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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Lamonster said:
I was just saying Tanaris is not 'unused'
He was referring to Uldum, which you can see in the south. Uldum, Uldaman, and Ulduar are all Titan grounds, but out of them, only Uldum has remained unused. I gather it will remain unused because the Titan mythology is not the central theme of this Ex-Pack. There's many locations that aren't used but in-game WC lore wise; Grim Batol (probably won't open until they add Deathwing), the Emerald Dream (probably an entire expansion pack, since they were talking about the ED before WoW went live), the present day version of Mt. Hyjal; etc.


TomServo said:
There's a ton of joking around and cutting up on Vent - frankly it's the only thing that makes the three hours passable.

Yeah, seriously. Joking around on Vent makes the raid night a whole hell of a lot more tolerable; Sarth 3D is the only interesting fight, imo.

TomServo said:
Last night was a big jump, the dps got their stuff together and we were burning everything down at a good pace. I think now the tanks and healers need to learn how to handle the stacking debuffs when Shadron and Vesperon are both down. Not a knock on them, our dps wasn't consistently getting to that point on previous nights, so tanks / heals never got the chance to get into a rythm.

When we were wiping nonstop, it was our DPS that figured their shit out first. Our entire caster dps corps were pissed off because either the MT would die due to just having unlucky breaths or the drake tank wouldn't use his cooldowns properly.

However, when our MT (druid) gathered those lvl80 epic frost pieces with a TON of stam on them to maximize his HP pool, that's when we had a much easier time.
Ceebs said:
Are your ranged and healers moving every time a new bubble drops? Stay in the bubble he drops right after a deep breath until he drops the one about 15 secs before the next one, then all move as a group to it. It's already a heal intensive phase, no need for extra damage to be taken by running to new bubbles when you do not need to.

Our biggest problem at first in that phase was tanks getting initial aggro on the ones on the ground before DPS starts laying into them. That leads to deaths which leads to slower kills on everything leaving less time on drakes to beat the enrage. Much less of an issue once people have gotten the hang of the drake phase, but while learning it, you need all the time you can get.

I'd also like to chime in that everyone should move as a group to a new bubble so as to avoid the chance at being out far away from other healers and more importantly, away from the area healing.


Angry Grimace said:
He was referring to Uldum, which you can see in the south. Uldum, Uldaman, and Ulduar are all Titan grounds, but out of them, only Uldum has remained unused. I gather it will remain unused because the Titan mythology is not the central theme of this Ex-Pack. There's many locations that aren't used but in-game WC lore wise; Grim Batol (probably won't open until they add Deathwing), the Emerald Dream (probably an entire expansion pack, since they were talking about the ED before WoW went live), the present day version of Mt. Hyjal; etc.

How many of those areas are accessible by players?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
How many of those areas are accessible by players?
Out of all of those?

Ulduar and Uldaman.

Uldum is just a door in Tanaris.

Mt. Hyjal is on the game map, but you cannot leave Winterspring to get to it; you can only access it through the BC raid "Battle for Mt. Hyjal."

The Emerald Dream you can access momentarily during a quest in Icecrown, although it's nothing like the "actual" dream is supposed to be like.

Grim Batol is in game, but some red dragons won't let you access it. This is where Deathwing is allegedly at. Deathwing is more likely to be the end-end boss of an entire expansion pack, and is unlikely to just get patched in; given that he's the super-evil daddy of Onyxia, Nefarion, Sartharion and pretty much owned all four of the other dragons. I'm thinking they add Deathwing as a last gasp for the game; when people start leaving. Unless they really want players to fight Sargeras or something o_O

In other news, pulled a 2550 DPS while warrior tanking Patchwerk 10 yesterday; my Heroic Strike finger hurts today :D


There's whole HUGE land parts of Eastern Kingdoms not even accessible by the game map.


See, what the fuck is that? There are obvious areas just not.. there. WTF blizz?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
speedpop said:
I'd kill for Emerald Dream as next expansion. The lore nut inside me would burst with joy.
They'd have to find a way for Deathwing to fit in there; this is why you won't see Deathwing as the boss in this cycle; because they are running out of Lore related bosses after you down the Lich King in IC citadel in a year. The only heavily Lore invested enemy that's really left is Deathwing. Unless we're recycling Kil'Jaeden or something.

The Emerald Dream seems like a good Ex-Pack site because you could add in Furbolg as a playable race or something (that would be sweet) and have them start at Mt. Hyjal and Nordrassil is there you could have a portal or what-not based out of the area to the Emerald Dream. Plus you could interact with Ysera, Malfurion, etc. and the other few characters you have not seen in game so far.


I want 3 things:
Access past the gate in Silverpine Forest
Access past the gate in Strath outside Baron place.

Those spots always made me curious way back when wow launched. I've always hoped they would become accessible some day, and still nothing ><.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah I'd imagine if Furbolgs are introduced, then Panderans would be pumped through. Although the amount of pandas I'd see running around due to it would be sickening. It'd be worse than the Blood Elves.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maxrpg said:
Will never be in the game, unfortunately. Chinese revere pandas and they won't put in a race that can be killed.
Well, the Hindu revere cattle and you can kill enemy Tauren :lol

Not to be critical, but if the Chinese revere Pandas so much why are they endangered


Junior Member
Lain said:
I want 3 things:
Expect it in the next pack.
Lain said:
Access past the gate in Silverpine Forest
Might come in the next rumored expansion pack said to have boats, Malestrom and ED.
Lain said:
Access past the gate in Strath outside Baron place.
That was from when blizzard use the old raid entrances.
Hop in a 60 instances burn through the stuff there and head into the raid instance.
In this case that was in original entrance to Naxx 60.

Lain said:
Those spots always made me curious way back when wow launched. I've always hoped they would become accessible some day, and still nothing ><.
Alot of them are known.
Grim Batol is where the twilight drake experiment is taking place.


Has problems recognising girls
The one mysterious area that always puzzled me was in Tirisfal Glades to the direct west of Forsaken starter town Deathknell.


Xabora said:
Grim Batol is where the twilight drake experiment is taking place.
Which if you've read Day of the Dragon and Night of Dragon, they explain this. This is also -why- you are attacking the Obsidian Sanctum - the dragon Sartharion is harboring eggs that are being used for the Twilight Drake experiment (and why Twilight drakes are there).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maxrpg said:
Which if you've read Day of the Dragon and Night of Dragon, they explain this. This is also -why- you are attacking the Obsidian Sanctum - the dragon Sartharion is harboring eggs that are being used for the Twilight Drake experiment (and why Twilight drakes are there).
To be honest, Blizzard didn't do a good job with Obsidian Sanctum. Lore-wise, there's no reason at all to go there. You would think at LEAST that Alexstraza would say "Hey, I think Deathwing is doing some crazy shit down there; go check it out" so that there would be a reason beyond "I bet that dragon has some kick ass loot on him," to go into OS. I'm not saying we need "Nexus War" quests where you get Epic loot off it, but I'd prefer at least a money-rewarding quest that gives a reason why it's even there.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
So what's the lore behind naxx 60 and now naxx 80?

Its like they showed lich king in instances building up and then now its like the bitch said "peace."
Whats a good guide for levelling jewelcrafting and enchanting?

edit - and I think I should replay WC2 and 3 because I have no idea about all this lore
Being a huge lore nut myself, I can appreciate what an Emerald Dream expansion would bring to the table, but I think I'm more excited by the prospect of a Great Sea one. They could finally overhaul the water graphics. All the new zones could be based around islands (but without Wind Waker-like travel ;P). Undermine would be the new Dalaran (on Kezan). Various other lore islands could make up the rest of the zones. Gilneas and Kul Tiras could be starting zones, being invaded by naga (Gilneas already probably is). And of course Maelstrom/Queen Azshara would be the new Icecrown/Lich King.

That was a pretty random mess of thoughts, but I think you get the picture.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vumpler said:
So what's the lore behind naxx 60 and now naxx 80?

Its like they showed lich king in instances building up and then now its like the bitch said "peace."
It's rather dizzying and overly complicated; but condensed is like this:

Kel'Thuzad is the "right hand man" so to speak of the Lich King; this all ties into the Burning Crusade story as well; Kel'Thuzad was a necromancer when he was alive, but he was killed by (living) Arthas.

Once Arthas became a Death Knight in the service of the Lich King, Arthas sacked Silvermoon City in order to access the Sunwell; which he used to revive Kel'thuzad as he is in Naxxramas. This is why Silvermoon and the Blood Elves are all jacked and never shut up about the Sunwell; because the Lich King broke it by tossing Kel'Thuzad in it to revive him.

In any case, after reviving Kel, he sent him to his floating Scourge factory, Naxxramas; and put it over the Plaguelands because the Plaguelands was the base of the Scourge outside of Northrend (which obviously wasn't in game yet at that point). It moved because Kel'Thuzad was "defeated" in Naxx-40 and then moved back to Northrend because Alliance and Horde forces pressed into Northrend to fight the Scourge directly. The fact that all the bosses save one are exactly the same is pretty much a retcon, in the way that Kael'thas in MgT is a retcon. (Highlord Mograine is no longer a Horseman, inexplicably replaced by Baron Rivendare from Stratholme).

The Lich King is not actually present in Naxxramas because it's just a fortress, and not his actual base (which is Icecrown Citadel). There's a lot of even more sketchy business; like the fact that the Lich King was supposedly two guys merged into one; yet there's nothing at all in game to even acknowledge Ner'zhul at all. (you would think a Horde quest would cover this), also, strangely enough; the Lich King was created by Kil'jaeden, but randomly the Lich King is stronger than Kil'jaeden.

Granted, maintaining any kind of continuity in a MMO is impossible.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Flib said:
But we've killed Gal'darah, the head of the Drakkari. I don't really see where the storyline can go from there, unlike the Titan/Old Gods threads.

Isn't Gal'darah just the Rhino Prophet? I mean, he's not the leader of the drakkari. He's just the dude that tried to get the powers of the rhino. The most powerful of the prophets. Their leader is a warlord not a prophet.

Did some searching while writing this. And it seems like they're lead by a troll called Frost King Malakk, who has yet to appear in the game. Descibed as "greedy and ravenous" on Wowwiki. My guess is he'll be the end boss in Gundrak, if there ever is such a raid. We need a troll raid so. :p

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
Isn't Gal'darah just the Rhino Prophet? I mean, he's not the leader of the drakkari. He's just the dude that tried to get the powers of the rhino. The most powerful of the prophets. Their leader is a warlord not a prophet.

Did some searching while writing this. And it seems like they're lead by a troll called Frost King Malakk, who has yet to appear in the game. Descibed as "greedy and ravenous" on Wowwiki. My guess is he'll be the end boss in Gundrak, if there ever is such a raid. We need a troll raid so. :p
I thought Drakuru was their boss. And he's quite dead. Until of course he gets Undead resurrected for the Gundrak raid.

It says there's a "King" but I didn't get a reference to him even once in Zul'drak, leading me to believe that the "king" is probably going to be retconned out


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Angry Grimace said:
I thought Drakuru was their boss. And he's quite dead. Until of course he gets Undead resurrected for the Gundrak raid.

Nah, he's just a trash troll. A low level at that. He just helped sell out Drak'Tharon Keep in order to gain power from the Lich King. He's a no-body that the player helped to power by killing the last of Drak'Tharon's defenses. The Frost King Malakk dude is their boss. And is currently hiding in the building at the top of Zul'Drak.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
Nah, he's just a trash troll. A low level at that. He just helped sell out Drak'Tharon Keep in order to gain power from the Lich King. He's a no-body that the player helped to power by killing the last of Drak'Tharon's defenses. The Frost King Malakk dude is their boss. And is currently hiding in the building at the top of Zul'Drak.
If they do keep the Frost King of the Trolls in game I wouldn't be surprised to see him and the loa gods ressurected in the service of the Scourge as bosses, i.e. Sseratus, but not dead.


kinoki said:
Isn't Gal'darah just the Rhino Prophet? I mean, he's not the leader of the drakkari. He's just the dude that tried to get the powers of the rhino. The most powerful of the prophets. Their leader is a warlord not a prophet.

Did some searching while writing this. And it seems like they're lead by a troll called Frost King Malakk, who has yet to appear in the game. Descibed as "greedy and ravenous" on Wowwiki. My guess is he'll be the end boss in Gundrak, if there ever is such a raid. We need a troll raid so. :p
It's true. it wouldn't be WoW without some raid instance dedicated solely to trolls (ZF, ZG for vanilla WoW, ZA for TBC, DTK/Gundrak/incoming sucky raid for WotLK).


kinoki said:
Nah, he's just a trash troll. A low level at that. He just helped sell out Drak'Tharon Keep in order to gain power from the Lich King. He's a no-body that the player helped to power by killing the last of Drak'Tharon's defenses. The Frost King Malakk dude is their boss. And is currently hiding in the building at the top of Zul'Drak.

Yeah, you're right, I stand corrected. I still don't really think it's going to be one of the raids as it's not as integral to the story as the Titan/Old Gods questlines. We also already have multiple troll raids.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Angry Grimace said:
It's rather dizzying and overly complicated; but condensed is like this:

Kel'Thuzad is the "right hand man" so to speak of the Lich King; this all ties into the Burning Crusade story as well; Kel'Thuzad was a necromancer when he was alive, but he was killed by (living) Arthas.

Once Arthas became a Death Knight in the service of the Lich King, Arthas sacked Silvermoon City in order to access the Sunwell; which he used to revive Kel'thuzad as he is in Naxxramas. This is why Silvermoon and the Blood Elves are all jacked and never shut up about the Sunwell; because the Lich King broke it by tossing Kel'Thuzad in it to revive him.

In any case, after reviving Kel, he sent him to his floating Scourge factory, Naxxramas; and put it over the Plaguelands because the Plaguelands was the base of the Scourge outside of Northrend (which obviously wasn't in game yet at that point). It moved because Kel'Thuzad was "defeated" in Naxx-40 and then moved back to Northrend because Alliance and Horde forces pressed into Northrend to fight the Scourge directly. The fact that all the bosses save one are exactly the same is pretty much a retcon, in the way that Kael'thas in MgT is a retcon. (Highlord Mograine is no longer a Horseman, inexplicably replaced by Baron Rivendare from Stratholme).

The Lich King is not actually present in Naxxramas because it's just a fortress, and not his actual base (which is Icecrown Citadel). There's a lot of even more sketchy business; like the fact that the Lich King was supposedly two guys merged into one; yet there's nothing at all in game to even acknowledge Ner'zhul at all. (you would think a Horde quest would cover this), also, strangely enough; the Lich King was created by Kil'jaeden, but randomly the Lich King is stronger than Kil'jaeden.

Granted, maintaining any kind of continuity in a MMO is impossible.
Holy shit

That makes naxx make sense finally. Because they leave out all this story in WoW... I know its there in the previous games etc but if RTS isn't your style, you're borked.

Also I've seen a few lore explanations out there but they are ALL epic novel seeming. If they were all summary style like yours I would be all over it. Thanks again.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
It's true. it wouldn't be WoW without some raid instance dedicated solely to trolls (ZF, ZG for vanilla WoW, ZA for TBC, DTK/Gundrak/incoming sucky raid for WotLK).
Whatever it is they are doing they need to move a little faster. I know they wanted to release content slower than BC, but that means you have to consistently release content, really. Not one raid every 5-7 months. I mean, Ulduar (I presume the raid will be called "Ulduar") isn't even on the PTR yet.
I wouldn't expect Ulduar before May-June. I don't know how Blizzard expects to keep people interested for another 5 months because I honestly don't see everyone hanging around just so they can equip all their alts with Naxx25 gear before heading to the next raid zone.


Angry Grimace said:
Whatever it is they are doing they need to move a little faster. I know they wanted to release content slower than BC, but that means you have to consistently release content, really. Not one raid every 5-7 months. I mean, Ulduar (I presume the raid will be called "Ulduar") isn't even on the PTR yet.
I was really just trolling on how WoW, even with its expansions, feels the need to include some really shitty instances full of trolls. but I do look forward to the Gundrak raid, where in order to get at Frost King Malakk or whatever, you have to kill all 5-6 of the troll god aspects in the instance first!
I'm trolling it again because it'll probably just be a rehash of ZG/ZA with some other gimmick for clearing it fast.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I was expecting Ulduar to hit PTRs this week. With the delay to 3.0.8 and all that it just felt natural.

The thing that sticks out like a soar thumb is what was said at Blizzcon, namely "3.1 -- the first major content patch of the expansion, which is already done according to Kaplan -- will release the Ulduar 10 and 25-person raid instances." (http://www.curse.com/articles/wow-en-news/289958.aspx)

If the content was ready, why not release it? Why even bring it up on PTRs? And this article was posted in October last year.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
I was expecting Ulduar to hit PTRs this week. With the delay to 3.0.8 and all that it just felt natural.

The thing that sticks out like a soar thumb is what was said at Blizzcon, namely "3.1 -- the first major content patch of the expansion, which is already done according to Kaplan -- will release the Ulduar 10 and 25-person raid instances." (http://www.curse.com/articles/wow-en-news/289958.aspx)

If the content was ready, why not release it? Why even bring it up on PTRs? And this article was posted in October last year.
They've had enough time to have ALL of this done. Naxx basically required little work beyond retuning the levels, which is =/= creating a raid from scratch, which requires new art, mechanics, etc. Naxx 10/25 is pretty much the same as Naxx 40 with minor changes.

In the time they've had, they could have developed 4 or 5 raids. I'm somewhat convinced they're starting to have a real tough time balancing between super easy and super hard, in that Naxxramas is probably a bit too easy (it really has to be though, it's just too long to be hard), but they don't want it to be like original C'Thun where no one can beat it at all.


it's Tigole. dude talks out of his ass regularly and hopefully got some shit for saying that. this is reminding me that I really hope Tigole and Furor aren't anywhere near Blizzard's upcoming MMO. I remember vanilla WoW aka 8+ hour raids full of grinding outside of those raids, needing insane resist sets and 4 piece tier 3 (which in itself sucked ass because it required shit like cured rugged hides or enchanted leather/enchanted thorium after you won your tier token piece) to take on 4 horsemen, and pretty much required being some kind of autistic Rain Man-ish WoW player to enjoy it.

seriously, old vanilla WoW content sucked ass, and I'm so glad all the new stuff is way easier. it's not like the old vanilla WoW content was that good, either; they left shit buggy and broken, and intentionally left at least one boss too tough for all their elitist poopsocking guilds full of insider knowledge like Death and Taxes to overcome whenever they introduced a new raid. Then they nerfed that boss so the slightly less poopsocker other guilds could kill it and finish the raid... if they spend the requisite 400 hours farming specific pieces of gear in other instances they've already got on farm.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Angry Grimace said:
They've had enough time to have ALL of this done. Naxx basically required little work beyond retuning the levels, which is =/= creating a raid from scratch, which requires new art, mechanics, etc. Naxx 10/25 is pretty much the same as Naxx 40 with minor changes.

In the time they've had, they could have developed 4 or 5 raids. I'm somewhat convinced they're starting to have a real tough time balancing between super easy and super hard, in that Naxxramas is probably a bit too easy (it really has to be though, it's just too long to be hard), but they don't want it to be like original C'Thun where no one can beat it at all.

What struck me the other day was not only was the game very casual friendly but it didn't demand that much time. I'm thinking they're deliberatly stalling raid content in an effort to inject life in the lumps of manflesh sitting infront of their computers. There biggest point of critique from media has been that players spend too much time infront of the game.

Very paranoid thinking, I know.

So lets say that they manage to release Ulduar in Februari and that it takes until April or so before we go in and farm it on off-days on alts. And by then we have the new shiny Gundrak with a new, cool, innovative, speed clear for mount gimmick that we haven't seen before. Wow! And that's what we'll get before summer. When we return from our vacations and such we're greated to Icecrown.

That might be a plausible plan that they have. And throw in some new 5-mans and some stand alone bosses and you'll have the most versitile expansion yet. But, as for now. It's crap.

firex said:
it's Tigole. dude talks out of his ass regularly and hopefully got some shit for saying that. this is reminding me that I really hope Tigole and Furor aren't anywhere near Blizzard's upcoming MMO. I remember vanilla WoW aka 8+ hour raids full of grinding outside of those raids, needing insane resist sets and 4 piece tier 3 (which in itself sucked ass because it required shit like cured rugged hides or enchanted leather/enchanted thorium after you won your tier token piece) to take on 4 horsemen, and pretty much required being some kind of autistic Rain Man-ish WoW player to enjoy it.

Oh I hated that. And, no thanks for reminding me. My warrior had 6 out of 9 parts from T3 and I don't ever want to go back to the kind of farming I did back then.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
it's Tigole. dude talks out of his ass regularly and hopefully got some shit for saying that. this is reminding me that I really hope Tigole and Furor aren't anywhere near Blizzard's upcoming MMO. I remember vanilla WoW aka 8+ hour raids full of grinding outside of those raids, needing insane resist sets and 4 piece tier 3 (which in itself sucked ass because it required shit like cured rugged hides or enchanted leather/enchanted thorium after you won your tier token piece) to take on 4 horsemen, and pretty much required being some kind of autistic Rain Man-ish WoW player to enjoy it.

seriously, old vanilla WoW content sucked ass, and I'm so glad all the new stuff is way easier. it's not like the old vanilla WoW content was that good, either; they left shit buggy and broken, and intentionally left at least one boss too tough for all their elitist poopsocking guilds full of insider knowledge like Death and Taxes to overcome whenever they introduced a new raid. Then they nerfed that boss so the slightly less poopsocker other guilds could kill it and finish the raid... if they spend the requisite 400 hours farming specific pieces of gear in other instances they've already got on farm.
I'm already annoyed at having to do Naxx more than once. It's too goddamn long.

To be honest, I have little interest in 25 man content as is. Dealing with 9 other people is already a pain in the ass. I mean, I'm already sick of explaining to people that "no, your gear is fine at 30%, no matter what Recount tells you" (my friend INSISTS that 30% durability loss = lower DPS, which is in his head).

I can't even imagine what shit must have been like in the old days; I can't even get 9 people to agree to not take shits in between wipes or whatever, or randomly leave, or do some other stupid shit.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Angry Grimace said:
I'm already annoyed at having to do Naxx more than once. It's too goddamn long.

To be honest, I have little interest in 25 man content. Dealing with 9 other people is already a pain in the ass. I mean, I'm already sick of explaining to people that "no, your gear is fine at 30%, no matter what Recount tells you" (my friend INSISTS that 30% durability loss = lower DPS, which is in his head).

Today, EU-server reset, I did Naxx10 and Naxx25. Couldn't clear Naxx25 cause of lagg (10 second lagg at Gluth). Servers are laggier than ever. Content is non-existant. And by the doom and gloom around every corner I'm kind of expecting to be greeted by a "BREAKING NEWS: We've had a massive corruption of the source code. We're working on the problem currently but there is no ETA of when the game will be playable again." one morning when logging in to check my AH profits.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
Today, EU-server reset, I did Naxx10 and Naxx25. Couldn't clear Naxx25 cause of lagg (10 second lagg at Gluth). Servers are laggier than ever. Content is non-existant. And by the doom and gloom around every corner I'm kind of expecting to be greeted by a "BREAKING NEWS: We've had a massive corruption of the source code. We're working on the problem currently but there is no ETA of when the game will be playable again." one morning when logging in to check my AH profits.
I've never noticed any lag in Naxx on any fight. Maybe my server rules or something :lol

Perhaps it only affects 25 man.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Angry Grimace said:
I've never noticed any lag in Naxx on any fight. Maybe my server rules or something :lol

Perhaps it only affects 25 man.

Thaddius has been unplayable during wednesdays and sundays on my server. We've had lagg so bad that after his polarity shift we've had a 10 second lag followed by an wipe where all 25 players die instantly from shocking eachother.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
kinoki said:
Thaddius has been unplayable during wednesdays and sundays on my server. We've had lagg so bad that after his polarity shift we've had a 10 second lag followed by an wipe where all 25 players die instantly from shocking eachother.
See, now on my raids, wipes come from the words "left" and "right" apparently being interchangable.
Angry Grimace said:
I can't even imagine what shit must have been like in the old days; I can't even get 9 people to agree to not take shits in between wipes or whatever, or randomly leave, or do some other stupid shit.

If you weren't a healer or the MT, you just click on someone and type /follow and go take your shit. You're going to be clearing trash for awhile anyway


I think new raids are mostly better because content tends not to have awful bugs, but then I don't really care much about the new stuff either.

I'll be surprised if we get Icecrown within this year, though. at least the Arthas raid. they could maybe add some 5 mans and possibly a lesser raid to it by like next winter or something, but I just don't see them releasing it so soon when they want Arthas to be the final raid of this expansion, like Sunwell and KJ were for TBC.

I do think next expansion is the maelstrom just because it gives them a new excuse for a new level of mounts and another major lore raid boss or two (emerald dream + azshara the queen/goddess of naga), but it's kind of funny that level progression in the game makes the villains' strength go out of whack with how they're supposed to be actually represented. and I kind of agree with the representation of LK being so shitty. Too many alliance people interacting with him as Arthas, not enough horde characters wanting to exorcise the evil of Ner'Zhul (who, I would say, definitely took over Arthas's body given his new voice).

In terms of raids I definitely expect something like a Yogg-Saron raid as the next "major" raid, with the ice troll crap coming somewhere between Ulduar and that raid. I think Yogg-Saron could actually be a really cool raid as long as it's done properly. It'd kind of have a Mines of Moria feeling to it since Yogg-Saron's lair should be way the fuck underground, below even the old Nerubian kingdoms.

and I have to repeat that I'm really disappointed in how they fucked over Anub'Arak. really should've made Anub'Rekhan the boss of AN and Anub'Arak the boss of the wing Anub'Rekhan is, then redone the order of bosses so you fight him last. Anub'Arak was pretty much my favorite hero in Warcraft 3 TFT's campaign mode. Well, him and Kael.


vumpler said:
Holy shit

That makes naxx make sense finally. Because they leave out all this story in WoW... I know its there in the previous games etc but if RTS isn't your style, you're borked.

Also I've seen a few lore explanations out there but they are ALL epic novel seeming. If they were all summary style like yours I would be all over it. Thanks again.

I would recommend you visit youtube:

Here you can start at what seems to be the beginning of WC3. It will play only the cinema scenes and allow you to see how Arthas came to be the lich King. This guys youtube account has the stories of all of WC3, and theres nothing like learning the lore this way. Set aside an hour and watch all the chapters cinema in a play list.

Funny to see Thrall just getting started, and seeing Arthas once just will turn to insanity. You will also get to see all of Illidans AMAZING story, and you will then realize how they SHITTED on what I think could have been some amazing lore for him. After seeing the cinemas explaining him its a shame how little he was dealt in BC.

Edit: Has anyone seen Kelthuzad Mind Control since the patch? He didnt do it at all during this weeks Naxx25 clear and we are wondering if they nerfed the ONLY freaking thing in the fight that could even remotely get your heart beating at an accelerated rate.

So stupid..

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
If you weren't a healer or the MT, you just click on someone and type /follow and go take your shit. You're going to be clearing trash for awhile anyway
Well there usually isn't more trash. When you're on Thaddius or whatever, and then we die cause left apparently equals right (our warlock decided to "go to the gym" instead of raiding, so we PUG'd a DPS, who didn't get it).

I'm always the MT, and my GF is the Main healer.
Was something changed in Westfall?

I'm there with my level 14 mage and the only quest I can find/have available right now is to kill the Defias pathstalkers and highwayman and that is a level higher than I want to be or so.....

I remember there being a lot more quests out in the fields, maybe I just know how to play WoW this time and its gone faster or they changed something

Oh and I hate being a low level and pulling multiple mobs and dying over and over, fucking low levels


Just for a change, instead of a Troll raid I'd like to see a Tauren raid. Like, the Grimtotem clan all of a sudden becomes ultra-powerful or something and you need to take them down.

Although I guess you don't really need an important event or anything - it's not like Zul'Aman was truly important lore-wise, it was pretty much a "kill them and take their stuff" raid.
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