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World of Warcraft

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awesome... I got my infernal summon tome drop finally. Along with the dreadmist bracers. I now no longer have to farm lower BRS for my dreadmist set.

Honestly, these last two pets are really uber, but the enslave gimmick totally hurts them.


Mage - New Spell: Mage Armor allows mana regeneration to function while casting and increases resistance to all magic schools

Druid - Cat form damage per second increased

Warrior - Rage will now generate when attacks are parried, dodged and blocked

Priest - Power Word: Shield can now be cast on all raid members

Good little boost:)
Nice class changes, that Warrior change should help some.

Having said that, I'm amazed BG's or Honor system are not going to make the upcoming patch. They better be life-changing good if they've been worked on for so long. Bug free too.
MrCheez said:
Dunno about warriors, but... there was like a good 10-page stretch of non-stop Rogue build discussion/debates somewhere in this thread. 8)

To summarize: Sword/mace combat rogues rock your socks! :eek:


hehe.....I remembered the riue build disscussion after I posted


Warrior is such a fucking blast if you're in constant grouping. Both PvE and PvP have been very, very cool. Solo though...ouch, it sucks, it sucks hard. Warrior is def. the worst solo class in the game.

My Warrior build is pretty unique, so to say, but I dig it. A balanced offense/defense build for my duo.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
What level are you at? Soloing a priest was PAINFUL until the mid 30s. Maybe it gets easier for Warriors later on?


I never saw what the deal was with people and priests being hard to lvl. Once I got 5/5 Spirit Tap at lvl 15 i could move on to mobs straight after the other and kill them quick. Just gets easier and easier from there the more you progress in Shadow


30, but I'm in a permanent duo with a Shadow Priest. You should see the shit we can do, I used to be under the impression that our Paladin/Rogue setup was an uber duo, well, I was wrong.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ikse said:
I never saw what the deal was with people and priests being hard to lvl. Once I got 5/5 Spirit Tap at lvl 15 i could move on to mobs straight after the other and kill them quick. Just gets easier and easier from there the more you progress in Shadow

I think I just found it frustrating because I'm used to my rogue, which has zero downtime. Drinking after every 2 mobs was a foreign concept to me. ;) (Spirit tap is nice but it never took away the need to drink, for me.) Much better at level 39 now, though.


Ikse said:
I never saw what the deal was with people and priests being hard to lvl. Once I got 5/5 Spirit Tap at lvl 15 i could move on to mobs straight after the other and kill them quick. Just gets easier and easier from there the more you progress in Shadow
I find that it's a lot slower than almost every other class until you get to the 20s or so. And not really enjoyable... once you get the stronger shadow talents it's a lot better though.


hmm, which should I go for Troll, or Undead rogue?

troll rogue.jpg

undead rogue.jpg


The stat difference is negligible. Undead are far better in pvp due to will of the forsaken, trolls are just for fun.


It was mentioned by one of the community reps on WoW's boards that Bliz is looking to rebalance the racial passives and whatnot, so you never know how that might change, too.


UD Rogue are the Horde equivalent of NE Hunter's - you can't look anywhere without seeing one. The sooner WotF is nerfed the better.


as a warlock, I personally don't think wotf needs to be nerfed, but the class needs a non fear/charm based defense. In addition to a million other things to make the class more viable in pvp, because it is seriously garbage.


The ability in general needs amending - its the primary reason players pick Undead more times than not on PvP servers. That kinda throws the races out of sync imo and makes it pretty unbalanced. The fact you can use the ability while in the state of Fear baffles me.


They can't change it at all without putting in separate rulesets for pvp and pve (which they need to do). Until then it should stay the same... it gives a little advantage in some higher end pve content because you can wotf to break mobs that fear/sleep without warning.

There's a lot bigger picture on pvp than just a couple racial traits or classes that counter abilities, and it's part of why that trait and other things like dispels will hopefully stay the way they are for pve until Blizzard wises up and puts in totally separate rules for pvp.

People were clamoring for this for a long time in beta and Blizzard's never addressed it, but I think they'll have to. It's not that I want overpowered pve abilities to make encounters easier, it's that it's just not right to nerf a lot of skills that are hugely beneficial in pve solely for the sake of pvp "balance."


It doesn't have to be extreme - something like making it unusable while feared but have it targetable - so in pve, if you get feared without notice - maybe an undead towards the back could use WotF on another player to free them and in PvP there can actually be some timing behind it.

It's just stupid that its such a race deciding factor - players would love to play a troll priest or rogue on pvp servers, but don't because alot of players are so min/max minded - they think they are gimp for picking anything other than UD.


The troll is growing on me. :D

Question: why are so many hunters going dragonscale when agility is essential to their class, and most mail is crap for agility?


I liked the Troll Rogue for PvE just because of the health regeneration WHILE in combat. Not too much, but it cuts down on downtime a good amount. Plus the extra damage against beasts means you can tear through them:)


Speaking of Priests, I just killed one the same level of me without really taking any damage at all.

I was in Badlands near the Ogres when I saw a PVP flagged Human Priest down from the ledge I was on. He didn't see me. When he was sitting down drinking, I sicced my Felhunter on him while piling on my DOTs (he was at full health and I'd guess about 75 mana). He immediately tried fearing me into the Ogre camp. Well, that didn't work as the fear range stopped right before aggro. As soon as the fear broke I turned around to see him drop dead from my DOTs and Felhunter.


ManaByte said:
Speaking of Priests, I just killed one the same level of me without really taking any damage at all.

I was in Badlands near the Ogres when I saw a PVP flagged Human Priest down from the ledge I was on. He didn't see me. When he was sitting down drinking, I sicced my Felhunter on him while piling on my DOTs (he was at full health and I'd guess about 75 mana). He immediately tried fearing me into the Ogre camp. Well, that didn't work as the fear range stopped right before aggro. As soon as the fear broke I turned around to see him drop dead from my DOTs and Felhunter.

Good job, killing a priest who has no mana is hard........ ...


Korranator said:
The troll is growing on me. :D

Question: why are so many hunters going dragonscale when agility is essential to their class, and most mail is crap for agility?

Black dragonscale is decent; it adds to attack power (both melee and ranged).

The other dragonscale is pretty gimped and generally useless.
Ferrio said:
Good job, killing a priest who has no mana is hard........ ...

Yeah, really.

You totally owned that out-of-mana Priest after ganking him unawares!

Did you beat up any middle schoolers on your way back to town?


The lack of fist weapons is discouraging. :(

No one uses them and there aren't any up at AH. :\

I should just shell out the 90S each for plain ones and enchant them for another 90S each ><

Someone find me some iron knuckles :p


Rorschach said:
The lack of fist weapons is discouraging. :(

No one uses them and there aren't any up at AH. :\

I should just shell out the 90S each for plain ones and enchant them for another 90S each ><

Someone find me some iron knuckles :p

Main reason is... well fists suck. There's no reason to use them cause

1. I have yet to see a fist weapon that has good on hit/+ stats properties that another weapon can't outdo
2. Their speed suchs. Seriously the fist weapons should have the fastest speed in the game, yet I don't believe they go below 1.3 which a few daggers are at. If their going to have fist weapons they need to either give some classes specialization (+5% crit isn't very good seeing how you can get it on a dagger spec too), OR give the fist weapons some serious speed (below 1.0) but lower the damage range on them. Therefor the fists would be a lot faster than any weapon in game, but their fps would be little changed due to the drop in damage.


Korranator said:
The troll is growing on me. :D

Question: why are so many hunters going dragonscale when agility is essential to their class, and most mail is crap for agility?
There's no real good hunter mail that's crafted, aside from tough scorpid. But dragonscale gauntlets are pretty good, +1 crit rate. And dragonscale is crap now for hunters but will probably be itemized more for them in the future. I'd imagine bronze dragonscale items, or maybe they'll change green dragonscale since it's + spirit and nobody really uses it.


Geez, there's all kinds of Ore in that cave with the Orc Champions in Red Ridge, thankies. Maybe I can get my Silvered Breastplate tonight.


Ferrio said:
Main reason is... well fists suck. There's no reason to use them cause

1. I have yet to see a fist weapon that has good on hit/+ stats properties that another weapon can't outdo
2. Their speed suchs. Seriously the fist weapons should have the fastest speed in the game, yet I don't believe they go below 1.3 which a few daggers are at. If their going to have fist weapons they need to either give some classes specialization (+5% crit isn't very good seeing how you can get it on a dagger spec too), OR give the fist weapons some serious speed (below 1.0) but lower the damage range on them. Therefor the fists would be a lot faster than any weapon in game, but their fps would be little changed due to the drop in damage.
Well, yeah, they suck. That's kinda what I meant. It looks like they just threw those in at the last minute especially since there are so few in the game.


Holy cow, some guy is already level 40 on that new PvE server I play my alt on. It's only been open for a few days.

MMO communities never cease to amaze and disgust, simultaneously!


After tonights grouping, I think I finally understand why everyone detests Paladins like so. Such utter idiots... I mean, I knew the general populace was yuck, but we had two in our group and holy lord were they useless, we would've likely done better without 'em

As said before, you may have a point that they have a solid use, but they just don't understand before the end in 99% of the cases.

That said Warrior owns, it is a great class, and is a total dream for quality players in both group PvE and PvP, but it does indeed have some problems.

1.) Rage generation needs to be dealt with in a lot of scenarios.

2.) The talent trees are fucking murder, they're all good trees really, but it FORCES you to do PvE spec or PvP spec. There's no between, there's no skew.

3.) Warrior is by the most obscene margain I've ever seen, the most difficult class in the game (out of the ones I've done: Warlock, Druid, Rogue) to play well. It's oh oh so satasfying, but while other classes like Paladin and Shaman can basicly hit a snooze button, a Warrior is forced to have obscenely nice gear and play like an olympic champion to compete.

The micromanagement, stance dancing and general attention level is a good 20x that of a Paladin. And poor Blizzard, if they think Rogue is truly more attention heavy and twitchy than Warrior, they're VERY mistaken.

4.) I want a goddamn root/snare break skill.


1.) Rage generation needs to be dealt with in a lot of scenarios.

We'll be getting a nice little boost with the upcoming patch hopefully. I just hope it works out as well as I'm thinking. If I could just generate rage 20% faster, or at least retain more rage when stance dancing, I'd be a happy man. I hope all this miss dodge stuff really does help out with that.

2.) The talent trees are fucking murder, they're all good trees really, but it FORCES you to do PvE spec or PvP spec. There's no between, there's no skew.

Totaly agreed. However, if you read blizzard's board, especially the post made by the blizzard guy addressing a lot of the warrior complaints, you come away with the big feeling that we were never built for pvp, or at least we were at one point in early beta, and that functionality was stripped away from us. We're now designed for aggro, holding aggro, dealing with aggro, and nothing more -- at least that's how they make it seem. It's rather irritating. If that mentality applied to pvp and forced PC's to attack warriors specifically, it would make us really dangerous, but it doesn't sadly. Maybe in the future...?

3.) Warrior is by the most obscene margain I've ever seen, the most difficult class in the game (out of the ones I've done: Warlock, Druid, Rogue) to play well. It's oh oh so satasfying, but while other classes like Paladin and Shaman can basicly hit a snooze button, a Warrior is forced to have obscenely nice gear and play like an olympic champion to compete.

Again, i totaly agree. We fall asleep at the wheel in a tough instance, we die and so do the mages, priests, and warlocks. We have to constantly move, change stances, pull aggro, and debuff enemies to the best extent of our abilities with intimidating shout, demoralizing shout, concussion blow, disarm, sunder armor, slam, shield bash, and so many other abilities, as well as buffing the party, we hardly worry about truly dealing any relevant DPS to the enemy. Sure, I'm super happy when I can use revenge and heroic strike -- or when my thrash blade procs, but by the time i can get one of those in, the enemy is usually at half health or less and it's time to switch to battle stance, dish a mocking blow, and a hamstring for good measure in case they like to run and they're finally dead. Of course that isn't for one enemy. All those moves usually span over a 4-5 mob elite group coupled with slamming on taunt or using our AoE taunt to pull the biggest aggro (which has that retarded BS 10 minute timer). Then, if we don't die at all and finish the instance, we're looking at a nice 60-80 silver drop to repair everything. If we do die, we're usually looking at a 1g20s+ repair fee. w00t.

4.) I want a goddamn root/snare break skill.

Ornate mithril boots. They have a root spell breaking ability, but only have 324 plate armor, and the recharge timer on them is pretty high, especially if you are rooted often, but by God are they useful. In RFD, for example, where enemies like to root often with ice, breaking that hold at a really crucial moment and hitting the AoE taunt is just so important -- and life saving.


Hey, I'm playing an Orc Hunter at the moment and I want to make an Alliance alt to experience the lore. My heart is set on the rogue class, what race would give me the best atmosphere and backstory?


Sorry, but shaman is the total opposite of snooze button gameplay. Managing totems that last <1 minute for most of them, checking the area around you to make sure your totems don't draw adds, and healing your party (along with totem swapping all throughout the fight depending upon how the mobs are behaving) are things you have to do constantly. Just because it isn't flat out broken like warriors and warlocks are doesn't mean the class is some easy-mode press one button to win thing.


Shaman is easily one of the most "accessible" classes, IMO.

Didn't say it didn't have any nuances, and yeah, it does have more push button gameplay than Paladin, I exaggerated there, but the class isn't that far off from the bottom of the scale along with Paladin in terms of Instancing and obnoxious PvP tactics. In fact, it's rather disturbingly similair in most cases.

Exact same role PvE (offtank, heal, cycle buffs, general support), whole community whining about their cheese in PvP. :p Way too much Shield and Shock whining.

Warriors are hardly broken. They have issues, my biggest being what I outlined above, they're too difficult to play, and they're a little too gear dependant PvP wise. But it's mostly the terrible, anti-group mentality of WoW that forces half of the myths. Most Warrior's I've grouped with are simply god awful.

Warlock is the closest thing to a broken class in WoW, IMO. But even they'd be quite back up there if Dispel was adjusted and Blizzard removed the debuff limit for PvE, both of which are pretty ridiculous

I think the balance in WoW is pretty good for the most part, the community has really blown things outta proportion IMO.


shamans don't offtank much in pve (they just can't handle it. they drop a little slower than hunters) from level 50-60 and are way less useful in raids than pallies though. though they are similarly one trick ponies in pvp... mostly because totems are so easy to deal with for any competent player. I guess it's more appealing to new players (but definitely not as much as warrior/pally/rogue/hunter), but there's a huge gap between bad shamans and good ones... and there's not much of a measuring stick for pallies. Even though they both have similar roles, the pally just has it way easier than the shaman if only because the buffs are reversed (5 minutes for the ones on others, 30 seconds for yourself, which is the exact opposite for the shaman). It's a wonderfully diverse class by itself though, more than any of the other classes I played (all but rogue).


I really would like to play a Paladin next, heck, it's what I wanted originally. But god, I feel guilty just thinking about it.

And while I get you about ease of use, despite Paladins being somewhat easy to play well, it still just doesn't happen.

I've seen even higher end Paladins:

~Not Bless
~Improperly Bless (I've gotten BoWisdom many times on my Warrior, and I got BoSALVATION once, christ!)
~Not cycle auras, period, regardless of situation
~Simply forget to turn Auras on.
~Use retarded seals
~Never judge.
~Never heal (BIG one, and disgustingly common at times)


And even i am moderately surprised
"Are Troll warriors any good? Or are Tauren warrior's considered the "unofficial" best?"

can't really comment on the other races, but after a few days where i thought "god, this dood sucks!" in regards to my warrior, he's actually quite useful now.\

Once i twigged that he's not supposed to be a damage inflicter, and start pumping all my efforts into defence, he's become pretty likable.

As long as you hit enemies with the right affect attacks, i'm having no serious problems taking down things are 3-5 levels above (i'm at 22 at the moment)

and the best thing about being undead is you look like cool!


Everytime I party with a defensive specced warrior, I bow to him. There are so few out there, but when you get one, the tanking difference is realized. They might not be the best 1on1 pvp, but for groups, a defensive warrior is the shizzle.


Alex said:
I really would like to play a Paladin next, heck, it's what I wanted originally. But god, I feel guilty just thinking about it.

And while I get you about ease of use, despite Paladins being somewhat easy to play well, it still just doesn't happen.

I've seen even higher end Paladins:

~Not Bless
~Improperly Bless (I've gotten BoWisdom many times on my Warrior, and I got BoSALVATION once, christ!)
~Not cycle auras, period, regardless of situation
~Simply forget to turn Auras on.
~Use retarded seals
~Never judge.
~Never heal (BIG one, and disgustingly common at times)

heh, ok, so I was wrong about a measuring stick for them. Auras/totem usage are probably the most deciding factor in seeing whether a shaman or paladin is actually any good. and my shaman is definitely easier (and IMO, more fun) to play than my warlock, but I definitely think it requires more attention than paladin.
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