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World of Warcraft

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GhostRidah said:
grats man, I have it myself but still dont have the 5000g for epic flying lol. I personally dont like the way those drakes look though, I like the other drakes like skadi's and the proto drakes, they look like they eat beasts!

Skadi's mount dropped for me once but lost roll :(

I like the look of the new drakes myself. As in like the CoS and Wyrmrest ones. They're like the Nether drakes but with a more classic dragon look. The Proto-drakes look weird to me. They look like their head is nothing but a big mouth. Their walking animation looks really cool though.


Modesty becomes a woman
GhostRidah said:
Because I will never get the epic flying lol

The same reasoning could be applied for rolling need on offset. "I'll change my spec eventually". It doesn't work that way, people that can use it the second they get out of the instance have priority over the people who can't.


You're just as bad if not worse than people who don't know the boss strats/have low DPS.
The same reasoning could be applied for rolling need on offset. "I'll change my spec eventually". It doesn't work that way, people that can use it the second they get out of the instance have priority over the people who can't.


You're just as bad if not worse than people who don't know the boss strats/have low DPS.

It's just a mount dude, stop crying. It's not like gear, which changes your character. The mount is just for looks. The rules you posted are completely arbitrary and meaningless. I'm only 77 and can't afford artisan flying, but if a cool mount dropped I would definitely try to get it because one day I will be able to use it.
The same reasoning could be applied for rolling need on offset. "I'll change my spec eventually". It doesn't work that way, people that can use it the second they get out of the instance have priority over the people who can't.


You're just as bad if not worse than people who don't know the boss strats/have low DPS.
rofl yes having 691g left for my epic flyer makes me as bad a a low dps/boss strats ok guy... lmao

I can tell youl ost the roll on a mount before, sorry man :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Well I'm sorry we're not all as awesome as your half pug / half guild raid Mr. Awesome.

Go do Maly 25, introduce more handicapped people to the fight and see how unfun it becomes.
The joke of a bunch of people who've been playing forever claiming "Naxx is easy" is that virtually every raid boss is a gimmick fight; i.e., Grobbulus; once you know what you're supposed to do; it's not very hard when you did it 10 million times in old Naxx, Beta and watch youtube strategies that tell you exactly what to do.

Then again, I get people telling me both that a) DPS while Warrior tanking doesn't matter and that 1000 is awesome, b) my Warrior tanking DPS totally sucks. (It's about 1450 in 5-mans and 1600-1800 in 10 mans)


Modesty becomes a woman
GhostRidah said:
rofl yes having 691g left for my epic flyer makes me as bad a a low dps/boss strats ok guy... lmao

I can tell youl ost the roll on a mount before, sorry man :(

I haven't even tried to get to the extra boss. I haven't lost the roll on the mount, I have the horsemans reigns and wouldn't trade any mount for it. You're not even in a guild, what would you know about loot rules?

If you can use it or its for your main spec, roll need. Otherwise stand aside.


Modesty becomes a woman
Angry Grimace said:
The joke of a bunch of people who've been playing forever claiming "Naxx is easy" is that virtually every raid boss is a gimmick fight; i.e., Grobbulus; once you know what you're supposed to do; it's not very hard when you did it 10 million times in old Naxx, Beta and watch youtube strategies that tell you exactly what to do.

Then again, I get people telling me both that a) DPS while Warrior tanking doesn't matter and that 1000 is awesome, b) my Warrior tanking DPS totally sucks. (It's about 1450 in 5-mans and 1600-1800 in 10 mans)

Why would a tank worry about DPS? They need to focus on threat first, DPS second.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GhostRidah said:
rofl yes having 691g left for my epic flyer makes me as bad a a low dps/boss strats ok guy... lmao

I can tell youl ost the roll on a mount before, sorry man :(

Take that lame reply to the official WoW forums. Or perhaps trade chat, cause that shit is weak.

Don't be a dick and don't steal mounts. Saying it's not like gear is ridiculous; gear doesn't cost 5000g to use; people DO value mounts more than gear.

The same reasoning could be applied for rolling need on offset. "I'll change my spec eventually". It doesn't work that way, people that can use it the second they get out of the instance have priority over the people who can't.


You're just as bad if not worse than people who don't know the boss strats/have low DPS.
Never walk into anything without Master Loot. Pretty much.

Yeah, it's gotten to the point at which I just give up if someone D/C's (my entire friend list is my regular raid party). Anyone that's willing to accept a random Naxx invitation is in "let the tanks and healers bother gearing and trying while AFK my way to epic loot."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why would a tank worry about DPS? They need to focus on threat first, DPS second.
Well, in simple terms, frequently threat = DPS :D

But in all seriousness, it's because it's almost impossible to get overrun on threat on any fight that's not Malygos. And I mean that; threat is not a problem; hell most players aren't even running threat meters (I have one because it allows me to see threat wiping mechanics instantly). Unless some PUG idiot decides to AOE when I ask him to kill Skull first (which happened in OS the other day; I asked him to kill the fireball mage first, and he AoE'd them, pulled aggro and died, then left screaming :-/)

But I never understand when people say that; why wouldn't the tank care about his DPS? If I add an additional 400 DPS over another tank's DPS it's really no different than any other player adding 400 DPS. And it never comes at the expense of threat because DPS=TPS (generally). Most abilities that a Prot-warrior even has the ability to spam (heroic strike, devastates) have an extra threat component built in anyways. The only ability that decent DPS from a tank requires is Deep Wounds and Impale, which isn't a surviability sacrifice.

Even when doing 1500-1800 on a non-gimmick fight (i.e. Patchwerk, Grobbulus, fights where the tank can spend 100% of the time attacking), there are of course guys that tell me they can hit 2800 or something ridiculous. There's always someone to tell you that your DPS sucks compared to theirs.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Well I'm sorry we're not all as awesome as your half pug / half guild raid Mr. Awesome.

Go do Maly 25, introduce more handicapped people to the fight and see how unfun it becomes.
Maly 10 and Maly 25 are Tier 8 dungeons; unlike Naxx and OS which are Tier 7.


Xabora said:
Maly 10 and Maly 25 are Tier 8 dungeons; unlike Naxx and OS which are Tier 7.

So are you telling me Kel'thuzad on Heroic is a T8 boss since he drops ilevel 226 gear?

Maly 10 is quite easy also. Least I think it is. 25 man, just too many people who fail to listen to simple directions in my guild. Really infuriates me.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
So are you telling me Kel'thuzad on Heroic is a T8 boss since he drops ilevel 226 gear?

Maly 10 is quite easy also. Least I think it is. 25 man, just too many people who fail to listen to simple directions in my guild. Really infuriates me.
Well given that he drops a T7.5 piece.... I'd say no; I think the ilvl of his items is sort of a "bonus" for clearing all of Naxxramas.
Angry Grimace said:
Don't be a dick and don't steal mounts. Saying it's not like gear is ridiculous; gear doesn't cost 5000g to use; people DO value mounts more than gear.

How do you steal a mount everyone gets roll on? clue me in please


I guess Kilrogg is just awesome, because if it weren't for the occasional lag spike I'd have about 4-5 shots at the H CoS mount by now and I don't have enough people in my guild to do real guild groups (mine is literally one of those "25ish people, but 3 actual players" guilds. I guess 4 if you count the retired guy who will probably come back in the summer once grad school lets up for him). So that's just straight up pugging it. I've had like, one or two bad pugs and the rest have been awesome.

I guess that's why I don't think the bronze drake is that big of a deal. Well, that and it looks kind of stupid/ugly... although so does my armored red wyvern, so I should just grind netherwing or skyguard (if there's a faster way to grind skyguard at 80 than at 70 someone please let me know since I got bored as fuck of doing it then) and get one of their mounts, I suppose. or just farm wyrmrest to exalted and buy their drake or something.


Angry Grimace said:
Well given that he drops a T7.5 piece.... I'd say no; I think the ilvl of his items is sort of a "bonus" for clearing all of Naxxramas.

Shrug, Maly 10 and 25 do not drop T8 gear as Ard stated. Sartharion + drakes also drops 226 ilevel gear.

Fact is, T8 better be tough. I'm sick of seeing EVERYONE on the server decked out in awesome gear ... but for the most part being poopstains (in my experiences).


If I remember on a WoWHead comment, the hierarchy was something like this...

Naxx10 - 200
Emblem of Heroism

Kel'Thuzad10 - 213
OS10Bonus Loot
Emblem of Valor

EoE25 - 226
OS25 Bonus Loot

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Shrug, Maly 10 and 25 do not drop T8 gear as Ard stated. Sartharion + drakes also drops 226 ilevel gear.

Fact is, T8 better be tough. I'm sick of seeing EVERYONE on the server decked out in awesome gear ... but for the most part being poopstains (in my experiences).
What he means by T8 is that the Tier 8 set will be ilvl 226 for sure. There may be a 239 item kicking around somewhere in that raid.

I'm expecting to see Ulduar plus an additional Chamber of Aspects raid, but that's just a sneaking suspicion on my part.

You'd be surprised how little gear tells you about how good someone is. If Ulduar is a step up in difficulty, you'll see people kicking around in Naxxramas/Heroic gear for a good while.

I sort of wonder if Blizzard will ever get around to putting in the serious bizness bosses, i.e. the Lich King, Deathwing, etc. before WoW goes on the decline.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Shrug, Maly 10 and 25 do not drop T8 gear as Ard stated. Sartharion + drakes also drops 226 ilevel gear.

Fact is, T8 better be tough. I'm sick of seeing EVERYONE on the server decked out in awesome gear ... but for the most part being poopstains (in my experiences).
Here is a simple break down.

Final Raid Bosses with blizzard generally drop an iLevel tier higher than the normal bosses in the dungeon as a bonus for clearing it and considering its one boss its a bonus.

As for Naxx 25 and OS 25.
Naxx 25 is the simple fact that Kel'Thuzad is the last boss, hence following the tier higher loot system.

OS 25, you only awarded this by doing the hard mode which effectively brings the fight up another tier.

Maly is right up iLevel 213 on 10man and 226 on 25man
Now for Naxx which is iLevel 200 on 10man and 213 on heroic.
OS 10man, is just like naxx but has Hard-Mode Modifiers.
iLevel 200 for Normal Mode (213 for Hard-Mode) no Drakes
A bonus iLevel 200 (213 Hard-Mode) item for doing it with 1 drake up.
With 2 drakes you get 1 bonus iLevel 200 (213 Hard-Mode) item and a bonus iLevel 213 (226 Hard-Mode) item.

Once you see the pattern, you can catch on quickly. :p

As for Ulduar, blizzard stated they would include more Hard-Mode Bosses.
I'm expecting Freya, Hodir, Mimir, Tyr and Thorim to have Hard-Modes there.
Engaging them on Hard-Mode they should drop iLevel 239 items on 25man and iLevel 226 on Normal.

There is a chance they could introduce a new tier of Emblem with Ulduar also.

Simple breakdown:

iLevel 200
General Heroic Instance End-Boss Epic Loot
Naxx (Normal) [7]
OS (Normal) [7]

iLevel 213
Naxx KT (Normal) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Normal) [7]
Naxx (Heroic) [7]
OS (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Normal) [8]

iLevel 226
Naxx KT (Heroic) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Heroic) [8]
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Heroic) [8]

iLevel 239
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Heroic) [8]

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
Here is a simple break down.

Final Raid Bosses with blizzard generally drop an iLevel tier higher than the normal bosses in the dungeon as a bonus for clearing it and considering its one boss its a bonus.

As for Naxx 25 and OS 25.
Naxx 25 is the simple fact that Kel'Thuzad is the last boss, hence following the tier higher loot system.

OS 25, you only awarded this by doing the hard mode which effectively brings the fight up another tier.

Maly is right up iLevel 213 on 10man and 226 on 25man
Now for Naxx which is iLevel 200 on 10man and 213 on heroic.
OS 10man, is just like naxx but has Hard-Mode Modifiers.
iLevel 200 for Normal Mode (213 for Hard-Mode) no Drakes
A bonus iLevel 200 (213 Hard-Mode) item for doing it with 1 drake up.
With 2 drakes you get 1 bonus iLevel 200 (213 Hard-Mode) item and a bonus iLevel 213 (226 Hard-Mode) item.

Once you see the pattern, you can catch on quickly. :p

As for Ulduar, blizzard stated they would include more Hard-Mode Bosses.
I'm expecting Freya, Hodir, Mimir, Tyr and Thorim to have Hard-Modes there.
Engaging them on Hard-Mode they should drop iLevel 239 items on 25man and iLevel 226 on Normal.

There is a chance they could introduce a new tier of Emblem with Ulduar also.

Simple breakdown:

iLevel 200
Naxx (Normal) [7]
OS (Normal) [7]

iLevel 213
Naxx KT (Normal) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Normal) [7]
Naxx (Heroic) [7]
OS (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Normal) [8]

iLevel 226
Naxx KT (Heroic) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Heroic) [8]
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Heroic) [8]

iLevel 239
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Heroic) [8]
Have we heard what kind of bosses to expect in Ulduar?

I would certainly expect at least Thorim, since his fate was never resolved in the SoH quest chain. Perhaps Yogg-Saron himself?

I would like to see more Lich King related raids showing up though; while the Nexus War and Titans storylines are cool, I think WotLK could have released with Ulduar available rather than waiting around for resolution of non-LK storylines.



Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Have we heard what kind of bosses to expect in Ulduar?

I would certainly expect at least Thorim, since his fate was never resolved in the SoH quest chain. Perhaps Yogg-Saron himself?

I would like to see more Lich King related raids showing up though; while the Nexus War and Titans storylines are cool, I think WotLK could have released with Ulduar available rather than waiting around for resolution of non-LK storylines.

I wouldn't expect Yogg-Saron in 3.1.
Just a corrupted Thorim as the last boss which would have a lore chain leading into 3.2 with Yogg-Saron.

Let me expand on the list:

iLevel 200
General Heroic Instance End-Boss Epic Loot
Naxx (Normal) [7]
OS (Normal) [7]

iLevel 213
Naxx KT (Normal) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Normal) [7]
Naxx (Heroic) [7]
OS (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Normal) [8]

iLevel 226
Naxx KT (Heroic) [7]
OS 2 Drakes (Heroic) [7]
Malygos (Heroic) [8]
Ulduar Last Boss (Normal) [8]
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Normal) [8]
Ulduar (Heroic) [8]
Yogg-Saron 3.2 Raid Instance (Normal) [8.5/9]

iLevel 239
Ulduar Last Boss(Heroic) [8]
Ulduar Hard-Mode Bosses (Heroic) [8]
Yogg-Saron 3.2 Raid Instance Hard-Mode Bosses (Normal) [8.5/9]
Yogg-Saron 3.2 Raid Instance (Heroic) [8.5/9]
LichKing 3.3 Raid Instance (Normal) [9/10]

iLevel 252
Yogg-Saron 3.2 Raid Instance Last Boss (Heroic) [8.5/9]
Yogg-Saron 3.2 Raid Instance Hard-Mode Bosses (Heroic) [8.5/9]
LichKing 3.3 Raid Last Boss (Normal) [9/10]
LichKing 3.3 Raid Instance Hard-Mode Bosses (Normal) [9/10]
LichKing 3.3 Raid Instance (Heroic) [9/10]

iLevel 265
LichKing 3.3 Raid Instance Last Boss (Heroic) [9/10]
LichKing 3.3 Raid Instance Hard-Mode Bosses (Heroic) [9/10]

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Xabora said:
I wouldn't expect Yogg-Saron in 3.1.
Just a corrupted Thorim as the last boss which would have a lore chain leading into 3.2 with Yogg-Saron.
I would be pretty dissapointed if 3.2.0 isn't something to do with the Lich King and the Scourge.

As much as Blizzard likes to trump Naxxramas as the "Scourge Raid," it's really not. It's just a retune of an old, super-long dungeon. I think Naxx being "old" is part of the outcry against the lack of raids right now. It's not "new."

Personally, I think Naxxramas is fun as hell; it's just a fun dungeon. Plus, having so many bosses gears your 10 man raid groups up really fast since it's so huge, and it's not as dependant on gear level as some previous raid content. However, I would hope Ulduar's first boss turns out to be a reasonable gear check. It would be pretty silly if people could walk into it with any less than ilvl 200 gear and clear the place out.


The plan


3.0 - Naxxramas, Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum
3.1 - Ulduar, Another Sanctum?
3.2 - Unnamed Raid (Uldum?)
3.3 - Icecrown Citadel

so far.


Maxrpg said:
The plan


3.0 - Naxxramas, Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum
3.1 - Ulduar, Another Sanctum?
3.2 - Unnamed Raid (Uldum?)
3.3 - Icecrown Citadel

so far.

3.2 will probably be an Azjol-Nerub raid to deal with Yogg-Saron

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maxrpg said:
The plan


3.0 - Naxxramas, Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum
3.1 - Ulduar, Another Sanctum?
3.2 - Unnamed Raid (Uldum?)
3.3 - Icecrown Citadel

so far.
I sincerely doubt that's it; I'd be pretty disapointed, unless we're seeing an Emerald Dream ex-pack next year (no).

Burning Crusade had NINE unique Raid instances, one (two, if you count Gruul's as a Onyxia-style encounter) of which was a single boss encounter. The likelihood of Blizzard deciding on four actual raid instances (one recycled), and 3 single-boss raid encounters is not particularly high in my mind.

I would expect at least one more, and I doubt that something similar to Ulduar is in the cards; more likely something like something out of Gun'drak or Azjol'Nerub. I have a sneaking feeling they're gonna open the "Gates of Icecrown" slowly like they did with SP.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
I sincerely doubt that's it; I'd be pretty disapointed, unless we're seeing an Emerald Dream ex-pack next year (no).

Burning Crusade had NINE unique Raid instances, one (two, if you count Gruul's as a Onyxia-style encounter) of which was a single boss encounter. The likelihood of Blizzard deciding on four actual raid instances (one recycled), and 3 single-boss raid encounters is not particularly high in my mind.

I would expect at least one more, and I doubt that something similar to Ulduar is in the cards; more likely something like something out of Gun'drak or Azjol'Nerub. I have a sneaking feeling they're gonna open the "Gates of Icecrown" slowly like they did with SP.
Always expect smaller raid instances and side raids to be added in mini patches.


Modesty becomes a woman
Chances are more Dragonflight instances will open up in that same room by OS. Probably one a tier? Hope they aren't all the same as Sarth though. Single boss fights are more fun IMO. An hour for a full raid is way better than 2/3 nights of Naxx.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
3.2 will most likely be a Gundrak raid. That's my 2 cents, atleast. They spend all that time in the zone building up to why the city fell in ruins but it lacks a punch-line. The 5-man instance feels like the sewers of the capitol city.

Still, my biggest hope is that they add more 5-man dungeons. That would be awesome. Perhaps a new tier of instances where the normals drop emblem of heroism and the heroic drop valor. And where the difficulty gets upped a notch.


kinoki said:
3.2 will most likely be a Gundrak raid. That's my 2 cents, atleast. They spend all that time in the zone building up to why the city fell in ruins but it lacks a punch-line. The 5-man instance feels like the sewers of the capitol city.

Still, my biggest hope is that they add more 5-man dungeons. That would be awesome. Perhaps a new tier of instances where the normals drop emblem of heroism and the heroic drop valor. And where the difficulty gets upped a notch.

But we've killed Gal'darah, the head of the Drakkari. I don't really see where the storyline can go from there, unlike the Titan/Old Gods threads.
Maxrpg said:
The plan
3.2 - Unnamed Raid (Uldum?)

Haha. I was doing the Lunar Festival quests yesterday and went to the elder in Tanaris and was thinking about how that place has been completely unused since the game went live.


Angry Grimace said:
I sincerely doubt that's it; I'd be pretty disapointed, unless we're seeing an Emerald Dream ex-pack next year (no).

Burning Crusade had NINE unique Raid instances, one (two, if you count Gruul's as a Onyxia-style encounter) of which was a single boss encounter. The likelihood of Blizzard deciding on four actual raid instances (one recycled), and 3 single-boss raid encounters is not particularly high in my mind.

I would expect at least one more, and I doubt that something similar to Ulduar is in the cards; more likely something like something out of Gun'drak or Azjol'Nerub. I have a sneaking feeling they're gonna open the "Gates of Icecrown" slowly like they did with SP.

Well Mr. Angry, I am only pointing out the MAJOR Tier raids that Blizzard has planned. Of course, there are always side raids and things like Xabora has pointed out. Just because I haven't said them doesn't mean they won't be there. Which they will.

I just have a feeling Ulduar will be HUGE. Multi-wing like Naxxramas, I bet.

Azwethinkweiz said:
Haha. I was doing the Lunar Festival quests yesterday and went to the elder in Tanaris and was thinking about how that place has been completely unused since the game went live.

SRSLY! That place is reeking of mystery. I need to know!

Speaking Lunar Festival (the ones that take you out to Tanaris are achievements, not quests), I got in the spirit and dressed my guy to deal with problems while adventuring over Azeroth:



kinoki said:
Still, my biggest hope is that they add more 5-man dungeons. That would be awesome.

Christ almighty we have enough already. Too many in fact. We need raiding content and not more dev time wasted on five mans because quite frankly, as it stands, the end raiding game is a joke. Malygos should have been a dedicated raid instance with multiple bosses, progression etc that was a clear step up from Naxx. Instead we get an Onyxia hack job. The main raid instance in the game is a copy and paste job from two years ago. OS and VoA aren't much, they have their place but these aren't substitutes for a proper raid dungeon.


Guild is now doing 1 night 25-man clears. Sarth 3D + Malygos + Naxxramas + Vault = 4 hours. If we didn't have to deal with lag, we'd be even quicker with it.

Can't wait for the PTRs to come up with Ulduar so we can start testing new content.


Junior Member
winnarps said:
Guild is now doing 1 night 25-man clears. Sarth 3D + Malygos + Naxxramas + Vault = 4 hours. If we didn't have to deal with lag, we'd be even quicker with it.

Can't wait for the PTRs to come up with Ulduar so we can start testing new content.
Blarg lucky dog.

Low/Med realm pop is making it HARD to get enough people.
We have about 20 people right now for 25mans. :(
winnarps said:
Guild is now doing 1 night 25-man clears. Sarth 3D + Malygos + Naxxramas + Vault = 4 hours. If we didn't have to deal with lag, we'd be even quicker with it.

Can't wait for the PTRs to come up with Ulduar so we can start testing new content.

How the fuck are you doing that in 4 hours?


BigJonsson said:
How the fuck are you doing that in 4 hours?

Sarth +3d take maybe 20 minutes, Malygos is 10 unless you wipe and good naxx groups can clear it in 3 hours. Voa is a joke too.

My guild got two drakes down now, working on the third this week.


Yeah, it's strange. I jumped into a 'hardcore raiding guild' as soon as I dinged 80. I never really was in one before; I just hit 80 real fast and they picked me up 'cuz they needed to fill out the roster.

Naxx = 5 wings x ~25 mins each = 125 mins.
Sarth 3d = 25 mins. (finally not wiping to stupid shit anymore)
Malygos = 10 mins.
Vault = 10 mins.
Total = 170 mins = 2 hours, 50 mins or so.

Granted, these estimates are without lag and are still a bit on the conservative side. We stack DPS like crazy and chain pull nearly everything. Maybe 10 seconds to rest before boss fights, but that's it. It's a pain in the ass when everyone on the server is crammed into Naxxramas instances and casting takes 1-4 seconds longer than it should.

And most of this is a waste of time still; I think we sharded 30 drops total tonight. Stupid mail drops.

I'm super happy it's one night; now I have free time during the weekday evenings to spend away from WoW. People in guild were actually complaining because they had nothing to do during the week because of 1 night clears. lol.

The current content isn't hard by any means. Yet now I'm probably coming off as an elitist.

Sorry if this sounded prickish. :p


Did Maly25 the other night, but somehow people kept dying in P2. Those 4 Scions on the ground get down fast enough, but the scions in the air pick casters and healers apart. Had 6 healers, of which 3 good, 1 good but disconnecting a lot and 2 not so good. 2 Tanks. Anything we can improve on P2?

People died in P3 as well, but that can be learned I guess. I have no clue where to go from P2 on out.


Are your ranged and healers moving every time a new bubble drops? Stay in the bubble he drops right after a deep breath until he drops the one about 15 secs before the next one, then all move as a group to it. It's already a heal intensive phase, no need for extra damage to be taken by running to new bubbles when you do not need to.

Our biggest problem at first in that phase was tanks getting initial aggro on the ones on the ground before DPS starts laying into them. That leads to deaths which leads to slower kills on everything leaving less time on drakes to beat the enrage. Much less of an issue once people have gotten the hang of the drake phase, but while learning it, you need all the time you can get.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The same reasoning could be applied for rolling need on offset. "I'll change my spec eventually". It doesn't work that way, people that can use it the second they get out of the instance have priority over the people who can't.
just wanted to chime in on this... you are equating "eventually needing" for "maybe eventually possibly needing if I decide to change".

Just saying, epic flying is an eventuality for everyone who plans on continuing to play. I don't see a problem with EVERYONE rolling need, especially on something like that. if it is something more or less cosmetic or at the very bare minimum that everyone can use, everyone should roll need on it and be done with it. If people want to be cool and say "no, I don't need it" then more power to them.

rolling on a rare mount, pet, tabard, etc is nothing like rolling on an item with stats geared toward a specific grouping of players.


Junior Member
BigJonsson said:
How the fuck are you doing that in 4 hours?

Three hour Naxx clears are not too difficult (EDIT: for a geared and experienced group that's used to working together).

After people get geared it's easily done w/ fewer healers, which means pulling in more geared dps. We leave the guild leader behind to do loot while we start clearing trash for the next boss, which means we really never stop moving through the instance. There's a ton of joking around and cutting up on Vent - frankly it's the only thing that makes the three hours passable.

I wish we could one-shot Sarth3D. We're still learning. Last night was a big jump, the dps got their stuff together and we were burning everything down at a good pace. I think now the tanks and healers need to learn how to handle the stacking debuffs when Shadron and Vesperon are both down. Not a knock on them, our dps wasn't consistently getting to that point on previous nights, so tanks / heals never got the chance to get into a rythm.

The change to Twilight Torment in 3.0.8 is making the healers jobs ever tougher.


We rock out Naxx on Wednesdays, and then Everything else on Thursday. I could see doing it all in one night, but it would take a lot out of people, plus they have jobs to go to etc, and we can't start earlier either. BUT, Thursdays are usually just like, one hour, job done, free night.
Azwethinkweiz said:
Haha. I was doing the Lunar Festival quests yesterday and went to the elder in Tanaris and was thinking about how that place has been completely unused since the game went live.
Caverns of Time.
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