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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
As a Night Elf, I'd LOVE to have a raptor...but I doubt they'll ever let me walk into Org and get one :lol
I finally got my Ragefire Chasm achievement by walking into the phased Orgrimmar during the Battle for Undercity event and walking right in :lol

Wouldn't let me buy a mount tho :lol


Finally got the bitch, so that's the 4th time in 4 day's I've seen her, I tagged her in the air and landed on a ledge, as she was coming down towards me a shammy comes along and takes aggro, spends about 10 minutes killing her then gets pissy when I loot. Dropped a bag with twenty-somthing gold and 20 Frostweave Cloth, plus Azure Dragonleather Helm of the Thief. Pretty hard to miss as you can see:


Milpool said:
Finally got the bitch, so that's the 4th time in 4 day's I've seen her, I tagged her in the air and landed on a ledge, as she was coming down towards me a shammy comes along and takes aggro, spends about 10 minutes killing her then gets pissy when I loot. Dropped a bag with twenty-somthing gold and 20 Frostweave Cloth, plus Azure Dragonleather Helm of the Thief. Pretty hard to miss as you can see:

10 mins to kill a mob with 18k HP?

I killed it the other day with my Mage. Took a Fireblast and Frostfire Bolt crit + Ignites. Done in under 15 seconds.

Grats though, time to find that Time-lost Proto!


Macattk15 said:
10 mins to kill a mob with 18k HP?

I killed it the other day with my Mage. Took a Fireblast and Frostfire Bolt crit + Ignites. Done in under 15 seconds.

Grats though, time to find that Time-lost Proto!

I think he was on some 'I'm not gonna kill this rare mob for you' protest, but he refused to come closer to me so I could get aggro back and was too far away for righteous defence. I think I'll camp this spot for a while and see if the Time-lost comes along.
Yea, the nerf to steady shot does hurt. It's like nerfing a Rogues Sinister Strike. That was my bread and butter. But, it's not THAT bad. I'll be damned if I'm giving up my Spirit Beast to run some MM or SV build.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Scum said:
Bloody hell! I had no idea there were mounts out there that cost over 9000 gold! :O
The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth is 16,000g minimum.


Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
holy shit, really?
Yeah. Lillehoff in Dun Niffelem has a Grand Ice Mammoth for 9499G 99S 99B. I mean, how do people come across that kind of money?!? The most I've ever had was about 3000G!


firex said:
not sure if they fixed wintergrasp yet, but on my server it's disabled but still under horde control. fucking awesome for me since it means easy shard farming, and almost feels like karma since the alliance uses their population imbalance to control WG whenever they can.

On the other hand, Alliance on my server is indefinitely doomed. Good thing I got my helm and trinket when I had the chance. Time to level that DK I rolled with other friends...
lockii said:
Meet rogues and feral druids; your new AOE kings.

Heh yeah it was kind of ridiculous. Last night during spider wing we pulled two packs of mini-spiders and a group of 4 all in one on the way to Maexxena. So I Tricks the tank and started spamming Fan of Knives with a Cold Blood on the 2nd one and ended up doing something absurd like 10k dps with a lucky string of crits. I'm just glad trash is cleared ever quicker now and not having the frustration of trying to Mutilate a mob and have it die like 3 seconds later.


Epix said:
Is spellpower the most important stat for elemental shaman? If so, what base stat feeds spellower, is it INT? What's the conversion rate for INT -> SP?

As was said, Ele scales poorly. One reason being that no basic stat scales up their damage like every other dpser out there. Strength or Agility for melee, INT/Spirit with talents for other casters all do such. Shaman gets ll spell power from plain old spell power.

So, it is the most important stat once you get hit capped. Crit is valuable up to about 25%. Crit gives you crit and clearcasting, which now improves your spells' damage by 10%. With all the talents, an Ele Shaman gets a lot of crits and an auto crit for Lava Burst. Which is why crit also scales poorly on Elemental, because about 36% of your damage does not scale with crit(Lava Burst and Flameshock).

Haste is the trickiest though. Having zero Haste as an Elemental is better than having 200 Haste as an Elemental. The problem is that you Lava Burst every 8 seconds, but no more than that because of the static cooldown. Haste starts to make your spells clip with that cooldown and can cost you dps. 300 and 500 Haste can be useful as I think at those marks, Lightning Bolt no longer clips. So it is either 0 haste, 300 haste, or 500 haste.

Overall, spell power is the only thing we truly scale with.


Hmm, all this shaman talk makes me want to play mine. Kinda stopped levelling him at 77.

Was enhance levelling up, so that's where most of his gear is at. With free respec, was wondering if I should go ele or resto instead since I'm somewhat close to 80.

How's the state of Resto nowadays? I do have 70+ pally/priest/druid though as well so I dunno =P I loved healing with him pre-WOTLK, but I dunno if they suck comparatively now.


For the holy paladins on here, what major glyphs do you use, and why? I'm not sure if I should go with FoL since the change makes it really attractive now, or go with divinity (but I, like, never find myself in need to use LoH) or SoL (but I already have SoW/glyph of the wise so SoL wouldn't get casted much I think) and seeing what others use and maybe why they do it would help.


force push the doodoo rock
Can anyone help me with my mage? I feel like I'm playing FF11 killing and drinking all the time. I'm level 24 and fully frost specced, but it's just so frustrating that I can't do things like handle adds without having to run away or killing more than 2 or 3 enemies until I have to sit and wait again.

I've heard about AOE grinding and I wanna try that, but it seems most guides I've found are pre talent changes and aren't very effective for someone my level.

Any help would be appreciated.


Well, went elemental on my shammie and was topping out at 1800 dps at lvl 77 with pretty crap gear (lots of kara-gear, or quest stuff from along the way) so happy with that.

Sp0rsk: Try this out for now
building up to something like this by 33

and whatnot. If you really want to go hardcore aoe, then grab Permafrost to slow them down in your Blizzard even more, though it's of dubious helpfulness otherwise.

Blizzard did recently get a nerf in its speed decrease, so you won't have as easy a time of it as it used to be. Although it does more damage now than it used to as well (shatter crits are amazinggg)

Basically, you want to find a group of melee mobs that are in close proximity to one another. Any ranged ones will fuck you up as they'll interrupt your blizzard.

Gather them up (will be hard until you get a mount at 30) in a close bunch, slap a frost nova down then get 10 yards or so distance and start blizzarding. You may need to put a second blizzard down in between you and the mobs after the first one is done, or you can just run in and arcane explosion their last bit off.

All this said, I haven't aoe'ed as low level for 3-4 years so my experience back then was entirely different than it will be for you. The same mechanics are there as high level, but I don't know how well blizzard scales at your level, as in everything dies in 1-2 casts or what.


sp0rsk said:
Can anyone help me with my mage? I feel like I'm playing FF11 killing and drinking all the time. I'm level 24 and fully frost specced, but it's just so frustrating that I can't do things like handle adds without having to run away or killing more than 2 or 3 enemies until I have to sit and wait again.

I've heard about AOE grinding and I wanna try that, but it seems most guides I've found are pre talent changes and aren't very effective for someone my level.

Any help would be appreciated.

Mage is just shitty at low levels. Its only til 40+ where you can start AoE grinding and being able to kill more than 2 enemies without having to sit and drink.

Regarding drinking though, I think Arcane spec is pretty sexy with the 2minute Evocation (talented) cooldown.
sp0rsk said:
Can anyone help me with my mage? I feel like I'm playing FF11 killing and drinking all the time. I'm level 24 and fully frost specced, but it's just so frustrating that I can't do things like handle adds without having to run away or killing more than 2 or 3 enemies until I have to sit and wait again.

I've heard about AOE grinding and I wanna try that, but it seems most guides I've found are pre talent changes and aren't very effective for someone my level.

Any help would be appreciated.

I'm where you are, and it seems to be true. I even tricked her out with the Emblem stuff and it helps, but not a ton. I think we need to get to Outlands and gear with an appreciable amount of +SP to start seeing some improvement.


Scum said:
Yeah. Lillehoff in Dun Niffelem has a Grand Ice Mammoth for 9499G 99S 99B. I mean, how do people come across that kind of money?!? The most I've ever had was about 3000G!
Use your profession to sell shit on the AH. I made 10k this last couple weeks (just bought the Kirin Tor ring for 6800g for the extra hearthstone :D ) just by farming eternals when my faction held wintergrasp, and crafting epics with the eternals and selling the epics on the AH for 1k gold a piece. I could easily get mats for 1-2 epics in 2½hrs of farming.

Also, dailies give a nice chunk of gold, and if you have a gathering profession you can make tons just by farming herbs or ore and selling it. Saving any greens you come across and have a friend disenchant them (if you dont ahve enchanting yourself) and selling the dusts/cosmic essences on AH is a nice source of income, much better than just vendoring them.

Right now I'm farming eternals in wg like a motherfucker, since it's under alliance control until blizzard starts up the battles again :D


So how much do dailies at 80 give per quest?

I dinged 70 on my DK today and when I went to do them in sunwell I was disappointed to find that they got nerfed hard. 3-4 gold now where before it was 10-12.


Kyoufu said:
So how much do dailies at 80 give per quest?

I dinged 70 on my DK today and when I went to do them in sunwell I was disappointed to find that they got nerfed hard. 3-4 gold now where before it was 10-12.
Dailies at 80 give around 13-15g per quest. The daily dungeon and daily hc and some dailies give ~25g
Lain said:
For the holy paladins on here, what major glyphs do you use, and why? I'm not sure if I should go with FoL since the change makes it really attractive now, or go with divinity (but I, like, never find myself in need to use LoH) or SoL (but I already have SoW/glyph of the wise so SoL wouldn't get casted much I think) and seeing what others use and maybe why they do it would help.

Seal of Wisdom, Holy Light, and Flash of Light. I never use seal of light because (single target) throughput is never a problem and seal of wisdom has other advantages like costing half the mana and restoring mana on hit. Divinity is nice but I rarely use lay on hands and it's an oh shit spell, not something you use when you go out of mana (and how often does that happen?).


sp0rsk said:
Can anyone help me with my mage? I feel like I'm playing FF11 killing and drinking all the time. I'm level 24 and fully frost specced, but it's just so frustrating that I can't do things like handle adds without having to run away or killing more than 2 or 3 enemies until I have to sit and wait again.

I've heard about AOE grinding and I wanna try that, but it seems most guides I've found are pre talent changes and aren't very effective for someone my level.

Any help would be appreciated.

I wouldn't go frost for leveling - the tree only starts to get efficient once you have shatter, and even then only once you have large amounts of crit.

Mages in general are going to be drinking every 2 pulls or so- it's the nature of the class. I'd level fire, at least until 40.
I just went through the last few bosses in Naxxramas that I had not done and beat Kel'Thuzad. I can't help but feel disappointed. Prince Malchezaar was more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. Hell, half the fights in Karazhan were more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. :\ When I saw Kel go below 1 million I was seriously thinking "That's it? That can't be it."


so blood DKs seem pretty awesome now. I didn't even go that deep into blood (43 blood/14 frost) and I still think it's a huge improvement over 2h frost.

although, that is 2h frost, so it's like comparing the worst build to one that they just tried to buff up to be in line with the other good builds.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oni Link 666 said:
I just went through the last few bosses in Naxxramas that I had not done and beat Kel'Thuzad. I can't help but feel disappointed. Prince Malchezaar was more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. Hell, half the fights in Karazhan were more complicated than Kel'Thuzad. :\ When I saw Kel go below 1 million I was seriously thinking "That's it? That can't be it."
You're surprised a raid from 2005 was less complicated than a raid from 2006? All they did was change the levels of the mobs and change the skin of "Highlord Mograine" to "Baron Rivendare". Notwithstanding the year it was made, Kel'Thuzad was designed for 40 players; 40 player content requires a lot less attention because it's extremely difficult to get 40 players to do anything at the same time.

Move on to Malygos and see if you think the same thing
Well, it was supposed be the end all be all, legendary Naxxramas that only a few hundred people finished or some shit, right? The place people talked about on the forums like it was the coolest thing on earth. I expected it to at least be a bit better than the other bosses in Naxx. That was just boring. Naxx has some cool fights. Thaddius, Grobbulus, and The Four Horsemen were all much better.

I've done Malygos (didn't beat him but, I've been there) and Obsidian Sanctum and I think they're cool.


Junior Member

3.8k on 10man Patchwerk today without kings.

This blows... well time to spend gold for a new spec.

Oni Link 666 said:
Well, it was supposed be the end all be all, legendary Naxxramas that only a few hundred people finished or some shit, right? The place people talked about on the forums like it was the coolest thing on earth. I expected it to at least be a bit better than the other bosses in Naxx. That was just boring. Naxx has some cool fights. Thaddius, Grobbulus, and The Four Horsemen were all much better.
Compared to Tank n Spank Molten Core, Team Work BWL, and Token Turn-in AQ, yeah Naxx was pretty awesome on how they mixed it up for Classic WoW Mechanics.
What you're not seeing is the INSANELY tight numbers race you would've been up against. This Patchwerk, for example, is tuned to make sure everyone has 179 iLevel blues or better ONLY. The one from 60 just ate people as you had to have done like, C'thun and the earlier parts of Naxx a good bit to have the horsepower to take him down (9 healers or some shit with complicated healing rotations) Rolling Ignites. Failing at Heigan Dance == instant death. 8 4pc Dreadnaught tanks for 4H. Not to mention the fact those fights took 60 characters with 60 talents as far as they could go without breaking them.

It's the one real, true downside to the new ease of it, and you have to be OK with it like I am, that most bosses just cant intimidate worth shit now.


Xabora said:

3.8k on 10man Patchwerk today without kings.

This blows... well time to spend gold for a new spec.

Changes more significant than first thought? I haven't followed the DW DK's since that, just loving my blood tanking too much :D


Modesty becomes a woman
Kyoufu said:
So how much do dailies at 80 give per quest?

I dinged 70 on my DK today and when I went to do them in sunwell I was disappointed to find that they got nerfed hard. 3-4 gold now where before it was 10-12.


They weren't nerfed you dingus, you get XP for them instead of extra gold.

I love how when people don't understand or think the game should work another way, they automatically go into negative mode.


Our DPS DK was able to do 4,200 on patchwerk 10 last night in near completed 10 man gear, 32/39 slow/fast. He seems pretty content still. He seems to have a lot of fun with a ghoul that actually stays alive and Army of the Dead on every boss too :p I laughed my ass off during trash when both DK's used AOTD after a tank dropped due to lag related mishap, and a zillion ghouls were flying across the screen like popcorn.

No kings also. Actually, I dont think we had a +13% magic debuff at all either. I'll check later.

Oh, and he likes the new Corpse Explosion a lot.

I think he wants a 2H though. Said along the lines that if DW DPS is just going to be par, then it's pointless excursion. I would have to agree. They should allow Killing Machine to proc off of offhand, IMO as a non-DK.

As a Holy Paladin I'm fucking thrilled beyond belief with the new Holy Light glyph, but jesus christ I was actually struggling with mana somewhat last night. That was the worst raid comp ever. I only had like 22k mp in it whereas in our typical I have 26k.5k. I needs my giant replenishment and plea ticks!

Picked up some NICE rot loot from Naxx for tanking though.Shield Block heavy stuff, which is what I want at the moment considering I'm still 6 points short of the total mitigation cap. Block absorb in my gear is like 1211. Pretty nice for how fresh I am!

Desperately need another defense ring and a defense trinket though. God I wanted Repelling Charge to drop and rot. I'm still having to gem and enchant EVERYTHING with Defense to hit 540.

Up to 27.2k hp unbuffed , 24 dodge, 17 parry, 18 block. I'm pleased with it considering ive been offspecing prot for about a week now.


Junior Member
Did 4.6K on Instructor Razuvious in 10 man last night. Always end up with him as my highest DPS for the night. No moving, but quicker encounter compared to Patchwerk means less life tapping and a larger percentage of the encounter spent under bloodlust. Think Patchwerk was around 4.2K. Need to try respeccing now that chaos bolt and the conflagrate glyph have been buffed.

We also one-healed Patchwerk when one healer DC'd at the start of the fight. Doomguard cripple works on him and slows down the frequency of the hateful strikes, letting one tree keep the MT and OT up.
Going to start playing for the first time in...years. I have BC now, so I think I'll start with a blood elf because I've heard they have a good starting area. Only class I ever played was a priest--recommendations for something new that's reasonably fun? I'm not too concerned with PvP viability since I don't have the time for that anymore...


dollartaco said:
Going to start playing for the first time in...years. I have BC now, so I think I'll start with a blood elf because I've heard they have a good starting area. Only class I ever played was a priest--recommendations for something new that's reasonably fun? I'm not too concerned with PvP viability since I don't have the time for that anymore...

Some of my suggestions. My favorite class is the Hunter, btw.

Paladin / Druids - Can tank, heal, and dps. Jack of all trades. You can experience basically every part of WoW with these classes. Even moreso with a druid seeing as how they can use stealth.

Mage - Fun AOE spells, awesome damage, teleport, 1-29 is a mana drain though

Hunter - Good for soloing, fun pet stuff, <3 feign death, get a gorilla asap for AOE grinding :D
Oni Link 666 said:
Well, it was supposed be the end all be all, legendary Naxxramas that only a few hundred people finished or some shit, right? The place people talked about on the forums like it was the coolest thing on earth. I expected it to at least be a bit better than the other bosses in Naxx. That was just boring. Naxx has some cool fights. Thaddius, Grobbulus, and The Four Horsemen were all much better.

Naxx at 60 was insanely hard and had a lot of new, interesting mechanics. It contained amazing loot that was actually itemized well. It was the first raid instance that had an easily recognized main villain. And most of the population never saw it because they never had the guild or the gear to run it. These things made it legendary.

Now, 3 years later, fight mechanics have been re-used (in some cases over and over again). Game mechanics have been changed (threat, in particular). Our abilities are much more powerful (AoE healing). The fights are tuned even easier than Karazhan was after the first set of nerfs. It's just a drastically different experience.
Interfectum said:
Some of my suggestions. My favorite class is the Hunter, btw.

Paladin / Druids - Can tank, heal, and dps. Jack of all trades. You can experience basically every part of WoW with these classes. Even moreso with a druid seeing as how they can use stealth.

Mage - Fun AOE spells, awesome damage, teleport, 1-29 is a mana drain though

Hunter - Good for soloing, fun pet stuff, <3 feign death, get a gorilla asap for AOE grinding :D

Thanks... I like crowd control, AOE stuff, so thought maybe an ice spec mage.
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