craft me an epic tank set, blue pvp set, epic shield, and epic weapons.
FYI, you can craft everything that's currently learnable in WotLK at 440. There aren't any known 450 BS plans yet. You can make the Titansteel set at 440 for warriors, but, be aware that they require extremely expensive Frozen Orbs. I don't expect them to continue to sell for 3000 (they're essentially the Wrath version of Primal Nether), but until a lot more people are running heroics, you're going to be either spending or waiting. Otherwise, despite the 20 hours cooldown on smelting Titansteel, those BoE epics are actually relatively easy to make. Titansteel's mats are all found when mining titanium (Eternal Shadow, Fire and Earth).

The problem is, BS straight up sucks sucks suck to level to 440. I did it, but it wasn't what I'd call "fun", more like "hardcore grinding for hours at a time to get 1 skill point." And Armorsmithing is a huge waste of time at the moment. The fact that there isn't even a Level 80 AS plan or a 450 BS plan is part of why it doesn't really phase me when people are claiming WotLK is too "easy." Half of the stuff is pretty obviously NYI.

Trasher said:
Man, I'm halfway through Zul'Drak, and I loathe it entirely. It has too many quests running around the damn place, and it takes forever to get anywhere with all the walls.

I just hit 77 so I think I'm just going to move on to the next zone. This will be the first zone I didn't clear of all its quests though.
I mapped the area at 70 becuase on launch day, the amount of cobalt just sitting around unmined was unbelievable, especially given the competition at the time for the nodes in BT and HF. I saw enough of it to want to stay away for life :lol


oh, really? I thought it might be like in TBC where you could maybe train one or two things at 375 skill, but most of it was dropped forms. JC stops at like, 425 I think on the trainer. I'm sitting at 398 because I don't want to overpay for any Wrath blue gems, and I don't even remember what I saw on the trainer past trinkets at 400.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
oh, really? I thought it might be like in TBC where you could maybe train one or two things at 375 skill, but most of it was dropped forms. JC stops at like, 425 I think on the trainer. I'm sitting at 398 because I don't want to overpay for any Wrath blue gems, and I don't even remember what I saw on the trainer past trinkets at 400.
I have 440, and while you CAN get to 450, the trainer doesn't offer anything at 450, and I've been checking somewhat regularly to see if I REALLY need to farm those last 200 saronite bars for the last 10 points, but no dice so far. There isn't anything yet. Tempered, Orante and Savage Titansteel items are 440 skill. Most of it assuredly will be dropped plans, but there aren't any high level ones so far.

Besides, selling stuff went from buying me the epic flying mount + training in 4 hours of work to having a ton of Blue paladin plate shit I can't move on the AH. The Eternal Belt Buckle is an example of that. I was moving them easy at 400g, and I am lucky to move it at 125g now. I have one item that still sells a ton, and that's Saronite Shivs, becuase the people that want them are Rogues, and they generally want 2, or one for an offhand, etc.

I assume the dropped/rep plans will start to come out relatively quickly though.


yeah, I know there will be raid drops at the least. not surprised to see professions lagging behind though. frozen orbs won't be a big deal for me anyway because if heroics are as easy as they are rumored to be, I should be able to buy them with emblems and then give them for stuff.

I'm personally going to have gold I won't need for anything after they do the dual spec patch. I've already got 300 riding skill, so once I hit 77 I just buy cold weather flying, and then I guess save up 10k for my shaman and DK to learn their 300 flying skill, and I don't even plan on playing those guys seriously until after the dual spec patch comes out. anything beyond that, I'll be spending either on gear (though I doubt it) or potions/food/drinks/mounts.

JC though has been pretty easy to level. I'm sure it'll slow down at some point, but 400 allows prospecting of saronite, and that shouldn't be too hard to farm compared to titanium or cobalt, unless it's just stuck in no man's land for mining zones.


but ever so delicious
I guess wrath isnt going to be the fastest selling game of all time.

Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that World of Warcraft®'s second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King™, has sold more than 2.8 million copies in its first 24 hours of availability*, making it the fastest-selling PC game of all time. This eclipses the previous record of nearly 2.4 million copies sold in 24 hours, set in January 2007.

But it did beat TBC.


firex said:
herb/skinning for me, only because I've done so much mining that I don't want to do it again. otherwise I'd go mining just for the health bonus passive. but skinning is one I picked just for the crit passive bonus.

That's what sucks, though. Starting at lvl 1. I'm goign to have to spend a few hours picking.

But good call, maybe I'll do skinning and flower picking since I've got mining on 2 alts and a main and I HATE fighting for nodes. :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
sykoex said:
Any word on threat meters being implemented any time soon?
you mean aggro percents? If so they are already in under Options->Interface->Combat (I think).. it shows a percent above your targets head indicating their percent of aggro towards you.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
sykoex said:
Any word on threat meters being implemented any time soon?
Just get an add on for it; the actual threat data is has been released to add-on makers, so the actual threat numbers (rather than an estimate) are in all the current add-ons. Xabora's Classic Threat Meter (which I use and really like) gives you the actual threat numbers, and I'm sure whatever the current Omen version does too.

The only thing I wish the Classic Threat Meter had was a way for when one mob changes targets, it tells you to whom, because I generally will want to use intervene on them (although my GF plays resto druid and I have a macro for her specifically), and generally as a warrior, when a mob changes targets, it's not the one I'm currently targeting.

I also kind of wish I could make the threat bars appear under the name plates for all the mobs I'm fighting, similar to name plate cast bars. That might be impossible/unreasonable on system resources though. Maybe even just have it change the color of the mob's name plates when you have a low threat separation between you and that AoE happy Mage.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
yeah, I know there will be raid drops at the least. not surprised to see professions lagging behind though. frozen orbs won't be a big deal for me anyway because if heroics are as easy as they are rumored to be, I should be able to buy them with emblems and then give them for stuff.

I'm personally going to have gold I won't need for anything after they do the dual spec patch. I've already got 300 riding skill, so once I hit 77 I just buy cold weather flying, and then I guess save up 10k for my shaman and DK to learn their 300 flying skill, and I don't even plan on playing those guys seriously until after the dual spec patch comes out. anything beyond that, I'll be spending either on gear (though I doubt it) or potions/food/drinks/mounts.

JC though has been pretty easy to level. I'm sure it'll slow down at some point, but 400 allows prospecting of saronite, and that shouldn't be too hard to farm compared to titanium or cobalt, unless it's just stuck in no man's land for mining zones.
I'm still (without any actual evidence :lol) convinced that Heroics will be buffed up enemy HP wise and nerfed character DPS wise. I just have the impression that Blizzard has made the game "easymode" at launch to try and get everyone on a level where they can at least TRY some endgame content.

When people say "catering to the casuals," I think that's a disingenous way of describing Blizzard's strategy; I think they're trying to convert casual players into hardcore players by letting everyone feel like they are badasses at Wrath's launch and letting it go UP from there. It's almost insidious in its genius.

Even if Heroics are "easy" now, I think content will ineveitably will be released that will be on par with TBC difficulty. I can't really argue with the point that TOO much of the content was inaccessible to mid-level players like myself and my guild; even beginning Heroics required some serious farming and planning. An example is my current guild; mid-level players that would love to run Naxx 10, but would probably find that Naxx 25 requires too much planning and competence to be realistic. I understnad every server has 3 or 4 guilds per faction that DO do that, but that's all still in game, and will be when 3.1+ comes along.

As for mining, Saronite is no harder/easier to farm than Cobalt. Both are actually extremely easy to farm if you know where to look. Given that only two ore types appear in Wrath (Titanium being a rare spawn of Saronite), it's simply a matter of going where everyone else isn't. My personal strategy is to never give up on a known farming area unless it's got more than three players farming it. If you stand around and take every node, within 10 minutes, the other players tend to give up because they aren't finding anythign and I reap 30 ore just sitting around 10 minutes later.


All I know is I'm sick and tired of trolls. No matter how they try to dress them up as mutants, steroid freaks, undead, whatever, they're still trolls and I'm sick of them. :lol

Got my Rogue to 80 about 2 days ago, now working on my 61 DK.


Neo Member
Kintaro said:
You're a loser and I hate you. :D

What class did you hit 80 with?

There's no question it's nerdy. Posting on a video game forum is just as nerdy. There's a difference between pointing out someone doing something nerdy and calling them a straight up loser or poop-socker or whatever.

Undead warlock.... It was crazy easy. I went from 79-80 in Sholazar Basin in five and half hours. It think it might have been my fastest level.
Howling fjord music is probably the best atmospheric music Ive heard!

Honestly , its so good and sounds like a homage to braveheart!

Overall the music is REALLY impressive, a HUGE leap from TBC.


bengraven said:
That's what sucks, though. Starting at lvl 1. I'm goign to have to spend a few hours picking.

But good call, maybe I'll do skinning and flower picking since I've got mining on 2 alts and a main and I HATE fighting for nodes. :lol
I got them up to 100+ pretty fast in tirisfal and silverpine, actually. I was surprised until I remembered you can skin all the werewolves in silverpine. it's just a matter of getting them up to 300 that will suck.
Is it normal that I'm going to hit 74 tonight and still haven't upgraded any of my gear?

Nothing so far has seemed better than my BT/Hyjal gear

I really want new weapons, the Blade of Infamy and Swiftsteel Bludgeon is boring me
BigJonsson said:
Is it normal that I'm going to hit 74 tonight and still haven't upgraded any of my gear?

Nothing so far has seemed better than my BT/Hyjal gear

I really want new weapons, the Blade of Infamy and Swiftsteel Bludgeon is boring me
I'm 80 on my mage and while leveling I only replaced maybe 3 pieces of gear total. I was geared in s2-s4 gear.


The troll lol emote > all.

I got to 77 today and having my epic flying mount is well...epic. Shlozar Basin = Pure win by the way, I love that zone and the quest.
Angry Grimace said:
I mapped the area at 70 becuase on launch day, the amount of cobalt just sitting around unmined was unbelievable, especially given the competition at the time for the nodes in BT and HF. I saw enough of it to want to stay away for life :lol


I spent way too much time doing that and then cheating my way into Wintergrasp at level 71/2. But selling Titansteel for 60g an ore was worth it.


Junior Member
sykoex said:
Any word on threat meters being implemented any time soon?

That is my version based off of the original blizzard threatmeters.

Mr Pockets said:
Hey can someone post those command line tweaks to boost the graphics?
Simple, but this should allow you to tweak your settings a bit easier.

Make sure you have "/console shadowlod 0" set for the 1st 3 macros.

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 2000
/console horizonfarclip 6226
/console groundeffectdensity 256
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 3
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 4
/console environmentDetail 2

/console overridefarclip 1
/console farclip 1750
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 128
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 2
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 3
/console environmentDetail 1.5

/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 96
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 1
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 2
/console environmentDetail 1

NOTE - Make sure you type "/console shadowlod 1" for the following settings.

DEFAULT: - Default for WoTLK
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 1277
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 64
/console groundeffectdist 70
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 1

LOWEST: - Equiv to Classic WoW / TBC
/console overridefarclip 0
/console farclip 777
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console groundeffectdensity 32
/console groundeffectdist 35
/console smallcull 0
/console skycloudlod 0
/console characterAmbient 0
/console extshadowquality 0
/console environmentDetail 0.5

Additional Tweaks:
m2Faster - Adds additional threads used in rendering models on screen (0 no additon threads, 1 - 3 adds additional threads)
Note: If you have a Duel Core or Quad Core System (Multi Processor too) this will show an increase in performance in situations with lots of models and players/npcs on screen.

ffx - Global Shader Control (0 disables all on screen effects, 1 enables them)
ffxRectangle - Renders effects on a rectangle based polygon (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxGlow - Bloom/Screen Glow and Underwater Wave effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxDeath - Death World Screen Glow, Greyish Blue (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxNetherworld - Mage Invis Spell Effect (0 for Off, 1 for On)
ffxSpecial - Borean Tundra or DK Starter Area Eye Haze (0 for Off, 1 for On)

fixedfunction - This forces the pixel shares in the game to run on the 1.1 path. (1 for FF Shaders, 0 for Programable Shaders)
For some older machines they will receive a decent speed boost.

hwPCF - Enables a new type of terrain based shadow rendering. (0 for Off, 1 for On)

Example usage is:
/console ffxNetherworld 0

Side Note - What does CharacterAmbient do?
Let Dr. Death Knight explain,

/console CharacterAmbient
0 = Default basic ambient lighting on characters.
0.1 - 1.0 controls how bright this ambient lighting is.
1.0 is equiv to when you click a character and they fully highlight.
No Value disables all character model ambient lighting so when they do light up from an external light source it looks far better and not washed out.
No Value tweak was disabled in 8905 and 0 up works now. :/

-Fog Changes in 8905-
It seems like certain zones have a fog limit.
Where it'll draw the fog from this point on no matter what the setting is for Farclip, but will continue to draw terrain behind the fog to the point I have set.

Corrected a typo on shadowlod.
Also added advanced settings.
Added Fog explanation
Corrected extShadowQuality typo. >_<

Example Screenshots

extShadowQuality 0:

extShadowQuality 4:

skycloudLOD 0:

skycloudLOD 3:

farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Terro Forest-
farclip 777:

farclip 1277:

farclip 2000:

-Searing Gorge & EF-
farclip 2000:

environmentDetail 1:

environmentDetail 2:

Not the best shots for environmentDetail. :/


I think im going to join WoW, im trying to decide between Mage or Warlock, any tips?

Edit: Also, is there a gaf server? thanks in advance :)
Ritual of Summoning buff inbound!!!

As we have mentioned, we are discussing some exciting changes to how soul shards might work. This is not an announcement of an overhaul to that system, but it will make shard use slightly less painful.
When a warlock casts Ritual of Summoning, instead of creating a portal, they will summon a new creation similar to a dungeon meeting stone. It will cost one shard to create this item. Then, anyone in the warlock’s party or raid can use the “meeting stone” to summon other members of the group. For example, once the warlock summons the stone, then party members B and C could summon D without the warlock’s direct involvement, and most importantly without requiring additional shards. You will be able to bring the rest of a 25-person raid quickly (since you can summon folks simultaneously), for the cost of a single shard, and with less clicking on the part of the lock.
The “meeting stone” will last 5 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown. It will not be usable in areas where summoning is currently restricted, such as battlegrounds or in combat. Creating the stone still requires 2 people in addition to the warlock. Summoning actual party members only requires 2 people.
This change will be in for the next patch, which will occur before the 3.1 Ulduar content patch.


Sorry if this has been posted, hot damn I'm excited about this. :D :D :D :D
Trying verrrry hard not to be bitter about the lack of this in the old MC/BWL days


Junior Member
Kandinsky said:
I think im going to join WoW, im trying to decide between Mage or Warlock, any tips?

Edit: Also, is there a gaf server? thanks in advance :)
I'm on Madoran US, but everyone here tends to go to their own server and do their own thing. :lol

As for class I'll give you a simple summery.

Mage: Glass Cannon, you do lots of area effect spells that damage foes and have direct damage spells like Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire that directly hit an enemy for lots of damage.
These normally have side effects like catching on fire for a small damage over time, slowing their movement speed. Sometimes a combination of the two (Frostfire).
Perks: Free Food for you and your part, you can teleport to key locations.

Warlock: You are a pet based class most of your spells early on are damage over time with curses and using your pets.
However later in the game you have more powerful combinations that sometimes rival mages in direct damage. Your Area of Effect spells are not as powerful as a mages and can sometimes harm you.
Perks: You can summon party members, summon healthstones that heal you and party members. Plus you can enslave demons.


Has problems recognising girls
Hah oh shit. I forgot I added that DK post and copped a few PMs. I wasn't going to divulge the info in case it spread and Blizzard clamped down on it, but I figured someone else would've figured it out and done it, so what the heck.

Anyway the way to do it is to just do a paid character transfer of a lvl 55+ character. Enter in your details, make sure you have a credit card handy and remember it will not charge your card. Just select your character, the realm they are on and the destination realm that you want the DK to be at. The wait time might be 4 hours, could be 8 hours. Once your character is "locked" you can still login via your account and check both servers and see your original character locked and the duplicate character waiting to be unlocked. Blizzard will send you an email saying "finalize the payment" but don't do it.

Simply create your Death Knight where the duplicate character is, it should all go through unless they have fixed it somehow. Once that is done, head back to the account page under the transactions section and cancel your character move. You don't get charged whatsoever, just a few hours of downtime for that character you used as the muppet to move realms.

Kazaam. Death Knight at lvl 55 waiting to be played with no restrictions.
fuck this shit. you hit 80 and think the pain will subside but no...it's time to fucking level blacksmithing. 4 in the morning and i'm flying around ungoro v.2 looking for saronite.


Xabora said:
I'm on Madoran US, but everyone here tends to go to their own server and do their own thing. :lol

As for class I'll give you a simple summery.

Mage: Glass Cannon, you do lots of area effect spells that damage foes and have direct damage spells like Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire that directly hit an enemy for lots of damage.
These normally have side effects like catching on fire for a small damage over time, slowing their movement speed. Sometimes a combination of the two (Frostfire).
Perks: Free Food for you and your part, you can teleport to key locations.

Warlock: You are a pet based class most of your spells early on are damage over time with curses and using your pets.
However later in the game you have more powerful combinations that sometimes rival mages in direct damage. Your Area of Effect spells are not as powerful as a mages and can sometimes harm you.
Perks: You can summon party members, summon healthstones that heal you and party members. Plus you can enslave demons.

You forgot one point. Mages burn shit down in a microsecond.:lol I got my ass beat down by 3k Fireballs and 5k crit Arcane barrages. Oh and Locks have some damn good survivability.


The Oculus kicked my ass =/ But I tried it with my friends still being 75 while I (the healer) was 78. We killed the first boss tho. Pretty intense fight given the levels.
Then after dinging 79 I went to respec ret because it was really way too slow, and finished the last half of the level in 2 hours. If there's something that really pisses me off, is that specced as Ret, with my Holy equip on I have more Spell power, I get better manaregen and I do alot more damage and soloing the group quests is even easier -my survivability is the same if not better, but my dps is greater (wearing the Holy equip, with the ret equip I couldn't do them).


Flesh Into Gear said:
fuck this shit. you hit 80 and think the pain will subside but no...it's time to fucking level blacksmithing. 4 in the morning and i'm flying around ungoro v.2 looking for saronite.

Uh ... there are SHITLOADS of Saronite in Icecrown ..... random spots of Titanium too. That is the only thing that exists out there ..... Saronite, Rich Saronite and Titanium.

I mined about 32 stacks of Ore last night in it and a stack and a half of Titanium.


Junior Member
Kandinsky said:
I think im going to join WoW, im trying to decide between Mage or Warlock, any tips?
Priest. Holy.

No one heals anymore. Everyone is DPS. Tanks are a little easier to find now that DK's are all over.

I wish I had rolled a priest instead of a warlock.

VaLiancY said:
You forgot one point. Mages burn shit down in a microsecond.:lol I got my ass beat down by 3k Fireballs and 5k crit Arcane barrages. Oh and Locks have some damn good survivability.
Leveling as affliction, I'm not as useful on trash pulls as a mage. Not enough burst damage. Mobs get dropped too quickly for the DoTs to run their course. Even with talents and haste dropping shadow bolt cast time to 2.2 seconds it's still a slow direct damage spell.

Bosses are much more fun. You go past the initial DoT rotation and have to start juggling different DoTs based on different cycles times, 1.5s cast time vs. instant cast, corruption refreshing on shadow bolt / haunt due to talents, etc. Everything has time to run its course so I'm usually right there with other DPS classes.
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