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World of Warcraft

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I must say... not posting on GAF for 5 day's been hard but I finally did it.

Level 80 - pure questing, no help from guild (what guild :lol ). It was awesome, this is the GotY.

AbortedWalrusFetus said:
I have two alliance chars on Darkspear that are 70+. I don't think I've hit a queue since launch. I know one of my friends did, but it was a very very short one, less than five minutes.

I've been on DS since launch too! But I'm horde. I got queues several times last week, 15 minutes.

Anyone else horde darkspear? I'm leveling my priest right now, she's 60 and specced for healing, so any baby death knights have an instance buddy if they want.
Okay, so I did a some heroics in a pug last night to test out the difficulty of them.

First up was Violet Hold. I heard that this was one of the harder heroic dungeons available, but maybe we just lucked out on the bosses that we got because I thought it was fairly easy. Sure the last waves of enemies after defeating the second boss did get a little harder to control, but it was not too hard. We didn't even read up on the strategies for the bosses on heroic mode. Just went into it blind and came out without a wipe.

Next up was the Oculus. We decided to do this one next because it was the daily heroic. This place was a bitch. Some of the trash pulls here are very hard. I would say harder than the bosses. Also, since the final boss involves you having to learn the abilities of the drake you decide to control there is a learning curve. Took numerous tries before we finally managed to defeat the instance.

Last up was the Nexus. Another easy run with no wipes and no attempts to read up strategies on the different bosses.

Yup. The game difficulty has definitely been toned down in difficulty imo.

Back to questing. Just have Storm Peaks (a little more than halfway done) and Icecrown (haven't started) left to do.
Just dinged 77. I haven't done quests in anything but BT, HF, and Dragonblight. The very last quest I had in Dragonb dinged me. So of course the first thing I do is go fly around Icecrown. Holy fuck, that zone is beautiful.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The guy that mentioned CC (the lack of a need for it) brought up a great point. In BC, CC was a MUST. As a lock I would sometimes not get invited to PUGs because the group needed a rogue or mage DPS in order to CC some of the shittier trash pulls.

So, it's one thing when I was talking about our under-leveled group steamrolling Gundrak. Gear and experience could account for that. But... we weren't just steamrolling it. We weren't even doing the encounters as designed. We'd pull a whole room at a time, instead of just 1 group of trash. I don't know any of the boss strats, because we just DPS'd and healed through the encounters, not bothering to pay attention to the boss stages. And this was our first time in the instance.


I've had a couple wipes, but only on particularly annoying bosses. Wiped once on Ingvar with some fresh guys before I knew you could dodge Dark Smash, wiped once on the final boss of Drak'Tharon Keep just because the group wasn't managing phase 2 properly. So basically, if you fuck up, you can die unless you overgear everything.

Oh wait, I also wiped in Violet Hold once because the group didn't do the first boss (the satyr) right.


The Lamonster said:
I love the WotLK music. Sooo amazing.

Amen, I have the official soundtrack on infinite loop for 3 days straight. I rarely do that with any regular discs, let alone other game soundtracks.


firex said:
I've had a couple wipes, but only on particularly annoying bosses. Wiped once on Ingvar with some fresh guys before I knew you could dodge Dark Smash, wiped once on the final boss of Drak'Tharon Keep just because the group wasn't managing phase 2 properly. So basically, if you fuck up, you can die unless you overgear everything.

Oh wait, I also wiped in Violet Hold once because the group didn't do the first boss (the satyr) right.

Ingvar's Dark Smash is a bitch, we wiped twice on him, none of us knew any of the fights so we wiped on each boss as we figured things out.


Junior Member
GDJustin said:
The guy that mentioned CC (the lack of a need for it) brought up a great point. In BC, CC was a MUST. As a lock I would sometimes not get invited to PUGs because the group needed a rogue or mage DPS in order to CC some of the shittier trash pulls.[/I]

Did they nerf the BC instances since launch? I've taken my scrub lock through most of the 5-man stuff in BC in the past month and there hasn't been any need for CC. Hell, most people don't seem to know what CC is. I've run into more than one mage who had to be begged to sheep anything.


TomServo said:
Did they nerf the BC instances since launch? I've taken my scrub lock through most of the 5-man stuff in BC in the past month and there hasn't been any need for CC. Hell, most people don't seem to know what CC is. I've run into more than one mage who had to be begged to sheep anything.

Yeah they'v slowly tweaked the instances in BC, also as people got better threat tools and knowledge of the fights, CC is superfluous.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Someone hit 80 Death Knight on my realm. First reponse from the guild? "Loser!" "LOL" etc. I've seen some people do it in this thread too. What's the big deal? People come off more like douches when they make fun of someone than the person leveling up. Comes off like "Well, I couldn't do it, so I'll make fun of that person!"

Fun story: A high ranking officer on the Air Force base in my town is big into WoW. It's a hobby for him and his wife. He took a couple of days off and he and his wife had fun leveling to 80 over the weekend (they were in the beta too). Some jackass Game Stop groupie (who is on assisted living and uses the money to buy video games) in the store then piped up and called him a loser for "skipping content" (like some folks have done in here) to get to 80. The guy looked at him, looked at me then back to him and said "I'm a Colonel in the US Air Force and Commander of the 49th Fighter Wing. Who the fuck are you?"

After that, I don't think I'll be judging people who just happen to level quickly. That would probably the only time where saying 'Epic Pwn" in real life would be acceptable.

So, why the hate?


Has this been posted?

I know it's a crime to post a traditional daily comic strip and not a webcomic strip, but I kind of lolled. I like Foxtrot.


Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Looks like I'll finally get a decent free server move out of Area 52. Have all of my toons in the queue to transfer to Dawnbringer. Hopefully I'll have a delightful queue-free experience on this new server.


Mr Nash said:
Looks like I'll finally get a decent free server move out of Area 52. Have all of my toons in the queue to transfer to Dawnbringer. Hopefully I'll have a delightful queue-free experience on this new server.

Same here. I'm moving my Alli alts from Lightbringer to Dawnbringer. I haven't played a couple of them in months, yet I can't send those two over because Blizzard says I have mail in their boxes. WTF?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, that mail in the box thing was a pain, especially given that Blizzard sent messages the other week after the mail system went fubar, so I had to log in with all 8 toons to clear their mail before transferring. XD I just hope there isn't so many people transferring from other servers to Dawnbringer that this server also winds up with a queue.


Kintaro said:
Someone hit 80 Death Knight on my realm. First reponse from the guild? "Loser!" "LOL" etc. I've seen some people do it in this thread too. What's the big deal? People come off more like douches when they make fun of someone than the person leveling up. Comes off like "Well, I couldn't do it, so I'll make fun of that person!"

Fun story: A high ranking officer on the Air Force base in my town is big into WoW. It's a hobby for him and his wife. He took a couple of days off and he and his wife had fun leveling to 80 over the weekend (they were in the beta too). Some jackass Game Stop groupie (who is on assisted living and uses the money to buy video games) in the store then piped up and called him a loser for "skipping content" (like some folks have done in here) to get to 80. The guy looked at him, looked at me then back to him and said "I'm a Colonel in the US Air Force and Commander of the 49th Fighter Wing. Who the fuck are you?"

After that, I don't think I'll be judging people who just happen to level quickly. That would probably the only time where saying 'Epic Pwn" in real life would be acceptable.

So, why the hate?
Those guild comments sound like playful teasing. Friends rag on each other. I like hearing anything other than "grats".

The clerk got rightfully owned. There is no way his comment is justified when there were beta testers.

The people with a negative vibe could be jealous, hate twinks, hate how much of a time commitment the game is but direct it to people who can progress fast/have better gear.


Modesty becomes a woman
Kintaro said:
Someone hit 80 Death Knight on my realm. First reponse from the guild? "Loser!" "LOL" etc. I've seen some people do it in this thread too. What's the big deal? People come off more like douches when they make fun of someone than the person leveling up. Comes off like "Well, I couldn't do it, so I'll make fun of that person!"

Fun story: A high ranking officer on the Air Force base in my town is big into WoW. It's a hobby for him and his wife. He took a couple of days off and he and his wife had fun leveling to 80 over the weekend (they were in the beta too). Some jackass Game Stop groupie (who is on assisted living and uses the money to buy video games) in the store then piped up and called him a loser for "skipping content" (like some folks have done in here) to get to 80. The guy looked at him, looked at me then back to him and said "I'm a Colonel in the US Air Force and Commander of the 49th Fighter Wing. Who the fuck are you?"

After that, I don't think I'll be judging people who just happen to level quickly. That would probably the only time where saying 'Epic Pwn" in real life would be acceptable.

So, why the hate?

Seriously, getting to 80 fast is no big deal especially if youre missing out of stuff. I would go back to 90% of that crap and do it at 80, but get more gold for doing it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
DeathNote said:
Those guild comments sound like playful teasing. Friends rag on each other. I like hearing anything other than "grats".

I wish they were. However, they were not. Some of them were really vehement in their anger. Was weird.

It wasn't a clerk by the way. It was one of those people who come into Game Stop all day, every day that I can't get rid of. Ugh.


Gundrak was pretty cool. Went with 74 war/sham/priest and 77 pal/war. Got the ring and boots off the quests that upgraded what I was wearing. also cleared violet Hold. This time the bosses were Shadow guy, Dog, usual last boss and it was super easy.
Can't wait to hit 78 (so close) and buy the Rep healing mace off the walrus dudes.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Anyways, game update. My Death Knight is now 65 and questing in Terokkar Forest. After Ramps, groups for instances really fell off. That's to be expected though I guess, but it makes me sad that I'll miss all of those places. I'll really to experience them in Northrend though.


Me so far. I can't decide between Mining/BS or Mining/JC. Oh well. Yeah, nothing special. Blood is really fun though.


Kintaro said:
I wish they were. However, they were not. Some of them were really vehement in their anger. Was weird.

It wasn't a clerk by the way. It was one of those people who come into Game Stop all day, every day that I can't get rid of. Ugh.
If there are a bunch of assholes, I would look for a new guild :/


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
TomServo said:
Did they nerf the BC instances since launch? I've taken my scrub lock through most of the 5-man stuff in BC in the past month and there hasn't been any need for CC. Hell, most people don't seem to know what CC is. I've run into more than one mage who had to be begged to sheep anything.

The 3.0 patch nerfed all mobs across the board - everything in every dungeon & raid (including bosses) had its HP reduced by ~30%.
Kintaro said:
Someone hit 80 Death Knight on my realm. First reponse from the guild? "Loser!" "LOL" etc. I've seen some people do it in this thread too. What's the big deal? People come off more like douches when they make fun of someone than the person leveling up. Comes off like "Well, I couldn't do it, so I'll make fun of that person!"

Fun story: A high ranking officer on the Air Force base in my town is big into WoW. It's a hobby for him and his wife. He took a couple of days off and he and his wife had fun leveling to 80 over the weekend (they were in the beta too). Some jackass Game Stop groupie (who is on assisted living and uses the money to buy video games) in the store then piped up and called him a loser for "skipping content" (like some folks have done in here) to get to 80. The guy looked at him, looked at me then back to him and said "I'm a Colonel in the US Air Force and Commander of the 49th Fighter Wing. Who the fuck are you?"

After that, I don't think I'll be judging people who just happen to level quickly. That would probably the only time where saying 'Epic Pwn" in real life would be acceptable.

So, why the hate?
I don't really understand how being in the Air Force makes someone not a "loser". He still sat in front of his computer for 50-60 hours in a span of about three days. There's not really a way to spin that as anything other than obsessive or lame.

I don't really care how people enjoy the game. Play it however you want, but you aren't really "skipping" content by leveling up fast. Even people leveling up normally will pass over loads of quests and hit 80.


Kintaro said:
Someone hit 80 Death Knight on my realm. First reponse from the guild? "Loser!" "LOL" etc. I've seen some people do it in this thread too. What's the big deal? People come off more like douches when they make fun of someone than the person leveling up. Comes off like "Well, I couldn't do it, so I'll make fun of that person!"

Fun story: A high ranking officer on the Air Force base in my town is big into WoW. It's a hobby for him and his wife. He took a couple of days off and he and his wife had fun leveling to 80 over the weekend (they were in the beta too). Some jackass Game Stop groupie (who is on assisted living and uses the money to buy video games) in the store then piped up and called him a loser for "skipping content" (like some folks have done in here) to get to 80. The guy looked at him, looked at me then back to him and said "I'm a Colonel in the US Air Force and Commander of the 49th Fighter Wing. Who the fuck are you?"

After that, I don't think I'll be judging people who just happen to level quickly. That would probably the only time where saying 'Epic Pwn" in real life would be acceptable.

So, why the hate?

I don't hate people who get to 80 fast, I myself am leveling as much as I can clearing all the quests in a zone before moving on.
I am disappointed in noticing people make those insane rushes to make 80 in 1-2 days just after the expansion is released tho. I don't see what is the point in it other than for e-peen points.
And while I don't judge people that got to 80 so fast, I still feel it is sad to burn through an expansion someone waited for so long in just a span of a couple of days.


So far I am liking Strands BG as it goes quick and even if you lose but you play right you can get some nice honor points. Lake wintergrasp just seems odd and I don't know how it should be played or if because not enough people are higher level it hasn't reached its potential


Regarding CC: with glyphs and a new rank, my rogues sap is sitting at about 85 seconds, which to me is awesome. We can do one sap, burn down the mobs we pull then kick the crap out of the sapped mob, bandaging if we have to and all that.

The really sad thing is that when I go in to sap, I always get a "lulz, sapping is useless" from the rest of the group. My server, Khaz Modan, has been awful for decent tanks and healers, and when I try to explain that I'm just trying to help avoid a wipe, I'm usually kicked from the group.

Maybe it has to do with my being a rogue, which I'm not sure ever got any cred in terms of class.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Richiban said:
Regarding CC: with glyphs and a new rank, my rogues sap is sitting at about 85 seconds, which to me is awesome. We can do one sap, burn down the mobs we pull then kick the crap out of the sapped mob, bandaging if we have to and all that.

The really sad thing is that when I go in to sap, I always get a "lulz, sapping is useless" from the rest of the group. My server, Khaz Modan, has been awful for decent tanks and healers, and when I try to explain that I'm just trying to help avoid a wipe, I'm usually kicked from the group.

Maybe it has to do with my being a rogue, which I'm not sure ever got any cred in terms of class.
They'll love you once DPS gets nerfed and CC becomes important again once more people get to 80.

Eric WK

bengraven said:
First lvl 80 DK hit on our server 3 days after launch. I have to admit, I think it's completely fucking ridiculous.

Same here. A guildie hit it Sunday afternoon. I don't think he was logged out for more than fifteen minutes the entire time.

Chris R

So now I'm kinda torn. Level to 80 ASAP and buy new shit that binds to the account, or level my alts every now and then, without having the BoA gear at the lower (low 20s/30s) levels...

Also, should I hit northrend at 68? I have a mage there now at 70 doing quests, but have a SP about to ding 68...


Richiban said:
The really sad thing is that when I go in to sap, I always get a "lulz, sapping is useless" from the rest of the group.
People on your server must be kinda stupid, unless we have a mage with us I always get sent to sap mobs (when they're humanoids), and now thatt rogues can sap almost anything I sap even more :D
i tanked old kingdom as ret and I got my ass WHOOPED. the healer was very good so we made it through with only one full wipe. I however, died many times. I thought I'd be fine with a few northrend tanking blues including weapon and shield but I guess not. I offhealed a AZ group that had two fury warrirors tanking and they barely took any damage. Man the demo lock took much less damage than I did.


Has problems recognising girls
I think I have stumbled upon a trick to create a Death Knight on any server you want, regardless of whether or not a level 55+ is on that realm.

Kind of funny to create a Death Knight on a server where no characters are there.


speedpop said:
I think I have stumbled upon a trick to create a Death Knight on any server you want, regardless of whether or not a level 55+ is on that realm.

Kind of funny to create a Death Knight on a server where no characters are there.
Spit it out player.
I got the Dragonblight quests achievement, saw Wrathgate, I'm almost 77, and I'm still not done with Dragonblight. Damn, there's a lot to do there. Once I'm done there and I'm 77 I'm going to see what all those quests in Dalaran are about and get cracking on Sholazar Bazin. That place looks so cool.

And I guess I'll try and find those dailies for the polar bear mount. I'm thinking I probably have to be 80 for them though.
speedpop said:
I think I have stumbled upon a trick to create a Death Knight on any server you want, regardless of whether or not a level 55+ is on that realm.

Kind of funny to create a Death Knight on a server where no characters are there.

Seriously man, tell us now. PM if you've gotta please sir:D
speedpop said:
I think I have stumbled upon a trick to create a Death Knight on any server you want, regardless of whether or not a level 55+ is on that realm.

Kind of funny to create a Death Knight on a server where no characters are there.

this could help me immensely



Worships the porcelain goddess
No Means Nomad said:
I don't really understand how being in the Air Force makes someone not a "loser". He still sat in front of his computer for 50-60 hours in a span of about three days. There's not really a way to spin that as anything other than obsessive or lame.

Too bad he didn't spend that much time in front of the computer. He planned it out during beta and took the best course to level. Wasn't too difficult, especially in the equipment he has. Considering how easy the content is, he breezed right through it in no time.

But hey, if you still want to judge, go for it.
Kintaro said:
Too bad he didn't spend that much time in front of the computer. He planned it out during beta and took the best course to level. Wasn't too difficult, especially in the equipment he has. Considering how easy the content is, he breezed right through it in no time.

But hey, if you still want to judge, go for it.
Well you got me. I sure think much more highly of him now that it's 30 hours instead of 40 hours. And that he spent the months ahead planning how to play a video game. Everything he does is so cool because his characters rank is the same rank as his rank in the Air Force.


Worships the porcelain goddess
No Means Nomad said:
Well you got me. I sure think much more highly of him now that it's 30 hours instead of 40 hours. And that he spent the months ahead planning how to play a video game. Everything he does is so cool because his characters rank is the same rank as his rank in the Air Force.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this sort of attitude anymore. Oh well.


Well, I imagine this will be patched soon, but if you die at Wyrmcrest Temple in Dragonblight, you auto rez on release randomly in the middle circle area. You just release and boom you're character is dropped down. Also, there are no rez timers. So you can die over and over and keep rezzing instantly.

This resulted in some crazy PvP of me and a couple others versus 12 or so Horde. It was funnny managing to kill someone before dying each time, then retargeting them for another flameshock/lavaburst combo when we both insta-rezzed.

Right now though I can't get back in and I think maybe the 46 minutes of doing this might have fudged Ravenholdt up a bit.


No Means Nomad said:
I don't really understand how being in the Air Force makes someone not a "loser". He still sat in front of his computer for 50-60 hours in a span of about three days. There's not really a way to spin that as anything other than obsessive or lame.

His success in his career says a lot. It proves that he knows how to keep his priorities straight. That is the most important trait for a wow/mmorpg player. If you can't keep your priorities straight while playing an highly addictive game, then you're fucked.

Same thing goes for someone who has straight A's in school and a good social life. Doesn't matter at all if they spend one weekend power leveling. What matters is if they spends months dedicating time to a game and if it effects their life in various aspects.

No Means Nomad said:
Well you got me. I sure think much more highly of him now that it's 30 hours instead of 40 hours. And that he spent the months ahead planning how to play a video game. Everything he does is so cool because his characters rank is the same rank as his rank in the Air Force.

I'm willing to bet he played the beta at a good pace over an extended time(months rather than days) and was probably intelligent enough to constantly and instantly readjust the best way to level his personal post expansion release character since you're not able to keep beta characters.

Very different from the 'analyzing and drawing out an obsessive map for months' image you're trying to paint.

I don't get your need to manipulate actions and insult someone you don't know.
DeathNote said:
His success in his career says a lot. It proves that he knows how to keep his priorities straight. That is the most important trait for a wow/mmorpg player. If you can't keep your priorities straight while playing an highly addictive game, then you're fucked.

Also, I'm willing to bet he played the beta at a good pace over an extended time(months rather than days) and was probably intelligent enough to constantly and instantly readjust the best way to level his personal post expansion release character since you're not able to keep beta characters.

Very different from the 'analyzing and drawing out an obsessive map for months' image you're trying to paint.

I don't get your need to manipulate actions and insult someone you don't know.
I don't understand your desire to find some semblance of normalcy within the World of Warcraft community.

Do we start giving out prizes to people for having having standard lives in addition to playing MMOs? It's not exactly a rarity.

I'm mostly just joking around, but come on. Holing up for a few days and playing World of Warcraft non-stop to 80 is nerdy. I'm not saying that's bad or good, but it is nerdy.


No Means Nomad said:
I don't understand your desire to find some semblance of normalcy within the World of Warcraft community.

Do we start giving out prizes to people for having having standard lives in addition to playing MMOs? It's not exactly a rarity.

I'm mostly just joking around, but come on. Holing up for a few days and playing World of Warcraft non-stop to 80 is nerdy. I'm not saying that's bad or good, but it is nerdy.

If someone has a successful life and a game doesn't affect it, any insult of their play style is needlessly judgmental and pathetic. That simple.

There are too many people who fuck up their lives with addicting things. Rather than being judgmental of those people as well, they need help and advice.


Worships the porcelain goddess
the_gr8mitypoo said:
I just hit 80 an half an hour ago and off to run heroics. Any recommendations?

You're a loser and I hate you. :D

What class did you hit 80 with?

I'm mostly just joking around, but come on. Holing up for a few days and playing World of Warcraft non-stop to 80 is nerdy. I'm not saying that's bad or good, but it is nerdy.

There's no question it's nerdy. Posting on a video game forum is just as nerdy. There's a difference between pointing out someone doing something nerdy and calling them a straight up loser or poop-socker or whatever.
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