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World of Warcraft

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Has problems recognising girls
This is what happens when Blizzard decide to do a server maintenance and then pop up 5 servers after 3.75 hours.. 4 of them being PVP the other RP. So what happens? Everyone decides to flood the RP server, speak gibberish then get naked and raid Orgrimmar as a level 1.


Was the only screenie I got till past Goldshire and I was d/c :lol

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Son of Godzilla said:

I hate rogues that whine about vanish. It should have a chance to fail, feign death does too and you dont hear every hunter in the game say "FIX IT!"
Can Vanish be resisted, or is the fact that it doesn't render every incoming attack void the sole fucking problem with it?

Sorry, but a damn rogue that can pretty much stun at will and make sure it's got a few seconds of which it won't be attacked immediately afterward has no fucking room to complain if it's the latter.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
dave is ok said:

I hate rogues that whine about vanish. It should have a chance to fail, feign death does too and you dont hear every hunter in the game say "FIX IT!"

How about we whine that they fix BOTH vanish and feign death? =P

It should NOT have a chance to fail because it is advertised as something that SHOULD always work. The reason it fails is not by design, but due to buggy code. Let me also remind you that it takes a REAGENT.

Son of Godzilla said:
Can Vanish be resisted, or is the fact that it doesn't render every incoming attack void the sole fucking problem with it?

Sorry, but a damn rogue that can pretty much stun at will and make sure it's got a few seconds of which it won't be attacked immediately afterward has no fucking room to complain if it's the latter.

Think about what you're saying. What if you have more than one mob on you at once? You can't always stun both.

Arguing that the broken ability of another class should stay broken, just because you're of the opinion that the class is powerful, is dumb. =P


The reagent costs 25 copper, no one pities you :p

Other classes need much more bug squashing before Rogue. I'd hope they're last on the list.

And since I alt-tabbed to reply to this, I missed my tram stop twice. Goddamnit.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I still think it's immature to argue that a broken ability shouldn't be fixed, because of class rivalries. =P
What are you on about? I made no mention of FD and I think it's working fine.

Repeat after me. You don't need an escape button. You don't need an escape button. You don't need an escape button. Don't feel bad because the one you have is fucking situational.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I am 'on about' the fact that you act like the Rogue class shouldn't have a broken ability fixed, because of what we are already capable of. If Blizzard decided Vanish was overpowered and removed it, that's one thing. Or if it was a feature of vanish to only work a % amount of time, that's another. But the ability fails because of LAG issues. It is something that needs to be addressed, especially since it's been broken since beta.


Ikse said:
Damn - Warlock have issues later on? I presume its soul shard related where PvP is concerned.

But I've been hopping between Priest and Druid for a while now, and I got both to lvl 30 and decided healing is not what I want to do in WoW. I was a BRD/WHM in FFXI, and for some reason the healing in that seemed less frenetic - i liked that about FFXI.

So I rolled a Warlock and am enjoying it atm. It seems to be able to handle itself - but I've only just stepped in PvP territory and got my Succubus.

Also, having read this :


Surely Blizz arent planning on giving Warlock and Paladin free epic mounts? Or just a different design maybe?
Warlocks are ok up to like level 50. Then the last 10 levels are utter shit and the class becomes a chore to play. They are useful only for soulstoning the priest and making healthstones for the tanks on raids, require WAY too fucking many soul shards for pvping (especially at higher levels) and while they can do high DPS, they can't debuff very well (except for magic resistances) and the vast majority of their abilities are simply too much risk for too little reward.

Also the mage changes totally step on the toes of one warlock strength, and that's not going out of mana fast (and being able to restore it in combat). Pets become largely useless at level 60 - I have found ONE situation where the felhunter is useful, I only bring out the succubus if the group NEEDS more crowd control and I used the voidwalker once when I was 5-manning scholomance and we needed something to offtank a mob. Otherwise it's imp all the time because it's not worth wasting a shard on the other pets.

It's not like Warlocks are unplayable, but damn are their abilities weak compared to all the other classes... and the soul shard requirements make pvping annoying, because you WILL burn at least 1, if not 2 shards, per fight, and at 60 that means it's just frustrating to pvp.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Son of Godzilla said:
I repeat my damn question. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with Vanish aside from it not cancelling attacks?

The ability is suppose to drop you out of combat and bring you into stealth, as well as losing all aggro. Currently, after vanishing a good 40% of the time there is an issue where the server will take a split second to 'register' vanish after you've performed it. This usually happens when either the mob you're on attacks directly after your vanish, or anytime you have more than one mob on you. Because (for whatever reason) the server doesn't recognize vanish instantly, you will vanish... then get hit and instantly lose stealth (and retain all aggro) - as if you never used the ability in the first place.


Got my Engineering to 225 today... now I can't decide on Gnome or Goblin engineering. Anyone have any idea how well the net-o-matic works? How often it backfires?

Goblin sounds pretty good for PvP... all the bombs and whatnot... but I dunno. Can't decide at all. =|


Go goblin. I went gnome and the net-o-matic is ok, but backfires too much for my taste (it's totally random, though). The goblin dragon gun and bombs from it are awesome, while the gnomish mind control cap is useless to pet classes.
There's something being done about this horrible lag? I can't even go out and solo for exp because I don't see the fights start until I'm almost dead. I was waiting for like 10 minutes for the boat operator to port me to Auberdine too.

Oh and I'm playing on Doomhammer as Kunoichilink. :)


Rerolling on a low pop. server is your only real option. They've had issues since launch on the high pop. And they've REALLY blown up over the past week or so on twenty-ish realms. Going down during prime time EVERY night like clockwork.
Gilneas is a great server to play on. Only have had 1 crash since I started playing on it a month and a half ago...

GAFers play as the Horde. Ton of us there.
Goblin Engineering is useless. You won't use the dragon gun anytime past lvl 40. The Minibomb is on too long a timer to be that useful. Go for Gnomish.


Has problems recognising girls
Sirpopopop said:
Gilneas is a great server to play on. Only have had 1 crash since I started playing on it a month and a half ago...

GAFers play as the Horde. Ton of us there.
Might give it a try since I am bored and need a new character.


Son of Godzilla said:
Goblin Engineering is useless. You won't use the dragon gun anytime past lvl 40. The Minibomb is on too long a timer to be that useful. Go for Gnomish.
Gnomish is just as useless... I would at least use the rocket helm over the mind control cap as a pet class, though. Any other class and I would go gnomish.
I spam Shrink Ray all the time in instances, and it actually does something. Plus there's no way to catch a mount for most people without nets.

Neither matter tho, they aren't BoP and you can get as Goblin. (I'm a goblin)

And the mezz cap ain't bop either.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
firex said:
Gnomish is just as useless... I would at least use the rocket helm over the mind control cap as a pet class, though. Any other class and I would go gnomish.
I'm a gnomish and I like it better than goblin. Goblin rocket helmet is absolutely neccessary though, so have a goblin friend make one for you.

Shrink Ray - Awesome, hardly ever backfires and half of the time it does it makes you bigger

Net-o-matic - Meh, Backfires kind of often, wasnt too big of a deal pre-spider belt nerf, havent used mine since

Gnomish Rocket Boots - Slower than Goblin Rocket Boots, but never explode and force you to make a new one.

Death Ray - Really the best reason to go Gnomish, still deals an incredible amount of damage at higher levels. Good for dueling as a warlock, seduce, death ray, healthstone, seduce, soulfire, fear, dots, win

I never bothered with the harm prevention belt, or the cloaking device, the cooldowns arent worth it on the latter imo, and cloth casters cant even wear the former.

EDIT: Almost forgot, it isnt class specific but Discombobulator Ray might be the best engineering item (aside from Green Lens). You learn the schematic from the last card machine in Gnomeregan ( you'll need one of those delta cards), they're easy to make, you can use them right from your backpack, and they turn people into leper gnomes, slowing their movement and attack speed, making it the only way a warlock can beat a rogue that got the jump on him. Be sure to grab that schematic


Man those rewards look awesome... and I'm so glad I'm making my shaman a battlegrounds character. Looks like with the way raid instances work, I can log onto my warlock once a week for a shot at MC/Onyxia and then play my shaman throughout the week to keep his pvp honor ranking up.


PvP rewards look awesome. Sounds like it's going to be a ton of fun.

Q u o t e:
A very simple question.

When they fixed AotH we no longer are able to get +ranged attack from warrior Battle Shout. I had no issue fixing the exploit allowing people to carry the buffs forever. The description on your website says the shout gives both melee and ranged attack, however it no long does so.

Is this a bug or intended change?

With haste nerf and no battleshout I am looking at a 20-30% reduction in DPS between the hotfix and the next patch.

This was intended -- Battle Shout and the Blessing of Might are only meant to increase melee attack power, not ranged.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager

Oh nooooo. Blizzard WoW Hunter forums exploding in 3... 2.... 1...


a) can you get pvp rewards on a "normal" server?

b) is there a way to check if my friends are online in wow without actually logging into wow?


you can get pvp rewards on a normal server. That's part of why they said you won't get a huge penalty for dishonorable kills, since they want to accomodate the pve servers where you generally start pvping by killing npcs.


I rolled on a PVP server recently with a friend. Here's to not getting my face kicked in...too often.

That said:

"This was intended -- Battle Shout and the Blessing of Might are only meant to increase melee attack power, not ranged.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager"


Battle Shout - Increases party's melee and ranged damage.

Shut the fuck up you bunch of pathological liars, they've pulled this trick a few times now. Blizz is slowly turning into old-school Verant.


Warrior or Warlock?
Warrior or Warlock?
Warrior or Warlock?

I hate this game, I really do. It's terible for alt's. I now have 4 jobs at lvl 30, because I cannot decide on what to take further

All my friends are in the 50s while I'm still deciding on something as my main ><

Warrior or Warlock?
Warrior or Warlock?
Warrior or Warlock?



A lot of the classes in WoW are more segmented, so it was harder for me to find a role that fit my playstyle.

I typically like support classes, White Mages and Bards and whatnot, WoW doesn't really cater so well here to my tastes.

So, as a backup, I also enjoy heavy armor classes, also tuned to the more tank/support role, but the problem is, there's only two, and despite how nicely they're focused, and they're not exactly stellar choices.

One being Paladin, which I do want to roll, but I know I'd feel extreme guilt doing so. And Warrior which is just way too much effort and frustration to maintain for me on a new server, especially a PvP one.

Anyhow, I eventually went with Mage. Extremely polished class, lots of support and utility, and glass cannons, despite how much I state I hate them, are always what I seem to wind up as.

I really do concur with any folks having alternate character problems in WoW. I figured I simply had a problem with it in FFXI due to the easy nature of the Change Job function, but I guess I'm just indecisive afterall. =(

Tips to rekindle your flame after alt burnout:

1.) Roll the other faction, the change in scenery alone helps.

2.) Roll something you didn't figure you'd enjoy. It seems to work for me.

2.) Perhaps try the alternate server type, either to add danger, or to allow relaxation if you're tiring of either.


I figured you guys would be used to it by now. Doesn't this shit occur almost daily? I'm pretty sure not a day has gone by where some giant chunk of servers hasn't crashed during prime time.


It's never been this long. I think Spinebreaker has been 2-4hrs at most, but it's been relatively fine for the last month. Funnily enough though since the last hotfix for lag, the loot lag has been unbareable at times. I just wish they'd sort it out.


Sometimes I feel like Blizzard doesn't even care about pleasing their customers anymore. I wish I had the ability to cancel my account but I'm too addicted! Damn you blizzard!!!


As I understand it, I really dislike the PVP honor system. For two reasons.

First, you are rewarded for honorable kills but you are not punished for dishonorable kills, so there's still nothing to stop a bunch of 60s stomping on my level 10 alt while I'm questing.

Secondly, the honor points don't decay, and the ranking levels are relative to the other players on the server. The top 1% of players get to the highest rank, the top 10% get to the next highest, and so on until the newbies who are all the lowest rank. As time passes, people accumulate honor points and the ranking scale slides further and further away. THIS IS HORRIBLE. To use an example from another board, on day one of the honor system a character might need 10 honor points to go from rank 1 to rank 2, and 50 to get to rank 3. But after a few weeks the #1 guy on the server is going to have 10000 honor points, and everybody else on the server has atleast a few hundred honor points, so the rank 2 number is now 50 and rank 3 is now 200. Two years later it's the numbers are so ridiculous that a person who just bought the game and rolled a character will forever be doomed to rank 1, or at best rank 2-3.

And let's say I work my ass off to get to rank 3, but things get busy at work so I can't play for a week? Next time I log in I'll probably be rank 2, if not lower since I haven't been keeping pace with the pack. As a casual player, I know that I will never be one of the elite ranked guys and I can accept that, but I think it really sucks that while I'm at work I'm actually LOSING ranking to people that have more time to play than I do.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
It's also going to be much much much easier for Horde to obtain high ranks on most servers because of the population disparity.

I am excited at the prospect of going on a Thrall or Rexxar raid though.


All I know is that in beta, some alliance players corpse flopped to Thrall and got one-shotted by him at like level 55 or so.

Ok, so they were cloth wearers, but still, he meleed them for like 1600 damage without a thought.


ManaByte said:
Yea, except when that post was made the servers were down for a massive content patch, not because the servers are crap.

Yes, WoW servers are infinitely worse. I'm just sorry you can't see this as being ironic after Sony Online's recent press release.

Guess stating "nothing more" in my post wasn't enough for you.


I'm debating weither to come back or not since I had cancelled my account 2 weeks ago. I think I was affected by the too many alts syndrome. If I come back I need to stick to a character and that's it.

I don't know what to do :/
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