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World of Warcraft

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Eric WK

Yeah, if you have the gold or an alt that can farm mats, you'll be much better off taking two crafting professions. You should never be cheap when it comes to improving your character and although the new gathering boosts are nice (some better than others), they don't come close to providing what crafting professions do outside of convenience.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
marsomega said:
Anyone currently playing on a notebook with an Nvidia 9400M or 9500M? What is the performance like? I can't find anything concerning this.
don't know about that chipset exactly, but my wife plays on her HP notebook... very very minimally specced, Turion 2GB RAM and performance is playable, but a dog. we have all of the settings pretty much turned down and the resolution at native (1280x800) and she routinely gets under 30fps... sucks, but it's her computer so I'm not really sure what else we can do (outside of buying a new computer)


Puncture said:

Keep in mind, the playstyle is different now. There are no wonder macros to make survival work.

Oh and this had be ROFL when I saw it:


Tried a build similar to this last night and worked on my rotation a bit. Went from 7th place dps in 10-man Naxx earlier in the night to 2nd place on 10-man Sarth. I'm sorry to see my BM spec go, but this is pretty great.


Kyoufu said:
I want to go JC and Enchanting but I fear I'll never be able to afford either of them. Any tips?

If you want to power lvl enchanting, its god damn easy. You will need Auctioneer full suite and some understanding of it. You will need 1 week of scanning or ask a friend to send you his database (he must be on same server).

There is a part of auctioneer that you will need to configure so that while you are scaning (after you got some database), the addon will show you items that you can DE and make profit or use mats on enchants.

Basically, you DE a bunch of low-cost crap, use some of the mats to lvl your enchanting and sell the leftovers to get back the cash. In one week of hard work, you can be close to 450.

JC is harder but can be done in the same way. Its just harder because you have the buy mats to prospect instead of crappy gear to DE.

Good luck.

Oh, and don't tell your trick to too many players, it can affect the economy of your server in a bad way.


Mareg said:
If you want to power lvl enchanting, its god damn easy. You will need Auctioneer full suite and some understanding of it. You will need 1 week of scanning or ask a friend to send you his database (he must be on same server).

There is a part of auctioneer that you will need to configure so that while you are scaning (after you got some database), the addon will show you items that you can DE and make profit or use mats on enchants.

Basically, you DE a bunch of low-cost crap, use some of the mats to lvl your enchanting and sell the leftovers to get back the cash. In one week of hard work, you can be close to 450.

JC is harder but can be done in the same way. Its just harder because you have the buy mats to prospect instead of crappy gear to DE.

Good luck.

Oh, and don't tell your trick to too many players, it can affect the economy of your server in a bad way.

I'll try that then. I already have Auctioneer running with the DE tooltip :)

Should I also grind the low level instances for the green/blue drops to DE or is that just a waste of time?


Do those little cards you get in the mail from honoring elders have any type of rare items? Just wondering if its worth going through the 100s I have in my mailbox.


Epix said:
Got 6/8 of the Nobles cards and I'm in for about 6k right now.

I painfully made all but one of my Nobles cards, ended up just saying fuck it and bought the last one.

Ended up making a hefty sum of money off Nobles duplicates and other crappy cards.

Usually I'm not a patient person so I am surprised I held out.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
BigJonsson said:
Picked up T7.5 Shoulder and Gloves today

Now have 4/5 t7.5 for the 2nd set bonus

Can't wait to see how if affects my dps, 5% less energy on combo moves......I guess that means more mutilates
More power to you if you can master Muti spec; I messed with it on my GF's inactive rogue and it was a pain in the ass to keep SnD and the other buff up.

The big problem with non-emblem T7 junk is that it's just epically random when and if you'll get it. If my T7 shoulders DO drop at a 30% chance, it's like another 30% chance I'll actually get them. :(
Angry Grimace said:
More power to you if you can master Muti spec; I messed with it on my GF's inactive rogue and it was a pain in the ass to keep SnD and the other buff up.

The big problem with non-emblem T7 junk is that it's just epically random when and if you'll get it. If my T7 shoulders DO drop at a 30% chance, it's like another 30% chance I'll actually get them. :(

I don't think Mutilate is that hard and actually enjoy the little bit of thinking required compared to Combat's Sinister Strike spam. Especially if you get a ui add-on like ClassTimers or NeedToKnow to make the buffs (Hunger For Blood, SnD) easier to follow. Oh and do you know (when talented) Evis and Envenom refresh SnD? Maybe that is part of your trouble in keeping everything up and going.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Manick Joe said:
I don't think Mutilate is that hard and actually enjoy the little bit of thinking required compared to Combat's Sinister Strike spam. Especially if you get a ui add-on like ClassTimers or NeedToKnow to make the buffs (Hunger For Blood, SnD) easier to follow. Oh and do you know (when talented) Evis and Envenom refresh SnD? Maybe that is part of your trouble in keeping everything up and going.
I'm no Rogue. I only dabbled with my GF's in order to help out a guildie who dinged 80 but fails epically in the Rogue arena. I recommended Combat- Sinister Strike spam becuase he'll never learn Muti-spec becuase he's just not good/dedicated enough.

Being a Warrior tank, I don't work with rotations, I work with priorities :p


I got two questions:

1- I just started to play WoW and Burning Crusade for the first time two days ago. can I try the Lich King free trial or I have to reach a certain level and do stuff before trying it out?

2- when or how can I go to the capital city? do i have to reach a certain level and be warped to there or will I have to walk the whole way?


RiverBed said:
I got two questions:

1- I just started to play WoW and Burning Crusade for the first time two days ago. can I try the Lich King free trial or I have to reach a certain level and do stuff before trying it out?

2- when or how can I go to the capital city? do i have to reach a certain level and be warped to there or will I have to walk the whole way?

1. No point in starting the WotLK trial yet because you still need to have a level 55+ character in order to atleast play as a Death Knight, and you go to Northrend at 68+ so..don't bother.

2. Depends which faction you chose. It is easy to reach a capital city, either by walking/other forms of transport, teleported by a mage or summoned by a warlock.

Chris R

RiverBed said:
2- when or how can I go to the capital city? do i have to reach a certain level and be warped to there or will I have to walk the whole way?
You will be near a capital city by the time you are level 10. The city depends on what race you are. And you would probably walk, since a) its really really close for you right then, and b) teleports cost money
I just got the Culling of Stratholme drake in a PUG. I felt an adrenaline rush like I get in world PVP. I think everyone else was pretty pissed. Nobody said grats or anything and started on Malganis while I was still standing there in amazement. :lol



If I could write a letter to one of my class skills. One of them would go along like this.

"Explosive Shot. I love you. Your 3K consecutive crits warms my heart as I crush adversaries under my boot. I have a feeling our relationship will be short but I want you to know, that this is the best time I've had on my hunter in a long time."

:lol Maintenance day will be hell now that I'm PvPing so much now.


Manick Joe said:
I don't think Mutilate is that hard and actually enjoy the little bit of thinking required compared to Combat's Sinister Strike spam. Especially if you get a ui add-on like ClassTimers or NeedToKnow to make the buffs (Hunger For Blood, SnD) easier to follow. Oh and do you know (when talented) Evis and Envenom refresh SnD? Maybe that is part of your trouble in keeping everything up and going.
I didnt find that Muti required that much more thinking than combat. In combat you spam SS and refresh SnD and Rupture. In muti you spam muti and refresh rupture and SnD (using envenom) and keep HfB up. Just one more thing to keep track of, not hard with an addon like roguepowerbars, needtoknow or classtimers (which I was already using for SnD and Rupture).

The rotations were a bit tighter to keep up in muti, mostly becuase of the expertise lost from combat spec, and I wasnt expertise capped anymore (was only trying out muti so I didnt want to regem to get me back to expertise cap) and a dodged muti can make an already tight rotation really tight..

Also if your guild has two rogues, and the other one is already muti it will benefit the raid by staying combat, as then the mobs and bosses will get the Savage Combat debuff, giving 2% more physical damage for everyone. Muti rogues will give Master Poisoner, 3% (iirc) more crit chance on poisoned targets, though that is overrided by the retri palas debuff.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
What are the odds that they would skip maintenance tomorrow?

I didn't see the message when i logged on a bit ago. I'll be damned if it isn't almost every other Tuesday I find myself off in the morning and get screwed out of WoW time :/


Junior Member
vumpler said:
What are the odds that they would skip maintenance tomorrow?

I didn't see the message when i logged on a bit ago. I'll be damned if it isn't almost every other Tuesday I find myself off in the morning and get screwed out of WoW time :/
Very very low chance, since I have a feeling they're going to throw in some code to fix the Wintergrasp server issues.

In other news I finally got the buggering Elder title. :D
Fuck Maintenance :[

Anyways, figured I'd finally do the exploration achievements on my DK while the Lunar Festival was going on. So I can get all of the Tokens while exploring all the regions.

Gets pretty monotonous though. running through every zone.


I'm wondering. since blood seems to be the new 2h hotness for DKs, is it a good pvp build? I mean I know you can more or less faceroll your way to HKs against a lot of classes, but if it's viable for pvp I'll probably stick with it at 80. if not, then I'm going to go back to frost or maybe an unholy pvp build.

... although I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this, aside from that it's fun to play a DK. when dual spec comes out I'm just going to go with a ret pvp spec on my pally and that'll take care of all solo/pvp I want to do, and I can keep my tank spec for grouping...


vumpler said:
What are the odds that they would skip maintenance tomorrow?

I didn't see the message when i logged on a bit ago. I'll be damned if it isn't almost every other Tuesday I find myself off in the morning and get screwed out of WoW time :/

Pretty close to Zero %.
Stupid maintenance on the day I only have 1 class

I have a question: I'm a transmute mastery alchemist, and made 10 skyfire diamonds for some guy yesterday. My mastery procced twice, so for his mats for 10 diamonds I made 12. I told him I was going to keep the extra 2, and he got super pissed so I gave him the 12 so he didn't go bad mouth me to other people. Who was in the right here? I think from now on I'm going to tell people before xmuting that I'm keeping the extras, and if they don't like that I won't make them.


force push the doodoo rock
Some dude gave me 8 gold to just hang out with him today.

While he was fighting mobs 5 levels higher than me.


Oni Link 666 said:
I just got the Culling of Stratholme drake in a PUG. I felt an adrenaline rush like I get in world PVP. I think everyone else was pretty pissed. Nobody said grats or anything and started on Malganis while I was still standing there in amazement. :lol

I have that! But I don't have the epic flying mount lesson :(

It looks so awesome!


funkmastergeneral said:
Stupid maintenance on the day I only have 1 class

I have a question: I'm a transmute mastery alchemist, and made 10 skyfire diamonds for some guy yesterday. My mastery procced twice, so for his mats for 10 diamonds I made 12. I told him I was going to keep the extra 2, and he got super pissed so I gave him the 12 so he didn't go bad mouth me to other people. Who was in the right here? I think from now on I'm going to tell people before xmuting that I'm keeping the extras, and if they don't like that I won't make them.
Best thing to do is not tell them when you proc extras, unless it shows up in the chat log like when you loot items. It's your transmute, and they're only asking for a specific amount. Getting more just because you were lucky is bullshit. At least that's my opinion on it.
firex said:
Best thing to do is not tell them when you proc extras, unless it shows up in the chat log like when you loot items. It's your transmute, and they're only asking for a specific amount. Getting more just because you were lucky is bullshit. At least that's my opinion on it.

I was in party chat, and he said WOOT after it procced twice in a row so I figured he saw it anyway and decided to not just keep them. Pretty annoying since it cost me 6 hours of farming primal mights to get this specialization =(
Oni Link 666 said:
I just got the Culling of Stratholme drake in a PUG. I felt an adrenaline rush like I get in world PVP. I think everyone else was pretty pissed. Nobody said grats or anything and started on Malganis while I was still standing there in amazement. :lol

grats man, I have it myself but still dont have the 5000g for epic flying lol. I personally dont like the way those drakes look though, I like the other drakes like skadi's and the proto drakes, they look like they eat beasts!

Skadi's mount dropped for me once but lost roll :(
Didn't 3.0.8 hit like a week ago? WoW just installed it for me when I loaded it up and got a new TOS agreement (things were under maintenance though)
So I've been kicking my rogue around in Naxx 10 for a bit (and some early Naxx 25, but the guild has had troubles finding consistent raiders for that), and I like the place. The encounters are well thought out and there's some challenge there at times, but nothing that will stump guilds for weeks. The only thing I can fault Naxx on is the blandness of the environments. Kara's scenery lasted just long enough for you to get bored and then it's on to another area. Naxx is just one big hunk of blue-ish coloured bricks with some neon green acid thrown around at times. I'm usually concentrating on the next pull though, rather than focusing on the interior decor of Naxxramas, so it's not much of a problem.

On a class-based note, I like my rogue. We are a teensy bit underpowered at the moment, but give Blizz some time and we'll be at our normal place, I think. We're not in desperate need of a buff but we aren't at our full potential just yet. Scalability is a bitch.

I just recently respecced Muti and I like it more than combat - I think. My DPS is up a tad compared to combat (haven't done Patch as Muti, but I have done around 2.5k as Combat on 10-man) but HfB is a real pain to keep up, along with SnD and Rupture. I've looked into NeedToKnow, and that looks like quite an interesting addon for the timers. It'll be better than just looking at my buff bars (EBB is still awesome, I must admit) and the boss debuff bars, I can tell already.

My character is Orbit on Caelestrasz, will get an armory link when it's up.

EDIT: 3.0.8 dropped last week, yeah. Followed by some insane server crashes due to some WG buff changes, but it seems to be fine now.

funkmastergeneral said:
I was in party chat, and he said WOOT after it procced twice in a row so I figured he saw it anyway and decided to not just keep them. Pretty annoying since it cost me 6 hours of farming primal mights to get this specialization =(

That's a lesson for next time then. Don't use parties when you're dealing with your Alchemy Mastery. I'd still give the person extra Elixirs/Flasks if they procced, myself. But transmutes would only be for monetary gain by the other person if they got them.


funkmastergeneral said:
I have a question: I'm a transmute mastery alchemist, and made 10 skyfire diamonds for some guy yesterday. My mastery procced twice, so for his mats for 10 diamonds I made 12. I told him I was going to keep the extra 2, and he got super pissed so I gave him the 12 so he didn't go bad mouth me to other people. Who was in the right here? I think from now on I'm going to tell people before xmuting that I'm keeping the extras, and if they don't like that I won't make them.

I'd think the extras should have been his since he provided the mats, but he should have given you a nice bonus for it, afterall he got 2 extras for free.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
gahhh.. SOOOO pissed.. was part of an Omen raid with a mixed pug (half horde, half alliance) and I was FUCKING DEAD when he died. I rezzed like 5 seconds after and got my Elune's Blessing, but apparently it wasn't enough to complete the quest.. spent like 30 minutes at 11pm fucking with this and now I need to do it again for the quest/achievement. god damn it.
Lain said:
I'd think the extras should have been his since he provided the mats, but he should have given you a nice bonus for it, afterall he got 2 extras for free.

I was doing the transmutes for free since I was just hanging around Dalaran talking on gchat, and he gave me a 10g bonus :| woopee


Modesty becomes a woman
GhostRidah said:
grats man, I have it myself but still dont have the 5000g for epic flying lol. I personally dont like the way those drakes look though, I like the other drakes like skadi's and the proto drakes, they look like they eat beasts!

Skadi's mount dropped for me once but lost roll :(

JoeFu said:
I have that! But I don't have the epic flying mount lesson :(

It looks so awesome!

Lol I would never take either of you dickheads again, It's just common courtesy to not roll on something you can't use.
borghe said:
gahhh.. SOOOO pissed.. was part of an Omen raid with a mixed pug (half horde, half alliance) and I was FUCKING DEAD when he died. I rezzed like 5 seconds after and got my Elune's Blessing, but apparently it wasn't enough to complete the quest.. spent like 30 minutes at 11pm fucking with this and now I need to do it again for the quest/achievement. god damn it.

My friend and I had a similar thing happen to us. We both died at the last second (stupid alliance killing us when we were just helping) and when we rezzed I got the buff and the quest. My friend just got the buff. He ended up taking off the buff and standing on the body until he got the quest completed.


Lol I would never take either of you dickheads again, It's just common courtesy to not roll on something you can't use.
They should just let druids fly on mounts in flight form. I don't know. Letting an epic mount drop and seeing a DRUID of all classes win it is a big /facepalm to me. Because Epic Flight Form(TM) is so much better (read: instant) that mount is going to NEVER get used.


funkmastergeneral said:
I was doing the transmutes for free since I was just hanging around Dalaran talking on gchat, and he gave me a 10g bonus :| woopee
oh, you got gold for it? Honestly 10g's not that bad if you're talking about skyfire diamonds. probably a rip if you were making skyflare diamonds (northrend's version of skyfire) but barely anyone uses skyfires anymore. I thought you just got nothing and he demanded the extras. I wouldn't just give away extras to some stranger, but for 10g that's not so bad considering you made him some more or less obsolete gems and he gave you all the mats (he did give you all the mats, right?). I don't know though, it's not like I actually buy potions/flasks/transmutes. I just send the stuff to one guy in my guild and he sends me the raw metas back, which I then cut to whatever someone needs.

and re: the drake chat, I kind of think it's dickish to roll on it if you don't have 300 riding, especially if other people in the group do (and I'd wager a good portion of level 80s do by now, as I have 300 riding and like 4100g and I buy cheap stuff/enchants on the AH all the time and don't even sell shit on there) but it wouldn't burn me up too badly considering how easy it is to get the CoS drake, anyway. Although I feel like all those drakes should scale to your riding skill anyway.


Strath timed isn't difficult at all, but doing it in a pug, at least in the context of my server, would be equate to winning a gold medal at the olympics.

So, so many bad pug players. I'm always amazed at how many people just cannot do even 1000+ DPS.

On the topic of raiding, we did a half guild/half friendly guild pug of all of the 25 mans this weekend.

Yeah, they were amazingly easier than even the already easy the 10 mans. Who ever said 25 man Malygos or Kel'thuzad were harder: you're insane. We burned these raids to the ground. Everyone was laughing their ass off because we expected it to be a step in difficulty harder.

The sheer throughput of DPS, the ability to stack all classes of healers and the onslaught of buffs ruins this content. It was literally impossible for me to lose mana while healing.

25 mans are just jokes, period. Well, so are 10 mans, but at least when you pull in a bad raid comp on Saph 10 or Multi-Drakes you can at least feel a LITTLE tension! 25 mans are just free, overpowered epic pinatas. 2.5x+ the DPS/healing of the players, tack on 25% more hp, leave the damage the same and you have the difference between 10 and 25.


Alex said:
Yeah, they were amazingly easier than even the already easy the 10 mans. Who ever said 25 man Malygos or Kel'thuzad were harder: you're insane. We burned these raids to the ground. Everyone was laughing their ass off because we expected it to be a step in difficulty harder.

25 mans are just jokes, period. Well, so are 10 mans, but at least when you pull in a bad raid comp on Saph 10 or Multi-Drakes you can at least feel a LITTLE tension! 25 mans are just free, overpowered epic pinatas. 2.5x+ the DPS/healing of the players, tack on 25% more hp, leave the damage the same and you have the difference between 10 and 25.

Well I'm sorry we're not all as awesome as your half pug / half guild raid Mr. Awesome.

Go do Maly 25, introduce more handicapped people to the fight and see how unfun it becomes.


Alex said:
Yeah, they were amazingly easier than even the already easy the 10 mans. Who ever said 25 man Malygos or Kel'thuzad were harder: you're insane. We burned these raids to the ground. Everyone was laughing their ass off because we expected it to be a step in difficulty harder.

The sheer throughput of DPS, the ability to stack all classes of healers and the onslaught of buffs ruins this content. It was literally impossible for me to lose mana while healing.

25 mans are just jokes, period. Well, so are 10 mans, but at least when you pull in a bad raid comp on Saph 10 or Multi-Drakes you can at least feel a LITTLE tension! 25 mans are just free, overpowered epic pinatas. 2.5x+ the DPS/healing of the players, tack on 25% more hp, leave the damage the same and you have the difference between 10 and 25.

i'm going to disagree with you

10 mans are a joke, 25 mans are a joke for the most part as well, but 10 mans are so much easier by comparison

especially 25m maly seems more difficult to me, i don't think i've ever wiped on 10m malygos, but in guild we've wiped more often on 25m malygos so idk, thats just my experience

but to a point you are right, the only difficult encounter in 25 man is Sarth + 3 drakes, my guild was working on Sarth + 3 drakes this week, had to settle for a 2 drakes kill, too many retards cant avoid fire walls and void spawns, probably will get it next week tho


I got enchanting to 200 in like 2 hours and I only spent 150g or so. Gonna DE boss drops as I farm rugged leathers :)

On a side-note, Old Kingdom's last boss was better than anything I fought in TBC.
Alex said:
Strath timed isn't difficult at all, but doing it in a pug, at least in the context of my server, would be equate to winning a gold medal at the olympics.
Exactly why I rolled on it, I am guildless at the moment and not planing on joining a guid, and pugs on my server are.. lets just say dumb as nails. Just the other day a hunter couldnt break 600 dps in heroic UK... no way am I not rolling on it with people who do not know how to play.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
By the way: Is there a link that shows what this update I just downloaded was for?

Under wow patch notes it just shows everything from last week...


vumpler said:
By the way: Is there a link that shows what this update I just downloaded was for?

Under wow patch notes it just shows everything from last week...

From mmo-champion:
Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Ritual of Summoning on a 2 minutes cooldown
Assuming nothing comes up at the last minute, this should be fixed tomorrow (Tue, Jan 27). (Source)

Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Hunter Aspects still behaving as if they still have a GCD
Assuming nothing comes up at the last minute, this should be fixed tomorrow (Tue, Jan 27). (Source)

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Howling Blast 5 seconds cooldown not displayed on tooltip
Assuming nothing comes up at the last minute, this should be fixed tomorrow (Tue, Jan 27). (Source)

Should be a minor bug fixing patch, so far only those 3 are known.
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