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World of Warcraft

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Eteric Rice

So, anyone?

Anyone know if the scroll of ressurection would work? Even if I already have TBC?

I want to play today, because my holiday is going to be short. ;-;


Fularu said:
My guild does server and US firsts, yours doesn't.
PatzCU said:
Ya, which guild are you in? Not that I want you to prove some kind of point, but you might be on my server, we have a dominating Alliance guild.

Deus Vox on Laughing Skull
You guys guild mates? 8D


Eteric Rice said:
So, anyone?

Anyone know if the scroll of ressurection would work? Even if I already have TBC?

I want to play today, because my holiday is going to be short. ;-;
I don't think so based on the Blizzard Support article about SoR. You can only experience BC content (start a Draenei or Blood Elf character and level it up in those newbie gardens, walk through the Dark Portal and level up to the top of Level 60, grind up JC). It sounds like you couldn't even get to the boat launches taking you into Northrend.

Eteric Rice

Evlar said:
I don't think so based on the Blizzard Support article about SoR. You can only experience BC content (start a Draenei or Blood Elf character and level it up in those newbie gardens, walk through the Dark Portal and level up to the top of Level 60, grind up JC). It sounds like you couldn't even get to the boat launches taking you into Northrend.



Fularu said:
Your stupidity only equals your clear lack of simple logic.

Here's a hint. You beeing bad or taking *weeks* to clear the content we clear in two days means you play more, have less of a social life and, believe it or not, doesn't make you cool with the girls. Here's a hint, we play less and end up going out more. "elite raiders" aren't basement dwellers school dropouts who canT live outside of the game. It's actually the exact opposite.

On the other hand, without our help, without our strategies, without our How to play your class, without our charts, our gear explanations. You would still be stuck on Anub trying to figure out wth you are supposed to do when Locust Swarm happens. You wouldn't know about the uncriticable cap (540 def), you wouldn'T know about rotations, you wouldn't know anything.

The one thing that the "so called casuals" always prove, is that they are clueless and oblivious to what the top end raiders bring not only from a theorycraft POV but also from a realm, community and economy POV.

My guild attracts players, yours doesn't. My guild does server and US firsts, yours doesn't. The guild I'm in makes players from other realms xfer, yours doesn't.

Without the "elitist douchebags" like us, you probably would still be using mana/5 gems as a warlock while speccing for crits as affliction.


Then I realized he was being serious. o_O


Junior Member
Now thats how a man hits 80!

Eteric Rice

What are those cards you get at places like CVS, where you can put money on them and buy stuff.

It's sort of like a debit card. I was thinking of using one. And if I get one, how much do they cost to get?

Oh, and will they work on WoW?

Eric WK

Eteric Rice said:
What are those cards you get at places like CVS, where you can put money on them and buy stuff.

It's sort of like a debit card. I was thinking of using one. And if I get one, how much do they cost to get?

Oh, and will they work on WoW?

As far as I know...

If you get one of the ones with a set denomination it should only cost that value (maybe plus tax. not sure). If you get one that you put any amount you want on, they usually cost extra.

I got a $25 one a while back and did a character transfer just fine. Not sure for subscriptions, but I would just buy a game card anyway.

Eteric Rice

Eric WK said:
As far as I know...

If you get one of the ones with a set denomination it should only cost that value (maybe plus tax. not sure). If you get one that you put any amount you want on, they usually cost extra.

I got a $25 one a while back and did a character transfer just fine. Not sure for subscriptions, but I would just buy a game card anyway.

Damn, I'm impatient. I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow.

And how much extra?

Anyone else have any experience with this?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
krypt0nian said:

Then I realized he was being serious. o_O
the best part is the laughable point that his awesome world-first guild plays LESS because they clear content so fast. I'm reminded so strongly of "Make Love, Not Warcraft," you know, the part where they go "What do we do now?" and Cartman goes, "What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game!"

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Eteric Rice said:
Damn, I'm impatient. I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow.

And how much extra?

Anyone else have any experience with this?
They count as debit type cards and generally won't work on WC becuase of new rules that don't allow online recurring payments to be charged to pre-paid or debits. You can list Paypal as an option for payment (which links to a bank account), but it doesn't seem to be immediate (I had a couple days wehre Blizz didn't charge the PP account and thus I couldn't log on until I said fuck it and put it on my Visa)

Eteric Rice

Angry Grimace said:
They count as debit type cards and generally won't work on WC becuase of new rules that don't allow online recurring payments to be charged to pre-paid or debits. You can list Paypal as an option for payment (which links to a bank account), but it doesn't seem to be immediate (I had a couple days wehre Blizz didn't charge the PP account and thus I couldn't log on until I said fuck it and put it on my Visa)

So why are they doing this? :|

God damn it.


This post seems to indicate that they work. It's not very old. :/

Edit: It worked! Now I have to patch! :D


arts&crafts said:
Got my rogue to 80 a week ago but I was to lazy to post a picture. As I was leveling I found this mount. Good old rare mobs. Now I dont have to grind rep with wyrmrest for a dragon!
How high up was the mob flying when you found it?
Farnack said:
No, really, I think you just can't get into parties. Personality problem? People hate you? On some realm blacklist?

I'm a Holy Pally, and I'm able to get into groups AS DPS. So if a Fury Warrior can't get into groups, your server may be super elitist or there's a problem on your side.

Super elitist. 2 big raiding guilds on Ahn'Qiraj (eu) horde, they look down on everyone else.

I'm actually enjoying tanking atm and I've done a few runs with fury warriors, but lets be honest they bring very little to a group, sucks :/

Anyhoo going to make myself an epic shield tomorrow.

Eteric Rice

God damn it.

Okay, so I just pretty much finished that epic awesome instance for the Death Knight.

Problem is, my bag was full, so the asshole didn't give me my Ebon sword. :(

I petitioned, so I guess I'll have to wait and see if I got screwed or not.

Lord Phol

Bleh, got to a point where I don't know if I should continue playing or not. Outlands is getting really tedious, and the massive amount of dks everywhere and ugly gear just makes dislike and feel more and more detached from my char. Got an almost lvl 66 Human DK and a lvl 61 Belf one, still can't decide which one to play and just keep jumping between them.
Seems my friend is burned out on the game, and I'm starting to feel it as well, but I haven't even experienced anything of northrend yet and it feels a bit of waste not to, since I've bought the game and all.

MrPing1000 said:
Super elitist. 2 big raiding guilds on Ahn'Qiraj (eu) horde, they look down on everyone else.

I'm actually enjoying tanking atm and I've done a few runs with fury warriors, but lets be honest they bring very little to a group, sucks :/

Anyhoo going to make myself an epic shield tomorrow.
Ooo u play on Ahn'Qiraj? :eek:
That's where I got my undead warrior and belf dk. Tell me how is horde vs Alliance ration at 70-80 from your experience (pvp and like, if you have), and also how overpopulated are the dks at that level range at the moment? Don't really feel like playing the same thing as everyone else.


Lord Phol said:
Bleh, got to a point where I don't know if I should continue playing or not. Outlands is getting really tedious, and the massive amount of dks everywhere and ugly gear just makes dislike and feel more and more detached from my char. Got an almost lvl 66 Human DK and a lvl 61 Belf one, still can't decide which one to play and just keep jumping between them.
Seems my friend is burned out on the game, and I'm starting to feel it as well, but I haven't even experienced anything of northrend yet and it feels a bit of waste not to, since I've bought the game and all.

Well decide on a character and then try to rush through Outland. That is at least what I'm doing.
I gave up on a Hunter earlier this year for similar reason. Everything already done, boring and damn, the gear is ugly. But so far it works out for the DK. The leveling is really fast now, no down times and at 65 I only switched shoulders and the weapon, making me still look like a DK.
After you hit 70 you can take all your time with Northrend.


Hit 80 on my Shaman on monday. Guild had enough 80s tonight to start doing 10mans. This seems really fast to me, to blow through an expansion in a week, but I am not of the 'time investment = skill' eltist raider camp anyways.

For our first day we took out four Naxx bosses, being Patchwerk on a first try, Globullus after many times figuring it out and then the first two spider bosses. After that, we headed to Wymrest to do the Dragon raid and it was rather easy. As was the Wintergrasp raid boss, but I think thats designed that way on purpose. Give the majority of people a chance at raiding and some gear, even if you could get drops completely useless to the raid(as we got).


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Epix said:
Not that I care one way or the other but I have a hard time believing that the hardcore players somehow spend less time playing then the casual players.

That's like Einstein saying he spent less time in the lab then a junior college physics student.

Hardcore players do not spend less time playing than casuals, at least none that I know. I am a casual player myself, but I have many friends in Critical Mass, Death Jesters, and The Core. They take raiding very seriously, and all of them play huge amounts of time online. Most have multiple toons as mains, heck my one friend already has one 80 and an alt who has already leveled past my main at 75!

The fact that Fularu even said it makes me think he is a hardcore wanna-be, a poser, someone who is pretending to be a hardcore raider. But there is no way to tell unless he gives us a guild and toon name. What we can tell is that his attitude sucks and he needs help in the personality department, there is no disputing that fact.


Mengy said:
The fact that Fularu even said it makes me think he is a hardcore wanna-be, a poser, someone who is pretending to be a hardcore raider. But there is no way to tell unless he gives us a guild and toon name. What we can tell is that his attitude sucks and he needs help in the personality department, there is no disputing that fact.

he's posted his toon in this thread before, he plays a male tauren warrior i believe, i'm not sure what guild or server he is on though

if anyone is actually interested, i'm sure they can search the thread and find it tho


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
yacobod said:
he's posted his toon in this thread before, he plays a male tauren warrior i believe, i'm not sure what guild or server he is on though

if anyone is actually interested, i'm sure they can search the thread and find it tho
meh.. I've been in big successful raiding guilds before.. a bunch of RL friends actually have one of the top guilds on my old server. The thing about raiding guilds is there is typically only a very small handful of players who actually do any hard work. Manage the guild, the guild bank, consumables, DKP, inventories, epic trade item allocations, strategies, etc. I mean we were a guild of 100+ and the bottom line is there were only like 5 or so officers handling all of this really. the other 100+? Oh shit, they all had great gear, awesome stats, and the accomplishment of being in this guild that at the time had everything on farm pre-BC. But in reality all they did was show up, do what they were told to do, and spent DKP after each drop to get their items.

Unless he is one of these officers, frankly there is nothing overly impressive about him or his character, and the whole "we" part of his guild's accomplishments can more than likely be attributed to like 1-10 or so officers who are actually putting the time in to manage the guild and perfect the strategies to progress through the end game.

I mean how much effort is it really to app to the biggest guilds, show up and do what you're told?

Eteric Rice

borghe said:
meh.. I've been in big successful raiding guilds before.. a bunch of RL friends actually have one of the top guilds on my old server. The thing about raiding guilds is there is typically only a very small handful of players who actually do any hard work. Manage the guild, the guild bank, consumables, DKP, inventories, epic trade item allocations, strategies, etc. I mean we were a guild of 100+ and the bottom line is there were only like 5 or so officers handling all of this really. the other 100+? Oh shit, they all had great gear, awesome stats, and the accomplishment of being in this guild that at the time had everything on farm pre-BC. But in reality all they did was show up, do what they were told to do, and spent DKP after each drop to get their items.

Unless he is one of these officers, frankly there is nothing overly impressive about him or his character, and the whole "we" part of his guild's accomplishments can more than likely be attributed to like 1-10 or so officers who are actually putting the time in to manage the guild and perfect the strategies to progress through the end game.

I mean how much effort is it really to app to the biggest guilds, show up and do what you're told?

This is why I like smaller guilds in most situations.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Mengy said:
Hardcore players do not spend less time playing than casuals, at least none that I know. I am a casual player myself, but I have many friends in Critical Mass, Death Jesters, and The Core. They take raiding very seriously,

I would say it all depends.

You can easily be in a hardcore guild and play very limited time. Raids are scheduled, you pop on when it's time and log off when done. No time wasted, on and off in a jiff.

The only real "time sink" seems to be the actual leveling part. :lol Once you're at 80, seems like everything can be scheduled easily to minimize time in the game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kintaro said:
I would say it all depends.

You can easily be in a hardcore guild and play very limited time. Raids are scheduled, you pop on when it's time and log off when done. No time wasted, on and off in a jiff.

The only real "time sink" seems to be the actual leveling part. :lol Once you're at 80, seems like everything can be scheduled easily to minimize time in the game.
See, now while that's theoretically possible, it really doesn't seem likely. Getting to 80 in 2 days involves not leaving the computer.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Angry Grimace said:
See, now while that's theoretically possible, it really doesn't seem likely. Getting to 80 in 2 days involves not leaving the computer.

You're concentrating more on the leveling up. That's a very small part of hardcore raiding. In fact, it's just in the way. Spend a couple of days powering through it to relax and raid on a schedule is a good price to pay for these types of people.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kintaro said:
You're concentrating more on the leveling up. That's a very small part of hardcore raiding. In fact, it's just in the way. Spend a couple of days powering through it to relax and raid on a schedule is a good price to pay for these types of people.
See, but while I'm saying it's "possible" to do that, I simply don't believe it. I've known enough hardcore raiders to know they play most of their free time and that it's more likely that anyone playing just on scheduled raid day is the exception, not the other way around.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Angry Grimace said:
See, but while I'm saying it's "possible" to do that, I simply don't believe it. I've known enough hardcore raiders to know they play most of their free time and that it's more likely that anyone playing just on scheduled raid day is the exception, not the other way around.

Well, up to you to believe however. I've known people to do both. The guy I mentioned earlier in the thread (the Air Force guy) now only plays a couple of hours out of the week on raid days. It just depends on the set up.

And besides, I don't see the big deal. It's a hobby. Kind of like talking on this forum. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Angry Grimace said:
How does your guy have Season 5 PvP gear?

I thought Season 5 didn't even start until next month?
I talked to Chromie and went into the future one month.

(the raid boss in Wintergrasp drops gloves and robes, maybe pants too)


I have a question about the Scroll of Resurection blizzard promotion.

I don't have access to blizzard web site currently so I'm asking here.

Say I resurect the account of a friend that has been frozen for more then 90days. He then proceed to buy wotlk and subscribe for 90days or more.

Can we both roll a DK and have our 3X xp boost for 90days and rocket our way thru the boring lvl 58-68 ?



Mareg said:
I have a question about the Scroll of Resurection blizzard promotion.

I don't have access to blizzard web site currently so I'm asking here.

Say I resurect the account of a friend that has been frozen for more then 90days. He then proceed to buy wotlk and subscribe for 90days or more.

Can we both roll a DK and have our 3X xp boost for 90days and rocket our way thru the boring lvl 58-68 ?

I'm not sure if you can both Resurrect an account and RAF an account. I doubt it.

In any event, the 3x XP bonus ends at level 60.


Epix said:
I'm not sure if you can both Resurrect an account and RAF an account. I doubt it.

In any event, the 3x XP bonus ends at level 60.

Aww thanks. I knew it was too good to be. Guess we won't roll DK after all and just use our 70s. Too bad the bonuses will be worthless to us. Oh well, not even sure I'll ever use that Zevra thing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
dave is ok said:
I talked to Chromie and went into the future one month.

(the raid boss in Wintergrasp drops gloves and robes, maybe pants too)

I don't PvP much so my knowledge of all that is somewhat vague.


Worships the porcelain goddess
If there is one thing I HATE it's that you have to skill up weapons. So, what's the easiest way to skill up a weapon from 1 on a lvl 70? =/
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