MDF's out of left field change makes it unwieldy in most fights instead of a few. I end up taking it out unless I'm stand-and-delivering heals. It even falls off on trash since a PoM wont keep it going. PoH and CoH give 5/6 charges, but leading with that is unwieldy (again).
First raid with kinda-nerfed-but-not-really CoH was odd. For some strange reason, the LESS I thought about it, the MORE I did, approaching old numbers. CoH > FH > FH > FH > CoH or CoH > GH > GH > CoH etc: just whackamole on Grid. The saving of Surged FH, CoH like I do PoM for movement healing is wierd, but easily adjustable. Also, when I backed off to think-healing, the other 2 Hpriests' HPS shot up, making me believe we're just sniping each other's heals, and that a Resto Shammy/Truid/Hpriest (with 2 of one of these) and a Hpally with Glyph of Holy Light on tank 24/7 and Baconwrap of Hope on him for melee (with one/the Hpriest to assist on melee damage) is less snipe-happy. Will check again on Maly25.
Yet, if I started doing judgement heals, my effective healing dropped considerably, and overheal tanked shockingly fast. I'm not sure that the side effect of this is a good one from a theorycrafting perspective, as I went from judging in a split second (Twin Eredar == Fun) if 2+pet taking raid damage being a useful target for a Party-based CoH in BC, to just hitting "areas" when damage goes out to just whackamoling on a rote rotation like a freaking DPS.
Mana is also a relative nonissue with all the Serendipity/IHC/etc monkeybusiness, so a spamming I go...