Kletian said:OK, I think I'm in need of some DK tanking advice.
I'm doing great at tanking single mobs (currently Frost specced) and I do reasonably well at tanking groups thanks to DnD, Pestilence, Howling Blast, and Blood Boil. It's when I get adds or non-caster ranged mobs that things get hairy. Usually all my runes are on cooldown keeping everything else on me to effectively grab an add, and no matter how many times I death grip a ranged mob they always stroll away from me to go shoot arrows at everyone.
I can't link my build from work (though it's based off of Rcon's 'Death Rune extreme' build on wowwiki), but any assistance in a really good tanking build or strats would be great.
Kintaro said:Just remember, Death Grip will pull a mob do you, but it's not a taunt. Unless you build some threat on it, it'll just wonder off. Grab it, throw diseases on it, pestilence, blood boil (or a howling blast if it's up?) and go back to work I guess.
Kletian said:OK, I think I'm in need of some DK tanking advice.
I'm doing great at tanking single mobs (currently Frost specced) and I do reasonably well at tanking groups thanks to DnD, Pestilence, Howling Blast, and Blood Boil. It's when I get adds or non-caster ranged mobs that things get hairy. Usually all my runes are on cooldown keeping everything else on me to effectively grab an add, and no matter how many times I death grip a ranged mob they always stroll away from me to go shoot arrows at everyone.
I can't link my build from work (though it's based off of Rcon's 'Death Rune extreme' build on wowwiki), but any assistance in a really good tanking build or strats would be great.
Bornakk said:When they are actually in the game well have more details for you, but the idea is that youll be able to switch between two specs much easier than porting to a home city, resetting talents, clicking a whole bunch, and setting up the new abilities on your action bars.
Bornakk said:Its something that was brought up as a possibility, but it isnt a guarantee until its in the game. I just listed the process as it is right now and we want to make things go smoother.
Kletian said:OK, I think I'm in need of some DK tanking advice.
I'm doing great at tanking single mobs (currently Frost specced) and I do reasonably well at tanking groups thanks to DnD, Pestilence, Howling Blast, and Blood Boil. It's when I get adds or non-caster ranged mobs that things get hairy. Usually all my runes are on cooldown keeping everything else on me to effectively grab an add, and no matter how many times I death grip a ranged mob they always stroll away from me to go shoot arrows at everyone.
I can't link my build from work (though it's based off of Rcon's 'Death Rune extreme' build on wowwiki), but any assistance in a really good tanking build or strats would be great.
Kletian said:OK, I think I'm in need of some DK tanking advice.
I'm doing great at tanking single mobs (currently Frost specced) and I do reasonably well at tanking groups thanks to DnD, Pestilence, Howling Blast, and Blood Boil. It's when I get adds or non-caster ranged mobs that things get hairy. Usually all my runes are on cooldown keeping everything else on me to effectively grab an add, and no matter how many times I death grip a ranged mob they always stroll away from me to go shoot arrows at everyone.
I can't link my build from work (though it's based off of Rcon's 'Death Rune extreme' build on wowwiki), but any assistance in a really good tanking build or strats would be great.
I can vouch for this as someone who was healing in several instances a few nights ago. Same group for them and a Prot Warrior leading the charge. There was never a moment where I was hit by a stray mob, and the only time I ever had to heal other people in the party was when they weren't taking heed of the Warrior's threat levels at the beginning of a pull.No Means Nomad said:Damn. Protection warrior tanking is loads of fun now. With the ability to actual hold aggro on more than one guy easily it's finally not a nightmare of tab+sundering. Even when DPS was split on up to three targets I didn't have a problem keeping them on me.
I still can't figure if Glyph of Sunder Armor puts the Sunder threat on the second target. I know it at least works with devastate, but that's a question I haven't answered yet. I guess I could figure it out with a modicum of effort :lolNo Means Nomad said:Damn. Protection warrior tanking is loads of fun now. With the ability to actual hold aggro on more than one guy easily it's finally not a nightmare of tab+sundering. Even when DPS was split on up to three targets I didn't have a problem keeping them on me.
You can't skip Riding 225, becuase you can't train Riding 300 without it.The Lamonster said:So I'm a lvl 66 now, and I have about 650 gold. Should I skip the slow flying mount when I reach 70 and save up for the epic?
If someone could point me to a level 80 Resto druid guide, they'd be the first.Kweh said:I'm levelling my Druid atm, it's currently Balance and I'm just not feeling it. It's 72, and just wondering, is it possible to get to 80 as Feral and then respec Resto? What would I need to do, the closer I get to 80, start picking healing gear as my quest rewards? Or should their be plenty of quests remaining once I hit 80 to pick it all up?
I have yet to see anyone write up a guide that has all the quest rewards, craftables, rep rewards etc. that are best suited to resto druids that you'll still want to use when entering Heroics, etc.Kweh said:What?
The guides tell you which stats are good, but since WoW gets updated, they won't waste time updating their lists with new gear. Just look at wowhead, filter the stats, and look for the best. Type them down to a notepad.Angry Grimace said:I have yet to see anyone write up a guide that has all the quest rewards, craftables, rep rewards etc. that are best suited to resto druids that you'll still want to use when entering Heroics, etc.
I'm trying to find one for my GF's Resto Druid but I haven't seen anything written up quite yet.
From 70-77 you can't use a flying mount in Nothrend. So I'd wait until 77 to buy the 225 and 300 skill. Then I'd buy a 280% epic flying mount skipping the blue 60% flying mount(which is only 200 or less gold).The Lamonster said:So I'm a lvl 66 now, and I have about 650 gold. Should I skip the slow flying mount when I reach 70 and save up for the epic?
Cool, that's kinda the plan right now. Shit is expensive!DeathNote said:From 70-77 you can't use a flying mount in Nothrend. So I'd wait until 77 to buy the 225 and 300 skill. Then I'd buy a 280% epic flying mount skipping the blue 60% flying mount(which is only 200 or less gold).
there's multiple ways to get drakes, including running COT: Strat (H) in a certain time, as well as other things.The Lamonster said:Cool, that's kinda the plan right now. Shit is expensive!
I looked into it and it looks like I can only buy a Gryphon. How do I get one of those dragons, I think they're called Drakes?
damn.Angry Grimace said:there's multiple ways to get drakes, including running COT: Strat (H) in a certain time, as well as other things.
The most common one you'll see is grinding rep for Wyrmrest to just buy the Red Drake for 1600g. (it's listed as 2000g, but I *think* it would be less when you got Exalted....right?) That's relatively simple due to the Championing mechanic. The hard part is coughing up an addition 2600g.
Arenas are at 80 now, not 70. Next season starts on December 16th. You either make a team in the sizes of 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5, which ever you want to play. You can join a team instead, you can be on 1 team of each size.. but each tuesday when you get your arena points from your teams performance you only get points from 1 team, that will be from the team with the most people, aka 5v5 if youre on one of those. They are worth more points than 2v2..etc....my typing right now sucks...but mmmm taco bell big bell combo...eating..nom nom.The Lamonster said:damn.
New question. How do I fight in the arena and what's all this about seasons? Do I have to wait till 70 to participate and how do you join a team and learn about seasons and stuff? It's all still very confusing to me, and I've been casually soloing since February!
From what I hear, running COT: Strat in 30 minutes to reach the Infinite Corrupter is quite doable, but you'll need heroic/raid level AoE and a pretty damn good Pally Tank. I wouldn't doubt that there are guilds that will decide to take people on runs of it for cash.The Lamonster said:damn.
New question. How do I fight in the arena and what's all this about seasons? Do I have to wait till 70 to participate and how do you join a team and learn about seasons and stuff? It's all still very confusing to me, and I've been casually soloing since February!
Angry Grimace said:I have yet to see anyone write up a guide that has all the quest rewards, craftables, rep rewards etc. that are best suited to resto druids that you'll still want to use when entering Heroics, etc.
I'm trying to find one for my GF's Resto Druid but I haven't seen anything written up quite yet.
Angry Grimace said:From what I hear, running COT: Strat in 30 minutes to reach the Infinite Corrupter is quite doable, but you'll need heroic/raid level AoE and a pretty damn good Pally Tank. I wouldn't doubt that there are guilds that will decide to take people on runs of it for cash.
Angry Grimace said:From what I hear, running COT: Strat in 30 minutes to reach the Infinite Corrupter is quite doable, but you'll need heroic/raid level AoE and a pretty damn good Pally Tank. I wouldn't doubt that there are guilds that will decide to take people on runs of it for cash.
Ugh.Weenerz said:I almost got the timed as a prot warrior yesterday. We had 2 awful dps melee dps. Boss despawned with 100k hp left.
Should have rolled need and hearthed.MrPing1000 said:So I'm trying to get the sword from heroic utgarde pinnacle.
I've done 6 runs or so so far, the first one was successful but i was fury at the time so sword went to prot warrior.
I tried to convince my brother naming himself Mcninja wasn't a good idea becuase "ninja" has a bad connotation, but he didn't believe me.No Means Nomad said:Should have rolled need and hearthed.
The Lamonster said:Cool, that's kinda the plan right now. Shit is expensive!
I looked into it and it looks like I can only buy a Gryphon. How do I get one of those dragons, I think they're called Drakes?
Weenerz said:I've run so many heroics since hitting 80, I am exalted with all 4 tabard factions, I bought a black mammoth for 300 stone keeper shards, bought the badge trinket, 2 chests, and 1 pair of gloves and still have 18 badges. I'm working on my other t7 tank gloves. Tank gear is offset, but with no other upgrades to buy atm, I guess I'll get those.
keeblerdrow said:Wow, seeing a non-widescreen resolution now is kinda jarring.
We 3 manned it because we both wanted the mount and he has a multi-box healer. :lolborder said:How many people do you need to kill Attumen, at level 80? From the screens it looks like you 3-manned it...with that many, I imagine the trash pulls would be harder than the boss.
Alex said:So, since I'm 80, I can start doing things by myself when my duo partner isn't logged on without screwing up our EXP deficit anymore
I'm still a fresh transfer on my server, don't got a guild, playing an old character with fresh scrubby 80 gear so I queue up for a pug set of instances.
I'm very much trying to be as nice and understanding and overall kind as possible, since I'm a pretty casual player now and I don't want anything to come back and bite me in the future when I'm trying to get into an entry level guild somehow
Now these people are dumb as rocks, I hate to sound like such an ass, but it's a very typical PUG, lazy people who won't walk to the instance (leaving me alone at the summon stone since only I made the trip) don't know anything about the bare bones basics and talk exclusively in short hand internet speak
I can shrug all of that off, it doesn't need to be the ritz
But this:
This never fails to fucking infuriate me. "DPS Warrior", says he can't tank, we have to find another tank capable class for our fifth.
I get an extremely hearty chuckle at DK's I see sitting in LFG for long streches of time with the comment "DPS only". Of course since my pal is a competent DK, we never need an outside tank but it's migraine inducing even moreso than Warrior considering how tanking is done on DK.
Fucking morons.