vumpler said:
So what's the lore behind naxx 60 and now naxx 80?
Its like they showed lich king in instances building up and then now its like the bitch said "peace."
It's rather dizzying and overly complicated; but condensed is like this:
Kel'Thuzad is the "right hand man" so to speak of the Lich King; this all ties into the Burning Crusade story as well; Kel'Thuzad was a necromancer when he was alive, but he was killed by (living) Arthas.
Once Arthas became a Death Knight in the service of the Lich King, Arthas sacked Silvermoon City in order to access the Sunwell; which he used to revive Kel'thuzad as he is in Naxxramas. This is why Silvermoon and the Blood Elves are all jacked and never shut up about the Sunwell; because the Lich King broke it by tossing Kel'Thuzad in it to revive him.
In any case, after reviving Kel, he sent him to his floating Scourge factory, Naxxramas; and put it over the Plaguelands because the Plaguelands was the base of the Scourge outside of Northrend (which obviously wasn't in game yet at that point). It moved because Kel'Thuzad was "defeated" in Naxx-40 and then moved back to Northrend because Alliance and Horde forces pressed into Northrend to fight the Scourge directly. The fact that all the bosses save one are exactly the same is pretty much a retcon, in the way that Kael'thas in MgT is a retcon. (Highlord Mograine is no longer a Horseman, inexplicably replaced by Baron Rivendare from Stratholme).
The Lich King is not actually present in Naxxramas because it's just a fortress, and not his actual base (which is Icecrown Citadel). There's a lot of even more sketchy business; like the fact that the Lich King was supposedly two guys merged into one; yet there's nothing at all in game to even acknowledge Ner'zhul at all. (you would think a Horde quest would cover this), also, strangely enough; the Lich King was created by Kil'jaeden, but randomly the Lich King is stronger than Kil'jaeden.
Granted, maintaining any kind of continuity in a MMO is impossible.