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World of Warcraft

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Got my rogue to 80 a week ago but I was to lazy to post a picture. As I was leveling I found this mount. Good old rare mobs. Now I dont have to grind rep with wyrmrest for a dragon!


Junior Member
arts&crafts said:
Got my rogue to 80 a week ago but I was to lazy to post a picture. As I was leveling I found this mount. Good old rare mobs. Now I dont have to grind rep with wyrmrest for a dragon!
Rare NPC Spawn in Stormpeaks.

Lucky you found one. :p


I can confirm that doing all of HF, BT, DB, GH, and ZD quests will get you to 80. So damn early. XD

Gonna get lotsa money from now on.

Eric WK

Nice UI, man. Very clean.

Farnack said:
I can confirm that doing all of HF, BT, DB, GH, and ZD quests will get you to 80. So damn early. XD

Gonna get lotsa money from now on.

Yep, that's what I did as well.
Time-Lost Proto-Drake
Drops 100percent off the mob of the same name that flys over all of storm peak. Supposedly it has a really long spawn time, but its still worth checking out.

Eteric Rice

Farnack said:
I hate you if you make it a tank. 8(

Btw what's the name of that protodrake mount?

Why? :X

Anyway, some questions.

Is there anything to do now besides quests and killing shit? That's what used to bother me about WoW. You get to the end game and all that's left to do is raid.

I mean, I like raiding and all, but I'm a student and have other things to focus on at this time.

They need to add like, online chess and other stuff.

I REALLY wish they'd get rid of battlegrounds so world pvp could come back, but you can't have everything. :|


So I hit 80 on friday and I've still been doin the oh i'm prot. now, no i'm ret now thing, ugh duel spec's already blizz ffs, and yeah trying to tank a heroic scared me off of prot. Its not that I was crit, I am uncrittable, its that my avoidance is so low. Its that way for most tanks on my server right now, very very few heroics even being attempted, of course the #1 guild on our server has already cleared out Obsidium but other than that it looks like its gonna be a while before heroics take over the reg 80 5 man's. I'm almost to revered with Argent crusade now, I want the dps plate helm and the mace, so much armor penetration on those 2 items and I already have 95 on my current gear so divine storm is gonna be mighty sexy soon.

So I'm starting on my DK now, ugh rolling through northrend and seeing how awesome it was makes me hate outland, at least I'm out of hellfire now.


Eteric Rice said:
I REALLY wish they'd get rid of battlegrounds so world pvp could come back, but you can't have everything. :|
You mean you'd wish they'd break the game?

If you want your ganking, goto a pvp server. >_>

Eteric Rice

Farnack said:
You mean you'd wish they'd break the game?

If you want your ganking, goto a pvp server. >_>

Nah, it's not that. I just liked when you were known for how well you played. When you play against random people from random servers, you really aren't making a name for yourself.

When you pvped on your server alone, you could get a reputation. Battlegrounds do away with that.

Though I'd like to see battlegrounds where you fight people on your own server. That would be neat.

(And I am on a pvp server, Thunderlord. :p)


Eteric Rice said:
Nah, it's not that. I just liked when you were known for how well you played. When you play against random people from random servers, you really aren't making a name for yourself.

When you pvped on your server alone, you could get a reputation. Battlegrounds do away with that.

Though I'd like to see battlegrounds where you fight people on your own server. That would be neat.

(And I am on a pvp server, Thunderlord. :p)
That's what Arena is for. You want to make a name for yourself, go do Blizzard's ranked Arena matches against the top in the world.

Eteric Rice

Farnack said:
That's what Arena is for. You want to make a name for yourself, go do Blizzard's ranked Arena matches against the top in the world.

Eh, Arena isn't as good as some real world pvp. In world pvp there are so many variables.

I forget that area where the horde and alliance would regularly fight one another. Shit was so fun. :lol It's in BC, it's off of where Shat was. They had these small arenas with flags. When a few horde and few alliance tried to cap them, things would get hectic.

Also, one time we were porting people over for a raid, and suddenly a horde guild was doing the same. War ensued, and shit was so cash. =D

I also found it extremely interesting how every once in a great while, the horde and alliance would help one another with something that was hard. OR, neither wanted to fight one another, so we'd just wave at one another and continue our farming/grinding/questing in peace.

It's those things that made WoW interesting for me. :D


I like the concept of world PvP, but in a modern MMO it never works out. If Hillsbrad like skirmishing was the primary focus for years on end, I'd have quit awhile ago.

I don't like arena, though, I mean I do, but not on a serious level, it's fun to put in the 10 games, do your best, then walk away, I got to Gladiator before and the whole meta game and the bullshit nerd rage it inspires is not for me.

I love BGs, but there's not enough of them. I wish they would put in new maps and new designs for existing areas rather than just tack new ones in. Hopefully with that rated BG stuff they wanna do, some more focus comes with it.

I just hope LWG is as fun on live as it was on beta. That's my perfect kind of PvP in a level-based MMO like this. The perfect PvP all around was already done on the abyss test server in UO: T2A back in 98 with the color war factions


Eteric Rice said:
In world pvp there are so many variables.
Like ganking someone who's fighting 3 mobs at once.

Really, BG is ten times better and more objectified than random pvp where people wait for an advantage, because that's what wins the fight, advantages.


I haven't even done wintergrasp yet, but god, Strand of the Ancients is like they finally designed a BG that feels like Warcraft. Now I just want them to redo AV so it feels more like DotA/Aeon of Strife (the map that inspired DotA) and find some way to make AB/WSG more fun too.

Also, I still don't really get how you're supposed to get a quest to go to Dalaran. I've heard you get one at level 74, but I assume they mean it's a level 74 quest. I got in through the BG trickery.


firex said:
I haven't even done wintergrasp yet, but god, Strand of the Ancients is like they finally designed a BG that feels like Warcraft. Now I just want them to redo AV so it feels more like DotA/Aeon of Strife (the map that inspired DotA) and find some way to make AB/WSG more fun too.

Also, I still don't really get how you're supposed to get a quest to go to Dalaran. I've heard you get one at level 74, but I assume they mean it's a level 74 quest. I got in through the BG trickery.
Warsong and AB is just CTF and KotH. I mean, how are they not fun? They're a shitload of multiplayer games.

Warsong is damn fun.


I like to do pug BGs, steamrolling in a premade got old in 2005, so Warsong is the least fun for me. Takes too long.

I still like it though

AB is more fun but there's more running around than fighting usually, so I like EotS best.

Eteric Rice

God, I don't know if I want to level my Warlock to 80, or make a Death Knight.

What is the progression from 70 to 80 like for a not so raid geared Warlock?

Hell, how badly have they nerfed Warlocks? I heard we're kind of shit now. :|


Hit 80 on Saturday and ran a couple heroics. They seemed pretty easy. I did Naxx tonight, it definitely is pretty easy, but I don't think it's too easy. I have never done Naxx at 60, but I like it a lot right now.

As far as gold comes, where's a good place to farm or do dailies? In BC I just farmed a humanoid camp in Netherstorm for cloth/signets/arcane tomes/etc. Anyone find good farming spots here, or good places to do dailies?
Nitsuj23 said:
Hit 80 on Saturday and ran a couple heroics. They seemed pretty easy. I did Naxx tonight, it definitely is pretty easy, but I don't think it's too easy. I have never done Naxx at 60, but I like it a lot right now.

As far as gold comes, where's a good place to farm or do dailies? In BC I just farmed a humanoid camp in Netherstorm for cloth/signets/arcane tomes/etc. Anyone find good farming spots here, or good places to do dailies?

I have made 5000 this week on purely mining and jewelcrafting :D
I am at 10 000 now and I dont know what to do with all this gold.

Eteric Rice

How do you level up stuff like foraging, etc, as a DK? Do they give you a little head start or do I have to go all the way back to the beginning areas and go from there? :|
it may be annoying going back and leveling up mining from 1-300 but i doubt it will be too expensive to level jewel-crafting if you use the mining mats

Eteric Rice


Well, do they have any new level 55 + areas? That way to get my DK leveled up I don't have to visit the same areas I've already been through as a Warlock. -_-


I'm so happy right now!
Was questing in Icecrown to get some ebon and Argent rep and while killing stuff for a quest at the Shadow Vault, I kill a gheist and loot this:

For once, an epic gear drop that is really useful to me XD


Junior Member
Eteric Rice said:

Well, do they have any new level 55 + areas? That way to get my DK leveled up I don't have to visit the same areas I've already been through as a Warlock. -_-
A new 55 - 58 starter zone.
Then its off to outland!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Lain said:
I'm so happy right now!
Was questing in Icecrown to get some ebon and Argent rep and while killing stuff for a quest at the Shadow Vault, I kill a gheist and loot this:

For once, an epic gear drop that is really useful to me XD
Fucking hell, grats.


Has problems recognising girls
Farnack said:
Like ganking someone who's fighting 3 mobs at once.

Really, BG is ten times better and more objectified than random pvp where people wait for an advantage, because that's what wins the fight, advantages.
Let me guess, you were the type of person in vanilla WoW who ran away at the sight of a lvl 60? I remember doing STV quests with a few of the boys and an Alliance character comes in flogging the shit out of the lowbies at Nesingwary, few of them running away and calling for help.

Never stopped us three trying to take the bitch down. It's a game after all.

It's people like you who bitched and whined that such-and-such quest NPCs were killed constantly during a small town raid, and once Blizzard took action they effectively killed World PVP.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Lain said:
I'm so happy right now!
Was questing in Icecrown to get some ebon and Argent rep and while killing stuff for a quest at the Shadow Vault, I kill a gheist and loot this:

For once, an epic gear drop that is really useful to me XD

What addon are you running that displays stat upgrades in-frame like that?


Neo Member
I have got a few questions for some fellow warlocks. I've been doing heroics all weekend like non-stop. Got about 60 badges. The problem I am having is my damage output. I was speced affliction and my DoTs were not getting there fulls ticks which was reducing my DPS so respeced desto and it put my DPS at about 1.2k. I don't know what else to do to increase it. All the other players seem to be out DPSing me buy a substantial amount. So fellow warlocks any tips or are warlocks just nerfed right now?


Still Tagged Accordingly
the_gr8mitypoo said:
I have got a few questions for some fellow warlocks. I've been doing heroics all weekend like non-stop. Got about 60 badges. The problem I am having is my damage output. I was speced affliction and my DoTs were not getting there fulls ticks which was reducing my DPS so respeced desto and it put my DPS at about 1.2k. I don't know what else to do to increase it. All the other players seem to be out DPSing me buy a substantial amount. So fellow warlocks any tips or are warlocks just nerfed right now?
corruption, shadowbolt, shadowbolt, shadowbolt, shadowbolt, shadowbolt, corruption etc.

for specs, go as far as ruin in destro and shadow mastery in afflic.

i haven't played my lock for a long time though, so i might be way off since wrath came out.


Modesty becomes a woman
I feel like my Blacksmithing is worthless right now. Is there anything in the pipeline? I can add sockets and make two items that would be worth it for a Prot Warrior at 80. Other than that, I feel like I'm wasting my time.
speedpop said:
Let me guess, you were the type of person in vanilla WoW who ran away at the sight of a lvl 60? I remember doing STV quests with a few of the boys and an Alliance character comes in flogging the shit out of the lowbies at Nesingwary, few of them running away and calling for help.

Never stopped us three trying to take the bitch down. It's a game after all.

It's people like you who bitched and whined that such-and-such quest NPCs were killed constantly during a small town raid, and once Blizzard took action they effectively killed World PVP.

There was a valid point on servers that were INSANELY alliance-heavy at the release of Honor; and it still is a concern. Towns camped for DAYS. Not peak times, ALL DAY 24/7.


Eteric Rice said:

Well, do they have any new level 55 + areas? That way to get my DK leveled up I don't have to visit the same areas I've already been through as a Warlock. -_-

Only the starter zone. But that gets you to 58 from all the quests you have to do. You basically enter the main world at 58 and overpowered in a set of good class-tuned blues ready to step right into Outland and plow through everything in sight.


GhostRidah said:
ok for someone who just came back after a year hiatus whats this dual spec thing I keep hearing about?
Two separate talent point distributions you can switch between at will, rather than paying to re-spec every time you want to play a different role. You can be a Shadow priest by day and a Holy priest when your guild calls you up for help on a raid, for example. It isn't implemented yet.


Farnack said:
Warsong and AB is just CTF and KotH. I mean, how are they not fun? They're a shitload of multiplayer games.

Warsong is damn fun.
no, not really. especially not when every fucking game starts out with alliance having a 3:1 advantage.
WSG sucks because it's half-assed CTF. it copies the mode but makes it about which team can camp with the flag longer, so each map is tedium. it would be way better if they just made it so you can cap the flag even if yours is still out there, but made the flag carrier marked and obvious on everyone's minimap. AB is boring mainly because the "good" way to play it is holding 3 areas while the other team holds 2, so it takes forever for a match to end. EotS is both at once so it's even more boring, although at least you don't have retarded 10 second flag capping channels for the 4 areas. They need to make those 3 play a lot faster, so they'd be fun.


Hit 80 on Saturday night.

I have all of Icecrown, Storm Peaks, Sholazar Basin, Zul'drak and a good portion of Grizzly Hills left to quest in. HELLO GOLD HERE I COME.

Ran some heroics on Sunday, every single one I did was mind-blowingly easy. Almost beat the heroic Stratholme 25 min timer too (would of had the pally tanks shield not broke).
haha this dropped while doing the daily in Brunnhildar Village (storm peaks) last night. It seems like it is a high drop rate from the reward bag and it is alot sweeter then the brown bear that you can buy in dalaran. It is also half the size :lol I am to lazy to take a picture so I just googled it. This will go nicely with the Time-Lost Proto-Drake I posted earlier.



Evlar said:
Two separate talent point distributions you can switch between at will, rather than paying to re-spec every time you want to play a different role. You can be a Shadow priest by day and a Holy priest when your guild calls you up for help on a raid, for example. It isn't implemented yet.

Does anyone know if with the dual specs thing ... do we get dual sets of Glyphs? Because I'd completely change them out for tanking or dps.


Weenerz said:
Fuck your mount luck, I keep getting food. Also I cant find that rare spawn, I check all the time =/

This, the Drake is bad enough, but now you have that too.

If you have Anzu the Raptor and the Zulian Tiger I may just have to pay you a little visit...
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