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World of Warcraft

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Evlar said:
Penance is fucking awesome.

Yeah, love it as well. The other disc spells might be lacking, but this definitely makes up for it. Most mana efficient healing spell as a priest, first tick is instant and then 2 more over 2 seconds, builds up to max in only one cast and more chances to crit means more procs. For some reason I skipped rapture in my spec (didn't know how good it was) but supposedly if even one of the 3 ticks crits, you actually get mana back instead of using it if you've specced fully into that.

Oh, and it's a nice damage spell for when soloing as well :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
No Means Nomad said:
I came in without an epic flying mount and 1,500g and I had my epic flying mount and cold weather flying by the time I hit 78. I have no idea how this happened, but I've heard a lot of people aren't making that much money. I've pulled in nearly 3000g in quest rewards alone, Selling junk to vendors is huge on cash (1300g), and I've pulled only about 500g-ish from Auctions. Ignore your professions (unless they're gathering, sell the materials you find), and ignore abilities that won't have immediate use (every ability costs like 20g).

If you're a disenchater you're at a huge disadvantage. Selling crappy greens to vendors is big money.
I don't know, repeatedly selling Savage Cobalt slicers at 500g for 2 to rogues is why I have more money than god.


Son of Godzilla said:
So I'm ready to quit this game I guess. The way raids are playing out is far too disappointing. The badge system is *horrible* as implemented. I'm fine with giving better upgrades to 25 mans. I think it's retarded, but I'm fine with it. But not providing lesser options for the 10 man/heroic badges? What the flying fuck am I supposed to do with heroic badges now? I've gotten a neck, a trinket, and a belt. There are no more upgrades, just fucking Bind on Account gear.

Combine that with how totally fucking boring Naxx is and the whole endgame is just blah once you are fully kitted.

Leveling was fun though, I don't regret buying WotLK. Storm Peaks was worth the price alone.

The expansion just came out ... I'd at least stay around till the next biggest content patch. There is one true raid instance ... Naxx, the rest are just glorified boss encounters. Have you done those? Sartharion, Malygos, Archavon?

TBC had Kara, ZA, SSC, TK, BT, Hyjal, Gruul's, Magtheridon, 2 outdoor bosses .... at close. I'm sure WotLK will be fleshed out.

I don't think it's a secret Blizz released WotLK before it was truly ready ... I mean the professions don't even have 450 skill patterns. The specialty "specs" of professions have nothing in them.

Level an alt or something ... use those badges you have on the BoA stuff to make it easier to level!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Son of Godzilla said:
So I'm ready to quit this game I guess. The way raids are playing out is far too disappointing. The badge system is *horrible* as implemented. I'm fine with giving better upgrades to 25 mans. I think it's retarded, but I'm fine with it. But not providing lesser options for the 10 man/heroic badges? What the flying fuck am I supposed to do with heroic badges now? I've gotten a neck, a trinket, and a belt. There are no more upgrades, just fucking Bind on Account gear.

Combine that with how totally fucking boring Naxx is and the whole endgame is just blah once you are fully kitted.

Leveling was fun though, I don't regret buying WotLK. Storm Peaks was worth the price alone.

TBC launched with not much badge gear too. More was added with the Zul'Aman patch, and then the BT-level badge gear was added with Sunwell patch.

But, if you don't truly see an upgrade path for your toon, it might make sense to unsubscribe for a while, and just come back for a month or two every time new content is put out. It'd be cheaper, anyway.


To anyone who uses Auctioneer:

Why does Auctioneer no longer fill in the price with the recommended price when you create an auction? Now, it just defaults to something like 4g even when Auctioneer has a recommended price in the item tooltip. It used to use the recommended price and fill those in when you create an auction. It would tell you what criteria is was using to base the price on (5% undercut, 300% vendor markup, ect). It doesn't do that anymore.


Any priests in here?

I want to keep my buddies that are clearing heroics and naxx alive in my shitty quest greens/blues.

I have around 1000 spell power and 250 mp5 in shadow spec.

I'm thinking this custom build would raise my intellect, mp5, and spell power well.


However, I haven't played around with full disc or holy lvl 80 specs, so I don't know the benefits of that routes.


Son of Godzilla said:
So I'm ready to quit this game I guess. The way raids are playing out is far too disappointing. The badge system is *horrible* as implemented. I'm fine with giving better upgrades to 25 mans. I think it's retarded, but I'm fine with it. But not providing lesser options for the 10 man/heroic badges? What the flying fuck am I supposed to do with heroic badges now? I've gotten a neck, a trinket, and a belt. There are no more upgrades, just fucking Bind on Account gear.

Combine that with how totally fucking boring Naxx is and the whole endgame is just blah once you are fully kitted.

Leveling was fun though, I don't regret buying WotLK. Storm Peaks was worth the price alone.

You're absolutely right. There's no possible way they could add anymore badge gear.


DeathNote said:
Any priests in here?

I want to keep my buddies that are clearing heroics and naxx alive in my shitty quest greens/blues.

I have around 1000 spell power and 250 mp5 in shadow spec.

I'm thinking this custom build would raise my intellect, mp5, and spell power well.


However, I haven't played around with full disc or holy lvl 80 specs, so I don't know the benefits of that routes.
If you're going that deep into the Holy tree you really, really (really really) should consider investing 3 more points and picking up Circle of Healing. Either drop three points out of Enlightenment or one point out of Enlightenment and the two in Improved DS. Invest two into Holy Reach and one into CoH. That's my recommendation.


DeathNote said:
Any priests in here?

I want to keep my buddies that are clearing heroics and naxx alive in my shitty quest greens/blues.

I have around 1000 spell power and 250 mp5 in shadow spec.

I'm thinking this custom build would raise my intellect, mp5, and spell power well.


However, I haven't played around with full disc or holy lvl 80 specs, so I don't know the benefits of that routes.

I don't know much about priests but this is my girlfriend who does quite well and is honestly one of the best priests that I have ever run with (not just because she is my g/f).


The spec seems to work well for her .. of course she is not in greens ... but I dunno, maybe the spec will work for you as well?
I hit 80 on my mage on Saturday. Now I'm spending my time leveling my professions and looking for a good raiding guild on DarkSpear (alliance). I've only run UK and Nexus, so I'm going to look for some groups for some of the other stuff. Is it even worth running them in regular, and not Heroic mode, or are they easy enough to just run through Heroic mode the first time? Thing is I only progressed as far as Zul'Drak in my leveling, which means I haven't set foot into Storm Peaks or Icecrown, and I dunno if there are any, but I haven't done any quests in CrystalSong Forest, either. I'll probably do some questing in order to get myself some more gold.

I've been farming cloth at Kaskala, since it seems to be a good place to AoE farm. I'm getting about 150 cloth an hour there, and it's painful because that only raises my tailoring by a few points. Are cloth drops more prevalent anywhere else, and are the other places good for AoE farming?


DeathNote said:
Any priests in here?

I want to keep my buddies that are clearing heroics and naxx alive in my shitty quest greens/blues.

I have around 1000 spell power and 250 mp5 in shadow spec.

I'm thinking this custom build would raise my intellect, mp5, and spell power well.


However, I haven't played around with full disc or holy lvl 80 specs, so I don't know the benefits of that routes.

If you want to heal well and have versatility across heroics and raids, the answer is unquestionably holy atm. CoH, Surge of Light, Lightwell, Holy Conc/Imp Holy Conc, Serendipity and Guardian Spirit are all incredibly useful tools for so many situations. My recommendation is go holy all the way and get the requisite 14 points into Disc for Inner Focus/Meditation, which are practically necessary imo for solid regeneration.

My spec/profile for comparison's sake:


Surge/IHC/Lightwell all promote free heals, which allow you to stay outside the five second rule and boost your regen time. It's a great mechanic based on spirit regeneration. Crit is also important to boost the procs of various holy talents, including Surge/IHC.

Improved Renew is a waste (I throw one point in because of a lack of anywhere else to spend the remaining point in the first few tiers) -- a glyphed Flash Heal is apparently more mana-efficient, believe it or not, and grants you a chance to proc various talents/abilities which a renew does not.

Healing Focus is trash too, for the most part, given the change to knockback/spell pushbacks. You don't need it.


Magnus said:
If you want to heal well and have versatility across heroics and raids, the answer is unquestionably holy atm. CoH, Surge of Light, Lightwell, Holy Conc/Imp Holy Conc, Serendipity and Guardian Spirit are all incredibly useful tools for so many situations. My recommendation is go holy all the way and get the requisite 14 points into Disc for Inner Focus/Meditation, which are practically necessary imo for solid regeneration.

My spec/profile for comparison's sake:


Surge/IHC/Lightwell all promote free heals, which allow you to stay outside the five second rule and boost your regen time. It's a great mechanic based on spirit regeneration. Crit is also important to boost the procs of various holy talents, including Surge/IHC.

I hate Lightwell ... It's good for what it does ... but when the priest is 20 yards from the boss that you're fighting and you have to run to the lightwell and then back .... it cuts DPS by a ton if a lot of DPS'ers go run to it.


Macattk15 said:
I hate Lightwell ... It's good for what it does ... but when the priest is 20 yards from the boss that you're fighting and you have to run to the lightwell and then back .... it cuts DPS by a ton if a lot of DPS'ers go run to it.

Lightwell definitely requires practice to use, and instructing your fellow party/raid members in its use is even more tedious. It's definitely not a definitive talent for everyone, but the healing it does is so remarkable that it has to be seen to be believed. If you just looked at its mana cost and the healing all 10 charges would do, it would probably be far and away the most efficient healing we can do as priests. Even if you cast it in a place just for yourself and you're the only one to use it, it's incredibly powerful. The fact that the hot no longer breaks unless you take (I think?) 30% of your max health in one hit makes it feasible now, and it's only one point and on the way to better talents.

And yeah, if the priest doesn't cast it in a smart spot, fuck, forget it. It's definitely a unique ability that really only shines once both the priest and the party/raid learn how to use it. But once you do...man, 3k ticks or whatever, doing upwards of 7k healing in like 6 seconds without having to spend mana? Crazy OP. That and Hymn actually have uses in the numerous wotlk boss fights that have transition phases where you don't do shit. Instead of healing people during those valuable 10 seconds, you have em tap the well so you can regenerate. For example, waiting for Heigan to return to your side in p2 of the naxx fight.


DeathNote said:
Any priests in here?

I want to keep my buddies that are clearing heroics and naxx alive in my shitty quest greens/blues.

I have around 1000 spell power and 250 mp5 in shadow spec.

I'm thinking this custom build would raise my intellect, mp5, and spell power well.


However, I haven't played around with full disc or holy lvl 80 specs, so I don't know the benefits of that routes.

Super guide, and don't bother with naxx in greens. Get good faction rewards, icecrown rewards, and heroic blues. The last thing you'd want is to let down the team because you're out of mana.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I choose the stupidest achievements to focus on. Got to 400 unarmed, today :lol :lol

It brings me some sort of perverse pleasure to pick the most random shit, and then chase after it.


GDJustin said:
I choose the stupidest achievements to focus on. Got to 400 unarmed, today :lol :lol

It brings me some sort of perverse pleasure to pick the most random shit, and then chase after it.
I'm trying to get the title "Salty" >_>

I have yet to get Mr. Pinchy after 40 or so days of fishing in TBC and some in WotLK.

Eric WK

Yeah, use the EJ Priest thread. I would absolutely recommend using one of the two specs listed there. Hybrid specs can be successful, but I personally think you lose out on too many good talents doing that.

Holy is extremely versatile and CoH is incredible, but personally I don't find it fun at all. I have a much better time as Disc. I mitigate an incredible amount of damage and Penance is super efficient.

And 18k unbuffed mana is nothing to scoff at. :)



I think blood boil has to be the most worthless DK ability ever. The damage it does really doesn't justify you having to use 1 blood rune.


So I just hit 68 on my future resto druid, but I was wondering if it's feasible to level from 68-80 doing instances alone, I tried doing it in Outlands it was kinda slower then questing as feral but 10x more fun. So anyway can it be done?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Weenerz said:
It's possible, but it will take FOREVER. 70-71 is 1.3 million xp.
If you wanted to do it non-stop and didn't mind the fact that instancing only works (well) as a level method with rest XP.
Sebulon3k said:
So I just hit 68 on my future resto druid, but I was wondering if it's feasible to level from 68-80 doing instances alone, I tried doing it in Outlands it was kinda slower then questing as feral but 10x more fun. So anyway can it be done?

It really depends on how many people are willing to run dungeons with you. It would probably be easier for a healer or tank to do that than a damage dealer though. I remember when BC first started I was 67 before getting out of Zangarmarsh because I was constantly getting Ramps and BF groups. I actually dinged 67 in BF. Really, I was trying to get the leather tunic off the last boss in BF.


Oni Link 666 said:
It really depends on how many people are willing to run dungeons with you. It would probably be easier for a healer or tank to do that than a damage dealer though. I remember when BC first started I was 67 before getting out of Zangarmarsh because I was constantly getting Ramps and BF groups. I actually dinged 67 in BF. Really, I was trying to get the leather tunic off the last boss in BF.

Well I've made a ton of friends during my time in outlands that are currently levelling in northrend so finding people isn't that much of an issue for me, just the daunting amount of exp per level, and not knowing what exp is like per mob in Northrend instances.
onemic said:
I think blood boil has to be the most worthless DK ability ever. The damage it does really doesn't justify you having to use 1 blood rune.

Unless you are fighting a large sum of enemies at once. Plus, for Unholy, it converts a blood rune to a death rune. What spec are you?


Just wanted to chime in on this comment:

No Means Nomad said:
If you're a disenchater you're at a huge disadvantage. Selling crappy greens to vendors is big money.

This is the biggest bullshit ever. Not sure about other servers but on my server this is what I sold within one hour:

3 stacks of Infinite Dust x 100g a stack = 300g
2 stacks of Greater Cosmic Essence x 300g a stack = 600g

900g for disenchanting useless greens. Maybe like 20 greens max? Even if they were all 2h weapons and sold for 13g a piece that's less than 300g.


VaLiancY said:
I hate you Patchwerk.

I tanked the Hateful strikes on Patchwerk, a tough encounter but it was so easy compared to our current blocker, fucking Thaddius.

Save for like 2-3 dps'ers EVERYBODY knows what to do but the retarded dps die cause they're slow and we can't burn through 20 million HP.


lockii said:
I tanked the Hateful strikes on Patchwerk, a tough encounter but it was so easy compared to our current blocker, fucking Thaddius.

Save for like 2-3 dps'ers EVERYBODY knows what to do but the retarded dps die cause they're slow and we can't burn through 20 million HP.

Our problem is people crossing polarities. Our DPS is good, could be better if Mages could break 1200 in our group. =\
Hero said:
Just wanted to chime in on this comment:

This is the biggest bullshit ever. Not sure about other servers but on my server this is what I sold within one hour:

3 stacks of Infinite Dust x 100g a stack = 300g
2 stacks of Greater Cosmic Essence x 300g a stack = 600g

900g for disenchanting useless greens. Maybe like 20 greens max? Even if they were all 2h weapons and sold for 13g a piece that's less than 300g.
I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about most of the time.

Is it possible to level up on just disenchanting or do you actually have to use your mats though? It's not like I think mining is the most awesome thing ever because I can sell titanium for 100g a piece. I need to use that shit.


Hero said:
Just wanted to chime in on this comment:

This is the biggest bullshit ever. Not sure about other servers but on my server this is what I sold within one hour:

3 stacks of Infinite Dust x 100g a stack = 300g
2 stacks of Greater Cosmic Essence x 300g a stack = 600g

900g for disenchanting useless greens. Maybe like 20 greens max? Even if they were all 2h weapons and sold for 13g a piece that's less than 300g.

Wait, what, 60 Dust and 20 Cosmic Essences from 20 greens? Holy shit, I'd say you got lucky. Some of my greens amount to 2 or 3 dust, tops. :(


So its getting cold again and i have decided to go back to WoW.I've found out this is probably the worst time to be a warrior who's just going to lvl 60. No one does ramparts and EVERY ONE is on their death knights. If any one is doing any outland instances its to lvl up their god danm dk's,i mean i used the LFG match making system and this is what happened


Four dk's and me a prot warrior. No healer,nothing we lasted about 10 mins. And they want me to stay back :\

GOD DANM IT!, I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking about switching servers, but the reason I'm still on that server is because my IRL friends play on it.


No Means Nomad said:
I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about most of the time.

Is it possible to level up on just disenchanting or do you actually have to use your mats though? It's not like I think mining is the most awesome thing ever because I can sell titanium for 100g a piece. I need to use that shit.

A long time ago you could just grab enchanting and not skill it up and d/e level 60 epics. Not anymore. Gotta be around 375 to d/e most greens in Wrath I believe.

Magnus said:
Wait, what, 60 Dust and 20 Cosmic Essences from 20 greens? Holy shit, I'd say you got lucky. Some of my greens amount to 2 or 3 dust, tops. :(

Alright, maybe not 20. 30 is more reasonable. But I usually get 2-3 dust from a green (1 and 5 are rare) or 1-2 essences. It's seriously better than just vendoring greens.

By the way any Jewelcrafters out there can make some easy money. Do the Jewelcrafting daily, use the token you get to buy a Dragon's Eye and sell that on the AH. Sold mine today for 300g. I have two Jewelcrafters so I'm going to make bank money this week.
Going back to STV after Dustwallow Marsh really sucks. The quests are worth less, more spread out, and just not as interesting. That said, I'm looking forward to the end of the semester, getting Wrath and getting into the new content.
Nooreo said:
GOD DANM IT!, I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking about switching servers, but the reason I'm still on that server is because my IRL friends play on it.

I don't think changing servers would help your situation any. Every server is like that right now. :lol Your best bet is to respec to DPS and get through Outland as quickly as possible then switch back to protection when you get to Northrend if you want.


I did Naxx 10 saturday/sunday. Was supposed to be one of the healers, but was then "demoted" to play mana bitch (ie. Ret) as a shaman hit 80 and switched to Resto. We killed the 3 bosses in the arachnid wing and Patchwerk in the abomination wing. Got myself the plate healing shoulders off Faerina and the plate healing belt off Patchwerk. Of all the 4 fights, Faerina and Patchwerk were the easiest ones (killed Faerina on first try, Patchwerk on the second - DK died right away and I screwed up, I started the fight in Holy gear). Grobbulus instead destroyed us. Fun times anyways, as it was the first time for most of us in Naxx.
Best thing about now having LK: while everyone is rolling DKs and exploring I get to totally own the mining in Quel Danas. CRAZY respawn rates on nodes.
Macattk15 said:
I don't know much about priests but this is my girlfriend who does quite well and is honestly one of the best priests that I have ever run with (not just because she is my g/f).


The spec seems to work well for her .. of course she is not in greens ... but I dunno, maybe the spec will work for you as well?

I went with one with more into Imp. Renew and 5/5 Mental Agility as I love PoM bouncing and I loooooove Renew. In fact, CoH pretty much REQUIRES it, ala Holy Specialization is a prereq for Inspiration.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Is anyone taking their DK up as strictly DPS? I'm curious if anyone is having success doing so in instances and getting groups. I'm not very good at this tank thing. Granted, I have no experience at it and I'm using common sense and write ups on tanking, but... =(


keeblerdrow said:
Unless you are fighting a large sum of enemies at once. Plus, for Unholy, it converts a blood rune to a death rune. What spec are you?

I'm blood spec.

And even when facing multiple enemies the damage it does is so minimal that you're pretty much wasting a rune when you could use much better AOE spells like death and decay. Maybe if they made the spell to increase threat or made it so that it does extra damage depending on how many diseases there are on the target it would be worthwhile.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Xabora said:
We downed patchwerk in crappy blues. :p

And now, a Fel Core Hound humping a Druid in Feral Cat form.

Haha, the look in the druid's eyes makes the shot. It's like the cat is thinking, "Hey! Something's wrong here!"


onemic said:
I'm blood spec.

And even when facing multiple enemies the damage it does is so minimal that you're pretty much wasting a rune when you could use much better AOE spells like death and decay. Maybe if they made the spell to increase threat or made it so that it does extra damage depending on how many diseases there are on the target it would be worthwhile.

The goal of Blood Boil is more AOE damage for Unholy spec. DnD has a 15 second cooldown and costs three runes. You Blood Boil to turn it into Death Runes to use for Scourge Strikes.
Hero said:
A long time ago you could just grab enchanting and not skill it up and d/e level 60 epics. Not anymore. Gotta be around 375 to d/e most greens in Wrath I believe.
Right, but don't you need to level up Enchanting for...y'know enchants? I'm guessing most people don't use it just to D/E, so their mats go there.


VaLiancY said:
Our problem is people crossing polarities. Our DPS is good, could be better if Mages could break 1200 in our group. =\

1200? 3 of our mages get around 4000dps on Thaddius and all three top DPS. I was leading the melee on 3700dps.


Finally hit 80, that took longer than I figured it would.

So happy to be back at cap, while I will say WotLK had some really interesting stories and some of the most elaborate and gorgeous area design I've seen in a game, I still cannot fucking stand leveling in WoW.

If I could have any addition made to WoW, it would be some sort of group leveling mode.

Mindlessly slogging through quests, instagibbing anything we look at as a duo and constantly getting slapped on quests with awkward pickups or goals that encourage solo play is the one thing that always truly infuriates me about this game.

Time and exp fly by so much moreso for me when I'm doing a dungeon with a good set of people, it's a shame how few quests there were for dungeons and how fucking insanely easy they all were, and I'm not talking from some overgeared Sunwell PoV, I played a character I hadn't touched since Spring 07 and nearly everyone we played with had quest greens or honor-bought PvP gear on...


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
Naxx10 is cake. I'm talking about Naxx25. We just need to get our gear up to stop the cockblock.
I know Naxx 10 is cake, its stupid easy.

Really want to get enough people in our guild to do Naxx 25.

Also, Ideal DPS from a DK. :D
Look in the Lower Righthand corner for the last fight dps.
Alex said:
Finally hit 80, that took longer than I figured it would.

So happy to be back at cap, while I will say WotLK had some really interesting stories and some of the most elaborate and gorgeous area design I've seen in a game, I still cannot fucking stand leveling in WoW.

If I could have any addition made to WoW, it would be some sort of group leveling mode.

Mindlessly slogging through quests, instagibbing anything we look at as a duo and constantly getting slapped on quests with awkward pickups or goals that encourage solo play is the one thing that always truly infuriates me about this game.

Time and exp fly by so much moreso for me when I'm doing a dungeon with a good set of people, it's a shame how few quests there were for dungeons and how fucking insanely easy they all were, and I'm not talking from some overgeared Sunwell PoV, I played a character I hadn't touched since Spring 07 and nearly everyone we played with had quest greens or honor-bought PvP gear on...

That was the worst; in BC, there was more short chains that ended in groups, or chains that had the last half require grouping. In this one, group quests come singly at the end of looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong quest chains that had ALOT of bottlenecks of x of drops from y mob of z number. Would see alot of people wanting, say "Do Unto Others" from the moment I stepped into Dragonblight, but it was at the end of many chains in New Hearthglen. This also led to me coining WoW Great Truth #39: The mob type you've been avoiding this last half-hour is now nowhere to be found once you need it for a quest.

Falling into the zerg due to work really wrecked a few zones for me because of this via kill-stealing, no upgrades (sunwell character), and much of the good quest chains in Icecrown stopping cuz i was only 78.
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