Our DPS DK was able to do 4,200 on patchwerk 10 last night in near completed 10 man gear, 32/39 slow/fast. He seems pretty content still. He seems to have a lot of fun with a ghoul that actually stays alive and Army of the Dead on every boss too

I laughed my ass off during trash when both DK's used AOTD after a tank dropped due to lag related mishap, and a zillion ghouls were flying across the screen like popcorn.
No kings also. Actually, I dont think we had a +13% magic debuff at all either. I'll check later.
Oh, and he likes the new Corpse Explosion a lot.
I think he wants a 2H though. Said along the lines that if DW DPS is just going to be par, then it's pointless excursion. I would have to agree. They should allow Killing Machine to proc off of offhand, IMO as a non-DK.
As a Holy Paladin I'm fucking thrilled beyond belief with the new Holy Light glyph, but jesus christ I was actually struggling with mana somewhat last night. That was the worst raid comp ever. I only had like 22k mp in it whereas in our typical I have 26k.5k. I needs my giant replenishment and plea ticks!
Picked up some NICE rot loot from Naxx for tanking though.Shield Block heavy stuff, which is what I want at the moment considering I'm still 6 points short of the total mitigation cap. Block absorb in my gear is like 1211. Pretty nice for how fresh I am!
Desperately need another defense ring and a defense trinket though. God I wanted Repelling Charge to drop and rot. I'm still having to gem and enchant EVERYTHING with Defense to hit 540.
Up to 27.2k hp unbuffed , 24 dodge, 17 parry, 18 block. I'm pleased with it considering ive been offspecing prot for about a week now.