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World of Warcraft

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Eteric Rice

Ikuu said:
Blizz should just make the next raid just impossible and watch them cry about that, personally my days of hardcore raiding are long gone so I welcome these changes.

Sounds like the Rathe Console in EverQuest. Fires of Heaven and others tried for months to kill those bastards, and then Sony let it slip that they were currently impossible to kill. Boy they were pissed. :lol

You know the people who stand in the fire

Oh God, we had a Druid that did this in our fights with Al'ar. He stood in the God damn fire rings. I mean what the fuck.

I agree with them, though. Hardcore and being good enough to kill something are two different things. Good players are made through time and experience (and willingness to learn from mistakes), making stuff easy just so idiots who slam buttons can progress is bad.

You don't have to play 24/7 to be a good play, you just have to be logical and try to make the best decisions in different situations.


Eteric Rice said:
Sounds like the Rathe Console in EverQuest. Fires of Heaven and others tried for months to kill those bastards, and then Sony let it slip that they were currently impossible to kill. Boy they were pissed. :lol
I remember that. :lol

I think SE does this with certain encounters in FFXI to this day.

I don't really understand the complaint. Do they believe Blizzard CAN'T make harder content? Surely that's the most straightforward thing in the world?


No Means Nomad said:
I personally wouldn't want a Fury Warrior in my group, and I used to probably be one of the best Fury Warriors on my server pre-BC.

As it is the spec is a joke. They provide no CC, inferior buffs that require procs or only last for two minutes, their damage is inferior to Arms (so I have to question why a player would even spec Fury when Arms beats it out in PvE and PvP besides them wanting to dual-wield big weapons), their survivability is the worst in the game, they have no aggro drops despite some of their moves being high aggro generators, and they're flakey off tanks thanks to Titan's Grip applying to any weapons they equip.

I laugh at TG warriors before I Shield Slam crit them for 4k.

Prot warriors have ALWAYS been able to kill ANY non-prot warrior. If you can't ... you're just bad.

As it stands now with TG and my hit rating (minimal lvl 80 epics) ... I have over 4100 AP with just battle shout. Inferior buffs? So with 5/5 Commanding Presence the only thing that overwrites my amp'ed up Battle Shout is Improved Blessing of Might. If there is a paladin with that in the raid, I use commanding shout ... and what do you know, the entire raid has 2800 hp ... pretty sure that is >>>>>>>> Power Word Fort. Not to mention that if there is no Pally ... I give the entire raid ~685 AP.

No Feral Druid? No problem, bring a Fury warrior ... in raid settings Rampage is almost ALWAYS up giving the entire raid the LotP buff.

No CC? I haven't seen a single 5 man group where ANY beyond a Fear was needed.

Titan's Grip also only applies to Two Handers that you use in one hand ... don't know where you get your info that it applies to all weapons suddenly. Who uses a Fury Warrior as a OT now anyway with the abundance of tanking classes.

I've been Arms, I've been Fury .... Titan's Grip is >>>> Arms in raid settings. I can when I get home post MANY WWS's from MANY guilds to support this claim. The only time Arms was better than Fury was when Sudden Death wasn't nerfed.

I have no problem beating plenty of classes on damage ... the only class that gives me a lot of trouble believe it or not is Hunter's who sit there and spam Volley (skillz) on everything.

Hell ... Blizzard has pretty much stated that Titan's Grip is probably the most overpowered 51 point talent there is at the moment because of the way gear makes it scale.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
PatzCU said:
Well my guild attempted to do 10man Naxx last night. We had to scrounge up whatever 80s we had so the raid composition was lacking. Mostly Melee DPS and Druid healers. Still, even with a bum raid composition and people fresh off the level 80 boat, we managed to down Instructor, Spider Wing, Plague through Loateb, and Patchwerk (with a warrior with only 497 defense).

Needless to say, the 10man version is pretty easy. We had a lot of trouble on Grobbulous considering we basically only had melee DPS (Even then, the fight is pretty tough). Also, the 'gauntlet' after Heigan is ridiculous.

Overall, it was a lot of fun. The Heigan fight was intensely frustrating to learn. Getting 10 people to move in a coordinated fashion several times with no screw ups is insane. We basically 6-manned the fight in the end :lol (I can't imagine doing that with 25 or even 40 people)

I swept up a ton of Holy Pally gear, I was ret at the time, but it appears I will be a holy pally now haha.
How is it even possible to have 497 Defense at level 80. I have well over 500 at level 72 with a set of Cobalt stuff I made to fill out what I didn't have. I've never even looted a single Epic item.


So my guild got the server first Naxx clear, and apparently everyone but our druid tank got the title. He submitted petitions to GMs numerous times and they all pretty much told him that there was no way he could prove that he was there. This makes no sense though because he got the tanking staff of Kel'Thuzad and is the only person on the server who has it at the moment. :lol Blizzard is so lazy sometimes.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
traveler said:
As I said before, those guys are completely ignorant if they can't simply read the fine print; it makes no business sense for Blizzard to ACTUALLY make all the endgame content easy; the fact that the currently accessible raid content is relatively easy is a result of the fact that Blizzard is trying to turn casual players into hardcore players. I can't post a stat, but I would venture that a very small percentage of the players that wanted to do raid content in BC actually got to. It was almost a matter of luck that you could play the whole game. The reason that Naxxramas is not overly difficult to beat, and hell, even why they reused it, is because raids beyond Kara and ZA were borderline inaccessible to anyone who wasn't in one of the two or three hardcore guilds per faction on a server.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh, and I finally got around to finishing UK and Nexus. Nexus's design makes UK look like a bad joke; the Nexus has a lot of ways you can go, but I actually WANTED to go those ways, unlike in UK, where I just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge as fast as possible. Especially given that it's especially difficult to beat Ingvar in a PUG due to the fact that a) I can't seem to emphasize enough to Rogue's and Death Knights that they can't get hit by Smash/Dark Smash b) it's such a long instance that unless the healer stays alive, everyone "D/Cs" after wiping.

Nexus was much more pleasant. Only wiped twice due to the Warlock forgetting to turn the Minion off of aggro mode, thus bringing three pulls. Bosses are cake. The warlock was freaking out over the strategy for Kerisastra, but I just stood there tanking with her facing the back of her room and pressed space bar a lot.


Angry Grimace said:
Oh, and I finally got around to finishing UK and Nexus. Nexus's design makes UK look like a bad joke; the Nexus has a lot of ways you can go, but I actually WANTED to go those ways, unlike in UK, where I just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge as fast as possible. Especially given that it's especially difficult to beat Ingvar in a PUG due to the fact that a) I can't seem to emphasize enough to Rogue's and Death Knights that they can't get hit by Smash/Dark Smash b) it's such a long instance that unless the healer stays alive, everyone "D/Cs" after wiping.

Nexus was much more pleasant. Only wiped twice due to the Warlock forgetting to turn the Minion off of aggro mode, thus bringing three pulls. Bosses are cake. The warlock was freaking out over the strategy for Kerisastra, but I just stood there tanking with her facing the back of her room and pressed space bar a lot.

Hehe Yeah Nexus isn't too bad. There is an achievement for the heroic version for not letting more than 2 stacks of Intense Cold build up, which is harder to do in Heroic because she Frost Nova's the group a lot. Better hope your cleansers are fast or you have an ability that breaks snares.

Wait till you see how hard Blizz was thinkin out of the box for The Occulus.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Hehe Yeah Nexus isn't too bad. There is an achievement for the heroic version for not letting more than 2 stacks of Intense Cold build up, which is harder to do in Heroic because she Frost Nova's the group a lot. Better hope your cleansers are fast or you have an ability that breaks snares.

Wait till you see how hard Blizz was thinkin out of the box for The Occulus.
The PvP trinket works, but I hate having to keep it equipped. Humans have an advantage with that, since Every Man replaces the PvP trinket entirely.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Azwethinkweiz said:
Frost is awesome. I'm 72 right now and am actually getting decent crit gear from quest rewards/dungeons, so my crit is somewhere around 25% now. Holy crap it's like I crit every other hit now. I'm dropping mobs lightning quick.

Critting and such isn't a problem, but I miss all the neat passive procs Blood offered me.

I'll stick with it a bit longer.


Angry Grimace said:
The PvP trinket works, but I hate having to keep it equipped. Humans have an advantage with that, since Every Man replaces the PvP trinket entirely.

Yeah, luckily I just break out of the nova with Heroic Fury. I plan to try to run every single heroic instance tonight .... hopefully my guild group stays together the whole time.
Eteric Rice said:
Sounds like the Rathe Console in EverQuest. Fires of Heaven and others tried for months to kill those bastards, and then Sony let it slip that they were currently impossible to kill. Boy they were pissed. :lol

Oh God, we had a Druid that did this in our fights with Al'ar. He stood in the God damn fire rings. I mean what the fuck.

I agree with them, though. Hardcore and being good enough to kill something are two different things. Good players are made through time and experience (and willingness to learn from mistakes), making stuff easy just so idiots who slam buttons can progress is bad.

You don't have to play 24/7 to be a good play, you just have to be logical and try to make the best decisions in different situations.

One of the greatest things I saw on Elitist Jerks was a graph by a guy in a guild similar to mine (Serious Adult Casual) who showed that guys like Nihilium and D&T spent the SAME ammount of time in raid X that they did, just that they crammed it into a few weeks rather than a few months.

Hopefully T7 content is a final step in removing the final traces of BC loot and loot ideology (aka Sunwell loot and its sacrifice of raw stats and many other specific stats to be tailored to certain specs for new tailoring and multiple usage), and Ulduar is deep dark and dangerous with stank good loot and fun bosses.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I was in Strand of the Ancients today, we were close to winning. I was dead waiting for a rez, and when the AOE rez came I got a loading screen. When the load ended, I was in WESTFALL cemetary. :lol :lol :lol Hearth was down and I had deserter debuff. Basically I got pwned. I just ended up logging. :lol

I figured as long as I was in the neighborhood I should pick up this guy first though:


I had to make a /chicken macro for it, ha. Finally got him though.

Eteric Rice

All this talk reminds me of a guild my guild was allianced with back in EverQuest.

You think your guild is hardcore? These guys were probably the most well oiled machine I'd ever seen in an MMO. They used to kill raid mobs with 23 people that other, higher geared players whiped on with 60 people.

It was hilarious, because sometimes one of those higher end guilds would leap frog us, whipe on the mob, and res up while we did what they couldn't with 60 people, with like 20 people. :lol

To give you a better idea, these guys would do raids without their raid leader. They just all knew what they had to do, and they did it well.

You don't see many people like that in WoW, but there are a few who are just amazing.
SatelliteOfLove said:
One of the greatest things I saw on Elitist Jerks was a graph by a guy in a guild similar to mine (Serious Adult Casual) who showed that guys like Nihilium and D&T spent the SAME ammount of time in raid X that they did, just that they crammed it into a few weeks rather than a few months.

Haha someone in my guild kind of did the same thing. We just realized that Nihilium did what we did over the course of 2 weeks (raiding about 3 times a week, excluding when we got a ZA group together) in a week raiding everyday. Sometimes we even did better.

The upper-guilds aren't all that amazing, they don't even exist to me. They are just the people that get into betas, learn fights, and give up their life to get an achievement in a game. And yes, that comes from an old time serious raiding throughout Vanilla and TBC WoW, not some casual who is butthurt they didn't see BT.

Just have fun with it and get into a guild who wants to make friends, you'll have more of an experience than those other guilds did.
StormyTheRabbit said:
Haha someone in my guild kind of did the same thing. We just realized that Nihilium did what we did over the course of 2 weeks (raiding about 3 times a week, excluding when we got a ZA group together) in a week raiding everyday. Sometimes we even did better.

The upper-guilds aren't all that amazing, they don't even exist to me. They are just the people that get into betas, learn fights, and give up their life to get an achievement in a game. And yes, that comes from an old time serious raiding throughout Vanilla and TBC WoW, not some casual who is butthurt they didn't see BT.

Just have fun with it and get into a guild who wants to make friends, you'll have more of an experience than those other guilds did.

Then dont fixate on them and their achievements or sacrifices.


Angry Grimace said:
How is it even possible to have 497 Defense at level 80. I have well over 500 at level 72 with a set of Cobalt stuff I made to fill out what I didn't have. I've never even looted a single Epic item.

Probably because the amount of RATINGS to get 1 point in Defense INCREASES as you level up.

I went from 534 defense rating in my full sunwell gear to 468. Learn about the game before posting please.

StormyTheRabbit said:
Haha someone in my guild kind of did the same thing. We just realized that Nihilium did what we did over the course of 2 weeks (raiding about 3 times a week, excluding when we got a ZA group together) in a week raiding everyday. Sometimes we even did better.

No, you didn't do better.

The upper-guilds aren't all that amazing, they don't even exist to me. They are just the people that get into betas, learn fights, and give up their life to get an achievement in a game. And yes, that comes from an old time serious raiding throughout Vanilla and TBC WoW, not some casual who is butthurt they didn't see BT.

Congratulations on reading our strategies, watching our videos, using our boss mods to get YOUR job done.

Now imagine going into those fights with NO prior knowledge. No video, no boss mods (you have to write your own), no clues at all as to what happens next phase.

This is what we do, work out the strategies so that people like YOU pat themselves on the back telling themselves "lol it's easy"

It's always easy when you have the walkthrough in front of you.

Just have fun with it and get into a guild who wants to make friends, you'll have more of an experience than those other guilds did.


I swear, warcraft movies and bosskillers should be removed, so that people like you stay stuck on a boss for months and go cry a river to the blizzard boards


Speaking of skilled players...

I rerolled alliance on a new server pre-tbc once. A guild leveled to 60 in a few weeks and downed bwl in a little over a month. They double raided Ony with 20 men in each raid. They pretty much killed the server, no one wanted to finish leveling. I think the population got down to like 2,000. They broke up and the server had free realms transfers since. I guess it's a normalish sever now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fularu said:
Probably because the amount of RATINGS to get 1 point in Defense INCREASES as you level up.

I went from 534 defense rating in my full sunwell gear to 468. Learn about the game before posting please.
:lol okay, whatever say psycho


Fularu said:
Probably because the amount of RATINGS to get 1 point in Defense INCREASES as you level up.

I went from 534 defense rating in my full sunwell gear to 468. Learn about the game before posting please.

No, you didn't do better.

Congratulations on reading our strategies, watching our videos, using our boss mods to get YOUR job done.

Now imagine going into those fights with NO prior knowledge. No video, no boss mods (you have to write your own), no clues at all as to what happens next phase.

This is what we do, work out the strategies so that people like YOU pat themselves on the back telling themselves "lol it's easy"

It's always easy when you have the walkthrough in front of you.


I swear, warcraft movies and bosskillers should be removed, so that people like you stay stuck on a boss for months and go cry a river to the blizzard boards
He asked a question. That's like telling students to not ask questions and to learn the material completely all by themselves. :lol While it may be possible, communication is a valuable and helpful skill you apparently don't have.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fularu said:
You don't even know how the game works?

It's not that your post was wrong. It's the douchebag postscript that pretty much labels you as the kind of WoW nerd I put on ignore immediately, which I just did right now.

....aaaand I just read the trainwreck nerd rage that you ninja edited in.



Angry Grimace said:
It's not that your post was wrong. It's the douchebag postscript that pretty much labels you as the kind of WoW nerd I put on ignore immediately, which I just did right now.

....aaaand I just read the trainwreck nerd rage that you ninja edited in.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy, holy shit. I have to ignore this elitist psycho as well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DeathNote said:
What the fuck is wrong with this guy, holy shit. I have to ignore this elitist psycho as well.
I mean, he simply could have just told me his point about "Defense scaling," whatever. I only started playing two months ago. The answer is, no, I didn't know that. Is that really a crime? What kind of douchebag nerd-rage response is that?


Angry Grimace said:
I mean, he simply could have just told me his point about "Defense scaling," whatever. I only started playing two months ago. The answer is, no, I didn't know that. Is that really a crime? What kind of douchebag nerd-rage response is that?
I guess being such an elite wow player has destroyed his social skills. He deals with so many nubs and strives on being the best. He has to be that way I guess. *Sheds a single tear*

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DeathNote said:
I guess being such an elite wow player has destroyed his social skills. He deals with so many nubs and strives on being the best. He has to be that way I guess. *Sheds a single tear*

And his point that everyone should just learn the battles on their own is basically a crock of pure bullshit. Can you imagine what routine grouping would be like if you stood there and refused to follow any strategy other than one you personally figured out?


Macattk15 said:
What happened?!

I'm getting a bit too obsessed with being on WoW with all my free time. I only talk about WoW with the significant other. Sit on a computer 12-16 hours a day (I work in tech support 8 of those hours) and it's not healthy.

Just gotta quit. :(


bengraven said:
I'm getting a bit too obsessed with being on WoW with all my free time. I only talk about WoW with the significant other. Sit on a computer 12-16 hours a day (I work in tech support 8 of those hours) and it's not healthy.

Just gotta quit. :(
I just can't do that. I get restless after three hours at the most. It's a good thing, really.

On the other hand it's the reason I've been leveling as fast as I can these past two weeks and I've only made it from 61 to 65 with rest bonus exp.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Despite the tone, he did have a point in that somebody had to do in and do things first and chronicle it. These guys do help the community quite a bit more than people are willing to recognize. Especially with boss guides and information.

In other news, I just hit 70. Woohoo! I think I'm going to go ahead and respec to blood though. I really wish they would hurry up and get dual speccing in. Maybe a Blood/Tank build like this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jbEMoIhcofMtuVoGx0zZchh as opposed to an all out DPS build...

Here's a nice post on the different skill caps btw. http://honorscode.blogspot.com/2008/11/your-captains-crit-block-hit-and.html


Kintaro said:
Despite the tone, he did have a point in that somebody had to do in and do things first and chronicle it. These guys do help the community quite a bit more than people are willing to recognize. Especially with boss guides and information.

In other news, I just hit 70. Woohoo! I think I'm going to go ahead and respec to blood though. I really wish they would hurry up and get dual speccing in. Maybe a Blood/Tank build like this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jbEMoIhcofMtuVoGx0zZchh as opposed to an all out DPS build...

Here's a nice post on the different skill caps btw. http://honorscode.blogspot.com/2008/11/your-captains-crit-block-hit-and.html
Any word on when dual-speccing with come?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kintaro said:
Despite the tone, he did have a point in that somebody had to do in and do things first and chronicle it. These guys do help the community quite a bit more than people are willing to recognize. Especially with boss guides and information.

In other news, I just hit 70. Woohoo! I think I'm going to go ahead and respec to blood though. I really wish they would hurry up and get dual speccing in. Maybe a Blood/Tank build like this http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=jbEMoIhcofMtuVoGx0zZchh as opposed to an all out DPS build...

Here's a nice post on the different skill caps btw. http://honorscode.blogspot.com/2008/11/your-captains-crit-block-hit-and.html
See, now that wasn't so hard. It's perfectly reasonable to expect a modicum of class, even on a message board. I found that helpful. I don't understand where the whole "you guys are indolent dolts" attitude was coming from.

I liked the link from that page, http://www.failsafedesign.com/maintankadin/viewtopic.php?t=17158 that just explains non-dungeon gear you can get to reach that defense cap. 440 BS skill means I have 50% of that stuff in inventory right now :D


DeathNote said:
I guess being such an elite wow player has destroyed his social skills. He deals with so many nubs and strives on being the best. He has to be that way I guess. *Sheds a single tear*

Your stupidity only equals your clear lack of simple logic.

Here's a hint. You beeing bad or taking *weeks* to clear the content we clear in two days means you play more, have less of a social life and, believe it or not, doesn't make you cool with the girls. Here's a hint, we play less and end up going out more. "elite raiders" aren't basement dwellers school dropouts who canT live outside of the game. It's actually the exact opposite.

On the other hand, without our help, without our strategies, without our How to play your class, without our charts, our gear explanations. You would still be stuck on Anub trying to figure out wth you are supposed to do when Locust Swarm happens. You wouldn't know about the uncriticable cap (540 def), you wouldn'T know about rotations, you wouldn't know anything.

The one thing that the "so called casuals" always prove, is that they are clueless and oblivious to what the top end raiders bring not only from a theorycraft POV but also from a realm, community and economy POV.

My guild attracts players, yours doesn't. My guild does server and US firsts, yours doesn't. The guild I'm in makes players from other realms xfer, yours doesn't.

Without the "elitist douchebags" like us, you probably would still be using mana/5 gems as a warlock while speccing for crits as affliction.


Fularu said:
Without the "elitist douchebags" like us, you probably would still be using mana/5 gems as a warlock while speccing for crits as affliction.
Oh shit. Thems is
fighting words.
Fularu said:
On the other hand, without our help, without our strategies, without our How to play your class, without our charts, our gear explanations.

..We would figure it out on our own? Just because you do something first doesn't mean nobody else could do it in time.


Fularu said:
Your stupidity only equals your clear lack of simple logic.

Here's a hint. You beeing bad or taking *weeks* to clear the content we clear in two days means you play more, have less of a social life and, believe it or not, doesn't make you cool with the girls. Here's a hint, we play less and end up going out more. "elite raiders" aren't basement dwellers school dropouts who canT live outside of the game. It's actually the exact opposite.

On the other hand, without our help, without our strategies, without our How to play your class, without our charts, our gear explanations. You would still be stuck on Anub trying to figure out wth you are supposed to do when Locust Swarm happens. You wouldn't know about the uncriticable cap (540 def), you wouldn'T know about rotations, you wouldn't know anything.

The one thing that the "so called casuals" always prove, is that they are clueless and oblivious to what the top end raiders bring not only from a theorycraft POV but also from a realm, community and economy POV.

My guild attracts players, yours doesn't. My guild does server and US firsts, yours doesn't. The guild I'm in makes players from other realms xfer, yours doesn't.

Without the "elitist douchebags" like us, you probably would still be using mana/5 gems as a warlock while speccing for crits as affliction.
You know what I do when I'm stressed? I go on a drive and turn up the music and scream at the top of my lungs.


Not that I care one way or the other but I have a hard time believing that the hardcore players somehow spend less time playing then the casual players.

That's like Einstein saying he spent less time in the lab then a junior college physics student.


Ikuu said:
So which amazing guild are you in?

Ya, which guild are you in? Not that I want you to prove some kind of point, but you might be on my server, we have a dominating Alliance guild.

Deus Vox on Laughing Skull


Fularu said:
Your stu....blah blah blah...yak yak yak...rits as affliction.

Hi Fularu, can I ask what guild your in? I don't follow this thread much but I've been enjoying the expansion a lot (love the areas) so I can here to discuss. I noticed you talking like you're part of those elite so I was curious about the guild.

Anyway, loving the game, not sure about raiding though. I'm level 79 and I'm iffy about raiding. I helped bring up a guild out of the gutter only for them to recruit rejects from another guild and basically turn into some type of elitist clique.

I've always been very good at what I do however not sure I want to try to go through what seems like a job interview and complicated process just to raid with other good players (rather then 10-15 good/so so players and 10 mediocre ones.)

Perhaps I should transfer to a day 1 server?
Anyone here ever AoE grinded as a Protection Paladin before? About what level do you need to be for it to work? And what abilities do you need? I've leveled a Paladin before, but never played a Protection Paladin. I ask because I'm leveling a second Paladin and just looking to spice things up a bit. Any advice would be appreciated.


ToyMachine228 said:
Anyone here ever AoE grinded as a Protection Paladin before? About what level do you need to be for it to work? And what abilities do you need? I've leveled a Paladin before, but never played a Protection Paladin. I ask because I'm leveling a second Paladin and just looking to spice things up a bit. Any advice would be appreciated.
Whenever you get holy shield... which is... yeah level 40. Pretty tough for starting.

Use to be 30, I think.

Eteric Rice

bengraven said:
I'm getting a bit too obsessed with being on WoW with all my free time. I only talk about WoW with the significant other. Sit on a computer 12-16 hours a day (I work in tech support 8 of those hours) and it's not healthy.

Just gotta quit. :(

Or learn to limit yourself some.


Okay guys, I can't get a game card until tomorrow. I have a question.

If someone were to use scroll of ressurection on my account, would it allow me to log in to the game and then install Wrath of the Lich King and play it?

I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow. I is bored. :|

Eric WK

PatzCU said:
Ya, which guild are you in? Not that I want you to prove some kind of point, but you might be on my server, we have a dominating Alliance guild.

Deus Vox on Laughing Skull

:lol :lol :lol

That's a bit of an understatement.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Evlar said:
You know what I do when I'm stressed? I go on a drive and turn up the music and scream at the top of my lungs.
Assuming his argument was "blah blah blah I cleared all the content first I rule", that's pretty fucking sad.

I don't think it's an accomplishment that most people have a good balance between life and a videogame. Can we just ignore the angry raid tard and get back to discussing the game like civilized people now?
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