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World of Warcraft

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Really Really Exciting Member!
funkmastergeneral said:
How do I gear up for heroics if all the good gear is in the heroic dungeons?

That's the problem... i want to do the normal lvl 78-80 dungeons to gear my resto druid for heroics so it wont be too hard for me, but barely anyone are doing them... then when i will heal heroics with my lvl 73-75 blues, we will wipe, and people will tell me to "L2P noob" & gear up before entering heroics... =/


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Sweet so 3.0.8 is hitting.

I know the change log, but practically what is changing that will majorly effect the game? 1 tap mining sounds big. Not sure if it will drive down prices much.

Also enchants: Will prices go down or up because of the changes?

I see as an enhancement shammy our fire totems no longer generate threat. So I'm guessing now fire nova totem should absolutely be in my attack progression?
funkmastergeneral said:
How do I gear up for heroics if all the good gear is in the heroic dungeons?
As a tank I spent all the money I earned from quests on craftables, I would say about 4k? on epic gear, then the other half was from reg 80 instance. Then I would do the easy heroics like VH, UK, CoS, Nexus and I got geared pretty quickly.
funkmastergeneral said:
How do I gear up for heroics if all the good gear is in the heroic dungeons?

Go to the armory and look yourself up, click on your gear and click on find upgrades, look at all the upgrades that are reputation rewards, crafted, and bind on equip drops. Now, grind those reps, farm or buy those mats to get those items crafted, and buy the BOE gear off the auction house. Also, make sure you're getting good enchants and good gems for all this new gear.




There are tons of good loot lists out there, just follow the lower end threshold to the best you can as you go. Lots of good, cheap gear off of the AH this go around, badges accumulate fast, make sure to champion reps, etc. It's unfair for people to expect you to be draped in heroic gear and epics, but a lot of people make no effort with their equipment and just hop right out of leveling and go into Heroic LFG.

I really dislike getting PUG people anyway, and even armory screening rarely helps, honestly a coherent comment that just lets me assume that you're not a dummy goes a lot further than any armory ever could.

Armorying people just doesn't work out atm due to the ease of content, I've picked up people in half fucking 25 man epics who are too stupid to even properly contribute to a Heroic. They really need to par 10 and 25 man epics, IMO and just have the balance be in better frills and more drops. Because 25 man content, like it or not, is the easiest shit in the game due to the absurdity of buff stacking and DPS at the moment. Not to mention not having to fine tooth raid comp for stuff like OS+3.

Fire: I still think 22k is a bit low. It'd probably be ok for basically everything with good buffs, but considering I put together my Protection set in like two days, I just think it could be better, tanks should be putting in as much effort as they can on their gear.

If he has a guild that's going to start raiding, unless I'm misinterpreting things, then he should have quite a few DPS and healers eager to run heroics. Good tank gear drops in common and easy runs, as well. Blizzard made it very easy to gear a tank in LK, well, unless you were a pre 3.0.8 DK, then the hoops you had to jump through for defense rating were a bit silly.

I took my offspec in with alts, and just ran the same little gautlet of like VH/UP/OK, etc, etc, until I got everything I wanted.

Of course, id be completely fucking done by now had i not let this stuff rot in the past when I went as Holy. Fork over my damn legplates, Cyangosa!
GhostRidah said:
As a tank I spent all the money I earned from quests on craftables, I would say about 4k? on epic gear, then the other half was from reg 80 instance. Then I would do the easy heroics like VH, UK, CoS, Nexus and I got geared pretty quickly.

So I choose between gear and epic flying? :|

Oni Link 666 said:
Go to the armory and look yourself up, click on your gear and click on find upgrades, look at all the upgrades that are reputation rewards, crafted, and bind on equip drops. Now, grind those reps, farm or buy those mats to get those items crafted, and buy the BOE gear off the auction house. Also, make sure you're getting good enchants and good gems for all this new gear.



Fucking rep grinds are horrible. I may sound like a grumpy old man, but it was a lot easier to get geared up for the higher level instances when I hit 60 then now.


The best thing I can tell you is to find a little guild that does heroics and 10 mans and chill with them.

I think I spent about 3,000g on my upstart tank stuff, but I made it all back in two days. On my server at least, you can make a surprising amount of money just running heroics from BOE stuff, Abyss Shards, Orbs, etc.
Fucking rep grinds are horrible. I may sound like a grumpy old man, but it was a lot easier to get geared up for the higher level instances when I hit 60 then now.

Rep grinds are the best theyve ever been, man. Make sure to pick up your tabards for championing. I'm 4x exalted just from helping guildies run dungeons.

What class are you, BTW. I'll help you find a loot list that'l get you started.
Alex said:
The best thing I can tell you is to find a little guild that does heroics and 10 mans and chill with them.

I think I spent about 3,000g on my upstart tank stuff, but I made it all back in two days. On my server at least, you can make a surprising amount of money just running heroics from BOE stuff, Abyss Shards, Orbs, etc.

Rep grinds are the best theyve ever been, man. Make sure to pick up your tabards for championing. I'm 4x exalted just from helping guildies run dungeons.

What class are you, BTW. I'll help you find a loot list that'l get you started.

I'm a warrior who prefers to tank, and right now I'm almost 76 and have pretty much all greens with a blue here and there. I've been completely out of the game since 2006 so a lot of things have passed me by, like the importance of rep grinds and daily quests. I just want to have good enough gear for when I hit 80 so I can do heroics and possibly raid content, but that's just not looking possible right now.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
funkmastergeneral said:
I'm a warrior who prefers to tank, and right now I'm almost 76 and have pretty much all greens with a blue here and there. I've been completely out of the game since 2006 so a lot of things have passed me by, like the importance of rep grinds and daily quests. I just want to have good enough gear for when I hit 80 so I can do heroics and possibly raid content, but that's just not looking possible right now.
Never has been man. Its not hard once you hit 80. Go to www.wow-loot.com and click on warrior. Tells you what drops in each dungeon so you can prepare.


Rep grinds come automatic from doing quests while leveling, then running dungeons at 80, I wouldn't sweat them. I probably got 3-4 blue items upon hitting 80 just waiting for me at honored/revered levels at various factions. Tanks also have a shit ton of good AH gear to get, cheap stuff too. Tempered Saronite and the Daunting pieces, for example. Those run like 30g apop on my server.

The hardest part for me as a tank to get without stepping into an instance was rings and trinkets. I had to buy pretty expensive rings to get started, trinkets I got lucky on since I am an Alchemist and just made the tanking stone and bought the dodge trinket with my landfill of badges =/

Here's a loot list for a Prot Warrior:


Dont take it as gospel or anything, there's some def inconsistencies and it's more of a set of guidelines but it'll help you get started, I config'd it to list 5 man and old world drops.

Just go gradually. Try to get a guild that'll help you. Don't worry about requirements and stuff coz tank Heroic reqs are pretty easy to get across: 535 defense and 20,000 health.

If youre trying to save money, dont get blue quality gems, get perfect cuts of the green ones. Although a lot of the gems I use seem to be pretty cheap, I guess the emeralds are just not too expensive.

Entry level enchants are pretty cheap now too.


lockii said:
So if you're white critting upward of 1.8k (Which I am) Swipe will be looking to crit for 6000ish, and it's an AOE with no cooldown.

6000ish on what? Each target? Really? Couldn't be. Is there a limit to the targets you can hit? What's the CD on swipe?

And you're white critting 1.8k? I don't think I've seem those numbers. What's your ap?


funkmastergeneral said:
I'm a warrior who prefers to tank, and right now I'm almost 76 and have pretty much all greens with a blue here and there. I've been completely out of the game since 2006 so a lot of things have passed me by, like the importance of rep grinds and daily quests. I just want to have good enough gear for when I hit 80 so I can do heroics and possibly raid content, but that's just not looking possible right now.

With your level I will point you to Zul'drak if you haven't started already. Gives you a good start with the Argent Crusade faction, which leads to a head enchant and good def legplates. Additional to that, the Drakuru quest line gives you a nice necklace at the end.
Follow this up with preferable Storm Peaks in K3. One of the quests will start the questchain for the Son of Hodir, which leads to shoulder enchants and some easy quests with blue rewards. (you need to do the daily quests twice to open it up I think.)
An then finish up with the Argent Crusade quests in Icecrown. More AC rep (gets you close to revered I think) and more awesome blue quest rewards.
With that you will have pretty awesome tank gear as soon you hit level 80 without even trying.
funkmastergeneral said:
So I choose between gear and epic flying? :|
Trust me the epic flying isnt worth it if your main priority is to gear up fast to raid. Unless you have a gathering skill its worth it to use the money on crafting, heck even if you do have a gathering skill I think its still worth it to go and spend the money on crafting stuff.


My hunter is nearing 80... as a fresh level 80 hunter what mail sets should I be looking at first? Any good crafted gear I should be trying to buy? (BM spec btw)


xabre said:
6000ish on what? Each target? Really? Couldn't be. Is there a limit to the targets you can hit? What's the CD on swipe?

And you're white critting 1.8k? I don't think I've seem those numbers. What's your ap?

Ok, druid cat form has been tremendously buffed for wotlk. A typical feral cat druid will have close to 10000 AP because one of their skill effectivelly double their base AP for the whole fight if they keep it in their rotation.

Now, combine that with the relatively low energy cost of specced swipe, the fact it has no CD, and can hit 4 targets with the right glyph and you've gotten yourself a crazy aoe druid cat in there.

I wouldn't be much surprise to see half-decent druid in quest gear that top trash dps charts in 25 mans.

Now, everyone and their moms knows that trash means nothing in wotlk. Single target dps is where its at and that change to swipe won't change anything about that.

I understand why blizz gave swipe to cat form. Previously, druid cat form had absolutly no ability for hitting more then one target at a time. So something had to be done...


Epix said:
[Relic of Ulduar]x10 can now be turned in for 250 Hodir rep. Damn, 1 day after I finally get to exalted. Sigh.

Holy crap, I have like 350 of those and I'm at Revered. Awesome!

Is it 10 per day only or can you do them all at once?
There's a lot of stuff they talked about on MMO champion and stuff that's not in the patch notes either. We will see what made it and what didn't in a few hours.
Thanks for the help, guys. Is it unrealistic for a fury specced warrior to tank heroic instances? I would prefer to stay fury specced until I start raiding, because it's really hard for a prot warrior to farm. I was a prot spec warrior back in the MC/BWL days and was useless when trying to farm


With all of the Prot Warrior redesign, it shouldn't be too hard to farm, but no, I wouldn't try to tank a Heroic on a Fury Warrior. Dual Specs are hopefully coming in 3.1 though.
funkmastergeneral said:
Thanks for the help, guys. Is it unrealistic for a fury specced warrior to tank heroic instances? I would prefer to stay fury specced until I start raiding, because it's really hard for a prot warrior to farm. I was a prot spec warrior back in the MC/BWL days and was useless when trying to farm
times have changed, yes its a bit slower than dps classes but its way more easier to solo now as prot, and no you cant do heroics as fury, you miss way to many good talents.


Kweh said:
Holy crap, I have like 350 of those and I'm at Revered. Awesome!

Is it 10 per day only or can you do them all at once?

Dear lord I hope it's all at once ... and I plan to have a Nobles deck by the end of the day because I have over 1000 Ink of the Sea that I will turn in for Snowfall Ink.

Only need 4 of the 8 cards.

Hopefully blizz lets me change my Kirin Tor ring to the one with expertise on it now though as well.


Junior Member

I'm starting to worry that all of the comments about current raid content being too easy are going to have unforeseen consequences. All of the talk that Naxx is "easy" has trickled down to the terrible players, and now they're trying to raid.

I run 10-mans with my guild, and a wipe on any boss is rare. I do 25-mans in PUGs or with other guilds because I can't make my guild's 25 man nights, and most of the time that shit is just painful.

I've seen people in half greens / half quest blues in Naxx25 that have zero concept of how to play their class. The warlock spamming searing pain at Noth. A hunter that barely broke 1K dps on Thaddius with 11 people giving him the charge buff. I've seen guilds with half of their dps below 1K wondering why they're getting overrun by adds during Gothik's opening phase. 3/4 of a raid wiped out on the first round of the Safety Dance. Healers that can't handle Patchwerk's hateful strikes submitting GM tickets because the encounter just has to be bugged.

I've seen plenty of undergeared players ask to come along on 25man (I'm talking undergeared as in lvl70 welfare epics). They always tell me that the bosses are easy and that their gear is fine. Armory them, sure enough they've never done heroics, let alone downed a single boss in 10 or 25-man. Maybe they've got mains that have done it before, but chances are they're just repeating what they heard on the forums.

To all of these people, Naxx is "hard". They're going to whine. The statistics are going to back them up, showing lots and lots of wipes, and lots and lots of crap guilds blocked by bosses that any competent guild could handle. You never know, they might decide Naxx isn't accessible enough.


burgerdog said:
Loving wrath so far, first tier raids are fantastic when it comes to difficulty. Without a raiding guild I have collected a good amount of gear so far

If Ulduar ends up being unfriendly to pugs then this is the best I'll have for a while. I do hope that it's finely tuned and a step ahead of naxx/malygos/sarth since now all raiders should have some experience under their belt.

Very nice. So basically I have a good chance of gearing my DK in Naxx with pugs?
TomServo said:

I'm starting to worry that all of the comments about current raid content being too easy are going to have unforeseen consequences. All of the talk that Naxx is "easy" has trickled down to the terrible players, and now they're trying to raid.

I run 10-mans with my guild, and a wipe on any boss is rare. I do 25-mans in PUGs or with other guilds because I can't make my guild's 25 man nights, and most of the time that shit is just painful.

I've seen people in half greens / half quest blues in Naxx25 that have zero concept of how to play their class. The warlock spamming searing pain at Noth. A hunter that barely broke 1K dps on Thaddius with 11 people giving him the charge buff. I've seen guilds with half of their dps below 1K wondering why they're getting overrun by adds during Gothik's opening phase. 3/4 of a raid wiped out on the first round of the Safety Dance. Healers that can't handle Patchwerk's hateful strikes submitting GM tickets because the encounter just has to be bugged.

I've seen plenty of undergeared players ask to come along on 25man (I'm talking undergeared as in lvl70 welfare epics). They always tell me that the bosses are easy and that their gear is fine. Armory them, sure enough they've never done heroics, let alone downed a single boss in 10 or 25-man. Maybe they've got mains that have done it before, but chances are they're just repeating what they heard on the forums.

To all of these people, Naxx is "hard". They're going to whine. The statistics are going to back them up, showing lots and lots of wipes, and lots and lots of crap guilds blocked by bosses that any competent guild could handle. You never know, they might decide Naxx isn't accessible enough.

mmm I pugged a 25 Naxx last night and we wiped on Thaddius like 8 times before calling it quits. Somehow the dps kept dying...I'm really not sure how.


Worships the porcelain goddess
This news is small, but fun. Server is pretty stingy with signing guild charters, but I finally got one up and running for me and my friends. So, if any old SoDers from FFXI are reading and thinking of joining WoW, you've got friends on Blackwater Raiders. :lol


Flesh Into Gear said:
mmm I pugged a 25 Naxx last night and we wiped on Thaddius like 8 times before calling it quits. Somehow the dps kept dying...I'm really not sure how.

They were zapping each other. Or the raid had no healers to heal through his pathetic chain lightning.


We've only got a 10 man guild, and we've pretty much maxed out our equipment outside of random stuff for everyone, we're going to host a half pug 25 man to try to evaluate some possible recruitment choices to advance to 25s as a main, I think our requirements are for people to be basically decked in heroic gear. There's no excuse to be in anything less, get carried elsewhere.

Same for when we weekly half pug VoA 25, I don't care how easy the boss is, if I see you in fucking Season 2 shit, I will get a raid assist and kick your ass out. Go wow someone else with your 1000 DPS.

People have no shame whatsoever. Why even level up to 80 and put all the effort in if you're not going to try to do your best, especially these fucking DPS. What fun is DPS if you're not meter racing and going for improvement in an RPG. It's very easy and very casual to get geared up in LK. I'm not saying I demand people in a bunch of raid epics, it's a silly little pug, but at least have some current LK blues and craftables for christ sakes.

Thaddius is a joke, but I can see how you could wipe on him if you had a gaggle of utter morons. Even with Naxx as piss easy as it is, I'd probably have blood run down my ears if I had a full pug in there. I can just see all the stupids dying on Heigan and missing the jump on Thadius.

I just boggle at how bad people can be, you'd swear WoW was their first game altogether. Not only can they not do the stat and research juggling of an RPG, they can't even do like Mario World 1-1 difficulty movement and platforming.
I'm going to make a bee-line for Storm Peaks when the servers are back online.....maybe the Proto Drake will be around.....I doubt it though

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
We've only got a 10 man guild, and we've pretty much maxed out our equipment outside of random stuff for everyone, we're going to host a half pug 25 man to try to evaluate some possible recruitment choices to advance to 25s as a main, I think our requirements are for people to be basically decked in heroic gear. There's no excuse to be in anything less, get carried elsewhere.

Same for when we weekly half pug VoA 25, I don't care how easy the boss is, if I see you in fucking Season 2 shit, I will get a raid assist and kick your ass out. Go wow someone else with your 1000 DPS.

People have no shame whatsoever. Why even level up to 80 and put all the effort in if you're not going to try to do your best, especially these fucking DPS. What fun is DPS if you're not meter racing and going for improvement in an RPG. It's very easy and very casual to get geared up in LK. I'm not saying I demand people in a bunch of raid epics, it's a silly little pug, but at least have some current LK blues and craftables for christ sakes.

Thaddius is a joke, but I can see how you could wipe on him if you had a gaggle of utter morons. Even with Naxx as piss easy as it is, I'd probably have blood run down my ears if I had a full pug in there. I can just see all the stupids dying on Heigan and missing the jump on Thadius.

I just boggle at how bad people can be, you'd swear WoW was their first game altogether. Not only can they not do the stat and research juggling of an RPG, they can't even do like Mario World 1-1 difficulty movement and platforming.
The problem with WoW is that it attracts a lot of people, who for lack of a better word, aren't necessarily good at videogames. It's kind of sad/funny that I started playing a couple months ago and mastered that "heigan dance" literally the first time I tried it, but people who've had accounts since Vanilla just die every single dance cycle. I mean, he does the same exact thing every time. How can one not learn this?

Not being a stat whore, but I can't say it doesn't annoy me that my stat screen shows 10 deaths on Heigan, 0 of which were even remotely my fault.

Then again, I can't claim I wasn't having fun in Naxxramas, even dying a lot. Not knowing how to do the encounters pretty much at all beyond reading a page that says "do this" and learning them with friends (even lesser skilled ones, but still ones that try) is a lot more rewarding to me than blowing through it with a bunch of loot whores that have the whole place on farm. *shrug*


BigJonsson said:
I'm going to make a bee-line for Storm Peaks when the servers are back online.....maybe the Proto Drake will be around.....I doubt it though

I tagged Vyragosa in mid air and used slow fall lager, by the time I'd landed I'd lost aggro and someone else was killing it. Not too fussed about that though since it's the 3rd time I've seen her in the past 3 days, haven't seen the time-lost once.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Milpool said:
I tagged Vyragosa in mid air and used slow fall lager, by the time I'd landed I'd lost aggro and someone else was killing it. Not too fussed about that though since it's the 3rd time I've seen her in the past 3 days, haven't seen the time-lost once.
Well now you don't need to fall really since 3.0.8 changes it so that anything that causes a monster to become hostile towards you tags it. Just flying by it means it's yours. Just do a fly by and go "ZOMG TIME LOST PROTO!!!!" and then collect your loot when some moron kills it hoping for a ninja mount.

funkmastergeneral said:
What's special about the Proto Drake?
You get it as a mount if you kill it.

I personally think all of the Proto Drakes are hideous looking.

*looks lovingly at Bronze Drake and feeds it a nice juicy rat*


Alex said:
We've only got a 10 man guild, and we've pretty much maxed out our equipment outside of random stuff for everyone, we're going to host a half pug 25 man to try to evaluate some possible recruitment choices to advance to 25s as a main, I think our requirements are for people to be basically decked in heroic gear. There's no excuse to be in anything less, get carried elsewhere.

Same for when we weekly half pug VoA 25, I don't care how easy the boss is, if I see you in fucking Season 2 shit, I will get a raid assist and kick your ass out. Go wow someone else with your 1000 DPS.

People have no shame whatsoever. Why even level up to 80 and put all the effort in if you're not going to try to do your best, especially these fucking DPS. What fun is DPS if you're not meter racing and going for improvement in an RPG. It's very easy and very casual to get geared up in LK. I'm not saying I demand people in a bunch of raid epics, it's a silly little pug, but at least have some current LK blues and craftables for christ sakes.

Thaddius is a joke, but I can see how you could wipe on him if you had a gaggle of utter morons. Even with Naxx as piss easy as it is, I'd probably have blood run down my ears if I had a full pug in there. I can just see all the stupids dying on Heigan and missing the jump on Thadius.

I just boggle at how bad people can be, you'd swear WoW was their first game altogether. Not only can they not do the stat and research juggling of an RPG, they can't even do like Mario World 1-1 difficulty movement and platforming.

Wow, I agree with you about that kind of stuff but man you sound mad. :lol

On another note, my Death Knight is almost max geared out in the game right now save a handful of random drops from Sarth with drakes up. It's gotten kind of boring waiting for Ulduar.

Gearing up my Rogue is pretty awful though.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Not being a stat whore, but I can't say it doesn't annoy me that my stat screen shows 10 deaths on Heigan, 0 of which were even remotely my fault.

I could point you to my 19 deaths to Patchwerk in 25 man. I know it's not exactly top tier, but I don't think my 4200dps had anything to do with those.

Hero said:
Wow, I agree with you about that kind of stuff but man you sound mad. :lol

I'll be honest with you, it does make me mad.

When you wipe on a boss and someone says "sorry guys, I was on the phone" that pisses me off. When you're ready to engage after 15 minutes of wipe recovery and as soon as the ready check is sent someone types "brb" that pisses me off. If it happens once per person I can live with it, but it's typically the same people who do it over and over

In some cases you've got a small number of idiots wasting the time of 20+ non-idiots. Believe me, I understand when real life calls - I'm married to a woman who hates WoW. I simply don't log on when there's a possiblity that she's going to want to do something in the next two or three hours. I don't want to waste anyone's time. I wish others would extend the same courtesy.


Angry Grimace said:
The problem with WoW is that it attracts a lot of people, who for lack of a better word, aren't necessarily good at videogames.

Casuals! They are everywhere!

I don't know.....WoW was, outside that superhardcoreendgameraiding, designed by some everquest dinosaurs, always a more casaul targeted game and I don't expect everyone to permanantly optimazing gear and studying game mechanics. But honestly I haven't encountered anything worth a complain in Lich King so far from the player base on my server.
Was actually shocked with the Thaddius first try kill with my guild. not exactly the most hardcore gang. :lol

Milpool said:
Not too fussed about that though since it's the 3rd time I've seen her in the past 3 days, haven't seen the time-lost once.

o_O....I still haven't seen any of the damn dragons.
Flesh Into Gear said:
ugghhhh maintenance extension for 2 more hours :(

Lame. Tuesday is my only off day from class and was hoping to get some playing time in today before work. I guess that was some poor planning on my part, making the only day I can log in for significant amounts of time server maintence day.
TomServo said:

I'm starting to worry that all of the comments about current raid content being too easy are going to have unforeseen consequences. All of the talk that Naxx is "easy" has trickled down to the terrible players, and now they're trying to raid.

I run 10-mans with my guild, and a wipe on any boss is rare. I do 25-mans in PUGs or with other guilds because I can't make my guild's 25 man nights, and most of the time that shit is just painful.

I've seen people in half greens / half quest blues in Naxx25 that have zero concept of how to play their class. The warlock spamming searing pain at Noth. A hunter that barely broke 1K dps on Thaddius with 11 people giving him the charge buff. I've seen guilds with half of their dps below 1K wondering why they're getting overrun by adds during Gothik's opening phase. 3/4 of a raid wiped out on the first round of the Safety Dance. Healers that can't handle Patchwerk's hateful strikes submitting GM tickets because the encounter just has to be bugged.

I've seen plenty of undergeared players ask to come along on 25man (I'm talking undergeared as in lvl70 welfare epics). They always tell me that the bosses are easy and that their gear is fine. Armory them, sure enough they've never done heroics, let alone downed a single boss in 10 or 25-man. Maybe they've got mains that have done it before, but chances are they're just repeating what they heard on the forums.

To all of these people, Naxx is "hard". They're going to whine. The statistics are going to back them up, showing lots and lots of wipes, and lots and lots of crap guilds blocked by bosses that any competent guild could handle. You never know, they might decide Naxx isn't accessible enough.

We had a guy in guild back in BC who'd run Mags/Gruul/SSC/TK pugs with our alts and just random folks on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays for cash, DSTs for guildies, and just general gearing up of alts for funsies. The first two weeks of that was slow as molasses going, as we'd have to a) weed out idiots from even getting into the raid itself (pallies with SPR, Hunters with STR, etc), then b) /kick mouthbreathers who do stupid shit that gets people killed repeatedly, THEN c) endure some nerdraging over Vent from that one Enh shaman who's next to last on Recount's DPS meters who got into his head that the DST would be rolled for despite "/trade LF4M DPS and one Healer Gruuls and Mag: DST and Gembag reserved" being spammed for 15 minutes when it drops.

Finally. FINALLY, after all this, the runs went smooth. Not perfect, as stuff like Alar and Fathomlord took some doing due to low gearing and many not having done them, but the ones we had left were LEARNING and GEARING, and you could see it from week to week as we gave precedence to good play from previous raids.

3.0 was The Answer. The answer to all that schadenfreude and naked, blatant envy of successful raiders by people who have no PERSPECTIVE or DRIVE or WORKETHIC, even after BC advances reduced overhead and timesinks needed to get into a dungeon to minimal and understandable.

And you've seen just what I've noticed since "Loot Reaver" became the nom de rigeur for a boss that WAS cake for skilled, teamwork-oriented guild who were used to playing with each other and were knowledgable about the game in general. But for people with no clue, he might as well been Kael. Doable with that crappy gear, but not by who was between the keyboard and chair atm.

I fear for Ulduar; even strong-casual guilds are farming 25 man shit like whoa, and that makes me think from a game-balancing viewpoint that it'll be tuned to someone who is, possibly with a Brutallus near the front testing gear. If Blizz still has that hang-up about forcing all raids to be "accessable" rather than "possible" for EVERYONE, well, yah. Expect those bleeding edgers to have screenshots and woe-is-us blog entries within days of 3.1.

WoW was, outside that superhardcoreendgameraiding, designed by some everquest dinosaurs,

You mean 1.0 MC. You didn't, but you do now.


Won said:
o_O....I still haven't seen any of the damn dragons.

I doubt I would have noticed Vyragosa but I randomly spam this macro as I fly around:
/target time
/target vyra
/target dirkee
/stopmacro [dead] ,  [noexists]
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"RARE MOB", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\interface\\RaidWarning.wav")

Found her dead in the valley north of Valkyrion, and twice flying towards Valkyrion through the valley with all the harpies. I originally just had '/target tim', which got my hopes up when It targeted a player named Timothy so you might wanna use their full names.


Milpool said:
I doubt I would have noticed Vyragosa but I randomly spam this macro as I fly around:
/target time
/target vyra
/target dirkee
/stopmacro [dead] ,  [noexists]
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"RARE MOB", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\interface\\RaidWarning.wav")

Found her dead in the valley north of Valkyrion, and twice flying towards Valkyrion through the valley with all the harpies. I originally just had '/target tim', which got my hopes up when It targeted a player named Timothy so you might wanna use their full names.

I run a similar macro and even found dirkee once, but seeing vyra three times in 3 days? I was already speculating that they are on somekind monthlong respawn timer. Never see them, spam the macro all the time and only have seen one time-lost proto drake so far on one player. :lol
Milpool said:
I doubt I would have noticed Vyragosa but I randomly spam this macro as I fly around:
/target time
/target vyra
/target dirkee
/stopmacro [dead] ,  [noexists]
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"RARE MOB", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\interface\\RaidWarning.wav")

Found her dead in the valley north of Valkyrion, and twice flying towards Valkyrion through the valley with all the harpies. I originally just had '/target tim', which got my hopes up when It targeted a player named Timothy so you might wanna use their full names.
Looks complicated. What exactly does this macro do? And if I ever found one of these dragons, should I even bother fighting it if I'm not lvl 80 yet?


The Lamonster said:
Looks complicated. What exactly does this macro do? And if I ever found one of these dragons, should I even bother fighting it if I'm not lvl 80 yet?
Looks like it attempts to target anything by the name of time/vyra/dirkee. If it finds one it displays a raid warning message and plays a warning sound.

And yes fight it......it's an honor to die to one of these mobs.
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