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World of Warcraft

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funkmastergeneral said:
Dude you're on Anethoron, too? I was in Eclipsed back in the day before tBC came out but haven't raided since :( It's a pretty cool server

I've only been playing for about 14 months, its a nice laid back server and I like my guild alot


Junior Member
Traced-Velocity said:
Yeah haha
I was too lazy to go farm for Thorium... I did it during vanilla WoW for Thunderfury for weeks... Not fun =(
I know what you mean. But luckily for me, whenever I got mining, there's practically next to no-one around. That always helps. PLus, it also helps to be up past 2am on an EU server with practically no-one online. :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, what would be the optimal professions for a casual playing Death Knight? Mining/Blacksmith to make all your own equipment? Two gathering crafts and just buy what you need off the AH? Something else entirely? I've been working on mining, but not sure what to pair it up with that would help me sustain myself.

Edit: Also, Xabora, I recall you leveling with an Unholy build. Woujld you mind reposting that build? I'd like to give it a shot as I've never tried leveling in Unholy.


Junior Member
Kintaro said:
Awesome. Thanks. Was Unholy Aura not worth taking? I can't tell by the tooltip if it effects both the DK and the party or just the party. =/
Its good but I never saw use while leveling, but you can move points to it if you want.


Xabora said:
Raid week is over for our guild. :(

Time to make my own fun by farming AQ mounts!


I thought those were 1 per server?


I've been levelling on an Unholy build, with talents for both soloing and tanking/dps in 5mans, and I've been doing 5mans more than soloing. Working great so far!

Admittedly I could cut some of the crap out (gargoyle and corpse explosion) but I'm too lazy to respec.

I took Unholy Aura the past two levels and don't regret doing so. Yes it gives all party/raid members movement speed increase.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Heh, Garg (before the patch) is so OP, you can pop it against people in PvP and it'll practically solo them so it's not a crap talent, Corpse Explosion however is, and I wouldn't waste points in Unholy Aura.


Neo Member
Just rerolled to a friend's server to play a horde paladin. Boy, have they changed since I leveled my dwarf pally to 60 back in 2004!
BigJonsson said:
I've only been playing for about 14 months, its a nice laid back server and I like my guild alot

I played on there WAAAAAY back. Right when Anetheron was new. Had a 60 Druid, didnt ever do much though.

But that toon is what gave me the most of my WoW experience I suppose.

Nice server.


The hybrid revamp was pretty amazing overall, especially for Druids and Paladins. All three specs of both classes are flat out excellent in PvE.

Having a hybrid is a lot more of a boon that I figured it would be. Prior, I'd contest that I'd just use other classes as alts than to respec, yeah, well I would used to do that, now I don't see the point anymore and my bags are overflowing with offspec Ret and Prot gear.

I would like to bring my Mage up, but I really don't want to level anymore. Leveling takes too long, which isn't the problem per se, it's that it's a BORING kind of long. The quests are fun the first time, the areas are really pretty, but the one thing I HATE about WoW is it's fucking solo focused gameplay, that runs you around the map, doing thousands of quests.

UO's skill system was really nice for raising a character back in the day. I really loved that raising your character up was just a small portion of the game to explore that big, bad world.

FFXI is the only EQ-style leveling game I can stand, because its combat system is completely fucking bad ass due to all of the Chrono team people who worked on it. I could just lose hours of time in a great EXP party with the skill chains and EXP chains and trying to min/max. But then again leveling (and BCNM and missions) were the content in that game since Dynamis and the NM hunting end game were so fucking awful.

I get sick to my stomach thinking that we'll all be leveling to 90 in the next expansion. Ughhhhh.... I wish they'd at least make some form of randomization with dungeons and dungeon quests and support it for group grinding. As an option, that is. They dont have to take away questing and the world, I know some people like that.

But adding in a group feature. Something like... I dunno, something like Lufia where you have a 200 floor dungeon that changes in aesthetic every 20 or something, with a quest on every floor and every 20 floors worth of kills and quests being about a level's worth.

I'd so prefer doing that with friends than running back and forth to opposite end of the map to pick up rocks and kill boars solo.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
PvE rogues:

What is your attack progression on boss fights in heroics or Naxx? And your spec if you don't mind.

My best friend is a rouge and overwhelmingly agrees his spec is terrible. His gear isn't the worst in our group but his dps is.

On a side note I see on MaxDPS it is showing the progression should only be sinister strike and rupture? Does each rupture have its own timer? So you could have 3+ ruptures going at once?

Just trying to do some research for my friend. Thanks boys!


Really Really Exciting Member!
vumpler said:
PvE rogues:

What is your attack progression on boss fights in heroics or Naxx? And your spec if you don't mind.

My best friend is a rouge and overwhelmingly agrees his spec is terrible. His gear isn't the worst in our group but his dps is.

On a side note I see on MaxDPS it is showing the progression should only be sinister strike and rupture? Does each rupture have its own timer? So you could have 3+ ruptures going at once?

Just trying to do some research for my friend. Thanks boys!

That's my rogue, though i haven't done heroics or raids with her for a while, but usually i'm #1 DPS with Recount in heroics(unless there is someone else with a full epic set), but even then im not that far behind.

For trashs in heroics, I always starts with garrote, a bunch of sinister strikes until 5 points then Eviscerate, maybe throw a quick Slice & dice if Ruthlessness proc right before the mob dies. Blade Flurry + Killing Spree > Fan of Knives against a group of 3+ mobs usually does a pretty awesome job. For bosses, i always keep slice & dice up and just abuse sinister strikes and eviscerates, use my Adrenalise Rush and maybe Killing Spree if its up.

For glyphs, i use the Sinister Strike, Slice & dice, and Eviscerate ones.

I also got the Hit trinket from Heroic Nexus which has a good attack power bonus every 2 mins (even if it shows the lvl 70 PVP trinket on my armory), im also an alchemist, so always have that 180 attack power flask one. :p


vumpler said:
PvE rogues:

What is your attack progression on boss fights in heroics or Naxx? And your spec if you don't mind.

My best friend is a rouge and overwhelmingly agrees his spec is terrible. His gear isn't the worst in our group but his dps is.

On a side note I see on MaxDPS it is showing the progression should only be sinister strike and rupture? Does each rupture have its own timer? So you could have 3+ ruptures going at once?

Just trying to do some research for my friend. Thanks boys!
For combat spec you should go 7/51/13. 13 in sub so you can get Serrated Blades, and 7 in assassination so you can get Malice and Blood Splatter. That will give you +60% damage to rupture, which will make it much more powerful than eviscerate, plus rupture is a bleed which ignores armor. If you have a feral druid or arms warrior thats another 30% to bleeds (i.e rupture).

My gear and spec: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shattered+Halls&n=Lummox

Also the high end swords like Silent Crusader and Hailstorm have shitty stats for rogues, and blizzard nerfed sword spec, so ditch that and get a slow MH fist and a fast off-hand dagger andgo CQC spec.

You should keep Slice and Dice and Rupture up at all time, if there is a choice over which to refresh SnD has top priority. You cannot have more than one rupture up. but you can overwrite a rupture if for example your berserking proc, making the new rupture more powerful.

Your number one damage dealer (if you check recount) is your melee strikes. SnD means 30% faster attack speed = 30% more melee dmg, so always keep SnD up. I use the addon roguepowerbars to help me keep track of SnD and Rupture more easily.

The rotation I use is (for combat):
1 Garrote out of stealth or 1 Sinister Strike for 1 Combo Point
2 Slice and Dice
3 SS up to 5 cp
4 Rupture
5 SS up to 5 cp
6 Slice and Dice
7 go back to 3

If you have enough time left on rupture and slice and dice, you can do a 4-5cp eviscerate, but your main priority should be keeping SnD and Rupture up at all times.

For mutilate:
1 Get Hunger for Blood up to 3 stacks
2 Start out with either a garrote or mutilate
3 Slice and Dice
4 Mutilate up to 5 cp
5 Rupture
6 Mutilate up to 4-5cp
7 Envenom
8 Go back to 4 and repeat, making sure that you refresh Hunger for Blood now and then.
Epix said:
Blue posts say 3.0.8 is "imminent"

I can't wait for the faster death movement speeds, lifted mount restrictions, additional graveyards in classic WoW, faster mining (hoping it doesn't lower ore values), and I'm really not looking forward to getting nerfed (hunter).

But they really aren't messing too much with Marksmanship hunters at least.


Ikuu said:
Heh, Garg (before the patch) is so OP, you can pop it against people in PvP and it'll practically solo them so it's not a crap talent, Corpse Explosion however is, and I wouldn't waste points in Unholy Aura.

Well it saves me gold and stamina because I don't need to get the Boots enchant anymore. I value running speed alot in groups/raids so it was a no-brainer for me.

I'm ready for Northrend now :D
Mutilate x 2
Slice and dice
Mutilate to 4-5 combo points
refresh hunger for blood
Mutilate to 4-5 combo
Envenom to refresh slice and dice
mutlate to rupture


Epix said:
Blue posts say 3.0.8 is "imminent"

What's a better 2H enchant for melee dps: Beserker or Massacre?

The patch BETTER be tomorrow. I will be so pissed off if it isn't.

And Berserk main-hand, Massacre OH is generally said to be the best.


The Lamonster said:

I can't wait for the faster death movement speeds, lifted mount restrictions, additional graveyards in classic WoW, faster mining (hoping it doesn't lower ore values), and I'm really not looking forward to getting nerfed (hunter).

But they really aren't messing too much with Marksmanship hunters at least.

ughh yea they aren't messing with the tree but the steady shot nerf is HUGE for any spec hunter...


mileS said:
ughh yea they aren't messing with the tree but the steady shot nerf is HUGE for any spec hunter...

It still boggles me why they're nerfing it. White damage is always topping out my steady by a considerable amount. Maybe something in the pipeline for hunters that conflicts with Steady shot at the moment.


Are Any other Palas having issues with the Minor Glyph of Blessing of Might?

I got rank 6 BoM and got Greater BoM with it, ever since it doesn't extend my BoM to 30 min but stays at 10 min.
So I need a new graphics card for my laptop. I just upgraded it to 3GB RAM and it didn't help for WoW, so I'm assuming it's the graphics card. What it has is an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100. Can someone recommend me something affordable, but decent? I don't care about being able to run the game on high settings, I just want it to run smooth.
mileS said:
ughh yea they aren't messing with the tree but the steady shot nerf is HUGE for any spec hunter...
Don't remind me. The SS nerf is grotesque. I only assume Blizzard will realize it's too harsh and fix it at a later point...


Junior Member
High Chance of Patch Tomorrow!

Eyonix said:
When the next minor content patch is released players may notice two separate issues. The warlock spell Ritual of Summoning can only be used once every two minutes. Additionally, there are some human female animation errors, specifically when using two-handed weapons or shooting with a ranged weapon. Both of these issues are actively being addressed and we hope to have a fix available shortly after the patch releases.
Came so close to downing heroic Malygos tonight then people DC-ed and people lost focus after everyone was back online in the next few attempts :(


Finally got my defense to 538, it's supposed to be 540 for raids right? Also how much HP should I have before I can start tanking raids and stuff?

And how much is my DPS supposed to be for prot pally? Whenever my guildies use recount my DPS is around 1000-1100, not sure where I am supposed to be though.


540, and try for 22k or more unbuffed. 24k ideally but I guess that depends upon how much gold you have or what professions you have, so you can get enchants/gems/whatever.

Chris R

So I was talking about low dps on my mage. Just ran regular HoL and averaged 1150. Is that heroics capable? Or still too low? Slowly replacing my old epics with quest blues and grinding reps :(


rhfb said:
So I was talking about low dps on my mage. Just ran regular HoL and averaged 1150. Is that heroics capable? Or still too low? Slowly replacing my old epics with quest blues and grinding reps :(

Kinda low, I usually get 2100+ in heroics, though I'm decently geared up. 1400+ dps and I wouldn't look twice at you though.

What spec are ya? Frostfire is king atm, but arcane and perhaps fire will be more viable tomorrow. Frost, sad to say, is weak as shit.


question time:

I want to change my account name. if I close my account and start a new one, can I still use the same game key to register or do I have to buy another copy of the game?
RiverBed said:
question time:

I want to change my account name. if I close my account and start a new one, can I still use the same game key to register or do I have to buy another copy of the game?

i think you'll need a new copy. but i'm sure you can just have your account name changed for free if you contact them


onemic said:

I thought those were 1 per server?

That's the janky, in AQ-only version of the mount.
Only legit Scarab Lords can ride a bug in the real world. They weren't necessarily one per server - when I opened the gates on my server, I waited for 2 alliance players to finish the scarab line so that they could get their mounts, too.


I think you can pretty reasonably hit 25,000 health before starting raids on your Paladin. That'd be my goal.

I'm up to 26,000 unbuffed myself with badge loot/heroic boss epics/heroic blues and a few AH items. That's without any pure stam gems too since I can't afford them due to my trinket choices (and one of my rings) having no def.

It'll be a lot easier with the new stamina enchant to bracers and the sockets being added to the Tempered Titansteel Helm. That helm will be go from mediocre to completely bad ass tomorrow, so nab it.

I like to go in fairly over prepared though, uh... well, not that I'll ever get to tank a raid ever, since it's my offspec :( Stupid, reliable raid tanks! Our outtings need more Hammer of the Righteous! GONG!!!! Best sound effect in the game.

~51megs, all regions are up for Download.



Looking forward to my new Blood Tanking abilities/buffs, rune, and tempered helm buff.

Also itching to try out DW now for some reason. Xabora, you have a pm.


Alex said:
I think you can pretty reasonably hit 25,000 health before starting raids on your Paladin. That'd be my goal.

I'm up to 26,000 unbuffed myself with badge loot/heroic boss epics/heroic blues and a few AH items. That's without any pure stam gems too since I can't afford them due to my trinket choices (and one of my rings) having no def.

It'll be a lot easier with the new stamina enchant to bracers and the sockets being added to the Tempered Titansteel Helm. That helm will be go from mediocre to completely bad ass tomorrow, so nab it.

I like to go in fairly over prepared though, uh... well, not that I'll ever get to tank a raid ever, since it's my offspec :( Stupid, reliable raid tanks! Our outtings need more Hammer of the Righteous! GONG!!!! Best sound effect in the game.
I'm barely over 26k unbuffed right now without any raid gear, but that's also with the JC-only tank trinket and prismatic stamina gems. Aside from wrist/shoulders I have about the best you can get pre-raid for tanking in all slots, so it's not that easy to hit 25k. I just say 22k is a good base because with full 25man raid buffs you'll be at like 28k, with 10man raid buffs you'll be at 26k. with the game down for maintenance I can't link to my armory, but I can basically name my gear: Tempered TS helm (revered AC enchant), emblem of heroism neck, Pauldrons of Recon (quest reward from HoS, with +12 stamina armor kit), Tattered Castle Drape, revered wyrmrest chest, bracers from the wyrmrest daily on top of the Nexus (+6 all stats enchant, replacing with stamina after this patch), Refined Ore Gloves (+20 hit rating enchant), emblem of heroism belt, heroic VH pants (with jormungar leg armor), revered wyrmrest boots (with 22 stamina enchant), heroic HoS tank ring off the Maiden boss, Titanium Earthguard Ring (solid sky sapphire socketed), Dabiri's Enigma (need like 6 more defense from some other slot first before I can drop this for Lavanthor's Seal), JC-only northrend crab trinket with nothing but stamina gems socketed, Red Sword of Courage (titanium weapon chain for now, stamina enchant post-patch probably), heroic CoS shield (+18 stamina enchant), Libram of Obstruction. If it has blue sockets, it has +24 stamina gems in it. Sometimes, if it has red/yellow sockets, it has +24 stamina gems in it. For the most part I gemmed stamina when it would give me socket bonuses that were +defense, and gemmed +defense when it would give me socket bonuses that were +stamina.

All that + 450 mining + stamina enhancing talents puts me at 26144 hp. Probably easier to get a couple hundred more if you cheat and play alliance, since I'm sure humans/dwarves/draenei start out with a few more hp and possibly gain more stamina, too. The thing is, even with a meta socket added to tempered TS helm, the best meta doesn't give stamina. Although I think the socket bonus is like +6 stamina, and maybe it has another socket besides the meta. But this patch will also increase the bonus stamina from Sacred Duty, so I guess post-patch if you can get all that gear I have and enchant it for stamina, 27k unbuffed wouldn't be hard to get.

and on an unrelated note, I think I'm going to respec my DK from frost to blood after servers are up. I probably won't go full 51+ blood yet since I only got my DK to 66 and I'd like to keep Annihilation, but I'm a little tired of frost's burst/crit procs and overreliance on one specific school. Blood is pretty much all physical, but at least it should be easier to kick ass with, have less downtime, and I can proc sudden doom to have a simple RP dump.


I already dropped Xabora's HB build, it got too much attention and is now getting important talents nerfed down. =/ It was pretty awesome while I was doing it, even pre80. I am returning to my terribad DW blood build.


It has two points leftover, which I am debating on putting into bloodworms or into unholy. The white damage with hysteria on and blood presence is pretty nuts though. 4k one handed runestrike critss at level 74. I need to get to 80 to properly test this. The rotation is frost, plague, oblit, blood strike, blood strike, oblit, then keep oblit and diseases up, throwing in blood strikes and rune dumps as needed.


xabre said:
So feral druids get a cat swipe AOE? How is it?

There's two schools of thought. a) Think it's terrible, b) Think it's nigh-on overpowered and looking for a nerf.

I'm in camp b). With talents it's 45 energy and has a 338% weapon modifier. So if you're white critting upward of 1.8k (Which I am) Swipe will be looking to crit for 6000ish, and it's an AOE with no cooldown.
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