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World of Warcraft

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Kletian said:
This, the Drake is bad enough, but now you have that too.

If you have Anzu the Raptor and the Zulian Tiger I may just have to pay you a little visit...

ha, no other rare mounts...yet. If it is still possible to get those mounts maybe I will start doing ZG as often as possible. Cant be too hard for some level 80's


Well my guild attempted to do 10man Naxx last night. We had to scrounge up whatever 80s we had so the raid composition was lacking. Mostly Melee DPS and Druid healers. Still, even with a bum raid composition and people fresh off the level 80 boat, we managed to down Instructor, Spider Wing, Plague through Loateb, and Patchwerk (with a warrior with only 497 defense).

Needless to say, the 10man version is pretty easy. We had a lot of trouble on Grobbulous considering we basically only had melee DPS (Even then, the fight is pretty tough). Also, the 'gauntlet' after Heigan is ridiculous.

Overall, it was a lot of fun. The Heigan fight was intensely frustrating to learn. Getting 10 people to move in a coordinated fashion several times with no screw ups is insane. We basically 6-manned the fight in the end :lol (I can't imagine doing that with 25 or even 40 people)

I swept up a ton of Holy Pally gear, I was ret at the time, but it appears I will be a holy pally now haha.


I've just started leveling my prot pally again, and he's a blast to play.

My main is a rogue, and for those of you in the know, what sort of defensive ratings should I be keeping an eye out for tanking purposes?


Richiban said:
I've just started leveling my prot pally again, and he's a blast to play.

My main is a rogue, and for those of you in the know, what sort of defensive ratings should I be keeping an eye out for tanking purposes?

540 Defense is the cap. Work on hitting that and then you can worry about mitigation stats like dodge, parry, and block.


Lain said:
I'm so happy right now!
Was questing in Icecrown to get some ebon and Argent rep and while killing stuff for a quest at the Shadow Vault, I kill a gheist and loot this:
For once, an epic gear drop that is really useful to me XD
Also what bag mod?

arts&crafts said:
Got my rogue to 80 a week ago but I was to lazy to post a picture. As I was leveling I found this mount. Good old rare mobs. Now I dont have to grind rep with wyrmrest for a dragon! http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/magicmustard/ScreenShot_112308_174036.jpg
What's the UI mod?

Chris R

I'm looking for just a few more mods to get my UI set... Basically one that will tell me the price of quest rewards so I can get the most $$$, and one that lets me move the mouse hover label to somewhere other than where my combat log is.


I love the quests in Icecrown for their variety.
Finally found a group quest I couldn't solo (Banshee Revenge, had to duo it). Also found a couple group quests that required alot of patience and attention to solo (the scarlet ones).
I don't like sacred shield too much in group play when playing the healer, but it is such a great skill for soloing.

DeathNote said:
Also what bag mod?



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
arts&crafts said:
haha this dropped while doing the daily in Brunnhildar Village (storm peaks) last night. It seems like it is a high drop rate from the reward bag and it is alot sweeter then the brown bear that you can buy in dalaran. It is also half the size :lol I am to lazy to take a picture so I just googled it. This will go nicely with the Time-Lost Proto-Drake I posted earlier.

Drop rate is ~1-2%. :p

Hardly "high." You're just lucky.
And WoW's biggest flaw is rearing it's ugly head again.

Can't get a fucking party to do heroic as fury spec.

Managed to get thru the daily today (without know it was the daily bleh)

So I'll have to end up going protection to have any chance of getting into a guild and a well established guild won't take me as I've been out of the game for 8months, so I'll end up quitting again.

Vicious circle.

Eteric Rice

MrPing1000 said:
And WoW's biggest flaw is rearing it's ugly head again.

Can't get a fucking party to do heroic as fury spec.

Managed to get thru the daily today (without know it was the daily bleh)

So I'll have to end up going protection to have any chance of getting into a guild and a well established guild won't take me as I've been out of the game for 8months, so I'll end up quitting again.

Vicious circle.

This is why I can't wait for secondary specs. :D


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
For the Quest Achievements is that every quest in the zone? Can't seem to figure out where to go next in Howling Fjord, have another 30 quests to get the achievement, just done The Apothecary Camp and no idea where to head to now.
Ikuu said:
For the Quest Achievements is that every quest in the zone? Can't seem to figure out where to go next in Howling Fjord, have another 30 quests to get the achievement, just done The Apothecary Camp and no idea where to head to now.

It's not every quest in the zone, but it's close.

Eric WK

Ikuu said:
For the Quest Achievements is that every quest in the zone? Can't seem to figure out where to go next in Howling Fjord, have another 30 quests to get the achievement, just done The Apothecary Camp and no idea where to head to now.

It's not every quest. There's usually a few more than are required for the achievement. The only exception that I've come across is Zul'Drak.

If you need help, I'd suggest checking Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide:

I know we have a few rogues in here so I'm asking for a bit of guidance.

The item budget on stuff I've picked up (75 and finishing Dragonblight) seems all over the place and not sure which ones to focus on: Hit, Crit, Expertise, Haste and Armor Penetration. I'm mutilate right now with mostly hit and crit (280 and 28%) with a little here and there of the rest.
Wrath Gate quest was pretty epic. Wierd being in an instanced Ogrimmar and Undercity. I should've tried leaving and going to others places unless there's invisible walls. That would be lame.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I'm level 69 right now heading into another zone before jetting off to Northrend. Well, that and leveling up some crafts. I've decided on Mining/JC.

I'm going to respec to Frost now though to try it out. On my server, everyone is screaming out for tanks.
Kintaro said:
Yeah, but I've never seen all of the zones in Outland. =/

Stop now! Netherstorm is the ugliest piece of shit ever, and shadow moon valley is not much better. Please for the sake of your gaming experience come to Northerend this instance!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I am now level 80... yay. Took me 11 (real world) days. I unfortunately didn't think to look at my /played stats when beginning to level again, so IDK how many in-game hours it took. 10 levels in 11 days... it's a little sad since I've been a mostly casual player up until now. It's actually more like 10 levels in 10 days, because I spent an entire day last week fishing.

Time to grind out incremental gear upgrades for the next ~18 months, I guess. :lol :lol
MrPing1000 said:
And WoW's biggest flaw is rearing it's ugly head again.

Can't get a fucking party to do heroic as fury spec.

Managed to get thru the daily today (without know it was the daily bleh)

So I'll have to end up going protection to have any chance of getting into a guild and a well established guild won't take me as I've been out of the game for 8months, so I'll end up quitting again.

Vicious circle.

honestly I've grouped for heroics with fury wars many times. I'm a ret pally as well. There is definately a healer shortage on my server but I decided I'm straight up refusing to tank or heal unless I play with RL friends.


Worships the porcelain goddess
arts&crafts said:
Stop now! Netherstorm is the ugliest piece of shit ever, and shadow moon valley is not much better. Please for the sake of your gaming experience come to Northerend this instance!

Ok ok! Sheesh! Where should I start? Tundra or Fjord?

Maybe I'm lazy or just was too used to my Blood spec, but Frost seems kind of meh for me so far. =/ You get more toys to play with, but I miss Bloodworms and Dancing Rune Critting Hard Weapon. :lol


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Kintaro said:
Ok ok! Sheesh! Where should I start? Tundra or Fjord?

Maybe I'm lazy or just was too used to my Blood spec, but Frost seems kind of meh for me so far. =/ You get more toys to play with, but I miss Bloodworms and Dancing Rune Critting Hard Weapon. :lol

Fjord >>>> Tunda. IDK WTF people were talking about when they claimed both zones were "even." They aren't even close. Tundra is the only zone in Northrend that I can honestly say I don't enjoy. Whereas Fjord is one of my favorite Northrend Zones.

Also, I liked both SMV and netherstorm quite a bit... so get around to them eventually, imo.
arts&crafts said:
Stop now! Netherstorm is the ugliest piece of shit ever, and shadow moon valley is not much better. Please for the sake of your gaming experience come to Northerend this instance!

This man speaks the truth. I just hope the same doesn't go for the last areas in Northrend.


Thundra is "shitty" at the start, but it gets better the more you move toward Dragon Blight.
Fjord on the other hand starts out pretty nicely and gets amazing the more you move toward Blight/Grizzly Hills.


I didn't like the Explorer's League quests in Fjord and I didn't like the Fizzcrank stuff in Tundra, but outside of that, I really loved them both.

In terms of aesthetics, though, I'd side with Fjord. Better dungeon, IMO, as well.
Alex said:
I didn't like the Explorer's League quests in Fjord and I didn't like the Fizzcrank stuff in Tundra, but outside of that, I really loved them both.

In terms of aesthetics, though, I'd side with Fjord. Better dungeon, IMO, as well.
UK has so much trash. Worst new instance.

I liked Borean Tundra a lot more than Howling Fjord, although Fjord is still one of the better zones in the game. Borean is just easier to level up in, has better environmental variety, and has better high points (rescuing mini-murlocs, slaying undersea monsters four times your size, anything Tuskarr related, and a much better encounter with the Lich King).


The Toy Train Set is the best 200g I've ever spent. Love putting it down in the middle of the Auction house when 20-30 people are in there, and hearing all of them do the /train in perfect sync :lol :lol


Modesty becomes a woman
So, Is the Tier tokens you can buy with Emblem of Heroisms the same exact ones that drop from Raids? Personally, I think this is a great idea for getting more people into Raids without gimping the difficulty.

I was wondering though if I get a full set of T7 and stock up on Emblems, will you be able to buy T8 and 9 with the same ones? Is there a wowwiki page for all this?


So, Is the Tier tokens you can buy with Emblem of Heroisms the same exact ones that drop from Raids? Personally, I think this is a great idea for getting more people into Raids without gimping the difficulty.

I was wondering though if I get a full set of T7 and stock up on Emblems, will you be able to buy T8 and 9 with the same ones? Is there a wowwiki page for all this?
With Emblems of Heroism, the badges that drop from heroics and Naxx, you can only purchase the tier 7 gloves (60) and chest (80). For the helm, shoulders, and pants you'll have to venture into Naxx.


No Means Nomad said:
UK has so much trash. Worst new instance.

I dunno, I've run both the Nexus and UK a few times and UK didn't stick out as having much more trash. Not to mention it's so easy you can take it out fast and run through the instance in no time.

It takes me longer to clear the Nexus just because I get stuck with incompetent PUG's who wipe on some of the trash. :/
Jazzy Network said:
Wrath Gate quest was pretty epic. Wierd being in an instanced Ogrimmar and Undercity. I should've tried leaving and going to others places unless there's invisible walls. That would be lame.

Nah, its that new "client-based instanced experience" deal thingie, like how you spearheading assaults changes the battlefields in Northrend.


Sorry, just asking, which server is Gaf playing on?
I just bought TBC and WoTLK, back from my 2 year hiatus.

Is there any central server gaf goes to? There isnt much info in the OP.
GDJustin said:
Fjord >>>> Tunda. IDK WTF people were talking about when they claimed both zones were "even." They aren't even close. Tundra is the only zone in Northrend that I can honestly say I don't enjoy. Whereas Fjord is one of my favorite Northrend Zones.

Also, I liked both SMV and netherstorm quite a bit... so get around to them eventually, imo.

Tundra is more hectic and packed. As cluster-fucky as it is, it's better than Fjord's trekking half a mile to do one quest, go back, and then back again. Plus it just feels more warcrafty and fits better.

As far as end zones, Storm Peaks and Icecrown are the best zones in the game. Bar none. It's not even a fucking contest really. I seriously don't know which I like more, but they are unbelievable and easily justify renewing for me.

UK has so much trash. Worst new instance.
I just did this on heroic. I think it was the last new instance for me to do... No wait, ain't done Gundrak yet. Anyways, UK is terrible. Judged against anything it sucks. It's also a huge joke of a heroic, but that's beside the point. It doesn't even have that much trash, it's just the same shit over and over again in the same shitty environment that makes no sense. It's some dude's mansion built into a mine with a forge at the bottom? What?

I like most the other instances though. UP is actually pretty damn awesome. Really didn't help my impression of UK to do that first. I'd say Halls of Stone is the only other one I really dislike.


Razorwind said:
Sorry, just asking, which server is Gaf playing on?
I just bought TBC and WoTLK, back from my 2 year hiatus.

Is there any central server gaf goes to? There isnt much info in the OP.

GAF organization was tried, and failed miserably. Everyone is (mostly) doing their own thing on their own server with RL friends.


MrPing1000 said:
And WoW's biggest flaw is rearing it's ugly head again.

Can't get a fucking party to do heroic as fury spec.

Managed to get thru the daily today (without know it was the daily bleh)

So I'll have to end up going protection to have any chance of getting into a guild and a well established guild won't take me as I've been out of the game for 8months, so I'll end up quitting again.

Vicious circle.

I've been getting a ton of heroic invites for my Fury Warrior. I hit 80 on saturday but I already have about 33 badges. Of course some of these heroic runs are with my guildies .... but I'm usually top damage @ around 2300 dps (wish I could AE more freely).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
SatelliteOfLove said:
There was a valid point on servers that were INSANELY alliance-heavy at the release of Honor; and it still is a concern. Towns camped for DAYS. Not peak times, ALL DAY 24/7.
yeah, world PVP is pretty shoddy depending on your A/H makeup on the server. very little fun for most to not even be able to do simple quests because an entire town is continually killed by level 80s bored because they've done all the solo PVE and there aren't enough guildies on to do heroics. in a perfect scenario it can obviously be even better than BGs, but that perfect scenario is very rare and instead is usually replaced by like a 65/35 server split causing the 35 to get owned repeatedly and even worse, totally interrupt their ability to do PVE. Obviously nothing stops this from happening currently on PVP servers, but with the way honor used to be done there was more incentive to do it than play in BGs.


Hey Xabora, what do you use to quickly check the functionality of an addon? Blizz has that Interface Customization Tool, is it a quick interpreter or do I always have to test it in game?

MrPing1000 said:
And WoW's biggest flaw is rearing it's ugly head again.

Can't get a fucking party to do heroic as fury spec.

Managed to get thru the daily today (without know it was the daily bleh)

So I'll have to end up going protection to have any chance of getting into a guild and a well established guild won't take me as I've been out of the game for 8months, so I'll end up quitting again.

Vicious circle.
No, really, I think you just can't get into parties. Personality problem? People hate you? On some realm blacklist?

I'm a Holy Pally, and I'm able to get into groups AS DPS. So if a Fury Warrior can't get into groups, your server may be super elitist or there's a problem on your side.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ehh...I'm not digging Frost too much. =x I think I'll head back to my Blood spec with some changes here and there. Pick up a few more of the defensive options so I could still possibly tank through 5 mans at least.
Kintaro said:
Ehh...I'm not digging Frost too much. =x I think I'll head back to my Blood spec with some changes here and there. Pick up a few more of the defensive options so I could still possibly tank through 5 mans at least.

Frost is awesome. I'm 72 right now and am actually getting decent crit gear from quest rewards/dungeons, so my crit is somewhere around 25% now. Holy crap it's like I crit every other hit now. I'm dropping mobs lightning quick.
Farnack said:
I'm a Holy Pally, and I'm able to get into groups AS DPS. So if a Fury Warrior can't get into groups, your server may be super elitist or there's a problem on your side.
I personally wouldn't want a Fury Warrior in my group, and I used to probably be one of the best Fury Warriors on my server pre-BC.

As it is the spec is a joke. They provide no CC, inferior buffs that require procs or only last for two minutes, their damage is inferior to Arms (so I have to question why a player would even spec Fury when Arms beats it out in PvE and PvP besides them wanting to dual-wield big weapons), their survivability is the worst in the game, they have no aggro drops despite some of their moves being high aggro generators, and they're flakey off tanks thanks to Titan's Grip applying to any weapons they equip.

I laugh at TG warriors before I Shield Slam crit them for 4k.
Razorwind said:
Sorry, just asking, which server is Gaf playing on?
I just bought TBC and WoTLK, back from my 2 year hiatus.

Is there any central server gaf goes to? There isnt much info in the OP.
If you join Stormscale, I'll hang out with you a lot. I'm a lvl 64 Nelf Hunter.

I'm really just in need of friends who I can do stuff with!


Not Wario
The Guild Formerly Known as TwentyFifthNovember said:
Today we are proud to declare our official guild name to be Ensidia.

Ensidia is a joint effort by members of two of the top guilds in World of Warcraft, with the support and endorsement of a private entity based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Our guilds have made being at the forefront of PVE progression our modus operandi since the first installment of this game and, as Ensidia, we will continue to do so.

In addition, within the week, we will launch a guild web portal that will:

Be the hub for our guild members and likeminded folk.
Provide for the sizable hardcore/moderate population in our community.
Evolve to fit the complex tastes and needs of the WoW community in general.
Check back here over the next few days.

They said that on the 13th of November our definition of epic will be shattered.

True. On the 15th of November it lay at our feet, broken.

Malygos the Spellweaver, guardian of magic in all Azeroth, said to possess power rivaling that of a demigod, was taken down in gear obtained at level 70. Sartharion and Naxx were cleared with a group of 20 people at its first half - the type of thing that would happen when guilds did Onyxia for kicks, back in vanilla.

If this trend persists it could be the Fail of the Lich King.

We are going head to head with Arthas. We all know the lore and we all know how epic this is, how epic this should be. And yet something doesn’t sit right with the fact that any guild dedicating enough time could clear launch content within a few weeks to a month. You don’t have to be ‘hardcore’ to realize this is bad.

"I think we need to get the word “casual” out of this conversation. You could raid for one night a week and if you had good players, you could get most of the way through BC content.
What we are really talking about here is that Blizzard may be tuning the game to the BAD players. You know the people who stand in the fire? Hardcore raiders may be a minority, but (hopefully) BAD players are a minority too - and aiming the game at them hurts the majority of players far more than catering to the Hardcore.
The joy of this game comes in overcoming challenges with friends. Some of my best memories are of the first few times we tried doing heroics - we wiped a lot but had HEAPS of fun. I have very few good memories of flying through Kara in 1hr - it was just………..meh.
There needs to be a wide range of difficulties with the content in the game and that means that BAD players will not get to see some of it and I am comfortable with that.
Casual players need to be encouraged and be given the ability to attempt harder content (10 man versions of the 25man raids really helps with this), but BAD players should not be able to beat Sunwell. If they can, then the game is going to go downhill fast."

Rarebeast of Equilibrium (Spirestone-US)

We could speculate that perhaps the Achievement System is the true hardcore element in the game while the bosses themselves remain fairly manageable. If so then the gravity of defeating any of these towering figures in Warcraft lore will be greatly diminished. You’d think that in an RPG this would matter. What we’re ending up with is fundamentally a step above an arcade game.

Both casual and hardcore alike need to be concerned if the game is being dumbed-down. We’ve already seen how the change to down-ranking will reduce the skill cap in PvP. It is a gamer’s nature to revel in challenge and we dare anyone to say otherwise. Do not forget there are countless skilled and dedicated guilds out there with a semi-hardcore to moderate raiding schedule that, like us, raid for the sense of achievement. Experience the music and the beautiful design all you want but the fact of the matter is content is what has kept you all coming back since 2004.

Indeed Blizzard said the initial content will be easy. But how easy should it be? We need to ask ourselves if this is the route we want WoW to take. Everyone in the community owes it to themselves and Blizzard to put this game to the test and ask the right questions. Only then can we help them elevate the MMORPG gaming experience to its next level.

Much has been said so far but we hold off judgment till 3.1



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Blizz should just make the next raid just impossible and watch them cry about that, personally my days of hardcore raiding are long gone so I welcome these changes.

Eric WK

I welcome the changes too, but you can't say they don't have a point. This part, for instance, I completely agree with:

Casual players need to be encouraged and be given the ability to attempt harder content (10 man versions of the 25man raids really helps with this), but BAD players should not be able to beat Sunwell.
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