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World of Warcraft

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I love my new Warp Stalker pet. You see, they WARP. And it's awesome.

DeathNote said:
What makes the best server population-wise and ratio-wise?

My friend wants to go on a 23k Alliance/6k Horde server from a 10k Alliance/8k Horde server. As horde.
My server is about 50/50 (Stormscale) and it's perfect.


Dracos said:
71 Warrior Cryhavoc
70 Druid Dominion
66 Priest Psalm
69 Rogue Underverse

Pretty much just doing warrior and priest now.

Ah, we're talking the US Server yes?

I'm Sicar ... 75 Tauren Warrior .... Sikar 64 Mage ..... Dredge 61 DK


Macattk15 said:
Wow ... that is disgusting if PUGs can get through Naxx .... I don't care if it is 10 man or 25 man. Unless every single pug had Naxx experience pre TBC.

Spider wing is so easy, people can do it with their eyes closed and 1 hand on their penis.


nataku said:
Finding a server where I won't hit a queue is becoming a pain. I want something populated, but hitting queues on the weekends really sucks. 0/3 right now.. Gurubashi, Darkspear, and Frostmane all give me queues. I created characters on the last two when they were listed as Medium population Friday night, but the past couple days I've had to wait to get in.

I had a character on Area 52, too, and the queue is at 1100 right now. Well over an hour to get in? Crazy shit.

I should probably just choose a low population server and hope I don't get a ghost town.
According to warcraft realms Darkspear is 5kHorde/5kAlliance. I don't see how on earth you could get a queue.

(I'm trying to find a server myself based population and ratio. And you got my stumped.)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
that's really the thing.. Naxx has been beaten like an abused wife up and down, left and right... and as has been said, with a leader who knows the fights through and through it's just a matter of calling out the right things to do at the right time... much much different from a guild working through content for the first time or early enough that guides aren't out documenting specifically and explicitly how to do it. Being able to 5-man old 40-man instances is much different than doing them as 40-man level 60s back when they weren't as thoroughly documented as they are now.
DeathNote said:
You can activate it now if you have free time and got your priorities straight.

I have some free time but I've been putting school off for most of the semester. Have to try to get my grades up in the last couple weeks. So I might wait until after finals just to be safe. Last time I played WoW I had my priorities straight but I don't even want to risk it. Well I do, because I want to play, but I know what the right decision is. If one of my close friends activates before that though...Well I'm in right then.


Macattk15 said:
That is cool, didn't think I'd see another GAF'er on the backwater server that is Trollbane!

Used to be on Skullcrusher, but a coworker started a toon up on Trollbane. I started a new toon there to play with him and loved not looking over my shoulder and peepin round corners for gankers. So I stayed. Crappy auction house but relaxing server.


Dracos said:
Used to be on Skullcrusher, but a coworker started a toon up on Trollbane. I started a new toon there to play with him and loved not looking over my shoulder and peepin round corners for gankers. So I stayed. Crappy auction house but relaxing server.

I know what you mean, I was on Stonemaul Alliance ... a PvP server. Can't even imagine how much WotLK would suck to level in without a roving group doing quests.


ToyMachine228 said:
I have some free time but I've been putting school off for most of the semester. Have to try to get my grades up in the last couple weeks. So I might wait until after finals just to be safe. Last time I played WoW I had my priorities straight but I don't even want to risk it. Well I do, because I want to play, but I know what the right decision is. If one of my close friends activates before that though...Well I'm in right then.
Definitely wait.
DeathNote said:
According to warcraft realms Darkspear is 5kHorde/5kAlliance. I don't see how on earth you could get a queue.

(I'm trying to find a server myself based population and ratio. And you got my stumped.)

I have two alliance chars on Darkspear that are 70+. I don't think I've hit a queue since launch. I know one of my friends did, but it was a very very short one, less than five minutes.
ToyMachine228 said:
I have some free time but I've been putting school off for most of the semester. Have to try to get my grades up in the last couple weeks. So I might wait until after finals just to be safe. Last time I played WoW I had my priorities straight but I don't even want to risk it. Well I do, because I want to play, but I know what the right decision is. If one of my close friends activates before that though...Well I'm in right then.
Man I wish I could bring one of my friends into WoW. It's lonely out there and I need help! It would also be fun to see a friend's progression as I show them the ropes.

All my friends fall into that stereotypical bullshit where they think it is just a game for super nerds and then you get addicted and ruin your life. meh


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
I know what you mean, I was on Stonemaul Alliance ... a PvP server. Can't even imagine how much WotLK would suck to level in without a roving group doing quests.

It's frustrating.

Did the Keristraza / Malygos quest chain in Coldarra last night. Seems a kind of unspoken truce is going on, so as long as you're within sight of other members of your faction nothing happens. I suppose everyone has had the rational realization that every zone could degenerate into a non-stop battle, and as fun as that may be for a while we'd never get anywhere but the starting zones.

If you're out on your own though, forget it. I got taken out a couple of times while in the middle of a pack of mobs. Easy HK, I suppose.
TomServo said:
It's frustrating.

Did the Keristraza / Malygos quest chain in Coldarra last night. Seems a kind of unspoken truce is going on, so as long as you're within sight of other members of your faction nothing happens. I suppose everyone has had the rational realization that every zone could degenerate into a non-stop battle, and as fun as that may be for a while we'd never get anywhere but the starting zones.

If you're out on your own though, forget it. I got taken out a couple of times while in the middle of a pack of mobs. Easy HK, I suppose.
I have a Wave macro which I use to say hello to enemies and to let them know that I'm going to stay out of their way.

It works for the most part....until you get that 'death grip' hand instantly dragging you into battle :lol


It looks like the group I've been running with has cleared all the instances we can for now. The group consists of
75 Prot Pally
75 Warlock
74 Fire Mage
74 Restro Druid
73 Elemental Shammy

We cleared Gundrak last night with no problems. We actually 4 manned the first boss while waiting for our 5th. Prior to that we steam rolled through Violet Hold too. We are primarily in T4 and Badge Gear. We've barely replaced any gear either. We havent had any real problems aside from trying Gundrak a tad too low. It doesn't look like we can get to Halls of Stone until 2 people can fly.

Back to questing it up until 77 I suppose. Can't wait to get into Naxx and see how my team+guildies do.
DeathNote said:
Definitely wait.

Yeah I think I can wait. I haven't been playing so I don't have an absolute BURN to have to play. I do, but it's not bad like it used to be. I think I'm going to end up making a Human Death Knight, and try to finish my second Paladin and second Rogue who are both at 30 now. Probably not going to play my 70 Shaman. Pretty bored of it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Re: endgame - Dungeons and Raids are easier than they've ever been, period. Whether this is a good thing or bad thing... I'm staying out of that one. But to claim that the difficulty level/tuning is the same as it was in Vanilla/BC is just... wrong.

When we were clearing Old Kingdom and Drak'Thul significantly underleveled, I chalked that up to our superior BC gear. But when we're clearing Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone at a low level... at some point you can stop pointing to gear and start pointing to tuning.

A couple guys in my guild that dinged 80 bounced around and cleared most of the herioc 5mans in ONE night. They just banged them out one after the other. I kept seeing the achievements pop up. That was NOT something that was possible in BC. Until the game-wide nerf, heroics weren't something to take lightly until you were raid-geared. And even in raid-gear you couldn't sleepwalk through them... you had to pay attention.

- Early dungeons being cleared 4+ levels early.
- Heroics being cleared with no wipes on first try.
- Entry-level 10man raid cleared by PUGs.
- ALL endgame content cleared by hardcore guilds.

Endgame is easier. Period.

Again, I'm staying out of whether this is a positive or negative change. The rest of you can debate that. But there should be no debate over whether dungeon and raid content has been tuned differently than BC & Vanilla.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Maybe they should add another difficulty level to the instances. "Legendary" or something like that. Make it smash mouth, tough as nails for those who love the challenge. :D


i havent touched either my 70 hunter or 70 warrior, i been casually leveling up my death knight, currently at lvl 60, class seems really powerful so far

leveling is a chore, can aoe large packs and keep moving with relatively no down time, i'm leveling as unholy atm, i think i will make this my main in WotLK

i was on illidan, but i took a free transfer off of it the other day because illidown was having pretty consistent 2k+ server ques, so i said fuck it


GDJustin said:
Endgame is easier. Period.

Wow. Disappointing to say the least. I'll be able to run some heroics to check them out when I ding 80 tonight maybe. Also, I'm pretty surprised I didn't have to replace ANY of my gear yet while leveling, and I'm up to lvl 79 with 1 and 1/2 bars to go. So far, I think I've been let down with the challenge, the lack of needed to get better gear, etc.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
Re: endgame - Dungeons and Raids are easier than they've ever been, period. Whether this is a good thing or bad thing... I'm staying out of that one. But to claim that the difficulty level/tuning is the same as it was in Vanilla/BC is just... wrong.

When we were clearing Old Kingdom and Drak'Thul significantly underleveled, I chalked that up to our superior BC gear. But when we're clearing Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone at a low level... at some point you can stop pointing to gear and start pointing to tuning.

A couple guys in my guild that dinged 80 bounced around and cleared most of the herioc 5mans in ONE night. They just banged them out one after the other. I kept seeing the achievements pop up. That was NOT something that was possible in BC. Until the game-wide nerf, heroics weren't something to take lightly until you were raid-geared. And even in raid-gear you couldn't sleepwalk through them... you had to pay attention.

- Early dungeons being cleared 4+ levels early.
- Heroics being cleared with no wipes on first try.
- Entry-level 10man raid cleared by PUGs.
- ALL endgame content cleared by hardcore guilds.

Endgame is easier. Period.

Again, I'm staying out of whether this is a positive or negative change. The rest of you can debate that. But there should be no debate over whether dungeon and raid content has been tuned differently than BC & Vanilla.
Good for Blizzard. The way it was was borderline immoral.


Tried to do Violet Hold today, it didn't go too well.
It was 76 Holy Paladin (me), 74 Shadow Priest, 74 Elemental Shaman, 74 Prot Warrior and 71 BM Hunter.
It was messy when we were 5 and we didn't know what the Bosses did, it was smooth when we were the usual 4 (Shammy Pally War Priest) but still didn't kill the second boss and it was late so we left. Killed the first boss 3 times tho, and we got 2 tank pants and the caster neck.

Also did a Wanted quest in Zul'Drak and got myself and my War friend a nice new tank weapon. Gonna try to do Gundrak tomorrow if possible and finish The Violet Hold.


I like the difficulty the way it is. Maybe it's the casual part of me who wants to knock out Naxx 10 in 2-3 hours and do something else like PvP in Wintergrasp or attend to the real life for chores.


Yeah, we've cleared all of the dungeons with no problem so far. I don't think we've used CC *at all.*

In a way, it's disappointing because the content is cleared very quickly and easily. On the other hand, it's also nice not having to plod through dungeons for hours on end wiping on trash over and over.

I don't mind less trash at all, but it needs to be more diverse. Once again, nothing we've encountered needed CC. And boss encounters need to be tough as balls.

The dungeons, aesthetically, look brilliant and are leagues ahead of anything in the past, but it feels like they could've done more with the balancing. :\

With maybe...3 more raids to look forward to before the next expansion, I'm kind of worried about WotLK endgame content as a whole. Right now it feels like we have the equivalent of Kara, Gruul, and Mag, except even easier.


GDJustin said:
Re: endgame - Dungeons and Raids are easier than they've ever been, period. Whether this is a good thing or bad thing... I'm staying out of that one. But to claim that the difficulty level/tuning is the same as it was in Vanilla/BC is just... wrong.

When we were clearing Old Kingdom and Drak'Thul significantly underleveled, I chalked that up to our superior BC gear. But when we're clearing Violet Hold, Gundrak, Halls of Stone at a low level... at some point you can stop pointing to gear and start pointing to tuning.

A couple guys in my guild that dinged 80 bounced around and cleared most of the herioc 5mans in ONE night. They just banged them out one after the other. I kept seeing the achievements pop up. That was NOT something that was possible in BC. Until the game-wide nerf, heroics weren't something to take lightly until you were raid-geared. And even in raid-gear you couldn't sleepwalk through them... you had to pay attention.

- Early dungeons being cleared 4+ levels early.
- Heroics being cleared with no wipes on first try.
- Entry-level 10man raid cleared by PUGs.
- ALL endgame content cleared by hardcore guilds.

Endgame is easier. Period.

Again, I'm staying out of whether this is a positive or negative change. The rest of you can debate that. But there should be no debate over whether dungeon and raid content has been tuned differently than BC & Vanilla.

Its definitely easier, cant say I care either. Been raiding a long time, it needed to be eased. When theres like 4 end game raiding guild on a server per side, the number of application and stuff is just staggering. Noone seems to want to join any of the up and coming guilds so they just pound US with applications. Its ridiculous. Lets get away from that for crying out loud, open things up a bit.


ToyMachine228 said:
How is the new PvP stuff? Strand of the Ancients and Lake Wintergrasp?
SotA is pretty much the best BG by default, although I bet it doesn't get run much unless they make it an easier honor farm. It's quick, it's fun, and it feels like it actually fits in with the game instead of being some shitty shoehorned fps game type like AB, WSG and EotS are.

it's better than AV simply because it's not something you can more or less turn into an easy raid strategy. It has the fun and improvization that pvp content in WoW really needs.

Lord Phol

Seeing as I'm only a 61 Dk at the moment and have yet to touch upon the northrend goodness, all this is just based on what I've read and heard.
I do like that there seems to be less need of CC now in normal and heroic dungeons, as a former Moonkin in TBC I welcome the change with open arms and am looking forward to some fun PvE again, after almost having to give up on it. It's hard enough getting a tank and a healer for a group, CC should never have been a CRITERIA.
I always thought of it as if you needed CC then you were just a bad or lazy tank (hence why I loved prot paladins, mostly the only ones I could ever hope to group with), it was bad enough trying to get in a party as a balance druid with all the people laughing at the spec, but when you don't even have any real CC you could pretty much just forget about trying as there were plenty of mages and rogues on the server that could make the run sooo much easier.

On the other hand though, I can't say I'm all that happy about blizzard yet again catering to the lazy angry people who barely play the game but still wants to be rewarded for their (non)effort. No it's not suppose to be a chore, but it is an RPG and even more important an MMORPG, you are suppose to progress and actually have to you know play the game and somewhat interact/socialize with other players to archieve something, you can't just have everythng handed to you on a silver plate. If all u wanted was a soloable game where you can just have loot thrown at you with no effort there's plenty of Diablo clones out there as well as the original.

I'm fairly certain that most of these people play this game with the wrong mind-set, having never played an MMORPG before, they don't really care for the MMO aspects of it, but still they whine and try to shape the game to their liking, moving if further and further away from the genre it's suppose to be. Soon enough this might just be another Diablo 2 clone with a warcraft skin.

It's pretty sad when you can't enjoy the game for what it is, instead having to insult others by calling them nerds or no-life. Like you're desperately trying to justify yourself playing the game, as if you would actually be ashamed of it. "Hell no, I only log into this game and play 1 hour a day tops, you know got more important stuff like making out with my imaginary girlfriend and chill downtown maybe pop a smoke or 2", and yet you pay for the game every month, buy the expansions and play it. You're just as much of a nerd as the guy who spended 4 hours downing that raid boss. It's an MMORPG, if you're not an MMO-type of gamer maybe you should try something else that works better with your schedule. You're not forced to play wow by any means, there's plenty of games out there that are easy to just get into and play when you have some spare time, Counter-strike, Gears of Wars, Diablo 2 just to name a few.

Whether or not people think it's blizzards fault this game is going they way it is, it's just as much if not more the fault of the players.
Strayed off a bit from my opening lines but to get to the point, I do enjoy Wotlk so far and I'm feeling positive from what I've heard about the changes they've made to buffs/instances/raiding, the more specs viable the more diverse the game gets, and the more fun the experience. Never raided before, but the sound of 10-manning Naxxramas sometime doesn't seem that far off now.
Only thing I'm still think blizzard went wrong with, is seperateing PvP and PvE. Just feels wrong that the big fat Axe Of Northern Death and Decay you received after slaying the big bad nasty spider won't do you much against people who farmed arena points in the Dalaran Sewers. But oh well that's what wow has turned into, no reason to ponder on it when it's not gonna change.


Modesty becomes a woman
How did the easy-ness not get caught in the Beta? Or is it because of the Beta that everyone is able to do things easy peasy? If so, why are people even talking about it?


I'm having so much fun with this expansion. Last night I got that "Realm First! Sartharion the Onyx Guardian" achievement. It looks like it has a title asociated to acquiring it, Onyx Slayer "Name".



Its definitely not because of the beta man. Stuff is just easy, like everyone said going into Northrend in T5 and T6 you expected to have an easy time in Utgard and Nexus, maybe even AN as well. But hell Im clear up to Gundrak (spelling?) and beyond and its still the same thing. Our pally/war/druid gathers an entire hall of mobs then we move in and AE. Burn the boss to pieces without even bothering to "learn" the encounter and move on. All still wearing our 70 gear because there are no upgrades yet.

Its VERY easy. I need to wait on guildies to level so we can run some heroics and get the 10 and 25 mans going but so far it seems difficulty was tweaked downward.

I think it can work if they make raid encounters work more like for example C'thun or Gorefiend. These were raid bosses that werent exactly difficult (post fix/nerf C'thun btw...) but were instead challenging. Its not hard to kill Gorefiend, hes a tank and spank, but most Guilds will wipe on him the first time, because people have to learn the ghosts. I dont know anyone who 1 shot C'thun either, learning the phases and what to do when you got swallowed took time and coordination.

Stuff like Kael however in the Eye seemed really anti casual gamer to me though. Yeah the fight was probably the most epic the game has ever had, but we were all sporting macros and the like to help manage with the staff auras and equipping the items etc. I dont think casuals would be into that. Theres a middle ground, lets hope they find it.


Modesty becomes a woman
Puncture said:

Its definitely not because of the beta man. Stuff is just easy, like everyone said going into Northrend in T5 and T6 you expected to have an easy time in Utgard and Nexus, maybe even AN as well. But hell Im clear up to Gundrak (spelling?) and beyond and its still the same thing. Our pally/war/druid gathers an entire hall of mobs then we move in and AE. Burn the boss to pieces without even bothering to "learn" the encounter and move on. All still wearing our 70 gear because there are no upgrades yet.

Its VERY easy. I need to wait on guildies to level so we can run some heroics and get the 10 and 25 mans going but so far it seems difficulty was tweaked downward.

I think it can work if they make raid encounters work more like for example C'thun or Gorefiend. These were raid bosses that werent exactly difficult (post fix/nerf C'thun btw...) but were instead challenging. Its not hard to kill Gorefiend, hes a tank and spank, but most Guilds will wipe on him the first time, because people have to learn the ghosts. I dont know anyone who 1 shot C'thun either, learning the phases and what to do when you got swallowed took time and coordination.

Stuff like Kael however in the Eye seemed really anti casual gamer to me though. Yeah the fight was probably the most epic the game has ever had, but we were all sporting macros and the like to help manage with the staff auras and equipping the items etc. I dont think casuals would be into that. Theres a middle ground, lets hope they find it.

I think if this is an actual problem where people don't even have to try to do some of the endgame stuff, Blizz will up it on newer raids. But if the majority is happier they won't bother. Most of the Hardcore people will still play it.


As a guy whose last experiences were watching everybody get wiped over and over again by the first boss in ZG, I welcome this easiness as I give the game a second go.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Stuff like C'Thun was never difficult or challenging even, infact the vast majority of WoW raiding (that I took part in) wasn't difficult, it was just hard to find 40 people who were completely clueless and were about to move around every so often. The amount of times we wiped on something like Thaddius because people didn't seem to be able to grasp the concept.

Now I never raided TBC so maybe there was some actually difficult encounters there, but from my experience WoW was always easy, finding the people was the hard part. Unless the encounter was just broken ofcourse.
I think that ZA had the best boss design of any WoW instance to date, but I never progressed all the way through TK so take it with a grain of salt. I did play a bit of TK and cleared SSC as well as ZA though. The bosses in ZA weren't impossibly difficult, but the important thing about them was that they were interactive. There really were no tank and spank bosses in the place for the most part. You had to be constantly moving and paying attention and keeping your CC up and so on, and you felt completely consumed. As a mage that's not really something that happens too often. Usually I just stand somewhere and spam fireball the entire fight, maybe dodging one or two attacks. In ZA it was pretty crazy. I would like to seem them take away the difficulty of bosses, perhaps making them hit less hard and have less HP, and it seems that's exactly what Blizzard has done. I was sick of chain potting, using gems, and evocation, and still having to end the fight with a wand. I wanted them to make it less about mana and health management over time and make it more about interacting with the bosses. I'm looking forward to raiding more in WotLK than I have every before.

I just hit 74 last night with my mage and I finally started training some of my professions since I had enough cloth to get my tailoring up by 10-15 levels. I'm excited about hitting 75 so I can pick up FFB and respec for it. I'm really loving arcane though. It's trivial to kill almost anything in world PvE as arcane. You pop slow on it and just hold the S key while you spam arcane barrage and put slow back on every now and then. I don't think I've legitimately died from PvE once in Northrend. The only times I've come close I just popped invisibility and ran for it. I'm starting to question if I should even respec for FFB at all, but I've been playing as Arcane since TBC and I'm in the mood for something new. I'll probably spec for it for a level and then go back :lol


Junior Member
Puncture said:

Its definitely not because of the beta man. Stuff is just easy, like everyone said going into Northrend in T5 and T6 you expected to have an easy time in Utgard and Nexus, maybe even AN as well. But hell Im clear up to Gundrak (spelling?) and beyond and its still the same thing. Our pally/war/druid gathers an entire hall of mobs then we move in and AE. Burn the boss to pieces without even bothering to "learn" the encounter and move on. All still wearing our 70 gear because there are no upgrades yet.

Again, if you're not getting upgrades from dungeon bosses and from the the dungeon quest rewards then you're overgeared for the instance, and really have no leg to stand on regarding its difficulty.

I did a second run of Nexus last night, this time with all four of the quests in my log. Cleared it, and a ring that dropped from Keristraza was a clear upgrade. Three of the four quest rewards were clear upgrades to my existing gear, and the fourth was a sidegrade only because of the way I had my old piece gemmed. My character is about a month and a half old, hit 68 right before Wrath. One of the runs was done with T5/T6/Sunwell guildies, and you're right, there was no need for CC and the bosses dropped easily. The other was done with four other guys geared like me, and it took a lot more effort to clear.

I don't think it's a question of difficulty - there are plenty of 3+ mob pulls that CC helps out on and pats still punish you for getting sloppy on trash if you're not overgeared. I think it's too much overlap between the endgame loot in BC and the non-endgame loot in WotLK, especially considering how big a jump it was from Vanilla to Wrath.


Got my CE yesterday from GameStop.com... and I'm kind of disappointed. The art book isn't as good as I had hoped it would be. Some character art of each race as a Dark Knight, tons of environments, and some monsters. It just doesn't seem as impressive as the BC book was.


Puncture said:
I think it can work if they make raid encounters work more like for example C'thun or Gorefiend. These were raid bosses that werent exactly difficult (post fix/nerf C'thun btw...) but were instead challenging. Its not hard to kill Gorefiend, hes a tank and spank, but most Guilds will wipe on him the first time, because people have to learn the ghosts. I dont know anyone who 1 shot C'thun either, learning the phases and what to do when you got swallowed took time and coordination.
Probably because no one reached those bosses in their public betas.

Sartharion encounter probably took quite some time to figure out in the beta, but once someone does it and posts videos and strats, people read it and all they have to do is a few practices.


Let's wait to see what the 3.2 Ulduar raid and inevitably the Icecrown raid are like before we start making blanket comments about WoTLK endgame difficulty.


Isn't this exactly what we said would happen.

The people steamrolling their way to 80 within the first week (some skipping content on the way) are now sitting around bitching about the lack/difficulty of content.

My DK has an upgrade available from every instance and instance related quest, and the difficulty is on par with what my DK can do. I love the current progression.

But you cant please everyone I suppose.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Epix said:
Let's wait to see what the 3.2 Ulduar raid and inevitably the Icecrown raid are like before we start making blanket comments about WoTLK endgame difficulty.

I think it's safe to make statements with what's in the game right now. Everyone realizes it can change.

Anyways, as a Death Knight, is it worth picking between Aldor and Scryer at this point?

Kletian said:
Isn't this exactly what we said would happen.

The people steamrolling their way to 80 within the first week (some skipping content on the way) are now sitting around bitching about the lack/difficulty of content.

My DK has an upgrade available from every instance and instance related quest, and the difficulty is on par with what my DK can do. I love the current progression.

But you cant please everyone I suppose.

For DKs, sure. There's progression all over. I guess for those who have sitting at 70 for awhile, there's not much of that. This time, it's not just the raiders talking about the difficulty here. I mean, what content did some of these guys skip that would offer a challenge if they've cleared every single instance encounter in Lich King so far?


Kintaro said:
I think it's safe to make statements with what's in the game right now. Everyone realizes it can change.

Anyways, as a Death Knight, is it worth picking between Aldor and Scryer at this point?

I picked with mine because you never know when an Xpac in the future will return to those factions in some way. I'm just not bothering to do the rep grind.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Kletian said:
I picked with mine because you never know when an Xpac in the future will return to those factions in some way. I'm just not bothering to do the rep grind.

Which one did you pick?
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