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World of Warcraft

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Alex said:
It used to happen a lottttttttt. I had it occur every battle in Blackfathom, due to the stupid chilled effect from the Naga mages. Had to requip after every fight. It eventually became one of the biggest reasons why I quit my Hunter.

On another note, holy crap this better be incorrect:


Yeah, I hope it's not true. :(

If this patch doesn't hit before this month is up I'll probably cancel my account for two patches. Hopefully they get their act together after this coming up patch and it won't take them another 6 months to get the next one out. If they go 6 months in between each patch I probably won't come back... I don't want to spend 15 bucks a month on a game that is only updated with new content twice a year. =|
You'd have to be extremely naive to think that, given Blizzard's track record, that content would come at a relatively quick pace. They have always been slow as molasses to fix anything in their games except exploits, and even then they aren't quick to deal with them.

There's a bigger issue here, and that's with itemization being the only current endgame progression, and that itemization-even on the epic itemsets-being only minorly superior to commonly obtained items. They are talking about seriously overhauling itemization in future versions, and I think that's a good idea. Getting incrementally better stats isn't worth the boredom of running through the same places over and over again with no assurance of actually obtaining the item you want.
Alex said:
It used to happen a lottttttttt. I had it occur every battle in Blackfathom, due to the stupid chilled effect from the Naga mages. Had to requip after every fight. It eventually became one of the biggest reasons why I quit my Hunter.

On another note, holy crap this better be incorrect:


WoW forums appear to be blocked at work, what's it say in the link?
Link broketh! Blizzard Conspiracie!

Also, I'm so in the no patch, no renewal crowd. Fucking hell, I saw all these stupid problems back in the beta, swore i wouldn't get it if they weren't fixed, and still got it hoping they'd be fixed, fucking sometime. Honestly, I'm so drawing the line here. I don't even give a shit if it's a buggy mess, I want something new to do. I snuck into the Caverns of Time and Mount Hyjal recently, and damn those are like the nicest zones ever, completely closed up. Can't see any way CoT relate to WC, but hey they still rock.

Also: Yay for possible newly discovered, in since beta bug relating to hunter's mark not working with aoth. What the hell. At least they haven't nerfed +agi buffs to not work on range. No idea what they are waiting for, I want to have as little group interaction as fucking possible.

Edit: That might be what the link is to.

Also, anyone know what's up if guild leader quits? I assume there's some way to designate someone, but I haven't found it.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
/gleader nameofnewleader

Everyone try to trick your guildmasters into using that command to make you leader. I did, and promptly kicked the creator of the guild out.l


Sal Paradise Jr said:
WoW forums appear to be blocked at work, what's it say in the link?

The link was a post asking a blue if the Gamepro article stating the patch is coming in June was correct. The response they got was a brush off saying they didn't have an ETA that they could give. Everyone went nuts.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt


A new engineering recipe is available in Blackrock Depths for a repair robot. This robot acts as a repair vendor for 10 minutes and will repair and purchase items for normal cost. This will allow dungeon groups and raids to get items repaired and sold without returning to town.


The bridges in northern Stranglethorn Vale are now fixed so they will not dismount you when you ride across them.


Didn't see anything about fixing the Warlock pet pathing though.
Of course they won't make that robot actually useful for raids and sell food/bullets. I'm so sick of having to leave repeat runs to go fill up on shit. Also, the bug notes kinda confirmed my suspicions that quiver/pouch dual wielding worked and I shall be abusing it promptly.


It's nice to know they weren't slacking off the last few months, and building small forts made of money like I had suspected.

"Also, the bug notes kinda confirmed my suspicions that quiver/pouch dual wielding worked and I shall be abusing it promptly."

I don't understand, what do you mean by this?
I'm guessing that Gamepro article was referring to the BG patch. That's the only way I can make sense of it.

June for bg's, you heard it here first!


Magister's Mantle, Robe, Belt, Crown, and Binding changed to include more stamina in lieu of spirit.
- Items like the Eye of the Beast will correctly increase your spell critical hit chances.
- Dampen Magic - Duration and mana cost increased. Now castable on all raid targets.
- Frost/Ice Armor - Mana cost reduced.
- New Spell: Mage Armor (Available at level 34) - Allows for 30% of mana regeneration to function while casting and increases resistance to all magic schools. Does not stack with Frost/Ice Armor.



Oh shit oh shit!

You may now turn in Thorium Shells in exchange for Thorium Headed Arrows. Both Orgrimmar and Ironforge have a turn-in NPC.

Guess that decides it for me... I will take up engineering.

Fixed a bug where Quivers and Ammo Pouches were granting a larger haste bonus than intended in some cases.

This scares me. It's a completely different thing then the stacked quiver and ammo pouch. Sounds like Hunter's will be attacking slighly slower, so we get a little DPS nerf because of it. =|


I am so glad mages are getting all these buffs and warlocks get shitty token upgrades to two conjured items that are already useless, and no word on fixing the debuff limit, improving the pets or anything beyond at least making enslave demon undispellable.


No, Warlocks didn't just get nearly nothing. They got nerfed too. Didn't you folks see the Fear change? I figured Mana and Fire would be absolutely livid, hehe.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Noooo, bankers and auctioneers harder to kill. Scout NPCS that see through stealth in Org and IF.

Damn you, don't ruin my fun, Blizz!


Alex said:
No, Warlocks didn't just get nearly nothing. They got nerfed too. Didn't you folks see the Fear change? I figured Mana and Fire would be absolutely livid, hehe.

Nah, Fear was NEVER that useful in WoW without some kind of slowing spell for the Warlock (you can't really fear kite in WoW). I only use Fear in an emergency.


Alex said:
No, Warlocks didn't just get nearly nothing. They got nerfed too. Didn't you folks see the Fear change? I figured Mana and Fire would be absolutely livid, hehe.
yeah, and at this point I just don't care. stupid fucking pvp nerfs that affect pve but I don't even pvp on my warlock anymore anyway. I'd rather play shaman or hunter or mage or... anything else that doesn't require longass times farming just to be as effective as every other class.


I finally settled on Mage. Again, this is the third goddamn time.

Every MMO I flip flop from every class, and eventually wind up on the Mage class.

UO: Magery, FFXI: Black Mage: WoW: Mage.


The following flight paths have been added:

Gadgetzan - Brackenwall Village
Gadgetzan - Valor's Rest (Silithus)
Gadgetzan - Camp Mojache
Gadgetzan - Crossroads
Orgrimmar - Everlook

Nice haha

Well, losing stuff for my hunter it seems, but Engineering will be more useful, I can definitely see people wanting the Repair Bot/Shop for instancing:)
firex said:
I am so glad mages are getting all these buffs and warlocks get shitty token upgrades to two conjured items that are already useless, and no word on fixing the debuff limit, improving the pets or anything beyond at least making enslave demon undispellable.

If you want to complain about patch changes to Mages, please form a line behind the Priests! ;)


JackFrost2012 said:
If you want to complain about patch changes to Mages, please form a line behind the Priests! ;)
fuck priests in their whiny asses. they should give shackle undead to shamans, druids and paladins so we don't have to deal with the "omg i'm playing priest so worship me" crowd, or the shadow priests who are too concerned about using their insanely overpowered damage talents to actually be a healer (though they can also just sink 10 easy points into holy talents after getting shadow and still be the best healer!).


Priest does need a fix in the thought that Spirit is pretty much junk at the moment (Spirit is getting overhauled soon though, so I guess there it is), and it's their primary stat.

But outside of that, yes, Priests are babies in general. The only reason there isn't a flood of them would be due to their heritage in past games, all the work, none of the glory.

Undead Shadow Priest is about as close to god (no pun intended, I swear) as you can currently get in Warcraft.

Druid is a great healer and all, Restore is an amazing tree all around. But I think even spec'd as so, a Priest is better nine times out of ten, if simply due to Fade. Well, the actual GOOD AoE heal and a real ressurection spell are nice too.

Speaking of which, that was my biggest gripe when I sampled Shaman. I found it ridiculous that they get both a self-ressurection (which is now being buffed) AND a real, traditional one.

There are many times where you can take a Shaman or Paladin along safely as a main healer in lower instances, but you simply cannot with Druid.

Luckily this is rarely a problem due to the versitility of the three classes (along with the population of Shaman and Paladin), but it's a problem I have nonetheless.

Back to Priest though, it's funny that I pretty much loathed mine.

I think in retrospect, it was due to the fact that I wanted a heavier support class (Paladin is currently as close as WoW gets to that role on the whole, but sadly it's absolutely saturated with folks who have no idea what the class is for, and thus ruined it for the good folks) but was worried about efficeny between specing for Shadow and EXPing well but feeling guilty in instances, or specing for Holy and instancing well, but feel guilty while EXPing.

That and that I dislike the big church tie-in and the fact that wearing bathrobes into a War is lame!

Edit: Sorry if my posts are at all difficult to read, I'm trying to make them easier actually, heh.


On another note, since swaping off Warrior. It's become oddly hard to find one to Instance Tank. Which is especially awkward since that's all there were when I was around on mine! Argh!

WoW needs another real tank, Druids are never willing, Paladins don't have the IQ.
firex said:
fuck priests in their whiny asses. they should give shackle undead to shamans, druids and paladins so we don't have to deal with the "omg i'm playing priest so worship me" crowd, or the shadow priests who are too concerned about using their insanely overpowered damage talents to actually be a healer (though they can also just sink 10 easy points into holy talents after getting shadow and still be the best healer!).

Hey, I'm not complaining about my Priest in general, she's fine and fun and totally well-balanced, so please don't lump me in with all the whiners over on the official boards! But we get absolutely nothing added with this latest patch, which is disappointing - not even a token improvement or class quest. :( My complaint was just re: Priest this patch, not Priest overall. It's annoying that Mages get so much babying while Warlocks, who really need the work, are hardly getting touched, and Priests (who are admittedly pretty fine) are being all-but-ignored.

Don't worry, though, I'm sure shackle undead will be taken away from us soon enough, just like every other crowd control skill the class has ever had. :p But expect it to go to Mages, not the classes you mentioned. ;)


Hey, you got better than Warlocks and Hunters at least.

But really, Priest additions are coming. The community concerns and whatnot weren't addressed in time for this patch however (It went Warrior > Warlock > Druid thus far as I am aware, shit, I don't even think they got Mage done. I think the Mage stuff was mostly done on whim). I didn't bother to read the thread though. They put 'em in the class boards on Blizzards forums if you want to take a gander.

If you play WoW, you should pop in on those every now and then. The class boards in general aren't really good for much barring the recent events where they've been going from class to class and shaking people down for information, but the general board has a lot of Blizzard posts and they sticky a lot of news.


Damn - Warlock have issues later on? I presume its soul shard related where PvP is concerned.

But I've been hopping between Priest and Druid for a while now, and I got both to lvl 30 and decided healing is not what I want to do in WoW. I was a BRD/WHM in FFXI, and for some reason the healing in that seemed less frenetic - i liked that about FFXI.

So I rolled a Warlock and am enjoying it atm. It seems to be able to handle itself - but I've only just stepped in PvP territory and got my Succubus.

Also, having read this :


Surely Blizz arent planning on giving Warlock and Paladin free epic mounts? Or just a different design maybe?


I'd assume the largest problems concerning Warlock would be the overpowered nature of Dispel, ailment limits in Raids and the Soul Shards of course. The class also has about as many bugs as the rest combined, and the upper game pets should be just that; pets, and not novelty toys.


Got my Barman Shanker. Had to kill Plugger Spazzring 16 times to get.


Ps. Anyone planning on soloing him ... use a shadow protection potion. Didn't even have to use a healing potion as long as I drank one of those.
Wait wait wait. Priests are complaining about not getting a token addition? That's hilarious. Meanwhile, hunters that have gone out of their way to procure absurdly rare pets and level them (At absurdly assinine paces) are left out in the cold. Also, instead of addressing any problems the class most definently has, Blizz cuts dps across the board (I'll be losing 16 base dps, how about you?), gives mages all the loving in the world, and cap instances at 10 people a run. Fun shit, no?


SaitoH said:
I know they didn't fix the vanish, or CS bugs, but their isn't anything wrong with the class. So what did they mess up?

Seal of Fate was fixed (it was a bug in rogue's favor), finkle's skinner was changed, no more high level gems. Capping dungeons are going to hurt rogues really bad too, it's har d as hell getting into a group as a rogue.... we're just not needed.

Wish I had gone warrior, rogue's still great... but they're too reliant on cooldowns and too much of a 3rd wheel.


I think people's main gripe with vanish is it has a chance to not work. This happens when you go to vanish right as something is about to or is striking you.... it'll cause you to instantly unstealth. Also you can still be hit with spells while vanished ect. Whether or not this is the intended effect, blizzard hasn't said... so


Ferrio said:
Seal of Fate was fixed (it was a bug in rogue's favor), finkle's skinner was changed, no more high level gems. Capping dungeons are going to hurt rogues really bad too, it's har d as hell getting into a group as a rogue.... we're just not needed.

Wish I had gone warrior, rogue's still great... but they're too reliant on cooldowns and too much of a 3rd wheel.

It only hurts rogues because there are so damn many of you. You guys are all over the place like cockroaches. At least you guys normally have a position in a group when you do get invited, unlike Hunters. If we're invited we were simply thrown solo in a group to fend for ourselves.

Ferrio said:
I think people's main gripe with vanish is it has a chance to not work. This happens when you go to vanish right as something is about to or is striking you.... it'll cause you to instantly unstealth. Also you can still be hit with spells while vanished ect. Whether or not this is the intended effect, blizzard hasn't said... so

Boohoo... vanish doesn't work 100%. Neither does Feign Death (most people seem to think it does though). I always see people just say "Put the hunter in a group alone! He can FD if he gets in trouble!" Not very reliable against tough mobs, espcially a pack of them. It gets resisted way more than I would like.

This patch screw Hunters over quite a bit, honestly. We're losing DPS because of a bug where a (single) quiver or ammo pouch would give more haste then intended. Instances are now capped, so we'll no longer be going solo in the third or fourth group. It's going to make getting invites to instances like Scholo, Strat, and UBRS almost impossible outside of guild raids. They STILL haven't fixed the horrible pet speed bug. Pets will no longer have any resists. Still have no use for those 200 pet training points I've earned over the course of leveling my Hunter.

They finally added new arrows tho... yay. =|

Oh, and Shamans can now use their self res without any sickness. =|

I don't see why it's so hard for companines to please their customers a little bit each patch. What's so difficult about putting in a pretty significant bug fix or feather for each class, every patch? Seeing nothing but nerfs for your class or completely unimportant bug fixes (Distracting shot) while the most godly class in the game gets a buff sure makes you feel like Blizzard doesn't give a shit about your class.

But maybe I'm asking for too much... oh well.


I think the main reason hunters are put solo, is just cause their the class that can handle it the best. Ya feign death one reason, but you also don't have to be in melee range, you wear mail, and you have your own personal tank.


The Hunter changes aren't bad, I never said that. They just don't do anything for the class and don't tackle the major issues with it. A few of those bugs we didn't even know were bugs (enhanced quiver/ammo pouch speed, pet resists) until this very patch. There have been a number of 40+ page posts on the WoW forums that Blizzard just completely ignores, they don't even reply with a "Thanks for the input. I'll take these concerns to the developers." They just flat out ignore them. The only thing I'm a little mad about is the bugged quiver giving more haste then intended. But hey, if it's a bug, it's a bug. Nothing I can do about it.

All the Hunter bugs fixed in this patch (except distracting shot) were exploitable. Just goes to show you that they will only fix bugs if you find a way to exploit them. Which makes a little sense... but c'mon. If they would at least acknowledge the other Hunter bugs I wouldn't even care. They just need to let us know that THEY know and that they are working towards a fix.

I dunno... I'm just ranting. They probably won't work on the major Hunter bugs (that can't be exploited) for a long time, since Hunter is a new class compared to the others. Bleh.


Oh for god's sake ... stop the whinning. You all sound like a group of pre-schoolers who can't fingerpaint.

Is the game fun? Yes.

Will any of the changes stop me from enjoying my game? No.

We get new content - they fixed some bugs - and yet you all still boo hoo.

For god's sake - I've played this game more than any other over the last four months - by far the best money I've spent on games in a long while. While some of you idiots wanted to rush through all the content just to reach 60, I've taken my time and enjoyed it as much as possible. I played every class and race - I've gone PvP and PvE - I've been just about everywhere, and I'm still finding new shit to do. I've got great gear - yet there is still more great gear for me to find.

Boo hoo - I can't be used in the end game instances. Re-roll another character, and enjoy them game from an other point of view - or join a guild that isn't full of loot whores.

Just do one thing - stop whinning. Please.


People are spending way to much time worrying about whether their classes abilities are good enough and way to little just playing and enjoying the game. The Blizzard forums are particularly bad, with even the classes that got buffs whining.

I'm currently lvling a Gnome mage, and after I saw the planned buffs to the class I expected that people in the Mage forum would be celebrating. Instead many are busy whining about the Spirit of Aquamentas nerf, crying that the new armor spell isn't good enough, and even sillier stuff.

IMO, only Warriors and Warlocks ever truly had cause to complain. This isn't to say that I don't realize that there are currently flaws to every class (even Pallies). But every class is still quite enjoyable - if you only stop worrying so much.


nataku said:
The Hunter changes aren't bad, I never said that. They just don't do anything for the class and don't tackle the major issues with it. A few of those bugs we didn't even know were bugs (enhanced quiver/ammo pouch speed, pet resists) until this very patch. There have been a number of 40+ page posts on the WoW forums that Blizzard just completely ignores, they don't even reply with a "Thanks for the input. I'll take these concerns to the developers." They just flat out ignore them. The only thing I'm a little mad about is the bugged quiver giving more haste then intended. But hey, if it's a bug, it's a bug. Nothing I can do about it.

All the Hunter bugs fixed in this patch (except distracting shot) were exploitable. Just goes to show you that they will only fix bugs if you find a way to exploit them. Which makes a little sense... but c'mon. If they would at least acknowledge the other Hunter bugs I wouldn't even care. They just need to let us know that THEY know and that they are working towards a fix.

I dunno... I'm just ranting. They probably won't work on the major Hunter bugs (that can't be exploited) for a long time, since Hunter is a new class compared to the others. Bleh.

Hunter Issues:

Bug fix reducing overall hunter class DPS by upto 16%; Given that Hunter DPS is fine now, and has been for the most part balanced around the existence of the bug (even tho it was not known), this is clearly a nerf.

Hunter's don't have any real specific well defined roles that are critical or unavailable to other classes. Our role as sustained DPS dealer doesn't enter the equation in most instances, as most mages have enough mana to last for each group of mobs pulled. Groups will always give magic users enough time to regen their mana with drinks before pulling again. If a wipe is going to happen, mages have more utility in preventing a complete wipe then hunters, despite the sustained DPS we can provide.

Limits on instances means class prioritization similar to party based raids. Hunters are already pretty low on the list of priority, will now be lower with DPS nerf.

Party based DPS has already been nerfed 10-30%, with attack up buffs no longer working on ranged attack. Along with the speed nerf, our party based DPS will drop by upto 45%

Pet resists taken away, takes away another branch of variety for hunter pets. Now the only pets that 90% of hunters will use are cats, bears and LBRS spiders.

Tabbing finds mobs upto 30 yards. Our ranged attacks go upto 41 yards. Try clicking for a red target when they're friendly units all infront of it.


Upto this point, there hasn't been a dearth of posts complaining about hunters been overpowered. Just the opposite in fact. But we'll be nerfed further because some beneficial bugs aren't working as intended. Maybe in a year or two, they'll change what was intended and finally bump up our DPS in line with the overall intended class functionality.


As for Floater's post; Just because you can tolerate problems, because you have work arounds for those problems, doesn't justify the problems and their existence. It doesn't mean they should be overlooked either.


Not sure when the US version is getting the patch, but the EU website is reporting as this Friday 18th

"The next patch, which is currently scheduled to go live after our regular realm maintenance on the 18th of March, will feature many useful additions to World of Warcraft, for example..."

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