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World of Warcraft

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Ikse said:
Are Troll warriors any good? Or are Tauren warrior's considered the "unofficial" best?
I'd say trolls are really good pve warriors. Gotta remember that their health regen is always on and spirit regens more health for warriors than any other class, so you can go for whale gear and tank a lot and regen ok. Berserking is like the worst racial trait though.


Alex said:
I really would like to play a Paladin next, heck, it's what I wanted originally. But god, I feel guilty just thinking about it.

And while I get you about ease of use, despite Paladins being somewhat easy to play well, it still just doesn't happen.

I've seen even higher end Paladins:

~Not Bless
~Improperly Bless (I've gotten BoWisdom many times on my Warrior, and I got BoSALVATION once, christ!)
~Not cycle auras, period, regardless of situation
~Simply forget to turn Auras on.
~Use retarded seals
~Never judge.
~Never heal (BIG one, and disgustingly common at times)

Because I cannot play WoW currently... I've been hooked on WoW vids from various websites. I find it HILAROUS how POORLY most of these Pallys PvP... let alone group.

As I've stated many times in this thread (search me for Christ's sake)... Pally players are idiots (and I'm a Pally player and refuse to play with other Pallys unless I know them). Once the Paladin community acknowledges that they are a SUPPORT class... all will be better. Pallys think it isn't fun to support the group... but I disagree wholeheartedly... a good player knows whats keeping them in the fight. A timely heal, a properly used aura and seal... heck... even a simple rez after the battle... all of these things make it worthwhile.

But watching PvP vids and not seeing Pallys judge has been bothering me for ages. Them not using stun has been BAFFLING as well.


firex said:
I'd say trolls are really good pve warriors. Gotta remember that their health regen is always on and spirit regens more health for warriors than any other class, so you can go for whale gear and tank a lot and regen ok. Berserking is like the worst racial trait though.

Cool - might try Warrior for a little while when I get my druid to 30. Will be a nice change of pace - I hear they're pretty tough to cope with in PvP though (1on1).

I'm a Warrior newb i must admit - my friend was a Protection spec warrior - don't know if thats the preferred route for Warriors ala Restoration for Druids, or whether they are usefual in any trees they head down.


I think protection is way better, but I don't know if the shield discipline talent is worth it or not. Definitely go into it up to concussive blow, after that I'd probably either go for some fury (improved demoralizing shout REALLY helps you tank) or arms.


Guys, I'm not quite understanding the MMO lingo, or my role as a Hunter in a group. There was this post on the WoW forums:

BTW hunter is a ranged class and as such you are support dps, if you're ganking aggro off a paaldin you don't deserve to be healed.

Ok, so what does that mean? I assume "support dps" means that I'm supposed to be tic-tacking damage on the mobs from range, but what is "ganking aggro?"
Slo said:
Guys, I'm not quite understanding the MMO lingo, or my role as a Hunter in a group. There was this post on the WoW forums:

Ok, so what does that mean? I assume "support dps" means that I'm supposed to be tic-tacking damage on the mobs from range, but what is "ganking aggro?"

"Ganking aggro" just means that idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. Those are 2 separate things. What he's trying to say is you're role is to deal damage from a distance, much like a mage. Ganking aggro should be referred to as "peeling", which is when you "peel" a mob off the tank(or person who is getting beat down).


The stupid thing is, peeling aggro off a Paladin isn't exactly a hard thing to do. Paladin's just don't aggro mobs like other classes seem to.


Having the pet to peel aggro off a healer or caster is an awesome use of a hunter though. Warlocks can't really do that, since our voidwalker is nigh on useless in groups (hell, it's nigh on useless overall).
I find it funny how it took a post explaining how to exploit the bug for Blizzard to hotfix it. Not that it bothers me either way, but man it was nice having that extra attack power while running instance raids, heh.
Azwethinkweiz said:
I find it funny how it took a post explaining how to exploit the bug for Blizzard to hotfix it. Not that it bothers me either way, but man it was nice having that extra attack power while running instance raids, heh.

Heh yea, I shall miss the five seconds I got to spend grouped with the tank in raids :/


It's a nerf. Hunters no long benefit from attack power buffs anymore.

Also, looks like a bunch of servers are blowing up for the 3rd or 4th night in a row.

Blizzard REALLY needs to get their shit together. They have like...4x the customers of EQ2, sure, but that's really no excuse for the horrid service.


Oh, and by the way. The susposedly fixed bug, yeah, it still occurs. So basicly you just got a nerf.

I still really dig the game, but it's hard to believe this is fucking Blizzard.
......that sucks.

speaking of servers blowing up....I actually got on Azgalore with no queue since the las emergency patch, excpet I was already dead when I logged on.

No corpse marker
wandered around and found my corpse
no rez promt
corpse disappears
corpse comes back still no rez prompt
15 - 20 minuets pass, alt tabbed to read GA, the WoW boards, the CoH boards and read gen chat seeing people missing NPCs, getting 5 mobs just pop on them at once, missing bpets, missing corpses
Rez promt!
still dead

second day in arow this has been happening. yeah great and Azgalore was one of the servers passed up when they gave out frre days caus eI guess this is working as intended.


Alex said:
Oh, and by the way. The susposedly fixed bug, yeah, it still occurs. So basicly you just got a nerf.

I still really dig the game, but it's hard to believe this is fucking Blizzard.

If it does, I have yet to see it. I've always made sure to pay close attention to my ranged attack power... I would check it every few minutes. I've tried everything I could to get it to happen again and so far, nothing.


That's what I've been told a few times. Happens less frequently to be sure, but it's still very much there.


Not sure what to think of their planned improvements to firestones and spellstones... Well, the firestone improvement is ok, honestly, but the spellstone one doesn't address the real drawback of using them, that it completely removes all of your buffs AND can be dispelled right away, and doesn't absorb nearly enough damage. It's similar to the enslave demon thing... yes, they're getting rid of the crippling weakness it has, but they aren't addressing that the risk far, far outweighs the reward for the most part in pve and pvp.
2nd straight night I haven't been able to log into the game. Getting really close to quiting at this point. Maybe I'll revisit when they release an expansion or something. It's just not looking good right now. Blizzard looks so overwhelmed it's becoming "embarassing" to witness. So WoW qualifies as a "catastrophic success"?

The only thing stopping is the fact that EQ2 runs like pure crap on my system (I play on my gf's comp when she lets me). If I can figure out how to squeeze semi-decent performance out of my comp, then it's final.
Since the last emergency update I can't log in if I do I get a queue (which NEVER happened before in Azglore). So I start a warriro in Frostmane (one of the new servers)

Tonight was fun, figure nothing can happen once I'm in and just going form Stromwind to IF shouldn't be a HUGE problem...lol yeah ok

On my way to the tram I read gen chat,,pets missin, no NPC's, NO mail boxes, massive lag, no mobs, can't rez....normal stuff. Get to the tram and guess what.....no tram instance. Sure just log out...no Quit....no. ctrl+alt+delete..no (?!) atl+f4....FINALLY. For the next 30 minuets I try to get past the log in screen finally do and my friends get booted. They finally get past the log inscreen and I we decided to meet in frostmane. Logout...change relms...<aol guy> "Goodbye"</aol guy> now it tells me I have no connection.

what makes it worse accoding to the free 24 hours they were giving out Azglaore isn't one of the realms thats having trouble. (!?) but in a totally differnt thread it's listed as a realm with issues....so if this isn't bad enough to warrant some free time what is?

I can't remeber SWG being this bad....maybe it's a signt to return to CoH to try that arena when it goes into test


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm not sure what blizzard is doing, but they need to get their act together quick.


Been having horrible lag on Feathermoon, with NPCs/Mailboxes/etc vanishing.

Also creating Soul Shards is laggy. Nothing more annoying than casting Syphon Soul, mob dies, everything lags around you, and five minutes later when things return to normal your dead by some enemy you don't see.

Sal Paradise Jr said:
The only thing stopping is the fact that EQ2 runs like pure crap on my system (I play on my gf's comp when she lets me). If I can figure out how to squeeze semi-decent performance out of my comp, then it's final.

This link may help you out:

It helped me squeeze some extra stuff out of my system.


I need to stop alt hopping. Honestly, it's a plague that's been with me since FFXI.

I can't decide what I really want though, bah.

Maybe I should just back off and go Mage. Black Mage was my first 75 in FFXI, so it'd be a fun little legacy.

And heck, actually, my first GM'd skill in UO was Magery. Oh, oh!


Classic UO was too good, and due to that EA was forced to dismantle Origin and turn the game into a pile of shit.

I guess the game was too hardcore for it's own good at times, in a way, but I really wish people would clone the guild system, pvp system, housing system and skill system someday.

UO: T2A was great because it was way more about the content and general danger of a world with consequences, that and the character treadmill was firmly placed in the backseat.


I can't believe the ridiculous bugs this game has.



Way to go, Blizzard.


Alex said:
I guess the game was too hardcore for it's own good at times, in a way, but I really wish people would clone the guild system, pvp system, housing system and skill system someday.

They did, it's called SWG. Galaxies is basically UO2 with a Star Wars skin.
Got disconnected 2x tonight over the span of 1.5 hours. Received a message saying Server was shutting down in 8:00, entire server crashed before it could reach countdown. :lol


I was having fun tonight too.


Yeah, my server is down now too for 2 hours. Fun fun.

I doubt Blizzard will ever fix their server problems. It sucks that such a good game is getting ruined by server problems and bugs...


ManaByte said:
You can believe what you want, but when EA killed UO2 SOE hired the Austin development studio and they took all their UO2 work and turned it into SWG.

Well, if SWG is what UO used to be, then UO must of been one hell of a terrible game.



UO is/was the greatest mmropg ever. i almost feel spoiled because no other mmorpg will ever live up to its greatness. i miss UO :(

can anyone else not connect? im stuck at "authenticating" on the log on screen forever. ive tried about 10 times already using bother the regular and cosmos launcher.
I finally liberated beaststalkers from strath last night. Actually it was this morning. Walked out of that place with boots, pants, and wyrm shoulders in a single run. Pretty nice. Also got a DHC the night before. I guess taking a break from the game for two weeks leaves a buildup of luck.

Thing is, now I've got no clue what to try for. I'm seriously at a loss. I could try for full beast, but I'm more than satisfied with my current gear. Just need one more arcane crystal for a reaper too.


I don't care what they based SWG on, it was absolute fucking shit, even moreso than the typical Verant/SOE nightmare. No offense Mana, I see your point but you're not going to get much SWG love from me, bleh.

Classic UO on the other hand, is probably still the best *full* MMO exercise in existance (FFXI is personally my favorite PvE one). Well, it's memory that is back from around T2A (The second age, it was the first expansion) era.

It's been a very long time since EA tore up Origin and started the downfall of the game. I think I tried playing it again with Frag back a few years ago, and it's amazing how much they utterly pussified and ruined the foundation of the game. The concept of Trammel alone was game breaking.

Oh well, my fondest MMO memories come from the few months of the Abyss Test shard back on UO. Now that was fun, DAOC RvsR before DAOC existed, only better. :p


you control one half and a completely random person controls the other half? that sounds incredibly stupid.

edit: i guess if you're paired with someone u dont know it can suck but if you go at it with a friend a warrior-mage (or some other combination) 2 headed ogre is probably really strong.


I just made a hunter alt a few days ago and got him up to level 12, and so far I haven't had this aspect of the hawk bug. Any way you guys know to cause it to happen so I can force it to work or not? I mean, I don't actually want it to happen, but I'd like to know what causes it so I can avoid it.


Zoning with Aspect of the Hawk on used to cause it. Getting hit with an attack debuff would cause it too, so you would have to turn off AotH and requip your weapon to fix it. It doesn't happen anymore. I've been trying to get it to happen since the patch, getting hit with all the debuffs I can and zoning with it on multiple times in a row, and so far nothing. People say it still does happen, but it must be extremely rare.

I've read people say it happened randomly too... without zoning or getting hit by an attack debuff. Again, I've never once had it happen that way.

Even if you do somehow encounter it, you can simply turn off AotH, requip your bow/gun, then turn on AotH again to fix it.

The NEW bug with it is that no attack buffs (outside of your own AotH and eventually Trueshot Aura if you get it) will give you an attack bonus. Not even potions will work. Armor attack buffs will still work, however. But on the flip side, from what I've tested so far, attack debuffs and attack speed debuffs (slow, shrink, thunderclap, etc) will no longer lower your ranged attack power.





I haven't gotten this bug to happen either, and I've done some zoning in/out of ragefire chasm to test. Think it's fixed. Attack power from battle shout definitely doesn't buff my ranged attack power anymore, though.
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