TomServo said:
The main knock against tailoring is that the profession-specific enhancements are essentially worthless. The cloak embroideries are worse than generic enchants so there's no reason to use them. The leg enhancements are available to other players, tailors just get them for their own gear for next to nothing in terms of mats.
This in in contrast to the prismatic gems for JC, extra sockets for BS, ring enchants for enchanters, longer duration / extra benefit on flasks for alchemists, superior shoulder enchants for scribes, etc.
Making money with tailoring isn't bad. The epic BOE items make nice entry-level raid gear, and the dps caster cloak you get the pattern for from Northrend loremaster is damn near best in slot. Specialty cloth itself sells well as other tailors buy it up to level the last 10-15 points without being dependent on their own cooldowns.
oh yeah, I forgot the smithing "socket your own gear" stuff. that shit rules and is a huge advantage. what I meant when I said easier leg enchants was just like you said: same enchants as the boe enchants, but vastly less mats required. It's still a nice perk, but yeah, it needs some work.
I wish they could do something like that with engineering. seems like all it's good for is building goggles if you aren't a plate class, selling the 2 epic guns, and getting bankrupted making a mechano-hog. none of those really thrills me.
I personally wouldn't mind some kind of lightning shock enchant for gloves that would be a high ppm proc on dealing damage, and/or reworking the haste enchant so it's a ppm proc, too. the belt enchants are a novel idea, too, but they could use some work.
I'm impressed with LW, though. after it sucked ass in TBC, they at least made it into a decent crafting profession now. easy to raise, excellent BoP wrist enchants, cheaper leg enchants all make it pretty good.
come to think of it, tailoring should be able to make BoP bags with less mats but the same number of slots as the more expensive BoE stuff. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but it'd be a good perk for being a tailor that would easily benefit anyone. or they could craft a "pocket expansion" for a bag that would add 2 more slots but make the bag BoP or something.